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Queen of Denial (3/22) 122: I Refuse (p. 33)

For a quick summary up to update 101 go here. :)

Bear with me in the beginning as, in my opinion, the characters are underdeveloped. It gets better, I promise :). The beginning of the story I had a different goal that I changed as she meets her guys.

edit: Another story.. Cutest Lil' Jazz Singer
click the pic to go there, but don't forget Elena hehe.

And another (18+): A Moment In Time
(click the pic to go to the chapter listing)

And my newest one (18+): A Story With No Title
(yes, that's the title :lol: )
(click the pic to go to the first chapter)

In Sims1 I was really into posting stories. In Sims2 my stories were too racy to be put anywhere but in my game :hunf: . Well, now I'm gonna try my hand at telling a story in a forum, if for nothing else keeping track for myself. So, here goes.

I'm going to put the pic first and the story for that pic under it because it helps me to go with the old way of looking at it.

Incidentally, this is in Stw402's Champs Les Sims base game 'hood that I FINALLY got to work after much trying. (try clicking on the save file)

Chapter list:
Intro below in this post. or here on the blog. (I'm also transferring everything over one by one onto the blog so those that have been transferred now have their links to the blog here: )
2: Date with John part 1
3: Date with John part 2
4: Marie Goes to School
5: Tate Disaster
6: Break Up and Make Up
7: Tate Aftermath
8: Joshua Maro's Party and Naked Pillow Fight
9: Engaged!
10: The Big Parties and No I'm Not Old
11: Dancing Around the Real Issue
12: The Wedding
13: The Honeymoon
14: Big And Small Surprises
15: Shooting Stars and Bad Fashion
16: Prom
17: You're Grounded, Young Lady!
18: Investigation and Intoxication
18.1: One Night of Camping (Apparently I can't count, and somehow I'm off by one)
19: Tate Busted
20: Greg Makes His Move
21: No title
21.1: It Hits the Fan (/sigh)
22: Mass Hysteria
23: Just Catching My Breath
24: Dancing part 1&2
25: News Travels Fast
26: Holding Up and Holding Out
27: All Better Now
28: Welcome to the Land of Cheese!
29: Mildly Awkward
30: It's Party Time?
31: Greg and Elena's Wedding
32: Sappy Surprise
33: Doubts
34: Playing Around
35: Preggers and X-Man Ages Up
36: Pondering
37: I Am NOT My Mother
Bonus: Excerpt from the book
38: Suspicions
39: Suspicions Confirmed
40: Confessions
41: Doomed Forever?
42: Dear John
43: Time Heals All Wounds Part A&B
44: To Kiss Or Not To Kiss
45: This Sounds Familiar
46: I Decide
47: Lions and Horses and Bears, Oh My!
48: Mini Greg
49: On The Rocks parts 1&2
50A: Elena
50B: John
51: Don't Get Personal-Just Business
52: Hard Time parts 1&2
53: Sole Custody of my Heart
54: Optimism
55: True Feelings
56: Today Doesn't Last Forever
57: On The Rocks Opens Up
58: The Wolf and the Lamb
59: Greg Tried Again
60: Clouded Reasoning
61: Marie's Party
62: Greg parts 1&2
63: The Afterparty parts 1&2
64: Fear
65: Pain
66: Numb Anger
67: Crazy parts 1&2
68: Dirty Work
69: Xavier
70: Abducted!
71: John At Work parts 1&2
72: A Gift?
73: Cold
I skipped the number 74.
75: Sick Joke
76: Soap Opera
77: Lil' Bit o' Drama
78: Bridgeport & Special Delivery
79: Getting Ready
80: Really Bad Pics
81: Going Gray
82: Depressed
83: Silly
84: Memories
85: John's Worries
86: Suspicious Behavior
87: Bloodletting
88: It's All Greek To Me
89: Happily Ever After
You could say a new "season" starts here.
90: Growing Up Is Hard To Do
91: Clueless
92: Consider It
93: Date With Dawson
94: Mona Lisa Smile
95: Ghosts From the Past
96: Jonah Goes Fishing
97: Troubles
98: Confidence
99: Bad Dream
100: Hot Water
101A: Date With Armand
101B: Date With Armand part 2 R rated version here.
102: Playing Dirty
103: Set Free
104: The 15 Sisters (Jonah) Link to 18+ blog here.
105: TastelessBlog link here.
106: This Magic Moment blog version
107: Running From My Shadow
108: Jonah Has A Bad Day
109: Let's Do It Blog 18+ versionhere
110: You're Driving Me Crazy!
111: Chess
Bonus: Meet Ben
112: Just Like Dad (Ben)
113: Okay, Now What?
114: What to Expect (Elena)
115: Finger Painting (Xavier)
116: Emotional (Elena, Ben, Marie)
117: Beating Around the Bush (Marie)
118: Leaving the Nest
119: Unexpected
120: This Old Man
121: Lily
122: I Refuse

I'm Elena Schwartz. I'm bit of a coward, and I'm always worried about falling all over myself, like in this pic, but right now I'm worried that I'm here all alone and I know absolutely nobody.
So, I decide since I'm also a vegetarian that I need to get some supplies to get my own garden. So I go to the nectary and I happen to meet Greg Turner inside the front door. We really hit it off!
Um, is he looking at my chest? Men. :roll:
This is my cute little house. My one and only complaint about it is the bedroom is a little too small. I think I'm going to have to get rid of the dresser to make room for a larger bed--an absolute necessity. But, first I need to work on making some money.

I won't bother with pics for this part of my life. I get a job at the hospital, and I suck at it. The first day of work I knock out everyone in the ER with gas intended for the patient. (ugh)
Erm, there is a little problem with kids getting to school late. There's no bus? wha? Ok, Elena to the rescue. I'm adopting a toddler and aging her to child immediately.
cute. Anyway, I name her Marie, and as soon as the whole bus problem is solved off she's going to boarding school. Oh, and btw, arg, I still can't get a bigger bed. The bedroom is small so I get us bunk beds for a bit.
Here she is. She's cute. Athletic and brave, she'll do fine in boarding school. Time to age up!
The school bus arrives....for just her. Everyone else still taxis, bikes, or drives their parents' cars. I guess I'll need to wait until Monday to see what happens next before sending her off. (Today is Friday). I don't know why she's not in the pic. Maybe I took it too late and she had just hopped on the bus. As she aged, she got the snob trait. I guess that'll help her in school as well? Oh well.
I work on my skills a little. A week has gone by and all I've done is work, work, work. So, I decide to drop in on an old friend...
Only to find out that HE'S MARRIED??? He wasn't when I met him last weekend. Apparently, this guy gets around. He got this woman, Betty, pregnant and they had a shotgun wedding yesterday. She's not too happy to meet me. Greg is happy to see me, though.
He drags me into the bathroom while Betty is talking to their roommate, Royal. At first, she wasn't in there, but she heard me giggling and walked in on us getting more friendly. Hey! don't judge me! I'm upset that he got married right under my nose and I told him so. He told me that he still has feelings for me, and that he never intended for his used-to-be ex-girlfriend to have wound up preggers. Then he kisses me, and can't stop. I must be good at this. Well, then, as you can see, SHE walks in. He just peeps at her and keeps going. :shock:
Greg: Just ignore her. She got what she asked for. I married her. I don't love her.

Great, now she's trapped in the bathroom with us, and unwanted spectator. So, we go out into their living room to talk some more. Marie is out of school and read the note that I was here, so she arrives.
Betty follows us out and slaps Greg around. That just ticks me off. She tricks him into marrying her, and then expects him to be faithful? hah!
Oh, and that's Marie talking to their roommate, Royal. Royal Flush. What was the maker thinking? Anyway, he's a total goober.
Greg just makes a face at Betty and pulls me into his arms again. I'm starting to think that he's using me? But, I'm mad. He was supposed to be MY guy. So, I let him.
Betty: Greg! That's it! First of all, you sleep on the couch all the time and now you're kissing this strumpet! Apparently our child would be better off without you as a father! This is it! I'm out!
Greg looks only a little bummed. I'm having fun, but I'm slightly peeved she called me a strumpet. A strumpet? She's the one who got pregnant! And who uses the word 'strumpet' anyway?
Whoa! Royal wastes no time in proclaiming his affection for Betty. He tells her that he adores her. She takes the flowers, but apparently she's still shaken up about Greg, and she leaves. Marie cries a little. Hmm, maybe not the best idea to subject a child to all this broken family drama stuff. Monday can't come too soon.
Greg also doesn't waste any time, and I'm simply swept off my feet. He's sweet, but I wonder if I should continue with this relationship.

Maybe I AM a 'strumpet'. Oh man! I just used that word. Does 'home wrecker' sound better? mmm...probably not. I honestly came over just to visit, but when I found out he was married I wanted revenge. Yeah, I need to get out of this. "Chicken." I tell myself.
So, I go to a bar. Marie is outside doing her homework. I met this, I forgot his name. I think it's John? Anyway, he's nice to talk to. (and to look at!) He talks about his girlfriend alot, and how things just work for them. It was nice to just talk to somebody. He told me that yes, it probably was a good idea to leave and I'm not a chicken. I trip on my way back over to the bar and he catches me. I couldn't help but notice how strong he is. We talk some more and I go home in a better mood.

Well, I don't have pics for this part, of course, but Betty winds up marrying Jean Luc (yes, the infamous Jean Luc). AND Greg really does get around. He got another girl pregnant. Somebody named Lindy. Oh, but Betty still blames me for her divorce. I feel sorry for Jean Luc...that woman has some serious baggage.


