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Flux Modeling: Cycle 3 - - Assignment 2 - - SCORES AND ASSIGNMENT 3 POSTED

Beth8301Beth8301 Posts: 4,657 New Member
Scores and Assignment 3


Welcome to the third cycle of Flux Modeling Competition.

Flux ;; to flow, the continuous flow of change, the art of succession


1ST PLACE – pooh90 / Lilla Sueman with 148/160



clothing: 8/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 10/10
relativity to high fashion: 15/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 13/15

total score: 76/80

I really don’t have anything bad to say about your entry. The idea was totally creative and it looked amazingly high fashion! Her shoes blend in with the runway a bit too much….if you would’ve had her wear white or red shoes, it would’ve looked a lot better. Also, I kept finding myself looking up to the top of the picture where you can see the curtain loops. I think that took away from the “under water” feel a bit. Maybe if you had cropped that part out or titled the camera a bit, they wouldn’t have been so noticeable. Otherwise, great entry! I loved it!


clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup:10 /10
pose: 9/10
relativity to high fashion: 14/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 9/15

total score: 72/80
Comments: You really do have a knack for the high fashion sim modelling style, that’s for sure. The colors of the outfit and the outfit itself are gorgeous and the lighting is perfect. The pose is very modelesque, though her right hand does look a bit odd. The overall idea behind the runway didn’t at all wow me, there was room for you go wild and use something amazing but you went with something very regular looking. For a higher score next time I would team that eye for color and style with some extra creativity.
2ND PLACE – amazing1239 / Misty Fen with 143/160



clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 10/10
relativity to high fashion: 13/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 10/15

total score: 73/80

Great entry, pringle! Loved it! I think her pose and her outfit were totally high fashion! The only thing was the background was a bit boring. If you elaborated on it a bit more, it would’ve looked even more high fashion and a lot more interesting. I don’t really have anything bad to say about this entry. Great work! Keep it up!


clothing: 8/10
hair&makeup: 8/10
relativity to high fashion: 14/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 13/15

total score: 70/80
Comments: Was great to see some fusion of styles for your runway. Loved the pose you used Misty’s legs look beautiful. I’m kinda in-between on the outfit....while I like the shoes and sheer leggings I don’t quite like them with the dress, and I think it could have gone without the nanna pearls. The runway idea was very creative, however the shot you chose has this weird massive negative space to one side just occupied with a brick wall.
3RD PLACE – cyberman418 / Rose Storm with 142.5/160


clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 10/10
relativity to high fashion: 15/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 7.5/15
creativity: 15/15

total score: 72.5/80

This entry was absolutely perfect! Totally what I was looking for! Everything about it made it creative and high fashion. I LOVE her gloves! You have to tell me where you got those from >.< You would’ve had a perfect score from me if your entry had met the size requirements. Refer to the tutorial on how to properly resize pictures for future entries. Great job! Keep up the amazing work!


clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 9/10
pose: 9/10
relativity to high fashion: 15/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 8/15
creativity: 14/15

total score: 70/80
Comments: Your entry was actually one of my favourites for this assignment, it’s a real shame that you didn’t get the sizing correct which lost you a fair amount of marks or you could have possibly taken first place. Rose looks fabulous, the dress is gorgeous I’m always a sucker for a great black and white outfit. I don’t quite get the mesh of an outdoor runway with that particular look, but the runway itself was very well done. More of a full body shot would be great for any future runway style assignments.
4TH PLACE – MissChatterBox / Gianna Rosewood with 142/160



clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 6/10
relativity to high fashion: 10/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 15/15

total score: 70/80

I loved your entry! I thought it was totally creative and her makeup absolutely rocked! Definitely high fashion in my opinion. The only thing was her pose…it wasn’t very high fashion and it took away from the whole high fashion aspect of this competition. Your entry was a little blurry…if you use more lighting, it will make it a better quality in the future. Great work!


clothing: 8/10
hair&makeup: 9/10
pose: 7/10
relativity to high fashion: 14/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 14/15

total score: 72/80
Comments: I’m looking forward to seeing some lovely pictures from you in this competition; if this entry or any of the shots on your blog are a taste then I will definitely say you will be one to watch. Love the runway you created, it really does have a tropical but fantasy feel to it. I liked the idea of using a mermaid theme for Gianna’s attire, though I would have liked to have seen a pattern or at least a textured color instead of a solid green. Her pose could have been a bit more runway like, as while the dance poses are great it didn’t give off the high fashion feel the shot needed.
5TH PLACE – Bliss87 / Tara with 141/160

clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 10/10
relativity to high fashion: 15/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 7/15

total score: 72/80

This entry was totally fabulous and high fashion! I loved it. The outfit and the hairstyle was absolutely great. I have to say, I am in love with your model! I am a HUGE fan of a strong jaw line on women. If you haven’t noticed, a lot of my own models have strong jawlines and almost a square shaped jaw. Tara’s jaw structure is fabulous and that alone makes her look high fashion! The only thing was that the background was a little dull. It was creative, but it could’ve had more to it. Great work and keep it up!


clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 5/10
relativity to high fashion: 15/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 9/15

total score: 69/80
Comments: Another person who seems very at home with the whole high fashion modelling style. Fantastic dress, love the fact it has so many dimensions to it. You did play it very safe with the runway theme however it looks extremely regular, there’s definitely no wow factor to it. Tara has a very boring pose too, it seemed like a few people opted for a ‘’walking pose’’ so I’m scored you all half for the posing section to be fair.
6TH PLACE – themelonic / Marsala with 135/160



clothing: 8/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 6/10
relativity to high fashion: 12/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 10/15

total score: 65/80

Your entry was good…but it lacked a WOW factor. I didn’t find anything particularly extravagant from your entry. It was a good idea, but I think you could’ve portrayed it in a more creative way. In the future, try to use better quality lighting. I found your entry was a tad dark. Otherwise, good work!


clothing: 9/10
hair&makeup: 8/10
pose: 7/10
relativity to high fashion: 14/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 13/15

total score: 70/80
Comments: Already doing Sensation proud! This was a lovely shot I really like the outfit looked lovely and airy, a different pose or angle would have helped to show it off a bit better. Your runway had some lovely features; the fountain in particular was a nice touch. The image was a bit blurry and could have done with some more light directed onto Marsala to really have her stand out.
7TH PLACE – kelren837 / Scarlett Valentine with 134/160

clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 6/10
pose: 6/10
relativity to high fashion: 10/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 15/15

total score: 67/80

I really liked your entry! That dress is awesome! They are my favourite dresses from the sims 3 store >.< I think you nailed creativity here and did an excellent job portraying your idea! I wasn’t the biggest fan of your choice in hairstyle. Also, I think the fact that she was smiling took away from the high fashion feeling of your entry. Keep in mind – this is a high fashion competition! Otherwise, great work and keep it up!


clothing: 8/10
hair&makeup: 8/10
pose: 7/10
relativity to high fashion: 9/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 15/15

total score: 67/80
Comments: I think you were one of the few that really went a bit crazy with this assignment, so thank you for that. I think you did a great job of merging the two styles you chose, the outfit and hair/makeup combo worked well together. Wasn’t a fan of the pose for a runway show and overall the full effect didn’t really scream high fashion to me.
8TH PLACE – mEgA32306 / Anna-Marie Green with 126/160



clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 10/10
relativity to high fashion: 12/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 15/15

total score: 76/80

I LOVED this entry! I think it was totally creative and high fashion! I thought it was really cool how it appears to be more of a headshot, but her reflection in one of the mirrors shows her whole body. The only thing about your entry was the lighting quality was a bit dull and your entry would’ve been even better if the lighting was a bit brighter. Also, her facial expression was a bit slack…if she had a harder expression, it would’ve looked way more high fashion. Great job! Keep up the good work!


clothing: 4/10
hair&makeup: 5/10
pose: 5/10
relativity to high fashion: 10/15
quality: 3/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 8/15

total score: 50/80
Comments: From what I can see of the runway set it looks gorgeous, love the clean modern feel. I like the dress you chose, but the pattern does nothing to flatter the style. Her makeup is rather boring for runway, as is her hair....too casual. The angle of the shot is what really ruined it....a runway assignment and we can’t see her full outfit from the front at all and can only see a small part of what looks like a really fabulous runway set.

9TH PLACE – girlforthesims3 / Magdalena with 122/160



clothing: 6/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 8/10
relativity to high fashion: 10/15
quality: 1/5
meets requirements: 13/15
creativity: 10/15

total score: 58/80

Your entry was very interesting. It was sort of high fashion but not to the extent I was looking for. I wasn’t a fan of the pattern on her skirt. The background was really cool…but you can tell it was a real life background. The quality was a little rough. In the future, use more direct lighting to increase the quality. Also, adding a white strip to the side in order to meet the size requirement doesn’t count. You will still be deducted for it. Refer to the tutorial on resizing to properly resize pictures.


clothing: 7/10
hair&makeup: 8/10
pose: 7/10
relativity to high fashion: 13/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 13/15
creativity: 12/15

total score: 64/80
Comments: I’m really into parts of this outfit but together it clashes just a bit. Some sheer stockings and no socks would have removed the ‘’Alice in Wonderland’’ look from it. I’m a little conflicted about the pose too, while it does look very modelesque it’s hardly a pose you would normally see someone strike during a runway show. Knocked a couple of points off for the random white bits around your image, it needs to be sized correctly.
10TH PLACE – apocalypticautumn / Renna Monroe with 119/160

clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 4/10
pose: 7/10
relativity to high fashion: 10/15
quality: 3/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 10/15

total score: 59/80

This was a great entry. I liked your choice of swimsuit…that’s one of my favourite swimsuits in an EP. I wasn’t a fan of the sunglasses…I felt like they took away from the high fashion feeling of it all. Her pose was good, but not something a model would do on a runway. The quality was a little fuzzy, but otherwise great. The background was good, but it felt like it was missing something. I love cluttered, creative backgrounds and I just didn’t get that from yours. Otherwise, great job!


