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Abbingdon, Surrey (UK) - September update


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    zanysazyzanysazy Posts: 2,210 New Member
    edited April 2010
    If only we had roundabouts and not cross-roads :lol:
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    MadGazMadGaz Posts: 124 New Member
    edited April 2010
    Hi rsedorothy,

    Sorry for the delay in replying.
    I've gone back to the leisure centre and discovered that the lot size is a bit odd.
    When I first started I made the lots weird sizes to fit in. I've been slowly going through these to make them more round numbers.
    The leisure centre is currently 42x42, but I'm looking to change that to at least a more sensible 45x45 (this is one of the few lots not built in Sunset Valley btw)

    I can upload it still, but I'm not 100% if it will fit anywhere in Sunset Valley at the moment.
    BUT, I can try and remake one on a 40x40 if that's any help?

    zanysazy; I agree about the roundabouts! Especially as I can't create the correct Give Way junction markings lol!
    I did thing about making a roundish section of roads and placing a lot in the middle, then just building a round roof on it, but I don't think that would look too good lol!

    Ellie 101, I haven't forgotton about the road textures, I'll update as soon as I work out how to share them :)

    Gaz :)
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    rsedorothyrsedorothy Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited April 2010
    Thankyou MadGaz but don't worry too much about sizes I intend making my own country town and your building would go next to the rowing club.

    I just need some spare time to start it.
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    TinTinnerson48TinTinnerson48 Posts: 4,151 Member
    edited April 2010
    looking good :)

    maybe you could put terrain paint istead of cement in some places, because sometimes it can look to square-ish.
    but its still really good though,

    i love lara croft :)
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    MadGazMadGaz Posts: 124 New Member
    edited May 2010
    Another quick update.

    Though I don't actually seem to have made much progress since last time, I have decided on a new approach.
    I have the lot placement pretty much sorted, I may tweak the lot sizes a little but I'm happy with the layout.

    I've exported a version of this into the game so I can finish building the lots the way I want them built, including furniture and all other bits normally inaccessible due to the removal of the DCCache folder.

    Once I've finished this, I'll save each lot to the library and then I can finish the terrain painting, sculpting and road laying.
    I'm also toying with the idea of re-doing the trees.
    I know There is a problem with the routing of the bridges, but I will be sorting this out too now I know it's there.

    I've included a small slideshow of various views in my world so you can get a better idea of the current terrain. You should also be able to see how I've added the distant terrain's.

    Any feedback given would be much appreciated.

    Gaz :)
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    rsedorothyrsedorothy Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited May 2010
    The slideshow is great I'm really looking forward to the complete town. :thumbup:
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    MadGazMadGaz Posts: 124 New Member
    edited June 2010
    OK, so an update - finally :oops:

    Well I've been working hard on this and making good progress. I got as far as actually exporting a version to the full game.
    Looked great but.. it was lagging terribly! I have no idea why as I had rebuilt the routing. The game would just freeze up for nearly minutes at a time.

    I've read on Tea and Blues' thread that this can be caused by a lumpy bit of terrain under a lot.
    I have no idea where this is so...

    I've taken a BIG step! I exported the height map I was using, taken a note of all lot sizes and in some cases, the actual positioning of lots and some objects (particularly for the estate which I was very pleased with), and I've sort of started again.

    Though this sounds extreme, this has had some positive results! I've taken some advice with regards to terrain painting from Regina's thread and started with a mud base to paint grass or whatever else onto. I've also been able to paint the river better.

    I've flattened more ground and have gone back to various maps and I've completely re-arranged the layout of the town. The high street configuration has stayed the same, it's only the rest of the lots that have all moved.

    I'll upload a few new screen shots shortly.
    I'm really happy with this as I think that the town has the right sort of look finally without being too cramped looking.

    That's it for now.

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    MadGazMadGaz Posts: 124 New Member
    edited July 2010
    So as promised, a few pics showing the new town layout.

