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2 Expansion Ideas That Involve Pets.

Soneone suggested a family-oriented expansion pack, which would add more family based gameplay, plus more romantic interaction. Some of the things you could do, is go to carnivals, theme parks, etc. Maybe have 3 theme parks to chose from, that your family can vacation at, much similar to WA ( Plus kids and toddlers would also gain more hair. I think Pets would make a fine addition to such an expansion. The only trouble I think their could be is thinking of a title. What title do YOU think would fit it.

OR one that involves more or less, beasts. It would include many creative pets, not just the basic ones. Cats, Dogs, hamsters, birds etc would be the basic ones. Then there would be the ones that you could only get via a career or opportunity. Like, you could get a deformed monster via Science Career. The expansion would also allow your Sim to be that works with wild life. Like Steve Irwin! And things like Bear or some other beast roaming the street, creating havoc among the townfolks. You could also become a Werewolf :D


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    simo7matesimo7mate Posts: 680
    edited January 2011
    Bump: Got no feedback :(
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    schmezzleschmezzle Posts: 1,616 New Member
    edited January 2011
    Yeah nice ideas.
    I'd love a family/pets e.p.

    And if they do bring out a pet sort of e.p I'd also love one with wild animals in- with wildlife and domestic animal related careers. :)
    And yeah, if your scientists are creature-robot cross breeders they should bring home some strange animals sometimes...!
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    memorybulletsmemorybullets Posts: 62 New Member
    edited January 2011
    I'd like a zoo that my sims can go to with their families :) Then let the animals out of their cages :P Haa, I'm joking :)

    There are some nice ideas there though :)
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    BimleSimBimleSim Posts: 2,979 Member
    edited January 2011
    They both look good excpet I'm not sure my game would could drive a carnival or theme parks...
    also a theme park thing should be its own game. (and it already is, roaller coaster tycoon).
    And I really want pets, so I don't want them to screw it up because they have to focus on so many things.

    So if any if these should be made it should be number 2 o__o
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    schmezzleschmezzle Posts: 1,616 New Member
    edited January 2011
    BimleSim wrote:
    They both look good excpet I'm not sure my game would could drive a carnival or theme parks...
    also a theme park thing should be its own game. (and it already is, roaller coaster tycoon).
    And I really want pets, so I don't want them to screw it up because they have to focus on so many things.

    So if any if these should be made it should be number 2 o__o

    Yeah I want pets, animals, more family and romantic interactions but I don't want carnivals or theme parks either. I'm not sure that they could implement that successfully, or that I'd even want them too.
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    simo7matesimo7mate Posts: 680
    edited January 2011
    Yeah the beast one sounds exciting dont it :D
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    ZeriZeri Posts: 15,073 Member
    edited January 2011
    oo i love the idea of job related pets/beasts, that would kick butt!
    and i have to agree on the carnival thing.. altho it does sound kidna nice in theory, i bet it would become tedious (and laggy) very fast
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    simo7matesimo7mate Posts: 680
    edited January 2011
    Plus the Carnival one would probably bring about the bugs WA had maybe. Like how family tree is destroyed etc.
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    mitsuhoneymitsuhoney Posts: 1,000 New Member
    edited January 2011
    That sounds very cool, I like that idea.

    How does "The Sims 3: Family Tree" sound?

    I think I would love this idea, it would be great cause I feel like children are worthless to go to France, Egypt, or China.
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    StittleStittle Posts: 925 New Member
    edited January 2011
    I quite like the beasts idea.

    One thing I'd really like to see in TS3 is llamas! The Sims franchise has a theme of llamas, but no actual llamas!

    I would be happy with just cats and dogs like last time, but more animals would be great! the "monster" idea sounds cool too, maybe there could be dragons that sims could find as eggs, raise and then ride around on. Or perhaps also uni-corns, or uni-llamas.
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    ZeriZeri Posts: 15,073 Member
    edited January 2011
    i really like the dragons from makin magic. raising the eggs, and the dragon depended on how you raised it..
    that was neat.

    and i loved the sim eating plant from the consol bustin out.

    if our scientists could bring home a bulb, and plant it, and feed it and nurture it and became one of those, that would be SO AWESOME!!!
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    BelliliBellili Posts: 1,737 New Member
    edited January 2011
    I'd like a family orientated one with pets the most. Toddlers and children are right now pretty useless in the game. I personally am not a fan of theme parks or carnivals but there's so much more children could do.

