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DoodlyDoofus Presents:.........This (Now on Generation 10)



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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 10: Chapter 6: Too Many Minervas.

    So since becoming a 5 Star Celebrity, Minerva has kinda put the whole criminal thing on the back burner. But then again, who WOULDN'T put that on the back burner when all Minerva has to do to make money is to film herself playing with McCloud.

    This one play session just paid for any cosmetic surgery Minerva desires.

    At least she doesn't treat her kids the same. She'll spend time with them regardless if there's any cameras watching.........But she would make a lot more money right now if she did.

    That's when Ryker walked up to young Zelda.

    "Hey Kiddo, your 13th birthday is right around the corner. What kind of party do you want?" Ryker asks.

    "Nothing too extravagant please." Zelda pleads with her father.

    A few weeks later in THE YEAR OF 2317! Ryker rented out that fancy park in San Myshuno.

    "Ryker, don't be alarmed, but there's poor people behind us." Minerva whispers to her husband.

    "That's your family." Ryker responds.

    Oh no, even Nikita's dressed up as Minerva now. Celebrity powers have gone too far.

    "I'm going to need the strongest drink you have. My wife is dressed up like my daughter right now and that's just weird." Lemmy says to the bartender.

    "Sounds like you need a shot of straight kerosene." The Bartender suggests.

    "Make it so!" Lemmy orders.

    Looks as if Ryker and Zelda have two very different opinions on this entertainer.

    "YEAH! Let's hear it for Minerva!!!" Nikita shouts as she tries to start a cheer.

    "Mom, it's Zelda's birthday party." India cuts in.

    "Hey Giovanna, I'm glad you could make it." Ryker warmly says to his Sister-In law.

    "Thanks. I was going to wear my Minerva dress to the party tonight but it doesn't fit anymore due to the pregnancy." Giovanna responds.

    "Hey Grandpa, since it's My birthday tonight, are you going to give me money?" Zelda asks Lemmy.

    "Kid, I don't give anyone my money, not even family." Lemmy responds.

    She tried.

    Now it's finally time for Zelda to blow out her candles. What will she wish for?

    "Surely a case of tinnitus!" Lemmy shouts before grabbing a party popper and blasting it in Zelda's ear.


    And Voila, Zelda is now a Teenager.

    Now that Zelda's a teenager, it's time for her to focus on building more skills!

    Or not, stick to what you're good at.

    Luckily when it comes to practicing for school plays, good Ol' Grandpa Lemmy is here to help out.

    "Okay so I get that you're trying to play a mob boss, but I just don't FEEL it." Zelda says to her grandpa. "I need you to believe you're a mob boss."

    "Ha ha, well I think I know how to be a mob boss darling." Lemmy says condescendingly to Zelda. "After all, do you think you got the lead role because you had the best audition or because I threatened to kill the director?"

    Of course tonight was Open Mic night so of course these fame leeches showed up.

    Oh come on, tell me that's not OCTAVIA MOON dressed up as Minerva?! How famous is this lady?

    That's when Zelda went up to the mic to show the world what she's got.

    "You're.......NOT........MINERVA!!!!" Octavia Moon says angrily as Zelda hogs the spotlight.

    "Hey Minerva, you gain weight?" Ryker says to this woman who is dressed as his wife.

    At least the Fake Minerva got an autograph from the real Minerva.

    After the hangout, Minerva went to go brush McCloud.

    "Mrs Stark, I don't feel so good." McCloud says weakly.

    And then he died.

    "Oh I get it, it's an Avengers reference." The Grim Reaper says as he enters the room. "Sorry for your loss."

    "Hey guys, guess who I'M dressed up as!" Zelda says as she walks into the kitchen. "Geez, who died in here?" She says as she notices everyone being sad.

    "Oh I get it now! Minerva has the same last name as Iron Man." Lemmy laughs. "Okay that was a good reference." He continues to laugh as everyone cries around him.

    After McCloud's funeral, The Grim Reaper stayed over to help Zelda practice her lines.

    "Are you kidding me?! I LOVE MacBeth!" Grim shouts happily.

    "Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble!" Grim recites the lines from the play passionately.

    Come see Zelda Stark and the Grim Reaper in Macbeth, a DoodlyDoofus production.

    Of course Grim had to get an autograph from Minerva.

    "Make sure the G and R are both capitalized." Grim says with glee as Minerva signs his name.

    It was also Yadira's birthday today.

    "Gee, I had the Grim Reaper at my Birthday Party, this is the best Birthday ever!" Yadira says excitedly.

    "Well I mean, your pet Fox died too.......But I can never say no to my favorite SimsTuber!" Grim says as he's about to leave. "I'll be back your Grandpa in a few weeks!" Grim says before he disappears.

    "Huh, wonder what he meant by that." Lemmy says as the Grim Reaper leaves the party.

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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    edited February 28
    Generation 10: Chapter 7: Not Clickbait

    Today was the annual Starlight Awards Show! Or at least that's what we think it's called, who cares. But Minerva was nominated once again for her video "My Fox Just Died (NOT CLICKBAIT)"

    So many family members came out to support Minerva....Even India! I bet you forgot she had a sister named India at this point.

    The Award show didn't go so well since members of the Punch Lines club showed up and told awful jokes the whole time. Speaking of which, here's Lemmy telling a particularly bad joke about throwing snitches into a river with cement shoes.

    "And that concludes our show!" The Host says excitedly.

    "THAT'S IT?! You didn't hand out any awards!!!" Minerva shouts angrily. Lemmy just took up all the allotted time the show had with his jokes.

    Back at home, the Stark family is.....well they aren't celebrating since nobody won an award.

    "Hey Dad, I'm not happy that you ruined the award show." Minerva explains "But it's good to have you around as the kids love it when you come over. They always love to hear about the illegal activities Grandpa has taken part in."

    "Well of course, I love those kids!" Lemmy says excitedly "I'll gladly drop whatever I'm doing to show up."

    "Anyways, I need to go use the bathroom." Lemmy says as he walks to the bathroom door. "DUTY calls! Ha ha."

    "You know what? We shouldn't waste this nice day indoors. Let's go out into the city and have a family fun day!" Minerva proclaims.

    "Yippie." Zelda says sarcastically.

