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They really are dumb as a bag of hammers.

Wow, now that I've put my sim in a large house, they really start to show just how dumb they really are.

My sim got burgled last night, then I noticed he was getting fat. I put him on the treadmill, he works out for a while, gets off the treadmill and goes to the kitchen to eat.

So far so good, all seems intelligent enough.

As he's sitting at the dining room table eating like a hog, he gets the toilet icon come up in the upper left corner of the screen. He finishes eating, puts away his dirty dishes, walks off to one of the farthest rooms in the house to use the toilet. (what?), then gets the shower icon in the upper left corner of the screen. He's sitting on the toilet RIGHT NEXT TO A SHOWER of the same quality as the rest of the showers in the house. SO what does he do? He gets up from the toilet, ignores the shower right in front of him, and walks to the other side of the house and uses the shower over there. Seriously, that's just dumb.


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    bj41621210bj41621210 Posts: 130 New Member
    edited July 2009
    That is so funny. Our poor sims are helpless without us.
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    hoppinghippo1000hoppinghippo1000 Posts: 589 Member
    edited July 2009
    Lol those Sims,
    Let them do what they want for 5 minutes and who knows what will happen!
    One time i sent my Sim off to work, only to find her hours later in the middle of the town insulting someone random AND missing work.

    I just stopped playing for the night because my Sims were acting so dumb. xD
    And the baby wouldn't stop crying @_@
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    Tenshi3Tenshi3 Posts: 2,653 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Quality issues? Maybe he used the best shower and best toilet 8)
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    poida217poida217 Posts: 2,872 Member
    edited July 2009
    You said he was getting fat, so all that walking about the house must be doing him good.
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    kimmibabi2005kimmibabi2005 Posts: 276 New Member
    edited July 2009
    That's so funny! I don't have that problem but I've found my Sims wait till I tell them to go to the toilet even tho they desperately have to go. But when it comes to taking a shower, they go even when there's no need for it! :P
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    JalidaJalida Posts: 2,181 Member
    edited July 2009
    No, as mentioned, the quality of the showers and the toilets are the same throughout the house. I would think him smart if he found a shower that was better than the others and went to use that, but they are all the same, he just ignored the shower that was only 1 foot away from him, and walked all the way across this very large house to use the other shower for no apparent reason.

    One would think the walking would do him good but it hasn't done anything so far, after a long time on the treadmill and walking through the house and he's still as pudgy as he was when he woke up this morning. It's time for the drastic closet diet when he gets home from work if he hasn't worked it off at work.

    If I wanted a pudgy sim in my world, I'd have created one.
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    Tenshi3Tenshi3 Posts: 2,653 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Might have been slightly cleaner. Sims are fickle creatures you know.
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    JalidaJalida Posts: 2,181 Member
    edited July 2009
    No, they've just proven it again. Sim got home from work tired, made some espresso, then went to the media room and turned on the stereo, promptly got the tv icon, and theres a widescreen tv hanging on the wall in the media room, instead of turning that on, he walks out, goes out the front door, to what I term the maids quarters, and turns on her little black and white set and watches that instead of the nice large widescreen that is both in his room (right next to the media room) and in the media room itself.

    I think they are just too dumb for any real life simulation still.

    I believe what would help would be if we could choose which is there bed (in multiple bedroom houses) and which is there bathroom etc.

    Then they could always use the other facilities if they needed to, but in general they would sleep in their own beds, and use their own facilities instead of walking around the house from one room to another to use the facilities or turn on stereos then walk out of the rooms, to go watch a poorer quality television set in a room that can only be accessed by walking out the front door of the house and then into another door to get nto the spare room.

    Yup, dumb as a sack full of hammers at the moment. Perhaps they can improve it though. I've read that the awseome mod supposedly improves on one aspect like this, but it just locks up the game from starting for me.
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    mgdk89mgdk89 Posts: 4 New Member
    edited July 2009
    It works with beds, if one sim is sleeping in one bed then if you would choose another one to sleep in it there would be a command 'sleep in Daphne's bed' but i don't think it works with anything else.
    I completely understand what you mean, in my case the icon 'read something' pops up and instead on sitting in the most comfortable armchair right next to the bookcase he's going to sit on the bar stool in the completely remote part of the house. :?:
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    AldousCrodennAldousCrodenn Posts: 37 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Well, maybe it works on a Similar (Harhar) mechanic to the beds? The Sim uses one object enough times and they claim it as "Theirs" and will use it over any other object in the house?

    Edit, mgdk89 got it before me!
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    ravinhoodravinhood Posts: 363 New Member
    edited July 2009
    bj41621210 wrote:
    That is so funny. Our poor sims are helpless without us.

    Not really. Many times the Sims will go longer distances to do things because their other needs are maxed out and this is to absorb time so they don't just stand around in one place.

    I've noticed this as I improve living luxuries of my Sims they have more and more time just to stand around and do nothing. Giving them the lifetime rewards of no longer needing to shower, eat, use the toilet as much also gives them a lot more standing around time.

    I had hoped EA/programmers would have put in automatic call for a party for the Sims when they have nothing they need to do. It's pretty sad when they are maxed out in needs all they do is stand around or goto the mirror and pick their noses. It's as bad as punch me punch you in TS2.