    Main town overhead view:

    A closer view of the High street in it's new position:

    The new entrance to the Croft Estate (minus terrain paint and vegetation)

    As you can see, the terrain hasn't really been painted, I think Regina's approach is great so I'm working from mud upwards. I'm also more aware of using too many terrain paints per chunk so I'm keeping a closer eye on this.

    Most of the terrain is flatter than before, and so far I've had fewer road tears.

    Once I have the lot and road configuration, I can work on the terrain paint and the "Beautifying" of the world.
    I've also been a bit more mercenary with the lot construction, I've culled a few from the last version, even though I loved them. I just don't think they're quite right for this.

    Never know - I could still change my mind lol!

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    heavenlyangel14heavenlyangel14 Posts: 82
    edited July 2010
    This looks absolutely beautiful! I will definitely be downloading this when you are finiished! Your houses especially are really gorgeous :D

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    MadGazMadGaz Posts: 124 New Member
    edited July 2010
    Hi again all!

    Thanks heavenlyangel14 - I think I've still got some way to go yet - least of all the painting and adding the trees!
    Before I do that I'm going to have a small test to make sure it doesn't lag like the last version - that was a sad day :cry:

    Anyway, more pictures.
    Looking down on the town from the abbey:

    This view shows the chruch and the graveyard, as well as the river in the background. The church grounds haven't actually moved that much from the last version, as have the houses opposite.

    The Old Boathouse:

    I have actually remade this as I changed the lot size and the terrain has been resculpted. This is a fishing spot, so I have added some spawners. This really needs to be tested to see how the Simmies react to it.

    View Up the River:

    Again you can see how much I haven't painted yet. This is planned this time - the last version was just base green and you know what? It was a bit too much. This time I want to do the terrain painting as best as I can.

    The second bridge:

    I haven't placed it as yet, although this time around I have added terrain underneath it. Hopefully this will help with the routing. Last time the Sims couldn't get across it!

    An Older Housing Estate:

    I'm taking a min risk with this one - one side of the road is higher than the other. I have seen some road in the UK like this and thought I'd give it a try to see if it'll work. I hope so as it fits in with the landscape.

    The stadium and retail park:

    I guess a town this small might not have these, but as the Sims comes with the gigantic stadium... I also have the Renault Eco Pack, so the empty lot is usually where I place the recharge station - I think of it as an out-of-town petrol station.

    The High street, now backing on to the Abbey:

    View of the lower High Street:

    All of my buildings from the last version have been retained, and the configuration of the main high street itself hasn't changed. The train station is in the same location, which is an extension to the town and will include a fire station (ready for Ambitions) the office building, the police station, the criminal warehouse and a junkyard.

    Side-street off the High Street:

    This now goes towards the river, and I think actually works a lot better now.
    The town itself doesn't feel quite as cramped as before. I'm sure that it's not as realistic, but for the purposes of the game and better running, I don't think this is a bad thing! This is still one of my favourite building too!

    The library:

    I really like this library. Behind it is where the station and more industrial buildings lie.

    Cherry Tree Road:

    This has completely moved. As it's meant to be nicer houses, I wanted to give them a better location. They're a lot closer to the river and still retain easier access to the town.

    New Larger House:

    This has a view over the river, it will be more surrounded by trees when I get to planting them :mrgreen::wink:

    I have looked a the layout of towns a bit more this time and I hope this is a better layout than before, everything is certainly more purpose built this time, and I haven't had as many lot tears as I have pretty much flattened the whole terrain.

    I guess more experience has taught me about CAW. I am determined to finish this - I have been working on this really since CAW was released.

    Btw - I have actually used 2x Terrain Distant around the map to make it feel as though it is land-locked. I will have yo stop the camera's going anywhere near the edges, as you will easily see how they sit - it's not flush or perfect but visually from the ground level it seems to work.

    Anyway - I have to now divert the river a bit, and carry on painting. I recently switched to a darker grass which actually fits the look I want too!

