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Official Rules: The Dude Ranch Challenge

RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member

WELCOME & congrats! You've bought/inherited a ruined Dude Ranch. Everything was destroyed in 'The Great Tornado', except for one camping spot, the main gate sign and a partial front fence and the mailbox of course. Buy horses, raise horses, sell them. Build a ranch house. Raise a family. Bring this Dude Ranch back to life.

You will begin with One Sim only. (Teen-Adult)
Two of your traits should be Horse Lover & Rancher. The last trait is for you to decide.
Aspiration is your choice. However, if you would like a little direction, consider the two recommendations below.
  • (Recommendation 1: Thirsty vacationers to your Dude ranch might appreciate a finely aged bottle of nectar after a long hot day of ranch life. Perhaps you'd like to try making your own nectar as an added money maker. Would you like to become an: Expert Nectar Maker?)
  • (Recommendation 2: If you want to keep your guests and your horses safe, training and good riding skills in yourself is a must. Would you like to become a Championship Rider?)

- You will purchase the 64x64 lot in Chestnut Ridge world [Red Roan Field]. Do NOT bulldoze when you move in. Keep it furnished. You will want that partial fence and ranch sign at the entrance as it is a symbol of your Ranch you wish to rebuild.
- Lot Challenges you must have: Wild Prairie Grass ..For an extra challenge, you may also choose Off The Grid challenge but this one is completely optional.
- Lot Traits is for you to decide.

You will purchase one of each at the very beginning before you push play:
  • Under The Stars Bedroll Sleeping Bag §140
  • Outside trash can §(your choice)
  • Dual Duel Public Outhouse §1,300
  • Barrelwood Shower §350
  • Trailboss Firebox Grill §880 -OR- Rustic Fire Pit §350.
  • Happy Camper Picnic Table §225
  • Ranch Community Board §100

After placing all items from your purchase list, you must drop your money down to §1500. This is what is left of your entire life savings that you brought with you.

You must purchase or rescue your first horse(s) in the game when you are ready.
Yes, you may breed your horses. (recommended)
Yes, you can do community jobs, collect items in the world, harvest prairie grass, sell horses and all other non-career money making ways you can think of in your story world that you create.
Yes, you can adopt a child(ren).
Yes, you may use Potion of Youths for your Sim.
Yes, you may use any treats you might find/make for your horses. [Do not cheat them into existence.]
Yes, you may have any other animals, besides horses, that you wish.
Yes, cows, chickens and llamas from the Cottage Living pack are also allowed.
Yes, you can play this in a 10-generation legacy style.

No, you may not take any loans/money cheats. [The Banks think your Dude Ranch is beyond repair and a lost cause. But ultimately, this is your game. Your choice is rule.]
No, you may not travel to any other world. Chestnut Ridge is your entire world.
(Optional: Visiting Henford-on-Bagley is allowed if you have the Cottage Living pack.)

Goals: The tornado wreaked havoc on the dude ranch. Now you have bought/inherited what remains of it. Bring your Dude Ranch back to life.

1. Build a ranch house with a minimum of 4 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms. (Not all Dude Ranch guests appreciate the experience of sleeping in a tent or bedroll.)
2. Build two horse pastures. One for the riding horses to live in and one for the young stock you are training up for sale.
3. Build a barn with at least 4 stables.
4. After 4 weeks has passed: Own at least three horses at all times. Yes, one or two can be foals you are raising. But you should always have a riding mount for yourself.
5. Build a total of 3 [including your starting site] campsites for the hardier vacationers with the following: Tent or sleeping bag(s) / Picnic table / Grill or firepit (you do not need 3 outhouses. The starting one you placed in the beginning is enough for all.)
6. Complete the Dreadhorse Cavern adventures. (Your Dude Ranch guests (use your imagination) will love this portion of their stay.)
7. Find and/or craft one of each type of Nectar available.
[ Hint: You can sometimes find nectar bottles while harvesting Prairie Grass. It's a good thing you have that as a lot challenge. ]
8. Have a ranch lot value of at least 100k.
9. Someone in your house/family must: Master the Horse Riding skill.
10. Someone in your house/family must: Master the Nectar Making skill.
11. Someone in your house/family must: Max the singing or guitar skill. [You can do both if you like.]
12. You should try to do a guided Trail ride once a week (minimum). You can find this in Community Jobs menu.
13. Make it a family-run dude ranch - Get married & raise at least one son or daughter to carry on when you are old.
14. Ultimate Goal of all is...have fun!
Post edited by Rawla on