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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    The next day I woke up and did a little gardening when I had an unexpected visitor!
    It was John! (yes, that's his name) He came over just to see how I was doing this morning. He wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to fall for Greg's charms again. How sweet! He gave me roses. Then, this weird music started playing...
    I had no idea my house was haunted!?! My friend, Brook, came over and took care of it. She said it was her 'job'. A job taking care of ghosts? I'd never be able to do that. I was totally freaked out. John made me go back inside while she finished up. Then, John asked me if I wanted to go back to the bar. Good idea! I left Marie to play with her weird doll that I did NOT get out of the mailbox, yet she seems to have acquired it anyway.
    John said he was going to go to his house and get a shower then he'd meet me over there.
    He came to the bar wearing his swimsuit or workout clothes or something. At any rate, I was pleasantly shocked. I had to remind myself that he already had a girlfriend.

    John: You know, Elena, you really need a day for yourself. Let's go inside and have some fun!
    Me: Ok. :) you want to call Ivana?
    John:Erm...well.... we're not really together anymore.
    Me: Do what!? When did this happen?
    John: I got home alot later last night than she expected, and she got really mad. I told her I was helping you feel better and then she blew up and called you names and I wasn't going to have it.
    Me: What does she have against me? I don't even know her!
    John: She had heard from Betty what happened with Greg. Betty is one of her best friends.
    Me: Yikes.
    John: I know right? Well, I wasn't going to listen to her talk about you like that, so we mutually agreed to end it.
    Me: didn't have to do that for me. I don't really care if people are talking about me.
    John: I realize that, but things were not going so well with us to begin with and this was the straw that broke the camel's back so to say. And...I really like you.
    I felt all kind of giddy. Wow. My heart was already doing little flip-flops with his attire. I wonder what 'like' he means? friends? more than friends?

    Me: Um, ok, well, let's go get something to eat...

    I turn to walk into the place and fall over my own feet. He catches me!
    John: Whoa! You weren't kidding about being a klutz were you?
    He laughs. I blush. He hasn't let go of me yet...
    Me: Um, John? I am able to stand on my own two feet most of the time.
    John: I realize that. I just....

    Then he slowly let me down, keeping hold of me.


    John: I guess I just can't help myself. Do you even KNOW how beautiful you are?

    Ok...major butterflies here. I knew I liked him, and I guess I figured out which 'like' he meant. He pulls my face towards him...

    Ok, I've heard about that "love's first kiss" nonsense....Well, I don't think it's nonsense anymore. This was meant to be.
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    We head on to the dance floor as soon as we get in--NOT a good place for me. I hardly move for fear that I'm gonna fall flat on my face. Still....If I do, he could catch me again and the last time wasn't so bad. :wink:
    Oh! that guy back there? That is apparently his brother, Eric. He said he'll introduce us later, that for today he wanted me all to himself. We wave and keep dancing.

    I get a little thirsty and we decide to head over to the bar.
    That's when I notice Greg has just walked in with some woman I've never seen before. I can't believe I let myself fall for his tricks! I must be real easy...
    John starts to notice where I'm looking and he sees my expression.

    John: Elena, c'mon, you're too good to be worrying about him. Let's go outside for a bit.

    Well, apparently the day has flown by and night is coming on. Wow, time flies when you're having fun, huh?


    Me: I'm sorry, John, I didn't mean to react like that. I don't have any feelings for him anymore. I'm just mad at myself for falling for his charms so easily.
    John: Oh Elena, what have I got to do to get him out of your head?
    Me: He IS out of my head! I wasn't thinking about him at all until he walked in.
    John: Well, let's enjoy some of Brook's picnic here and then go back inside. Maybe he'll be gone by then.

    We did, and when we went back inside Greg was leaving with that girl giggling in tow. John pulls me out onto the dance floor again. Not much later and I nearly twist my ankle. We decide to give dancing a rest for the night and go play some foosball.

    Out of nowhere he asks me to go steady! Of course I say yes!

    Me: I've never told anyone this, but no one has EVER asked me to go steady before!
    John: I don't believe that.
    I nod.
    Me: Oh yeah! It's true! I've always seemed to chicken out or just ruin it before we ever reached that step.
    John: Well, I hope you don't think it's too soon for me to ask.
    Me: Oh no no no no no. It's not. It''s wonderful!

    John looks at me perplexedly.

    Me: what?
    John: Oh nothing.

    Now I'm scared. I look at him suspiciously.

    John (laughingly): Every other man in the world is an idiot. Oh believe me, I don't mind. If they choose not to notice how wonderful you are, then I'm not going to point it out to them.
    Me: Wonderful? Me?

    All I can think is about all the times that I've ever made a fool of myself.

    John sighs exasperatedly.

    Wow. How did I get so lucky?

    John:The place is closing up. I'll take you home.

    I mutely nod and try to support myself on the foosball table to keep myself from falling over. John just smiles. He has beautiful teeth.


    He drives me home, kisses me goodnight after walking me to the door, and gets in his car to go back to his house. I walk inside as fast as I can because it's dark outside, and evil gnomes might come get me if I stay out here too long. Hey! It happened in a movie once!

    Side story: Ok so Betty and Jean Luc aren't actually married, they're just steady. Betty had Greg's baby and named him Demarco. I think the Greg that got someone named Lindy preggers was actually a copy of him that my game made (I have story progression) for some reason. So, I deleted that whole household and canceled game-made immigration. The stupid bus still never came for any of the neighborhood kids, but the school is moved to a closer location so that the students aren't late anymore.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    It's Monday night, and he's invited me over to his house when he gets off work.
    He's....a cop?!? cool.


    A traffic cop actually. He says it's just one step further to his dream job in the Sims Intelligence Agency.


    I guess it's good that there are people out there willing to be in law enforcement. I'd be too much of a coward, so I guess it's good that I'm just a bed pan cleaner--though that does require a certain type of bravery-ew.


    John: Oh Elena! You wouldn't believe the craziness I had to deal with today! This guy was impersonating a fine dining delivery driver when actually he was a thief! It's great to be home finally, and even better that you're here. It was a looooong day.


    Er...yeah..let's just say he feels better now. And.....I think I'm falling in love with the guy.

    Back at home...

    I think Marie is getting revenge at me for sending her to boarding school tomorrow. I don't know what her big deal is. She's going to the same school that John went to. She'll have a great time with a whole bunch of other athletic kids. (and is that Garnier Nutrisse in the shower?)

    Well, I go back home since she IS still at home and needs an adult there.

    The next morning I give her a going away gift. Her face just lights up! Of course, I don't know about the awaiting prank so I feel a little guilty. I gave her a pretty yellow butterfly that I caught yesterday on my way home from work. It can be her dorm room pet.

    Bye, Marie! Have fun!

    (this screenshot wouldn't load)
    Then I find out about the prank. Great, yellow hair. Sigh.


    She calls me from school to say that she's sorry about the shower thing, and that she's learned "there's no I in team--who knew?". I'm glad she's doing fine.
    Whoops! Almost missed the carpool!
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    Well, somebody I barely knew invited me to a party. I thought I'd give it a go.

    Tate from work is there and approaches me while I'm talking to someone new.

    Me: Um, thanks, Tate. How's Brook doing?
    (Brook is his wife and my best friend)
    Tate: Oh, she's working....again. I told her she doesn't have to anymore with me getting the big promotion to resident and all, but she says she likes it. I get bored at night, and I was so glad when they decided to throw this party.


    Tate: It's so BORING sleeping by myself every night, you know what I mean?
    Me: Yeah, but with Marie at school now I don't plan on that happening much more often.

    Tate grins wickedly and I just laugh and walk away. uh...

    I hang out at the party til the host decides to just go to sleep without telling anyone. Tate offers me a ride home. I agree, and when we get there he goes out and plays with my sprinkler. Well, just make yourself at home, Tate. (sarcasm)


    Tate: You have a nice fledgling garden out here, Elena. I could give you some pointers if you'd like?
    Me: Oh, not right now. I kinda like to learn at my own pace. I think I'm doing good to actually get them planted in the ground and not in a pot.

    We chuckle.

    Me: Um, would you like to come inside?

    I can't help but think this is weird for him to be playing outside in my garden in the middle of the night.


    Oh no! He thinks this is a date. Is he crazy? I have a boyfriend, he has a WIFE. Not only that, his wife is my BEST FRIEND.


    So I start talking about how well things are going between John and me. He's fumbling with something in his pocket.


    Tate yawns.
    Tate: Well, I think it's time we turned in don't you?
    Me: Yeah, and thanks for driving me home.
    Tate: Anytime, my sweet.


    Me: Tate, um, I'll see you at work tomorrow. I start to turn him towards the front door.

    I feel a slight 🐸🐸🐸🐸 on my shoulder. I turn to look and Tate holds my face steady.


    Me: I'm starting to feel a little dizzy, Tate. I'm really tired.

    I almost fall over and grab hold of him for support.


    Tate: No worries, my dear, I'll help you into bed.
    Me: I just bought a new one. I had to get rid of my old dresser to make room, but I didn't want to keep the bunk bed. (I ramble on about new furniture shopping)
    Tate: Nice.

    He lays me down on the bed. The room is spinning.


    I turn my head around to the wall to try and steady the spinning spinning spinning when ack!

    Me: Tate! I thought you went home?!
    Tate: To an empty bed again? Now why would I want to do that when I could help you break the new bed in?

    At this point I faint...I think. It's all a blur.


    The next thing I know I remember is waking up with Tate's arms around me. The room is still spinning a little.


    He moans my name in his sleep.
    Oh no.
    Oh no.
    He must've used some kind of medicine on me. That would explain the spinning. The 🐸🐸🐸🐸 feeling. He had a syringe in his pocket!


    I must've passed out again. I get up and feel dirty. I escape to the shower and then to the café until it's time for work again. I successfully avoid Tate all day, and that wasn't easy since he was asking all the nursing staff if they'd seen me.


    Finally, my work day is over. John doesn't get off work for 5 more hours. I don't want to bother him at work. I don't want to go home. So, I head to the bar.


    The hours pass slowly as I am totally bored in the bar. On one note that is good. If anyone I knew walked in, especially Brook, I think I might've broken down.


