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The Engio 100 Baby Challenge Story ((Chapter 14 available 11/06/11))


The Engio 100 Baby Challenge Story
HAS MOVED! :) as of 11/05/11!

This story now has its very OWN blog! I will leave the 13 chapters that are posted here up however I have transferred all of them to the blog along with the rules I am following, the links to download the YA's, the list of kiddos, etc.

Please head on over to for future updates and information! :) Thank you!


Chapter's added only to the blog:

Chapter 14 - Made It Maid


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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited November 2011


    .:: ::.

    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2 (Baby #1)
    Chapter 3 (Baby #2)
    Chapter 4 (Baby #3 & #4)
    Chapter 5

    .:: ::.

    Chapter 6 (Baby #5 & #6)
    Chapter 7
    Chapter 8
    Chapter 9 (Baby #7)
    Chapter 10

    .:: ::.

    Chapter 11
    Chapter 12 (Baby #8 & #9)
    Chapter 13

    .:: ::.

    A special thank you to slynnski who told me how to link to different forum posts! You can read their 100 baby challenge here
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011

    <b><u>Chapter 1 - Rocky Beginnings</u></b>

    "Come on!" Alicia urged "when? when will you be 'ready'??" Her husband and high school sweetheart sighed, he grew old of the prodding, the questioning surrounding when he would "be ready" to have a child. After all, to bring a life in to this world is well… a rather big deal… at least to Jarod it was. To Alisha it seemed like the simplest decision ever.

    She sweetened up quickly, brushing Jarod's hair out of his eyes, "I just need to know when to stop taking my birth control, honey." She tried to smile innocently. Jarod sighed again, "I'm just…not ready yet" he answered. Her sweetness wore off quickly, "FINE", she grumbled as she stormed off.

    The next morning after Jarod had left for work she stood in the bathroom straightening her hair when the little white box of contraceptives caught her eye. She thought momentarily before putting the straightener on the counter and taking the white box, opening it, and popping each and every little white pill in the toilet. She quickly flushed it and grabbed the tic tacs out of the medicine cabinet, carefully replacing each pill with one orange breath mint. Satisfied with her ingenious plan of action, she smiled to herself; after all, if she just "got pregnant" Jarod would have to man up and get ready, like it or not! After all she was just taking fate in to her own hands and making sure that she was able to have the large family she had dreamt of as a child, and always yearned for as an adult; how could he argue with that?

    The next 2 months went smoothly, she stopped questioning Jarod about babies and even took up gardening!

    One morning Jarod strolled in to the bathroom and found Alicia getting very sick to her stomach. He frowned and quickly rummaged through the medicine cabinet looking for some pepto to calm his wife's tummy. In the midst of all the rummaging he accidentally knocked the little white box of contraceptives out of the cabinet. It toppled to the floor, its lid springing open, and tic tacs going everywhere! It took a couple of seconds for the shock of seeing bright orange breath mints all over the floor, instead of little white pills, to sink in. Alicia stood up, wiping her mouth with a hand towel, she said "I can explain!"

    A little while later Alicia found Jarod out front obviously peeved. "You're pregnant." Jarod said, it wasn't a question either, but more a statement.

    "And you got pregnant… on purpose." Jarod finished his sentence as the anger he felt apparent in his steady, low voice.

    His anger boiled over as his voice raised ever louder before leaving the house and heading to the local bar. Her disgust at how he had treated her was written all over her face.

    She sighed, and patted her newly forming bump, "it'll be ok little one, Daddy will get use to you."

    After a nap that afternoon Alicia sleepily got to her feet, changed her clothes and called out to her husband. She received no response so she walked out front to see if he was getting some more air. As she shut the door behind her she saw a couple boxes and a duffle, Jarod was loading his things in to a cab!

    She quickly asked him where he was going…

    and he started in on some rant that Alicia was unable to comprehend.

    Confused and queesy Alicia stood out front her very small home as Jarod left her.

    A couple days later as Alicia spent some time in her garden...

    ...the (very angry) postal man arrived with a letter …from Jarod!

    She read the letter from start to finish a couple times over...
    <i>Dear Alicia,
    I am sorry I can't stay with you through this. You lied to me, you deceived me, and I simply can't and won't raise a child with such deceit within a relationship. I simply won't make a good father ever, so to avoid messing up the child you now carry I am leaving. You, however, should have as many children as you can, a hundred or so …you are an excellent care giver, children seem to love you no matter what. Have a nice life, and please don't mention me to the child.