clothing: 7/10
hair&makeup: 7/10
pose: 7/10
relativity to high fashion: 7/15
quality:4 /5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 13/15

total score: 60/80
Comments: Really cool runway idea, though as a member of the audience I think I would be a bit peeved at being so far away from the models hehe (though great to see sims actually sitting in the seats, yay for no empty chairs!). I think this overall idea would have been better if you went for more of an evening wear angle....swimwear for a runway shoot is a bit of a cop out since you don’t really have to design anything.....there isn’t all that much to swimsuits.
11TH PLACE ; TIE – pam2297 / Summer Twist with 117/160



clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 2/10
relativity to high fashion: 5/15
quality: 0/5
meets requirements: 10/15
creativity: 15/15

total score: 52/80

I loved the background on this. Very detailed and cluttered, and that’s what I love. However, I didn’t feel like your runway was a runway. If you maybe using a platform or a foundation to raise that piece up a bit, then it would look more like a runway. I have to say, that pose you chose to use is my absolute LEAST favourite. I think it looks too awkward. It wasn’t a very high fashion entry, so keep in mind in future entries that you want to find a balance between high fashion and your own ideas! Your model was very squished and the entry was a bit blurry. In the future, refer to the tutorial on resizing without squishing your entry and maybe use more direct lighting to bring up the quality.


hair&makeup: 8/10
pose: 5/10
relativity to high fashion: 14/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 11/15

total score: 65/80
Comments: Really love this outfit. Has that definite oriental feel but has a modern twist with the tiger print, really don’t like those ankle boots with it though, some nice heels would have looked better. I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into the runway it looks fantastic. Summers pose though is totally crazed, I don’t think you would ever see a model pose like that on a runway, looks positively mental lol.
11TH PLACE ; TIE – ashpie88 / Jenelle Glenn with 117/160

clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 5/10
pose: 5/10
relativity to high fashion: 12/15
quality: 1/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 12/15

total score: 60/80

I know you had no choice but to drop out, but I wanted to score your entry anyways. I liked the idea around this, with the mask in the background and the funky colors. However, I wish you executed it further. Maybe had her wearing a mask or something? I felt like half of an idea was portrayed here. Her pose was alright, but I wasn’t a fan of her face…it looked awkward. Your entry was incredibly squished, which botched the quality. It was creative and fun and overall a pretty good entry.


clothing: 6/10
hair&makeup: 6/10
pose: 6/10
relativity to high fashion: 12/15
quality: 2/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 10/15

total score: 57/80
Comments: I really like the theme you were going for here, but I kinda expected a bit more pizzazz and craziness with an idea like Mardi Gras. I like the outfit well enough, the style in particular, I would have liked to have seen a different pattern though. Jenelle’s hairstyle was a bit boring from what I could see of it, but the splash of color in her makeup was great. The pose was an odd chose for the runway, showing off her nostrils a bit hehe. Your image is quite noticeable squished, the forum post and the linked image so keep an eye on that for next time.
12TH PLACE – freakincatnomilk / Rachel Sea with 116.5/160

clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 6/10
relativity to high fashion: 8/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 7.5/15
creativity: 13/15

total score: 58.5/80

I loved her outfit in this entry! And the idea was totally cute. However, I wasn’t a huge fan of her pose and it wasn’t very high fashion to me. The angle was a little odd, in my opinion. It made her look really short. Your entry wasn’t the correct size. Refer to the resizing tutorial for resizing future entries! Also, I didn’t get a runway feel to this. There wasn’t actually a runway present in your entry. Otherwise, great job.


clothing: 8/10
hair&makeup: 8/10
pose: 7/10
relativity to high fashion: 8/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 8/15
creativity: 14/15

total score: 58/80
Comments: I really adore this outfit, don’t know if it’s really something you would see on the runway...but I think it’s adorable. The colors are just really warm. I’m at odds with the pose; maybe a shot from a different angle so she’s looking more towards the camera would have made it look better. Very creative idea you had here, and you would have pulled off the full creativity marks if it had actually looked more like a runway, the backdrop looks more like the courtyard of a coffee shop.
13TH PLACE – dylsoccer12 / Connie Marshalls with 116/160



clothing: 5/10
hair&makeup: 5/10
pose: 6/10
relativity to high fashion: 8/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 12/15
creativity: 8/15

total score: 49/80

Your entry was interesting. I liked the runway. But your entry wasn’t high fashion to me at all. The outfit was confusing…I wasn’t a big fan of it. And it appeared she wasn’t wearing any makeup, which I wasn’t a fan of either. Typically, a runway model would be loaded with makeup, and generally, its dark. Adding those white boxes to the top and bottom of your entry do not count for the size requirement. In the future, refer to the resizing tutorial.


clothing: 7/10
hair&makeup: 7/10
pose: 10/10
relativity to high fashion: 14/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 12/15
creativity: 12/15

total score: 67/80
Comments: While Connie isn’t really wearing an outfit I would personally even expect to see on the runway I rather like it. It’s clear you really took the time to design something yourself rather than use a premade color scheme. I’m not a huge fan of the grandma skirt, or the plaid pattern weaved into the pleats however. Adorable pose and it was great to see people actually watching the runway show! You have no idea how odd I think it is to see empty seats in runway shots. You did lose a couple of points for adding random white bits to the top and bottom of the image, the sizing requirements are there so that your image fits a full page in Flux.
14TH PLACE – NinjaKay / Destiny Jacobs with 113/160



hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 5/10
relativity to high fashion: 5/15
quality: 1/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 15/15

total score: 56/80

This was such a great idea! I am a particular fan of this cause. One of my personal friends in RL is going through this right now so this hits home. However, I wasn’t a fan of her outfit. I wish there was more pink in it and maybe more….athletic? I find it odd that shes in a boxing ring in heels >.< Her pose is great, but her boxing glove cuts into her face so you can hardly see it. It’s not really high fashion, but I still love it. Your picture is very squished! Refer to the tutorial on resizing for when you resize your entries in the future and not have them squished, because that takes quite a bit from your score.