    Finally John should be off work. I call him and he's just not in the mood to come to the bar. I'm a little upset at this, but I agree to come to his house.

    (I hate the stairwell post in this pic)

    I explain what happened to him. I hate the look in his eyes. He looks so broken.
    Me: I don't know exactly what happened, but I can guess. I don't know what to do.


    He backs away and just stares at me. His expression is unreadable.

    John: I should've seen this coming. I just didn't think it would happen this fast.
    Me: What do you mean?
    John: If you wanted to break it off, then that's all you had to say. You didn't need to come up with this **** and bull story.
    Me: Story? Story! He took advantage of me!


    John: Yeah?! Just like Greg huh?
    Me: No, Greg was more of a seduction. You know that.
    John: I'm beginning to think that's just you're excuse so you don't have to see how cheap you are!
    Me: Cheap?!

    Then he really exploded.

    John: Yes! Cheap! Cheap 🐸🐸🐸🐸! And to think I was eventually planning on asking you to marry me!?! Good thing for me that I've seen your true colors before you could hurt me even more! What on earth is Brook going to say when she finds out that you've now got TWO husbands of other women under your belt.
    Me: (whisper) no.
    John: YES!
    Me: John, he injected something into my arm!

    Me: I came to you for help! Now I find out what you really think of me! How DARE you insinuate that I egged him on...that I WANTED this!?!


    John for a minute looks like he's going to hit me. Then he just yells.

    John: Get out! Just get out! Go wreck another man's life!


    Me: Yes, I will. Heaven forbid I ruin the life of a man that once told me that I was wonderful. And beautiful. And innocent. When all the time he never meant it. Better I find out now what you really think of me.
    John: good! go!


    So I leave. I'm trying to hold in the tears. I think I HAD fallen in love with him because my heart is breaking. I barely make it out the door.


    I go outside and his garden gnome laughs at me. That nearly made me pee my pants. At any rate, I faint.
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    The rest of the week is just awful. I don't think I can avoid Tate any more. I worried that John has told Brook since she's not returning any of my calls. I fix myself up all pretty Friday night because John said he'd come over so we could "talk".

    The doorbell rings, and it's not John. Crud! It's Tate.

    Tate: Why have you been avoiding me at work? I've been so distracted looking for you that I got demoted!
    Me: Tate, don't blame me for that. And...I want you to leave. I HAVE been avoiding you at work all week. I want you to leave me alone. You'll be lucky if I don't press charges.
    Tate: YOU'LL be lucky if I don't slap you across the face for saying that! You know you wanted it, too! You certainly didn't seem to mind the other night!
    Me: I don't remember the other night! And I want you to leave!
    Tate: Fine! I guess I'm more than man you can handle!

    I barely have enough time to compose myself before John arrives.

    He walks in and my heart is hammering in my chest. I accidentally out of habit try to hug him. Ugh, awkward. So, I tuck my hair behind my ear and he looks away. He's doing his darndest to keep from looking at me. I bite my lip.

    John: I want to apologize for the awful things I said. However, I think I need to be fair to you and officially end it.
    Me: No, John. Please, I'm telling the truth. Ask any of the other nurses at work. Please! I never meant for any of this to happen.
    John: I saw him drive away from your house, Elena. Please don't lie to me anymore.
    Me: That was him coming to accuse me of avoiding him at work! I WAS avoiding him at work! I don't want anything to do with him!

    John sighs.
    John: Well, that's all I came to say. Have a nice rest of your evening, Elena.

    Then he looks me full in the eyes. He looks so sad and hurt. It's all I can do to keep from throwing myself at his feet and beg. He turns and leaves. I throw myself down on the couch and cry.
    I finally get up. I need to sleep, but I just can't. So, I might as well study some. It'd be great to be higher up in the hospital than that jerk. I have that stupid, "Yeah another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody" song in my head. It's not Saturday, it's Friday, but the concept is the same.

    The next morning I sleep in. When I finally drag myself out of bed there are 3 messages on my machine. It's John! He wants me to come over?!

    I ring the bell at his house and he runs to open it. Then he drags me into the house and hugs me. I'm in total shock.

    John: Oh Elena. I'm a total jerk. Please, please, please forgive me. Last night I went by the hospital and the other nurses supported your story. I never should have doubted you. That man is a jerk.
    Me: Why didn't you believe me?
    John: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I was hurt. I guess I'm more than a little insecure. I.....wouldn't blame you at all if you never spoke to me again. I just wanted to tell you. Here. Where all the bad words were spoken.

    I started crying.

    John: Please don't cry. Don't. It was heart-wrenching listening to you from your front yard last night. (he pauses) Can you ever trust me again?
    Me: Are you crazy? The real question is that can you trust me?
    John: You've done nothing wrong.
    Me: But you didn't trust me.
    John: I don't know what I was thinking. Some weird stuff at work had been happening where a wife was cheating on her husband. I gotta learn to leave work at work. Can you forgive me?
    Me: You silly goose, of course I can.

    Then he got a serious expression on his face.

    John: Now, what are you going to do about him? You need to file a report with the ....
    Me: No.
    John: what?
    Me: No. I just want this forgotten. I don't want the law involved. I've told him to leave me alone.
    John: Just telling him isn't a guarantee that he will.
    Me: Well, then I'll call the police. um, you. (soft chuckle)
    John: No, not good enough.
    Me: Huh?
    John: Move in with me. (he smiles) Then you'll have the police with you all the time.

    I think my heart just stopped beating. Talk about a 180.

    Me:Um, I think my garden would die if I tried to move it.
    John: Of course you would worry about your silly garden. (he shrugs) Ok, I move in with you?
    My mouth starts twitching as I'm trying not to cry again.
    Me: That would be wonderful.

    That afternoon:
    John: I'm the luckiest man in the world.
    I just squeeze, afraid he's going to disappear again.

    side note: since he moved in the game brought Marie back from boarding school. I sign her up again, but she's there for the night.
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    Well, we get settled. John tells Marie that we plan on either getting a new house or building a room on to this one for her for when she visits. She acts like she could just go with the flow no matter what.

    John calls Brook over to come visit. She says sure because she's curious about why he said come to MY house.


    John: Brook, I hate to tell you this, but I think I'm the best one to do the job. Elena was telling it to me straight. Your husband forced himself on her.

    She doesn't appear to be taking it too well.
    (There's Marie again playing with that creepy doll, but then she gets up after this pic is taken.)

    Brook: do I know you're not just 'taken in' like so many other men when it comes to this once-best-friend of mine?
    John: Because I checked the facts. I talked to everyone at the hospital, and he has been hounding her all week.
    Brook: Well, yes, of course. That's the way men react to Elena. You checked the 'facts' you say? Facts...are not hearsay. Elena could just be projecting this act that she was 'taken against her will' to suit her own needs. She made a mistake. It cost her her best friend and used to cost her her boyfriend, but of course, you're a man so you swoon at the thought that she feels something for you.
    John: Brook, listen, she was drugged.
    Brook: A likely story.
    John: I see I can't convince you further. I'm sorry for when you realize.
    Brook: Oh I realize that my husband is a pig. Either way, it happened. I haven't decided what exactly I'm going to do with him yet, but I don't believe that Elena is entirely innocent like you do. If that is all, then I'm leaving.

    While this was going on I was out in the garden. John looked defeated. I go into the bathroom....
    to find that Marie has been busy again. She had been setting this all up while John was talking to Brook. ooooo that little.... Now I'm covered in yucky toilet water. UGH! I step into the shower...
    This is the thanks I get for adopting. I realize she's upset at me for sending her to boarding school. I decide to pretend it didn't happen since a reaction is obviously what she's going for.

    John asks me to call Tate and invite him over. I'm perplexed but go ahead and do it.


    Tate: Oh. It's YOU. humph. I didn't come here for a he-said, she-said.
    John: Oh? really. well, who said that was going to even happen?
    Tate: I can tell from the look on your face. You purposely had Elena invite me over here knowing that that would make me come over here, and then YOU answer the door. I'm not going to stand for this. If the woman won't admit she led me on, then I'll just leave.


    John: Listen you son of a motherless llama! What you did to her was so wrong, it's illegal! And even if I can't convince her to press charges you are still not going to get away with this.
    Tate: Oh? And what are you gonna do about it, momma's boy?
    John: That's IT!


    Marie: Bye Uncle John, Bye Mr. Tate.

    She's way too calm about two men trying to kill each other on our front lawn. At any rate, back to school she goes.
    The paper girl, however, is a bit more into it.
    I had gone back in the back to play in the sprinkler. I run around front when I hear the commotion. I should've known this would happen....


    Tate got his butt whooped. YES! After this pic was taken the paper girl pointed at him and laughed.

    John: This isn't over, Tate. I won't rest until I see you get everything that's coming to you!
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011

    Well, things settle down a bit for us. I go back inside and study some more for work. As I sit on the chair a 'poot' noise erupts. Ugh! Marie strikes again! This makes me feel less like studying...I'm doing it so we can have more money to get a better house....for her! Well....I guess also because John seems to think this house is too small. I don't know what he's getting at. I think it's cute and adorable. Yeah, it's tight when Marie is home, but other than that it's fine.


    John walks in and he starts talking about how wherever we move, we need to pick a house that helps the environment. Gee, I really love this guy. I'm thinking about how so many places produce pollution and that I don't want to live near a factory.

    Me: I really freakin love you, you know that?

    His mouth drops open. Oh, I guess I've never said that to him before. He just picks me up and carries me off to the bedroom.

    He insisted we get a new bed, and I didn't mind. I could no longer stand the sight of the old one. After plopping me down on the bed, he walks around and lays down on the other side. He sits there a sec, then starts to reach for me.

    Me: Wait! wait! I just got something in the mail that I ordered online...wait til you see!
    John: Ok, I'll get more comfy too.


    John: Oh...I guess that wasn't for 'comfort' was it? I like it.