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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    edited August 2023
    Important Notes Please Read

    1. If you are posting more than a few pictures please...
    Note to Everyone - Don't forget to put your pics/updates in spoiler tags if there are several pics please. I'd cry if those in oversight of the forums were to delete your posts or the thread itself because of too many popping up without spoilers. Everyone's pics are so beautiful! That being said, with spoilers in use, please feel free to share ALL the pics. I love them so much! <3

    Spoiler tags can be placed around your entire post or just each picture you share like this (but without the *) [*spoiler] picture/words here [*/spoiler]


    8/1/2023 - Added several new goals.
    8/1/2023 - Added a buy a fire pit option if you do not want to buy the grill yet.
    8/1/2023 - Added a "Yes, you can..." item to the list. [ten-generation play style]
    8/1/2023 - Added an item to purchase in the beginning. [ranch community board]
    8/2/2023 - Added that you can have a firepit in rule 5, instead of a grill for those wishing a more rustic campsite look.
    8/2/2023 - Changed goal #2. One pasture used to be for training purposes, but with barrels and jumps so close to the property, I've changed that to house your young stock you wish to sell instead.
    8/2/2023 - Replaced "12. You should have a bonfire or cookout once a week. " with: "12. You should try to do a guided Trail ride once a week (minimum). You can find this in Community Jobs menu."
    8/2/2023 - Added wording in brackets, since you can't afford 3 horses from day one. "[After 4 weeks has passed:] Own at least three horses at all times. Yes, one or two can be foals you are raising. But you should always have a riding mount for yourself."
    8/14/2023 - Added an Important Notes area to this post.
    Post edited by Rawla on
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    VanillaChaiVanillaChai Posts: 177 Member
    Bookmarked for later <3
    Currently Playing - Generation One of the Bloom Legacy

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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    edited August 2023
    I thought I'd get this trail ride going by introducing my test Sim to you. This is Jacob Hoff. He is starting out as a teenager. He inherited the Wagon Wheel Waypoint Ranch. One of his first purchases after arriving was a stallion named Rodeo. Jacob does not know how to ride a horse and Rodeo doesn't really know how to be ridden. They get to grow in experience together. I have a feeling they will become the best of friends.


    Post edited by Rawla on
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    edited August 2023
    This is the second horse that Jacob Hoff has purchased. He bought Firefly when she was a young foal. Now she is a grown mare and will have a foal of her own someday. She grew up while Jacob and Rodeo were giving riding lessons. (Community job)

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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    edited August 2023
    Third required horse is on the way. How does everyone feel about having to have a minimum of 3 horses in the family (after 4 weeks)? Too difficult? Too stifling? Too much? Please tell me your thoughts on this and I'll see about altering it if desired.


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    jolly1995jolly1995 Posts: 27 Member
    Nice challenge! I have had 7 horses in my family at once, would not recommend haha. So I would say 3 is just fine.
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    Thanks for your thoughts @jolly1995 Seven horses?! That must have been fun. :D
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited August 2023
    Meet Rose Cartwright, a homeless teen. Her Great-Great Grandpappy, Ben Cartwright, left her a run-down ranch. In its heyday, the ranch had been one of the most successful ranches in Chestnut Ridge. Even though it looks like nothing now, Rose intends to make the Ponderosa great again.


