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The gift of...electricity!

Just like that cheesy 80's song says - "you don't know what you've got, 'til it's gone". I never realized just how technologically addicted I am, just how power reliant I am, until I was without it for an extended period of time. At 5:42 am on Sunday November 13th, we lost power. You might think since this is November, it was due to a massive storm or something, but no, just "equipment failure". At first of course, it didn't seem to be that big of a deal, how could it be? It was a balmy 69-70 degree day, no inclement weather, no downed power lines, what on earth could prevent power from being restored within a reasonable amount of time?

Well since it was a Sunday, and a Sunday of a Holiday weekend (Veteran's Day), the power company didn't even bother to send anyone out to start work until a full 18 hours after the outage. Yes, you read that right. 18 hours. The trucks never showed until after midnight. I know, absolutely ridiculous. I'd say even atrocious really. Then of course because in our suburb all the power lines are required to be underground, they couldn't really start work until the following morning at 7 am (noise ordinance laws) since they'd have to jackhammer/drill. And you can guess from there that once they really started to get to work Monday morning, the problem wasn't nearly as simple as they thought, so it took them much longer than expected, etc. Power was not restored until 8:45 Monday evening, a full 38 hours after the initial outage.

So now I have a fridge full of spoiled food and I have the task of throwing out and restocking $500+ worth of it today, the joy. Although I suppose on the plus side it makes my seasonal task of cleaning it out that much easier. :P I also have piles of laundry to catch up on and other misc. chores that I've been unable to do. Totally caught up on a bunch of reading though. heh

So how did everyone else's weekend end up?


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    blacksheba1973blacksheba1973 Posts: 20,326 Member
    edited November 2011
    Sorry that you had a rough week hon. I'm glad that you're slowly getting reorganized. My week has been fine so far. **Hugs**
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    becciburtbecciburt Posts: 2,761 Member
    edited November 2011
    Well I lost my job but on a good note, I finished a piece of coursework that is due for tomorrow
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    tori104tori104 Posts: 7,561 Member
    edited November 2011
    sorry about that, it sounds really bad :( My weekend was completely opposite, I finally got a computer (toshiba satellite laptop) and my friend gifted me hidden springs so I literally can't complain. Still sorry about your power outages though :( and the food.
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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited November 2011
    I'm glad it got fixed, though apparently not in a timely manner. Our power went out a month or so ago due to severe winds, the whole city was pretty much without electricity. It went out on a Friday evening and, when we FINALLY got through to the electric company on Monday to make sure someone had reported our area (which they had), we were informed that our power wasn't scheduled to be turned on until Saturday :shock: - a week and a day after it went out. Excitement! A city without power meant I couldn't go anywhere with my toddler to make sure we stayed warm (it's been unusually cool here), I couldn't use my phone that much so that the battery didn't die, and the grocery shopping we had done Friday afternoon? Wasted. It was pretty awesome. :roll: Luckily, the power returned Wednesday night rather than Saturday but that was still WAY too long without electronics for me!
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    blacksheba1973blacksheba1973 Posts: 20,326 Member
    edited November 2011
    becciburt wrote:
    Well I lost my job but on a good note, I finished a piece of coursework that is due for tomorrow
    Sorry about your job hon. :( **Hugs**
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    tori104tori104 Posts: 7,561 Member
    edited November 2011
    becciburt wrote:
    Well I lost my job but on a good note, I finished a piece of coursework that is due for tomorrow
    aww becci, sorry about that but it is good to look on the brighter note of finishing coursework :)
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    tallcoolonetallcoolone Posts: 6,918 Member
    edited November 2011

    K, I was going to go on about how I used all my electrical appliances LOL, but I'll just say mine was a tad better than yours? :wink:

    I'm glad that's over for ya! (well....mostly) they not take any responsibility for the loss? I really don't know..I've never heard of letting a customer wait like that.

