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I did not get this, nor do I plan to get it, Because:


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    AnglePlay300AnglePlay300 Posts: 3,969 Member
    edited September 2012
    Noein wrote:
    Wintyr wrote:
    Yes, I am one of those people who was super excited when SN was announced and then just got more and more excited as the release day approached. In fact on the day of release I rushed out to buy it. But sadly after getting SN I find myself disappointed. :cry: I find it's like celebrities and pets...way tooo many of them. I know you can turn it off, but I like them there I just don't want so many of them and I don't like that they're all out in the open and everyone knows what they are.
    I don't know :? maybe there was just too much hype.

    I'm sorry I just don't understand the point of having the Supernatural EP if you want the supernaturals hidden. I'm not sure if that's what your saying, that's what it sound like(unless you just want objects, that I understand). You can just add how many supernaturals you want to your town, and if you don't want anymore than that, turn that supernatural creature off. There wont be anymore.

    I think what she meant was that she wanted it to be so that our sims wouldn't instantly know another sim is a supernatural just by greeting them. The fairies and vampires are pretty obvious because they ALWAYS look different, but the werewolves only look different when phased and the witches look like any other sim.
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    ScifiSOSScifiSOS Posts: 240 Member
    edited September 2012
    I do have one question for you all who have Supernatural: How are you dealing with the 24/7 invasions? I know the option to turn it off is there for some of them, however I have heard it isn't for all. How do you enjoy fighting off those zombies or avoiding them? What would you do to play the game with realism?

    I couldn't play this game. I couldn't. It would annoy me beyond ends. And the price. How did you deal with the price? Expensive, much?

    So, I've shared my opinions, now what are yours? I'm curious and ready to listen. Any counterexamples, I'd love to hear, anything you agree/disagree with, what your overall opinion on the game is, whether you have played it or not.

    And I'm finished :XD:

    Personally I don't think this is "THE" expansion pack, if you think about it, they've actually been working on Seasons in the background for longer than Supernatural - I think?. Either way lol. As for the 24/7 zombies it does get annoying but it only happens if you save the game [and it'll only happen with that household] on a full moon. There ARE mods to fix this. OR just do what I do ;D. Fire blast- Ice Blast- Fire Blast- Ice blast. And leave them in frozen until they turn back to their species <3.

    Its a fun expansion. I love the items. Its not the greatest but its still good :). But I respect your opinions. I glare at all the prices EA puts on their products ._..

    But I did some work for the game. :) I don't mind prices too much because really there is a lot of work that goes into any game or anything at all in the world. New movies, new products, etc. Everything has work into it.

    Hmm....Though it is possible to turn off all supernaturals :) cept you'd need a mod for the zombies I think. I dunno.

    For the real life bit, I've had plenty of it. The Sims is my break so I don't mind the unrealistic actions that Supernatural brings :D.

    I think I mostly go for the building though :D<3
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    NoeinNoein Posts: 495 Member
    edited September 2012
    Noein wrote:
    Wintyr wrote:
    Yes, I am one of those people who was super excited when SN was announced and then just got more and more excited as the release day approached. In fact on the day of release I rushed out to buy it. But sadly after getting SN I find myself disappointed. :cry: I find it's like celebrities and pets...way tooo many of them. I know you can turn it off, but I like them there I just don't want so many of them and I don't like that they're all out in the open and everyone knows what they are.
    I don't know :? maybe there was just too much hype.

    I'm sorry I just don't understand the point of having the Supernatural EP if you want the supernaturals hidden. I'm not sure if that's what your saying, that's what it sound like(unless you just want objects, that I understand). You can just add how many supernaturals you want to your town, and if you don't want anymore than that, turn that supernatural creature off. There wont be anymore.

    I think what she meant was that she wanted it to be so that our sims wouldn't instantly know another sim is a supernatural just by greeting them. The fairies and vampires are pretty obvious because they ALWAYS look different, but the werewolves only look different when phased and the witches look like any other sim.