    Seeming to have had some sort of mental break at reading the letter and realizing her love wasn't going to come back she vowed to have 100 babies… for Jarod. She vowed to teach them all they needed and to send them out in to the world prepared… she also vowed not to get attached to another man, she would simply use them as donors and SURELY when the daunting task of raising 100 children was over her loving Jarod would return to their quaint little home!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011

    <b><u>Chapter 2: I Can Do It</u></b>

    As the days dragged on in to night Alicia found herself dreaming more and more of her perfect budding family.

    Without Jarod around Alicia is learning to care for more than her looks and garden!

    Seemingly overnight her tummy grew 10 fold, "must be all that late night snacking" she told herself, and made a note to herself not to over indulge past 8pm especially while she was pregnant!

    The pregnancy flew by, and she managed to make some money selling her produce to he neighbors between throwing up in the grass and emptying the fridge due to what she was sure could only be explained as starvation!
    Labor was long and intense, definitely not what she was expecting after seeing all those reality tv shows where the whole pregnancy and birth is wrapped up in 30 minutes!

    Alicia opted not to go to the hospital to have the baby as she was worried it would clear out the small savings account she had. She had her eyes on a very large & beautiful estate across town.

    Some time after labor began a beautiful baby
    was born. Alicia named her first born Brille.

    After some recuperation she was out tending her garden again and warding off evil strays! While she weeded, watered, and planted she thought about how she would not get attached to anyone, and how she could go about finding a bunch of donors for her endeavor.

    She called a sitter and went out on the town, ok, so she ended up making a pit stop at the cemetery, and began to think... she needed the men no one wanted all the rich hunky ones had wives, and that wasn't what she needed... she began to search for the guys with low self esteem, the guys that just wanted a little lovin' her mind it was a win/win situation, she would get babies & Jarod back and they would get, well, you know!

    The next day Brille had her 1st birthday! Alicia couldn't believe how quickly time had flown, she knew she needed to choose one of the guys she had met the day before and get to baby making; however that would have to wait until later.

    Right now Alicia had priorities and the first of those priorities was teaching Brille to walk!

    This ratty old thing named Puzzle was a gift from some weird relative of Alicia's.

    After tucking Brille in tightly for the night Alicia called one of the men she met, we will call him Donor #2, after all learning all these men's names is not something that seems to interest Alicia. She invited Donor #2 over for a little star watching and whatever else she could convince him to do.

    Sure enough a few days later while teaching Brille to talk she felt a somewhat familiar feeling in her tummy..... nausea!

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    slynnskislynnski Posts: 2,316 Member
    edited October 2011
    Good job so far! This is a really awesome take on a 100 Baby Challenge. I like Alisha's backstory and her motivation behind having the 100 babies. I also like that you have certain criteria for your children before they age up to the next lifestage.

    I will definitely be following this! Feel free to check out my 100 Baby Challenge by clicking on my siggy.

    Take care!
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    slynnskislynnski Posts: 2,316 Member
    edited October 2011
    Oh, and to link to individual posts:

    -Look at the top of the individual post in the gray bar beside where the date of the post is shown
    -You should see a picture of a tiny paper with the right corner folded down
    -Click on the paper
    -Voila! Clicking on the paper should take you to the direct link of said post

    Hope this helps. :wink:
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011
    <b><u>Chapter 3 - Watching Them Grow</u></b>

    After working through her morning routine with Brille and checking on the plants Alicia decided she should take the afternoon to go out and hunt down new things; her real desire is for seeds but wont turn down anything she finds! Every extra buck get her and her family that much closer to the beautiful estate across town. Speaking of which, she's heard rumors of a special seed, a seed that when planted will grow an elusive money tree. Boy would that solve a lot of her troubles!

    Alicia grew in the mid section by the hour it seemed, she was at this moment unsure how she would maintain her beautiful garden and support her children. Physical exertion was purely exhausting with a growing being in her tummy! She is looking forward to the day that one or two of her children are old enough to help with the younger ones, just so she can get some sleep!

    Alicia finally had the time to finish teaching Brille to talk! She started and stayed with complicated words such as briefcase and telephone making the daunting task of teaching a toddler to speak properly even more complicated.

    Anyway, Brille learned to talk all the same and just in time for baby number 2!

    Alicia was awoken late that night by contractions... but this labor seemed to move quicker than her first.

    Her second born is a little

    Who she chose to name Cody. After her time of rest (or as much rest as one can get with a crying newborn and a whiny toddler in your bedroom!) Alicia called the next guy on her list and invited him over.

    However this time, things didnt go as smoothly. It seems that Alicia is gaining a reputation around town ...and it isn't a good one! Eventually, however, she convinced him to tango with her. He left her house, muttering something about her being very promiscuous. Alicia sighed, reminding herself of Jarod and telling herself that this would all be ok... 98 babies from now!

    The following week Alicia went to the store and bought 2 beautiful birthday cakes and a couple of presents, she rushed home to her 2 children and set up a little birthday party for them! Boy how time has flown!

