Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    SassycottonSassycotton Posts: 438 Member
    No too pricey
    Backpacking or camping?
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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,736 Member
    Rowan the Cursed Spellcaster: Doesn’t matter. It’ll just rain, anyway. I’d probably get hit by lightning, with my luck.

    Morgyn: You think so? Lightening, huh? Anyone up for backpacking the trails in Selvadorada? Anyone?

    (Seriously, he’s been hit by lightning four times, and he likes it!)

    Have you ever written a bestseller? If so, what was it called?
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    SassycottonSassycotton Posts: 438 Member
    I wish I could that was a big dream of mine when I was a kid
    Do you want to have Hamsters as pets?
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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,736 Member
    Smudge (Morgyn’s cat and familiar): Sure! What do they taste like? Asking for a friend…

    Whats your favorite recipe?
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    WhatCobblersWhatCobblers Posts: 2,770 Member
    Kio: Oh my gosh, there are so many recipes I love making and tasting! I think though I'd have to pick a simple sponge cake because there are so many different ways you can customize the recipe and the decoration and the flavours.

    Do you like bugs?
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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,736 Member
    edited August 2023
    "If only this swimming pool had a ladder...."

    So many sims have said this….
    Do you like bugs?

    Rowan The Cursed Spellcaster: No. I do not. Of course, when I moved into my house in Forgotten Hollow, it was infested with them. There’s no way it wouldn’t be. After years of using imported Selvadoradian insect repellent, I finally got most of them cleared out. Except for that big spider in the dining area. I’ve named hm Walter. He seems nice, actually. And he eats whatever bugs are left, so… he stays. Speaking of bugs, though….

    Do you think vampires eat bugs when they’re flying around as bats?

    I mean, wondering keeps me up at night, sometimes.
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    WhatCobblersWhatCobblers Posts: 2,770 Member
    Kio: Certainly not, I'm a vegetarian! I imagine some do though as I suppose it would provide them with a quick plasma hit. But I consider bugs my friends and could never bring myself to eat one.
    I have had gnats fly up my nose before on a couple of occasions and that wasn't pleasant. You have to be careful where you fly in forests.

    Do you ever forage for ingredients?
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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,736 Member
    Harold The Llama: Forage?!? Heavens no! I only eat the best Timothy grass and any tasty treats I can persuade my taxi cart passengers to provide. Being the only public transport in HoB has its perks. Tasty treats or fly fashion accessories will get you a nice smooth ride. If you’re stingy, well, there are a lot of rocks in HoB. Oh. You were talking to the human types? Well. I don’t know, then. Carry on.

    What festival or holiday do you like the best?
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    erimurpheyerimurphey Posts: 173 Member
    Melinda: I like the Neighborhood Brawl because I can beat up my ex-boyfriends.

    What is your greatest fear?
    Sul Sul!

    Origin i.d.: erimurphey
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    WhatCobblersWhatCobblers Posts: 2,770 Member
    edited August 2023
    Ikkanu: *Gulp* "I have quite a lot of fears but the biggest I would say is the deep ocean. What? Land-born people can be scared of heights, why does everyone think it's weird that merfolk can be scared of depths?"

    Is there anything unusual about you?
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    erimurpheyerimurphey Posts: 173 Member

    Melinda: I can create paintings with emotional auras.

    What is your least favorite vacation destination?
    Sul Sul!

    Origin i.d.: erimurphey
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,369 Member
    edited August 2023
    Daniel Reed: Oasis Springs. They are dedicating lots to tourism in the recent years, but, sorry, a huge beach without an ocean just doesn't cut it. Give me Sulani any day!

    Agent Inpu: That aversion totally doesn't have anything to do with you having served time in our desert prison, hm, Mr. Reed? On topic, I'm not too fond of extended stays in the jungle. Short trips are totally fine.

    What's the best thing about Selvadorada?
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    ashleyrosey06ashleyrosey06 Posts: 95 Member
    Definitely a dog, but don't tell my son I said that... He'll start asking for one!

    Have you ever witnessed a death?

    In Simlish, we don't say "I love you." We say "Habadu Bashubi", which roughly translates to "I can't move because there is furniture in my way." I think that's absolutely beautiful.• ORIGIN ID: ashleyrosey06 •Ts2 is superior... change my mind ;)
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    erimurpheyerimurphey Posts: 173 Member

    Rita: No, but I almost froze to death once.

    Margot: Same here, and I almost died in a fire!

    Have you ever used the wishing well?
    Sul Sul!

    Origin i.d.: erimurphey
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    WhatCobblersWhatCobblers Posts: 2,770 Member
    Ikkanu: "No. Looking down one makes me dizzy. Reminds me too much of the deep ocean." *Shudders*

    Kio: *Stares* "Wishing wells are real?!"