    She has the Championship Rider Aspiration, and both the Loves Horses and Rancher traits. When she ages up to YA, it will be a random trait. She is on the 64 x 64 Red Road Field Lot starting with 0 simoleons. I added Off-the-Grid to the lot traits. She is starting in Spring, 14 days.

    Day 1: She did her homework while her needs were still good. I'll have to see how high school goes, she may have to drop out if it gets too much. She met the welcome wagon but they didn't leave her those biscuits. The nerve of them! She took an odd job (3x) of training her neighbor's horses and made $414 simoleons.


    So, she bought a rescue horse, named Chicory, an Adult Stallion with the Free Spirit, Needy and Brave traits. She brushed his coat, cleaned his horseshoes and then decided to go on a relaxed ride in the rain.



    With the funds she had, she also bought a water trough, animal feeder and a big ball. She refilled the feeder, and was left with $34 simoleons. No simoleons for a bed for either the horse or Rose. She did find a restroom nearby and a firepit with benches, where she was going to spend the night. But unfortunately she never made it there.

    Post edited by SoulGal7 on
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    Rose Cathright



    Rose is looking quite worn out after her first day. After heading to high school, she came home and she and Chichory took a community job and taught Show Jumping and she made $227 simoleons. With that, Rose bought a horse bed, an under the stars bedroll and a lonestar lantern. She was left with $6 simoleons.

    Her neighbor Dani Davila came for a visit and since she had a school project, Rose asked for his help. I think he did most of the work as she was beyond exhausted.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    While playing in the rain, Rose gets struck by lightning. I was going to have her take a vacation day, but she passed out from exhaustion so didn't make the call in time. So, she skipped school and does 3 community jobs with Chicory (teaches barrel racing; teaches endurance racing and gives riding lessons to kids). She made $687 simoleons.

    And the question on her mind was whether she should purchase another rescue horse? Why worry about hygiene or food when you can have another horse. Right?


    And so now Rose has her second horse, a mare named Blaze. Blaze has the Mellow, Independent and Free Spirit traits. Rose had enough simoleons left over to purchase a rustic fire pit. Yeah! Now she can eat! Oh gosh! And having finished roasting her veggie dog, she almost sets fire to her campsite. Thank goodness, Chicory and Blaze are smart horses and high-tailed it out of there.

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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    @SoulGal7 It scared me when I saw her get struck by lightning and catch on fire! What an eventful time you've had so far. I love your updates, please keep sharing! :smiley:

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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    Note to Everyone - I have created an important note section that you can all see in the 2nd post of this thread. <3
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Rawla - will use spoilers from now on. Thanks :) Yes, Rose has had some adventures on her campsite. Because that restroom is so pricey, I bought a pee bush for now, and will buy that when I have the layout of that lot figured out and where I want to place those campsites. Right now everything is very close to the entrance so she doesn't have to walk too from exhaustion. lol Those sleeping bags aren't too comfy.

    Also my comment on the 3 horses after 4 weeks. If you do the community jobs and buy rescue horses and breed them, then it is achievable. My sim is a teen and goes to school and is only able to do one community job when she returns home, and although she doesn't have a house yet, she does have horses. If you're doing rags to riches like I am, the Dual Duel Public Outhouse §1,300 is the biggest expense, so I am now saving up for that one.
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    @SoulGal7 Thanks for your comment! Yes the Dual Duel Outhouse is pretty pricey but you should have already bought the items that survived the tornado and that was included. But if you wanted to have even those things destroyed, that is totally up to you. You are very brave. :smiley:
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Rawla - Yes, that poor outhouse didn't survive the tornado! lol But, my sim is going to re-build (purchase another one). I am working on the ranch house in another save right now, so haven't posted my story. Almost finished the upstairs, then will work on the stables and other items on the lot required for this challenge.

    I found a video showing the bedrooms, etc. from movie stills of the Ponderosa, so it is sort of like that. The layout is different upstairs because of the stair placement. I also added 2 rooms downstairs. Hopefully will finish the build by the weekend so I can post it then.
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    JadeleineJadeleine Posts: 2,152 Member
    Yes, i must start this challenge lol. Rules are very nice, bookmarked!
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited August 2023

    Here is the finished Horse Ranch Build for the Dude Ranch Challenge. Tour of Ponderosa Ranch. I did this in a separate save from the challenge I am working on with my sim.