    Back to work for me then! :shock:

    Thanks for looking - please feel free to ask me anything or add any feedback, second opinions are always welcome, and can help enormously!

    Take care all!
    Gaz :)
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    RukayaRukaya Posts: 2,553 Member
    edited August 2010
    I have been keeping an eye on your project since you began it and I must say :D it is worth the wait. I am looking forward to being able to download it and start playing. Great work. :D
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    MadGazMadGaz Posts: 124 New Member
    edited January 2011
    Hey All,

    So I haven't given up on Abbingdon, I've just had life stuff to sort out, so it's been on a bit of a go-slow recently.
    However, this has given the plants in my world time to grow lol :lol:

    My approach with this world is to start in the middle of town and work my way outwards. So there are more details outside the town now, but not going to the edge of the map.
    So I now have more defined field areas, like the ones below:


    The road sides too have much more plant life than before:

    Some of the towns that I have seen in Surrey are quite overtaken with trees, so much so that whole housing areas are concealed until you're practically right on top of them!

    I have tried to emulate this effect with both Cherry Tree Lane and the lower cost housing area:
    Entrance to Cherry Tree Lane:

    The road behind Cherry Tree Lane:

    Lower cost housing area:

    I have also added a lot more scenery which I hope help to add to the beauty of the town, such as the old town ruins:

    A lot more fencing to define fields and along the roadsie, as in the below example looking towards the Croft Monument:

    With the introduction of Late Night, I have also been able to add traffic lights (something that my local council is very keen on :shock: )


    More recently, I have been able to swap the distant terrain I was using for the one used in Riverview. This actually seems to fit a bit better tonally at least.

    I have been play testing what I have, and it seems OK at the moment. This has also given me the opportunity to furnish the house and community buildings I have. Although I am still considering building a custom theatre building.

    The town map, though still not finished, now looks like this:

    I've also tweaked a few of the lots:
    The old Vicarage:

    The Church and graveyard:

    The market square:

    Market square from the high street:

    I also had to rebuild duck marsh lock, the original was tearing too much:

    Finally, I have tweaked a few lots around the Manor itself. I have updated the front lawn:

    As well as using the new fountin tool on the rear lawn:

    Quick overview of the Estate:

    I have lots to do still, and I also have to convert some of the unused community buldings into residential lots; when play testing as soon as a house was furnished it was occupied! :shock:

    I also want to try and recolour those darn traffic lights! It would work better for me if the yellow was black lol!

    Hope to update with inside of lots soon.

    Gaz :)
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    naturelover101naturelover101 Posts: 137 Member
    edited January 2011
    that big towering stadium is a bit of a eye sore:shock: why not change it to look more country like like a race horse track like on tv but smaller this will fit better with the countryside feeling it will make it a kinda sport and stop a bit of the country town looking like a city like area please try this it would be good to try especialy because you have some horse stables in this world please try it!!!!!!!!!

    p.s I'm from england too but the north and the landscape there is alot more hilly :mrgreen::mrgreen:
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    TinTinnerson48TinTinnerson48 Posts: 4,151 Member
    edited January 2011
    This is AMAZING!

    Is there and CC?
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    smoogiesmoogie Posts: 2,374 Member
    edited January 2011
    Good to see another British town!

    Also check out my town Simbourne which is based on British seaside resorts:
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    MadGazMadGaz Posts: 124 New Member
    edited January 2011
    This is AMAZING!

    Is there and CC?

    Thanks TinTinnerson48, there is some custom content, I bodged together the tower roofs and some windows and other bits for the manor.

    There are one or two other bits that I added to add to the look of the town.

    I've seen Simbourne, and I really like the look of it, reminds me of a few places I've been in the summetimes (when it's not raining that is lol)

    I'm trying out a few things with the stadium, although my inital thinking is to go for a retail park like area, as I know we have them here even though it's not a huge town. Haven't really done much in that area yet, so it's still evolving - might use trees to hide as much as I can.

