The final, special edition of the Friday Highlights has been posted here. Take a trip down memory lane with us.
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Mortimer Goth - The Inseminator! Retired, but a good read nonetheless ;-)


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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    edited November 2011
    I agree. Every show is allotted at the most- two bad seasons. One of my other favorite shows is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and season 5 (ooh,there's another five!) left a lot to be desired. But it was to be expected. The guys on Sunny used to write almost every episode, and it was around the fifth season that they actually started to hire writers.
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    SimChick1016SimChick1016 Posts: 8,609 Member
    edited November 2011
    I don't watch any of the shows you are talking about, but I understand what you mean about bad seasons-- trouble is, a lot of times that is what ENDS a show-- case in point, That 70s Show. :(

    Also, an update for my FFC is in the works.
    Happy Simming! o:)
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    edited November 2011
    That 70's Show wasn't the same without Eric. And his replacement was way too old and had bad lines. And Fez got more annoying than he usually was.

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    SimChick1016SimChick1016 Posts: 8,609 Member
    edited November 2011
    There were other reasons that 70s show died though....

    A few I can think of:
    -Eric left and they tried to replace him
    -Kelso left for a while and it just wasn't the same afterward
    -Jackie and Hyde broke up (Okay, so maybe not a solid reason, but those two were PERFECT for each other!)
    -They got Jackie and Fez together. :roll:
    -Donna went blonde. She's much prettier as a redhead. Nuff said.

    And I wouldn't say the replacement for Eric had BAD lines, but he had no sense of comic delivery.
    Happy Simming! o:)
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    edited November 2011
    I was actually happy Kelso left. I never liked his character, or Fez's character for that matter.

    But yes, I loved Jackie with Hyde and hated her with Fez. It made ZERO sense for them to be together.

    I also agree about Donna going blonde. It just wasn't right for her character, who was more or less on the feminism side of the fence. She would never in a million years dye her hair. And she looked so much better as a redhead.
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    SimChick1016SimChick1016 Posts: 8,609 Member
    edited November 2011
    :shock: You're joking!! I loved Kelso. He was hilarious!! :D And Fez... Well, he had his moments, he really did. :D

    I know!! It's like, "Hey, Jackie's been with Kelso and Hyde, let's throw her together with Fez even if there's ZERO chemistry between the two." :roll:

    I know, I always saw Donna as the strong female until she died her hair-- then she turned into a ditzy blonde. :roll:

    I have an update up if anyone is interested!
    Happy Simming! o:)
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    edited November 2011
    Haha. Kelso was okay for the first few seasons. But the season before he left, I was very over his character. Fez had a few decent moments, but I would have preferred if he never happened.

    That's really what it felt like. If Eric were still on the show, I bet they would have been a couple for an episode or two :roll:

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    SimChick1016SimChick1016 Posts: 8,609 Member
    edited November 2011
    Well, I think after Kelso got Brooke pregnant he stopped being funny and started being responsible. :roll: Where's the fun in that? But I know, I know, people need to grow up some time. :P

    :shock: I wouldn't go that far! I love Fez!! :(

    Ugh. Yeah, and what was with them hooking Donna up with that Randy guy? He was stupid. She was totally out of his league!!

    Oh, and something I noticed, if you imagine Eric or Kelso saying any of that guy's lines, they would have made them funny. The guy had ONE funny moment through his whole career, and that was around the end of the show. :roll: Figures.
    Happy Simming! o:)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2011
    I have only seen a few episodes of the 70s show. I don't really think it's my cup of tea - afterall I was a teen in the 70s ... been there, done that ;)

    I will try to get to your story tonight, SimChick. I am dealing with stuff at home at the moment. It always gets a little hectic the last night of a weekend before a school day. Clothes need to be sorted and crap like that.