    There are a lot of western-theme items in various packs, but I limited this build to Basegame and Horse Ranch only. Now up on the gallery. I found a video on the Ponderosa Ranch, and the living room, dining room, kitchen, parlor and office are in the same layout and done very similar to the video. (No gun racks though).


    Ranch house has 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Main floor features a living room with fireplace. I also added a beamed ceiling.



    To the left is a main floor bath with shower, formal dining room, kitchen, and nectar making room.





    To the right is a parlor with piano, an office, and this leads to the nectar tasting room. The nectar tasting room also has access to a patio featuring a dance floor, tables and a band area. Across from the patio near the campsites is a garden.






    Second floor features 5 bedrooms. The first bedroom is decorated for kids, with 2 single beds, a dollhouse, and toys. Second bedroom has 2 single beds and a small table and chairs; Third bedroom is decorated in green tones with a double bed; third bedroom is decorated in western gear for the wanna-be cowgirl/cowboy with a double bed; and the last bedroom also has a double bed and is decorated in muted red tones. Bathroom with tub is on this floor.








    There are 3 camping spots.


    The first is near a fishing pond for avid anglers or those who prefer a water site.


    The second is more of a full-service experience for families, with covered sleeping area, outhouse, showers, change area, games, and grill.






    And finally, the more rustic campground with just the basics.


    There are two pastures, each features a barn with 2 horse stalls. On the property there is also a barrel and jump course.





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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    @Jadeleine - Yay! Welcome on in. :smiley:

    @SoulGal7 - I am in awe of your building skills. Wow! <3
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,362 Member
    @SoulGal7 great build. Your ranch is so rustic and authentic.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Rawla & @simgirl1010 - Thank you so much for the compliment. I spent almost a week building that. lol And now back to gameplay.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited August 2023
    Rose Cartwright's 50 Foals Dude Ranch Challenge Up-date

    Chicory, the stallion, is the main horse that I will breed. I am hoping to get him up to champion status. All his mates will be rescue horses. Three weeks have already passed and it's summer.

    I forgot to add the rescue horses' traits:

    Chicory: Stallion - Free Spirit, Needy, and Brave. For now. concentrating on the Barrel Course
    Blaze - Mare: Free Spirit, Mellow, Independent - For now, concentrating on Jumping Course

    Chicory and Blaze's foal #1, Copper, has now aged up to an Adult Stallion. Copper has the Free Spirit, Mellow and Defiant traits. Breedable trait is Playful. Already has level 5 in Temperament.


    Chicory and Misty had foal #2, a colt, Sunshine, who got the Defiant, Needy and Free Spirit traits, with the breedable Hardy trait.


    Chicory and Blaze had another foal # 3, a colt, Banjo, who got the Intelligent, Mellow and Fearful traits and the breedable Curious trait.


    To add some variety to the mix, another rescue horse was purchased, a foal filly, named Rainbow. She has the Defiant, Intelligent and Needy traits.


    This is a photo of the 3 foals with the Ranch Hand that Rose hired.


    Looking at the value and temperaments of the horses, it was decided that Misty would be sold. The determining factor was that she had the fearful trait and was hard to train. She was sold for $600 simoleons.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Rose has maxed the riding skill. The horses got some clothes. Rose entered Chicory and Blaze in competitions.




    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    With the funds she earned from competitions and community jobs, selling manure and produce, Rose was able to build 2 pastures. Eventually the horse stables will be covered. She also bought a barrel course. Although her horse accommodations are in good shape, Rose's house is slow going. She really needs a fridge, because roasting hotdogs takes time and she has now had her 2nd fire lighting the campfire. She also eats the produce from inventory which keeps her hunger down.