    Becoming a werewolf sure sounds pretty cool! But I wouldn't want to have a whole town filled with werewolves (as it is now with the vampires).
    And as long as there are cats, any other animals will be fine :mrgreen:
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    simo7matesimo7mate Posts: 680
    edited January 2011
    Bustin' Out... that is still an awesome game :D
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    simo7matesimo7mate Posts: 680
    edited January 2011
    Bellili wrote:
    (as it is now with the vampires).
    yeah that makes really doubt LN. Apparntly half the town seems to become either Vampires or Celebirties. I liked in Night Life, how hard it was to become a vampire.
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    simo7matesimo7mate Posts: 680
    edited January 2011
    Bellili wrote:
    (as it is now with the vampires).
    yeah that makes really doubt LN. Apparntly half the town seems to become either Vampires or Celebirties. I liked in Night Life, how hard it was to become a vampire.
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    ZeriZeri Posts: 15,073 Member
    edited January 2011
    hm i dont understand why so many people have towns full of vampires. i almost NEVER have any unless i purposely put them in the town.

    im am having the 'everyone is a celebrity' problem tho. its kinda annoying
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    StrawberryBasketStrawberryBasket Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited January 2011
    I'm slowly watching my town become vampirized. They're having babies and the babies are getting together with the normies and other random sims are being turned. Its' quite disturbing. As for the topic I like the ideas. Something like a zoo would be cool but they'd probably turn that into a rabbit hole.
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    BelliliBellili Posts: 1,737 New Member
    edited January 2011
    Zeri wrote:
    hm i dont understand why so many people have towns full of vampires. i almost NEVER have any unless i purposely put them in the town.

    im am having the 'everyone is a celebrity' problem tho. its kinda annoying

    Right now I have none of them, I deleted all my saved games and I even thought about uninstalling LN. I just like the stuff that came with it. But if EA ever even thinks about making werewolves they should make it really hard to become one.
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    simo7matesimo7mate Posts: 680
    edited January 2011
    Whats the point in that anyway? EVERYONE being a celebirty, that means they aren't technically celebirties, because... how would that work out? Is everyone being followed, getting photos taken and stuff? Funny.

    They really need to fix how they follow you into tombs and STILL continue to take photos.
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    StrawberryBasketStrawberryBasket Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited January 2011
    From what I remember they don't see it as a problem.
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    simo7matesimo7mate Posts: 680
    edited January 2011
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    simlicious2015simlicious2015 Posts: 373 Member
    edited January 2011
    The Sims 3 Theme Park
    The Sims 3 Carnival
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    keekee53keekee53 Posts: 4,328 Member
    edited January 2011
    I am really hoping they do not add pets, ESPECIALLY, if they will be counted as a Sims in your town. I rather have more Sims roaming around than a bunch of dogs and cats. Since EA has a bad habit of overdoing things such as a zillion celebrities and a million vampires I really don't want to see a billion of stray dogs and cats. Sorry and I hope you can understand my reasoning.
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    simo7matesimo7mate Posts: 680
    edited January 2011
    Hey kee, thats a brilliant idea. I actually don't recall mentioning stry cats and dogs but now that you have, it would be a brilliant idea to implant. Of course I wouldn't want EA to over do it, they really should put a limit on how many are roaming town.

    The beast roaming town idea, was if one broke out of the zoo or something every now and then. ONE and he would disappear that night :)
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    carcar5695carcar5695 Posts: 86 Member
    edited January 2011
    I LOVE THIS IDEA! i have been pretty much dying for pets since Sims 3 came out! And it better be a GOOD ep!! they just release the games os slowly! i mean 2 eps a year? in 2010 all they released was ambitions and Late Night, i would like one every 3 mos. or so, i think kids should be able to have hamsters and rats and gerbils and play with them! and they could have horses and pigs!!! ALL animalss!!!
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