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Duplicate sims when returning from vacation?


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    AliMiiMiiAliMiiMii Posts: 306
    edited July 2011
    What are you uninstalling supernut and are you uninstalling all your sims games?
    I don't understand sorry.
    Please can you tell me what you are going to do from the beging
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    supernutsupernut Posts: 69 New Member
    edited July 2011
    Well, I'm not sure at the moment. I have been able to get back into France and are continuing my journey. So all is well for now. I do notice with KikiB1's fix, that if you do get cloned, you lose your vacation homes, but when you go back and repurchase, they have all the stuff and furniture you bought for them originally. So that is a plus.

    Anyway, re. the uninstalling. I was thinking of going back to ground zero. All my EPs are on disk, and I noticed last time when I uninstalled and reinstalled, when I loaded the base game with the internet on (I'm on broadband), it automatically updated my game with the new patch (1.22), which is the one causing us all these problems.

    So I just figured I would turn my modem off, and install. That way I would just have the factory disk loaded. I'm assuming that once I turned my modem on again and used the game launcher it would tell me my game was out of date. and I could ignore that. But then I would want all the other updates prior to 1.22, so I hope they're out there for me to download. I noticed with the EPs, every time I installed one of them the launcher would ask me to download the updates, so you can choose to ignore or not to ignore.

    EA said hundreds of people have done it this way and it has worked. I bet I run into problems, though.

    Hope this makes sense. I don't really want to go through this hassle again, but if this cloning gets too bad, I'll try it.
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    AliMiiMiiAliMiiMii Posts: 306
    edited July 2011
    Well I really do not want to lose all my families.

    At the moment no clone, well this is that I did, I copied the family so I had two of he same family and if it worked (no clone) I would keep that family with more progress. And if i did not work then I would have the other same copied family to retry and get it right.

    I will only uninstall WA and that's it, I don't want to lose my families like I said. But if it gets really bad (which it has not) I will uninstall.

    And if I get a clone I will just try KikiB1 theory plus I only have three families who travel anyway, cause my other families have children I I don't take children on holiday, Duuno why?

    How do you know that patch 1.22 is causing these problems? I have the lastest patch so does that mean I have patch 1.22 because I don't think I downloaded that patch as I have not downloaded all the patch's but does he lastest patch make your game have all the patch's? But we have to remember it's only a game! :)
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    supernutsupernut Posts: 69 New Member
    edited July 2011
    Well, from what EA says, when the base game is updated with 1.22 it also upgrades your latest EP. The ones in the middle don't have to be upgraded cos that's done automatically with the base and latest EP update (no matter what that EP is, WA, Late Night, etc.)

    You can tell which ones you have by hovering your cursor over the Sims diamonds at the bottom of the launcher. It shows all the games you have purchased, and numbers come up telling you which update you have.

    Yes, from what everyone's been saying, and even EA, this latest patch is the problem. I had no problems before it was downloaded. But your're right, it's only a game, and I'm glad we've found alternate ways around this. But it gets frustrating when you just want to play it and the bug comes along and ruins all your progress.
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    shaggy1395shaggy1395 Posts: 5
    edited July 2011
    I'm having the same problem. On coming back from my first trip, I noticed there was a clone of my sim in the neighborhood. He was noticeably behind, as he was on 3 star celeb status, while I had moved on to 4 stars. I called him over and had a nice long chat with him. We came to terms with our dilemma and became the best of friends.

    However, when I tried to travel again, I loaded in China and my sim was gone. Missing. The HUD at the botton had zero info on my sim, yet I could queue up interactions as if I were controlling a sim. I reloaded and tried again, same problem.

    As of now, that game is corrupted and my sim is home-bound. I decided to repurpose his life goals, seeing as his wish was to become a world traveler. He is now going into law enforcement with his new best friend; Himself.
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    Starr711Starr711 Posts: 77 Member
    edited July 2011
    THANK YOU!!! :mrgreen:
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    AliMiiMiiAliMiiMii Posts: 306
    edited July 2011
    Starr711 wrote:
    THANK YOU!!! :mrgreen:

    Thank you for what did u solve the problem?
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    Starr711Starr711 Posts: 77 Member
    edited July 2011
    supernut wrote:
    Sorry I was so unclear.

    In the past (pre-KikiB1) when I deleted a clone, major issues would develop. My Sim wouldn't sleep, jumped from Sims when interacting, some of my family relationships would disappear, or all of them. In fact, my remaining Sim became inoperable. And when it returned to travel, the country would show up but my Sim wouldn't, or if it did, all progress was lost and I would have to start all my challenges again.