    She has found several nectar bottles. A bottle of Vitality Nectar has now aged to Finely Aged and is worth $17,430. She is going to keep all the nectar she finds for now.

    Rose is still attending school and doing her homework. studying for exams and is a C student. She has not attended prom and goes to school alone. She had some reward points, so purchased the free services trait. The work around the ranch was getting a bit much, so she hired a Ranch Hand. She doesn't get out much, but has one friend, Dani Davila. Rose also invited 2 teens over to do homework, Kevin Puri and Rashida Warson. Kevin keeps calling her to go places, but she always refuses. She has now purchased all the required "starting" items for the Dude Ranch Challenge.


    The above is Rose's ranch after 3 weeks have passed. The white fences are debug items, and any produce she finds in the prairie grass she plants or eats.

    Note: This has also been posted under the 50 Foal Challenge.
    Post edited by SoulGal7 on
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    Rose Cartwright's 50 Foals Dude Ranch Challenge Up-Date:

    It is now fall and Rose has aged up to YA and completed high school. She ended up as a B student. She randomly rolled the Dance Machine trait, and also got the teen traits of Well-Mannered and Responsible. I will give her an outfit make-over shortly. She also had enough reward points and I got her the Observant and Frugal traits.


    With her newfound freedom, she was ready to work with Chicory to make him a Champion. Chicory had already maxed the Agility Skill and had won a gold in the Master level of Barrel Racing. Rose wanted Chicory to win all the categories, but she needed more funds for training. So, she bought a selling table and had a yard sale and sold a Finely Aged bottle of nectar that she had found and made $69K! Woot!


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    With these funds, she was able to finish her house, create the three campsites, and build a nectar room. (The nectar room is one of the Maxis-built rooms that I just put a roof on.) Her lot is worth $88K right now.

    Here are the campsites. I used some items from Outdoor Retreat as well.




    The horse barns are the same as the ones I built before.



    Nectar Making Room and outdoor dance area.


    The main ranch house has two levels.


    Back of the house has a small work out area.


    Downstairs of house with living room, eat-in kitchen, main floor bathroom with tub, one bedroom with a double bed, and a little cowpoke's baby room.



    Second floor is accessible by a ladder which has a bathroom with shower, a room with a double bed, and a kid's room with bunkbeds. I love those bedspreads on the kids' beds.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Making nectar takes a lot of time, and Rose wasn't too good at it. (The skill level goes up slowly. You have to craft at least 5 bottles of nectar to gain a skill point. As far as I can tell, there are no skill books to read).


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Sunshine, Rainbow and Banjo have all now aged up. I encouraged Rainbow and Chicory to breed. Rainbow, Banjo and Sunshine got the well-mannered foal trait. I was trying to get one of them to level 10, but wasn't able to do it.




    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Also posted in the 50 Foals Challenge.
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    @SoulGal7 You are making great progress. Your foals are very pretty too!
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    Rose Cartwright's 50 Foals Dude Ranch Challenge Up-Date:

    Life for Rose got rather interesting one day when she decided to visit Don Gooseman, a retired champion horse trainer, who lived in Galloping Gultch with his horse Duke. After chatting a bit, Don told her about a fabled cave called Deadhorse Caverns where untold riches could be found. Don told her that an old miner had once told him that the secret caverns were located around Galloping Gultch, but Don had never been able to find them.

    Rose thanked him and decided to explore the area.

    (From Don Gooseman's house, it is the easiest to spot the caverns. Sorry for the screenies, it was raining).


    {You can see the black dot between the two trees. Follow the roadway to the cave. You can just click on the cave and it brings you there.}


    When she went into the cave, she met some scary creatures. (The cave is like a game within the game and your sim has a certain amount of energy. Nectar seems to play a role and replenishes energy; however, there are other items that you need to get through a certain level with riddles, like a glass of water, coffee, or a mini sheep. Rose got stuck at the Say "Baa" at the door, because she didn't have a mini sheep in her inventory. If you notice in the screenies, the creature has a health status and so does your sim. This will determine if you use defense or offense against the creature. Apparently, you don't get the same scenarios twice as it changes..)






