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Adventures - Mixed Emotions

I have to start out by saying - I'm a die hard sims fan. I've been a fan since Sims 1. The Sims 2 was mt baby since the first expansion pack it was brilliant : babies, generations, college, seasons, pets, vacation *kissing fingers beautiful*.

We need Will Wright who seemed to understand that " The Sims" was about simulating life.

I love the seamless neighborhood, traits, new goals but aren't enough to keep me interested. I use to be addicted to this game and played it into the wee hours of the morning. Frankly, I'm bored. I was excited about the Sims 3 for months and I haven't played the game in 2 weeks.

I've reached the top of every profession, mixed and matched most traits, reached many different goals, and finish the legacy challenge. I'd usually create my own games with the sims at this point but it's hard.

I'm all about trying new things and am excited about World Adventures.

However, Can the Sims franchise take care of the basic needs of their fans? The basics included seasons, more family interaction ; Can I watch a game/concert with my sim family or boyfriend, dating options (falling in love in Sims 3 is toture and unromantic), pets, etc. SIMULATE LIFE

* remember goofy face pictures that adorned your sims walls from their fun dating days*

My sims family isn't as close as they use to be in other games and that's important to me. I try to make them do things on the weekends but I can only build up one relationship at a time, fishing or playing video games, it sucks.

I loved the Insurance policy after death it encouraged better relationships. Now I only want to have one sim child because the other child would have to move out. The sim child who moves out has a horrible life : never moves up in their career, rarely gets married, no children, or children w bad traits - if i don't go to the house and teach them to walk and talk.

The store is another point of contention - We hasn't EA hired people like Peggyzone and XM sims to create hair and clothes for the sims. Why should we have to download hacks.

I feel EA rushed the whole thing and am unhappy about the lack of concern for the fans. The game is full of bugs. The last patch messed up my game so bad that I had to uninstall / reinstall - another reason not to play. I swear my computer hasn't worked so well either since.



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    cosmopolisimcosmopolisim Posts: 48 Member
    edited August 2009
    I have to agree with you Winter! I am totally bored and have lost all faith in the sims 3.
    I miss the interactionas and family life I had in the sims 2. I'm seriously thinking about going back to my sims 2 and forget all about the sims 3 altogether!
    Why pay more $ to get practically nothing! Its not worth it!!!
    I"d rather also get my custom content from fan sites who care about the quality of the download.

    I'm soooo disapointed! :(:(:(

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    jktee511jktee511 Posts: 7,501 New Member
    edited August 2009
    I do agree with you!

    Seasons/Nightlife/Pets/Farming are more important than some silly vacation ep (Don't you dare replying to me, saying it's not vacation)!

    Seasons was really good! It had snow, the Roths, and several careers that I like (like Education, Music, and Gamer)!

    However, Vacation eps are kinda useless. They always seem to had like 10,000 just to go on vacation! I did buy Bon Vovage JUST BECAUSE OF BEACHES! I didn't install any vacation lots in my neighborhood (Taylor Island), or anything like that! Plus, they had those annoying Asian guys who always come home after school, and stuff like that!

    I was very glad that Sunset Valley had a beach, so I didn't worry!

    Also, just one thing, I am buying World Adventures because I want me, my wife Bella Taylor (nee Goth/Bachelor), and my twins Kara, and Tara Taylor to live in Egypt, (or possibly France)! However, I am NOT going promise that this is my favorite ep!
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited August 2009
    it's not a vaction ep you have to work your way up to actually live there from a base camp and go on Questes.
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    Aotearoa13Aotearoa13 Posts: 309 Member
    edited August 2009
    Today I reinstalled Sims 2 - well, the base game plus Uni and NL. Tomorrow I will put on the next lot. My sims 2 characters went to a cafe, met friends, talked, drank coffee and danced. It didn't look as shiny as Sims 3, but it was fun, and it made me realise how sick to death I was of playing guitar in the park. I tried really hard to enjoy Sims 3 - I bought everything from the store, I downloaded CC, I played legacy style in one NHood and multiple families in the other, but in the end it was having nothing much to do in that lovely open Nhood that really got to me.