    So the Stark Family headed out to San Myshuno.

    "Cripes, too bad Dad was hogging the toilet. I need to use the Little Minerva's room. DUTY calls." Minerva says before sprinting to the bathroom.

    Zelda and Yadira however took over this karaoke booth and hogged it all day. Neither of them are good singers though.......

    Meanwhile, Minerva and Ryker hardly ever go out into the city and just took in the sights.

    "Minnie, would you look at that! Now THAT'S a genuine city trash can." Ryker says as the two approach an overflowing trash can.

    "Yeah you just don't get trash cans like that in the suburbs." Minerva responds.

    "Now look at this, genuine city trash. Much different than the trash you find in the suburbs." Ryker says as he digs through the trash can.

    "Ryker, can you go five minutes without rummaging through a trash can?!" Minerva responds with an annoyed tone.

    "Ouch, I seem to have been pricked with a used needle of sorts." Ryker says as he pulls his hands out of the trash "You don't get that in suburban garbage cans!"

    "Look at this! Genuine city flies!" Ryker says as a bunch of flies swarm the trash.

    "Yeah, definitely much louder than suburb flies that's for sure." Minerva continues.

    Suddenly, Ryker is swarmed by the flies.

    "OH NO, THE FLIES! I'VE ANGERED THEM MINNIE!" Ryker shouts. "THEY'RE IN MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!!!!" Ryker shouts with a guttural scream.

    "Oh for crying out loud Ryker, this is why I can't bring you anywhere. You're always getting swarmed by some parasites." Minerva says in a disappointed tone as Ryker chokes on the flies swarming him.

    After a rousing 11 hours in the city, the Starks returned home after a great family fun day.

    "Hey uhh Minnie.....Your dad's still in the bathroom." Ryker says as he tries to open the bathroom door.

    "Oh....." Minerva says with a concerned tone. "Well I'm sure he's just fine-"

    "Turns out famed Mob Boss of the Graves crime family Lemmy Graves is the opposite of fine right now." The News reporter interrupts "He was found dead on his daughter's toilet. Sources say it was probably natural causes, but that hasn't stopped the internet from saying that Lemmy died taking a serious poop. In fact right now on Twitter, people are now spreading memes about how Lemmy died 'Taking a Mondo Doodoo'. What an unfortunate end to an illustrious career."

    "Can't I mourn my dad in peace without people proclaiming he died from a 'Mondo Doodoo'?" Minerva says while fighting back tears.

    "It was probably a heart attack but the narrative will forever be the 'Mondo Doodoo'. What a darn shame." Ryker says while bowing his head.

    "Hey Mom, I need to use the bathroom. Did they say when they were going to get Grandpa out of there?" Zelda says as she walks into the living room.

    Rest in Peace Lemmy Graves. 2256-2317.

    WELCOME TO THE YEAR 2322! Minerva used her massive wealth to buy up the Old Goth Manor.

    She also updated her looks. She has to keep all the people dressing up as her on their toes.

    Oh snap would you look at that? Tina Goth baked that cake! That was well over 200 years ago!

    "Eh, might as well not let that cake go to waste." Minerva says as she slaps some candles on it and celebrates her birthday. She's adult. Not a Young Adult, just adult.

    "This cake's very stale, it feels like I'm chewing cement." Yadira says as she eats her slice of cake.

    "You will eat it and you will love it." Ryker says before he breaks a molar while chewing his cake.

    Our precious Thespian Zelda's back from another great acting class. She better become famous.

    Turns out that Chadwick Bailey guy's a teenager now......

    The look on Zelda's face says it all, he's not the worst looking dude, but he's the most famous teenager right now....She can't go around dating anyone who's NOT famous after all.

    "Heh heh heh, look at that house across the street. I bet only poor people would ever live in that crap shack!" Minerva says evilly.

    Minerva, that's your old house.

    "Shut up." Minerva says to the voice in the sky.

    After coming home from work Minerva was displeased when she found out the paparazzi camping outside her house weren't taking pictures of her. Soooooo time to pose.

    "Heh heh, always works." Minerva says as the paparazzo starts taking pictures.
    Post edited by DoodlyDoofus on
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 10: Chapter 8: Minerva Vs The Syndicate

    Today our precious Zelda is growing up. That's right, she's going on her first date! During a downpour......That Dress cost 15,000 simoleons but it's alright, Mom can buy her a new one.

    "I knew I should've stayed home and played video games." Chadwick Bailey grumbles.

    Since they're rich kids they get to eat at the fancy rich people restaurant. Eating the food that the fancy rich people desire the most.

    "What the heck is this?! Is this even edible?!" Chadwick asks with a perplexing look on his face.

    "Oh no, I feel it moving in my mouth." Zelda says as she gags on the food.

    "Being rich sucks, let's go get some chicken nuggets instead." Chadwick angrily suggests.

    Despite seeming like she's basically achieved everything she's ever wanted, Minerva still makes time to work on her SimsTube videos.

    In fact, her newest video was so successful she decided to take a nice stride filled walk in the neighborhood.

    While also throwing her money around like it was nothing.

    That was until she stopped abruptly.

    "Hmm, it appears I have either been stung by a bee or that's a tranquilizer dart in my butt....." Minerva ponders.

    "Oop, it's a tranquilizer." Minerva says weakly before passing out.

    Several hours later she woke up in a mysterious room and heard a mysterious voice calling out to her mysteriously.

    "Minerva Stark, have a seat." The voice says.

    "Well I always had a feeling I'd die this way." Minerva says as she sits down. "Just don't make it too painful."

    "Minerva Stark, we are....THE SYNDICATE!" The Woman in the white robes said dramatically.

    "Yep. You guys sure look like a Syndicate alright." Minerva comments on their looks.

    "So....I don't see any doors. How do we leave?" Minerva asks.

    "A Super High Tech Teleportation device we have that allows us to go anywhere in the world." The Man responds.

    "We are the true rulers of this world, Minerva Stark." The Woman continues. "We are all powerful and have run the world for hundreds of years."

    "And now you're going to kill me for interfering in your plans?" Minerva asks.

    "Of course not!" The Woman answers "We actually think you're perfect to join The Syndicate. We all did the same thing you did. We started SimsTube channels and hacked people's bank accounts. Plus, we already know you have a snazzy suit just like ours. It'll be perfect." The Woman continues joyously.

