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Pet Traits/ideas for The Sims 3 Unleashed/Pets (Keep this alive so EA can see)

After watching the trailer for "Unleashed", it seems that each pet (at least cats, dogs, and horses) has two traits for its personality. Knowing many pets in my life, I have some ideas for this expansion. Try to keep this alive so EA can see it if they are still taking ideas (since the recent shift in command The Sims Studio/EA is starting to read the forums and listen to players)

New Ideas:

Alpha Male/Female (Dogs only): Very powerful and commanding; thinks that he is always on top. Has trouble socializing with other animals due to his/her nature.

Food Nut: (Based on my own dog :lol: ) Absolutely LOVES food and will do anything to get it. Food Nuts get hungrier more often, but get good positive moodlets for eating kibble, and a huge moodlet boost for eating people food.

Smart: Can learn tricks and be trained easier, and can open doors without help (this will depend if doors will automatically open for all pets.). They also might be able to be trained to use human toilets (there are dogs and cats that have been trained to do this), and maybe get food for themselves.

Vocal/Talker: Ever seen Mishka the Talking Husky on YouTube? (look it up right now if you haven't. It is SO cute!) Animals with this trait will be easily heard and make LOTS of noise for attention.

Lazy/Sackhound: The best place in the world for a Sackhound is his/her bed. Pets with this trait are lazier and enjoy plenty of rest. They could get a boost for sleeping a human bed.

Snugglebug: Some animals just love cuddling with their owners!

Water Lover (need a better name): This pet loves being wet, and loves pools even more! Gets a mood boost for swimming in a pool.

Hydrophobic: The opposite of Water Lover!

(I'll update this post with more ideas or suggestions)

Speculation about traits in Traits seen in the trailer:

Stupid: Does stupid stuff (like smelling the skunk in the trailer, that made me cringe :shock: ) and has trouble learning commands and tricks.

Loyal: Wouldn't do anything wrong to their owner, and would always listen to commands once trained.

Adventurous: Has more fun doing stuff outside the house.

Friendly: Just nice to others, both animals and people.

Aggressive: This could be similar to the Alpha Male trait.

Playful: Probably will enjoy playing with chew toys and stuff.

Fun: No idea what this will define.

Independent: This could be similar to Smart.

As for new non trait related stuff, I really hope EA doesn't make the pet shop a rabbit hole! What would be more fun, picking a pet from a list while looking a building, or seeing all the dogs and cats in their pens, and picking one out after playing with it for a while?

I think a lot of ideas like Dog Shows are already covered, but if anyone has ideas, post them! If I like them, I will add them to the main post!)


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    generaletriusgeneraletrius Posts: 115
    edited May 2011
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    OnAvieOnAvie Posts: 1,611 Member
    edited May 2011
    Water Lover (need a better name): This pet loves being wet, and loves pools even more! Gets a mood boost for swimming in a pool.

    Hydrophillic, perhaps?

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    Simmerific94Simmerific94 Posts: 51 Member
    edited May 2011
    I would love to see some exotic animals in it, like giraffes, penguins, tropical birds, dolphins, etc. I know a lot of people have said this already, but I would be tickled absolutely pink if they made a zoo. If EA put an ostrich into the mix, I would love them *forever*!
    Find me on the Gallery! ID: ShinyTogepi94
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    don151516don151516 Posts: 761 New Member
    edited May 2011
    I like that idea ^^^ exotic animals would be cool in another pack, like an EP for carnivals and attractions. (I don't believe that exotic animals should be contained for display that much, but then again it's a little different with virtual creatures!) :p
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    OnAvieOnAvie Posts: 1,611 Member
    edited May 2011
    Bump ;)
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    PsychoPenguinPsychoPenguin Posts: 9
    edited May 2011
    Ok, so I haven't watched the trailer but I'm hoping there are three sizes of dogs this time. They need large, medium, and small. It's more realistic. My chihuahua is smaller than my cats, but my mixed-breed is bigger. But he's not that much bigger. He's a medium size dog. So I hope they put that in there. I love your ideas for traits! I think they should be able to have more than two traits though. It's more realistic. Also, in TS2 I never put collars on my pets because they looked really weird. They need to look...better XD

    I hope this will also add new careers like veterinarian, trainer, and groomer. I'm in college to be a vet, so I'd really like to have a veterinarian career in the game :)

    I think they should include a rabbit hutch or something. Before they only had the one hamster-like pet. They should have hamsters, rats, and mice in one type of cage (like you get to select the type of pet you want and customize it when you buy the cage) and guinea pigs and bunnies in another type of cage, like a rabbit hutch. I think they should be able to let little pets run around outside of their cages too. Oh, and another thing should be two types of birds. Some small ones (like parakeets) in a small cage, and some bigger ones (like macaws) in a larger cage. They should be able to teach the large birds how to talk, like they would teach a toddler. I think it'd be cool if they could walk around with the bird on their shoulder too.

    I have alot of ideas, since I've been dreaming of this expansion since TS3 first came out! :)
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    SumoBSumoB Posts: 1,217 Member
    edited May 2011
    What I hope EA doesn't put in this EP is warewolfs! As I see it, they will be annoying as hell, just like the vampires and celebrities!