    For the first expansion, I'd hoped for something to expand social options at home. Instead, there's a crusty bunch of adventures and challenges. No thanks.
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    AthenaOnyxAthenaOnyx Posts: 3,924 Member
    edited August 2009
    I totally agree. I played s3 for about 2 weeks before I gave up. It's just lacking so much.

    The scenery is beautiful, it's neat watching the NPC running around doing their own thing, but it has absolutely no game play.

    I was so hoping that the next ep would add game play. But, so far all they've mentioned is collecting junk and scenery. I try to remain hopeful. They can't be so out of touch with their fans that can't hear what we're screaming for. The game is seriously lacking to major components community lot activities and weather.

    It's funny before seasons I had no clue that weather would make the game so much more...tangible, real.

    I just hope that they give us some more info soon and that it sounds like something I want.
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    derykrenalnderykrenaln Posts: 538 New Member
    edited August 2009
    No mixed emotions about World Adventures here. I'm looking forward to it.

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    GBA91101Nver4getGBA91101Nver4get Posts: 4,965 Member
    edited August 2009
    I agree, I too was hoping that the first EP would add on to the gameplay already in the sims 3. Before the sims 3 got released I knew I wouldn't be buying a lot of eps, like i did for the sims 2 and sims 1. I was hoping that the first ep would totally blow me away and make me want to buy it. Unfortunently with everything that's known about this ep (which isn't much), it doesn't really appeal to me. There are a lot of things so far that I love about the upcoming ep, but it seems like this ep is getting away from the sims gameplay and turning into an adventure game.
    Nobody does it better, Steve Jobs you simply are the best RIP 10-5-11
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    marie25marie25 Posts: 488 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Sorry you feel that way. We dont know what they are going to add to this one comeing out. To me so far i like the sound of the ep from what i have read. I'm glad they are doing something differnt for the first one then a repeat. But thats my opinion. Everyone got so used to game that had how many ep's. give it time.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    CoffeeChick0CoffeeChick0 Posts: 2,294 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Winter137…… I do agree with you. I also love the seamless neighborhood of Sims3, the way it looks, customizing stuff, etc… but I have found the family relationships to be a big pain in the game. You work and work to build a relationship and poof it’s gone in a matter of sim days. Because my base family has spread out to several generation levels now it’s extremely hard to keep them all in some form of relationship. I have two twin sims and they hate each other and I’m not sure why. lol

    I would also have hoped for an expansion pack that added on to the relationships of the Sims but so far it doesn’t appear that’s what’s first to roll out.

    My own personally thoughts is that it appears EA has lost touch with a certain portion of its loyal fan base and instead trading them in for a whole different type of player. I hope that doesn’t turn out to be the case but time will tell.

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    Renyc7Renyc7 Posts: 1,167 Member
    edited August 2009
    I disagree with you on so many level. But I guess this post is more about your opinions about the game than actual facts about it worth to the fan community. Some people, myself included happen to love the game. The sims 3 does simulate life. It just doesn't detail romantic and famly life only. Which I think would limited the game to just one aspect of life. I have complete confidence the game will get even better overtime, and will eventually add much of the stuff you mention above. Anyway, to each thier own, people are allowed to be disappointed and unhappy. In this regard there's no need for me to reply any further.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Renyc7Renyc7 Posts: 1,167 Member
    edited August 2009
    Just add one more thing. I believe Will Wright had little or nothing to do with the sims 2. Maxis without Will Wright and EA were responsible for creating the the sims 2 and it's expansion packs. Will Wright created the original sims along with others who rarely get any credit for helping him. The original sims I loved and was addicted to it because it was something new to video games and pc gaming. As for the sims 2, I totally hated it and all it expansion packs. Because it was too much of a dollhouse and creative tool only game.