    The key to KikiB1's theory is that you should never ever let the right Sim re-enter their house when returning. Therefore it is extremely important to pause the game immediately upon return, pick the right Sim, (they will be somewhere up a mountainside travelling to their house) go to Edit Town, put them and their family members into another house. Play with them a bit, and then go to Edit Town again, go to the old house where the bad Sim is, evict them, and then not save them or not put them into another house. The game then permanently deletes the bad clone. Because they will only be on the clipboard. Then you can move your right Sim and family into the old house, if you want to.

    What I have found is, that as my right Sim can now travel again, and if it returns from another trip without a clone, somehow the game rights the Sim. By that I mean, all the above-mentioned glitches disappear. You will note that when in another land, those glitches will disappear, ie. the Sim can sleep, etc.

    At this stage, I do not have a family for my travelling Sim. That is my next experiment. But I have faith. If I pick the right Sim, do not let him/her re-enter their house upon return, and move my family out as well, my family should be OK.

    Also, I might add, as I'm still a bit tentative at this stage, I have only been taking my Sim to one country just to see how far I could get with the challenges before the clone develops. It doesn't seem to matter which country, as the clone issue attacks them all.

    Good luck. Try it. The worst scenario is you will have to delete your household (as it will be corrupt). Start a trial family, don't put much effort into them, and try travelling.

    This worked! well for me atleast
    Lol sorry someone posted a link to the quote above but I didn't realize the four pages after it. :lol:
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    Starr711Starr711 Posts: 77 Member
    edited July 2011
    about the problem(this time):D I just saved my sims in another folder (so I can keep my families) and the only thing that any of us can do is wait until EA make ANOTHER patch for the patch they screwed up on.
    They have to make a patch because people have been posting so much about this same problem.The only real question is how long will it take?
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    bruisedstarrbruisedstarr Posts: 15 New Member
    edited July 2011
    I just experienced this today! I got home and all of a sudden there is my Sim, chilling in the living room. And then there is my Sim, coming home from France. i was very confused. And we could interact with each other but the clone couldn't leave the penthouse.
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    lucidnytemarelucidnytemare Posts: 6
    edited July 2011
    This has happened to me three times now, and it is honestly the most irksome glitch I've experienced while playing any of the sims. I pray they make a patch that fixes this soon.

    agreed.... experiencing the same. Busted camera and clones. Y_Y
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    publibsterpublibster Posts: 10
    edited July 2011
    I just thought I'd add some other glitches that have been occurring. In addition to clones and Sims not sleeping, when I tell a Sim who is either at home or say, the bookstore, to go get drinks with another Sim, my Sim doesn't go unless I tell him again. Then, he sits in his car or taxi and has to wait for the companion (who already left in their own car) to drive back and get into his taxi. This problem doesn't happen if they're on a date.
    If they are on a date, it seems like other family members suspend their free will and just stand around, even if they're hungry or bored. The restaurants get flooded with people. It's really a pain! If they flirt, they just look adoringly at each other without any spontaneous actions and their relationship doesn't change to 'romantic'. Then when my Sim tries to invite her over the next day, he doesn't know her well enough.
    Also, all the cars in town pull up onto the sidewalks. I really hate that!
    These things all happened before the appearance of a clone
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    PenelappyPenelappy Posts: 4
    edited July 2011
    Has anyone come up with any solutions yet? is there a patch?
    I'm having the same problem.. travelled to China for 3 days and it went all laggy and freezey.. returned home to two sims, again like they have been split.. one has a higher skill level (from the vacation) but there is no evidence she has BEEN on vacation apart from that.
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    AzithiaAzithia Posts: 5 New Member
    edited July 2011
    I've read about this clone bug before I sent my 4-star "Pop Star" celebrity sim off to work in Egypt. I thought if I did end up with a clone, no problem, I'll just move her out or something.

    I came back from Egypt and no clone - I was relieved.

    One of her objectives was to find band members, so I sent her to a lounge, and there she was... her clone, a 4-star celebrity, and her title said pianist.. which was funny because my sim was a guitarist, and has never taken up piano.

    Well, since she seem to be doing well on her own, I thought I would just let her be.

    I started noticing that I was getting an awful lot of being "falsely accused", and I do mean a lot.. night and day, everyday. I would constantly have go sue the accusers. I started to notice that I was getting messages of what my clone was doing "so and so was playing piano in the park", etc.