clothing: 6/10
hair&makeup: 6/10
pose: 3/10
relativity to high fashion: 8/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 15/15

total score: 57/80
Comments: Great cause! And great idea! Was awesome to see you take a charity and turn it into a runway theme, the runway itself looks fantastic, the whole ‘’boxing ring’’ theme works well. The pose really let you down as I can barely see Destiny’s face. The outfit needed some work too, while I understand what you were going for with the gloves I think it would have been better without them. The eye shadow is a bit scary too looks like it’s going way too far up her forehead lol.
15TH PLACE ; TIE – crg1999 / Fawn Smokey with 112/160


clothing: 8/10
hair&makeup: 6/10
pose: 6/10
relativity to high fashion: 5/15
quality: 1/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 10/15

total score: 51/80

I like her outfit in your entry. I’ve always been a fan of those tights >.< It’s an interesting idea and definitely not typical runway. However, I did not feel like this was high fashion at all. Her pose was too bright and bubbly and her hair was too slack. Doing a laid back entry like this is risky in a high fashion competition. You have to really get creative and find a balance between slack/casual fashion and high fashion. Unfortunately, I didn’t see that balance. Your entry is very squished. Refer to the tutorial for future entries so you don’t squish your entry. Don’t be discouraged! This is the first assignment and I don’t expect everyone to get the hang of the competition right away.


clothing: 7/10
hair&makeup: 6/10
pose: 8/10
relativity to high fashion: 8/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 13/15

total score: 61/80
Comments: Fawns outfit is really funky, though I don’t really think it’s fashion runway material, maybe with a cute skirt instead of casual jean shorts. Her hair looks really raggedy not at all a styled look. The pose is good, classic hands on the hips, would have been a bit better if she wasn’t grinning though. The runway was a little odd, I get the theme you were going for but the set looks more like someone’s living room than a runway.
15TH PLACE ; TIE – melodicspike21 / Cloud Everlast with 112/160



clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 6/10
pose: 10/10
relativity to high fashion: 10/15
quality: 1/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 5/15

total score: 57/80

I loved her outfit in this! Totally high fashion in my opinion. Her body language is great too…I like how she looks like she kind of collapsing on herself. However, her facial expression didn’t go with her body pose. While her body was high fashion, her face was not. Your entry is terribly squished! Please refer to the tutorial on how to resize without squishing your picture.


clothing: 6/10
hair&makeup: 7/10
pose: 5/10
relativity to high fashion: 10/15
quality: 2/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 10/15

total score: 55/80
Comments: I quite like the runway set up you have, looks very tribal and exotic. The whole picture would have worked better if there was a clear theme to it, running with that tribal idea you have in the set and running with it. Not a fan of the outfit, in particular the top half which looks like something someone would wear to the gym. Loved the hair, but the very understated outfit gives Clouds makeup an almost drag queen effect. The pose was quite ugly too; she looks very hunched over, extremely bad posture moment. Loved the slight tilt to the shot but it’s all squished be careful when resizing.
16TH PLACE – jps0228 / Melodi Grass with 109.5/160



clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 6/10
pose: 8/10
relativity to high fashion: 10/15
quality: 3/5
meets requirements: 7.5/15
creativity: 10/15

total score: 54.5/80

I know you dropped out, but I decided to score your entry anyways. I really liked the outfit for this…I think it was very pretty, yet had a high fashion feel to it. The pose would’ve been good, if your model wasn’t smiling. Smiles take away from the high fashion aspect. The quality was a little blurry and you got the size requirements wrong. Otherwise it was a good entry.


clothing: 8/10
hair&makeup: 7/10
pose: 5/10
relativity to high fashion: 11/15
quality: 3/5
meets requirements: 8/15
creativity: 13/15

total score: 55/80
Comments: Lovely period outfit, was nice to see someone take a timeline angle with their runway. You lost considerable points from the wrong sizing and the boring pose. A closer shot would have also given me a better look at the makeup. Loved the hat for the style you were going for but the hairstyle underneath it looked strange.
17TH PLACE – morgauna_11 / Dahlia with 106.5/160



clothing: 6/10
hair&makeup: 5/10
pose: 10/10
relativity to high fashion: 8/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 7.5/15
creativity: 10/15

total score: 51.5/80

I loved the pose. It was totally high fashion. However, her outfit and her hairstyle was not high fashion at all. If you are going to do a beach theme, try and use a more out-there swimsuit…something that says high fashion. Your sizing wasn’t correct. Refer to the tutorial on resizing for future entries. The background was cut with the beach and the palm trees, but it felt like it was missing something. Otherwise, good work.


clothing: 6/10
hair&makeup: 7/10
pose: 10/10
relativity to high fashion: 6/15
quality: 5/5
meets requirements: 8/15
creativity: 13/15

total score: 55/80
Comments: Beautiful runway set, I did sit and wonder for a bit what was holding up the curtains though hehe. Perfect runway pose, those new pose player options are fantastic. Felt going the swimwear route was a bit of a cop out and with such a lovely runway set you could have got considerably higher scores from me if you maybe went with some brilliant summer fashions rather than a random bikini. Your sizing was incorrect so you lost a lot of points there.
18TH PLACE – simslover740 / Julie Armor with 98.5/160



clothing: 6/10
hair&makeup: 5/10
pose: 5/10
relativity to high fashion: 5/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 7.5/15
creativity: 15/15

total score: 47.5/80

Your runway idea was definitely creative…not like anything I’ve seen before, which is definitely what I was looking for. However, this was supposed to be high fashion and I didn’t get that high fashion feel from it. The outfit wasn’t whacky, like high fashion outfits tend to me and the hair looked slack rather than done. The pose was a bit dull and it was a bit fuzzy. Also, your picture did not meet the size requirements. Don’t worry though, this is the first round and I don’t expect everyone to get it right off the bat! Follow the tutorial I have provided to properly resize your entries in the future.