    When the sims 3 was being developed I has happy they wanted to create something different from the sims 2 that would accommodate my playing style. A game that focuses less on micro-managing a household/needs and more about character development and town exploration. But you can still run a household, go to the bathroom, have babies, age, go on dates and get married in the game which is nice as well.

    also as for hired content creation sites to create custom content. These sites run independently. They don't even put their stuff on the exchange. Plus EA has their sims 3 store, and they are creating their own content. So why would they need to hired any of these site to create content for them. I don't even like any of the stuff these site make.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    lvnmylife25flvnmylife25f Posts: 45 New Member
    edited August 2009
    I have been very dissapointed with Sims3 so far.I was hoping that the first expansion pack would help me fall in love with this game again.I don't see that happening.They need to work on the original neighborhoods,and the options that came with the game.Expand those before adding exotic locations.We need lots that you can go in,and still control our sims.Especially places like cafes,diners..etc.I make stories.That is the way I have fun with the game.The Sims 3 has made that so unpleasant,and boring.What happened to being able to make community lots?What happened to changing seasons?Also so many people play the game to have their sims find romance,but this game makes that unbearable.Start working on ways to make dating fun,interesting,giving us a ton of different social interactions for it.How about making each time they kiss slightly different?How about making a way for us to have big,beautiful weddings at community locations?It's a pain now.Work on these things before adding different locations.
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    Renyc7Renyc7 Posts: 1,167 Member
    edited August 2009
    I have been very dissapointed with Sims3 so far.I was hoping that the first expansion pack would help me fall in love with this game again.I don't see that happening.They need to work on the original neighborhoods,and the options that came with the game.Expand those before adding exotic locations.We need lots that you can go in,and still control our sims.Especially places like cafes,diners..etc.I make stories.That is the way I have fun with the game.The Sims 3 has made that so unpleasant,and boring.What happened to being able to make community lots?What happened to changing seasons?Also so many people play the game to have their sims find romance,but this game makes that unbearable.Start working on ways to make dating fun,interesting,giving us a ton of different social interactions for it.How about making each time they kiss slightly different?How about making a way for us to have big,beautiful weddings at community locations?It's a pain now.Work on these things before adding different locations.

    I happen to agree, world adventure wouldn't have been my first choice for a first expansion pack. Never-the-less I'm still happy about it's because something brand new and different, and I do like the adventure aspect. Frankly, I'm tried of the same packs from the first 2 games. I've been playing them for the last 5 years and gameplay has become boring. I'm glad to see them creating something new in the game

    I agree with you again, I think the original or base neighborhood needs improving we need to be able to go into more buildings, go to work and school with our sims and have more activities to do.

    I think people play this game differently, and I think the developers have taking this into account and are trying to accommodate everybody needs to the best of their ablities, and not trying to cater a small majority of players on this site who just want what they want or remakes of the last game.

    as for romance, social interactions, wedding parties and building community lots, they are still in the game. I don't remember them being gone or taking out of the game. If anything They are made better in this game because you don't have to make friends first to become romantic with a sims or you can remain friends and never become romantic. I believe you can still make community lot in the game. I'm not sure because I never try to make one in this game. I really never made any in the sims 2 either, I guess I really don't care about the aspect. I just use the lots in the game

    and big wedding on community lot that would be nice if they make another party or celebration expansion pack, but just one with different types of parties and celebrations, not just wedding parties.
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    Tenshi3Tenshi3 Posts: 2,653 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Seems to me your problem is with the game before you ever consider the expansion pack.

    Change happens, and you may not always agree that it's the best course of action, but since games design isn't democratic you really only have the option to not participate.

    So you can look at the good points and enjoy it. Or you can not and not play it.
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    Uzone27Uzone27 Posts: 2,808 Member
    edited August 2009
    I'll never be able to wrap my mind around why people wanted to buy the same old game in a shiny new box.

    What were some of the things that people could do in the TS2 base game that made it so much better?

    There were no community lots to speak of, and the couple I remember them having had, lets see...a pool table, two arcade games,some swings, a chess set and a grill....oh and ponds you couldn't fish in.

    What am I missing here?

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    Renyc7Renyc7 Posts: 1,167 Member
    edited August 2009
    Tenshi3 wrote:
    Seems to me your problem is with the game before you ever consider the expansion pack.