    "Wow, that's not what I was expecting to hear from you guys. Thanks!" Minerva says appreciatively.

    "Alright so here's your new fancy pantsy teleportation device and meet us back here tomorrow for our next meeting." The Leader continues.

    And so Minerva left The Syndicate's headquarters in a situation not too many people would've survived.

    "Hey Mom, can you do me a big favor?" Minerva asks her mother.

    "Can it wait until after I warm up a bit?" Nikita coldly (GET IT?!) states.


    "Yeah I like that Minerva chick. I can't wait to see what color her outfit is." said The Woman in the red coat

    That's when Nikita suddenly teleported into the room.

    "Heyo." Nikita emotionlessly says to The Syndicate.

    Five Minutes Later.

    "Wow you sure took care of those guys real quick." Minerva says as she teleports into The Syndicate's headquarters.

    "Yeah, would've taken me half as long if I wasn't so rusty." Nikita replies as she wipes the blood off her.

    "Wait, before I go, can I get a selfie?" Grim asks.

    "Of course, I wouldn't say no to my biggest fan!" Minerva happily exclaims as she takes a picture with Grim.

    "I love this picture already, this is going right on my Simstagram." Grim says excitedly as he gets ready to leave.

    "Well Mom, since I'm now the only surviving member of The Syndicate. Wanna join?" Minerva proposes to her mother.

    "Nah, I enjoy my crime the old fashioned way." Nikita says, refusing the offer.

    "But I will get these urns out of here for you." Nikita says as she starts swiping the urns. "I know a guy who can get me a few simoleons for these."

    Now it's time for another day of Stark Family Fun!(TM)

    This time it was Minerva, who took over the Karaoke machine. Unlike her girls, she can actually sing.

    Of course Minerva actually likes the Paparazzi taking pictures of her when they're dressed up like her. It's still weird, but she'll allow it this time.

    Then the Family hit up this night club.

    "That better not be an alcoholic drink young lady." Ryker says as he approaches Zelda at the bar.

    It's at this moment, Minerva finally sits down and lets it sink in that now that she's the leader of The Syndicate. She's now achieved world domination. Who knew it could be so easy?

    Or that's just one darn good glass of lemonade.

    At the bar, Minerva found a way to help Zelda boost her celebrity rating.....She's going to perform a dramatic monologue with her in public, if that doesn't get her famous she doesn't know what-

    Oh wait, there's Thorne Bailey acting a fool and getting everyone's attention instead. Sorry kiddo.

    "Yuck, if things keep up that man's going to be your Father In-Law." Minerva says to her daughter with disgust.

    "Don't remind me." Zelda sneers.

    "Alright, stop paying attention to Thorne and pay attention to me. I have a joke that'll knock you all dead!" Zelda says as she takes the microphone.


    "What, you couldn't wait for the punchline?" Zelda remarks, getting her a few chuckles from the crowd actually.

    The next day, Ryker starts his daily routine of doing 24 and a half push ups.

    "Aww yeah, sexy for another day." Ryker cheers to himself.

    So sexy enough that the Paparazzi couldn't stop taking pictures of him when his wife is over here posing for them. Some dudes have all the luck.

    You know, let's see how Ryker handles all the problems life throws at him.

    "Hmm, lots of people blocking my way when all I want is to get myself a snow cone. I know how to handle this, sexy Ryker powers activate!" Ryker shouts before he poses for the people.

    Thus, everyone began to swoon and passed out. That lucky son of a-

    "If you excuse me, I have a date with a snowcone." Ryker says as he swaggers away.

    So what IS Minerva's first act as De-Facto Ruler of the World? Well, for her birthday Yadira wanted a strawberry cake...................BUT MINERVA IS BAKING HER A CHOCOLATE CAKE INSTEAD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Not like Yadira's going to complain, she's a kid she loves cake regardless.

    Oh nevermind, she's a teen and NOW she's going to be picky. Minerva was actually right on the money with this one.

    "Sweet, now that you're a teenager you can help me practice my lines!" Zelda says excitedly.

    "Like, what's acting?" Yadira says clueless.
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 10: Chapter 9: Zelda's Trying to Become a Star

    Zelda was just enjoying a relaxing night by this pond when suddenly...

    "Hey Kid, I like your style." This weird rich looking man said "How would you like to be in a commercial?"

    "Me? A star?" Zelda said hopefully.

    "No, not a star." The Man continues. "You're going to be in a commercial dancing in a hotdog suit."

    "You had me at Hotdog suit." Zelda replies.

    Almost immediately afterwards, Zelda was in Del Sol Valley, dancing her heart out in that hotdog suit.

    "Come on down to Crazy Carl's Crematorium." Zelda says into the camera enthusiastically "Take advantage of our two for one special!"

    Meanwhile back at home, The Stark family have just watched the world premiere of Zelda's first commercial.

    "So, was that commercial great or what?" Zelda asks her family.

    "Umm, allow your Mom and I to switch spots on the couch before we can give you our opinion." Ryker says, very tense from the commercial.

    "Alright much better." Ryker says after he and Minerva swap spots. "I just have to ask, WHY are you dressed as a hotdog for an advertisement for a crematorium? Wouldn't that be more appropriate for an Oscar Meyer commercial instead?"

    "The Director said it was a clever metaphor that no one would get." Zelda answers quickly without skipping a beat.

    "I just know I never want to use Crazy Carl's Crematorium after that." Minerva says while still suffering from the second hand embarrassment brought on by the ad. "Hell, it's so bad I don't know if I even want hotdogs again."

    "Everyone's a critic!" Zelda says as she throws her arms up in annoyance. "How about you Yadira, did you enjoy it?"

    "Ha ha ha, you were a hotdog! And you were dancing!" Yadira says excitedly while dancing "I for one will be using Crazy Carl for all my cremating needs!"

    "Seriously, I'M the stupid one!" Ryker says angrily "Why am I the one that is able to point out the idiocy of using a hotdog mascot for a crematorium! They have nothing in common!"

    "One second, I'm calling up my Mom to have this Crazy Carl guy killed for this ad." Minerva says as she pulls out her phone.

