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Homeless in Lucky Palms: Emmy's story *Updated 19/09/12* Pg 20

This is the story that chronicle the life of my homeless & jobless sim, Emmaline, in Lucky Palms.

Please bear in mind that it started out as a picture with captions type deal that followed her daily events, as opposed to an actual story. But it developed into a story over time. So I only ask that you give it a chance if it seems a little flat in the beginning. :)

Meet Lucky Palms newest resident.

This is Emmaline "Emmy" Symons. Her main traits are Childish, friendly and mooch.
(She also began with the dog lover and kleptomaniac traits. I had planned to give her a dog as a companion, but for some reason when I introduced the dog, it kept crashing my game. so I deleted the dog and changed the trait to charismatic, since she had maxed out her charisma skill by that point. I removed the klepto trait since it didn't seem to fit her personality over time. I haven't replaced it yet.)

From the beginning...


Emmy arrived in Lucky Palms with nothing but a sleeping bag and $100 to her name.
So with no home, and no skills to get herself a job she's gotta try and find her way however she can. Whatever the means, she's going to be fending for herself. She's not too worried though. Her childish nature means she's blissfully unaware of how difficult things could be. Regardless, she knows she can take care of herself.

On arrival, she spends a bit of time wandering around Lucky Palms looking for something fun (and free) to do. She finds the local library.

She quickly decides she's not much of a 'book person' and opts for the doll house in the kids section instead.


Her short attention span leaves her a little restless, and she decides to check out the town a little more.
She stumbles across a wishing well and decides to help herself to some coins.

She fails miserably the first time, and the second and the third.... But ever determined she continues until she finds a lucky coin.

Feeling on a roll, she trys her luck at wishing for happiness, which is automatically granted. Pushing her luck she decides to wish for wealth, thinking that would solve all her problems.
She wishes really hard, but her luck has run out. Guess finding wealth won't be that easy.

Now cold, wet and stinky she makes her way to the local pools for a hot shower, Proceeded by a hot meal at the diner next door.
But spending $18 on a meal may not be the best idea right now, but a girl's gotta eat...

After finishing her meal, Emmy meets her first local hanging outside the diner.

Emmy introduces herself to the townie, who introduces himself as Clark.
Be careful Emmy, the guy is dressed in baggy pants that hang so low you can see his underwear, a skull T-shirt and a sideways cap.. Doesn't seem like the financially stable or dependable type. But Emmy isn't exactly mature herself, so she doesn't even notice.

And Clarke seems to hang onto every word Emmy says.
And despite the crowd forming around them, they converse with only each other and become friends very quickly.

Emmy sees this as the perfect opportunity to mooch a little money off her new friend. Clark, clearly smitten, not only happily parts with $8 but proceeds to flirt with Emmy and lavish compliments on her.

Leaving them to their own devices, things start to heat up very quickly. Clark even offers Emmy a massage and she is quite taken by his charms. Things seem to be looking up for Emmy already.


Until their time together is interrupted when a local passes out behind them, causing quite a stir.


Once the disturbance is over, Emmy turns to find this happening

She doesn't seem pleased that the guy who was flirting with her moments earlier has quickly moved on to someone else.

But she's too exhausted to be too concerned and now needs to find a place to sleep. She finally settles on a quiet spot on the beach near the pier and reflects on her first day in Lucky Plams as she drifts off to sleep.

Update Index

Part 2 (Page 1)
Part 3 (Page 1)
Part 4 (Page 1)
Part 5 (Page 1)
Part 6 (Page 1)
Part 7 (Page 1)
Part 8 (Page 1)
Part 9 (Page 2)
Part 10 (Page 2)
Part 11 (Page 2)
Part 12 (Page 2)
Part 13 (Page 2)
Part 14 (Page 2)
Part 15 (Page 2)
Part 16 (Page 3)
Part 17 (Page 3)
Part 18 (Page 3)
Part 19 (Page 3)
Part 20 (Page 3)
Part 21 (Page 3)
Part 22 (Page 4)
Part 23 (Page 4)
Part 24 (Page 5)
Part 25 (Page 6)
Part 26 (Page 7)
Part 27 (Page 7)
Part 28 (Page 8 )
Part 29 (Page 10)
Part 30 (Page 11)
Part 31 (Page 12)
Part 32 (Page 12)
Part 33 (page 13)
Part 34 (Page 14)
Part 35 (Page 14)
Part 36 (Page 15)
Part 37 (Page 17)
Part 38 (Page 20)


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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited September 2012
    PART 2

    I guess sleeping near the pier was too noisy, because Emmy woke up incredibly early.