    Rose exits the cave and realizes that she has to purchase a mini sheep to get past the door in the cave to see what is beyond. Maybe this is indeed the fabled Deadhorse Cavern that Don had spoken about. She needed to get some supplies and would return another day.


    And so, Rose headed to the grocery store in New Appaloosa and purchased a mini goat and mini sheep, and then headed back to her Ranch.


    When she returns home, her mini goat seemed to have gone wondering. She was beside herself and went in search of the mini goat.

    She knocked on her neighbor's door at Canter Cottage, and was surprised to find that seven Ranch Hands lived there. They were doing work for one of the big ranches in town. Oh my! And they were all so handsome. For a moment, she forgot why she was there, but quickly recovered and asked if anyone had seen her little goat.


    Three of the Ranch hands were eager to help Rose find her mini goat and also interested in getting to know Rose better. She finally found her mini goat, lying in the field near her neighbor's house. I think this mini goat was playing match-maker for Rose. I guess we shall see if it worked! lol


    Here is Rose the next day with her mini sheep and mini goat. She decided to build a fence so they won't wander away anymore. teehee (I actually thought the wandering goat had run away and so had Rose buy another one. But the mini goat was actually on a match-making crusade. Anyway, now she has 2 goats.}


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    I downloaded some random sims from the gallery as potential suitors for Rose. One of these sims is her future husband, but which one? I am going to leave it to fate, and the first one to ask her to be his girlfriend will be "the one".


    From left to right. Cash Clayton, Rider Miles, Travis Blackmore, Stephen Ferreira


    From left to right: Hosa Swiftwater, Aranck Summerhill, Cole Beckett, Buck Sawyer,

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Townie Credits:

    I deleted the female sims when I downloaded them into the house.


    And one sim I made as well.

    Also posted in 50 Foals Challenge.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited August 2023
    Rose Cartwright's 50 Foals Dude Ranch Challenge Up-Date:

    The first of the Ranch Hand neighbors to invite Rose out was Stephen Ferreira. She declined, but did invite him to hang-out at her lot.


    It was the same day as her graduation ceremony, and he actually followed Rose there because he wanted to become BFFs. {This is the only outing that Rose did outside of Chestnut Ridge.)



    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Rose celebrated Harvestfest and invited her neighbors over.




    So many of them wanted to be BFFs with Rose, so she accepted them all. Rose is now BFF with Cole Beckett, Hosa Swiftwater, Travis Blackmore, and Rider Miles.

    The last one to leave was Cole Beckett.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The three foals aged up and Rose decided to have Copper, Banjo and Sunshine compete before they were sold.

    Bye to Copper, the first foal that was born.



    Bye to Banjo.



    Bye to Sunshine. Oops! Forgot the final stats.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The rescue horse that Rose had bought as a foal, Rainbow, aged up and immediately was bred with Chicory.


    They had foal # 4, Tumbleweed, a filly.. The first foal with Champion genes.



    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    And then farewell to Rainbow.



    ~ ~ ~ ~

    Another rescue horse was purchased, Pecan, and bred with Chicory.


    Pecan gave birth to foal # 5, Biscuit, a filly with Champion genes. Biscuit was born on Harvestfest.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    And then farewell to Pecan.



    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The current rescue horse is named Marigold and she is expecting.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    So, right now, Rose has 2 foals, Tumbleweed and Biscuit, one pregnant horse, Marigold, and her original stallion and mare, Chicory and Blaze. She is leaving space for her to-be unknown husband. Let's hope that happens soon! lol

    This has also been posted in 50 Foals Challenge.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited August 2023
    @Rawla @simgirl1010

    A bit picture heavy.

    Rose Cartwright's 50 Foals Dude Ranch Challenge Up-Date:

    This part should be called the many loves of Rose. Because it seems like after Rose's Harvestfest gatherng, she had no shortage of invites from those Ranch Hands. And they all seemed to be in love with her.