    Seeing as Brille is the eldest she blew her candles out first! She also got to open her present and eat a huge piece of cake! Yum!!

    Then Alicia helped Cody blow out his candles and age up!

    It wasn't long after the parties that Alicia began to feel ill. Boy was she getting sick of feeling sick! On this occasion she decided to run outside a puke beside her garden rather than have to clean up the mess it would make in the bathroom!

    After all, Alicia truly has her hands full... she knew caring for one kiddo seemed to simple! For now though, the kids are behaving, playing with their toys, and Alicia is maintaining a handle on her life... but only barely.

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011

    <b><u>Chapter 4: The Calm Before The Storm</u></b>

    In the coming weeks after the children's birthday party a routine seemed to come about. It wasn't exactly orderly but it wasn't as chaotic as Alicia had expected either, especially with a toddler and young child in the house.

    Alicia worked with Cody to teach him to talk...

    however it took him a while to get it and Alicia found her patience dwindling as time went on.

    She continued to garden in her yard, squirreling away ever dime for the estate she so longed for. This two bedroom home was becoming cramped quickly!

    Brille continued to play with her weird ratty doll...she seems to really have taken a liking to it.

    When she wasn't playing with the doll she painted at her easel, the gift her mom had bought her for her birthday!

    However she only played with it when her brother was napping, if he was awake she begged her mom to let her feed him, wash his face, and would spend hours playing peek-a-boo!

    In time Alicia's tummy popped… and in no time she was as big as a house again!

    This pregnancy seemed slightly different however, she wasn't able to get comfortable in bed which made sleeping very difficult, and when she was finally able to get to sleep Cody would start having a tantrum. He seemed to be a very strong headed and difficult little boy.

    Due to all the crying in the house from Cody, Brille accidentally over slept and missed the bus! One more reason why Alicia can't wait to move… you see, the home is currently as far away from the school as possible

    …not the most convenient for a kid that over sleeps and ends up riding her bike to class! It took her about an hour, and she ended up being 2 hours late!

    She did however meet a nice boy in detention who she invited over to go for a joy ride with afterwards!

    Cody seems to have grown very fond of hiding in the toy box and popping out at random times with a new toy! Alicia is fine with this, she reasons that it gives her a chance to work in the garden, pregnant or not, little tummies must be kept full!

    However one night while trying to squeeze in a bit of extra pruning time while the kids played in the living room, a familiar feeling appeared in Alicia's tummy! LABOR!

    Between contractions she quickly ran inside and scared little Cody who started sobbing, Brille seemed very anxious that her mom was in pain as well. After a long while …a baby was born…

    a little


    whom she named Delilah!

    A moment later as she looked lovingly at little Delilah, another contraction appeared! She quickly went to the bedroom and safely laid Delilah in her crib... and then suddenly, a second baby!
    This time a little


    She named him Dylan!

    Hm, did I mention the twins seem to have inherited their Father's blue skin tone?? :D
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    slynnskislynnski Posts: 2,316 Member
    edited October 2011
    Yay, blue babies! Haha. I can't wait to get multi-colored babies in my game. :P

    Also, a big thank you for linking to my challenge! It means a ton. I have your story linked on my TS3 blog, but I'm thinking I'm also going to add the links to my Baby Challenge thread since more people seem to view that than the blog.

    Anyhow, can't wait for the next chapter!
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    Nancy01905Nancy01905 Posts: 3,929 Member
    edited October 2011
    great start :D

    if you are looking for daddies i have some in my studio some are berry sweets and the link is in my blog
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011
    <b><u>Chapter 5 - Time Flies</u></b>

    Being a single mommy is hard work, Alicia is so exhausted all the time… she continues to remind herself over and over again that when all this chaos is done Jarod will come back to her and that makes it all worth it, even if she does occasionally pee herself and pass out on the living room floor amongst an array of toys!

    Needing a break from the little ones & of course, another donor, Alicia called the sitter and headed to the gym. Where she met donor #4! They danced and flirted before Alicia headed home to cook supper for her children.

    The next day Donor #4 showed up at the tiny Engio home. He was furious, he had heard around town that Alicia was a player, and had a "naughty" reputation! He had also heard rumors that she had scores of children!

    After about an hour of reassurances and excuses, Alicia managed to smooth things over… enough. After all as soon as she was knocked up she would ignore him like she had done the previous 2 donors.

    Alicia had Donor #4 sleep over, just to make sure she would get pregnant. After getting rid of him the next morning and feeding the kids, she headed outside to set up for their birthday party! She couldn't believe how big the 4 of them had gotten!!

    While waiting on Brille to get home so the party could start she fed and changed the twins.