    "You should totally dress up as a giant bottle of soda for Manic Morty's Mortgages." Yadira suggests to her older sister.

    "Amazing idea! I'll call up the director and pitch him that idea!" Zelda says with delight.

    "I knew nothing good would come from us trying to become celebrities." Ryker says with pure anger in his voice.

    IT IS THE YEAR 2324. The last two years Zelda has made a name for herself by being the dancing mascot girl. But now that she's 20 years old she knows that being the dancing mascot isn't going to make bank.

    But first she's just going to eat some cake at 3AM. That's the face of someone who hasn't made their big break still eating cake at 3AM.

    For Zelda's birthday this year, Minerva's actually throwing her a costume party. Unfortunately Ryker is late to the party because he's glitching out.

    "I AM IN IMMENSE PAIN!" Ryker shouts from the front yard.

    "Okay one of us is going to have to change." Zelda says to her sister.

    "Well if you want me to change you're going to have to resort to violence." Yadira says, offering the challenge.

    "Hey everyone look at me! I'm a poor person!" Nikita says as she arrives as a maid.

    "I feel like that joke is made at every costume party." Minerva says bleakly.

    This just in, local celebrity and dumdum Ryker Stark is frozen in a T-Pose outside his mansion. We have reports that this is a very slow news day and this is all we have to fill the time.

    Anyways, kaboom, Zelda's now an adult and ready to get into the REAL world of acting.

    Now she's got the self-absorbed trait. She went to go talk about her many accomplishments to her Grandma who was just trying to enjoy a morning jog. Needless to say, the woman who Co-Lead the biggest crime family the country has seen in decades was not impressed by some girl saying she is a great actress.

    Luckily Zelda's hard work, and annoying every powerful person in Del Sol Valley that she knows, has paid off as she was able to get an acting gig where she doesn't have to wear a stupid mascot suit AND they'll be filming on a real set. She just needs to practice her lines.

    But first, IT'S HARVEST FEST BABY! So the Starks have sent out invitations for the big harvest day dinner and..............

    "Wait, why are you wearing that outfit for Harvest Day?" Ryker asks inquisitively.

    "Shut up, just be happy it still fits me from that one Winterfest so many years ago." Minerva responds rudely.

    The Family's here together and they're going to have another wonderful holiday!

    That's when Minerva decided to take the time to lead the family in a Harvest Day song! I didn't know there was such a thing as a Harvest Day song but Minerva will make sure this is the best holiday ever!

    Wait, what's going on behind her?

    "It ain't a party until I show up." The Grim Reaper sadly says.

    "Real shame, I liked her a lot. Your family always seems so nice." Grim says solemnly as he reaps Nikita's soul.

    RIP Nikita Graves 2262-2324.

    Well Grandma's dead, but that's not what has Zelda so worked up.

    Today's the day of her first big studio role! She's so excited.

    After three hours of hair and makeup, and costume fitting, Zelda is ready for her big role. She's of course excited because she gets to play a pirate!

    "So what's my motivation?" Zelda asks the director.

    "You're a singing pirate advertising laundry detergent." The Director says bluntly.

    Well she's still doing commercials, but at least now she's not dancing in big mascot costumes and people can actually see her. That'll surely help her career.

    A week or two later, Zelda's at her next big job.

    "You're a singing cowgirl who's advertising the big sale at Guitar Center!" The Director shouts at Zelda.

    On the outside Zelda is singing her heart out and putting everything she has into this performance. But on the inside she's saying "I need an agent."
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 11: Chapter 1: Wow, Gen 10 Came and Went Real Quick

    So in Zelda's first chapter as a Protagonist.....Well I mean, that last chapter was pretty Zelda heavy.....But anyways, turns out that last commercial paid very well. Not only that, everyone can't stop raving about how great Zelda was in it.

    "Man, I should've been an actress." Minerva says with jealousy in her voice.

    "Zelda, why are you dressed as me?" Minerva asks her daughter.

    "Listen, your style's in right now. Don't judge me." Zelda answers her mother.

    "I forgot to wear clothes today." Ryker says as he eats his breakfast.

    Turns out today's Winterfest! Time for Zelda to get fresh with the boyfriend.

    Of course it would've been appropriate for her to wear that Mrs Claus outfit she wore on Harvestfest.....but of course Minerva is Minerva.

    "Oh hey, you probably noticed that I was on TV today." Zelda brags to her aunt.

    "Yeah I saw that you were a singing pirate." Her Aunt replies.

    "AND a singing cowgirl." Zelda continues to brag.

    But for once the holiday went pretty well, no one died. All of Minerva's sisters showed up dressed as her, but no one died though.

    "Oh wowie I can't wait to see what I got for Winterfest!" Aunt Giovanna says while dressed as Minerva.

    Giovanna stares into the box for several minutes.

    "I can't tell what it is, I'm not supposed to wear glasses." Giovanna admits to everyone.

    "OH MY GOSH, IT'S RYKER STARK! Can I get an autograph?!" The New Father Winter gushes.

    "About time someone recognizes my greatness." Ryker says excitedly as he signs the autograph.

    Some time later, Zelda headed to the studio to play a singing Ninja in a commercial when this Producer approached her.

    "Hey no time to explain, the guest star that was scheduled to appear in the next episode of 'Growing up Crumblebottom' was just assassinated. We need you to fill in." The Producer says hurriedly.

    "ME?! A Star?!" Zelda says excitedly.

    "Okay listen, just don't touch the hair. It's my trademark." Zelda says to the hair dresser.

    They did not listen to her. Why must they hate Zelda's hair?

    "Now Zelda, all you have to do is mop the floor." The Director shouts.

    "Well good news is, I always go that extra mile!" Zelda shouts as she mops the floor with gusto.

    "Ow my eye!" A child in the live audience shouts as they're hit by the mop.

    And with that, the crowd went wild.

    Now it's time for the big scene..........Zelda was scripted to just shake her hand but okay.

    Since Chadwick and Zelda have been dating for a couple years Ryker decided to have a good talk with him to see what's going on in that head.

    "Yeah well, you may be able to read a whole book but I bet you can't bench 550 pounds." Ryker says while sizing him up.

    Zelda couldn't wait to get home and watch her very first TV show appearance with her family.....IF she makes it home. This is one intense blizzard.