clothing: 6/10
hair&makeup: 6/10
pose: 8/10
relativity to high fashion: 6/15
quality: 4/5
meets requirements: 8/15
creativity: 13/15

total score: 51/80
Comments: I very much liked the idea you were going for here, her pose in particular is great, but a few of the features threw me off a bit. The ice sculpture of the penguin seemed very odd, the runway itself kinda gave me an outdoor toilet feel....kinda looks like she’s in a tropical loo cubical and the jean shorts didn’t at all give me a fashion runway feel. Your sizing is totally off by the way.
19TH PLACE – xRainbowx / Aqua Blossom with 89/160



clothing: 6/10
hair&makeup: 10/10
pose: 5/10
relativity to high fashion: 5/15
quality: 2/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 7/15

total score: 40/80

I love that you used the Flux Pavillion Hall for this. It’s nice knowing that SOMEONE is using it =) However, I felt like your entry wasn’t very high fashion. Her outfit was a little odd…the pants were too tight, in my opinion. If you had her wear a boot that covered the bottom of the pants, they would look much better. Her pose is odd…you can hardly tell she has a lollipop in her hand. I think it would’ve been adorable if you used the “Gaze into Eyes” animation, where her hands are together over her heart and she looks totally in a gaze. It wasn’t a high fashion entry, I’m afraid. You have to keep high fashion in mind, even if your theme is lollipops and gumdrops or whatever. Your model also seemed a bit distorted…probably from resizing. Refer to the tutorial on how to resize without squishing your entry. Your idea was very creative, but the background was a little dull. If you maybe had some people sitting there watching her, it would’ve look a lot better.


clothing: 5/10
hair&makeup: 6/10
pose: 6/10
relativity to high fashion: 6/15
quality: 3/5
meets requirements: 15/15
creativity: 8/15

total score: 49/80
Comments: Was quite disappointed in this, I’ve seen your pictures and you are better than this. Aqua’s outfit is quite ugly really. Skin-tight overalls on a runway? The gloves, shoes and candy accessories when looked at alone are actually really cute, so with a not so ugg outfit it could have been a high scoring ensemble. The red lippy and really casual hairstyle didn’t do it for me either. The runway was boring in comparison to Aqua’s outfit, regular black set up with some weird looking brick trim.
20TH PLACE – nikkiscott123 / Charlie with 86.5/160



clothing: 10/10
hair&makeup: 5/10
pose: 5/10
relativity to high fashion: 5/15
quality: 0/5
meets requirements: 7.5/15
creativity: 5/15

total score: 37.5/80

I really liked her outfit in this. I think it went well with your chosen theme. However, I did not feel like this was high fashion. Her pose was mid-walk and so it looked a little boring…all it looks like is her left foot is in front of her right one. Your picture is quite blurry and I’m wondering if there is a way for you to fix that? If it’s your computer graphics, then that’s okay. But it will affect your score, but not by much. The background could’ve been way more detailed. It was a creative idea but the runway and the background was a dull. Your entry didn’t meet the size requirements. Please refer to the tutorial on how to properly resize pictures.


clothing: 7/10
hair&makeup: 5/10
pose: 5/10
relativity to high fashion: 9/15
quality: 2/5
meets requirements: 8/15
creativity: 13/15

total score: 49/80
Comments: The runway looks pretty good, the torches down the sides are a very nice touch. I think it would have looked more compete if the ferns on the side had been placed all the way down the runway and not just at the top. Really needed a zoomed in shot, this was too far away for me to really judge the makeup, though the hair looks fluffy and unkempt. I like the outfit and the accessories fitted well with the tribal theme you have going on. The overall image is very blurry and is the incorrect size so you lost considerable points in both quality and requirements.




full size:


- - play nice
- - absolutely NO face plastering, photo skinning, or glitter text
- - basic editing skills will be an asset to advancing in the competition, but editing skills are not required . I encourage all who would like to challenge their skills or learn new skills to join
- - changing basic genetics, such as hair and eye color, are allowed unless otherwise stated
- - CC is allowed, but not required
- - please do not join unless you are committed . I do not want a bunch of drop outs
- - if you must drop out, please tell me rather than disappearing.


For each and every assignment you enter, you must enter them with the following requirements. You will be deducted points if requirements aren’t met:

- - size of entry must be 833 pixels wide by 1079 pixels tall , OR 1666 pixels wide by 1079 pixels tall . you may enter the equivalent of these size dimensions, just as long as they resize properly to the required size requirements
- - a short description of your entry must be posted upon handing in your entry . this description does not have to be long or super creative . one or two sentences will suffice

(if you need an extension, please feel free to ask)

** The duedates will always be posted on the Flux Event’s Calendar on the official website**


Your entries will be scored on the following criteria:

clothing: /10
hair&makeup: /10
pose: /10
relativity to high fashion: /15
quality: /5
meets requirements: /15
creativity: /15

total score: /80



The winner of each assignment will have their entry featured in the current issue of Flux Magazine (this is why the entry size requirement is in place).


