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Outta the Wood Work : A 100 Baby Challenge - DISCONTINUED due to Glitches D: D: D:


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    Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
    edited December 2011
    Yay, they grew up! I did have to laugh at their... opposing career choices, however! Well, they seem happy, at least :)
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    trishg21trishg21 Posts: 508 Member
    edited December 2011
    I just realized you have a ton of updates I missed! *runs to catch up* And Rory is up soon yay!
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    NyraKickNyraKick Posts: 1,138 Member
    edited December 2011
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    edited December 2011
    @ Jessu - :D Yes, the G-Twins have been released to the wild. I look forward to seeing their antics . . . so far Goditia has paid the Town Gigilo for a 'good time' on more than one occasion . . . -_- And I thought the same thing about Veronica and Sebastian, lolol.

    @ Neebs - Thankies! :)

    @ Cmxox - :D D'aww, thankies!

    @ Jojo - Hehe, they actually rolled those LTWs while they were still teens, and I couldn't pass it up. ^_^

    @ Trish - Yaaay! I was wondering when you'd pop back in. :D Rory is sooooooon. :D I can't wait for his bebbies . . .

    @ NyraKick - Thankies! I'll take a look.

    As for updates . . . uh . . . I kinda . . . got Skyrim today. Soooo . . . updates might take a little longer than usual. Lolol. I'll try not to disappear completely, but uh . . . I can make no real promises. XD I sowwy . . . </3
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    CosmalineCosmaline Posts: 21,992
    edited December 2011
    Haha, the twins' careers... XD
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    JagPacker26JagPacker26 Posts: 8,407 Member
    edited December 2011
    Lynn, one question......

    I may (or may not) get Skyrim for Xmas. If I do get it, I kind of want to play online with you guys (You, Spidergirl and Jess) if you guys have that capability. Do you have a 360 by any chance? and an XBox live account?
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    cmxoxcmxox Posts: 864 Member
    edited December 2011
    Enjoy your new game, Lynn!
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    edited December 2011
    @ Cosmaline - ^_^

    @ JagPacker - No, no 360. I have a PS3, and atm it's not set up for continuous internet usage, so no online play for me. :( I sowwies. I hope you get the game and have uuber amounts of fun with it though. I am so far. :D

    @ Cmxox - Thankies!
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    a_niles06a_niles06 Posts: 3,019 Member
    edited December 2011
    Loves it! Ginger and Goditia are gorgeous :)

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    jessieandrexjessieandrex Posts: 714 Member
    edited December 2011
    Lynnnnnn! You're good with Sims, right? I just want to see if you can help me with my problem:
    I was playing all day on Kleo, and saving every 20 minutes or so, and then, behold, the dreaded error code 12 decided to rear its ugly head. I tried absolutely everything and it wouldn't go away. So I finally decided to quit the game without saving and I went and looked in the "Saves" folder, and discovered Kleo's save (Named Bridgeport), and her other save (Named Skye) I made in "Save As", both ended in .bad, so I deleted them. Then I went back on the game and her save file is gone. I went back into saves and noticed the file Bridgeport.sims3.backup is still there. Is there any possible way you know of I can salvage her file? If I can't figure it out I'll have to end my BC :cry:
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    FroggieSimFroggieSim Posts: 645 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Veronica is still adorable. You need to make her laugh at least once, it would be terrible if she grew up all sour and serious. And WOAH CARNATION! I didin't even know sims could have that many piercings.. Goodbye Ginger and Godita :(

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    JessuJessu Posts: 2,305 Member
    edited December 2011
    Lynnnnnn! You're good with Sims, right? I just want to see if you can help me with my problem:
    I was playing all day on Kleo, and saving every 20 minutes or so, and then, behold, the dreaded error code 12 decided to rear its ugly head. I tried absolutely everything and it wouldn't go away. So I finally decided to quit the game without saving and I went and looked in the "Saves" folder, and discovered Kleo's save (Named Bridgeport), and her other save (Named Skye) I made in "Save As", both ended in .bad, so I deleted them. Then I went back on the game and her save file is gone. I went back into saves and noticed the file Bridgeport.sims3.backup is still there. Is there any possible way you know of I can salvage her file? If I can't figure it out I'll have to end my BC :cry:

    Hon just rename that "Bridgeport.sims3.backup" to "Brideport.sims3" and go back in game and it should be there. D:
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    edited December 2011
    @ Jessie - Holy crap-noodles! O_o Try what Jessu suggested, hopefully that works for you. If you get an error 12 again, I don't think there's a need to delete any files. From what I've read online that error has something to do with the game not having enough memory/ram/something-or-other to draw from in order to save. It happens when the save file gets big (IE during 100 BCs or long Legacies). I quit without saving (which can be highly annoying, but I've come to terms with it). Clear out my caches, then restart the game and it runs fine again. Good luck!

    Ty to everyone else who's commented!