    Brille came sprinting home as soon as school let out, she went straight for her cake, and Alicia encouraged her to blow out ALL the candles at once!

    She aged in to a lovely young teen!

    Next up was little man, Cody! Alicia held him on her hip, pointing out his name on the cake, as she sang Happy Birthday to him with Brille.

    Cody has big dreams… of being …a cowboy?

    The twins enjoyed smearing their cake in one another's hair but all the same, aged up well…and rather cute too if I do say so myself!

    The celebration of the children's birthdays was short lived, Alicia had, in her exhaustion, forgotten to pay any bills over the last who knows how long. The mean repo man barged though the front door taking a living room light AND the rug in their living room! How rude! Alicia was deeply upset by this, after all she had the money for the bills in her account, why hadn't the repo man allowed her to pay with hard earned simoleans??

    It was obvious to the entire family that the twins weren't too happy with the repair man crashing their birthday bash! It was almost as if you could see their little brains, plotting mass hysteria on the repo man's life!

    The family eased in to a new routine, things seemed to always be changing.

    Cody took up chess, playing on the board his mom had bought him for his birthday.

    And Brille started helping Alicia in the garden.

    Meanwhile the twins enjoyed playing with all the toys in the house, including a pretty doll house that Alicia had picked up at the toy store for them.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011
    <b><u>Chapter 6 - Kings & Queens</u></b>

    Alicia began a beautiful weekend meeting a few potential donors.

    And maxing out her gardening skill! Yea! Go Alicia!!

    It was short lived, however, as nausea seemed to overwhelm her.

    Over and over again, throughout the weekend. She spent a lot of time curled up on the couch with soup while Brille helped with the younger ones.

    Once she began to feel better she made sure to call her potential donors, to remind them that she was still… interested in them, so to speak.

    As her tummy grew so did her new found love of macaroni and cheese with peanut butter cups in it. She made plenty for the entire family, omitting the peanut butter cups from the other's dishes, per requests.

    Brille really stepped up, taking little Cody under her wing and teaching him - she taught him very useful things, like how to play chess more competitively, do his homework (including dividing fractions) and of course, taught him that swimming was bad!

    Then late one night while all the children slept, Alicia was awoken by a very familiar tinge of pain in her tummy.

    She got to her feet, excitedly… ready to meet her newest child.

    The pain of labor, however, doesn't seem to be something Alicia is getting use to quickly!

    Quite awhile after labor pains started, and while the children remained sound asleep, the 5th child was born in the Engio household! A precious baby
    that Alicia named Evelyn!

    A moment later, Alicia felt a strong sense of de ja vu!

    A couple more twinges of labor pains and suddenly, another baby!

    This time a
    that she decided to name Eric

    Amidst the commotion of having two sets of twins in the house (all 4 under the age of 4!) Alicia found a few moments here and there to sneak away to her garden… it has begun to really take shape, and is getting quite large!

    Before she knew it Brille was headed to prom! Alicia had given her some extra money to go buy a beautiful dress and get her nails done, all in preparation for the big night!

    When Brille got home she rushed in to the house to show her mom that she had been crowned PROM QUEEN!

    After telling Alicia all about the dance, and how she had got in to a fight with some other girl over a guy, Alicia went to bed… however too excited to sleep Brille went to her easel and began to paint a new, beautiful masterpiece!
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Thank you for the positive feedback! :) It means a lot to me, keeps me updating too lol!

    This forum section is pretty busy, geez, I update and my thread is on the second page already o.0
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    Nancy01905Nancy01905 Posts: 3,929 Member
    edited October 2011
    great updates :D all the kids are pretty and handsome
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    slynnskislynnski Posts: 2,316 Member
    edited October 2011
    Thank you for the positive feedback! :) It means a lot to me, keeps me updating too lol!

    This forum section is pretty busy, geez, I update and my thread is on the second page already o.0

    Yeah I know. It sucks. I bump my thread whenever I can, but some people don't always like if you do that. Oh well. :?

    Anyhow, love the new chapters! Brille has turned out so pretty. And wow, that is a huge garden! I would never be able to keep up with it all. :shock:
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011
    <b><u>Chapter 7 - Good Bye's Are For Suckers</u></b>

    Getting everyone to sleep at the same time, eat at the same time, and not need the tiny half bath ALL at the same time was proving very complicated for Alicia. As the days rolled on she felt more and more tike a circus ring leader more than a mommy. However, she did a good job and managed to have the youngest children asleep by 8pm each and every night.

    One night while the children played and worked on their life skills a beautiful deer peeped through the window of their home, however when Alicia headed outside to pet it, it sprinted away like Bambi. The children were all in awe of such a beautiful creature, for they had never before seen an animal of any type. Alicia spent time over the next week discussing animals with her kids, teaching them about various types, sizes, and colors.