    Ohhhhhhh! okay that makes sense. I haven't played with fairies and werewolves, but I know you can "confess to being a vampire" I'm not sure if that makes a difference. I haven't noticed other sims knowing what my supernatural sims are, it could just be me not noticing.
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    CoffeeChick0CoffeeChick0 Posts: 2,294 New Member
    edited September 2012
    Well, I'm the mom of a teen myself and while I do like to play the game I'd have to say I'm not much of a "creature" type player myself. I do have a genie family but I think the genie is a bit different from a wolf running around town. My genies are not solid blue. : )

    Anyhoo, I haven't really been that excited about SN and I do not own it at the moment. I've made that decisions, so far, because I'm not sure I'd be keen on the SN aspect. And frankly, the posts about the zombies being out of control for some has been a deterrent too.

    There probably are some items included that I'd love to have but I know from past experiences I was not that happy with the LN Vampires, so have my concerns if I'd feel the same about the SN creatures too after a point of them being in my game.

    So, for now I'm not rushing out to get SN. I'm still debating if I'd enjoy it or not.
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    DoritoEvieDoritoEvie Posts: 1,887 Member
    edited September 2012
    I know the question was for people who have Supernatural already, but I'm going to say something anyway since I'm gonna get the game soon.
    I think it's exciting to get the pack because playing with normal life is- honestly, really boring. I'm happy that E.A brought out this expansion pack, as we get to see another side to life. It brings a change.
    I get your point though.

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    andinic28andinic28 Posts: 2,719 New Member
    edited September 2012
    Why do people make posts like these? The people who bought the game don't care if you didn't buy it. We don't care if it's not your cup of tea. We don't care if you think it's over priced or whatever. We are having fun with our games and you can have fun with your own in whatever way you feel is best.

    *END of controversial/people who didn't read my disclaimer will think I'm being mean*

    Honestly this was my first thought lol :lol: I don't know why people need to announce it to the world why they don't like the ep. That's fine with me because I love it so have fun not liking and playing it lol
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    chitbillchitbill Posts: 2,017 New Member
    edited September 2012
    andinic28 wrote:
    Why do people make posts like these? The people who bought the game don't care if you didn't buy it. We don't care if it's not your cup of tea. We don't care if you think it's over priced or whatever. We are having fun with our games and you can have fun with your own in whatever way you feel is best.

    *END of controversial/people who didn't read my disclaimer will think I'm being mean*

    Honestly this was my first thought lol :lol: I don't know why people need to announce it to the world why they don't like the ep. That's fine with me because I love it so have fun not liking and playing it lol

    It's a whole cute thread thing, and the satisfaction comes from all the responses, good or bad.
    I think.
    If you do it right, you're praised as a prophet,
    If you do it wrong, pariah and Troll.
    I think she did it right, I just glossed heavily. When the first post reads like a novel and the posts say "I agree" I skip to the last page.
    Yeah, I know, terrible.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    edited September 2012
    I'm one of those people who do not have a 24/7 zombie invasion. My lunar cycle works just as it's supposed to.....and after saying that....

    Along with other players who have said it, if I wanted to do laundry, clean, cook and take care of a family....well I do that every day. The supernaturals in my game have renewed my interest and have made it amazingly fun again.

    Even if you don't like the unreal...the EP came with great stuff.

    ETA I do understand how you feel though. When Showtime and Generations were announced I was so disappointed I could have cried....and I'm an adult. How sad is that? When KPST came out I was just ticked off because I thought EA had just gone too far......but each player will play the way they like.

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    GREENEYAGREENEYA Posts: 7,796 Member
    edited September 2012
    This EP really didn't ring my bells. I know it was supposed to be "THE" EP, but tbqh it really wasn't. Most people were excited for this when it was announced, and then grew more excited day by day. For me, however, it was inverse. I was pretty excited at the announcement and rumors, but grew less and less excited as time went by. I pretty much forgot about it until release day, and even then I didn't shout for joy. I merely looked at the screenshot threads, and the screenshots did look neat, but not something I would want to have in my game. When I went to the store and walked by the electronics department, it didn't even taunt my like a new EP usually would (talk about Late Night!). I picked it up, looked at the back, glared at the price, and walked away without the game.

    I don't really know why the game didn't appeal to me. I think, by reading the reviews, I made the correct decision though. Zombies 24/7, towns permanently infested with mythical creatures, and the content would be unused by me... I think I'm just not one for fantasy, however I was so excited for the release day on announcement day. I guess as new information streamed in, it just didn't make me say "I WANT this."