    Ehem..well, skip ahead...
    I get a phone call from Joshua Maro later that afternoon. He invites us both to a party at his 'new' house.

    When we get there we can clearly hear Greg talking about me to this other guy, Mason Creek. I had officially ended it with him for good while John had been mad at me, and apparently he thought we still had something going even tho I hadn't seen him in weeks.
    John gets this steely look in his eyes. He goes in and confronts him, and they take their argument out into the living room.

    Greg: OH! So you're the new guy! Yeah, Tate said at the bar that you worked out alot. I don't blame you for beating the crap outta that guy, but I don't see why you think you're so special.
    John childishly does the little hand puppet mimic of what Greg just said.
    Greg is really looking ticked off now.
    Greg: What are you, some kind of nut?
    John acts like he can't hear what Greg is saying.
    John: Man, you're not even worth listening to. Face it, Elena wants nothing to do with you. So, stop talking bad about her to other people, if you know what's good for you.
    Greg gives him the "bring it" hand motion.
    I'm thinking, 'oh guys, please don't ruin Joshua's party...'
    Greg: Man, I'm not kidding. Elena is no good. If you were smart, you'd leave her alone. Don't get the heartbreak that she gave me. Tate...he's a nub. He's married, he shouldn't have even tried with her.
    John: Um, weren't you married, too?
    Greg snorts: I shouldn't have married Betty. I knew that as soon as I saw Elena again that day. Ok, so I used Elena a bit to help along the annulment/divorce/whatever. I wanted to keep the relationship with Elena going, but SOMEBODY talked her out of it....
    John: You were a married man!
    Greg: You had a girlfriend!
    John: I ended it with Ivana before even going out with Elena!
    Greg: You mean Ivana ended it with you because Betty told her about you two being at the bar all night!

    The argument was getting more and more heated. I'm a little confused. I was sure that Greg was just using me, that he didn't ever real feel anything for me. Also, this is getting a little embarrassing with everyone able to hear their argument. Sabrina Funke kept giving me the confused expression. Everyone else was TRYING not to pay attention, and all were failing miserably.

    Joshua Maro: Ok guys, well, that's enough for tonight. I'm tired anyway. Thanks for coming over. (his wife was already sleeping)(what is it with these townies throwing a party then going to bed after it had only been going for a couple hours?)

    Joshua pointedly looked at John. Great. He's afraid that John is trying to start WWIII in his living room. Everyone is leaving. John and Greg look at one another like 'this isn't over' and I'm just freaking out.

    Well, as things happen, Monday came again.
    That afternoon I was working in the garden like usual when this boy came and decided our front yard was the place to do his homework. His name is Dawson Creek. (yes, another joke name) He's the son of the guy that Greg was talking to last night before we arrived at the party. He finished his homework, ran over to the backyard, and asked if Marie was home. I told him she went to boarding school. He looked a little down about that, and said that that explains why she wasn't in school lately. Sweet.


    John got a promotion to patrol officer. He's thrilled. He can just feel the SIA looking at him as a potential agent.
    He goes to the salon and gets a tattoo. He tells the girl doing it that he doesn't want anything too ostentatious because he hoped to be getting married soon.
    Oh yeah, I had gotten a promotion too! I'm an EMT. I hate it. It's too scary! I was thinking also about last Sunday night's party when John walks into the backyard to tell me his good news.
    side note: We also got a washer that you see in the background. There's a clothesline off to the left out of the pic.
    We both congratulate each other and I go back to my gardening. John flexes his muscles and looks at me lot. He's starting to act like he's about to this promotion is a key factor in some scheme of his.
    I finish my gardening finally and go inside. John jumps up from the couch and comes over to me.

    John: Elena.
    Me: Mmm?
    John: The other day you said something wonderful.
    Me: I did?
    John: Yes. You said, 'I love you.'
    I blushed: um, yeah, I did.
    John: I didn't want to say anything right then, because that was YOUR moment. Now it's mine. You're the most wonderful woman in the world, and I love you.

    I'm so happy I start crying again. What IS it with me and crying?

    John laughs: Don't cry!
    Me: I can't help it!
    John: Well, let's go wash it off....

    Well, one thing led to another and we shared the shower that day. At least there wasn't any hair dye in it that time...though that might've made it even more interesting...

    I get out of the shower and dry off and get dressed again while John really takes his shower. Then, he hops out as I'm finishing up with my hair...

    He's stark naked. :shock:
    And playful. This is hilarious.
    He runs into the bedroom and grabs a pillow. I squeal and get my own and we pillow fight all over the house. (like my use of the pillow?)
    I can't help but think that if they neighbors just HAPPENED to look in they'd see more than just furniture through the windows! (this is one of the things that makes Sims3 fun is the random stuff that can happen like this)
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011

    (Ugh, I don't know what on earth is going on with my firefox, I'm not used to using IE but I'll do my best.)
    Well, John and I are off work and at the bar again. I don't know how much more often we are gonna go to this bar since they're converting a big house into a dance club w a bar right across the street from our house. John isn't thrilled by that. It doesn't matter to me. Oh! the military wanted John to transfer to them since they're so impressed with his performance. He didn't take them up on their offer, though. He still wants his dream job.
    This place is dead. John and I are the only ones here. John says he was actually hoping that Tate would come in so he could do some official questioning. I remind him that I'm not pressing charges. I feel bad enough that the whole town is talking about me in a negative way. THEY still call me a cheater. I've got to fix that, and I'm not doing it by going to court.
    However, Tate is really getting on my nerves at work. Everytime we bring someone into the ER he's all 'wink, wink, nudge, nudge' to the other doctors about me. I need to get a new job. Maybe a nice desk job? I could go apply at the local business high rise.

    We're bored so we hit the dance floor. Hey! I'm getting better at this! (this text box is driving me CRAZY! I wish it would stop bouncing all over creation! I hate IE8 :evil: )
    Well, Tate doesn't come to the bar. So, John insists on going to his house to 'have a chat'. Tate informs him that if he's not going to launch an official investigation, then he needs to back off.
    John: Oh you don't even know what you're talking about, Tate. You're just green with envy.
    Tate looks at him like he's gone mad.
    I wanted to include this pic to point out that Tate and Brook have a daughter. She's Jamie. She literally ages up that night.
    When John finally gets home, I'm asleep, but I hear him yelling as yet another one of Marie's ****** traps activates. I hope we've found 'em all as I can't think of anywhere else she might've put one.


    After work John calls me in from the garden. I finally get to meet his brother, Eric. Now, this guy has gotten women pregnant all over the neighborhood (ok maybe only2 not counting his wife) but he did it out of wedlock so people aren't all nasty to him like they are me. Anyway, he's nice and we have the stereo going so he asks me to dance.
    John leaves for a bit to go ask the local lady running the café if she knows anything about anything. (I think he's looking for dirt on Tate.) She tells him the only problem she has with him is that he looks down her shirt alot.
    Well, Eric leaves and I get ready for bed. I decide to go ahead and call work and quit. Happy dreams. :)


    I'm all excited as I go in to apply for a new job. Of course I get it! Next, I go to the bookstore and get a few things. Then, off to the consignment shop to sell a few things.
    Oh so THIS is Ivana. Hmm, not a total dog. At least I know that John's taste is consistent. She's real nasty to me, but has to have good customer service anyway.
    Natrually, I have to rub it in that John and I are doing great!

    Me: Yes, John just absolutely ADORES my ratatouille recipe! Would you like to have it?
    Ivana: No, thank you. I feed my men meat, it's what they need.
    I shrug: I don't force him to not eat meat, that's my choice not his. But he sure does LOVE my veggie recipes.
    Then, get this, she quits this job (SP taking over here) and now works with ME in the business profession.
    John gets home from work and we decide to go check out the new club across the street. So far, so good! Oh, then Greg walks in. He sneers at John. John gets that look in his eyes again. So, I take him in the room that has the shuffleboard, darts and foosball games set up. We play, I loose, of course, but John feels better. Then he needs to go to the restroom.
    Then Greg comes over.....and asks me to dance? I'm like, well, ok. He wanted to apologize for acting the way he did at the party last weekend. He should've not said those things about me to Mason, but he was still heartbroken over me. wha? He kissed me on the cheek and headed over to the bar.
    This guy is Roosevelt Batista. He just walks over and starts dancing with me.

    Roosevelt: A pretty lady like you should not be alone. You should dance with me!
    Me: Um, well, I AM here with my boyfriend.
    Roosevelt: That man that just kissed you on the cheek and walked away? I would not leave you alone, but guard your safety all night.
    Me: Um, no, my boyfriend actually had to use the restroom for a moment.
    Roosevelt: You receive a kiss on the cheek from a man that is NOT your boyfriend?
    Me: He's an ex, I guess.

    Why do I have to explain myself to this stranger?

    Roosevelt: Well, then he is a man that does not wish to be an ex, yes?
    Me: I don't know.
    Roosevelt smiles and leaves to go dance with someone else, after 'escorting' me into the main room. I see Tate walk in the door...
    Me: Tate! I need to talk to you!
    Tate: Hey, babe, what's up? Missed you at work today.
    Me: You need to stop calling me that, and I quit.
    Tate: Why?
    Me: Well, mostly because of you. You need to leave me alone. John is getting a little crazy when it comes to you.
    Tate's face falls: I really thought we could've had something, baby.
    He reaches for me.
    Me: Tate, you're married.
    Tate: I told you, my marriage is pretty much over, and don't blame yourself.
    Me: Good, because I don't blame myself.
    Tate: Fine then. I'll not press my suit anymore. I was hoping you didn't mean it last weekend, but I guess you did.
    About this time John finishes in the bathroom (wow, what a trip!), scowls at Tate, and takes me out on the dance floor. I told him that I had a talk with Tate, and to please leave him alone now.
    John: Alright, I won't do anything unless you ask me to.
    John: I just love you so much that seeing you with other men makes me crazy.
    Me: Aw, baby. Don't worry about me. It's you I love.
    John: I'm glad, because I have something I wanna ask you.
    Then he kisses me right on the dance floor. (yes, that's the lady from the café in the background.)
    John: Elena, would you REALLY make me the luckiest man in the universe and become my wife?
    OH MY GOSH!!! I can't believe it!!! This is SO WONDERFUL!
    Tate makes a choking noise and bangs his head on the wall. Greg scowls, but keeps dancing.
    Me: Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course I will!

