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Why don't you listen to us, EA?


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    Grandmanik3Grandmanik3 Posts: 61 New Member
    edited April 2010
    LisaNomiLu, I completely agree with you. We were decieved By EA. They choose to use the name Sims 3 but it is simply a new concept game and by coat tailing on the Sims franchise, EA save millions in advertising and had a ready made demographic willing to (over)spend on a what we thought was an amazing addition to our priceless Sims.

    I feel they should have brought out a new game (ie Spore) and taken their chances that it would fly on it's own. By the way I really like The Sims 3 and all the new features but it IS NOT by any stretch of the imagination the Sims we all know and love.

    I feel if they had added the relevant parts of Sims 3 to the Actual Sims franchise those of us who complain would be completely satisfied and frankly not need another expansion for quite some time as The Sims 1 & 2 plus all the EPs ROCK!

    Please people this is a forum for discussing our thoughts and issues. Why do we have haters who speak so rudely to those of us trying to do just that?
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    SmeeliaSmeelia Posts: 2,334 New Member
    edited April 2010
    Please people this is a forum for discussing our thoughts and issues. Why do we have haters who speak so rudely to those of us trying to do just that?

    It seems fairly common these days to be either overly defensive and see any disagreement as an attack against you or overly aggressive on the basis that if you shout loud enough and sound angry enough people wont want to oppose you. I tend to believe that most people don't really mean to be nasty, it's just the way they've learned to react in these situations. I try to stay cheerful anyway, even if it doesn't always come across in my posts (well, half of communication is interpretation anyway so I can't control the whole thing) :).
    I feel they should have brought out a new game (ie Spore) and taken their chances that it would fly on it's own. By the way I really like The Sims 3 and all the new features but it IS NOT by any stretch of the imagination the Sims we all know and love.

    I disagree with that, it's a different game but sequels should really be different in at least some ways than the original. If you compare The Sims and The Sims 2 there were quite a lot of significant differences and you probably had people saying the same thing that you did but I'm just not convinced. The core parts of the game are still much the same and I do think the differences in presentation can throw some people off. So anyway, they're different but I wouldn't say they're sufficiently different to say that it was wrong to call The Sims 3 a sequel, maybe that just has to do with the way I play and perceive the game.
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    Renyc7Renyc7 Posts: 1,167 Member
    edited April 2010
    LisaNomiLu, I completely agree with you. We were decieved By EA. They choose to use the name Sims 3 but it is simply a new concept game and by coat tailing on the Sims franchise, EA save millions in advertising and had a ready made demographic willing to (over)spend on a what we thought was an amazing addition to our priceless Sims.

    We were never decieved by EA, this is untrue, some of us just chose not listen to them when they said they were making a new version of the sims, one the would would be more game orientated. They stated this in many articles before that game was ever released. It was our choice to either stay with the sims 2, which some did, or buy the new game which was going to be a more open larger sandbox.

    I remember a lot of people on the sims 2 bbs were in denial and try to downplay the change to others. Now these are the disspointed one on this board who are crying they decieved us. But you simply chose not to listen to the information that was giving to you.

    The sims start as a much different game, but it has always change with new each version, and never been a game about one concept or one set forumla. It a very open-ended game always went in the direction of the developers.

    I think it is fans who have decided for themselves that the sims is just a game about one forumla or one concept, and the community gets to decide which direction it goes in, the designers have never gave us this power, and it nice that they let us have so much input, but still the game is own by EA, not the majority.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Elilie101Elilie101 Posts: 1,367 New Member
    edited April 2010
    If I were you guys, I'd just stop posting. LisaNomiLu evidently hasn't even bookmarked this thread, if 4 pages can go by with a response from her? She cares not what you think. Which, oddly enough is what she was saying about EA...

    EDIT: Typing fail.
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    Renyc7Renyc7 Posts: 1,167 Member
    edited April 2010
    Elilie101 wrote:
    If I were you guys, I'd just stop posting. LisaNomiLu evidently hasn't even bookmarked this thread, if 4 pages can go by with a response from her? She cares not what you think. Which, oddly enough is what she was saying about EA...

    EDIT: Typing fail.

    I don't think it matter whether she bookmark, response or even care what we think she brought up the topic by making this post and at this point she can't stop anybody from replying if they chose to.
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    JackieDec04JackieDec04 Posts: 35 New Member
    edited April 2010
    Sims fans have been begging to be able to follow their Sims to work since Sims 1. They are giving exactly what we've all been wanting for years.
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    FleshFailuresFleshFailures Posts: 92 New Member
    edited April 2010
    I am so sick of people complaining. Honestly, you're lucky they're doing this at all. Would you like it if they said, "Screw this" and went along with their lives, never making another expansion pack again?