    Also, because of being accused, my main sim keeps losing friendships and has a whole lot of people dislike her. Seems like when someone is accusing my double, I am also being accused.

    I have totally given up on playing my celebrity sim because she now has only one friend left, and I am tired of having to constantly go sue someone.
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    ItzmeeItzmee Posts: 2,729 Member
    edited July 2011
    I just went out and bought this expansion pack today. Even after reading all of this stuff about the problems. I think what I'm going to do is not go to other countries until I know that I won't get cloned. This mean, for now at least, that I bought the EP for the items (which I kinda do for most of them anyway). I don't have Generations so unless the 'fix' works without it, I'm not gonna bother leaving my current town...
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    Rina_AncientRina_Ancient Posts: 14
    edited July 2011
    Does it work to have the original Sim move out of their house upon arriving at the military base or wherever it is that they go upon leaving another country? I mean I've moved the clones out of my house, after I had gotten the magical axe thing, and the axe disappeared. Who's to say that it won't happen when my non-clone Sim moved out of their house and away from the clone Sim? And does that make the clone disappear never to be seen or heard from again?
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    supernutsupernut Posts: 69 New Member
    edited July 2011
    I'll tell you what happened to me. Upon arrival back at home town, I immediately moved my right clone out of the house. (At this stage, both clones had the axe). So I expected the axe to go with the right clone into the new house.

    When they got to the new house, yep, you guessed it, the axe was gone. I checked the wrong clone's inventory, and it wasn't there either. So I had successfully lost the axe, and I don't expect I'll get the opportunity to get it back again.

    I am so mad!!!

    However, it might work for you if you've still got it by moving the non-clone to another house with the axe. Might be the only way to avoid this from happeneing. I'd be interested in seeing what happened.
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    sithgodlordsithgodlord Posts: 5
    edited July 2011
    Highly irritating bug, I've decided simply to not go on vacations rather than have to deal w/ the bugs caused by having a clone.
    Sucks now because I can't master the cooking challenges but even that is better than having a bug like this.
    Better fix this bug soon because it is very destructive to gameplay.
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    Rina_AncientRina_Ancient Posts: 14
    edited July 2011
    Okay so I got home from my trip to Egypt, and i did have a clone of each Sim that went to Egypt. Instead of moving my original non-clone Sims out of my household right away, I waited for the clones to change their names, which does work correctly, in order for me to move out the two non-clone Sims. When they moved into their new household, they had everything in their inventory as they had before moving out. But then, all i really had in their inventory were metals including mummitonium, gems, relics, and other common thing, so it appeared to have worked to solve my clone problem, but i haven't tried to get them to sleep in a bed yet
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    desperatehswfdesperatehswf Posts: 169 Member
    edited July 2011
    After totally uninstalling and reinstalling all games and expansion packs, this happened to me this weekend. Then my game crashed. Luckily, I had saved my neighborhood before they traveled,and I only lost a couple of sim days of progress. That was also the first time my game crashed in a long time, and the first time my sims had travelled since reinstalling. So I uninstalled WA last night. Not sure if I'll add it back on either.

    Sidenote: I don't use cc.
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    EpiphanysEnigmaEpiphanysEnigma Posts: 13
    edited July 2011
    Hello. My sims have also gone on vacations and have come back with duplicates. This has happened to me in both Sunset Valley and Riverview. However, the clones appear in the town as homeless sims. I figure out that they are in the town by using the testingcheatsenabled true cheat "make me know everyone" from the mailbox. I then invite the cloned sim over. Only the sim who was cloned can interact with them. For some reason, the sims who were not cloned and who did not go on vacation can't interact with them.
    Anyways, I move the cloned sim into the household. Then I move the original sim and their household out and into a new household through edit town. I then go back to the household with the cloned sim and make sure they are the cloned sim by looking at their inventory. If that sim is the cloned sim, I go into edit town and move them to the clipboard. Then I delete them and move the original sim and their family back into their house. This works for a little while and then I get all kinds of bugs later on. For example, I could no longer place new community venues and new families in my neighborhood. And the lots I wanted to put the community venues on were community lots and they were the right size. As for the new families, I could merge them with other families, but I couldn't move them into new houses.
    All of the above happened to me in Sunset Valley. I tried going to Riverview, I tried starting a new Riverview and Sunset Valley, but I could still not place new families and lots. I restarted the game and that worked...for now at least.

