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  • Haven't built in a while but I wanted to make an apartment with a conversation pit, so I made this little busy boho apartment. This apartment lot has one of the prettiest views in the game but I've never used it as it's so massive, so I cut it down to a small size and made a fake corridor extension to make it work. Here's…
  • I don't want it to be inappropriate or "adult", but when I was growing up it was totally normal to have innuendos or more risqué themes in things that kids could play. I simply didn't understand those references because I was 9. I think nowadays people overestimate how much kids actually understand and how much needs to be…
  • I think it looks really good so far, I like how they're making apartments a part of the game from scratch as they can then be a part of every world rather than the problems we've had in the past where apartments have been pack locked and because of this not included in other worlds. Only negative so far is some of the…
  • I think if done well it could be a cool way of making npcs/text strings feel more "alive". I wouldn't want full blown conversations, but the game does already include responses for some sim interactions (ie gossip), so if they incorporated AI into this they could have an infinite variety of responses rather than repeating…
  • Also, where are the other things? A ranch pack, and no mechanical bull? Seriously? Or unicorns? All they had to add was a horn. There isn't even tumbleweed. There's so many different things you can do with a ranch theme;* they could add a cowboy themed fairground festival with a ton of wild west funfair games * not with…
  • Agree, I really want the next pack to be something totally different. Apart from werewolves all the big packs from the past two years have been farmville/happy family type content, which I know a lot of people love so I'm happy for them but I really want to see something a bit less happy valley. I think it's time for maybe…
  • I mean the full pack description has (presumably) already leaked, maybe horses will be amazingly executed? Even then for me it's a bit disappointing as we already have two full expansions and a stuff pack around animals, so that's $130 in total for animals in a game...
  • Meh.. Another predictably bland pack. 500th boring American world that's much the same as worlds we already have, seems like a horses game pack boosted to an EP through recycled content and things that could've been in Cottage Living. Just doesn't seem like there's much content at all, or like much imaginations gone into…
  • I guess the transparency they were talking about is the same transparency we get with updates/in general for 4. Like with the NPC overhaul mentioned above (Caliente specifically). They posted one work in progress post, went silent, nobody knew what was going on, and then 16 months later they came back and said "it's done!…
  • Really disappointed with the look of the people... Why are they so low resolution? This level of blurriness and lack of definition is what I'd expect from running a game on lowest graphics settings. They're what I would've expected in maybe 2009. For reference this is Sims 3 on minimum graphics compared to this game: I…
  • Also I'm a bit worried by the "tell your story" part they were talking about. Personally I'm a goal oriented player, not a storyteller, and one of my biggest peeves with 4 has always been how much they've been focusing on this "tell your story" type of gameplay as I don't play that way. I'm not someone who comes up with…
  • From the trailer I have mixed feelings.. The world environment and open world looks good but other than that nothing really sold me. I'm not an expert on game engines so couldn't say which one but it just looks like a lot of pre made assets from the engine put into a life simulator form. It just looks a bit generic and…
  • The one I want most is open worlds, but more like "expansive worlds". I want to see properly large playable areas, full of functional lots, and if there is any shells I want them to be at least rabbit holes. If it follows the same theme as Sims 4 and we get neighborhoods with only 4 actual lots and a ton of fake buildings…
  • I doubt this'll really have much effect on the character graphics, the Sims 4 has the same thing in some worlds and they don't really reflect the actual sims much at all in my opinion. They're just very, very basic character models. They're supposed to be simple and just vaguely resemble people to fill the area, the actual…
  • I'm really excited to hear more about this, the art style is exactly what I've been wanting from a life sim game for a while and I've been desperately hoping for a big company to make a competitor game for ages. (Paralives is nice but I think if it ever is released it'll be limited for now by the small team indie game…
  • I wish we had an option to save "house without household", I don't want these people :D (I know you can evict them but that takes longer)
  • Sims 4 has some great quality meshes, but when it comes to food... Let's just say a lot of them are heavily reminiscent of the infamous ball pool
  • Probably down to declining team numbers, why hire new people for a game that's ending in a few years when you could hire them to work on the new game? I expect they're probably just losing developers over time and not replacing them which is leading to releases being less often than they used to.
  • I just think it'll be annoying to have to check through yet another site for mods/potentially missing out on mods because they're only on here.. It got pretty easy in recent years as it's been the case that if you want maxis match cc it's all on Tumblr, alpha all on TSR and game mods on modthesims, I think this'll just…
  • I think sometime in 2024 - early 2025 is a safe bet for a release, the end of 2024 is still two years away and it seems like they're already quite a way into development judging by what we've seen (it looks like they've been working on build mode/world design for a while already). Plus this is a big company so development…
  • For me visually I want something that feels more like the Sims 3 2.0 rather than the Sims 4 2.0. Some of the Sims 3 ads showed graphics which were 10x better than the actual graphics, so I think something that looks like these ads would be my dream for 5 visually:…
  • I think it'd be cool if they brought back a big collection of iconic townies from all of the games for 5, but as they're most recognisable, no "20 years in the future", or as children thing. The more nostalgic references to old games they add the better really
  • Honestly I'm hoping a big games company will attempt a life sim game in the near future. At the moment for me 5 and Paralives both look quite basic visually. It's 2022, I really want to see a life sim that takes advantage of new technology and feels like a next gen game. The graphics capability of the latest engines is…
  • Personally I'd rather see new worlds than old ones, I'd like to see more of an international focus with 5. There's still so many countries/places that you just can't represent in any of the games which is a shame for a life simulator
  • Nope. Never. Even if it was the best game in the world I wouldn't pay monthly
  • At the moment I just feel indifferent. Build mode isn't something that I care about at all, I need to see how the sims look, the graphics/art style, what the gameplay's like, if it's open world, etc before I can start to get excited
  • They look like they're going to be much better done than in previous games, I was worried "freed babies" would mean the return of object babies that'd be dumped on the floor every five seconds and wouldn't move like in 3 but these babies actually look like more of a proper life state
  • I hope when the Sims 5 does eventually come (regardless of whether that's soon or in years to come), we'll get more varied packs in the first few years.. I don't want to sit through 3 years of all the same packs again before getting anything new :s
  • I'm more confused than ever now lol. I was thinking it's probably going to be a small thing that's been overhyped with just the devs talking some changes and future releases, but a presenter, a whole set, performers, asking people questions on the street, paid ads promoting it on other platforms? It's a lot for just a…
  • I was initially thinking it'll 100% but Sims 5, but now I don't think so anymore. I think they'll just talk about all the current games (including mobile), tease new content/updates and potentially announce an online spin off of Sims 4. Maybe they'll announce that 4 will go to more platforms too like switch, and maybe the…

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