    Good grief, have some respect. They work hard and try to make their customers as happy as possible. The only people who aren't happy are the bratty ones who gets PO'd if they don't have their little farm animals or vampires or whatever.

    HAVE PATIENCE. For the love of Pete, Sims 3 only came out a little over a year ago. I get being excited and all, but really. It's so immature and ridiculous to complain every time EA makes an effort to try and make their customers happy.

    Honestly, people? Shut up! If you don't like it, no one's forcing you to buy it! I didn't want Bon Voyage very much, so I didn't buy it. My world didn't collapse from having one EP I didn't like. So get over yourselves. Not everything in life is going to go your way.
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    lozmclozmc Posts: 258 New Member
    edited April 2010
    i wish CAW was available for Macs, and there's no indication thats it will be made compatible for macs. how *** is that?!

    that is my only complaint. haha.
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    tlc10175tlc10175 Posts: 2,550 Member
    edited April 2010
    To the OP, well, it would be nice to know what you were hoping for. =)

    Myself, I am really excited about this pack. I have been wanting ghost hunting since the first day I loaded up Sims 2 base game and chose the Specter household. So I am really happy =D

    I wasn't thrilled with WA, Perhaps a lot of us probably have stuff packs and EPs we didn't care for, but like others have said:

    More things will come in time. :o)
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    OpmystikOpmystik Posts: 1,720 New Member
    edited April 2010
    LisaNomiLu, I completely agree with you. We were decieved By EA. They choose to use the name Sims 3 but it is simply a new concept game and by coat tailing on the Sims franchise, EA save millions in advertising and had a ready made demographic willing to (over)spend on a what we thought was an amazing addition to our priceless Sims.

    I feel that alot of people really didn't PAY ATTENTION to the previews and what the directors were saying BEFORE TS3 came out. You can tell because alot of people who are extremely disappointed expect it to be TS 2.5 or that TS3 will be T2 and all it's eps when it first came out. Not everybody just alot.

    One of the things they said many times was they TS3 WAS NOT going to be EXACTLY LIKE it predecessors. That they were going to take the sims into a new direction. If you didn't do your research and accurately read what the interviews flat out said I'm sorry that's your problem. If you don't believe me google it look back at old gamespot and ign interviews etc. You will come to find that either they said it won't be like any TS game before (hint hint wink wink anyone) or they said they were taking the sims in a new direction (poke your eye out and bust a rub)

    A regurgitation of TS2 and TS1 eps is NOT WHAT ALL OF US WANT. Maybe some people want TS3 to be TS 2.5 but I know for dang sure I don't wanna re buy everything I've already bought for yet another go round. Some of it yes but not ALL of it. I want new and shiny not updated and repeats.

    For once I'm gonna go with the mean people and say if you miss TS2 go play TS2 but please stop trying to include me in blanket statements that EA isn't following what I want because that's exactly what is being said and you don't know me to know what I want. I don't wanna waste my money on re-buying an updated version of TS2. I do not wanna buy all the eps I have already bought. I do not want everything to be the same. I WANT SOME NEW THINGS in my NEW GAME. Do I want some of the old things YES a couple of examples of that would be dating (hot date and nightlife), and apartments (apartment life and I think this was included in hot date as well been awhile since I played TS1 so forgive my foggy memory on that), I'd also like to see superstar and makin' magic make a comeback. But just because this ep isn't any of that I will not say EA why don't you listen to "us". You need to make the ep "we" all want right this very second stomp feet, roll eyes, pout in the corner, and say everybody and they momma better listen to me right now like a lil spoiled brat, when it's really how I feel.
    Please people this is a forum for discussing our thoughts and issues. Why do we have haters who speak so rudely to those of us trying to do just that?

    And also I will say this if you can voice your issues and concerns so can those who don't agree with you. It doesn't make us "haters" and just because we don't see that specific point of view and voice that doesn't make us rude. What rude is to make blanket statements saying that nobody wanted something that alot of people have been asking for from since TS1. You don't speak for everybody you can only speak for yourself. When I say many I mean myself, my friends and some people I've seen on the forum that share my point of view. Your thoughts are not everybody's thoughts so don't group it like it is. Not that you did but the OP did.