    In my Riverview save (I played this save before the Sunset Valley one described above), I went to China three times (2 3-day tips and 1 5-day trip) with my teenage daughter sim and her father. I didn't know about the clone issue at this point. After three trips, nothing was wrong as far as I could tell. I switched to another household. Here's where the bugs started. In my other household, one of my sims found the teenage daughter who traveled brain dead in town. I tried to switch back to the household with the teenage daughter and father who traveled, but then my entire user interface disappeared! I had to force exit out of the game. When I reloaded my save, the portrait of the father was missing and he was a vegetable! I wanted to save the family so I copied them to the sim bin library. I also copied two other sim families that I liked in the town (who didn't travel) to the sim bin as well.

    Now what do I do? Can I just start a fresh Riverview or Sunset Valley (I really like these two hoods)? Will the bugs just come back eventually? Or am I just totally stuffed and should do a complete reinstall?

    I know this is a long post, but I would really appreciate it if someone would read through my post and offer advice. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

    P.S I don't have any mods, but I do have some CC ( a custom neighborhood named Neverglade and a house called Galvin's Glen).
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    Rina_AncientRina_Ancient Posts: 14
    edited July 2011
    when i tried playing my family of two after moving them out of the household with their clones, I tried playing them the next day and their faces disappeared at the bottom of the screen-the blue part-as well as the side where the family member pics are located. But when i wanted to make my Sim do something, her face was there when i clicked on an object, as were all the options. But i couldn't get to my other Sim, and once again my two Sims could not doing anything like chat or anything else that requires clicking on the Sim, and i really am not sure how to fix it.

    Also when i went on my other family, I took two of them to France, so the mom could finish the nectar quest. Halfway through the trip, when i had just found the hole to find 'conette's secret item' (i dont think that's how her name was actually spelt), my game crashed. It has never crashed before from my memory, so i don't know what happened
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    happyjmehappyjme Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited July 2011
    Azithia wrote:
    I've read about this clone bug before I sent my 4-star "Pop Star" celebrity sim off to work in Egypt. I thought if I did end up with a clone, no problem, I'll just move her out or something.

    I came back from Egypt and no clone - I was relieved.

    One of her objectives was to find band members, so I sent her to a lounge, and there she was... her clone, a 4-star celebrity, and her title said pianist.. which was funny because my sim was a guitarist, and has never taken up piano.

    Well, since she seem to be doing well on her own, I thought I would just let her be.

    I started noticing that I was getting an awful lot of being "falsely accused", and I do mean a lot.. night and day, everyday. I would constantly have go sue the accusers. I started to notice that I was getting messages of what my clone was doing "so and so was playing piano in the park", etc.

    Also, because of being accused, my main sim keeps losing friendships and has a whole lot of people dislike her. Seems like when someone is accusing my double, I am also being accused.

    I have totally given up on playing my celebrity sim because she now has only one friend left, and I am tired of having to constantly go sue someone.

    OMG now we know how the Olsen twins must feel! Wow... thats all I can say. Except Im one of the original posters in this thread waaaaaaaay back in 09 and I personaly havnt experienced this issue again since Ambitions came out. But now I know it still exists as there has been 6 more pages since the original 4 posts back in 09!!!
    COME ON EA this is UBSURD :x
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    supernutsupernut Posts: 69 New Member
    edited July 2011
    Well, I am ever the optimist. I am hoping this new super patch does the trick. I have had all or some of the problems everyone has noted above and tried all sorts of tricks to get around it.

    Nothing succeeded very well I would get so far and the glitches would escalate, so eventually my game was not workable and I'd have to delete it.

    Anyho, have downloaded the super patch and now with crossed fingers am playing a new game. So far nothing extraordinary has happened, which is a blessing. I will plod on.

    From the posts, I'm noting that people are saying not to play with the old games with the super patch. Instead begin a new family, or new game.

    Even further, some are saying to uninstall, install base game, then super patch and then all the expansions after that.

    Others are saying you do not have to uninstall. just move your files out of the Sims 3 folder to desktop, or rename the Sims 3 folder to another name, then install the super patch, then play the game which makes it begin from scratch again, and then you delete those files, and put in your old ones.

    I, however, immediately downloaded the super patch through sheer excitement, got rid of all my glitch-ridden files, and began a new game. We'll see how it goes. I'll post.
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    Rina_AncientRina_Ancient Posts: 14
    edited July 2011
    for some reason I can't download the super patch, as it's been called. It got up to the last few percent before saying error. Any ideas as to why?
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