    The Stark family have just finished watching the episode.

    "So what did you all think?" Zelda asks.

    "Well you got to do something other than sing or dance. So that's cool." Minerva says as a compliment.

    "Is that kid going to be okay?" Ryker says, still worried about the kid Zelda maimed on set.
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 11: Chapter 2: Back When Fun Was Still A Thing

    THE YEAR IS 2327! Weirdly enough, after Zelda's first role on a TV show, she kinda blew up and started getting offers to star in TV shows left and right. Naturally this means she needs to practice her acting skills......Luckily Ghost Grandma showed up today and was volunteered volunteered herself to help Zelda practice.

    Though maybe Zelda shouldn't have used an actual Ghost Hunting Raygun on her.

    Not only that, things with Chadwick have been going pretty well. Here they are on a date....that Ryker seems to be a chaperone for.

    While Ryker was too busy bombing on stage over there, Zelda decided to flash, THE SEXY POSE! which seems to have worked.

    Also while Ryker was too busy bombing on stage over there, Chadwick decided to flash, THE ENGAGEMENT RING! which also seems to have worked.

    "At least he's a celebrity too." Zelda says to herself under her breath.

    So turns out today is Yadira's birthday. She's now an adult. Whoop whoop.

    "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Yadira asks her sister.

    "Buy a penthouse with the money I've made from acting?" Zelda responds with glee.

    "So what's on the agenda for today, babe?" Ryker asks his wife.

    "Well today the new The Syndicate is going to wage war against the Crimson Mirrors, an underground group like ours whose wild antics can be linked to the destruction of Veronaville and the economic collapse of 2234." Minerva says in the longest run on sentence ever.

    "Oh wow, that sounds like it'll be interesting." Ryker remarks as Zelda barges into the conversation.

    "Ey yo, we're moving out." Zelda says abruptly.

    Whoop whoop, the Stark Sisters are living in a penthouse now!

    It's so nice being rich, here Zelda has a mudbath with a view.

    Wait wait, hold the phone, Yadira has the better mudbath with a view.

    At this point in time, Zelda has decided to be "The Ugly Outfit Girl" as in, she's wearing the outfits seen in CAS that no one has the courage to dress their Sims in. She's a celebrity, they'll probably call her trendy for this.

    But first, Rich Girl selfies!

    Yadira also wasted no time in inviting her boyfriend Whatshisface to the penthouse, unlike Chadwick, we won't remember this guy's name because he's not a celebrity.

    The next day.

    "Zelda, I've made a terrible mistake!" Yadira panics as Zelda enters the room.

    "How's that?" Zelda asks.

    "I decided to become a blogger for my career but......I've inherited Dad's inability to read!" Yadira continues to freak out.

    "Sucks." Zelda says casually. "Anyways, I'm going to an audition."

    Speaking of Ryker, he came to visit and just stood outside the whole time.

    "Zelda, Yadira, are you in there? I forgot how doors work." Ryker yells out from the hallway.

    Unfortunately for a visiting Ryker, it's New Years Eve so he got a face full of the traditional New Years Eve Festival horn.

    Oh yeah, it's New Years Eve......time to throw a party and it's time to see Zelda's second ugly outfit. She's famous, she can wear stuff like this, look at the Met Gala, she looks normal compared to them.

    "Hey Zelda I just have to ask, how come your sister invited her boyfriend to move in with you guys but I still haven't gotten an invite?" Chadwick asks his fiance.

    "Can't talk, Mistletoe." Zelda says before whipping out some mistletoe and landing a big kiss on her man.

    It was now time for Zelda's next big role, she's a pirate again! Except she doesn't have to sing! They did mess with her hair again so that's a bit depressing.

    She even gets to take part in a sword fight this time around.

    "Isn't this exciting?" Zelda asks her co-star. "I've always wanted to do action scenes."

    "Zelda please, we have to be professional while doing this. These are real swor-" The co-star says before she's cut off.

    "AH MY PINKY! SHE CUT OFF MY PINKY FINGER!" The co-star shouts in pain.

    "Ah, the price of fame." Zelda says calmly.

    While Zelda's co-star is rushed to the hospital, her Co-Star's Stunt Double is used to film this plot twist where it turns out Zelda's pirate character was also a vampire.

    Today is the day of Zelda and Chadwick's wedding........Mostly because Chadwick just really wanted to move in already and it didn't seem like that was going to be happening any time soon. Here's Yadira giving her sister some wonderful words of encouragement.

    "Hey don't screw this up. He's kinda cute AND his family's very powerful in Del Sol Valley." Yadira says in a hushed tone.

    "Look at them having fun........I wish I could still have fun." Ryker mopes to himself.

    Meanwhile, there's nothing to worry about with Yadira right now. Nothing at all.

    This wedding is perfect for Zelda, it's a day specifically about her and she loves things that are specifically about her!

    "Hey so can you like wait until I'm dead before you have kids?" Minerva asks Zelda. "It'll really hurt my reputation as a SimsTuber if I'm a Grandma."

    "But Mom, you run The Syndicate, why do you still care about SimsTube?" Zelda asks.

    "SimsTube is where I make the REAL money, dear." Minerva corrects her daughter.

    Well it's time for the ceremony to begin! Now if only, THESE PEOPLE WOULD STOP DANCING AND SIT DOWN!

    Boy, this ceremony is beautiful. You'd have to be a real knucklehead to miss this.

    "Ah fiddlesticks!" Ryker shouts as he runs. "I'm missing the ceremony!"

    I now pronounce you, Mr and Mrs Bailey.

    You may now make love.
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 11: Chapter 3: Orange Smash

    Now that Zelda and Chadwick are officially married, Zelda's now legally obligated to let Chadwick move in with her. Luckily he's here to pay the bills by producing music...............I know I'm surprised about that too, he's actually useful.

    Zelda however starts off her morning by making breakfast. Luckily she doesn't have to do this too many times, once the real money comes rolling in she'll be able to afford her own butler to cook her breakfast.....Which can't come soon enough because she has no idea what she's doing.

    Zelda and Chadwick sat in silence eating Zelda's breakfast until Chadwick finally broke the awkward silence.

    "Well, these certainly are eggs." Chadwick states as he begrudgingly chews his wife's cooking.