    Once you get all the kewl content (which their isn't much of) there's nothing much else to watch them do. It become repetitive really. Either goto work, go fishing, paint a picture, write a novel or throw a party. blahzae boring. I didn't realize how boring life really was until I played TS3. lol
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    SimsprocfunSimsprocfun Posts: 1,499 Member
    edited July 2009
    Probably he goes to shower and to the toilet what you did put first in the house if quality of these objects is the same. It makes sence then, that program takes an object what was placed first.
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    mgdk89mgdk89 Posts: 4 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Oh and you can also set owner for a car :) so they wouldn't just use one when there are 4 standing around
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    DanceofmasksDanceofmasks Posts: 1,301 New Member
    edited July 2009
    It gets worse when the technophobe walks to the other end of the house to use the toilet ... past the room with a tv in it.
    It's like she wanted that negative moodlet.
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    ZeriZeri Posts: 15,073 Member
    edited July 2009
    sims are supposed to be dumb, or they wouldnt need us :D
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    Kamb64Kamb64 Posts: 2,546 Member
    edited July 2009
    Thanks for this thread. I was going to start a thread asking if anyone has noticed their sims being smarter than in Sims 2. My sim will still choose to watch tv instead of eating when he is starving and would rather play video games instead of sleeping when he is exhausted. I have not noticed any difference.
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    ZeriZeri Posts: 15,073 Member
    edited July 2009
    well i think they ARE smarter than they were, but there still pretty dumb over all. but then i think they are supposed to be. if the game played itself why would we need to be there? lol
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    JalidaJalida Posts: 2,181 Member
    edited July 2009
    Yeah, unfortunately this isn't the game playing itself, it's poor pathfinding or an excuse for other content being missing that they are 'wasting' time walking to the other side of the house instead of standing around doing nothing.

    No, these were not teh first toilets or showers or televisions put in the house, they were in the middle of the roster of stuff put in the house.

    It's something in the coding that makes them decide which toilet to use, or which tv to use, and it's lacking in my opinion.

    Alleviate it by allowing me to assign my sim a bed, tv, toilet, shower etc, and then use the other emergency facilities if they are desperately needed and are close enough by that it would alleviate some foul mood or situation. I think that might at least make them appear a bit smarter than a sack of hammers.
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    JainaJaina Posts: 117 New Member
    edited July 2009
    What I found odd was that sims can't look at themselves in floor to ceiling mirrors unless the entire mirror is unobstructed. For example my sim has one wall of her bedroom entirely mirrored (she's a snob, she loves it). Sometimes she wants to look at herself in it but can't if she chooses to try a part of the mirror wall that has her dresser in front of it. No problem, just weird.
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    rpgmom29rpgmom29 Posts: 122 Member
    edited July 2009
    It annoys me when sims insist on eating a piece of birthday cake at a party despite being as full as possible. Also, yesterday a sim child of mine went over to a friend's house and decided to stare at a painting in her home for an endless amount of time even though she was just about to wet herself.
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    Gouka989Gouka989 Posts: 976 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Well of course they're as dumb as a sackful of hammers! That's what you're there for, to bring them a sackful of nails and get them busy. 8) Seriously, it could be a code thing, or it could be some other bit making the Sims try and use as much or as many of the objects that they own that they possibly can.

    For me though, I find it more interesting to give them full autonomy when they are around other Sims rather than alone, especially if they have some interesting negative traits.

    On a side note, when I installed AwesomeMod on a friends computer a while back, she ran into that same issue of crashing at startup, but I got around it by doing a couple of the suggested fixes for that over on their site. Have you tried fiddling with some of the stuff they suggest there to get it working?

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    ReavynReavyn Posts: 1,201 New Member
    edited July 2009
    I've had that happen, or something like it. I built this house with a garage not connected to it. Whenever my Sims wanted to eat, they would go into the garage and get something out of the fridge in there (which wasn't even the good fridge) and then bring it back to the kitchen to cook...
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    charleeheartcharleeheart Posts: 256 Member
    edited July 2009
    In my game, I think some Sims are smarter than others. I play two different households in the same neighborhood. One is a loner/ bookworm novelist who lives in a little cabin on a secluded lot by the waterfall. And she seems perfectly capable of taking care of herself if I jump into another household. In fact, when she was depressed over the death of her husband, and wasn't in a good enough mood to do anything (and therefore was getting even more and more depressed because of the negative moodlets from dirty house, etc. but didn't have enough money to hire a maid, because she wouldn't write anything to submit, because she was too depressed... and on and on and on), I finally just left her alone for a day or two. When I went back to her house, she'd cleaned everything up on her own and was finally in a better mood and ready to start writing again.

    My other Sim in the same neighborhood is a Vice President in the Business career. You'd think this guy might be smart? Maybe?


    I have to make sure I'm playing his house every morning at 6:00 to make sure he eats and uses the bathroom before he goes to work. Then I can switch to my novelist household for a while, but I know that I'd better switch back to the Vice President's house by 3:00 PM when he gets home. Otherwise, he will walk into his house and stare at the wall. That's it. That's all he's capable of doing on his own. If I don't switch back into his house by evening to send him to bed when he's exhausted (from a busy day of staring at the wall), he'll stand there and stare at the wall all bloody night long instead of going to bed.

    Just like kids, some Sims just require more supervision than others. :wink:
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    Antminnie1Antminnie1 Posts: 683 New Member
    edited July 2009
    That why I always turn free will completely off. I get all panicky if I'm not constantly in control of my :D
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    SweetserenSweetseren Posts: 20 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Do you know they can eat and go to the bathroom at work?
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