    Then he puts the gorgeous ring on my finger. (I like how the party effects machine plays off the ring in this pic)
    John: Thank you.
    Then he goes off to the bar to get us some drinks.
    Tate and Greg start talking to me.
    Greg: Elena, are you sure about this? Do you really wanna marry a guy with a paper jaw?
    Tate: Erm, I think the term is glass jaw.
    Greg: No, Tate, YOU'RE the one with the glass jaw. Hush.
    I blink a few times, flabberghasted: Greg, he doesn't have a paper jaw or whatever, and if he did, that wouldn't matter to me.
    Tate: Well, face it Elena, you DO need someone that's going to be able to protect you.

    I glare at him.
    Greg takes a step closer and puts his hands on my shoulders.

    Greg: I just don't want you rushing into this. Marriage can be a real pain in the butt with the wrong person, I should know.

    About this time I hear shattering glass. John walks over.
    John: Would you just leave her alone?!
    Greg: I was just asking her, as a friend, if she was making the right decision.
    John: And why would marrying me NOT be the right decision.
    Greg: Well, for one, this agression I'm witnessing right now. That would be awful, say, if you suddenly turned it around on her.

    I'm just standing there still thinking about what Tate said about needing someone to protect me. What IS it with these guys? I get so lost in thought that before I know it...
    Great. Just great. What a great opening night for a new club. And this is supposed to be a celebration for us! Now John has to spend it fighting.
    Tate: Um, Elena, they're moving towards you...come over here.

    We stood there for a minute, kind of dancing, kind of trying to stay out of the way. Naturally, John kicked Greg's butt. People were starting to get fed up and left.

    John: Wanna dance?
    Me: Sure.

    Somehow women's shoes got involved in the scuffle, and I have no idea how.
    The place closed up in the next few minutes.
    I just wanted to show everyone a pic of the bartender. What a character!
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited March 2012

    The Big Parties and No I'm Not Old


    Well, we get up the next morning...ok we get up the next afternoon and John starts learning sim fu while I go ahead and plan a bachelorette party. I want to go ahead and have it today so I don't have to wait until next weekend or have it in the middle of the week. Of course, I'm planning on having it at the club across the street.

    Things are just so wonderful that I can hardly believe it's real.

    Ok, skip ahead to tonight. I asked Sabrina to do the toast for me since Brook was still mad at me, and claimed she was going to be late. Then she pulls a bottle of nectar out of her patootie.


    Oh no you don't!
    Oh, but she did.

    Great, now I'm soaked with sticky gooey stuff. It's hilarious.

    Tournabout is fair play right?

    Well, now that we're both soaked.....WHOA! Who loves me? TWO lifeguards? They went and hired two dancing dudes. I learned their names were Stan Dingstill and Harry Chesterman. (Finally, more funny names that I didn't come up with!)


    So they start doing their thing and most of us watch...

    (I wonder what this means? I get SP updates about this guy. He's married. I hope this doesn't mean that he's cheating? Or did she cheat on him? Or is he upset to be working for a 'cheater'?)


    They finish their routine and Stan stays. Hey! Brook showed up! (that's her in the background)

    Stan: Say, you're cute. Too bad you're gonna be married soon. Here, let me show you some dance moves.

    I clumsily try to follow what he does.

    Me: Like this?
    Stan: Almost, move your hips more.

    Apparently, nobody cleaned up the shoe mess from last night and it's still littering the dance floor.

    Neat! Free dance lessons to boot! I'm really getting better at this.

    The rest of the evening passes pretty much like any other party. We get drunk, we stay up WAY too late, and go home exhausted.

    Now it was John's turn to have a party...


    So, yeah, he has his at the same place. There aren't that many clubs in this little town. The guy in the shades and animal coat is his other brother, Jonah. I don't know why I haven't met him yet. He's the unmarried one.


    Eric makes the toast.


    cute outfit :lol:


    Then their entertainment arrives. Funny. John never asked them their names.


    Well that's funny....there's a long blank space of time here. And all of a sudden Joshua Maro is in his underwear? What did these boys get into?


    It must've been some party, because this is how I found John. Incidentally, it's Monday morning.

    After work and then working in the garden, I call Marie and tell her the good news. She's happy for us. She also had aged to teen over the weekend and gained the 'loves the outdoors' trait. Good for her! And...does that make me technically the mom of a teen? No. No way!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited March 2012

    Dancing Around the Real Issue

    (Yay! my firefox is working again!)
    These new guys move in across the street from us. They're really cute twins. This guy is Pascal (I need a better list of names) and I'm thinking about Marcel, his brother, as Pascal is talking about him. I'm wearing my new work 'outfit' so boring. How am I supposed to look professional in jeans? Yeah, all I do is run around and get people coffee, but I don't plan on doing that forever. You know what they say, dress for the job you want.

    Well, evening gets here and John is in the backyard working on his simfu again, and I'm bored. I shouldn't ever feel bored with a dance club across the street...ok off I go.

    I start dancing and this random guy comes up and starts dancing with me. He introduced himself later as Darrell.

    Darrell: Where did you learn to dance like that?
    Me: From the hired dancer at my bachelorette party.
    Darrell: You're married?
    Me: Engaged.
    Darrell: Do you know what one of the definitions of 'engaged' is?
    Me: What?
    Darrell: To do battle with the enemy.


    I teach him a few moves. He's a fast learner. It's a wonder that I haven't tripped over my own two feet in a long while.
    Oops! I accidentally tripped HIM. um... I wasn't paying attention and stuck my foot out at the wrong time.

    We both decide to give it a rest for a while and get a drink or two. He tells me he's married.

    Me: So, where's your wife?
    Darrell: She's at home unpacking.
    Then he gets all goo-goo eyed at me.

    Darrell: It's a shame I didn't meet you first. Ah, well.
    Me: Um, but I'm sure your wife is great.

    Darrell: She nice, but I hope your fiancé knows just how lucky he is.
    Me: Aw, that's so sweet!

    We drink our drinks and go dance by ourselves for a while, then the place closes.


    I've decided to start selling my veggies at the consignment store since it worked so well the last time.
    Ever get the feeling that people have been talking about you because when you walk in a room it gets quiet? Yeah. That just happened.
    That's Tate sitting at the desk doing some work, apparently. Oh! Darrell is the new consignment specialist. I wondered who they'd get to replace Ivana. Darrell's mouth is twitching as I conduct my business with him. I'm suspicious. What did Tate tell him? As I leave I can't help but hear them chuckling.

    I finally got a promotion! Even better, John finally got accepted into the SIA. He's thrilled beyond belief.
    Both of our bonuses give us just the amount we needed to get the house sort of caddy-cornered, sort of behind our old house. Here it is:

    It's right on the square. I'm happy that it's still somewhat close to the club, John is happy by the old-fashioned luxury feel to the place.
    Here's the backyard. Not a whole lot of room for me to have a garden. John immediately claims a spot for his sim fu dummy. In the shed in the back he put a workbench that he says he's always wanted to have. We go out and get all new furniture.
    Here's an example of some of the stuff that we got. John really loves the bed. I'm not too thrilled because I think it's just a little too opulent. Busy day. That night I'm exhausted.
    Exhausted, yes, but I still have to read this book for work.

    John: This is great, isn't it?
    Me: Yes, it's fine.
    John: Fine? Just fine? Baby, this is the first step in the start of our new lives together...come here.
    I put the book away and he pulls me close.

    John: Only one more day to get through and we'll be married finally.
    Me: It's wonderful. And to think that I was once worried that you'd hate me forever.
    John: Never! I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that it was you I wanted by my side forever. So is China really ok for our honeymoon?
    Me: Of course! It doesn't matter to me, and I know you're thrilled to be going to the original sim fu academy. As long as we're together, it's great!
    John: Oh, we'll be together all right!

    He grins wickedly and tackles me.
    Ah, love.

    I wake up in the morning before John and get ready for work. I had the worst dream last night. John and I had been married for years in the dream, and I was miserable. We had kids running around all over the place and John just left me to deal with them and was always so focused on his dream job that he had no more time for us. Was this a vision of the future or my just being silly? I'm not even sure I WANT kids. Maybe one, but that's it really. I shake it off. It WAS just a dream after all.
    Work was boring. Filing, filing, filing all day.
    I get home, start up dinner when there's a knock at the door.
    Me: Greg! What are you doing here? Come in! Come in! John stepped out for a little bit to go swim.
    Greg: That's good. I need to talk to you.
    Me: So, what do you think of my new house?
    Greg: It's nice. A little big, but when Marie comes home it might not feel that way. Betty sent Demarco to the sports academy as well. I don't really have a say as to what she decides to do with him. It makes me a little sad.
    I feel so bad for him that I hug him. I tell him that boarding school is not so bad, that he will get plenty of help that will aid him in the rest of his life.

    Greg: Thanks, Eleana.


    Greg: You know, I'm always amazed by your beauty.

    I look down, feeling embarrassed.