    "Yes, they definitely have a flavor." Zelda replies, knowing her cooking is enough to make a billy goat puke.

    Ugly Outfit #3 is a go. She rocks it though.........I think.

    "So...........Does anyone actually listen to your music?" Zelda asks as she decides to observe Chadwick make art.

    "Well my best song has about 10 streams on Simify." Chadwick says as he takes a break from producing.

    "Well that's not too bad." Zelda says trying to cheer him up.

    "Three of those streams are from my Mom, Dad and Orange trying to support me. Two of those streams are from me accidentally clicking on the song." Chadwick continues. "Also my latest song was pulled from Simify because NATO deemed it a violation of the Geneva Convention."

    So cut to a few months later, Yadira is pregnant..........I forget, does she even have a job?

    It was at this moment, Chadwick had an epiphany while making music.

    "Wait a minute, when I hold my headphone up to one ear like this......I can actually hear the music as I'm making it!" Chadwick says excitedly. "Who knew if you wanted to make good music you'd have to listen to it first."

    His latest song actually got 2 billion streams on Simify, which means he was paid Ten Simoleons for his work. He wanted to buy a cool DJ booth but again, ten simoleons, so he got Zelda to buy one for him so he can play music while she enjoys her night swims #PayYourMusiciansBetterSimify.

    To Celebrate Chadwick's success after he made another 2 simoleons, the Bailey's decided to go get lunch at this little diner, like I said, they aren't making the fancy dining money just yet.

    "Look Ryker, celebrities!" Minerva cheers.

    "Oh man, I should get their autographs!" Ryker says excitedly.

    "Can't wait until we start making real money. I hate coming to this part of town." Zelda says to Chadwick.

    That's when this random woman aged up next to their table.

    "See, that's why." Zelda continues. "People just aging up around you as you try to eat. People just have no manners out here."

    As Zelda blew Chadwick a kiss, he looked a bit concerned.

    "Oh no Zelda, don't look, my brother Orange is coming this way." Chadwick warns his wife.

    "What's so bad about your brother?" Zelda asks.

    "Orange was involved in a scientific experiment gone wrong, got a near fatal dose of gamma radiation." Chadwick explains. "Because of this he's basically turned into a version of the Incredible Hulk with a healthy skin tone."

    "Oh it can't be that bad." Zelda tries to assure her husband.

    "Orange Hungry, Orange Want Eat." Orange says as he approaches.

    "Oh wow he's huge." Zelda whispers.

    "I said don't look." Chadwick whispers back.

    "Orange get selfie with brother. Orange happy." Orange says as he takes the picture and walks away.

    "Well luckily he didn't get angry." Chadwick says to his wife.

    "Orange selfie didn't come out well." Orange says from across the restaurant. "ORANGE SMASH!" He shouts before the sound of explosions and screaming are heard.

    "We should take this food to go." Zelda says to her husband.

    "Ryker look, Orange Bailey-Moon is rampaging in the restaurant, you're the only one here strong enough to stop him!" Minerva shouts.

    "After I finish my chili, I paid 16 Simoleons for this." Ryker says in an irritated tone.

    Later that night, Octavia Moon came over.

    "Hey, sorry you got caught up in Orange's Rampage today." Octavia says to her daughter in law.

    "Don't sweat it, once my Dad finished his food he was able to wrestle Orange into submission." Zelda responds. "You know what this calls for?"

    "A PARTY!" Zelda shouts.

    "I'm surprised I got changed so fast." Octavia replies.

    "Hey Aunt India, did you hear I'm a 2 star celebrity now?" Zelda says to her aunt. "One more star and I'll be more famous than you!"

    "I'LL KILL YOU IF THAT EVER HAPPENS!" India shouts at the top of her lungs.

    Well Yadira's going to have to find a way to feed this child.......Might as well learn to paint, but dear lord, woman. It's a party, go have fun.

    "Look at all these celebrities coming to MY party!" Zelda gloats.

    "I'm your Mother." Minerva corrects her daughter.

    "This Party is a success!" Zelda cheers.

    Meanwhile Ryker strolled in pretty late.

    "Geez, what took you so long?" This random Celebrity says to Ryker.

    "I don't know how elevators work, okay?" Ryker says defensively. "I climbed my way up here."

    "You didn't think of taking the stairs?" The Celebrity asks.

    "SON OF A-" Ryker shouts angrily.

    "Look Mom, I'm pregnant!" Yadira says to her dear mother.

    "Oh that's wonderful dear, ha ha." Minerva says as she feels the baby kicking "I AM GOING TO DESTROY YOU." She sinisterly whispers to Yadira.

    The next day.

    "Okay so Yadira might've stolen my thunder at MY party last night by announcing her pregnancy." Zelda gloats to her husband "But I'll one up her by announcing MY pregnancy. Now get in bed, Chad."

    Many many nights filled with lots of sexy time later..........Still no pregnancy.

    "Gee, why's it so hard for ME to get pregnant?" Zelda asks "Every other woman in my family tree basically turned pregnancy into a casual hobby of theirs."

    Obviously Zelda's not feeling too great about this news, she's actually been trying to get pregnant for a while now....after all, she's not getting any younger.

    Well luckily Zelda was able to get the courage to get out of bed today, she should be fine as long as nothing triggers her.

    "Hey Zelda, I got a new outfit and I am very very pregnant." Yadira says as she appears out of nowhere.

    And back under the blankets she goes.

    Looks like Yadira shouldn't have gloated. Now she's in labor!

    "Not so great being pregnant now is it?" Zelda gloats back.

    "Ha ha, it's funny how I get my comeuppance immediately." Yadira chuckles.


    "You sure I'm in good hands, doc?" Yadira says to the doctor.

    "Of course!" The Ghost Doctor says warmly "I died from sticking a fork in an electrical socket, not medical malpractice."

    And that's when Jarrett Stark was born in 2329........Don't expect to see him too often.
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 11: Chapter 4: Two Chapters In One Day. Hell, Two Chapters In One Month!

    There was a talent showcase today so of course the talented Zelda and her less talented sister showed up for it. That's not all who was there, but good Ol' Ryker was there as well.

    "Mom, how are you so old? You're only 45!" Yadira says to Minerva.

