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My wall ate my painting?


Pretty much just as I said, I placed a player made painting on the wall and it vanished. I believe it is there, because I can't place anything on that spot on the wall, but I can't see it or move it, live, build or buy. I had no problem with this before it just started happening since I needed to do an uninstall/ reinstall.

Anyone else experiencing this hungry-wall-painting-eating phenomenon? :shock:


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    Roxas982859Roxas982859 Posts: 749 New Member
    edited January 2010
    um did you check that the painting wasnt painted on the other side of the wall?

    ive thought paintings have disappeared and it was because of tht ^
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    TsunamiGirlTsunamiGirl Posts: 995 Member
    edited January 2010
    Sounds like my dryer with my socks. :shock:

    Anyhow, I have had this problem. It began to happen after I bought WA and only if I placed the painting in my inventory. I don't know if a patch has cleared this up, I haven't been able to play in a while. But to temporarily solve the problem I stopped putting paintings, that I wanted to keep, in the inventory.
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    AixiaAixia Posts: 9 New Member
    edited January 2010
    Yep, this happens to me. When I first got the game, I had no problems with this, but now it does it all the time. Must have been a "feature" of an update. If I put the walls back up (I play with them down or as cut away depending on my mood) the pictures are there, but cut away or down they're gone. Oddly enough, mirrors are no problem, but pictures disappear. I also noticed this with the wall decor from the Christmas set and Halloween set. I tend to put the walls back up before placing a painting, or if I want to see what I have.
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    iammypersonaiammypersona Posts: 1,968 New Member
    edited January 2010
    hahahahahahahaha I love the "Wall ate my painting?" title! I couldn't help but click on it. Yeah, I have done the same thing as Roxas982859. But if that is not the problem, then I'm not exactly sure what to tell you. Sorry. = (
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    AiylyAiyly Posts: 75 New Member
    edited January 2010
    Sounds like my dryer with my socks. :shock:

    Anyhow, I have had this problem. It began to happen after I bought WA and only if I placed the painting in my inventory. I don't know if a patch has cleared this up, I haven't been able to play in a while. But to temporarily solve the problem I stopped putting paintings, that I wanted to keep, in the inventory.

    Thanks so much, that works well! I really appreciate your taking the time to let me know.

    (No the paintings are not on the other side of the wall, thanks, it was the first place I checked :( .)
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    ZeriZeri Posts: 15,073 Member
    edited January 2010
    i had custom item that did that too. it was some decorative glassware that was supposed to fit in a china cabinet.

    the item was still 'there' but invisible after going into live mode.

    so i deleted that item from my game, no point in haveing something i cant use
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    dragonmaster626dragonmaster626 Posts: 3,716 New Member
    edited January 2010
    i had the vanishing problem with my XL table after it created a mysterius mr.gnome i put it in my sims yard then it vanished but couldn't put any thing where i put it in the yard and that i couldn't stop from going in inventory since sims autocollect items from the XL displaycase
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    MightyMavMightyMav Posts: 18 New Member
    edited June 2011
    I also have this problem since installing generations. I put the walls up to place a painting, click down and boom, it's gone. Not on the other side, and can't put anything on top of it.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited June 2011
    This happened with my pizza.And I wasn't able to use the table because it was like it was still there.I had to quit without saving.
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    playerilovebratzplayerilovebratz Posts: 7 New Member
    edited August 2011
    That happened to me too. I moved into a new house, and I had LOADS of paintings my sims had made. All you could see was the frame but instead of the paining was the wallpaper/paint. But what I found was one little section of a wall that let me see the paining. So I would put a paining there and then I was able to move it anywhere in the house and still be able to see the paining. So maybe just look for a section of a wall to see it the painting shows up. (I JUST had this problem and figured it out a minute ago haha)
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    sam083092sam083092 Posts: 1
    edited August 2011
    i am having the same problem i looked on the otherside i have to delete the wall and put a new one up just to put another painting up i dont know what to do its getting on my nerves :( does anyone know what to do to fix this paroblem?
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    StilettoBlackStilettoBlack Posts: 3,844 Member
    edited August 2011
    My artist sim has that problem. I make sure I save my game before taking the picture off the easle. I've lost some really nice painting's because of that bug.
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    snurflessnurfles Posts: 3,640 Member
    edited August 2011
    This just happened to me for the first time not too long ago. I put up the painting (was playing with walls up) and it just disappeared. Nowhere to be found anywhere in the house or on any of the walls, inside or out. I was sad because it was a beautiful painting that my legacy heir, Austin, painted of his sister Caliope. Sigh... Oh well, he just painted another one later but still...
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    MykalieMykalie Posts: 20 Member
    edited October 2011
    I am having the same problem. I put a painting on the wall, and it disappeared. Also, I now have a new problem. When my sim paints, the painting is not visible, but it's there. My sim can continue painting and take the painting when done, but I cannot see the painting.
    Is there any solution for this?
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    RovieRovie Posts: 34 Member
    edited November 2011
    Using moveobjects did not work for me with this problem. I could put the painting anywhere I want but it would still disappear when I let go of it causing me to exit without saving if I wanted it back.