    Some trait:
    Scratchy???? : the pet (cat) will often like to turn up and breake things with their teeth and claws and destroy all time of furniture!
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    LastPoeticKissLastPoeticKiss Posts: 328
    edited May 2011
    I hope there is a protective trait. I would love to have a guard dog.
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    AP_PepperAP_Pepper Posts: 465 Member
    edited May 2011
    Possibly most of the traits Human sims have :)lol
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    simgreensimgreen Posts: 1,630 New Member
    edited May 2011
    I think that they should add a pet breeder profession (like the day care profession but breeding and selling dogs instead). Also, veterinarians. I don't mind if they make the breeder and vet profession the same, though.
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    CourtsaBooCourtsaBoo Posts: 18
    edited May 2011
    I think that EA should add reptiles as pets as well, i have a baby leopard gecko and would love if my sims could have a lizard as well. They should also add new items in build/buy that will go to animals, chew toys, beds, food/water bowls ect. Terrerium building items would also be cool if they added reptiles :) Bring on the snakes, lizards, frogs, and turtles.
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    PinkDaggerPinkDagger Posts: 912
    edited May 2011
    I hope there are more interactions for other pets too. I love cats, dogs, and horses and it's nice to be able to control them without cheating but I would lovelovelove to see more parrots (and other birds) with more interactions. They're so spunky and interactive that it's a shame Sims has confined them to cages - and their cages have always been so horribly barren, flying aimlessly all over lots, and sitting on shoulders.

    I've taught my lovebirds (little guys, like the third or fourth smallest parrot) to play basketball and count and they've been known to play soccer (foosball). They run and fly around, chase things, bang on things, throw things, get into foods they shouldn't get into... they're pretty well tiny airborn toddlers with little dino-feet, feathers, and holepunchers on their faces. Budgies, despite their tiny size, are also great mimickers - so it's not just the big parrots that can be taught to talk. It's just that many don't realize little birds' capabilities, so they don't even bother to try. :(

    They should definitely work on the caging appearance for all caged animals (ooh - on that note, I'm a big fan of crate training dogs; crates would be a cute bonus, haha). In the video, I saw a really nice snake setup, albeit a bit small realistically, so that's exciting... but let's not forget the little animals who need toys and such. I'm fine with a base setup where all the animals have same/similar cages. Customizable colours would be great though.

    I wonder how they're handling the furrier dogs and cats. I noticed the video only shows short-haired varieties. I'm curious to see whether the extra fluff will be like a blocky texture/alpha-based poly or if it'll be an actual fur effect. I can see that being kind of a big deal for render times, especially on older and slower machines.

    I am also all for the aforementioned new careers! :D
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    OnAvieOnAvie Posts: 1,611 Member
    edited May 2011
    Bump :mrgreen:
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    TsukoTsuko Posts: 5
    edited May 2011
    I want my sims to be able to walk cats. Maybe not all pet cats; but in real life, walking a cat on a leash is becoming more common and some cats really enjoy it. I can imagine cats with scaredy traits not being walkable in the ep but I want it as a possibility. If it isn't in there, I sure hope someone mods it stat. :(
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    PatandRoxannePatandRoxanne Posts: 1,031 Member
    edited May 2011
    i got a better name for water lover! it's splashaholic or hydroholic whichever one is best.
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    bigfluffylumpsbigfluffylumps Posts: 216 New Member
    edited May 2011
    I agree with the vet career! My Sims need more diverse careers, even with Ambitions installed...

    I also agree with cat walking. My cat walks on a leash, enjoys water, plays fetch, can sit... okay, so my cat isn't the usual feline, but I'd like to have a cat like her in-game ;)

    Cats also need different sizes, just as dogs do. There are small cats like the Singapura and larger ones like the Savannah... no more rabbit holes!
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    swag6883swag6883 Posts: 377
    edited May 2011
    I agree one hundred percent with the pet store idea! maybe they could combine this with an "open for business" touch? Like being able to own the pet stores and sell your own puppies and kittens?
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    romanticthief77romanticthief77 Posts: 38 New Member
    edited May 2011
    I would love to see some exotic animals in it, like giraffes, penguins, tropical birds, dolphins, etc. I know a lot of people have said this already, but I would be tickled absolutely pink if they made a zoo. If EA put an ostrich into the mix, I would love them *forever*!

    a zoo would be wonderful!!! farming would be cool too! we can already grow fruits and veggies how cool would it be to have chickens and cows for milk and egg harvetables! or because we will have horses (which I am beside myself with joy about) the sims could have ranches!

    we already have nector making but adding cows could add cheese making!!! whats better than wine(nector) and cheese at a fancy party?

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    JplantJplant Posts: 3 New Member
    edited May 2011
    I think a pet with an "alpha" trait would only not get along with other alphas. other animals would probably like them better
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    eclipsetrixxzeclipsetrixxz Posts: 1,534 Member
    edited June 2011
    For dogs, I think you forgot two, Lazy and stubborn! ;)

    And for horses, loyal, and disobedient.

    For cats, Genius, and lazy
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    simfeetundersimfeetunder Posts: 2,260 Member
    edited June 2011
    I never had the original Unleashed but with Pets I was bummed to not have any herps... I have dart frogs and it probably wouldn't be too hard to do something similar as the aquariums and have things like lizards or frogs.
    CourtsaBoo wrote:
    I think that EA should add reptiles as pets as well, i have a baby leopard gecko and would love if my sims could have a lizard as well. They should also add new items in build/buy that will go to animals, chew toys, beds, food/water bowls ect. Terrerium building items would also be cool if they added reptiles :) Bring on the snakes, lizards, frogs, and turtles.
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    overcookedburgerovercookedburger Posts: 2,152 New Member
    edited June 2011
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