    "The Timeline's getting all screwed up, I'll just say it's the stress of being a young grandma." Minerva says in an attempt to clear up any timeline issues, it doesn't clear it up by the way.

    Look at that, Zelda's signing her first autograph. You're on your way to being a big name Zelda.

    Of course Zelda ran up to that microphone and gave it her best and sang her heart out. It was enough to drive Minerva to tears.

    "MY LIFE IS ALMOST OVER!" Minerva weeps uncontrollably so I don't think it's the song that's making her so emotional.

    THE YEAR IS 2333. Zelda's at the studio for her next film when she started feeling a tad sick.

    "I know what'll make me feel better." Zelda says excitedly "A SELFIE!"

    She vomited all over the sidewalk after taking that selfie.

    "I know what'll make me feel better after puking my brains out.....MORE FOOD!" Zelda says excitedly.

    Zelda vomited all over the floor after this meal.

    As the crew cleaned up Zelda's mess on the floor, Zelda made small talk with her stylist.

    "So how are you guys going to ruin my hair this time?" Zelda asks.

    "Oh Zelda, you know us too well." Her Stylist chuckles.

    All in all.....not the worst way they've ruined Zelda's hair.

    "Psst, hey are there any cool sword fights in this movie?" Zelda whispers to her co-star.

    "This is a dramatic period piece, so no." The Actor responds.

    "Well, I'm going to point my finger at you and pretend it's a gun to satisfy my need for action." Zelda says as she points her finger gun at the co-star.

    "Hey Zelda, the script says you're only supposed to give her a friendly hug." The Director says offscreen.

    "Hey, don't tell me how to do my job!" Zelda snaps back at the director before turning back to the other actress "If I wasn't married...."

    After getting home from a long shoot, Zelda found out that she's FINALLY pregnant.

    "Yadira you're not going to believe it, I'm finally pregnant!" Zelda shrieks at her sister.

    "Congrats! I'm working on baby #2!" Yadira responds.

    Zelda's nice and pumped up because she realized that since she's pregnant the paparazzi will be all over her. Score!

    Some time later, Chadwick got the chance to play at this local nightclub. Not a big deal but considering this is the first time he's had the opportunity to play live....

    "Sup, just here to support my husband." Zelda says to the bartender.

    "Then why are you at the bar?" The Bartender replies.

    "Spiritual support." Zelda corrects him.

    "Hey Mom look, I'm having a baby!" Zelda says excitedly as Minerva shows up to the club "Are you excited?"

    "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Minerva shouts as she charges at Zelda.

    Don't worry everyone, it was just a scene that Zelda wanted to practice in public.

    Some weeks later, Chadwick wanted Zelda to kiss him like she kissed her co-star in that one sitcom.

    "Keep it up and I'll do to you what I did to my co-star in my latest film." Zelda says seductively.

    The morning after doing what she did to her co-star in that romantic comedy she did a year ago to Chadwick, Zelda went to go check the mail.

    "Oh look, that breakfast I ordered finally showed up." Zelda says after pulling this plate of food out of the mailbox.

    Since Zelda's about to have.....A CELEBRITY BABY! She decided to throw a CELEBRITY BABY SHOWER!

    "Still going to kill you." Minerva whispers to Zelda.

    "Hey you've got great taste." Ryker says to Thorne.

    "Hey Thanks, you look like a real swell guy." Thorne replies.

    Behold, the two dumbest celebrities in the world are now in the same family tree together.

    You know, typically in Hollywood, film productions try to hide or obscure pregnant actresses bellies.......But this is Del Sol Valley, they'll make sure that thing is on full display even if the actresses go into labor halfway through the film.

    Seems like a pretty standard movie for Zelda. It's a movie about this doctor that seduces all of her patients, at least that's what I got from this.

    Then she dies.

    "I'll win an Oscar for this, right?" Zelda says to the director the second he yells CUT.

    Luckily for Zelda, she was able to finish shooting the movie BEFORE she went into labor.

    "Did you just change outfits in the lobby?" Chadwick asks his wife.

    "Darn Tootin, and I'll do it again!" Zelda responds.

    And she did it again. It's alright, the people here already saw Zelda after she did that nude scene in that comedy that came out a few years back.

    That was when Abraham Bailey was born in 2333.

    "Can I see my son now?" Chadwick says from the hallway.

    "No, get lost." The Doctors say to Chadwick, forcing him to leave.
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 11: Chapter 5: Everybody be Purging

    That's right, Abraham Bailey has just been born..................Anyways time for Zelda and Chadwick to get back to work.

    Sorry kiddo, your parents are trying to become celebrities.

    Funny, her movie career didn't really help her fame out that much. But the paparazzi following her around during her pregnancy suddenly made Zelda Bailey a household name. Might as well bask in that by going to the club.

    It was at this moment as Zelda was swaggering into the club she realized something, she didn't get Abraham a babysitter.....

    Don't worry, a pose for the camera will make her forget about her worries. I sure hope Chadwick is home right now.

    "OH MY GOSH ZELDA, I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN!" This excited fan squeals.

    "I'm so sorry to hear that." Zelda says as she signs an autograph.

    Yep, Zelda was truly the biggest name in that room tonight.........Most of those people in the room are related to her, but she was the biggest name.

    Meanwhile back at home.

    "Oh wow, someone left this baby in our home!" Chadwick says as he cuddles baby Abraham. "I'll name you, Dwight."

    Cut to a few years later, Zelda and Chadwick are watching TV when suddenly, a breaking news bulletin popped up on TV.

    "Breaking Election news!" The Anchor says. "The more popular Presidential Candidate of the 2336 Election, which is the current year in case anyone at home is having trouble following, Governor John Shepard has been found dead in his home."

    "Oh wow, they're really streamlining the election process these days. They're getting assassinated before they even get elected." Zelda says to herself.

    "Chief of Police, Count Copula had this to say at a press conference tonight." The Anchor continues.

    "So the victim was found with all of his blood drained from his body with two punctures in his jugular which look like they could've been made with fangs." Chief Copula says to the reporters. "But we have no reason to believe foul play was involved so we're gonna close the investigation and say it was natural causes."

    "Hey Chief, one more question." This reporter says "I just wanted to ask you questions regarding the rumors that you don't have a reflection in the mirror."