    Change happens, and you may not always agree that it's the best course of action, but since games design isn't democratic you really only have the option to not participate.

    So you can look at the good points and enjoy it. Or you can not and not play it.

    I agree totally
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    OpmystikOpmystik Posts: 1,720 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Uzone27 wrote:
    I'll never be able to wrap my mind around why people wanted to buy the same old game in a shiny new box.

    What were some of the things that people could do in the TS2 base game that made it so much better?

    There were no community lots to speak of, and the couple I remember them having had, lets see...a pool table, two arcade games,some swings, a chess set and a grill....oh and ponds you couldn't fish in.

    What am I missing here?

    nothing. no I lie pool table= foosball table, arcade games which is now a playstation console game looking like system. Supposedly more items which were really just recolors of the same item but it does look like more items if you go by that, i think there was better hair but don't take my word on that.

    The problem is naturally we DON'T like CHANGE. It is out of human nature NOT to be negative if we don't like the idea personally but the BIGGEST problem is we have gotten used to having 8 EPS or is it 9 (I've been up awhile recalling eps is the last thing on my mind right now) on with our base game.

    It more so seems that alot of the people not happy about this ep want to pay for the SAME eps we had in TS2 and some which came from TS1. How many more times do you wanna pay for the SAME ep? 10 20? TS3 is SUPPOSED to bring some DIFFERENT to the table. There is nothing wrong with taking chances. If you don't like it that's fine there are probably going to be AT LEAST 8 more eps. There is no need to keep creating the same thread but with different wording. Use the search button. Everyone complains about how EA doesn't listen and doesn't come on the forums to see what people want and what they don't like etc but if they only view a couple and see the same people popping up on each thread how are they supposed to get good statistical data about that? They are not going sift through ever single thread.

    Tenshi3 I think you said it best.
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    WhitetigerzWhitetigerz Posts: 1,838 New Member
    edited August 2009
    I look forward to it. I think it will add alot. I don't get how you could even say it doesn't add enough when it isn't even out... keep looking into your crystal balls people. I'll actually look at the game. :roll:

    And this is my 1st PC Sim game. Seasons and OFB sound boring, especially OFB.(I probably would still buy a new version of them soley for items and creature sims)

    I forgot the rest I wanted to say, so I leave it at that.

    OHHHH I remember, yeah I'm upset at the lack of wedding options. I want Best Man, Maid of Honor, Bridesmaids, Groomsmen, Flower girl, and such.(A photographer for hire for pictures.) In this the wedding duo kiss and that's the end. >.>
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    OpmystikOpmystik Posts: 1,720 New Member
    edited August 2009
    I look forward to it. I think it will add alot. I don't get how you could even say it doesn't add enough when it isn't even out... keep looking into your crystal balls people. I'll actually look at the game. :roll:

    And this is my 1st PC Sim game. Seasons and OFB sound boring, especially OFB.(I probably would still buy a new version of them soley for items and creature sims)

    I forgot the rest I wanted to say, so I leave it at that.

    OHHHH I remember, yeah I'm upset at the lack of wedding options. I want Best Man, Maid of Honor, Bridesmaids, Groomsmen, Flower girl, and such.(A photographer for hire for pictures.) In this the wedding duo kiss and that's the end. >.>

    Well were getting the photographer. lol I know not the same.
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    WhitetigerzWhitetigerz Posts: 1,838 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Opmystik wrote:
    I look forward to it. I think it will add alot. I don't get how you could even say it doesn't add enough when it isn't even out... keep looking into your crystal balls people. I'll actually look at the game. :roll:

    And this is my 1st PC Sim game. Seasons and OFB sound boring, especially OFB.(I probably would still buy a new version of them soley for items and creature sims)

    I forgot the rest I wanted to say, so I leave it at that.

    OHHHH I remember, yeah I'm upset at the lack of wedding options. I want Best Man, Maid of Honor, Bridesmaids, Groomsmen, Flower girl, and such.(A photographer for hire for pictures.) In this the wedding duo kiss and that's the end. >.>

    Well were getting the photographer. lol I know not the same.

