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What is the end point of a household/game for you?

Chaotic_MoiraChaotic_Moira Posts: 484 Member
I originally was wondering this because I see people say they play with aging off, and I was like, then when do you end a story?
Then I realized, the same could be asked of nonrotational players. When do you decide you are done, and move onto a new save?

So I decided to just broaden the question. When do you feel a game/story/journey you are playing is done?

I play rotationally, with aging on, in one save.
I would get bored if my sims never aged and died personally. So for me, sometimes death is the end of the story for a household, sometimes I have gotten involved in their kids, and it continues, but this is less often. And still, eventually death is the end..

EDIT: OMG, as soon as I posted this, it occurred to me everyone is going to say, "when I get bored," lol..
Oh well, I guess we'll see. Maybe there are other reasons.

Features I'd like brought back from the dead.
| Picture in Picture mode | Custom Paintings | Preset scenarios for resident sims | Placing my own lots |
| Saving my own Buy Mode collections! | Saving an outfit in CAS | CaSt. Smaller is ok | Open World |


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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,736 Member
    I actually approach the game as a story telling engine. I have done some writing and know how to build a story arc. I use my own imagination plus the gameplay to create the story. So, for me, a household ends when their story arc concludes. That doesn’t necessarily mean death, though, so I can play with aging off.

    For example, my last game before the current one was about a musician who went into the witness protection program after witnessing a murder, He was living in an underground bunker with two FBI agents. I played their skills and relationships out with the game as I developed the story arc in my mind. When the mob guy got caught and the musician was able to resume his career, the game was over for that save.

    My current save has more longevity, because, as the original arc was ending, it moved from a single character’s story to a world story that includes that character. That has a lot more scope and variety of play and a lot of potential story arcs.
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    telemwilltelemwill Posts: 1,761 Member
    Death is usually the endpoint for me. Although some have been known to stick around for a while afterwards.

    Seriously though, just because I play with aging off doesn't mean my Sims don't age. I just age them manually with cake. That way I have time to play out my story to my satisfaction. (Nina has a fight with Dina over her criminal career and moves to a grungy apartment in the city. Disgusted by her new lifestyle, it is easy for Nancy to persuade her to work as a part time maid while living amidst luxury. But then she makes a deal with Geoffrey...)

    Since I play in rotation, I play until I feel a chapter is finished in that household's life. Then I make note of whatever age I think the Sims have reached during that chapter with maybe a brief reminder of what I want to do next time.

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    Nate_Whiplash1Nate_Whiplash1 Posts: 4,144 Member
    I'm not sure I understand. My games never have a story (that would bore me to tears), instead everything is situational, and done on a whim. Example; I send a sim to one of my outdoor nightclubs in the middle of a blizzard--that's the situation. When I get bored with that, I switch households and create another situation
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    SweetieWright_84SweetieWright_84 Posts: 4,132 Member
    Well, you'd be right. When I get bored. :D

    I really don't think there's really an end to a sim's story until they're dead, and sometimes that's not final either.

    I put a save on a long pause (sometimes permenant pause) when I run out of ideas on where to take the story. If I don't revisit a save for more than a few months, I take it as it didn't really mean that much to me, and I delete it.
    Gallery ID: SweetieWright_84--Save File Thread--Youtube Channel
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    DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 3,360 Member
    I move on when the story is done.

    For some saves, that means once my initial sim has accomplished some goal (usually an aspiration for Test Saves)
    For some saves, that means after so many generations have done their thing... whatever "their thing" may be. This style of informal Legacy play is my most common.
    And yes, for some saves, that means when I say "Nope. Not interested in this save any more."

    I've also been known to jump between saves, usually my current legacy save and whatever short term save (testing, scenarios, etc) I have in mind. This usually keeps saves from getting too stale in play.
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,302 Member
    There is no end game for my one family one save. I don't create stories or situations. I just play the game. My sims work, skill, run businesses, go on vacation, go to Uni, but it's all very straightforward. I'm a goal oriented player and my goal is to complete all the careers, aspirations, skills, etc with this one family and offspring.
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    logionlogion Posts: 4,756 Member
    It tends to be when my sims reaches career level 10, they have a nice house and I don't feel like changing their lives, like aging them up or having them expand the family.