    I know a lot of people enjoyed this game, and I'm not saying EA made a terrible game. In fact, it's great if you like that sort of thing. And I know a large portion of the fanbase was bashing EA to make this.

    Even if I was one of those fantasy buffs, I do think I would have seen flaws in this game. I love realism to my game, and putting the real life into my Sims. It's a fun, play-family type game which appeals to me. If I added some fantasy-loving into my personality along with that, I would enjoy Supernatural for a little bit. Then I'd get frustrated by all the unrealistic life, fake creatures, and nonstop zombie invasion. Fun at first. Only at first.

    So, with the real fact being I haven't played Supernatural (nor do I plan to) this post is made form observation, reviews, and media. However a lot of what I have said is true. A lot of it is also opinion. Feel free to correct me on my knowledge if you have some I am in need of.

    I do have one question for you all who have Supernatural: How are you dealing with the 24/7 invasions? I know the option to turn it off is there for some of them, however I have heard it isn't for all. How do you enjoy fighting off those zombies or avoiding them? What would you do to play the game with realism?

    I couldn't play this game. I couldn't. It would annoy me beyond ends. And the price. How did you deal with the price? Expensive, much?

    So, I've shared my opinions, now what are yours? I'm curious and ready to listen. Any counterexamples, I'd love to hear, anything you agree/disagree with, what your overall opinion on the game is, whether you have played it or not.

    And I'm finished :XD:

    Sims are not game about real life. Magic, supernaturals and sf are big part of the sims since TS1 Base game. :wink:

    Also you can turn off all Supernatural from this expansion. There is no invasion in my game.

    You can not turn off only zombies in the game menu with population control.
    But you can turn off zombie also if you turn off full moon or with testingcheatsenabled. :wink:

    Some people have glitch with zombies. I personally see only 2-3 zombies at each full moon.

    Supernatural is the best TS3 expansion do far. :)
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    OmNomNomOmBabiesOmNomNomOmBabies Posts: 681 New Member
    edited September 2012
    Cool story bro. I'm glad you think you gotta shout it out to the world cause your special and everybody needs to know.

    And to not have zombie invasions all the time,
    They are work on a patch for it already. And it happens when you save on a full moon. If you keep your moon set to one singular phase until the patch comes out, your fine.
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    GREENEYAGREENEYA Posts: 7,796 Member
    edited September 2012
    jbrechae wrote:
    I understand what u mean OP,I just posted on another thread my opinon on how SN could have been handled so i'll just c&p it here:

    "Not realism as in real life but as in simulation which is where the name sims came from. Not everything is supposed to be exactly like real life but a parody type simulation of it. I think also that SN could have been separate like Medieval. For example, instead of medieval sims taking over TS3 (being the theme is so strong) it was made separate so if thats the type of gaming theme you like you can do so without it totally feeling as though it doesnt match or mesh with the original gameplay; I feel the supernatural theme/ep could have been used the same way. This way both sides are satisfied. There are also alot of games out there for fantasy more so than simulation. Just my 2 cents."

    Totally disagree. :roll:
    Why Supernatural should be separate game???

    That would be totally unfair to the large number of people who want this expansion for a very long time. :?

    Because separate game would mean nothing to us.
    We want content from TS3 base game plus all expansions plus this expansion.
    A separate game that would not bring to us.

    It's simple. If you do not like the expansion, do not buy it.

    There is no rule that you have to have all the expansions.

    But to say that this should be a separate game just because you are not interested in theme of that expansion is selfish. :roll:

    Also I do not see the point of this topic at all.
    You do not care for this expansion, and you do not intend to buy it... Who cares for that..... :lol:

    We love this expansion. :wink:

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    IwanaloginIwanalogin Posts: 300 Member
    edited September 2012
    And I don't get why people get so fussy when someone says something they don't like about EA.
    To disagree is fine, but why are you complaining that she made a topic about not liking it?
    If she made a topic about liking it, I'm 100% sure you wouldn't complain. And it's the same thing, just the opposite. LOL
    The wonderful TS3 Forum Double Standards!

