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Diamond0Pirate New Member


  • Both these bits of advice were brilliant. Ground floor clubs in the other towns did seem to work better. But that other thread was a revelation. The game seemed to think my processor was awful.
  • Ok, just to clarify. This does work. It doesnt work when you do it late at night when your half asleep and give your new file the wrong name. When I woke, re-checked and spotted this, I started up a a new game, went straight to Eugi's and had a few Sims turn up straight away. Only three, but its already an improvement and…
  • Just tried this, but it seems to totally mess my options up. My Map view blanks out, it runs fine zoomed in, but the entire graphic options menu is at minimum and the changes wont save.
  • Despite this idea immense hillariaty, I unfortunately have to put a downer on things with one word. Ratings. :(
  • I dunno, theres lot of varying opinions of it. Its to do with metabolism, which kinda of gives you a default weight. Generally you stick to that unless you massively change diet. Except that if you get bigger then you default in kinda adjusts upwards. And it doesnt work in reverse. In essense, the works by setting a…
  • I love it. I'd especially love if it that made a time machine that looked like a big blue box :D
  • Through the Fire and Flames. Or pretty much any Dragonforce song. And make it playable on Guitar. Just for the lulz.
  • I like (obviously non-alch for rating reasons). Even more so if Slob let you put a fridge next to the sofa and get your drinks and snacks without even getting off your backside.
  • Best Sarcy post of the day.
  • God, yes, add Paramore. Although tbh, my sims will do very naughty things to Haley Williams.
  • I was more trying to show the falsity in basing arguments on game Genres. Genres are kinda iffy, especially with non-linear game. Kinda didnt get that across clearly in my previous post, reviewing it. My bad. Call of Duty is an RPG and a life simulation if you like. The fact of the matter is that they are all games. For…
  • There levels to that. Sure, you dont need to be perfect with your spelling and grammar etc, but there needs to be a certain standard if you want decent responses to stimulate creative and constructive conversation and debate, rather then random ranting. I'm much more likely to give a reasoned response to a well laid out…
  • The Sims in an RPG though. RPG. Roleplaying Game. It is a game in which you play the role of another character. Thats what the sims is. You take a character/s, and you create a role for him/her/them. A guy doesnt have to be casting spells to save the world in order for something to be an RPG. You play as a Rockstar. Or you…
  • I still think they should add it, but make it slightly overly harsh. Short term buff (3-4 hours) followed by 24 hours of a negative. Then have a random chance on consumtion that you just get ill rather then the buff. Whilst under the effects of the short term buff, socialising would be easier. Under the short term buff and…
  • I'd be 99% certain its going to be the vampire werewolf thing people think it will be. Because EA is way to savvy not to cash in on the whole Twilight thing. That said, the vamps will be retro, dracula style vamps imo.
  • Personally I think the following need adding to the game. Drums, Mic's (singing), Piano/Keyboard, Strings(Violin/Chello) Guitar becomes Guitar/Base Guitar. Now, you can either add each category as a skill, which is probably a bit excessive (as well as making it pretty much impossible to play all to a decent standard. And…
  • Ahah. I forget the hamper. Maybe if you buy the hamper on its own, that generates the spawning of dirty clothes. I too always buy the three together, but i suppose you could throw down a laundry basket in your opening build. That would explain lack of activity in the laundromat too. Since unless you have custom built…
  • I dont know. I like the fact that if I want a fair sized farm I have to be a farmer. Full-time. And if I want to have a huge farm, I have to make it a family concern. If anything like this was added, it should certainly only harvest and nothing else. Good use of the harvester inventiontion alongside good farm planning…
  • Sheep trait! Nice idea. I like. You could even have a fuzzy little sheep as the trait icon.
  • I think the biggest issue here is Vocab. People seems to think World Adventures means Holiday. It doesnt. It means World Adventures. If the expansion pack was called Sim 3: Holiday or Sims 3: Vacation, then yeah, I'd understand the complaints. Maybe you should be able to pay a large fee to purchase Visa levels to represent…
  • On one hand your complaining that the quest things are boring because you have to go through all these annoying things before you can do something cool. On the other hand, your saying you want a life simulator. Irony?
  • Ok, I may have being slightly sarcastic with the chicken bit. I know two veggies that each chicken and fish. Most the Veggies I know do eat fish though, basically because they dont want to have to eat pills and suppliments, as there are certain vitamins the body cannot obtain from plants, as well as it being almost…
  • The original Mini Cooper. Need I say anymore.
  • Wow. This thread is amusing. I totally agree though. I hate twilight because the constantly called themselves "vampires". When they arent. Vamps burn in sunlight, they dont go all sparkly. You cant break those basic rules unless you are writing really good reasons for it. IE: Blade, who was able to walk in light dude to be…
  • Personally, I'd rather not see religion in the game. Whilst I probably a rather expansive knowledge of most religions, I have belief in none of them, I personally don't believe in a god. I have some interest in spirituality, but you can already play a quite spiritual sim if you so wish. I actually made a druid sim back…
  • This isnt the only weird thing with Babies/Toddlers though. One crying baby/toddler in a crib will wake up all sims in teh room other then other babies/toddlers. They dont interact with each other. Which means you end up with twins that have no bond come the first day of school! Neighbourhood sims and provide nothing for…
  • Its kinda a good idea. Even though it would make me die a little bit inside to see my sims game full of the sad wannabe's that surround me in everyday life. Wouldn't Socialite be basically cheating? You basically get money for doing absolutely nothing? And surely lvl10 in politics would be famous too.
  • Most Veggies I know eat fish tbh. And Chicken. Basically they dont eat mammals.
  • I'd rather see Meerkats. Everyone loves Meerkats.
  • The only form of religion we will ever get in the sims would be a made up "simlish" relgion. Even that would likely be controversial however, as relgious groups would compare it favourable/unfavourable to thier own/other religions. Who needs to pray when you can medidate anyway :D
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