    Me: Greg, I had no idea that you felt anything for me when I started dating John. I thought that you were just using me to get rid of Betty.
    Greg: I admit that was a small part of it, but mostly I realized even more when I saw you that I didn't want to be married to Betty, that I wanted you. I regret more than you know that I didn't call you afterwards. I could have stopped this.
    Me: Stopped what?
    Greg: You marrying John.
    Me: That reminds me....You told John that I was 'no good.' Why? How could you say that?
    Greg looked down: I was trying to get him to break up with you. I hate that you and everyone in that room heard me say it. I've been trying to make up for it ever since by surreptitiously adding into conversations different things to get your reputation better.
    Me: Oh.
    Greg: But back to what I was saying. I didn't call you because I was busy dealing with the mess of the divorce with Betty. She almost took me for everything. At any rate, she has me by the you-know-what with child support, even though her new husband makes tons of money and they don't need mine. I can't get the judge to understand that, though. (he pauses) Elena, I came here tonight to ask you to wait a little while think about this more before you marry that man.

    Me: Greg, he's never anything but wonderful with me.
    Greg: Is he? What about that time you guys broke up for a while? When he thought you had cheated on him with that nub?
    I looked down.
    Greg: I thought so. Did he hit you?
    Me: No! He wouldn't! It's just I was remembering when for a second he looked like he might.
    Greg: I knew it! Elena, you HAVE to get out of this! That guy has an aggressive streak a mile wide! It would kill me to see that he has beat you. I'd never be able to forgive myself if I didn't warn you at least.
    Me: Greg, I appreciate your concern. Maybe if things were different I could make you happy, but I'm marrying John tomorrow.
    Greg: When?
    Me: About 2 o'clock. might not be the best idea for you to come.
    Greg: I can behave myself.
    Me: I know you can....
    Greg: You're right, he can't.
    Greg: I won't 'rain on your parade' and ruin it for you...or cause John to ruin it for you.
    John walks in: You won't ruin what? Her life?
    John:Who let your smelly butt in here anyway?
    Greg: Elena did, of course. SHE doesn't have a problem with me. You, however, need to be taught some manners!
    John: I don't need to be taught manners by trash like you!
    Me: Guys...please don't.

    I turn to Greg...
    Me: Greg, perhaps you'd better leave.
    John: Yes, GET OUT!
    Me: John, let me talk to him, please.
    John huffs and puffs like a raging bull.
    Greg: Alright, Elena, but remember what I said. I meant every word. And one more thing, please understand that it's NEVER too late to turn back.
    Greg walks around me and heads out the door. I look at John and see he's glaring at Greg's back. I have alot to think about, and I've lost my appetite. Makes no difference anyway, dinner's ruined. I'm so worried. Greg seems to be making it his job to plead for me not to marry John. Also, what is it that I really want? Oh, WHY did he have to come over and just confuse me?
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited September 2011
    Cool Story. You could tell Tate was a creep from the beginning grrrr
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    Faith12368Faith12368 Posts: 2,997 Member
    edited September 2011
    This is a great story, please keep going, I love it!

    Although John is a little bit of a hot-head, he is extremely cute!

    I can't wait to see more!:thumbup: --Faith :D
    Long live the new Doctor!
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited March 2012
    The Wedding

    Well, that night Sabrina threw a party, and I wanted to get out of the house. John went out back and worked more on his sim fu..both to blow off some steam and he's excited about going to China. For some reason, Sabrina told everyone to come in their swimsuits? She doesn't have a pool.

    I get there and realize a possible reason why the swimsuits...Sabrina has invited only the men who work out alot. :? Her marriage isn't going so great.

    Um, this is my old boss. Apparently, she's not too happy with me. Maybe because she has to deal with Tate on a day-to-day basis?

    Regardless, she shouldn't be doing this to me behind my back. Rude! To my face she's all smiles. Ugh, I'm SO GLAD I got out of that hospital.


    Well this is good...I got to have a nice conversation with Jonah, my future brother-in-law. Sabrina was flirting heavily with him. He looked flattered but a little overwhelmed, and he was hiding in the bathroom. The ONLY bathroom in the house. People were standing outside nearly wetting themselves.

    He was happy to leave in a little while. Like all good townies, Sabrina was passed out asleep within hours of the party starting.

    Fighting for the bathroom seemed to be a common theme for this party.

    Also, I have no idea what Sabrina's son (I can't remember his name) found so funny about me, but he kept cracking up. Yes, I'm wearing a swimsuit at a party with no pool, water slide, etc. Blame your mom you creepy teenager!

    Saturday morning dawned. I'm so excited! 2 o'clock just can't get here fast enough. I had my hair done and my dress perfect within minutes. Honestly, it's like I just spun around real fast and poof! I was ready!

    This isn't the best pic of the chapel. At the time, I was more interested in getting the fact that cars would drive off the road onto the grass to get up to the lot. (I need to go around and get the townies better cars....)
    I didn't realize that this would be the first picture you see of me in my dress...and I'm asking Greg why he's here...that I'm worried about what John would do. Greg told me that I was an important person to him, and he wanted to be here to see me get married.

    Honestly, I had spent half the night last night losing sleep over the whole Greg/John choice. I decided to stick with my choice of marrying John. Maybe once upon a time I could have really loved Greg, but John is the one that has my heart. It did bug me a little that I had second thoughts, but everyone has those, right?
    Greg: Elena, I just want you to be happy.

    Right then John walked up. He was all smiles. He didn't even act like he was bothered by Greg being there. Maybe this won't be a fiasco after all.

    (OK, WHY are there trashy pieces of furniture in the background? Don't blame me, they're off the lot and a mysterious part of the neighborhood. I didn't notice them until I started making the chapel, and by then I was NOT about to go and redo the ceiling to make it a bigger lot and delete the ugly furniture. :| )
    John: Elena, are you ready?

    last chance a little voice in my head told me.
    Me: Yes.

    (Ok, I apologize ahead of time...I went a little snap-happy :) )
    Here we the wedding arch.
    John: Elena, would you promise to always be my one true love, my wife, as long as we both shall live?

    Eric was cheering, Sabrina was crying, Brook jumped, and was trying to get a better spot.
    Oh wow, what a nice ring!
    Me: John, would you promise to always be my one true love, my husband, as long as we both shall live?

    He looked so happy as I placed the ring on his finger. Honestly, he was acting like a little kid at Disneyland.
    Mr. and Mrs. John and Elena Parren.
    I'm so happy.

    John goes over to talk to Eric about the great spread of food that is getting prepared. Everyone is cheering.....well almost everyone.

    Later I found out that John had whispered some mean stuff about Greg to Eric. Greg must've heard it.
    I cut the cake while John watches. Erm...I could use a little help here!

    Amazingly, I don't screw it up and spill cake all over the ground!

    (I have NO IDEA who the guy in the yellow baseball cap is. I left the party open to walk-ins just out of curiosity... Total wedding crasher.)
    My two new brothers-in-law come sit next to me as we eat cake. My old boss Aimee was upset by that. She had something she wanted to talk about..but I never got to find out what.
    First dance as a married couple. Wow! Is it evening already?
    Whoa! I almost fall, but John catches me. He just grins that special grin. Have I mentioned he has lovely teeth? So many good things about this guy, and all I can think about when he smiles are his great teeth. :roll: At least he saved me from an embarrassing display of sprawled bride all over the dance floor.

    Greg: Dude, what are you doing here?
    Dude (well, what else can I call him?): Well,
    Greg: You weren't invited. You're not even dressed right. Probably be a good idea for you to leave. The groom isn't the best example of humanity. (simanity?)
    Greg and that guy both leave soon after that. I think I heard the bar mentioned.
    People start to leave little by little. John and I haven't stopped dancing. I have so much adrenaline running in my system I probably could dance all night if I wanted to.
    John's phone rings....he DIDN'T turn it OFF for the wedding!!!!!!!!
    He gave me an apologetic look...He has to go into work. Emergency raid or something and they have to have him there. What if it had happened tomorrow with us gone? I'll tell you...they'd just have to DO WITHOUT. I'm even more upset that John actually left.....
    Well, well, well. Here's another surprise. It's Marie. Apparently the academy called and 'recommended' that she come home. She just shows up at the wedding unannounced with the letter from the headmaster.
    Most everyone is gone, so Marie decides that NOW is a good time to do a workout. She was mumbling to herself about how fat she had gotten and that she felt ugly.
    I start cleaning up the tables. Hey! We saved a little money by offering to do our own clean up. Miraculously, I don't get anything on my dress, but I'm NOT HAPPY that I have to do this myself since John is going to be at the station for quite a while tonight...our wedding night.

    Needless to say...when he got home I was in bed asleep. ASLEEP. He told me later that he tried to wake me up, but I was so tired that it was actually kinda cute (?) and he decided to just let me sleep. I don't remember any of that. I must've been really tired.

    The next morning I wake up, take my shower, and just stand there admiring my ring. I'm a married woman. Mrs. John Parren. Mrs. Elena Parren. Elena Schwartz Parren. Mrs. Parren. So strange. So nice. ummmm...wait a initials are ESP. great. :lol:

    While I was waiting for the time to leave for our flight, we got presents in the mail! I have no idea how they fit in the mailbox...there must be some kind of time/space bending going on. Well, stranger things have happened.

    Off we go on our honeymoon!

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    Cool Story. You could tell Tate was a creep from the beginning grrrr

    Thank you. :) I felt a little uncomfortable writing the part with Tate. I tried to keep it as innocent-feeling as possible, but still get the point across.

    I apologize to anyone if I crossed the line.
    Faith12368 wrote:
    This is a great story, please keep going, I love it!

    Although John is a little bit of a hot-head, he is extremely cute!

    I can't wait to see more! --Faith

    Hehe, I just love using John. Well, any of the Parren bros. They're in several of my neighborhoods and make pretty kids. I'll upload them if you want?
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    PinkzPazazzPinkzPazazz Posts: 175 New Member
    edited September 2011
    I Like The Story!
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    The Honeymoon

    Well, here we are in our 'luxurious' honeymoon suite.
    (John has the eternally faithful moodlet)
    Eh, it has a nice view. I hope the bed is ok. We have our own bathroom which apparently is a big deal.


    Well, cut to the chase, John wants to make up for the messed up wedding night.