    In fact, Rider Miles even called to tell her that he had a crush on her.


    But before Rider could even think of asking Rose on a date...boom! Cole stepped in and asked her out.


    Rose declined, but then asked Cole on a date to the Oak Barrel, which was the local bar in town.


    They seemed to be having a good time, and Rose even had her first kiss with him.


    After a legendary date, they headed back to Rose's house, but when the topic of marriage came up, Cole didn't seem very agreeable to the notion of marrying Rose. :(


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Well, Hosa must have heard about Cole's date and Rider's crush at the house, and decided to step up his game.


    Rose again declined, and instead asked Hosa on a date to the Rusty Horsehoe, which was a nightclub in town.

    On the date, poor Rose had a bladder failure and peed herself. Ugh! How embarrasing! I thought they were doomed for sure, but then Hosa autonomously came into the restroom to see if Rose was alright and told her everything was fine. Awww sweet.


    After that, their date went rather well, and Hosa and Rose shared their first kiss together.


    Rose then talked about marriage to Hosa, and he didn't seem to flinch like Cole did. Just the opposite. It looks like he is thinking that spending a lifetime with Rose would be the most wonderful thing in the world. This must be love because Hosa is looking adoringly at Rose even though she has that green stench about her. It was a legendary date, even with the bladder failure.


    When Rose arrived home, guess who came for a visit? It was Cole! Jealous much? lol


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The next day, not to be outdone by Cole and Hosa, Rider called Rose. Rose declined but invited him to hang out at her lot instead.


    Rider was in a flirty mood, so Rose asked Rider on a date to the Oak Barrel.

    Even though it was a legendary date, there was no option for a "First Kiss" with Rider. Maybe they were just meant to be friends.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    I was so hoping that one of the Ranch Hands would autonomously come over to Rose's house and want to "take things to the next level" and ask Rose to be his girlfriend, but it never happened. Oh sure, she had many outing requests from all the Ranch Hands, but not one of them took the next step.

    Until things suddenly changed, and Rose had a new Ranch Hand helping on her ranch.


    And Ren seems pretty smitten with Rose.


    Maybe Cole and Hosa heard about the new Ranch Hand, and suddenly Rose was bombarded with calls from Cole and Hosa. She knows they both have feelings for her, and Cole seems to be calling her the most, so Rose gives him a second chance, and invites him to hang-out at her lot, and again talks about marriage with Cole.

    And it's the same response as before. Even though he doesn't have the non-committal trait, he just doesn't seem to want to get married.


    And so Rose decides to take matters into her own hands. It's Night on the Town Night, and she invites Hosa on a second date. (They actually head to the Old Quarter Inn Bar in Windenburg for a change).


    And by the look on their faces, it looks like Hosa is indeed "the one". No bladder failure this time for Rose, and another legendary date.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The next day, Rose invites Hosa over and proposes to him. He accepts! Yes!


    And they both get the Deeply in Love sentiments! Most definitely, Hosa was "the one" all along! And now they have a wedding to plan.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    During all this, Rose was working hard on her ranch.

    Marigold gave birth to Foal # 6, a colt, Smoky.


    Rose bids farewell to Marigold.


    Marigold's final stats.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Tumbleweed ages up, and Rose bids her farewell.


    Tumbleweed's final stats.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Rose purchases a new mare, Endeavor. Rose has her breed with Chicory right away.


    Endeavor's stats.


    Endeavor gives birth to Foal #7, a filly, Chance.


    Here are Chance's stats.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Rose is engaged to be married to Hosa Swiftwater. Currently, there are 7 in her household, (including herself. She has her original stallion and mare, Chicory and Blaze, Endeavor (the new mare), two foals, Smoky and Chance, and Biscuit (who just aged up). Biscuit and Endeavor will be leaving soon, so that there will be room for Hosa and Rose's heir/heiress.

    Also posted in 50 Foals Challenge.
    Post edited by SoulGal7 on
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