    Lol yeah, but I don't want myself only focusing on taking pictures with another Sims and missing the wedding when trying to get the camera right. And pausing the wedding every little bit. I want some NPC (is that what they are called?) to do it for me while I watch my Sims have a party and get married.
    Also to make sure it isn't my game, atm taking pictures doesn't actually do anything does it? I took pictures with the phone and when on the wall, they were pure black. Not a picture. :(
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    CoffeeChick0CoffeeChick0 Posts: 2,294 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Uzone27 wrote:
    I'll never be able to wrap my mind around why people wanted to buy the same old game in a shiny new box.

    What were some of the things that people could do in the TS2 base game that made it so much better?

    There were no community lots to speak of, and the couple I remember them having had, lets see...a pool table, two arcade games,some swings, a chess set and a grill....oh and ponds you couldn't fish in.

    What am I missing here?

    I can only speak for myself, but I for one don’t want the same EP that we had in Sims2… I too want something new and fresh in Sims3 EP's. However, I wouldn’t see the harm in placing some of the more popular features in new EP that were in Sims2 EP’s if it related to the new Sims3 EP.

    However, even if I do want new, fresh stuff I really wasn’t expecting EP’s that went in the opposite direction from what some consider the main idea of The Sims Game no matter what new number (1, 2, 3, 4 or more) is behind it.

    NOTE: I'm not saying bad things about the base game at all. I agree, it did give us neat stuff that we didn't have with the Sims2 games. I love story progression even if it's currently buggy, and I love the seamless hood!
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    sim_jpsim_jp Posts: 583 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Oh wow, I fully agree! It's like there's no life in TS3... And even though there is no life, it would be nice if it just looked like there actually was life. I wish the townies would do more by themselves, like some would slack around all the time (and actually go visit you!), while the others would stick to their job most of the time, and progress at work, even become level 10 in their career. It would be nice if the AI was as high, as to having the home remodeled (although I know it's never gonna happen) by itself, and that they actually spend their money, or do something. I agree that it gets boring too fast. I haven't played TS3 for like a week now...

    And I agree with someone who said that they wanted to actually get an idea to do something in your house instead of all those adventures and all...

    Please EA don't turn this into a RPG game, if I wanted to play RPG I'd buy Final Fantasy, not The Sims. It is about life simulation, remember? No, those adventures do not make game more fun, it just adds more useless things to do...
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    derykrenalnderykrenaln Posts: 538 New Member
    edited August 2009
    I know when I was a bit younger and Sims 2 first came out, I was kind of disappointed by it. The base game was very plain, simple, no features, no real content. I did not play it beyond a few weeks, until the first expansion came out; University. Then I played it some more, but realized it still wasn't enough. Only a new neighborhood, that we could not live permanently in was added.

    So, I have real mixed emotions about Sims 2, but I knew before too many more expansions it would have the content I was really looking for. To be honest it wasn't until Apartment Life that I was really satisfied! I wanted a real-looking city-based downtown area, and now I finally have it! Nightlife was a good start but it wasn't really complete without apartments; and tons of community-created content!

    Basically what does this mean for Sims 3? Time and patience and many more expansion packs before everyone is truly satisfied. There's no way that EA can satisfy probably well over five to six million players at the same time! So everyone's just going to have to be patient and wait their turn on the expansion they're looking forward to most, or move on from the Sims altogether.

    Do I want EA to get better at listening to us and making complete expansions? Yes! So pay heed EA, give us what we want, but do a complete and thorough job. Leave nothing out that people might want.

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    Corymorrison1993Corymorrison1993 Posts: 161 New Member
    edited August 2009
    The sims3 is a good game overall but some of the stuff from sims2 needs to REALLY be added on the sims3. Like disappearing in the cars?? Come on, what is this? A more boring version of Makin Magic because you just "disappear" in the car, like come on already people!!

    I'm at least happy with the create a basement tool that is coming out.
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    bubsy6009bubsy6009 Posts: 117 New Member
    edited August 2009
    yeah it has neglected certain fanbases
    i love building and modern architecture, this aspect of playing totally ignored!!no updates from sims 2 to sims 3.
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