    I will also reiterate people have been asking to follow their sims to work since TS1, continued to ask for it in TS2 and begged for it in the general section and WA section if you look at some of the older threads. Key point research and read and be very careful when using us. This community has way to many type of people who want many a type of things. Some stuff will get done others will not. Things that will up the rating to Mature never gonna happen because of the simple fact of making it for everybody. Making stuff for everybody will sometimes disappoint everybody just for the simple fact that you can't please everybody all at the same time and thus the people your trying to please end up being disappointed because it wasn't as involved as they thought it would be, watered down, for the others who didn't want it to be too involved.

    I'm sorry if this came out mean I really am. I have had a stressful day and sometimes that comes out in my typing and of course this is the internet so there's no way in being able to tell me tone. I'm in debate mode if that helps.

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    Grandmanik3Grandmanik3 Posts: 61 New Member
    edited April 2010
    Opmystik... :-( sheesh, sry to make your bad day worse :-(
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    OpmystikOpmystik Posts: 1,720 New Member
    edited April 2010
    Opmystik... :-( sheesh, sry to make your bad day worse :-(

    I'm sorry I knew it was gonna seem mean I just didn't feel like going back through it and editing. I don't take anything personal on here so I swear you didn't make my day any worse. What made my day worse was the doctor calling me and telling me they wanted an MRI done tomorrow on my head :( as I was walking out of work. I had to go back in and ask my manager if I could change my day off and after getting yelled at for about 20 minutes due to the fact that it's inventory time and they need all the help they can get I finally got him to agree to letting me switch my day. Sigh, I really didn't mean to sound so peeved :?.

    Good thing is I feel better now that I've taken a nap. lol
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    Srikandi715Srikandi715 Posts: 1,753 Member
    edited April 2010
    Ahhhh *hugs* hope the MRI brings good news, Opmystik!

    And yes, naps rock :)
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    Irishbrwnie4Irishbrwnie4 Posts: 32 Member
    edited April 2010
    The sims 3 may not be the sims 2 expansion, but it is still THE SIMS. What I find myself feeling when I play it is very bored, but like the OP, I WANT this game to get better, but we're becoming discouraged. I have been playing the sims since day 1 as a 15-year-old. I would love to see my sims on the job, sure...but what I'd REALLY love is to be able to play more than one household without losing information, and building my OWN buildings and multiple neighborhood houses without having to switch my main household. 50% of the sims was about building...while other sims games were 100% about building. Building was important, even while controlling their human lives.
    Now this is just some emo, look at my fancy designer junk game. There's no humor, the creativity lies almost completely with object pattern design, and it's missing a lot of heart. It feels like a staff of funny, kooky devs got booted for some scruffy faced 4-eyed just out of college know it all's... and that doesn't appeal to me, even as a 25-year-old myself. Some of us ARE upset, and the rest of you are being very rude about it simply because you are big fans of this new direction. Sure, we could play sims 2, but it's out dated now, and we have every right to hope sims 3 can get into shape. WE ARE the simmers, so quit belittling us.
    We love The Sims, that's why we're HOPING some of the charm comes back. Most of us see this probably won't happen just from noticing even the last EP's and SP's from the sims 2. It's all about posh living....and contemporary styles that are bland. EA has also opened a store to OVER charge us for things that should just be in the EP's. It's just sad, and I know there will be people kicking and screaming their support as this ship begins to sink...but those of us who ACTUALLY love the sims and know what we like, feel kind of 🐸🐸🐸🐸 after waiting so long for this game to come out.
    I'm still giving it a chance, but I probably won't pick up an EP until it really strikes my fancy. First time I haven't jumped on a Sims EP since Livin' Large was released. We don't want the sims we love to die with sims 2, this is why we write. Think what you want, but some of us are not into the shallow new twist this fanchise has taken.
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    Irishbrwnie4Irishbrwnie4 Posts: 32 Member
    edited April 2010
    "I am so sick of people complaining. Honestly, you're lucky they're doing this at all. Would you like it if they said, "Screw this" and went along with their lives, never making another expansion pack again?"

    You do realize we pay a large chunk of money for each game, EP, and SP right? This isn't some glorious favor they're doing for us. Honestly, I don't get why some people think this way...
    If customers -who have been customers for 10 YEARS with hundreds of dollars spent on these products- feel this game is taking a bad direction, but they still care about the franchise, they have every right to voice their opinions just like you're whining about them. I LOVE a lot of EA's games and have for some time, but the Sims is not being handled correctly.
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    Irishbrwnie4Irishbrwnie4 Posts: 32 Member
    edited April 2010
    "I'm sorry if this came out mean I really am. I have had a stressful day and sometimes that comes out in my typing and of course this is the internet so there's no way in being able to tell me tone. I'm in debate mode if that helps."