    She ventured out into town anyway, and imagine her excitement when she discovered a unicorn. That's gotta be a good sign! she thinks to herself.

    She decided to pay a visit to the more affluent area of the neighbourhood...

    And rummage through their trash cans. Hey, you never know what kinds of stuff rich people throw away. :wink:

    A few trash cans later she's managed a decent haul. Mostly scrap, but there's also a few teddy bears, a couple of rubber duckies, some bubble bath and a candle as well as a few gems and seeds. All up over $1000 worth of items. Not bad for a days "work"

    After all that hard work *ahem* she's starving and smelly.
    Err, eating food you found in the garbage is probably not the most sanitary thing in the world... But I guess I did say a girl's gotta eat.

    And who happens to be calling Emmy right at that very moment?

    None other than Clark.
    And Emmy doesn't seem to be annoyed in the slightest by it. Infact she rolls the wish to kiss him. Guess the flirting with someone else didn't bother her that much - or she has a short memory. Either way, she is clearly already hooked on him.

    They arrange to meet up later all. But first of all, Emmy needs to get cleaned up, so she heads back to the local pool to use the bathroom and have a shower.

    While there she meets another local, who introduce himself as Taj.
    They seem to get along well, and before long Emmy has herself another friend.

    She wastes no time in asking her new friend for some food.

    Guess he didn't really care for her all that much, because he gave her plasma juice. Looks like she's going to learn the hard way about taking food from people you've just met.

    She heads to the local bar to meet up with Clark. Her heart does little flip flops at the site of him.

    And it doesn't take long for them to pick up where they left off the previous night.


    And just as Clark leans in a whispers an invitation back to his place into Emmy's ear, the effects of consuming the plasma juice kick in and Emmy has to run off to the bathroom to throw up.
    When she returned, Clark was no where to be seen.

    Disappointed she's missed an opportunity to sleep in a proper bed, :wink: Emmy made her way to the 24hr Gym she'd seen earlier that day and settled down for the night.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited September 2012
    PART 3

    Emmy wakes up in the gym to find gym members already arriving.
    So she goes ahead and introduces herself to the first townie she comes across, who happens to be heavily pregnant

    Followed immediately after by yet another pregnant local

    There must have been some sort of antenatal yoga class happening at the gym that morning, because as Emmy was talking to her new friend, yet another pregnant sim walks by.

    Lucky for Em, one of the ladies generously gives her a TV dinner. ('Cause, you know, they just carry those around with them.)

    Emmy decides to press her luck further and tries to sponge some money from one of her new friends, and looks so sad when she's met with a resounding 'No'


    Just as a bonus

    It's not a very good picture, but I thought it was amusing how every sim that came to the gym that morning happened to be pregnant. Even the sim wearing the bikini on the treadmill is in the early stages of pregnancy. Must be something in the water in Lucky Palms. :lol:

    Later that day, Emmy decides to go check out the local casino. She's got her lucky coin from the wishing well and gives it a kiss for extra luck.

    And she's ecstatic when she wins $800.

    She moves on to the blackjack table, but having never played before, she doesn't really know what she's doing and has a bit of a losing streak.

    She finally has a win and decides to call it quits while she's $45 ahead


    And look who she stumbles across in the casino - it's everyones favourite modder!

    She waits patiently for him to finish what he is doing so she can introduce herself.

    Well... kind of patiently. For Emmaline anyway, who has a very short attention span and plays puppets with her hands while she waits.

    After chatting for awhile, Emmy inevitably does what she does best, she asks for some food.