    Samphy: "Of course they're real, but a lot of them are rip offs. Magic folk wanting to make easy money either charm them with magic that's only temporary or prank them to have a backfire effect on the wisher. Pixies are notorious for it. Trust me, if they charge you a fixed price for a wish then it's probably a scam."

    If you could make any wish, what would it be?
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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,736 Member
    Patchy: More wishes? Yeah, I know. Doesn’t count. Seriously, is it too much for someone to give me some shelter in the winter? I’m talking to you, Mage Ember the powerful! It gets cold out here in the backyard. If you can’t conjure up a shed, at least throw me a pop up tent or something! Other wise, quit whining about my tracking snow when I come in to warm up. You have a nice fireplace. A reallllly nice fireplace.

    Who’s your most unusual neighbor?
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    WhatCobblersWhatCobblers Posts: 2,770 Member
    Samphy: "Well, one of my neighbours is an artificially created werewolf who seems to have been infused with multiple magical abilities. The other is a mermadic shaman in training who can summon the dead and bend the forces of nature to his will.
    I also share a house with a vegetarian vampire and I myself am half Spellcaster, half vampire so, out of the four of us, I'd say we're all equally unusual."

    Same question.
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    Shadow_AssassinShadow_Assassin Posts: 1,675 Member
    [Anonymous, from a historical record]: I don't knowe yf this counts as a "neighbor". I live yn a place where outsiders gather, oon day a handsome guy came. Sometimes his bandana and clothes will be full of blood, and he hath no body temperature or weight, evene no shadowe. I found somethyng liketh fragments of ynternal organs yn his blood. I used to thynk I was the moost unusual person here, but I didn't expect anythyng more unusual than me.

    [Anonymous, the same voice]: Nowe I knowe what his situation ys. Whan I saw him he was already died of ynternal powers overload. I'm eek died nowe, but for oother reasons.

    Would you like to go back in time?
    Entrance to the abyss
    It's a scratch-off ticket
    There's a "_" in my usename. My usename is Shadow_Assassin, not ShadowAssassin or others

    Sometimes it's not me who talks to you, it's machine translation

    She/Her but you can call me as any pronouns
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    WhatCobblersWhatCobblers Posts: 2,770 Member
    Ikkanu: I would love to see what the islands were like in the times of my ancient ancestors, when my family were alive. According to the the stories the spirits tell me, Sulani used to consist of three separate kingdoms and Mua Pel'Am was ruled by a powerful mer community. They cared for the land deeply and fought like warriors if anyone threatened it. Unfortunately they were all wiped out thousands of years ago. I discovered I am made partly from the fossilised DNA of this ancient mer race and so, in a way, I am sort of the last one left. That's what the spirits think of me but, to be honest, I feel a bit like an imposter since I am artificially created and not a direct descendant. And I am nothing like the other modern merpeople who inhabit Sulani so it would be so great not to feel so freaky.

    Do you know much about your ancestors?
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,369 Member
    Daniel Reed: Twice, actually, and it was great! Our first trip was a workplace outing with the co-workers, for that we went to Orlando. A couple of years later they built a Galaxy's Edge here in Detroit, so we went again, this time with the kids.

    Daniel O'Malley: Ugh, don't remind me. I had gotten promoted to Lieutenant, with my own military base and everything. Then along came those pirates and all of a sudden everything was upside down, making me question everything in my life. I left the planet together with them, not sure how I feel about returning eventually.
    The same sim in two different saves, as Reed in a semi-realistic one, as O'Malley in a Star Wars save.

    Do you believe in parallel universes?

    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    fujicakes1fujicakes1 Posts: 1,386 Member
    "Do you believe in parallel universes?"

    "And can you explain them to us?"

    "You two are still as high as kites! I'm out of here!"

    Do you usually find yourself watching tv, dancing, doing some sort of hobby, or goofing off on the computer? In other words - how do you waste your time?
    All my daily trances, and all my nightly dreams, are where thy grey eye glances, and where thy footstep gleams.
    I dance to the beat of my own drum, no matter how measured or far away.
    I do love a road. You can always be wondering what is at the end of it.
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    WhatCobblersWhatCobblers Posts: 2,770 Member
    edited September 2023
    Tadeo: "Painting, reading, writing or gaming, but I don't see any of those as wasting time, I see them all as equally fun hobbies, just like any other, that provide the opportunity to temporarily switch off from the busy world so one can return to it later with a refreshed mind that's more ready to solve problems. Plus all of them help inspire my professional writing too.

    Oh, and regarding parallel universes, I regret to inform you that they do exist, and I really wish someone would do something about all the portals that keep being left open between them, as it is really embarrassing to keep bumping into parallel versions of yourself."
    (I have a couple of versions of him and his household in the same save. 😆)

    What sort of books do you like?
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