    In the meantime, her garden just continued to grow and grow. One afternoon while working tediously in the garden she realized that this would be what she missed the absolute most about this little home. She was looking forward to moving to a new, larger home, one where her children would have adequate room to play and grow, but her garden would remain on this lot. The thought of losing all her hard work and dedication saddened Alicia, especially because the garden was something that Brille, her first born, her first daughter, had been helping her with.

    After weeding, watering, and harvesting Alicia headed inside, she realized that when they moved she would still need a way to support her family and since the garden would be non existent, at least to start, she picked up one of her daughter's blank canvases and set to work painting. Her idea was to sell paintings! After all if her daughter could do it, and was such a master artist, why couldn't she?

    Alicia's masterpiece didn't turn out as well as she had hoped and she was only able to place it on consignment for a whopping 11 bucks! Her frustration boiled over, and when she saw Brille in the garden, throwing away a plant, she exploded. Screaming, gesturing, demanding answers.

    Cody became a chess champ over the summer, and even managed to max his Logic skill!

    When school started he decided to take up painting, but only as a hobby.

    Meanwhile the twins, Delilah and Dylan were getting in to everything, they seemed to absorb everything, good and bad, like a sponge! Before long they were both using the potty chair on ther own, toddling around the house together, and blabbering away at one another!

    One morning while the twins slept, and Brille & Cody played chess, Alicia made pancakes (as she did every morning) for the family… however on tis morning it would seem that Alicia wasn't aping very close attention to what she was doing! She managed to start a house fire, a first for her! She was so scared but luckily, it seems, Brille's imaginary doll? put the fire out. No firefighters required!

    Alicia's reputation seemed to spread way quicker than that fire she had started, random people began showing up while she worked in her garden, calling names, and snapping photos with their phones!

    As the children's birthday's loomed in the distance, Brille made it a point to max her logic skill out, she figured it may become useful after she moves out of the house, maybe not though.

    A few days before the children's big party a note came from a very prestigious art school in Sunset Valley. Sadly it was a rejection letter; Alicia tried her best to comfort her daughter.

    Brille went back to work at her easel, she knew if she wanted to be someone she'd have to make her own dreams come true.

    On the evening of the party Brille thought hard about what she desired...

    After thinking for a few moments she new just the thing to wish for! To be a star! She quickly blew out each of her candles.

    She grew in to a lovely young lady, definitely deserving of stardom!

    Next up, not-so-little Cody blew his candles out…

    The next morning it was the youngest twins' turn to age, seeing as Alicia didn't was to awaken Delilah and Dylan).

    Here is little Evelyn

    And little Eric!

    Delilah helped blow her candles out…

    And grew in to a very blue little girl!

    Dylan wanted Cody to help him blow his candles out!

    He also grew in to a very blue little boy!

    It seemed that amidst the comotion of the children's birthdays and the party, Brille had retrieved her things and slipped off in to the night. Like her father she left a note for her Mother, "I'm off to become a star, a world renowned surgeon and a artist! I love you. -Brille"
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    slynnskislynnski Posts: 2,316 Member
    edited October 2011
    Nice new chapter! I love the deer and Brille turned into a beautiful young lady. :-)

    Keep up the good work!
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011
    <b><u>Chapter 8 - Stirring The Crazy</u></b>

    As the weeks went on, the family noticed something… unnerving about little Eric… he had quite a temper. His emotions would seem to just boil over and he would erupt in to a mess of anger and frustration.

    Funny enough, however, Evelyn was quite the opposite. She seemed to be quite carefree and easy going… she was a very mellow toddler. She hardly cried and often you could find her at the doll house chewing on one of the dolls' heads!

    After getting in trouble for acting so childish, refusing to do his homework and of course, setting ***** traps and pulling pranks on his younger siblings…

    Alicia put Cody to work in her garden.

    This, Alicia quickly realized, was pure ingenious. With Cody in the garden weeding and watering it freed up a huge amount of her time to teach the youngest twins how to walk!

    She wasn't completely unreasonable, however, and made sure to go out and help him - especially with harvesting.

    With another Engio teen in the garden, Alicia was able to have Evelyn and Eric talking and walking within a month of their birthdays! Quite an extraordinary accomplishment, Alicia thought to herself.

    One afternoon while working in the garden after coming home from school a sweet little stray dog wandered up to Cody.

    At first, Cody ignored the pup, but within a few minutes he was on the ground petting her, and brushing her!

    Within a couple hours time Cody had fallen in love with the little female stray. He snuck her in the house, filled a bowl from the kitchen with some leftovers from the fridge, and began to train her to hunt!