    I don't make a lot of stories anymore so my save where aging is turned off have kinda reached some sort of end where all my played households are happy, and I don't really feel like creating new households except when new packs are released.
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    My game never really ends, I just get another good idea and move on to that for awhile. I have a lot of saves and I could easily jump back into any one of them and keep playing.

    My problem is I'm too creative, and as such, I'm always coming up with a new idea I want to play out. There are some old saves I'd like to jump back into, but I just don't have enough time to play with every one of them.
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    Calico45Calico45 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Boredom, probably. Obviously I go in with certain ideas and try to get through those, but if I come up with new ones or am still having fun I don't consider it the end. The one true thing that will get a save/family wiped is boredom.
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    MasonGamerMasonGamer Posts: 8,851 Member
    The end of one story is the beginning for another!
    It’s a long story and Its no where close to over.

    But it’s when the Mad vampire queen, is in a hot pursuit to retrieve her daughter the Princess and rightful Queen, and her best friend and they escape to another dimension. But what the mad queen doesn’t know, the princess’s best friend, her father a powerful archmage was secretly using them as bait. To trap the mad queen, after helping them escape to a different world. Somewhere the queen can’t follow even with all her power.

    And the Archmage strips the the queen of her powers and banishes her oblivion (the realm of Magic/Forgotten hollow) essentially for treason.

    And then the story picks up again in 1980 two young women a princess and her lady a powerful sorceress, dressed in fine medieval/baroque ball gowns find themselves walking through a forest on the outskirts of a fictional town resembling New York.

    They quickly, adapt to this new world their in, and begin a new life, leaving their old one in the stars.
    The Princess falls in love with a werewolf/beast who has been trapped and living as a wolf for most of his life. And have 6 werewolf children.

    Her lady and a sorceress, falls in love with the cop, who is her dashing knight in leather armor, with a gun. They have two kids. Their youngest son becomes best friends with the other family’s youngest son.

    And all is well until the mad queen claws her way into the world they escaped to.

    The end result of this tale, I don’t really know
    Realm of Magic:

    My Mood:

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    VeeDubVeeDub Posts: 1,862 Member
    edited June 2022
    cyncie wrote: »
    I actually approach the game as a story telling engine. I have done some writing and know how to build a story arc. I use my own imagination plus the gameplay to create the story. So, for me, a household ends when their story arc concludes. That doesn’t necessarily mean death, though, so I can play with aging off.

    For example, my last game before the current one was about a musician who went into the witness protection program after witnessing a murder, He was living in an underground bunker with two FBI agents. I played their skills and relationships out with the game as I developed the story arc in my mind. When the mob guy got caught and the musician was able to resume his career, the game was over for that save.

    My current save has more longevity, because, as the original arc was ending, it moved from a single character’s story to a world story that includes that character. That has a lot more scope and variety of play and a lot of potential story arcs.

    Gosh, you very nearly wrote my reply for me. :lol: Your first paragraph especially describes my method, except that I do have aging on. However, I use custom age spans and game time speed at about three times slower than default, so the effect is similar. Death by old age can still occur, but it gives me time to finish a sim's part in a larger story before that happens. Well, unless they happen to die accidentally, that is. If they do, that might become part of the story instead of what I had originally expected, but if it's a character in one of my more structured bits I undeath 'em, so to speak. :lol: Death during a story event is sometimes intended as an ending for certain sims, too.

    Many of my little snippets that I share on the forums are part of one or more long-running larger tales (they don't all necessarily occupy the same save, though). I can't really share much more of the "larger whole" here, partly because some of it contains themes that could be prickly or disallowed by forum rules and partly because there's just so much other stuff that that would be difficult to share in portions larger than snippets yet smaller than long form chapters -- not if I want it to make much sense to other people, anyway. :grimace: So it's probably hard for anyone but me to see how everything/everyone connects, but that's ok. Sometimes snippets are better, trust me. ;)