    To the OP: I know how you feel. I couldn't care less about Showtime and Generations. Even though I was mildly excited to see some new items and such, I never intended to buy them. However, it's different with Supernatural, because I want to buy it and play it.
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    BlooplieBlooplie Posts: 157 New Member
    edited September 2012
    To the OP, this type of game is not your type of game. I get that, and I respect that. The only judgement you can make about SN is that it does not appeal to you. You haven't played the game and as you pointed out, you don't intend to. Since you have no experience with the game you can't say whether it is good or bad. As pointed out in resposes above, not everyone has the zombie issue, so that should really not be a major factor for you. It's really enough to say it does not appeal to you As for me, I really did not think I would get much out of it. My opinion was more like, okay SN then we get to Seasons, which I cannot wait for. I never liked the idea of zombies but accepted them as part and parcel of the game (I didn't play with zombies in TS2 either) But SN won me over, I like the new world, I love the music, I love the new foods and I always enjoy new traits to choose from. SN has so much to enjoy, that it won me over.
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    SimbolicSimbolic Posts: 925 Member
    edited September 2012
    I think they actually did make this so you can play either way.
    I turned off all the supernaturals & set the moon to one fixed phase & haven't had a single creature turn up - I've been playing the same town since the release of supernatural.
    I also turned off celebrity & no longer have those issues

    As long as the moon is turned off (a small price to pay as it's there to do things to the creatures) you can have all the fun of everything else in the pack without even knowing they are there.

    There is so much more to this ep, with the new hair, clothes, furniture, buildmode plants & objects, gardening plants (which look gorgeous), recipies, rocking chairs, bee keeping, carnival games... the list just goes on & on that even though I may never get around to playing a supernatural I'm still glad I bought it.

    If I do want to of course, they are still there.
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    jbrechaejbrechae Posts: 142 New Member
    edited September 2012
    andinic28 wrote:
    Why do people make posts like these? The people who bought the game don't care if you didn't buy it. We don't care if it's not your cup of tea. We don't care if you think it's over priced or whatever. We are having fun with our games and you can have fun with your own in whatever way you feel is best.

    *END of controversial/people who didn't read my disclaimer will think I'm being mean*

    Honestly this was my first thought lol :lol: I don't know why people need to announce it to the world why they don't like the ep. That's fine with me because I love it so have fun not liking and playing it lol[/quote

    C'mon guys, the same reason ppl feel like they "have" to post is the same reason ppl feel like they "have" to respond; because you can. The same way the op could have just ignored this ep is the same way others could ignore this post. You know what the post is about before you click on it (hince the titles). It is what it is.
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    jbrechaejbrechae Posts: 142 New Member
    edited September 2012
    chitbill wrote:
    andinic28 wrote:
    Why do people make posts like these? The people who bought the game don't care if you didn't buy it. We don't care if it's not your cup of tea. We don't care if you think it's over priced or whatever. We are having fun with our games and you can have fun with your own in whatever way you feel is best.

    *END of controversial/people who didn't read my disclaimer will think I'm being mean*

    Honestly this was my first thought lol :lol: I don't know why people need to announce it to the world why they don't like the ep. That's fine with me because I love it so have fun not liking and playing it lol

    It's a whole cute thread thing, and the satisfaction comes from all the responses, good or bad.
    I think.
    If you do it right, you're praised as a prophet,
    If you do it wrong, pariah and Troll.
    I think she did it right, I just glossed heavily. When the first post reads like a novel and the posts say "I agree" I skip to the last page.
    Yeah, I know, terrible.

    I totally agree! Thank-u!
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    jbrechaejbrechae Posts: 142 New Member
    edited September 2012
    GREENEYA wrote:
    jbrechae wrote:
    I understand what u mean OP,I just posted on another thread my opinon on how SN could have been handled so i'll just c&p it here:

    "Not realism as in real life but as in simulation which is where the name sims came from. Not everything is supposed to be exactly like real life but a parody type simulation of it. I think also that SN could have been separate like Medieval. For example, instead of medieval sims taking over TS3 (being the theme is so strong) it was made separate so if thats the type of gaming theme you like you can do so without it totally feeling as though it doesnt match or mesh with the original gameplay; I feel the supernatural theme/ep could have been used the same way. This way both sides are satisfied. There are also alot of games out there for fantasy more so than simulation. Just my 2 cents."

    Totally disagree. :roll:
    Why Supernatural should be separate game???

    That would be totally unfair to the large number of people who want this expansion for a very long time. :?