The winner of the cycle will receive a judging position in cycle 4, a custom made winner’s signature, and a spread in Flux Magazine.



= simslover740 / Julie Armor 8)
= jps0228 / Melodi Grass :?
= pixie30 / Megan Pepper 8)
= NinjaKay / Destiny Jacobs 8)
= crg1999 / Fawn Smokey
= pooh90 / Lilla Sueman 8)
= mEgA32306 / Anna-Marie Green 8)
= xRainbowx / Aqua Blossom 8)
= ashpie88 / Jenelle Glenn 8)
= melodicspike21 / Cloud Everlast 8)
= kelren837 / Scarlett Valentine 8)
= amazing1239 / Misty Fen 8)
= MissChatterbox / Gianna Rosewood 8)
= themelonic / Marsala 8)
= freakincatnomilk / Rachel Sea 8)
= morgauna_11 / Dahlia 8)
= apocalypticautumn / Renna Monroe 8)
= cyberman418 / Rose Storm 8)
= pam2297 / Summer Twist 8)
= girlforthesims3 / Magdalena :evil:
= nikkiscott123 / Charlie 8)
= bliss87 / Tara 8)
= cierrak879 / Lizzy Limkin :evil:
= dylsoccer12 / Connie Marshalls :shock:

*memory wall will be put up when pixie and cierrak hand in their bodyshots

:shock: = seen it
8) = turned in
:? = extension granted
:evil: = drop out (PLEASE NOOOOOOOOO)

Official Website:

High Fashion Tips

Here are some tips on High Fashion. Credit for this list goes to Rose, who created a similar list for Flux Magazine. Now, to make things clear, there isn't actually a solid definition of High Fashion. High Fashion is more perception. In the fashion industry, there is an overall view of what High Fashion is and over the years, I've grown to understand that. These tips will give you all some insight on my interpretation of High Fashion.

1. Your model should have a straight face. Facial expressions are okay, as long as they are strong! Smiles and laughing is not considered high fashion, typically. But if you can find a way to nail a smile/laugh into a strong, intense look, then it can be considered high fashion. Smiles and laughing are risky though! Try and really focus on creating powerful eyes. Powerful eyes really gives off an intense expression.

2. High fashion is really out there. It's crazy and fun, yet intense and empowering. Clothing that is considered high fashion is typically things you wouldn't normally see someone wearing. Crazy fashion is high fashion.

3. Fashion is a form of art. Art doesn't always make sense at first glance. Treat high fashion like a Picasso painting. It doesn't make any sense, but yet it works. It tells a story indirectly.

4. Typically, the makeup models wear in a high fashion shoot or on the runway isn't usually colorful. But, the makeup around the eyes is usually plentiful. Standard high fashion is thick black eyeliner and smokey eyeshadow. You can still use colors if it works for the assignment. Also, just because its typical for models to wear heavy dark makeup, doesn't necessairily mean you HAVE to have your models wearing heavy dark makeup. It's just a little tip and can really turn a regular fashion photo into a high fashion photo when your down on ideas.

5. In high fashion photos, the models are usually looking straight at the camera, or not looking at the camera at all. There's no really in between.

6. When it comes to the background, usually a high fashion photo will either have an entirely plain background or an etremely cluttered background. Personally, I'm a huge fan of cluttered backgrounds. You want your photo to tell a story!

7. Hair styles are either really sleek and chic or crazy and out there. Slack hairstyles are non existant in the high fashion world.

I hope these tips will be of some use for everyone!


  • Options
    Beth8301Beth8301 Posts: 4,657 New Member
    edited April 2011

    mEgA32306 / Anna-Marie Green


    simslover740 / Julie Armor


    Bliss87 / Tara


    cyberman418 / Rose Storm


    kelren837 / Scarlett Valentine


    morgauna_11 / Dahlia


    nikkiscott123 / Charlie


    freakincatnomilk / Rachel Sea


    MissChatterbox / Gianna Rosewood


    ashpie88 / Jenelle Glenn


    apocalypticautumn / Renna Monroe


    themelonic / Marsala


    melodicspike21 / Cloud Everlast


    pixie30 / Megan Pepper


    NinjaKay / Destiny Jacobs


    pam2297 / Summer Twist


    amazing1239 / Misty Fen


    xRainbowx / Aqua Blossom


    pooh90 / Lilla Sueman

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Beth8301Beth8301 Posts: 4,657 New Member
    edited April 2011

    How to Resize Without Squishing or Distorting Your Picture

    In the previous assignment, a lot of people either didn't correctly resize their entries (which hurt their scores terribly!) or resized it correctly and ended up with a squished or distorted picture. This tutorial will show you guys how I personally resize my pictures when it comes to doing my magazine (as the size requirements are the page sizes we use for Flux Magazine). For this tutorial, I am using photoshop elements 9, but the way I do it can be used for just about any editing software.

    We will first begin by resizing an image to 833 pixels wide by 1079 pixels tall. The first thing I do is open a blank document with those dimensions.


    Then, I open up my screenshot that I want. Now, in my game, I have my screen size set to 1680x1048, so my screenshots are huge.


    The next thing I do is cut out the ENTIRE screenshot, just by simply taking a rectangle cutting tool and selecting the entire thing. Then, I move the screenshot over to my 833x1079 blank document.