    I don't really "end" a household in the majority of cases. Like characters in any tale, their lives continue until either they die in the end or we close the book and leave them to whatever they were doing. After all, tales never truly end. We just don't always get to know everything that happens as it happens, nor will we see what happens after we stop looking. In game terms this means that my households live out their lives as they will after their main "scenes" in the story are complete. Occasionally some return to the story, and the process is the same for any new events that come up. Sometimes I never see them again, or if I do it's only as NPCs. But if they're still in the game at all, they're still part of the story, even if it's just as background noise.
    FYI: Just because you can see my signature, don't assume that I can see yours.
    Because I can't; I keep all sigs turned off. ;)
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    KyreRoenKyreRoen Posts: 677 Member
    The end of the story. Sure, in some cases it's when I get too bored to continue (in which case I'll just leave it to headcanon), but often it's at the point where anything further wouldn't be worthwhile.

    I'll list some of the endpoints here:
    • Both my simself and his wife had died of old age. Their eldest had gotten married, and their middle twins and youngest twins had split up to pursue their dreams.
    • One of my simself and his wife's daughters had gotten married, they'd both retired to Sulani, and had stopped taking 'Age Away' serums so they could grow old together. Their eldest had her own home nearby, and their youngest had just hit childhood.
    • My simself had completed the NSNP scenario, was in his adulthood, and had gotten engaged.

    In each of these there was nothing more to add. I don't play generationally, so I wasn't about to move to the children's stories in the first. In the second, my simself and his wife had lived over-long, full lives. In the third, my simself had exceeded his long-term goals. Those are the "golden points", wherein (to loosely quote Walter White) it's that perfect moment...the moment the story should've ended. Anything past that wouldn't feel worth playing. Maybe it would be, had I tried, but why gamble when I've more ideas to explore?

    I do, however, cheat. By this, I mean I'll transfer those stories into a save where no one grows old or dies, families are together, and I can inhabit any simself of mine that I wish, if I ever feel the need to see their families again for a bit. That isn't a story. It never ends because it will never need to. It's more like a museum of happy endings (even for the few stories I simply grew bored of).
    Check out my 'Simming Tips' for detailed tips and tricks (TS4).
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    Chaotic_MoiraChaotic_Moira Posts: 484 Member
    telemwill wrote: »
    Nina has a fight with Dina over her criminal career and moves to a grungy apartment in the city. Disgusted by her new lifestyle, it is easy for Nancy to persuade her to work as a part time maid while living amidst luxury. But then she makes a deal with Geoffrey...

    This is fantastic. :D

    I'm not sure I understand. My games never have a story (that would bore me to tears), instead everything is situational, and done on a whim.

    Ah okay, that is interesting. My sims always have a story, which is basically just a goal, a concept, or character archetype that I want to play out.
    I may have one that wants to find all the snow globes (goal), or one that is witch who wants to ruin anyone's chance at love (character archetype), or a sims who is going to survive only on what can be stolen or found (concept)..

    These are all stories to me.

    There is no end game for my one family one save. I don't create stories or situations. I just play the game. My sims work, skill, run businesses, go on vacation, go to Uni, but it's all very straightforward. I'm a goal oriented player and my goal is to complete all the careers, aspirations, skills, etc with this one family and offspring.

    Oh wow! I didn't realize anyone played that way. I love learning how different people play.

    Features I'd like brought back from the dead.
    | Picture in Picture mode | Custom Paintings | Preset scenarios for resident sims | Placing my own lots |
    | Saving my own Buy Mode collections! | Saving an outfit in CAS | CaSt. Smaller is ok | Open World |
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    Amapola76Amapola76 Posts: 1,924 Member

    Really, never. I have a few side saves where I've wanted to test things out, but I have one main save that I have played from day one. I play rotationally, with aging off, though as someone else mentioned above, I do age manually with the birthday cake from time to time.

    To be honest, though, I'm very attached to my sims and I'm playing a whole world of them. I'm at 200 favorites, with a handful more that get rotated in and out so that I can create more without anyone getting deleted.