    Because separate game would mean nothing to us.
    We want content from TS3 base game plus all expansions plus this expansion.
    A separate game that would not bring to us.

    It's simple. If you do not like the expansion, do not buy it.

    There is no rule that you have to have all the expansions.

    But to say that this should be a separate game just because you are not interested in theme of that expansion is selfish. :roll:

    Also I do not see the point of this topic at all.
    You do not care for this expansion, and you do not intend to buy it... Who cares for that..... :lol:

    We love this expansion. :wink:

    No,no, no the ONLY reason said it maybe should have been separate is because of how strong the theme is. Like I don't want fantasy characters in my game all the time but I may want to dabble with them every now and then. Once you install SN thats it, they are apart of your world (at least for now). Thats my point.

    Okay so you want things from other expansions i understand that but what if someone else wants things from SN that they cant have if they dont want the fantasy characters?? If Medieval was an ep I would feel the same, I may not want that type theme in my game ALL the time. Just having the options and still enjoy every ep would be nice.

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    jbrechaejbrechae Posts: 142 New Member
    edited September 2012
    Iwanalogin wrote:
    And I don't get why people get so fussy when someone says something they don't like about EA.
    To disagree is fine, but why are you complaining that she made a topic about not liking it?
    If she made a topic about liking it, I'm 100% sure you wouldn't complain. And it's the same thing, just the opposite. LOL
    The wonderful TS3 Forum Double Standards!

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    GREENEYAGREENEYA Posts: 7,796 Member
    edited September 2012
    jbrechae wrote:
    No,no, no the ONLY reason said it maybe should have been separate is because of how strong the theme is. Like I don't want fantasy characters in my game all the time but I may want to dabble with them every now and then. Once you install SN thats it, they are apart of your world (at least for now). Thats my point.

    Okay so you want things from other expansions i understand that but what if someone else wants things from SN that they cant have if they dont want the fantasy characters?? If Medieval was an ep I would feel the same, I may not want that type theme in my game ALL the time. Just having the options and still enjoy every ep would be nice.

    Expansion packs are optional.

    Also what if I want stuff from Seasons expansion, but not want weather or Seasons in my game.

    Does this mean then that Seasons should be a separate game. Because I can not have both.

    That would be selfish thinking.

    Supernatural expansion is made ​​for people who like that sort of thing.
    And it is optional.

    Medieval would also be much better and more popular it has been expansion and not a separate game. :wink:

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    jbrechaejbrechae Posts: 142 New Member
    edited September 2012
    GREENEYA wrote:
    jbrechae wrote:
    No,no, no the ONLY reason said it maybe should have been separate is because of how strong the theme is. Like I don't want fantasy characters in my game all the time but I may want to dabble with them every now and then. Once you install SN thats it, they are apart of your world (at least for now). Thats my point.

    Okay so you want things from other expansions i understand that but what if someone else wants things from SN that they cant have if they dont want the fantasy characters?? If Medieval was an ep I would feel the same, I may not want that type theme in my game ALL the time. Just having the options and still enjoy every ep would be nice.

    Expansion packs are optional.

    Also what if I want stuff from Seasons expansion, but not want weather or Seasons in my game.

    Does this mean then that Seasons should be a separate game. Because I can not have both.

    That would be selfish thinking.

    Supernatural expansion is made ​​for people who like that sort of thing.
    And it is optional.

    Medieval would also be much better and more popular it has been expansion and not a separate game. :wink:

    No i woulnt say seasons should be separate if the option to turn off weather was given, this way ppl can stil enjoy the rest of the ep. Thats all I want for SN (w/o mods). If I could just have the option to turn off all supernaturals and enjoy the rest the ep has to offer that would be great! Although we can pick and choose and dont have to buy every ep, EA giving these type options expands to a bigger audience. As a long time sims fan I know that there are only so many eps to be made before the next generation comes out, I dont wanna have to skip eps, im trying to suck it all in before it over. lol
  • Options
    GREENEYAGREENEYA Posts: 7,796 Member
    edited September 2012
    jbrechae wrote:
    GREENEYA wrote:
    jbrechae wrote:
    No,no, no the ONLY reason said it maybe should have been separate is because of how strong the theme is. Like I don't want fantasy characters in my game all the time but I may want to dabble with them every now and then. Once you install SN thats it, they are apart of your world (at least for now). Thats my point.