    Within a couple days Alicia had found out about the stray that Cody had took in, she was, at first, slightly angered that he hadn't asked permission to add another member to the family but soon she fell in love with the pup as well. They named her Shiloh.

    Alicia found through her parenting books many ways to handle raising all different types of children, which she gathered was a god send considering she had only fully raised 1 of 100 so far! One method of sorting out sibling conflict and rivalry in the Engio household was to have a pillow fight. It was a little idea from one of the books she ordered offline, but it proved to be a miracle worker between Delilah and Dylan whom frequently argued over who won fairly at chess.

    Going stir crazy in the house, Alicia asked her son Cody to baby sit his younger siblings while she headed out to the bar for an evening of fun. She quickly spotted a guy she thought made a prime donor candidate. She flirted with him and bought him a few round of drinks to get him in the mood.

    After some grub at the diner across the street he asked her to come home with him. What could she say? Things moved swiftly, and the next thing Alicia knew she had said yes. Although this guy seemed slightly creepy, and a little too excited for the nights events, in Alicia's opinion anyhow.

    This guy owned a hot tub, ooh la la. They slipped in and cuddled, making small talk.

    Then suddenly, it just happened. Being pregnant multiple times in the past, Alicia just knew she was knocked up with baby number 7!

    Back at home the arguing regarding the chess table had grown to such a large fight Cody had taken it in to his own hands and traded the neighbors the chess table for a stand alone one-person telescope!

    Delilah and Dylan found other things to argue over, however. The most recent being the block table. "He has more green ones!!!!!!" "She stole my triangle block!!" The arguing went on and on and on; it was truly driving Cody nuts.

    As soon as his mom got ohme from her night out he grabbed the leash and took Shiloh out for a walk. He needed some time away from the children.

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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011
    <b><u>Chapter 9 - Lifestyle of the Rebellious</u></b>

    Alicia worked feverishly in her garden, she was so close to a larger home for her large family she could taste it. She could smell the wood floors, hear the pitter patter of little feet going up and down the stairs, see the trails of sand strewn across the living room by careless but happy children who have been playing in the back yard! She kept these images in her mind as she carefully harvested the plants.

    Meanwhile, Dylan and Delilah had managed to convince Cody to help them with their homework.

    The youngest twins found that tormenting… I mean playing with… Shiloh was the best time they could ever have. Alicia allowed it while the older children were at school and she continued to practice painting. Reminding herself, even when frustrated, that every dime counted!

    Even though his attitude had been lousy as of late, Alicia allowed Cody to go to the prom.

    However he didn't stay long, and spent most of the night hanging out on the playground.

    It wasn't too long after curfew when a police officer spotted him, and quickly took him home! After all it was his first offense, she let him off with a warning…

    Alicia was not so forgiving however.

    Delilah and Dylan seemed to make friends wherever they went and often brought home dinner guests from school. Alicia found it comforting to know her children were able to make friends despite the reputation the town had labeled her with!

    This sight was just one more tall tail sign that a bigger house was desperately needed …and soon!

    However a larger house would have to wait, prenatal care was pricey, and it looks like Alicia was correct in assuming she was knocked up… again!

    As her tummy grew she left the gardening to Cody & continued to practice painting until finally, her art was considered, well… art.

    Belly bump and all, Alicia began going on walks after dark, it was a nice and cheap way to get away from the house, the children, and enjoy the lovely scenery, and wildlife!

    However, when the children were awake it was all business, including emptying the stinky toddler potty. YUCK!

    One afternoon after taking the little bag of *** out to the trash can Alicia suddenly went in to labor. Moments later Cody came home from school and began to freak out!

    Alicia wasn't scared however, she maintained her breathing exercises and waited for her newest little bundle of joy!

    Within no time at all a precious baby
    was born. Alicia asked Cody to help name his newest brother. The name that they finally agreed upon is Felix!

    After giving birth to baby #7 Alicia had a sudden inspiration to write a book about sci-fi… she bought herself a lovely little laptop and set out to write a wonderful thrilling book. She planned to dedicate it to Jarod, of course.

    It wasn't long after Felix was born that Alicia went back to donor hunting… "only 93 more babies to go and Jarod is ALL mine again!" she told herself.
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011

    <b><u>Chapter 10 - Outgrowing The Nest</u></b>

    Before Alicia knew it another set of birthdays were upon the Engio family and even though she truly enjoyed watching her children age...

    …it was truly bitter sweet. With this birthday her 2nd born, Cody, would be moving out, he was heading in to the world. He wanted to take what his mom had taught him about gardening and take it to other towns, to teach others to garden and to eat healthy!

    Cody was so excited to change the world one fruit (or veggie) at a time he left as soon as his candles were blown out.

    The birthday party, however, was far from over! Next in line to blow her candles out was Delilah…


    And then her twin brother, Dylan!