    Trying to rescult around the edges, but it doesn't seem to like it either - just glad I've got a few copies of the town otherwise I'd lose it all! :shock:

    I don't get why it likes to crash if you change the landscape like this - ah well! Onwards and upwards?

    Gaz :)
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    smoogiesmoogie Posts: 2,374 Member
    edited January 2011
    MadGaz wrote:

    I've seen Simbourne, and I really like the look of it, reminds me of a few places I've been in the summetimes (when it's not raining that is lol)I don't get why it likes to crash if you change the landscape like this - ah well! Onwards and upwards?

    Thanks! :D
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    naturelover101naturelover101 Posts: 137 Member
    edited February 2011
    just wondering when are you planning to release update pictures
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    tl8autl8au Posts: 168 New Member
    edited February 2011
    very nice..

    some one mentioned round abouts .. I like the roundabouts .. lol
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    MadGazMadGaz Posts: 124 New Member
    edited March 2011
    Hi All,

    So just another update.
    As CAW has decided that when I try to sculpt the terrain it will taunt me and crash, I've found a....different way of working on this.

    So I exported the heightmap and opened a new flat world, imported the heightmap and presto! I can work on this crash-free! Yippeee!!
    So now, I've added the distant terrain I'm using and can make it all fit together nicely :D

    So I just need to re-import the new heightmap when finished and it's all good!

    Sad thing is: I might have to ditch one of the lots that doesn't work properly! Grr!
    Just need to find some British Traffic lights and I'll be happy!

    Ah well, back to sculpting!
    Gaz :)
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    Lennon777Lennon777 Posts: 786 New Member
    edited March 2011
    Wow-this is great! I dream of living in a village like this, and I applaud your hard work & dedication!
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    MadGazMadGaz Posts: 124 New Member
    edited July 2011
    Sorry I haven't updated again recently.
    I have been working on Abbingdon, although not maybe as constantly as when I first started - a bit warm off and on to be sat with a laptop on my lap :shock:.

    Anyway, this isn't dead and forgotton. It's still going!
    I've decided to get rid of a couple of the rabbitholes and downloaded Jynx's rabbithole rugs. This means that I can ditch the BIG eyesore of a stadium.

    Below is a slideshow of some of the recent progress and some newer lots. I remodelled the main park completely as this didn't fit very well in the current location. I'm much happier with this one.
    I also moved a house from Cherry Tree Lane to Surrey Close and I've added new houses on both of these.

    Take a look, hope you enjoy.

    Gaz :)
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    rsedorothyrsedorothy Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited July 2011
    The Abbingdon slideshow looks great, much more English than any other town I've seen.
    I've recommended and will watch out for further updates. :thumbup:
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    MadGazMadGaz Posts: 124 New Member
    edited July 2011
    Thanks rsedorothy :)
    Well since my last update I'm working on adding some more fences to the country roads. It's a bit tedious, but I think it's really well worth it!

    So happy I finally found some UK looking traffic lights! HUGE thanks to auntilynds for the link to Simming in Magnificent style!

    I'm trying to work out how to add some other bits, in particular the brick walls from build mode to CAW, but I can't quote get my head around the sp3e thing!

    Anyway - I'll have to come back to that I guess.

    Once fences are complete, it's creating the campsite on the western riverbank.
    Thanks to aynat134 for her lots with the open tents on!

    Back to work (and my real job lol :mrgreen: )

    Gaz :)
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    MadGazMadGaz Posts: 124 New Member
    edited August 2011
    Hi All,

    Quick picture heavy update lol!
    A few snaps of the landscape:

    View from the stone circle and hill (Pinetree Studios visiable in the 2nd of these:


    Front entrance of the studio:

    New bookstore and grocery store rabbithole building. A bit more inkeeping :)

    Views across the river - excuse my wip terrain painting:





    Some more landscaping:


    And some quick gameplay shots of my Lara sim out and about :mrgreen: :










    Anyway, more updates as I go...

    Will work more on the old mansion and post some pics when it's a bit more sorted.

    Update soon,
    Gaz :)
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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