    Also . . . Skyrim is AWESOME! . . . that is all. :D
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    JessuJessu Posts: 2,305 Member
    edited December 2011
    Skyrim IS awesome. Is that where you are hiding? :E

    *miss* *hug*!
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    JagPacker26JagPacker26 Posts: 8,407 Member
    edited December 2011
    Lynn, do you want to see a pic of your AU Daughter? She looks a lot like her mom, and shes going to date my BC Son Lupin.
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    AustralorpAustralorp Posts: 1,171 New Member
    edited December 2011
    I've read all 65 pages. And I like this Baby Challenge. All your kids turn out good-looking.
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    edited December 2011
    @ Jessu - Lolol, yessss. Skyrim has consumed my soul. Playing a Khajiit mage. <3 mah kitteh. I miss joo tooooooo! ^_^ Also . . . I'm noticing your full-scale take over of the siggies here on the forum, lolol. Grats on so many new customers! :D

    @ JagPacker - Oooooo, yuss! I'd love to see.

    @ Australorp - Yay! I'm glad you've enjoyed what I have up so far! I find it funny in a way that all the kids have come out good-looking, as I don't really test out genetics before-hand, I just let things happen as they will. Of course, Holly would like to take all the credit, claiming it to be her awesome genetics at work . . . XD
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    JagPacker26JagPacker26 Posts: 8,407 Member
    edited December 2011

    That's Her......

    Lupin is the Guy she's with. :D

    Jon Lessen, the Riverview Townie, Is her Father (and Holly's Hubby).
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    edited December 2011
    D'awwww! She's so pretty! I love her hair! She got her daddy's nose, but you're right, other than that it's all Holly, lolol.
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    edited December 2011
    Hey, look! I pried myself away from Skyrim long enough to update! Go me! . . . so what if it's *checks clock* 4 in the morning . . . O_o

    Ahem. Also, you may notice some favoritism with this baby-daddy update. I couldn't help myself. I am a fan of this pairing. XD

    Holly stepped out into the early morning air, intent on trying out the trampoline--because that's a perfectly viable activity for the predawn hours right?--when she spotted an unexpected but not entirely unwelcome sight. And it was pretty clear what he had on his mind, too, even without the helpful thought-bubble . . .


    It was Sunny Welle (made by Froggiesim).


    Holly was immediately intrigued. Sunny too, in a fashion . . .

    Holly - *He could give me some REALLY cute babies . . .*

    Sunny - *Chalk that one up in the hawt category . . .*


    Holly - Uh, pardon me, sir. But you seem to have misplaced your shirt. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Not . . . at . . . all . . . .


    Holly informed Sunny of her 100 Baby-Challenge, and that she'd like him to be her next 'donator.' Mr. Welle didn't seem too terribly put off by the idea.


    Holly - There is, of course, a rigorous evaluation process beforehand. A simple questionnaire, but vital.

    Sunny - Alright, what's the question?

    Holly - Do you use the Men's room or the Ladies?

    Sunny - Men's.

    Holly - You pass with flying colors. Babies, nao.


    Sunny wouldn't be rushed, however. He was intent on flirting up a storm.


    Letting the smexy compliments fly . . .


    Person-Person-Person-Person-Plus? I didn't even know that was possible . . . I think it's safe to say that Holly approves the attention. O_o


    But that's not all, folks! Sunny's not yet done! Moar compliments! Smooth operator that he is . . .


    Flowers too!


    I think . . . that he's the first sim that's ever turned Holly bashful. Could it be that the flirty baby-mama has met her match?


    OMG stop being so adorable and kiss already! The suspense is killing me!


    *plays touchdown soundbyte*


    From there the two kids took things upstairs for a more private setting.


    Anatomy of a woo-hoo . . .




    It's at this point that I'm REALLY regretting having to release Sunny into the wild. D: And it doesn't look like I'm the only one, either.

    One last cuddle, before it's time to say goodbye . . .


    You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away . . . .



    Back to the happiness, after that unintentionally super-sad ending, lol. Antonio has become an Elder Gnome! I'm beginning to think spawning the babies just sucks all the life and youth right out of them, lolol. All my gnomes together like one big happy gnomey family. ^_^

    Snuggles - Oh no! Midnight has gone catatonic!

    Antonio - Darn you whippersnapper Mailbox! This is all your fault! Don't MAKE me show you the business end of this cane!

    Midnight the Dark - *....*

    Neville - Feets. I haz dem.

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    AustralorpAustralorp Posts: 1,171 New Member
    edited December 2011
    LOL. I love how all the gnomes hang around each other. And what a sad ending!
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    JessuJessu Posts: 2,305 Member
    edited December 2011
    Youuuu know it hon! :E *huuugs* I need to make you a new banner soooon whenever you get your Rainbowcy rolling.

    Skyrim took me over for a week or so but then I kind of played a good bit of it I don't wanna finish it too soon or else I will Q_Q!~

    It's always great to see an update from you! :)
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    Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
    edited December 2011
    Awesome update!! I can see how it could be hard to let Sunny go. I laughed at how he just showed up shirtless, haha!
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    a_niles06a_niles06 Posts: 3,019 Member
    edited December 2011
    Awww :( Poor Holly! I want her lover to come back :P

    Great update, very cute! Can't wait to see their behbehs....pretty sure they'll be the cutest ones yet ;)

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    FroggieSimFroggieSim Posts: 645 New Member
    edited December 2011
    D'AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! MY SUNSHINE!!! *screames and cries with joy* :D:cry::D:cry::D He is such a gentleman! And a romantic. I like your little test, hehe. Someday when the whole crazy challenge is done, Sunny will return to Holly. Just like Fiona will return to her dear Hawthorn someday...
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