    After the first set of twins, the second set of twins blew their candles out...

    And aged up gracefully…for the most part...

    Here is Eric

    And Evelyn

    And finally it was little Felix's turn to age up!

    Alicia had a huge surprise for the kids… as they all waited anxiously for their gifts she revealed that their gift was a brand new ….<b>HOUSE</b>!!!!

    The youngest twins were thrilled when Alicia announced that the new home had a swing set, however Delilah and Devyn began bickering right away about who would get to choose whose room first. The argument was quickl eliminated when Alicia informed them that there were only 4 rooms: hers (the master suite), a boy's room, a girl's room and a nursery!

    Over the coming week the whole family sorted and packed. They even took a whole load of items to the local thrift shop to donate! Alicia felt very fortunate that they were able to afford the new house, they truly needed it. She needed it, if she was ever going to complete this task and get her loving Jarod back!

    While the older children were at school Alicia loaded the few items that the movers hadn't already taken in their truck in to a cab, scooped Felix up in her arms and away she, Felix & of course, Shiloh went to the new home.

    She left word at the school to tell the children not to take the bus home but instead to ride their bikes to the new house!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    KaileKaile Posts: 2,369 Member
    edited October 2011
    awww you put so much time into this I can tell! You should try to put it on the storyboard so you can get reccomends... and on the storyboard you dont have to get the images code and stuff and you can edit it just like on here :mrgreen: (cuz u deserve recs)
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011
    <b><u>Chapter 11 - Bigger IS Better!</u></b>

    The Engio's (all except the teens, Delilah & Devyn, who had somehow managed to get detention, again) arrived at the new home just as the moving truck was leaving. Alicia was excited, she had managed to be able to afford a moving company who not only picked up the packed items but unpacked them and set the house up the way she had specified, prior to the family moving in! It was incredible, when she stepped in to new home it was as if her family had always lived there. All their clothes were hung in their closets, all the books they owned on shelves, even Shiloh's new dog bed was in the living room!

    Alicia had taken quite a bit of money to furnish the house with educational items for the kids, she had sat down and done the math and omitting all televisions from the home she hd plenty for musical instruments, a library collection, a chemistry set, and so much more!

    However, Alicia wasn't completely unreasonable, she knew that her children were, well, children. She spent some money adding a small playground to the back yard complete with see-saw and swing set!

    As the children settled in to the home Alicia took Felix outside to explore the yard and scout out a decent area to replant some of her seeds (she had made sure to bring along 2 to 4 of each type of seed that she had grown in the previous garden). After choosing her area, she took little Felix over to the sandbox to play with his sister, and then headed to the garage to begin lugging the gardening tools & lights to their proper places.

    When Alicia finally finished putting everything where it belonged the sun had began to set… she made her way back to the sandbox and scooped Felix up.

    As she headed toward the backdoor she told Evelyn & Eric (who had been contently building different… things… in the sand) that they would need to finish up for the evening, come inside, and wash up for dinner! They begrudgingly obliged and quickly smashed their creations in a manic rush to beat one another to the down stairs bathroom.

    When Alicia reemerged from taking Felix upstairs to the toddler play area outside the nursery she found Dylan sitting at the large dining table, scribbling out his latest homework assignment. As he finished Alicia asked where Delilah had got to...

    Dylan answered quickly, "fishing". He got to his feet and made his way to the living room, sitting down at a beautiful keyboard his mom had bought for the family, he ran his fingers gently over the keys.

    He called for his mom, asking if he could head to the bookstore before dinner to pick up some beginner sheet music. She agreed, and he was off.

    As the week went on the family seemed to settle nicely in to the roomy home. The biggest adjustment came where Alicia didn't expect it; the children had always slept in the same room, in bunk beds… while they still slept in bunk beds they were split in to three separate rooms. Alicia often found 1 or more children in the incorrect rooms when she would go in to wake them in the morning.

    It seemed the carpenters who built the home didn't really know what they were doing as multiple things broke during their first week in the house! When Alicia was too busy to fix things, as she was often cleaning, cooking, gardening, writing, and caring for Felix, Dylan stepped up and tried to help. He would often be found with a "dummies" book propped open and whatever was broken would be in more pieces than ever. Alicia thought it was sweet, however, and didn't have the heart to tell him not to try.

    Felix was relatively quiet, or maybe it's just that Alicia had grown use to twins galore… and with twins it seemed she never was able to sleep more than an hour at a time. With Felix she was able to get 5 or 6 hours in a row of lovely, uninterrupted sound sleep. They seemed to have an unspoken agreement and would wake up within moments of one another, Alicia would go to the bathroom, and then head for the nursery.