    John: You know I would've rather been with you. I HAD to go in. I can't tell you why, you've just gotta trust me on this.
    Me: Ok, but you really owe me.
    John: Oh, I fully intend to make it up to you.


    After that we were both a little...tired. So, we slept for a bit.


    Then we go downstairs.

    John: Um, honey.... You're beautiful in that lingerie, but I'd really rather you changed into regular clothes for the lobby.
    Me: I thought everyone was out.
    John: they come now.
    Me: Eeep!

    I run upstairs. What was I thinking?


    John is so excited to be in China finally and he calls for his official tournament sparring partner...who is an old man named Ai Pei. At first, John is upset, but then he shrugs and mumbles under his breath about how he feels sorry for the beating the geezer is going to receive.

    And so they begin...
    and John realizes that he should've never underestimated the guy.
    He learns fast at least, and takes the first point.
    Ai Pei: I see you have studied well.
    They bow again and go at it.
    Ai Pei: Perhaps not quite well enough.
    Ai Pei takes the second point.
    The 3rd round they pull out every trick they know, and it went on for quite a while.
    But John wins in the end. :)


    And when Ai Pei leaves John does a little happy dance. Still a kid at heart.


    Later that afternoon I go and meet a local. Um, I forgot her name so I'll just call her 'her'.

    Me: Hello! I'm on my honeymoon and we could use a little extra cash. Is there anything I can do?
    Her: Yes, I need something from the Forbidden City, but I'm a little too nervous to go and get it myself, so I'll pay you. You can also keep what you find.

    Just what I wanted to hear! You can go on vacation to make money. What a life!

    (Ok, I have to say it is a hoot to take a coward adventuring. The first rubble pile she comes to she sticks out her tongue and blows a raspberry at it. I WISH I'd caught it, but I'd gotten a little too comfortable by planning on skipping the whole tomb for the story since most of you guys have done it a zillion times already. She was also terrified of the dive well.-well, they kinda creep me out too.)

    Visa status 1!
    Now, time to go catch some Zzz's.


    Ok, so having your own bathroom IS a perk.
    Ah, time to go scare myself to death whilst searching for treasure...but hey, I'm making money. John said he'd come help me out today.


    Who's not scared? I'm not scared. Nope, not scared at all. There's a big dragon carved into the side of a mountain and I get to go.... in it's mouth. Nope, not scared. Definitely not scared and shaking. There's steam coming out of it's mouth and nose. That's not scary! Not at all! *deep breath* Ok, here goes.


    Aw, my big muscle-man husband comes to help me clear the scary room of the rubble and junk so we can make money on treasure. He actually....wants.... a mummy to come out of one of the sarcophagi so he can fight it. :shock: I'm so glad that didn't happen.

    Visa status 2!

    John says that now we've done what I wanted to do now it's his turn.
    He's so thrilled he's practically bouncing off the walls. Of course, he's trying desperately to act cool like it's no big deal, and it's hilarious to see him failing miserably.
    I decide to give this training dummy a go. Eh, boring. I mostly just fooled around with it and enjoyed the scenery.


    Well! This is something I didn't think of! John is learning to control his anger. So, learning martial arts helps you NOT to fight? Maybe this IS the best thing for him.

    (I really didn't plan on stopping this update at this point. I decided to go ahead and do the update because I couldn't sleep...Well, now I'm tired. So, I'll add more stuff (more interesting stuff) tomorrow. G'nite!)
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    VictoriousSimmerVictoriousSimmer Posts: 2,715
    edited September 2011
    That was good! Most of the time people send their sims to France for a honeymoon, I like how you sent them to China. (:
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    That was good! Most of the time people send their sims to France for a honeymoon, I like how you sent them to China. (:

    Thanks! Well, she wanted to go to France, but since he's really such a sim fu nut I thought China would be good. Also, they live in Champs les Sims so I thought that would be a bit redundant. :)

    Oh! And thanks to whoever that was that called John a hothead. DUH! I should have switched him to one anyway, that would give me better pics. Translation: I gave him the hothead trait.

    Oh yeah...and the pic with Elena in her lingerie in the lobby/dining area the game told me that John now has the 'exploring his options' reputation. :?: I have no idea where that came from. He's not even so much as LOOKED at another woman. It fixed itself back to 'eternally faithful' when they got back home, though.
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    The Rest of the Honeymoon

    John gets a call on his cell and it's a friend of Ai Pei that has challenged him to a sparring match! Of course, he can't resist.

    Zhan Su

    (I can't believe how into the sparring match I was. One time, when Zhan Su did a spinning kick thingy I actually ducked my head. It was then that I realized I was moving along with John to the fight w/o even meaning to!)
    John is really getting good. He looses the first round, though.
    He wins the 2nd, and is happy that they tied. (two complete sparring matches-I was too busy getting into it to take pics)


    John is really getting good at calming down. He goes and meditates in a beautiful garden. I guess spending the honeymoon together is optional.

    (I thought for a little bit about making this pic my desktop background. I love the scenery in Shang Simla.)
    And now he can zeneport! Which is good because he needed to talk to this one guy.

    (Now there will be an update to follow that I promise isn't as boring this one. =/ )

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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited March 2012
    Big and Small Surprises

    Well, we get home and my gardening skill is FINALLY up to 7 so I can plant more, and more interesting, plants. I decided this back corner of the lot is actually perfect for my garden with the amount of sun it gets.
    I sit down and finally get around to writing all those thank you notes. That on the table is a relic that was too cheap to bother selling, but I like it on the middle of the table. I have to fuss at John so that he doesn't fill it with loose change, though. :roll:


    Well, I was bored so I went to the club. Jonah was there! So, we danced it up. He's a real sweetie. I don't know why he can't seem to find the right girl to settle down with. He's had several girlfriends.

    Meanwhile, back at the house....
    Looks like Marie is up to her old tricks. Bad habits die hard.


    John isn't too happy with Marie lately. They've been sort of bonding by working out together, and he can't wait to train her on sim fu, but the pranks are really getting on his nerves.

    Let me side step a sec here.
    Looks like the bus STILL DOES NOT COME except for Marie. Then this lineup happens. Maybe my small town has too many kids. Most of the families I made or got out of the bin to fill it I gave them kids...Hey! I need another generation, don't I? I'm amazed that SP doesn't give me a million messages about the kids being 'late' to school. Maybe if they're on the lot it doesn't, which is good. (The one in the bottom right corner is Janie, Tate and Brook's kid. Marie is the one in the while sweater/blue shirt. I don't know who the others are...Funke kids maybe.)

    John: Elena, what do you think about starting a family of our own. Other than just Marie.
    Me: Um, John, I don't know about that. I don't think I make the greatest mom.
    John: Aw, you're crazy, you'll be a great mom.
    Me: I just, I don't know. What if...
    John: Don't worry about the 'what ifs'! If every potential parent worried about the 'what ifs' then humanity (simanity?) would've died out a long long time ago.

    I look at him with a worried/scared expression.

    John: And I really want to watch you with MY child. I want to be a father. Just thinking about it makes me....


    Me: Oh...

    John: C'mere.
    Me: Whoa! Easy there, cowboy.

    And... then we go upstairs. Well, maybe he or I are unable to make babies. I feel so guilty for almost wanting that, but I'm rather distracted at the moment as he doesn't give me any time to really think about it.

    Later that afternoon...
    John got a haircut. He said he was getting tired of the work it took to care for longer hair. He also had wondered about cutting it to make him look more grown up. Eh, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, his new haircut is adorable, but on the other...I liked his hair long. It WAS weird, though, to have a husband with longer hair than mine.

    I'm spending alot of time here at this club by myself. I'm not getting any drinks, just in case. I'm just hanging out.

    Ungh...what is that? Oh. oh oh oh oh!
    I don't think this picture needs any further explanation. This has been happening to me alot the past few days. Either I'm coming down with something....or... erm, maybe. Hmm, why do they call it 'morning sickness' when it happens all day long?

    Well, I promised an old friend I'd pop over to his new house.

    Me: Greg, this is a great house.
    Greg: Yeah, thanks. I just flat gave up trying for a room for my son when he comes to visit. It's so rare that I just let him sleep in my bed while I take the couch. So, how've you been?
    Me: Good, I guess.

    I wring my hands.

    Me: I think I might be pregnant.
    Greg: Is he treating you ok?
    Me: Yes, of course. He mostly works in the shed out back or working on his sim fu. How have you been?
    Greg: That doesn't matter. Are you eating what you're supposed to? Getting enough sleep? Is your back hurting you? Wouldn't you like to sit down?
    Me: Gee whiz, Greg. I'm having a baby, not recovering from surgery. That is...IF I'm pregnant. And, what do you mean 'that doesn't matter'? Of course it matters. I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to know.

    Greg just looks at me with a blank expression.

    Greg: Well, I've been seeing someone off and on for a bit.
    Me: That's...that's great! Is she good to you?
    Greg chuckles: Why? What if she's not? Are you gonna go beat her up for me?
    Me: No, silly. I just want you to be happy.

    Then he looks at me with this longing expression. I leave shortly after that. It was getting late anyway.

    The next morning I went to go get the mail. MORE presents from the wedding? Wow. Somebody sent us a HUGE fountain. No way do we have enough room for it. I have, however, been wanting to get some artwork for the living room so I sell it. Time to write more thank you notes! Oh goodie. *sarcasm*


    Later (yes, I'm wearing the same dress as last's comfy get off me.) I'm playing around on the computer when I feel a slight bump....from INSIDE me. I AM pregnant. John is going to be so happy. Right now he's at the dump picking up some scrap, but he should be home soon.


    John: Hey hun, you look a little pale. Are you feeling ok?
    Me: Yes, and John, guess what?!
    John: What?
    Me: No, guess!
    John: Just tell me.
    Me: You'd better get to the toy making! We're gonna have a baby!

    I knew it, he's thrilled. At least one of us is. I'm ok about it, but... well, I still have mixed feelings I guess.