    And gets her wish with a bowl of soup. (of course Twallan would be carrying around a bowl of hot soup with him) :P

    After finishing her meal, she calls it a night and heads back to the gym to sleep for another night.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    MissCeeMissCee Posts: 1,309 Member
    edited July 2012
    If Emmaline stays away from you-know-who and doesn't drink in water she may remain unscathed. Lonely, but unscathed.

    Enjoyed! Looking forward to next chapters.


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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited July 2012
    Thank you :)

    It must be the water in that wishing well or something ;)
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited September 2012
    PART 4

    While wandering around town, Emmy stumbles across community garden. Instantly she sees a lasting source of fresh produce ripe for the picking

    She spends several hours clearing out the entire garden

    By the time she's done the sun has already set.

    She keeps what she can eat, but she takes the rest to the market to sell for a little profit. They make her sign a form to say that the produce came from her own personal garden, and not the community garden... But no one will find out, right?
    To be on the safe side, she decides she'll steer clear of onselling produce from the community garden in the future. Just in case.

    Looking for the nearest shower she stumbles into the local fire station and finds it empty.

    She feels like she's hit the jackpot. This place has everything. TV, computer, bathroom, stocked fridge and actual beds.

    But of course, Emmy doesn't need much to keep her entertained


    At least she finds herself amusing.

    Then she goes to sleep in a real bed for the first time since she arrived in Lucky Palms.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited September 2012
    PART 5

    Emmy hatches a new plan that's destined to make her rich, and possibly famous.

    Taking advantage of the easel in the fire house, despite having no artistic ability, she decides she is going to be an artist. Not just any artist, nope, she's going to be a big deal. A HUGE deal. Her paintings will sell for thousands. She's sure of it.


    Unfortunately it proves harder than she had thought. Her first piece of artwork isn't the masterpiece she had imagined it would be and sells for a meager $4. She's pretty certain that there must have been something wrong with the paint brush. But either way, she goes for the easier option and spends the rest of the day rummaging through trash cans. Whatever works I suppose.

    Her haul isn't quite as impressive as her previous attempt, but she still comes out with a few hundred simoleons worth of stuff.

    Shortly after heading back to the fire station for a shower, she gets a phonecall from Clark. She hasn't heard from him in a couple of days, so she arranges to meet him at the coffee house.

    Even though she is seriously late, she finds Clark still waiting for her.
    They talk for hours, despite the fact it's getting really late.


    Clark is clearly smitten with Emmy.


    And she obviously feels the same way.

    But it's getting late. Clark has to work in the morning and Emmy is exhausted. They plan to meet up the next day at the local pool, and say their goodbyes.

    But not before...

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    krista8626krista8626 Posts: 2,923 Member
    edited July 2012
    YAY! Following! I didn't catch her story before Sophie!
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited July 2012
    Great to see you here ;) Thank you so much for following Krista! :)
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    MariskaAmyMariskaAmy Posts: 901 Member
    edited July 2012
    Lovely to see the first few updates! I too, didnt catch the story before Sophie =] Keep em coming!
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    Dawid9089Dawid9089 Posts: 413 New Member
    edited July 2012
    **** thats soo cool :D !
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited July 2012
    Thanks MariskaAmy and Dawid9089! :D
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited September 2012
    PART 6

    Emmy wakes up still giddy about her first kiss with Clark the previous night. She's far too excited about their date later that evening to do anything productive (like rummaging through garbage cans or monopolising all the produce at the community garden for personal profit, you know, productive stuff)

    So instead she chooses to spend the day in the library playing with the toys

    Finally, what she's been anxiously waiting for all day.
    She meets up with Clark at the local pools.

    And Clark suggests they take a dip in the hot tub together.
    An idea Emmy seems to approve of.

    And that's where things begin to get steamy.


    Before long Clark is extending an invitation for Emmy to join him at his house...
    Which leads to his bedroom...


    Where things get even steamier


    Annnnd we all know what that look means... :wink:


    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited September 2012
    PART 7

    The next morning, still at Clark's house, Emmy takes advantage of having access to a kitchen and tries her hand at making breakfast, hoping to have a proper meal for once.

    Unfortunately, Emmy isn't skilled in the cooking department, and burns her first attempt at waffles.