    I know my husband will dispatch someone from anywhere to go down into a manhole (or anywhere he needs them to go) at ANY hour to fix a phone line in his job if he needs to.
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    becciburtbecciburt Posts: 2,761 Member
    edited November 2011
    there not a lot that can really be done, its the economical climate I blame but it just gives me more free time to focus on my studies until I find something else
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    tallcoolonetallcoolone Posts: 6,918 Member
    edited November 2011
    No coffee! I'd be in a hotel in the nearest town with power!
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    KLoreleiKLorelei Posts: 7,606 Member
    edited November 2011
    becciburt wrote:
    Well I lost my job but on a good note, I finished a piece of coursework that is due for tomorrow

    I'm sorry hon. *Crossing fingers* that something better is on the horizon for you. Glad you finished your coursework though, that's always a good feeling!
    klb685 wrote:
    I'm glad it got fixed, though apparently not in a timely manner. Our power went out a month or so ago due to severe winds, the whole city was pretty much without electricity. It went out on a Friday evening and, when we FINALLY got through to the electric company on Monday to make sure someone had reported our area (which they had), we were informed that our power wasn't scheduled to be turned on until Saturday :shock: - a week and a day after it went out. Excitement! A city without power meant I couldn't go anywhere with my toddler to make sure we stayed warm (it's been unusually cool here), I couldn't use my phone that much so that the battery didn't die, and the grocery shopping we had done Friday afternoon? Wasted. It was pretty awesome. :roll: Luckily, the power returned Wednesday night rather than Saturday but that was still WAY too long without electronics for me!

    Ooh, Klb, sounds like you can commiserate, although you had to deal with it much longer. My phone is on it's last legs too, it won't hold a charge and dies after about 2 texts. But I'm waiting for the Nexus prime to come out on the 17th, so I haven't bought a new one yet. As you said having no electronics is rough! And yesterday was especially tough when hubs was at work and I was at home w/just the dogs and no phone! Normally I enjoy it when I get to read all day and don't have anything else I have to do...but when I have nothing else I can do, it's a whole different story. lolz
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    itguyinscitguyinsc Posts: 5,765 Member
    edited November 2011

    Wishing all of you brighter days!
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    KLoreleiKLorelei Posts: 7,606 Member
    edited November 2011

    I'm glad that's over for ya! (well....mostly) they not take any responsibility for the loss? I really don't know..I've never heard of letting a customer wait like that.

    I know my husband will dispatch someone from anywhere to go down into a manhole (or anywhere he needs them to go) at ANY hour to fix a phone line in his job if he needs to.

    You'd think, right? Their customer service people weren't very bright either, pretty much admitted that well, since only a few people ("oh, it's less than 500 in your area") were affected, they weren't busting their you-know-whats to get things done. :roll: That's what comes of a monopoly. What else are we going to do? We wanted to install solar panels, but the HOA doesn't want those "unsightly" things on our roofs. *sigh*

    As for responsibility, supposedly, we can submit receipts for the grocery purchases and will be reimbursed, which may work for a lot of the stuff in the fridge, but the stuff in the freezer will be much harder to track down. *another sigh*

    No coffee! I'd be in a hotel in the nearest town with power!

    I know right? We have an instant hot water tap (totally spoiled). But guess's heated by...electricity. And since the power went out at 5:45, it was stone cold by the time we got up. So yeah, no dice. Not even for french press. I joked that if it went on another day we should "try out" a gym just to use the hair dryers. heh
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    KLoreleiKLorelei Posts: 7,606 Member
    edited November 2011
    Thanks Itsy, it is indeed a much better day. After all, I have the glorious gift of friendship from everyone here.