    I will be in and out.
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    SimChick1016SimChick1016 Posts: 8,609 Member
    edited November 2011
    Huh, I would think since you lived through the 70's you'd be able to relate... But then again, for exactly the reason you gave, you've been there and done that, why the need to relive it? :P

    Take your time. Sort things out. My Sundays are always hectic as well. Speaking of which... I need to get to bed. Bah. Time change just makes things even more hectic.
    Happy Simming! o:)
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    edited November 2011
    Yeah...I think I stopped liking Kelso after he went to California. They just made his character too one-note. Even though he didn't have much dimension before that, he still felt a bit multi-faceted. Just because he gets a girl pregnant, doesn't make him less flat.

    Haha....I just never thought Fez was funny. Like Kelso, he was a bit too one-note when it came to his lines. They were just over the top in the 🐸🐸🐸🐸 area. I know his character is infatuated with the other gender, but they turned him into an unfunny creep hiding out in peoples closets. But like I said, he did have some truly funny moments. And I take back him not being on the show. If he wasn't on the show, I never would have my favorite episode- That 70's Musical :P

    I know! I hated her and Randy together. Oh, and thanks for reminding me of his name, I completely forgot what it was :lol:
    But I wanted her and Eric together forever. The end kiss was sweet between them.

    I agree. It's weird, though. I think his brother was on some sketch show. You would have thought he'd be funny, too. He just didn't say his lines convincingly and he looked too old to hang out with the others.
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    SimChick1016SimChick1016 Posts: 8,609 Member
    edited November 2011
    Really? I get the invisipost AGAIN?
    Happy Simming! o:)
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    SimChick1016SimChick1016 Posts: 8,609 Member
    edited November 2011
    I get where you are coming from with the one-sided thing, but I didn't really notice that much. I mean, Kelso was the idiot pretty boy with a heart of gold type character.

    Fez was more of a 🐸🐸🐸🐸, but he had other qualities as well-- and also, he WAS foreign-- ya gotta think that he acted that way because he wasn't used to seeing pretty American girls. Yanno?

    Yeah, I think I've seen his brother in something before, but he just was not funny. :/ And it killed me that Eric and Donna didn't end up together-- well, actually, in my mind that last kiss was them saying "I can't live without you, let's be together forever" and it was kinda left open like that, and I liked it. :P

    But yeah, Randy-- one funny line. "My grandfather was 98 before he finally got his Packers season tickets-- He ate them." :lol: Quite the knee slapper!
    Happy Simming! o:)
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    edited November 2011
    Yeah. I also don't care much for Kutcher, so I may be biased :lol:
    I also have always thought he was on the ugly side. Topher was much better looking to me.

    I actually do kind of like Fez. But more so in the early seasons when everything was foreign to him. I guess I could compare him to the 90's show 3rd Rock from the Sun. They were aliens and everything was hilarious in the early seasons since earth was completely new to them, as were their customs- the same way America and all it's customs were new to Fez. But once America became the norm to him, I lost interest. But that was inevitable for his character. It's hard to keep a character like that fresh.

    You and I interpret the last scene exactly the same way :D
    The kiss made me feel like they were gonna be together until the end of time.

    Haha. I don't remember that scene/line, but it does sound funny.
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    SimChick1016SimChick1016 Posts: 8,609 Member
    edited November 2011
    I never really thought Kutcher was that attractive either... I mean, yeah I can see how he's somewhat cute, but to be honest, I always had a thing for Danny Masterson. :oops:

    Yeah, I'm with you there. After he stopped being so new to everything the turned him into a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 that was addicted to candy. :lol:

    RIGHT! That kiss... And was it not symbolic that it occurred the same place their first kiss did? :shock: I think so.

    I remember it well since it was his only funny moment.

    OH! And making Hyde marry a stripper (EA will probably bleep this word out)... NOT COOL! Ruined the show.
    Happy Simming! o:)
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    edited November 2011
    Kutcher always seems to have the most dumb look on his face. I can't dig it. Danny looks great with a beard. I prefer him with the facial hair :wink:

    Good catch. I forgot that's where their first kiss was.