    More to the point, I don't plan to move any of them too far into their life cycles, because there are things I still want them to do that they can't do yet, because those packs are still to come. My plan is to do what I have done with previous iterations of the Sims games, which is spend time with each household now, doing the things they can do and currently have available, build up relationships, and play out those stories. As each pack comes out, I'll rotate back through most of those households incorporating aspects of the new packs into their lives. And then when there are no more packs, and only when there are no more packs, I will start moving the generations forward. At that point, I'll play until I'm bored, and then either move on to Sims 5, or to something else entirely.

    If I get bored now, between packs (as I often do), then I just play another game or do other things until there's either a new pack or I get inspired with a new idea.
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,552 Member
    edited June 2022
    I have never played a sim to old age in TS4.
    I've restarted my sims 3 times. The third time I aged them down to toddlers and gave them parents in CAS.
    That started in 2017 and it's now 5 years later.

    The first of my toddlers to be played is now a young adult along with five others.
    Another six are teens, prepping for Uni. The rest are still children and toddlers.

    I play off and on.
    When a new pack comes out, I usually create a new save to try it out on other sims before playing it with my main sims.
    So my main sims are often interrupted by new packs. I have a new goal with these sims. I will be using them, and the dormies they met in Uni to create a master save. I will play this save whenever I start a new game.

    The Sims 5 will probably be out before all my sims die of old age, and even then I can play them again my loading up a new save.
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    KimmerKimmer Posts: 2,401 Member
    edited June 2022
    If my Sim turns out to be only a shell without personality, I can't play with Sims like that for very long. Sometimes it takes a bit longer to notice, but usually I can tell it quite fast. I will usually abandon the Sim (household) if she/he turns out boring but sometimes I've gotten attached to some other Sim, maybe the family member, and I keep playing with the household.
    If I abandon the household because of a boring Sim I will nowadays keep the save and just create another Sim household to play. The abandoned one(s) can continue their life in the world, I don't delete them, I just don't play them anymore.
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    RedShoe7RedShoe7 Posts: 711 Member
    When I played one household games I would eventually get bored and go play something else until a new pack came out or I had an idea. Since I started playing rotationally the game never ends, it could go on forever.
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    haneulhaneul Posts: 1,954 Member
    There is no end game for my one family one save. I don't create stories or situations. I just play the game. My sims work, skill, run businesses, go on vacation, go to Uni, but it's all very straightforward. I'm a goal oriented player and my goal is to complete all the careers, aspirations, skills, etc with this one family and offspring.

    My playstyle is similar to this. I have aging on, I've added a version of the 100 babies challenge in the mix, and I'm going through everything very slowly, but I'm basically trying to have one family experience all the careers and skills the game has to offer. I don't think I'm going to make it to the end, but I didn't intend to quit anytime soon (I started in 2018 and the family has only finished 5 or so careers and had 17/100 children, but I don't mind).
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,103 Member
    edited June 2022
    EDIT: OMG, as soon as I posted this, it occurred to me everyone is going to say, "when I get bored," lol..
    Oh well, I guess we'll see. Maybe there are other reasons.

    When I get bored :D

    It does depend though. I usually follow one sim at the time, and their family/house hold members, and for that one sim, the end is usually death - of me moving on to playing their kids. However, I only move on to the kids if I find I have some story for them - something which makes playing them fun, new or interesting.

    For instance, in one of my saves I played Marci, a young single mother working in the culinary career trying to make ends meet and taking care of her toddler at the same time. As she worked late at night, sending the toddler to daycare just wasn't a reasonable option, so she needed a nanny, who basically cost her most of her income. She even had to think about what to serve for dinner in order to know if she was going to pay her bills or not, she was so tired she usually cried in the tub each morning. Finding her love and happiness, moving her up in her career and growing her family and moving her into better homes until she reached the top of her career and then started her own restaurant was incredibly rewarding and fun. I tried to move onto her child when he was bound for college, but Dario, as sweet as he was as a wild toddler giving his mother gray hairs, was incredibly boring as a young adult. So I pretty much left her when she had a successful career and no more kids would be born. Her story just felt done, she made her dream come true.