    *giant group hug*
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    mwjessica723mwjessica723 Posts: 3,769 Member
    edited November 2011
    Aww, I'm sorry about your electricity, Elle! I would go nuts without any technology to rely on. :lol: I'm glad it's finally fixed, but I'm sad that you lost all your food, hun! What a waste. :(
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    KLoreleiKLorelei Posts: 7,606 Member
    edited November 2011
    Aww, I'm sorry about your electricity, Elle! I would go nuts without any technology to rely on. :lol: I'm glad it's finally fixed, but I'm sad that you lost all your food, hun! What a waste. :(

    It does feel like such a waste. And oh, the stink! peee-yeeewwww! sick_smiley.gif

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    Trufan1Trufan1 Posts: 4,425 Member
    edited November 2011
    That's annoying! We sometimes lose power for a few hours at a time in the winter, and I never even know what to do with myself kin those little periods lol

    Glad your back! :P
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    MissElphebaMissElpheba Posts: 3,810 Member
    edited November 2011
    Sorry to hear about your power outage - I was wondering where you had got to!! I don't think I've ever been without power for more than a few hours. I can't imagine a weekend or longer! I guess it's time to count blessing for the hidden luxuries we have!!

    Welcome back! :mrgreen:
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    cherryberrybloocherryberrybloo Posts: 4,293 New Member
    edited November 2011
    KLorelei wrote:

    I'm glad that's over for ya! (well....mostly) they not take any responsibility for the loss? I really don't know..I've never heard of letting a customer wait like that.

    I know my husband will dispatch someone from anywhere to go down into a manhole (or anywhere he needs them to go) at ANY hour to fix a phone line in his job if he needs to.

    You'd think, right? Their customer service people weren't very bright either, pretty much admitted that well, since only a few people ("oh, it's less than 500 in your area") were affected, they weren't busting their you-know-whats to get things done. :roll: That's what comes of a monopoly. What else are we going to do? We wanted to install solar panels, but the HOA doesn't want those "unsightly" things on our roofs. *sigh*

    As for responsibility, supposedly, we can submit receipts for the grocery purchases and will be reimbursed, which may work for a lot of the stuff in the fridge, but the stuff in the freezer will be much harder to track down. *another sigh*

    No coffee! I'd be in a hotel in the nearest town with power!

    I know right? We have an instant hot water tap (totally spoiled). But guess's heated by...electricity. And since the power went out at 5:45, it was stone cold by the time we got up. So yeah, no dice. Not even for french press. I joked that if it went on another day we should "try out" a gym just to use the hair dryers. heh

    HOA's are so horrible. My husband and I have been doing tentative house searching in our area and while a condo would be the much more cost effective route to go in town I refuse to be held to their strict rules. I absolutely will not purchase a home under HOA ordinance. (Especially because I like solar panels, and have no desire to measure how tall my grass is).

    Does your homeowner's insurance cover food spoilage due to power outage? Granted, your deductible may not make it worth it, but it might be worth looking into? Back during Irene my parents were without power for 8 days and their insurance would have covered I think $250 per refrigerator (including chest/upright freezers).

    Anyway, all that aside, I'm glad the reason wasn't because of storms/accidents and no one got hurt. And that it got fixed.
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    StinalinaStinalina Posts: 2,396 Member
    edited November 2011
    Hi all :)

    First a little boring warning: Symguruhydra has a new sticky in the GF that chats should be sims related or threads will be (maybe im guessing) deleted. So let me start out be telling you about my latest Sims games (that i can only run with power ;) ):

    My game has come op with this fun game in the game; after i have been builded on something or worked to create a household for an hour, 2 or 3, it just quit in a split second and i loose everything :D - My game and i have a lot of fun this way at the moment! :roll: :D Im trying to remind myself to remember to safe each sim and all the time!!

    Becciburt im sorry about your job. I hope you fiend a new when you want to, or really can use it to focus on your studies in the best possible way.

    Klorelei it sounds like a horrible long time to be without power! - And coffeee!!! klb sorry you had that experience too. - I can relay as well... unfortunately :)
    When i lived in Africa, power wasn't exactly the most reliable recourse (as so many other things). It would go all the sudden, and it was not really an option to call anyone and ask about it :) All you could do was wait.... and hope for it to come back. If you where lucky it was only a few hours, but i have also tried being without power a few days, and it drives me nuts! :-) The worse thing is that you have no idea when it comes back. Spoiled food, no light and no computer! Worse of all is the heat! - No fan or AC (if your lucky to have it)!!!! At least i could still have coffee :) Because the power is so unreliable, you use gas stoves - thankfully!