    Here's the thing, everyone is having stressful days these days...that doesn't mean we should all come on here and scream at each other over differing opinions. You can speak for yourself, and we can speak for ourselves. I have been playing the sims for 10 years, as long as it's been out...I feel the sims 3 is too much about fashion and hollow situations. I do like SOME of the things in it, but I also miss the humor, the building, and the casual feel that doesn't revolve entirely around work. For you to say we should all go play sims 2 is very rude and dismissive. I'm sorry if THAT sounds mean, but come on, you can't insult and expect to come out clean.
    All I want, is to be able to get rid of this one household at a time business. It's bland, and makes raising a family seem pointless because you can't check up on all of them and play all of them once children have moved on. You can't play the parents and go buy things for their kid's house without making it the active household. This is a major flaw to me. It would be nice to see more surprises, more funny things...
    The other thing that irked me is you assume people weren't paying attention to the sims 3 info as it was being made. Excuse me, but I checked up on the website nearly everyday since it was announced, and was waiting impatiently when it was simply a rumor. I knew darn well what to expect EXCEPT for the one family at a time aspect. And I knew the game was going to be about more modern, posh living, but that doesn't mean I had to give up and stick with sims 2. I just can't believe how hateful people can be towards someone simply because they have differing opinions. You're not likely to lose the path this game has taken anytime's more likely the fanboys will continue getting what they want, while those of us who loved what made the sims popular, get to watch it morph into something weird.
    I don't want repeats of EP's, but I want more focus on the heart of the town, less on work, and more about the community, building, humor and surprises. Those are broad desires which leaves much room for the new creators to come in and create these situations in their own style, and they are NOT unreasonable and are true to the very creation of the Sims franchise.
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    hungryhippo724hungryhippo724 Posts: 65
    edited April 2010
    It was the expansions that made Sims 2 a legendary game. Just remember that the Sims 3 is still 'young'. It will eventually start to grow and become a legend just like it's predecessor. Don't give up hope. Many people were going to give up on Sims 2 for the same reasons as you; look at them now...
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    Only1whtrbbtOnly1whtrbbt Posts: 1,466 Member
    edited April 2010
    I'm still giving it a chance, but I probably won't pick up an EP until it really strikes my fancy. First time I haven't jumped on a Sims EP since Livin' Large was released. We don't want the sims we love to die with sims 2, this is why we write. Think what you want, but some of us are not into the shallow new twist this fanchise has taken.

    I hear ya on that! WA didn't interest me in the slightest and, after reading all the whinging and complaining on these forums about said EP, I am glad I didn't buy it just because I'm a little bored with the bare-bones of the base game. However, Ambitions has got me excited. No, it's not what i would've picked as the second EP (I would've preferred to have more of a Hot Date/Nightlife/OFB-esque EP) but after reading about the Architect career and the fact that we will be able to FINALLY edit our towns like we could (with some limitations, I guess) in TS2 I decided I would buy it. I too enjoy the bulding aspect of the Sims and in my mind to be able to place more lots is reason enough to fork out hard earned cash for Ambitions.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,878 Member
    edited April 2010
    Sorry you're so disappointed. I was one of those who desired to go to work with my Sims and for them to do laundry. So, sorry they heard me and not you. :-/ But the point to remember is that they do listen.

    I think the developers move on what excites and inspires them, which is good. They hear us and take it from there. We may never get what we want altogether, but I don't want a repeat of what went before. It is nice having a new spin on it, in the long run. Otherwise, why not just continue to play Sims2?

    I know I had reservations galore over WA, but I thought it was going to be more on the order of Bon Voyage, which was a total disappointment to me to the point that I only kept it installed for some of the objects, but I ceased sending my Sims on vacation.

    Perhaps, Ambitions will prove more fun to you after it is released?

    Again, sorry to hear you're so ready to give up on Sims3.
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    SmeeliaSmeelia Posts: 2,334 New Member
    edited April 2010
    And yes, naps rock :)

    Yeah what is it +10 or +15 for 5 hours and you don't get affected by Over-Tired moodlets. Oh wait... I've been playing the game for too long again :).
    but what I'd REALLY love is to be able to play more than one household without losing information, and building my OWN buildings and multiple neighborhood houses without having to switch my main household.