    So she instead throws together some of the produce she got from the community garden and whips up a salad.
    At least she can't burn a salad... But then, with Emmy, anything is possible.

    Maybe later she'll head to the library and read a book on cooking, she thinks to herself. As long as it's not too boring. Preferably one without too many words.

    She says goodbye to Clark for the day and heads back to the fire station

    She has decided on her latest big money maker, and she know this one is going to be the real deal. She's going to invent stuff. Not that she has any big ideas or anything, but how hard can it be?

    She's got an excess of scrap metal she dug out of various trash cans. She'll just throw something here, add something there. It'll all come together eventually.

    Though it's a little harder than she first anticipated.

    Nonetheless, she spends the next few hours tinkering away

    And finally she's done.

    Though I somehow think that idea has already been invented. But she seems pleased with herself.

    She decides to reward herself for her hard work, and heads to the casino for a drink. Or several.

    And then hits the pokie machines, all the while being watched rather closely by a random townie.


    While most people would immediately run away, Emmy, whether fueled by alcohol or simply naive, introduces herself to creepy stalker guy.


    Who promptly begins flirting with her.

    At which point Emmy leaves and makes her way to Clark's house in a drunken haze.


    And he doesn't seem to mind being a boot y call too much. ;)

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited September 2012
    PART 8

    Emmy wakes up early the following morning feeling the onset of a hangover coming on and vowing to limit the juice next time.
    She quietly makes her way out of the house, trying to avoid waking anyone, and heads back to the fire station.

    She starts the day by working on some more "inventions" believing there is still potentially a lot of money to be made there.

    But before long the hammering becomes too much for her now throbbing head.

    So she goes out for a walk into town, making a stop at the wishing well and deciding to try once again for wealth

    Surprisingly enough, this time she is successful. She can't believe what she sees and for a brief moment she wonders if she is hallucinating... Or maybe she's still buzzed from the juice.

    She sets off to the local park where she has arranged to meet with Clark. But she gets sidetracked on the way, as she makes a new friend.


    She meets up with Clark for an early evening picnic in the park, where they spend several hours talking. Clark completely mesmerised by Emmy.

    And Emmy clings on to every word Clark says. She knows she's falling for him. Hard.

    Not wanting to their perfect date to come to an end just yet, instead of saying goodbye, they decide to continue their date at the local pool.

    They soon notice they are the only people there, and decide to get a little adventurous by skinny dipping in the hot tub


    And it seems they found all that adventure rather exciting. A little too exciting.

    And after all that... excitement, they take themselves back to Clark's house
    Looks like it's an exciting night all round ;)

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    ebonwings13ebonwings13 Posts: 254 Member
    edited July 2012
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited July 2012
    @ebonwings13 Thanks :)
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited September 2012
    PART 9

    Emmy woke up at Clark's house the next morning still feeling giddy about their amazing date the night before. There was no denying it, she had definitely fallen head over heels for the guy.
    Clark however, seemed a little quieter than usual that morning. He didn't say much before he kissed her cheek and left for work.

    Emmy pushes it aside, telling herself she's just imagining things and decides to go back to the casino for the day.

    It takes a while, but Emmy's perserverance pays off when she hits the $5000 jackpot.


    She does the smart thing and quits while she's ahead. As she is leaving the casino, she hears a familiar voice say "fancy seeing you here again"

    She turns to see Richard, the guy who was staring at her during her last visit to the casino, walking towards her.


    Never one to shy away, Emmy stops to chat with him again, excitedly telling him all about her big win.

    "Sounds like a reason to celebrate. How about I buy you a drink?"
    Emmy politely declines, remembering her vow to stay off the juice, for a little while at least.


    Richard then begins lavishing compliments on Emmy, and she begins to blush, suddenly finding herself extremely flattered by his obvious charm. Noticing her sudden coyness, he decides to try again. Asking if she would like to join him for a coffee.
    For a brief moment she hesitates. What harm could one coffee do? But not wanting to make things complicated, she turns down his offer. He hands her his number anyway. "Incase she changes her mind"

    Feeling uneasy with the sudden confusion she's feeling, she makes her way over to Clark's house.


    But she is surprised to find he isn't home.