    In another save, I started a challenge, and managed to get through several generations - each one with their challenges to catch my interest, from the gardener building the perfect park, to the struggling young mother with a horrible cheating partner (she found love in the end) to her author son married to his painter husband and their adopted irresponsible serial romantic son who ended up a parent without asking for it (playing a deadbeat dad who saw his kids occasionally on every other weekend was kind of fun). Then in generation five, the main sim lead an incredibly boring life. She was a responsible, ambitious, teacher who wanted to be a super parent. No real struggle, she always did what she was supposed to do, her husband was dull and responsible and did his thing (though he was surprisingly the better parent, mostly because he didn't focus on work so much could just play with his kids). They were just so perfect that it got tedious.

    In my current save I'm on gen two but starting to move onto gen three, I'm still deciding on the kids but leaning towards the younger one as she could be a perfect scientist and I haven't tried the career yet. I'm not bored yet, but then I still have ideas on where to take the family so I'll stick with Nyla for a while once she goes to uni and see what happens.
    Moreover, I advise that the cart button must be destroyed!
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    kusurusukusurusu Posts: 971 Member
    Main game ends (or rather goes on hiatus) as soon as my Sim has maxed and unlocked everything there is. Other games I just play a bit before leaving without saving.
    My SuperSim Collection: Rosetta Stone · Sona Ali
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    babajaynebabajayne Posts: 1,866 Member
    Ideally, I’d continue indefinitely through several generations because I love to watch the genetics play out, but I haven’t gotten too far past the 3rd generation lately because I’ve had visions about how I could have started things off better. I’m slightly perfectionist in this way where changing certain gameplay options feels wrong, like when I changed from long lifespan to a normal lifespan - I was already ready to be done with those sims and it was more appealing to me to start over with an improved strategy. Or I felt I had ruined a rotational save where I didn’t start with a big enough gene pool or I didn’t manage what season my sims were in and felt they were shortchanged. Other reasons would be boredom from playing legacy-style or in one household only. One benefit to starting new is having a fresh start with townies.

    I don’t play stories, I’m more goal-oriented but I don’t stop when goals are met, that’s the time to bask in my success and play with those rewards. I can usually set a new goal but then after a while, I’ll get bored of the more accomplished sims, so I don’t let things to drag out too long because I’ve learned that’s mainly what kills saves for me.
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    mustenimusteni Posts: 5,417 Member
    edited June 2022
    I've never officially reached that end point
    1. For years I only played my main rotational save and I still do. Death is an end sort of, but usuall they have children that I continue playing with. If they live in a different house it's also and end sort of, end of the life as they knew it.
    2. I had a short lifespand legacy that got to 6th generation until I got so bored. 10 gens was my goal and I still have the save because I can't admit I've failed. I just don't care about those sims anymore.
    3. Recently I started a new legacy and I'm actively playing that. The idea is that I unlock a new world with each gen, so I suppose it ends when there are no more worlds left. Probably will get bored before that, but we'll see :D
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    SERVERFRASERVERFRA Posts: 7,193 Member
    When it's been over 2 years without playing them & upgrading the household.
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    BoergeAarg61BoergeAarg61 Posts: 974 Member
    So I decided to just broaden the question. When do you feel a game/story/journey you are playing is done?

    It never does as long as I am able to play Sims 4.

    I play with aging -> played household only. When the last sim in a household is likely to die from old age soon, I move new sims in for replacement. In that way, the homes stay occupied just with different sims.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,103 Member
    musteni wrote: »
    1. I had a short lifespand legacy that got to 6th generation until I got so bored. 10 gens was my goal and I still have the save because I can't admit I've failed. I just don't care about those sims anymore.

    So recognizable!
    musteni wrote: »
    [*] Recently I started a new legacy and I'm actively playing that. The idea is that I unlock a new world with each gen, so I suppose it ends when there are no more worlds left. Probably will get bored before that, but we'll see :D

    I'm doing something similar, but I have let them have a few worlds per gen (Johnny started in Oasis Springs but moved to Sulani to marry his wife, their child live in Newcrest (after a short spell in San My), and their child is currently in Britchester (at Uni) but will have to choose another world when finished since there really are very few residential lots there. I've also allowed them to make use of non-residential worlds. San My was really not in the plan, but I bought City Living while doing this, so I gave myself some leeway with that.

    Moreover, I advise that the cart button must be destroyed!
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