    You will notice how a lot of the screenshot is cut off. The blank document is MUCH thinner than my screenshot, but it's also a bit taller than it. This is what we're going to fix first - the height. Now, when resizing a picture I ALWAYS do it freehand. There is an option on almost any editing software in which you can resize the image by typing in the new dimensions. It's okay to do this, but you most of the time, you image will come out squished...especially when you are given EXACT dimensions for both the width and the height. If you do it that way, select the option to 'Keep Aspect Ratio' and only ever alter ONE dimension. Never both.

    Anyways, when I resize manually, I barely ever touch the top or side boxes. This also causes distortion and squishiness. The only way I resize is by using the corner boxes. This makes it so both the width and the height are affected by your resizing.


    It will make your image bigger when you pull it outwards and it will make your image smaller when pulling inwards. In this case, I want to get rid of the top white box, so I need to pull it outwards and make it bigger.


    So now I have the height of my screenshot in the correct dimension. Now, the way that I resize the width is not usually something people like to do, but as long as you plan for it in game, it works out well. I just simply move my screenshot over until I have what I need showing in the main document. ALOT of my screenshot will still end up being cut off, but it's better for you to cut it off and hand in the right dimensions than squishing your image or handing in the incorrect sizes. Remember, whatever you hand in in any competitions is what the judges view as your final piece. Only you will know that most of your image was cut off. When I resize this way, I always plan to have most of my screenshot cut off when I do my resizing. Normally, I try to make my picture all situated in the center of my camera shot. I always plan to have the least important things cut off while the most important things remain.

    Once your done resizing, do you lighting and shadowing tweeks and then flatten the image or merge the layers. Voila. You have resized your picture without any distortion or squishing.


    Now, when resizing to the 1666 pixel wide by 1079 pixel tall dimensions, you basically do the same thing, just a bit differently. For me, resizing to these dimensions is the absolute easiest because of my screenshot sizes. My screenshots are 1680 pixels wide (we need 1666 pixels wide) and 1048 pixels tall (we need 1079 pixels tall). See how similar the dimensions are?

    If you want to change the size of your screen shot, you go to the options menu while your in game. I believe it's graphic settings that you will find the option to set 'Screen Size'.

    Anyways, I do the same thing that I did with the smaller document. I open up a blank 1666 pixel wide by 1079 pixel tall document and move my screenshot over to it.


    Notice how this time, my screenshot almost completely covers the blank document. It's still a little short, but that's when the free hand resizing comes into play. Just like with the smaller document, I use the corner box to resize my image to completely cover the blank document.


    A little bit of the image will still get cut off, but not nearly as much as when I resized to the 833 pixels wide. Then I flatten image/merge layers, do my editing tweeks and then voila! My image is completely resized to 1666 pixels wide by 1079 pixels tall without any squishing or distortion.


    Now, like I mentioned before, this will work with just about any editing software. I used to do this same method when I was using Photo Impact instead of photo shop and Rose uses this method for the magazine using GIMP. For those of you who don't know about GIMP, it's a free editing software that you download from the internet. It's got all the basic tools you need for editing and it's safe. I recommend that those of you who do not have any editing software use GIMP, as I'm not sure if any online editing programs will let you resize properly. You don't HAVE to have an editing software, but I do recommend it.

    I hope this helps some of you out! And remember: if it's not the right size, HALF of your points in the requirements section of your scorecard gets taken off. That could be the difference between you staying or being eliminated in this competition.

    How to Resize Using GIMP - Tutorial by Rose

    Any easy why to start off is to open up a new pic and change the size to the size you want (Either 833x1079 or 1666x1079 ):


    Then take the screenshot you want to use or edit and "Open as Layer" so it will be on top of your right sized pic and all you need to do is resize that layer: (Does that make sence?)


    Ok the resizing tool in Gimp is a real tool, you cant just drag the corners. Here is what the tool looks like:


    Click on the tool, now im going to show to an easyer why to do this and not have the drag the corners!
    A little boz should pop up that looks like this:


    Make sure the little changes are iner twinded like in the pic
    Then under 'Height' type in '1079' then your pic should be the right size (Remember it will be croped on the sides) Then you can take the moving tool eug8eg.png if you need to and move the pic to either side a little if it need to be more centered or somthing

    Then TU-DUH!

    ^Be sure you post the link to the full size of it too

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    ashpie88ashpie88 Posts: 3,163 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Thanks for scores. :) And I've seen it. Hope I can do it cause it sounds fun!
  • Options
    themelonicthemelonic Posts: 2,019 Member
    edited April 2011
    ohhhhhh this one should be fun! :D
  • Options
    PistolkittenPistolkitten Posts: 5,413 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Love going through and reading all the scores when there's so many people.