    What did work for me was to put the paintings in a 'box of seeds' from modthesims, then taking it from there to the wall. I will modify this post if I find out later that this doesn't work permanently.
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    EternitysShadowEternitysShadow Posts: 1,194 Member
    edited February 2012
    I used mastercontroller's "reset lot" and this brought them back c: with no changes to the sims themselves.
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    45rpm45rpm Posts: 2,606 Member
    edited February 2012
    I will have to try the reset lot I get that often to
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    bshag4lvbshag4lv Posts: 9,396 Member
    edited February 2012
    Yep, this started happening to me right after HS came out and I dl'ed. I too have lost some very beautiful paintings sims have done. :(

    The problem has graduated to wall decor from the buy catalog disappearing from time to time. I sure hope they get this fixed...I'm afraid to put anything on the walls.
    In my house, dog hair sticks to everything but the dog.
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    MercyLeighMercyLeigh Posts: 107 New Member
    edited February 2012
    I have been having the same problem with sim-made paintings falling 'into' the walls for at least a year. Now when a sim creates paintings I want them to keep, I go into buy mode to remove them from the easel and place either directly on a wall or into family inventory so the 'undo' option is available if a painting does get eaten by a wall. It is not a solution for the lost paintings but it prevents the feature from being a problem with new paintings.

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    whatever4peacewhatever4peace Posts: 42
    edited May 2012
    Here's how I know my painting's there: My one sim painted a masterpiece, about 4000 simoleans ($$$!!!). Now, I'd had a few paintings, including that one, sitting in his inventory for a while. In live mode I go and place it on the wall and BAM! gone! My reaction: :shock:... :shock:... :shock:... :evil:... :cry: I am quite upset. Yet, I KNOW ITS THERE! I know my walls are hungry and devouring my paintings because when I go into build mode and delete half of the wall it should be on I get +4050 simoleans! The wall right beside it only equals 50! DARN YOU HUNGRY WALLS!!! :evil:

    Of course, it's happened to me before, and it was just as frustrating. Glad to hear it's not just my game...
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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited May 2012
    Floor ate my bass and piano several times.
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    DivaOfDarknessDivaOfDarkness Posts: 1,097 Member
    edited February 2013
    It just happened to me. I don't know for how long I had this issue, because I haven't been placing my paintings on walls since a while ago..
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    BlyssciaBlysscia Posts: 3,771 Member
    edited February 2013
    I just had something similar happen to me this week!

    I had some bars of woohooium on both end tables next to my sim's bed.
    The woohooium disappeared.
    But if I select the end table in buy mode, I have the option to sell it for like 3,000 simoleons including the value of the woohooium with the end table value.
    I will give this reset lot thing a try.
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    hummingbird41556hummingbird41556 Posts: 923 Member
    edited February 2013
    That is one I haven't seen for a while! I even used to put the walls up to find the missing paintings, and they weren't there! I ended up going to buy mode and turning on moveObjects, going over the walls where I thought I had the painting. Sooner or later, it was found, and removed, and placed on a different wall, where, miraculously, it remained visible! Not sure WHY that used to happen. Haven't seen it in a while, but I play mostly with walls partly down so I don't see them anyway. LOL

    Good luck fixing this one. It's been around for a VERY long time (Like since World Adventures as someone stated)
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    10eliblue10eliblue Posts: 2,280 New Member
    edited February 2013
    OK, let me get this straight, one Pony bumped this then another Pony bumped it again then Ms.Diva Bumped it again! Three whooping times it was Bumped, without a response for over a Month!
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