    So yes, I know how difficult it is to be without power, and its no fun! Im happy you finally got it back!

    Enjoy your coffee and computer and light and washing machine and everything else again :)

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    KLoreleiKLorelei Posts: 7,606 Member
    edited November 2011
    Yeah, I fully realize this thread risks deletion. But I will tell you all that while I had no electricity I kept coming up with things I needed to create/do in the Sims. It was just so darn frustrating to be kept of the computer, lol!
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    computertech82computertech82 Posts: 2,847 Member
    edited November 2011
    I know how you feel. I had 60 hours of no power, a few months ago. Took forever for it to be fixed. That was a pain. to make it worse, in was only my neighborhood (a block or 2), rest of the town was fine!
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    SIMplifiedSIMplified Posts: 4,536 Member
    edited November 2011
    Sorry to here how it went but glad it's all better (: My weekend was spent sleeping, high school's taking its toll this year on my sleep.
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    SharonjSharonj Posts: 5,246 Member
    edited November 2011
    KLorelei, I'm sorry that you're having a bad week. I'm also sorry about you power being off. :(
    becciburt wrote:
    Well I lost my job but on a good note, I finished a piece of coursework that is due for tomorrow

    I'm sorry you lost your job! :(
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    ZipityDooDa0ZipityDooDa0 Posts: 627 New Member
    edited November 2011
    wow, it is rough going without that long. we had something like that happen a few years ago, we were out for three or four days turned out it was something needed to be replaced and it took forever. We have well water so without electricity our pump didn't work and our stove didn't either cause it was electric! Two toddlers in a dark house gets pretty interesting! Thankfully an in-law in the next county that was kind enough to welcome us into their home and we had someone who worked at a nearby grocery store that let us use the freezer at the store so we didn't loose all our food. Although we were in the middle of shampooing the carpets when it happened!

    All and all, we learn to be thankful for so many things we don't realize we have to be thankful for! I am glad your situation was straightened out and you are able to get back to your sims games! It can be hard not being able to get back to them... especially if your playing when the power goes out, which is usually what happens to me when I haven't saved for a while :roll:

    (and to keep this sims related) This has been a good weekend, I have been building a home for a contest and managed to finish it, although I tested it yesterday and found a problem that I have to go back and start the build all over again to fix!! :shock:

    Becciburt, I do hope you are able to find a job that's better than the last! Around here you should count your blessings if you manage to find one!

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    TnT_TerryTnT_Terry Posts: 6,629 Member
    edited November 2011
    :shock: :shock: :shock: Yikes :shock: :shock: :shock: Did you all say no power?? :shock: :shock:
    When I first moved to Tennessee from Massachussetts back in late summer of 96, we had this massive power surge that blew out the main transformer in our side of town. Being that we were just outside the city limits they decided we could wait :evil: So here we are in the hottest darn month of the year in sweltering heat and no clue as to when we were going to have AC again. After 4 days someone finally shows up with a new transformer, gets up on the pole to change it, gets the old one moved and the new one in place and then hits the wrong cable blowing the new transformer and sending him flying off the pole (thankfully the guy was rigged with saftey harnesses and such so only sustained minor injuries). Anyways it was 2 weeks without power before they had another new one in place and running...ugh :roll: And yeah I lost everything in my fridge and freezer. Glad everything is ok now though with all of you and hope this week turns out to be great for everyone.

    Hopefully we will all find some quality sim time this week :P

    I own every basegame, EP, GP, SP and kits for all sims, ie.., sims 1, 2, 3 and 4
    I am a sims 3 Store Owner Thanks to all my Amazing friends here, and I do own all store stuff from sims 2 as well!

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