    Okay so you want things from other expansions i understand that but what if someone else wants things from SN that they cant have if they dont want the fantasy characters?? If Medieval was an ep I would feel the same, I may not want that type theme in my game ALL the time. Just having the options and still enjoy every ep would be nice.

    Expansion packs are optional.

    Also what if I want stuff from Seasons expansion, but not want weather or Seasons in my game.

    Does this mean then that Seasons should be a separate game. Because I can not have both.

    That would be selfish thinking.

    Supernatural expansion is made ​​for people who like that sort of thing.
    And it is optional.

    Medieval would also be much better and more popular it has been expansion and not a separate game. :wink:

    No i woulnt say seasons should be separate if the option to turn off weather was given, this way ppl can stil enjoy the rest of the ep. Thats all I want for SN (w/o mods). If I could just have the option to turn off all supernaturals and enjoy the rest the ep has to offer that would be great! Although we can pick and choose and dont have to buy every ep, EA giving these type options expands to a bigger audience. As a long time sims fan I know that there are only so many eps to be made before the next generation comes out, I dont wanna have to skip eps, im trying to suck it all in before it over. lol

    But we do not have options to turn off Seasons in Seasons, nor temperature, nor festivals ect..

    So I can not choose to play the game without it if I install Seasons.

    By your logic, Season should be then a separate game, Because the game will not be the same as before if I install Seasons. :)

    In Supernatural you have the option to turn off all creatures from Supernatural, even Zombies ( only that there is a glitch if you save a game during full moon. But new patch will fix that ). :wink:
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    jbrechaejbrechae Posts: 142 New Member
    edited September 2012

    Also what if I want stuff from Seasons expansion, but not want weather or Seasons in my game.

    Does this mean then that Seasons should be a separate game. Because I can not have both.


    No i woulnt say seasons should be separate if the option to turn off weather was given, this way ppl can stil enjoy the rest of the ep. Thats all I want for SN (w/o mods). If I could just have the option to turn off all supernaturals and enjoy the rest the ep has to offer that would be great! Although we can pick and choose and dont have to buy every ep, EA giving these type options expands to a bigger audience. As a long time sims fan I know that there are only so many eps to be made before the next generation comes out, I dont wanna have to skip eps, im trying to suck it all in before it over. lol[/quote]

    But we do not have options to turn off Seasons in Seasons, nor temperature, nor festivals ect..

    So I can not choose to play the game without it if I install Seasons.

    By your logic, Season should be then a separate game, Because the game will not be the same as before if I install Seasons. :)

    In Supernatural you have the option to turn off all creatures from Supernatural, even Zombies ( only that there is a glitch if you save a game during full moon. But new patch will fix that ). :wink:

    Well initially your example said only to not have weather in your game so thats why I said what I said. But so your saying if i bought SN today, I can COMPLETLY turn of all occults and basically still have my regular gameplay?? Does this include the moon phases? I dont want that either.
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    andinic28andinic28 Posts: 2,719 New Member
    edited September 2012

    No i woulnt say seasons should be separate if the option to turn off weather was given, this way ppl can stil enjoy the rest of the ep.
    Again the name of the ep is SEASONS so why in the heck buy it if you don't want weather that $40 could be spent so much better on something you'll actually use/play :roll:

    But we do not have options to turn off Seasons in Seasons, nor temperature, nor festivals ect..
    You're wrong there are options to turn off weather, you can have a weather free seasons ep which sounds so stupid lol :lol: What fun is it to snowboard without snow or tan without it being hot people make no sense to me whatsoever :lol:

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    GREENEYAGREENEYA Posts: 7,796 Member
    edited September 2012
    Yes, you can turn off all supernaturals from supernatural. And you can choose only one moon phase ( And that moon phase will last forever ) :wink:
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    jbrechaejbrechae Posts: 142 New Member
    edited September 2012
    GREENEYA wrote:
    Yes, you can turn off all supernaturals from supernatural. And you can choose only one moon phase ( And that moon phase will last forever ) :wink:

    Well Greeneya we might have a winner! It was nice to debate on difference of opinions w/o they nasty name calling and degrading ppl. I apreciate it! :D
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