    I See there were a couple of entries we had polarizing views on Beth hehe :D
  • Options
    melodicspike21melodicspike21 Posts: 24,180 Member
    edited April 2011
    Seen it :mrgreen: I'm pretty happy with my score :P Just glad I didn't need an extention :XD:
  • Options
    mintkissmintkiss Posts: 1,426 New Member
    edited April 2011
    So many lovely pictures :3

    I'm excited to see more this round, such a fun assignment!
  • Options
    pooh90pooh90 Posts: 4,026 Member
    edited April 2011
    My goal this assignment: Not come in last

    ...again :XD:
  • Options
    melodicspike21melodicspike21 Posts: 24,180 Member
    edited April 2011
    pooh90 wrote:
    My goal this assignment: Not come in last

    ...again :XD:

    Doubt it Rose ;) That place is reserved for me :P
  • Options
    pooh90pooh90 Posts: 4,026 Member
    edited April 2011
    Oh please Spiky your way batter then that! :D
  • Options
    melodicspike21melodicspike21 Posts: 24,180 Member
    edited April 2011
    Awww, thank you Poohey darling :mrgreen:

    Just so I don't need an extention, I'm going to work on it now :XD:
  • Options
    Beth8301Beth8301 Posts: 4,657 New Member
    edited April 2011
    thanks for checkin in, ladies!

    @rose: you were a beginner when you did this assignment in cycle 1...your pro now ;) as i've already told you =P

    @spike: jeesh, woman! you've been in all three cycles and made it pretty dang far in 2 of those cycles. don't underestimate yourself ;)

    @pk: we definitely have some different views! i can't remember which one it was (and quite frankly, im too lazy to go check ahahaha) but you scored them one of your lowest scores and i scored them one of my highest >.<
  • Options
    pooh90pooh90 Posts: 4,026 Member
    edited April 2011
    Beth8301 wrote:

    @pk: we definitely have some different views! i can't remember which one it was (and quite frankly, im too lazy to go check ahahaha) but you scored them one of your lowest scores and i scored them one of my highest >.<

    I think that was mEgA32306-You gave her 76 and PK gave her 50
  • Options
    mEgA32306mEgA32306 Posts: 2,758
    edited April 2011
    Seen scores and assignment! Thanks for comments, i did better than i expected. :D
    I'm going away on Saturday to my grandparents and am not coming back until the next Sunday. So i'll try and do my assignment tomorrow but if i can't then i'll need an extension. But i'll be able to use my Grans laptop to come on the forums.
  • Options
    mEgA32306mEgA32306 Posts: 2,758
    edited April 2011
    pooh90 wrote:
    Beth8301 wrote:

    @pk: we definitely have some different views! i can't remember which one it was (and quite frankly, im too lazy to go check ahahaha) but you scored them one of your lowest scores and i scored them one of my highest >.<

    I think that was mEgA32306-You gave her 76 and PK gave her 50

    :shock: I didn't realize the gap was that big.
  • Options
    pam2297pam2297 Posts: 1,312 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Seen it. Yay for the tutorial
  • Options
    kelren837kelren837 Posts: 1,012 Member
    edited April 2011
    Thanks for the scores - I agree with everything that was said! I do need to brush up on my high fashion-ed skills, I have none, haha.

    This assignment looks fun! Can't wait.
  • Options
    PistolkittenPistolkitten Posts: 5,413 New Member
    edited April 2011
    pooh90 wrote:
    Beth8301 wrote:

    @pk: we definitely have some different views! i can't remember which one it was (and quite frankly, im too lazy to go check ahahaha) but you scored them one of your lowest scores and i scored them one of my highest >.<

    I think that was mEgA32306-You gave her 76 and PK gave her 50

    Yeap, Dylan was a rather huge difference too in the other direction, lower score from Beth, higher from me lol. I think Crg was the same.

    It's good that the first round is non elimination since not only does it give everyone a feel for what the judges like....but also gives the judges a feel for what each other likes hehe
  • Options
    MissChatterboxMissChatterbox Posts: 4,277 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Oh thanks! wow didn't expect to come 4th, wasn't my best >.< lol. Looking forward to using the new poses in this assignment!
  • Options
    Bliss87Bliss87 Posts: 5,865 Member
    edited April 2011
    Seen it
  • Options
    girlforthesims3girlforthesims3 Posts: 974 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Wait I can't see the assignment....I guess it's cuz I'm on my iPod...
  • Options
    xRainbowxxRainbowx Posts: 9,071 Member
    edited April 2011
    I have an idea already for this assignment, I promise to do better! :D
  • Options
    melodicspike21melodicspike21 Posts: 24,180 Member
    edited April 2011
    Beth8301 wrote:
    thanks for checkin in, ladies!

    @rose: you were a beginner when you did this assignment in cycle 1...your pro now ;) as i've already told you =P

    @spike: jeesh, woman! you've been in all three cycles and made it pretty dang far in 2 of those cycles. don't underestimate yourself ;)

    @pk: we definitely have some different views! i can't remember which one it was (and quite frankly, im too lazy to go check ahahaha) but you scored them one of your lowest scores and i scored them one of my highest >.<

    :lol: Thanks Beth ;) I'm slightly more confident about my pics, but I still am clueless when it comes to editing :XD: I think I will do most of my stuff in game, plus it's more fun :P
    I have the pose in mind for this assignment, but nothing else :XD:
  • Options
    girlforthesims3girlforthesims3 Posts: 974 New Member
    edited April 2011
    oww i see it know! THIS REMINDS ME OF CYCLE 1..., but just a few tweaks!it's like i get to start over HAHA AWESOME!!
  • Options
    amazing1239amazing1239 Posts: 2,054 New Member
    edited April 2011
    This'll be so fun :3
    I love dolls so much I have one in my room I'm going to base this off of!
    djbgfdjbgjsfdbgsdlfg Yay! :3
    Also congrats on winning the assignment Rose :3
    (I can't believe I got second this assignment either :p)

    I'm in a really good mood today, so I apologize for that.
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