    John: Hello there sweet little baby. Boy or girl? It doesn't matter. A girl with her mother's beauty would definitely keep me up at night worrying about her. Hmm, maybe a boy would be better. Oh...whatever! This is the best thing ever!

    I'm happy I guess. As long as the baby inherits John's beautiful teeth, it's good. Well, here goes nothing!

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    plumpie09plumpie09 Posts: 142 Member
    edited September 2011
    Well, maybe she can send it to boarding school like she did Marie. I have a feeling that John wouldn't be too happy about that though. :-)
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    Faith12368Faith12368 Posts: 2,997 Member
    edited September 2011
    Faith12368 wrote:
    This is a great story, please keep going, I love it!

    Although John is a little bit of a hot-head, he is extremely cute!

    I can't wait to see more! --Faith

    Hehe, I just love using John. Well, any of the Parren bros. They're in several of my neighborhoods and make pretty kids. I'll upload them if you want?[/quote]

    Oh yes, I would love that! Thanks!--Faith :D
    Long live the new Doctor!
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited March 2012
    Shooting Stars and Bad Fashion

    John: Darling, I've been thinking, and with you being with child this is the perfect time to ask. I don't want you going around the house scrubbing toilets all day and carrying out the trash and stuff. We need to hire a maid.
    Me: Can we even afford it with the high bills from this place?
    John: Yes, we can, especially with Marie no longer in boarding school. I also have a promotion in store for me soon, I hope.
    Me: John, I just think that's ridiculous to pay someone to clean when I'm here all day and...
    John: And needing to rest. You'll'll not regret the decision.
    Me: Well, ok, I guess.

    John went to the bookstore to buy a pregnancy book. Then he hired a maid.

    (Guess what! On a lark I made Heinz Doofenshmirtz for the neighborhood. The game put him in as the bookshop merchant? :lol: )

    And here she is. In her smexy work uniform. =/ I don't know if I like that too much. Here I am going to be fat as a cow and here's this cute lil' thing prancing around in front of my husband.

    (Her name is Eva Trout. again. I swear, every neighborhood I have has at least ONE Eva Trout. One time I had 3.)

    John: So I want you to make sure everything is ***** and span. My wife is pregnant and I don't want her having to bend over or any of the crazy stuff she thinks she has to do around here.
    Eva: No problem at all, sir. That's pretty standard.

    John rushes me out the door to my first visit ever at the spa. :)
    The next day I have a doctor's appointment. I head over to my former place of employment.


    Great. Tate was outside.

    Tate: Elena, are you pregnant?
    Me: What if I say no? (btw, NEVER ask a woman if she's pregnant even if you suspect that she really is. ALWAYS wait until she or someone else says something about it.)
    Tate: Oh c'mon, Elena, I think I know you well enough to detect the change.

    'ugh!' I thought

    Me: Well, Mr. Doctor Man, any advice for back pain? I'm still a little uncomfortable even after a massage at the spa.
    Tate: I think blue tea is the best thing for that. Alot of people think green tea is the best, but I disagree.

    Tate: Incidentally, would you like to know the sex?
    Me: The WHAT?
    Tate sighs exasperatedly: Whether or not it's a boy or girl.
    Me: Oh, yes! Can you do that?
    Tate: Uh, yeah, duh. It's a boy.

    He looks down. Then looks at me with sad eyes.

    Tate: I really am sorry about what happened. I was going through a rough patch and I'm afraid you got the worst of it.

    John: Tate! Leave my wife alone! She's going to have our baby so BACK OFF!
    Tate: Listen, you! I was only talking to her on a professional level!
    John: 'I'm afraid you got the worst of it'? Sounds to me like you were forcing her to relive that night!
    Tate: Well, yeah I was TRYING to start apologizing.
    John: If I had MY way you'd be doing alot more than just apologizing.
    Me: John, let's just go inside so I can have my doctor's appointment.

    John glares at Tate. Tate glares back.
    John: Alright, hun. Sorry I lost my temper like that. I can barely contain myself when I see this 🐸🐸🐸🐸 (he jerks his head towards Tate) talking to you. I just can't stand the thought of him coming anywhere NEAR our precious baby.

    (That's Jean Luc there in the pink/purple. Betty (Greg's ex-wife) broke up with him and married Donnell Cassidy-not familiar with him. She and Donnell had a baby, now toddler. However, Jean Luc still lives with them. :?: )

    I practically drag John into the hospital. I decide to let the other doctor tell us that we're having a boy, and not let John know that Tate was the one to tell me.

    Later that day, I head over to the library to read another pregnancy book. Hmm, the author doesn't recommend herbal tea in ANY form. She says it could possibly have stuff in it that would do alot more harm than good. Huh. Learn something new everyday, I guess.
    It's so cozy in here. It's a nice change from the stiff, formal feel of my living room.

    Then, I head over to the consignment store. The guy running it, wasn't his name Darrell or something?, is making his hands talk to each other. He is either totally bored or totally crazy. Maybe both.

    (Hey! This was neat...I found the NEEDED keystones that unlock tombs in Champs les Sims on the shelves of the consignment store! As well as some generic ones. That's going to come in handy!)

    (Ok, now I'm going to switch gears for a little bit. Prom is coming up and I've not done it yet, so I'm paying a little more attention to Marie.)
    She sees this senior from her school walking down the street and rushes over to introduce herself. There is instant chemistry. I don't know how I feel about this with her being a freshman, but who am I to judge? His name is Andy Creek (Dawson's big brother).

    Andy: Um, you go to my school right? Though...I haven't seen you much.
    Marie: Yeah, I got sorta kicked out of the boarding school I went to.
    Andy: Cool!
    Marie: I'm happy about it. It was SO LAME. I mean, I like sports and all, but THEY were completely crazy.

    The two of them continued getting to know each other, and the sun was starting to set.

    Andy: Hey, there's going to be some kind of meteor shower tonight. Wanna just sit here and watch for it?
    Marie: Ok, I've got nothing else better to do.
    Andy: Hey! Look! It's starting!
    Marie: So, does this mean we get, like, a million wishes or something?
    Andy: Wanna know what I wish for?
    Marie: You're not supposed to tell!
    Andy: Then I'll whisper it so no one but you knows.
    Andy: I wish I had a girlfriend.
    Marie: Oh, yeah right.

    (sorry, I thought I took more pics than this.)
    She shoves him into the dirt.

    Andy: Hey! I'm serious. Now my feelings are hurt.
    Marie laughs: You're going to have to pout more convincingly than that to fool me!
    Andy smiles: I was kinda hoping the semi-darkness was going to help me out there.
    Marie: Yeah, the dark, it is kinda scary out here. My house is right on the square, and I'm not used to it being so dark.
    Andy: You don't trust me to protect you from any ghosties or ghoulies?

    He tickles her until she falls over laughing, and he lands right next to her. Then it gets kind of awkward.

    Andy: Well, I better not get caught by the police again for being out too late.
    Marie sighs: Yeah, me too. Not that I've been caught before...
    Andy: Well, you just got back into town.
    Marie: It's been a little while.
    Andy: How come I haven't seen you before?
    Marie: Duh, I'm a freshman, you're a senior. We don't exactly have the same classes.
    Andy: Oh.
    Marie: But, yeah, I'd better be going too. It would REALLY suck if I got caught since my step-dad is a cop.
    Andy laughs: See ya around, Marie.

    Well, back to me. I'm huge now by the way. I also HATE this stupid pajama set. It's the only one that fits me anymore. I've had to get a little...ahem...creative with my wardrobe lately.

    Ugh! And to think that I'm going to have another one!

    John gets up extra early so he can go undercover in a hospital in another town.

    John: Who's daddy's little boy? You are! Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo! It's daddy again!

    It's so funny to see grown men turn to mush by the mere idea of their baby.

    John: And don't think I've forgotten about you, you sexy mama.

    Now you can see for yourself what I meant about being creative with my wardrobe. I get to have more time in my garden now that we have a maid. Of course, it's getting harder and harder to maneuver now that the baby is taking up so much room. Wait? I recognize that voice!

    It's Brook! We've been slowly but surely becoming better friends again.

    Brook: Elena! Tate told me you were pregnant! Good for you! I'm sure he'll be gorgeous.

    So Tate really told her about it being a boy and everything.

    Me: Yeah, thanks! John and I are so excited! It's going to be any day now.
    Brook: Wow, that was fast!
    Me: Well, that's how these things go. Before you know it....

    Me: Um, my water just broke.

    Brook starts freaking out. She sees Jonah and drags him into it.

    They both start jumping up and down and screaming and throwing their arms around like lunatics.

    Me: Um, guys...I'm just having a baby. That's all. People do it every day. I just need to get to the hospital.

    It's close enough that I decide to just walk. (?--and I thought kirkuk made that up somehow. This is weird.) Well, it's better than getting amniotic fluid all over a cab seat.

    John rushes back into town and makes it just in time for the birth. The office isn't too happy with him leaving work and showing up at the hospital dressed up like a doctor, but I'm so glad he made it. If he'd been working while our baby was being born...after what happened at the reception... oh, he'd be in so much trouble. But that's neither here nor there because he made it. :)

    Introducing Xavier Parren. Oh, and lucky me got her figure back!

    John is thrilled beyond belief! He was practically smothering us both so I sent him upstairs to get a shower. I went ahead and gave Xavier his first bottle. He is sweet. Maybe I CAN do this mommy thing.
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    Ok, here are the Parren brothers. :)

    They're in their original form. I've changed John a bit to match my storyline, but of course, you can change that too.

    And, since I was uploading anyway.... I put these up too:

    Here is Elena in her original form the 'household' file.

    And here is her as of the next update to the story:

    And, here's Doofenshmirtz:
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited September 2011
    Did my avatar change? Arg! Why didn't it change?
    Otherwise, ignore this.

    okay it works now. another sign of my impatience
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