    She tries calling his cellphone, but it goes straight to voicemail


    Disappointed, she heads back to the firestation and straight to the inventing table.


    However, things don't go quite as well this time round, and disaster strikes as she accidently sets herself on fire.

    She rushes to the shower to put herself out. And as she heads to bed, she decides that maybe, just maybe, inventing is not the thing for her..

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited September 2012
    PART 10

    As soon as Emmy wakes the following morning, she tries to reach Clark before he heads to work


    But his phone just rings with no answer. "he must have left already" she thinks, trying not to feel disappointed at not being able to reach him for a second day in a row.

    So still on a high from her big win the previous day, she heads back to the casino. Hoping her luck will hold out for another day.

    Looking around she feels relieved, and surprisingly, a bit disappointed to discover that Richard isn't there. She shakes it off and heads for a blackjack table.


    It turns out today is definitely not her day. That, or Blackjack isn't her game, as she loses $500


    And doesn't fare much better on the pokie machines


    She decides she better cut her losses before she does any more damage, and instead heads to one of her favourite spots, the local pool.

    When she arrives she sees a teenage boy playing guitar. She stops to watch him for a while, and notices people dropping money into his case. Remembering the guitar sitting in the fire station, she hatches another brilliant idea...


    And drops the kid a few coins as she quickly heads off back to the fire station.


    Yep, she is going to learn to play the guitar. It looks easy enough. And in return people will give her money. Lots of money. It's so simple.


    She quickly discovers it's not quite as simple as she imagined, but she continues to play until she is so exhausted she can barely stand. Unfortunately she hasn't made much progress, but she's not deterred. She'll get back onto it again the next day This idea is going to work. She's sure of it.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited September 2012
    PART 11

    The next day Emmy tried one last time to contact Clark. This time she couldn't even try to hide her disappointment when, once again, their was no answer. Well that proved it. He really was ignoring her. She wasn't imagining things.


    She tried to shrug it off and went back to practising playing the guitar again. Finally she was really starting to improve. She was beginning to sound pretty good, if she did say so herself.

    But it wasn't a big enough distraction. She kept thinking about Clark, and wondering why he clearly didn't want to see her anymore. She needed something else to take her mind off things.


    Soon she found herself dialling Richard's number, and asking him if his offer for coffee still stood. Instead he asked her out for a late lunch. She immediately accepted.

    A couple of hours later she met up with him outside the diner.

    After they had eaten, they chatted for a while outside. And just as she was about to say goodbye, out of nowhere, Richard grabbed her and kissed her.


    Emmy, more shocked than anything else, didn't quite know how to react. So she quickly thanked Richard for the meal and ran off.


    Later that evening, Emmy was invited to her first party.

    It was blindingly obvious she hadn't attended many parties in her lifetime. Not since she was a child anyway, as the first thing she did on arrival was make her way to the doll house that belonged to the host's daughter.

    However, never one to be anti-social, Emmy did make one new friend that night. And it just happened that her name was Emi.

    Who, as it turns out also happened to be Richard's ex-wife. And the mother to one of his two children. And boy, did she have some stories to tell...

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    ebonwings13ebonwings13 Posts: 254 Member
    edited July 2012
    Oooh. *grabs some popcorn* Things are getting juicy. XD
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    MariskaAmyMariskaAmy Posts: 901 Member
    edited July 2012
    I'm so loving this! Youre a great writer =]
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    HolzibellHolzibell Posts: 1,092
    edited July 2012
    This is great, can't wait to hear more :D
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    ashcrash19ashcrash19 Posts: 4,423 Member
    edited July 2012
    Loving it so far :D

    Do you use a certain cheat to keep away thought/speech bubbles and the plumbob?
    "Not All Who Wander Are Lost"-Tolkien
    Origin ID: simaddict1990
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    WriterGurl97WriterGurl97 Posts: 6,087 New Member
    edited August 2012
    Love this so far ^_^ Keep up the good work <3
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited August 2012
    Thank you Holzibell and WriterGurl97 :)

    @ashcrash19 I actually play with mine on, I just try to take pictures so they can't be seen too much. But if you want to turn them off, type hideheadlineeffects on into the cheat bar :)
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