    You can play different families in seperate neighbourhoods (this may not be exactly what you want but it's an option) plus you don't lose that much information when changing households (although things do change while you're not looking, which is technically one of the main features of the game). As to the building, you can use Edit Town mode to build on any lot without having to change household if you click on the lot and choose "Edit in Build/Buy Mode" (plus when Ambitions arrives you should be able to add and remove lots as well, possibly whether or not you get the expansion although that hasn't been confirmed).
    Here's the thing, everyone is having stressful days these days...that doesn't mean we should all come on here and scream at each other over differing opinions. You can speak for yourself, and we can speak for ourselves.

    I thought Opmystik made it clear that they didn't mean to scream about it and felt the same way you do, namely that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
    For you to say we should all go play sims 2 is very rude and dismissive. I'm sorry if THAT sounds mean, but come on, you can't insult and expect to come out clean.

    In fairness, Opmystik said that people that miss The Sims 2 should play The Sims 2, not that anyone that doesn't like anything about The Sims 3 should play The Sims 2. I wouldn't say that was an insult, it just makes sense really if you think about it.
    All I want, is to be able to get rid of this one household at a time business. It's bland, and makes raising a family seem pointless because you can't check up on all of them and play all of them once children have moved on. You can't play the parents and go buy things for their kid's house without making it the active household. This is a major flaw to me. It would be nice to see more surprises, more funny things...

    The problem is that the open neighbourhood was a major feature of the game, as was Story Progression and both had been heavily requested by a lot of players (not necessarily all or even a majority but enough). The one family at a time limitation was included in order to make this work. Now I will admit that they could probably have put some extra effort in to include functionality that allows players to "lock" certain lots/families from progression and made the transfer progress easier (though it might have taken a lot of effort and I can't say for sure it's possible, I'm fairly sure there are mods that achieve something like this though) but they haven't done that unfortunately so we just have to live with it for now (hopefully they will actually add it at some point so do keep mentioning it).
    I just can't believe how hateful people can be towards someone simply because they have differing opinions. You're not likely to lose the path this game has taken anytime soon...

    You know, I find it interesting how easily people fall to assuming that someone is being hateful when they disagree. It's probably mostly due to the way we're all speaking in text and can only interpret based on our feelings of what we read. Reading through the posts here, there really aren't that many I'd call "hateful". There's not much in the way of personal insults or even general insults and aside from the occasional "shut up" or similar most people are just stating their opinions. It's clear that some people have gotten a little riled up but I think some of the posts have over-reacted to what others have actually said and thought they were being hostile when they really weren't. Anyway, that's a bit off-topic and just my view :).
    it's more likely the fanboys will continue getting what they want, while those of us who loved what made the sims popular, get to watch it morph into something weird.

    This is an odd statement, if a "fanboy" is someone that likes the product then surely whatever gets added will be liked by the "fanboys" by virtue of the fact that they wouldn't be "fanboys" if they didn't like it. I've enjoyed The Sims games from the start and I like The Sims 3 so if your statement is accurate then I didn't like the things that made The Sims games popular (which seems unlikely since I liked most of the features). I think these are the kinds of generalisations that people have been talking about as being unhelpful and pointless. It's much better to talk about what you like and don't like yourself than trying to suggest that other people are basically wrong to like something. It's fair enough if you're trying to inform them or show them a different perspective but just throwing blanket statements is no good and you did actually mention that you didn't like it when others do that as well.
    I don't want repeats of EP's, but I want more focus on the heart of the town, less on work, and more about the community, building, humor and surprises. Those are broad desires which leaves much room for the new creators to come in and create these situations in their own style, and they are NOT unreasonable and are true to the very creation of the Sims franchise.

    I tend to agree with this, although I do like WA and I suspect I'll enjoy Ambitions I'm still looking forward to more developments in the social areas of the game and better use of the open neighbourhood for that too (it's nice we can go anywhere but there's rarely too much reason to, WA does use it a little better but not in your home neighbourhood). I think that some of the old features of former games could be great in the new game but it'd be even better if they also improved them and built them in specifically to make the most out of them in The Sims 3.