    Ugh...I forgot about the stripper, too. That was awful. And I didn't care too much for who his father was revealed to be, or his sister. The sister angle felt way too forced. And I also hated how they replaced Laurie. The new Laurie also had issues with timing and she seemed vapid and less evil like the first Laurie. And her evilness is what made her enjoyable.
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    edited November 2011
    Double post.
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    SimChick1016SimChick1016 Posts: 8,609 Member
    edited November 2011
    Yeah and Kutcher is not doing well in Two and a half men. :( Sadness.

    I totally love Danny with a beard as well! He looks so rugged... <3

    I tend to pay more attention to those things than normal people... Probably my hopeless romantic side... :oops:

    Ugh. The long lost father and sister were totally forced-- both of them. It just didn't feel right at all, especially since they were rich. It turned Hyde into the "spoiled rich kid" of sorts... Not cool.

    I can't believe they changed Laurie. Why? What happened to the old Laurie? The new one just was not funny or anything-- she didn't bicker as much with Eric as the old one (or if she did it wasn't as funny).

    Hmmm... I should be getting to bed. Have a good night! ;) Thanks for talking 70s show with me. It was awesome!
    Happy Simming! o:)
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    edited November 2011
    I agree. The rugedness worked so well for him.

    Haha, probably. I have a hard time remembering places and small details like that. But that's really cool. It must have been symbolic.

    Yeah. I only gave Tim Reid a pass since I loved him on Sister, Sister. Hyde having a father/other family members was too much of an overreach for his character. Especially the money aspect, like you said.

    I read that the original Laurie had drug problems, so they replaced her :(
    Sad for the character, and sad for the actress. I haven't heard anything about her in a while, but I hope she got clean if the drug allegations were true.

    Goodnight! It was fun talking to you, too. No one I know watches That 70's Show, so I tend to keep the awesomeness to myself.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2011
    Goodnight SimChick. I was rushing around like an idiot then realised that I actually had an extra hour because of the time change :P At least I got most of the stuff out of the way.

    After reading your posts I am tempted to look into The 70s Show. I think my biggest problem with it is that, although I was a teen in the 70s, the 70s in America is quite alien to me. Now that I have been living here a bit longer, maybe this won't be an issue.

    Anyway, off to read about Emmett and Morty.
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    evileggyevileggy Posts: 219
    edited November 2011
    pr0x1ma wrote:
    I thought that might be what that machine was. Great little twist that was :wink:
    I thought is was a washing machine
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    SimChick1016SimChick1016 Posts: 8,609 Member
    edited November 2011
    pr0x- Ah, I figured drugs were involved... I remember seeing a picture of her where she looked terrible-- just did a quick search, and look:



    Also, I'm sure they could have worked around Hyde having at the very least a father, but the wealth sorta just pushed it over the edge. And they also went wrong by making his father a nice guy-- Would a nice guy really abandon his only son? Doubtful. It would have made more sense to make him a jerk... Then again, I dunno, I'm just spit balling here.

    Mikezumi- I think you might enjoy it. I forget that you didn't live here all your life, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't like it. I didn't grow up anywhere near the 70s so many of the jokes would have been lost on me if my parents hadn't have cleared some of that up. :P

    :D Sorry to kinda hijack your thread to talk about 70s show. It's just so epic. :D
    Happy Simming! o:)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2011
    evileggy wrote:
    pr0x1ma wrote:
    I thought that might be what that machine was. Great little twist that was :wink:
    I thought is was a washing machine

    I can totally understand that ... it does look like a washing machine :P

    SimChick - don't worry about hijacking ... this is where we share our thoughts on everything :P
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    SimChick1016SimChick1016 Posts: 8,609 Member
    edited November 2011
    Everything? :shock: You don't want to hear my thoughts on everything. :lol:

    Happy Simming! o:)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2011
    Okay, maybe not everything ... but if we keep it roughly in the T Rated zone, it's okay.
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