    Every morning after breakfast & after the older children headed off to school, Alicia would work with Felix, teaching him to walk and talk.

    Evelyn loved the chemistry set so much the few discrepancies that Alicia and her had had prior to moving regarding doing her homework disappeared all together. She knew that the sooner her homework was completed she sooner she was able to race upstairs and blow things up, therefore every day after classes you could find Evelyn at the dining table feverishly working on her homework.

    Even Shiloh seemed to enjoy the new home, and showed her appreciation by bringing the morning paper to Alicia as soon as it was dropped off by the paper boy each morning!
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Kaile wrote:
    awww you put so much time into this I can tell! You should try to put it on the storyboard so you can get reccomends... and on the storyboard you dont have to get the images code and stuff and you can edit it just like on here :mrgreen: (cuz u deserve recs)

    Awh thanks, ive looked at the story boards in the past but I enjoy the forum post.... I figure after I write more, maybe I will get more views. :)

    I dont really like the way the story boards are set up though. I upload all the images, grab the link codes, and put them in textedit and then write my chapter there... then I "preview" it here ....move any images that arent in the correct spot and submit it. It sounds annoying but im use to it lol.
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011
    <b><u>Chapter 12 - Two Is My Favorite Number</u></b>

    Delilah continued to fish every day after school… for about a week.

    After falling one too many times she decided that there had to be an easier skill to develop that wouldn't get her grounded for staying out past curfew on accident.

    While Delilah was out fishing, Evelyn had been spending lots of time trying to discover new potions with the chemistry set however after a rather large explosion that charred her clothes and singed her hair, Alicia was forced to take the chemistry set away, at least for the evening.

    After Delilah came home late a third night in a row, bruised and scraped from not knowing how to cast a line properly, she was grounded and therefore forced to find a hobby to develop in to a skill at home. She was rather talented, it seemed, at sketching.

    After grounding Delilah for breaking curfew Alicia invited over the guy whom she hoped would turn out to be donor #6! In no time her hope became a reality… she hoped that she was knocked up again but wasn't sure.

    Donor #6 was rather full of himself, he strutted from the bed, all the way down stairs and out the front door, verbally reassuring her that "his stuff doesn't fail". "Geez, I hope if I am pregnant that this kid doesn't act like that", Alicia thought to herself.

    Eric found he was rather adept at writing, and even though he was rather quiet, when he sat down at the computer and placed his fingers on the keyboard he was able to let out all of his thoughts and emotions.

    It seems that those emotions include anger, and in one of Eric's fits of rage he hit the keyboard so hard a key popped off, smacked the screen and shattered it. Now it was Alicia's job to fix the thing. She figured a screw driver would do the trick...

    After a while of smacking the tower and keyboard without he screw driver the computer began to emit a rose like scent …Alicia moved closer to smell it a tad better. Unbenounced to her, the computer sprung to life and seemed to be working better than ever. Slightly confused at how she had fixed the computer she was proud of herself, never the less.

    The pride, however, was short lived as morning sickness over took her and she rushed to the bathroom.

    Due to their delinquent behavior Alicia had been forced to tell the twins, Delilah & Dylan, that they would not be allowed to attend prom. However, for days they had hung out in the back yard, plotting how they would sneak off to prom. While Alicia was busy getting sick in the downstairs bathroom they took their chance and quickly bolted from the house… sprinting for the rented limo.

    When they arrived home from a night of fun, they knew they would be grounded for even longer, but to their surprise their mom was passed out in her bedroom. Delilah tucked Felix in and checked on Evelyn and Eric before turning in for the night. Meanwhile, Dylan hung their prom pictures along the upstairs wall with Brille & Cody's.

    The next morning as the children played Alicia made it a point to finish her latest novel, without even having to be asked Dylan and Delilah headed out to the garden to help out.

    With the teens in the house acting so responsibly Alicia took her chance to get away for the day and headed to the spa for a full treatment.

    When she arrived home she headed in to the study to check on Eric and immediately went in to labor. Apparently, the relaxation that she paid for really did the trick!

    Before she knew it Alicia was holding a beautiful (green) baby girl, who she named Gabriella!

    A few moments later a baby boy was born, whom she named Glen.

    Felix had no idea that all the one on one time he had always received from his mom was drastically shortened now. He just went on hugging and holding his ratty old doll. It seemed that ever Engio child had received one of these old dolls… Alicia was beginning to wonder if they were from Jarod!

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    DuckypantsDuckypants Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited October 2011
    Your sim home is so beautifully decorated! I love reading this!
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    jessstewart88jessstewart88 Posts: 376 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Duckypants wrote:
    Your sim home is so beautifully decorated! I love reading this!

    Thank you :)
    I built it specifically for this challenge, if you want it for your own town(s) you can download it here > :)

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