    Saying that, I do think that these features are coming in the future. It'd be very odd if they didn't include some sort of Nightlife expansion in the future and probably Seasons, Pets and other features that are often requested from previous games. I suppose we just have to wait and see what actually happens.
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    Ashleymw81Ashleymw81 Posts: 92 New Member
    edited April 2010
    Everyone on here is missing the point. I understand you. One , I am to disappointed with sims3 . Hopefully Ambitions is a step up but I have not played my sims3 game since it came out and thats a biggie for me . Even my nephew wants me to reload sims2 because he says sims3 is boring. I used to rush to the store to buy the expansion packs now I just skip over them . World Adventure really how boring. I support you frustration because Sims 1 was good but Sims 2 was even better.EA made it seem like Sims 3 was going to be the mecca of all sims but it flop in my eyes . I mean why step backwards .I want my teen ager to go to college, I want may children to play in the snow or get sun burn . I want to run with my dog or cat .I want to see my sims shop at the grocery store,eat inside of a resturant, see them inside their classroom and so on rather than disappearing when they walk in the buildings. I can care less about ghost and vampires . I thought sims 3 was supposed to be base off of reality and it has nothing real about it. LOL i LIKE creating the sims and thats how far I will go. I dont get why I can create a family and my sister plays the same came has to create her family and new town . SO when I want to play again what I had been override by her game that frustrate me as well . I thoughT I was a true sims fan I guess I am not because EA CAN not pull the covers over my eyes and just give me anything and I accept it unlike others on here who would just accept anything . Thank you for this post because I thought I was alone.
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    rbrooks75rbrooks75 Posts: 3
    edited April 2010
    I think that people should stop complaining and be patient TS3 has only just came out about a year ago and it will probably get better than TS2 just give it time. We all miss things from TS2 but we will have to just wait and see what happens only to people who are complaining
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    DarkMirageDarkMirage Posts: 5,998 Member
    edited April 2010

    I tend to agree with this, although I do like WA and I suspect I'll enjoy Ambitions I'm still looking forward to more developments in the social areas of the game and better use of the open neighbourhood for that too (it's nice we can go anywhere but there's rarely too much reason to, WA does use it a little better but not in your home neighborhood). I think that some of the old features of former games could be great in the new game but it'd be even better if they also improved them and built them in specifically to make the most out of them in The Sims 3.

    Saying that, I do think that these features are coming in the future. It'd be very odd if they didn't include some sort of Nightlife expansion in the future and probably Seasons, Pets and other features that are often requested from previous games. I suppose we just have to wait and see what actually happens.

    I agree with the need to develop the social areas of the game more and making better use of the open neighborhood. I love that aspect, but like you, there isn't much of a reason to use it at this point. The game is sorely lacking in those areas but I am holding out hope that this will improve with future EP's.

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    Nicksim96Nicksim96 Posts: 196 New Member
    edited April 2010
    I agree with the people who are against the path of The Sims 3. I have pretty much spent all my time playing the Sims 2 on my brothers junk computer (Because it doesn't work on mine) and even with only pets, nightlife, and seasons I'm having a much better time playing 2. For those of you who say "Oh they did listen to you!" there are people who don't care about work or anything extraordinary. I don't want my sim to be a stylist or anything extreme, just an ordinary guy. I want to see him working at a normal job, making friends, dating, playing in the snow, and just have a normal life. For those who liked the direction of WA I have nothing against you, it's just that I miss the old Sims direction, where living was the main goal, not becoming the master detective or exploring The Great Pyramids of Giza. As I see it there are 4 main groups of simmers: simmers who like the way the sims is heading (for example: WA), simmers who like an ordinary life simulator, simmers who like the base game but want more extraordinary game play (Ambitions), and of course the people who like everyting Sims with the name Sims in it. I don't "hate" anyone's viewpoints, but I think that EA is turning Sims into something other than a life simulator. So far EPs have been made to satisfy catagories 1 and 3, but not 2, people like me who just want enhancements to LIFE, like pets, seasons, NL, and almost every other sims 2 pack. So don't say to me "Go play the sims 2 if you don't like 3" or "Don't buy it if you don't like it" or anything else like that. I want to enjoy sims as much as the rest of you, and I don't want to have to keep playing an outdated game to do it. So I acknowlege everyone's viewpoints, and don't think that EA needs to stop making EPs like WA, but they need to make some for people who play sims to live an alternate life.
    Edit: removed "or Ambitions' from last sentence because Ambitions seems more like a step forward, not a step back.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Emilywatson88Emilywatson88 Posts: 261
    edited April 2010
    i think its very naive and silly to judge this EP before its even been released. we don't know the direction its going in yet. wait until you've played it, then i think you have the right to complain.
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