    "No more Questions!" Chief Copula says before running over and drinking the blood from the reporter's neck.

    "Due to the death of Governor Shepard, his opponent Senator Alucard is now the only candidate remaining and is now officially President because that's just how things work in this country." The Anchor announces, really questioning how this world works.

    "Alright now that I'm President, I am officially outlawing garlic!" President Alucard says proudly.

    "Aw hell yeah, that's MY president!" Chief Copula says after taking a break from killing this reporter.

    "Also I am officially repealing the law that requires Vampires to hide from the public." President Alucard says excitedly "From here on out, Vampires will be allowed to walk the streets of Simerica without fear."

    "VAMPIRES?! In MY Country!?" Chadwick shouts in anger "We've seen some downright silly things happen in this country but Vampires is where I draw the line."

    "You don't like Vampires?" Zelda asks.

    "No, I'm not prejudiced against vampires, they're just not realistic, I only want realism in this country!" Chadwick explodes with anger.

    "Knock knock, how's my favorite neighbors tonight?" This Alien says as she enters the penthouse.

    "Oh come on in Xeeegis. I'll make some popcorn." Zelda says to her favorite Alien friend.

    Well, like it was mentioned, THE YEAR IS 2336, which means Abraham is a Toddler and isn't being ignored by his parents anymore.

    "Alright Abe, this is Broccoli. Can you say Broccoli?" Zelda asks her son as she shows him the flashcards. "You can't? Well that sucks."

    Zelda's even more famous than before, she's about to star in a big movie about cops that's been receiving a lot of publicity.

    Pretty simple plot, Zelda plays a cop who has a relationship with another cop, which is a profession that you probably shouldn't be having these relationships in.

    Just a normal movie about two cops in love with each other.

    Oh also Zelda fights an alien.

    M. Night Shyamalan is kicking himself for not coming up with THAT plot twist.

    After the movie finished filming, Zelda was invited to a crazy after party where.....she got crazy at the after party.

    At least Chadwick is here to take care of the boy.

    In the weirdest turn of events, today is a new holiday invented by President Aluc-DRACULA! Oh snap his last name is backwards for Dracula! Wow, I did not notice that when I cast my vote for him............

    Anyways he made a new holiday called the purge where people beat each other up.......Really gets the blood flowing in the streets. Here's Chadwick fighting his younger brother that no one knew he had.

    "THAT'S what you get for being younger than me." Chadwick says victoriously.

    Meanwhile, Zelda's challenging the town Luchador.

    "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE'S ZELDA!" Zelda screeches as she emerges from the dust kicked up from the fighting.

    Anyways, the purge also falls on Zelda's........33rd birthday. She might as well be a grandma in the movie industry now......Might as well throw a big party.

    Not only that she got her Great-Aunt, former President Saanvi Caliente to.......provide music for the party. Don't remember her ever playing music but okay, we're doing that now.

    Oh yeah I forgot, Purge is still going on, Minerva and Ryker are purging in the living room right now. They don't hate eachother, it's just part of the holiday.

    "Mom, don't get Dad's blood all over the floor! I spent all day mopping, I don't have maid money yet!" Zelda says as she cringes from watching her parents fight.

    That's when Octavia noticed Abraham reaching up for her.

    "What? No I'm not going to hug you, I want to watch the fight." Octavia says dismissively before being unable to fight the urge and hugs the toddler.

    Now that Minerva was victorious in her battle, she also hugs the toddler.

    That's when Zelda aged up to "Adult". I don't think she's quite there at that age yet, but the game says nope she old.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Pose.

    The next day, Octavia and Thorne both died.................................................WHICH MEANS THE BAILEY'S GET THIS AWESOME MANSION!!!!

    Hooray, something good finally happens to the celebrities.
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 11: Chapter 6: The End of The DumDum

    It's time for the Annual Simmy's Award Show! Now here's your host, Alien who looks like a human male.

    "I ask god why he made me look like this everyday. Life is torture." The Alien Who Looks Like a Human Male says in a depressed tone before immediately getting all chipper for the award show. "But anyways, here are your nominees for best Actress....The Only Nominee is Zelda Bailey.............I guess Zelda Bailey wins."

    "Wow, I can't believe I'm the best actress!" Zelda says excitedly.

    "Again, there were no other nominees." The Host says offscreen.

    So as Zelda delivered her speech, no one listened. Hell this guy blocked Chadwick's view of his wife's speech.

    "Look at my award, Abraham. Your mother is a Best Actress winner." Zelda gloats to her baby.

    "Ahjsafdsf" Abraham babbles to his mother.

    "Indeed." Zelda replies.

    Now that Zelda is officially a Simmy winner, let's see what kind of work she gets now!

    She's a guitar playing cowgirl.

    Who fights aliens.

    And this intergalactic assassin.....with a death ray.

    As you can tell by the giddy expression of the woman in the middle, she's the one who wrote this film.

    Alright let's cut to the year 2343. Here we have Abraham who is clearly now a child, just doing situps in the street. He can do that, he's a celebrity child.

    Now that Chadwick his 40's now.....Oy. Anyways, he finally found his ticket to fame. When he produces music he's literally just remixing the same four songs he made that were actual successes over and over and over again. He's just lucky that the people of the 2340's are just really stupid and gladly listen to music like that now.

    Zelda also in her 40's now. Ouch. Oh and she's finally having her second child. One child a decade sounds like a good deal.

    But now she's won several Simmy awards and is now one of the biggest celebrities in Del Sol Valley. So big that she's now officially allowed to tell her hair stylists to stop messing with her hair in movies now.

    Unfortunately since she's a prestigious actress, she's getting more offers to work in more.......serious films. AKA boring films.

    However, she's famous enough to slip in a "I need at least one sword fight or shootout per movie" clause into all of her contracts. This was supposed to be a true story based on the Duchess of Pleasantville in 1800, said Duchess never killed anyone in a sword fight, but what Zelda wants, Zelda gets.

    Having a mother like Zelda doesn't sound too bad.....until you realize that she's completely full of herself and brags about her accomplishments nonstop.

    At this point, Abraham is just filtering out everything Zelda says when she starts boasting.

    "Look at this view." Chadwick says as he looks out over at the city from the balcony. "And it's all because of mine and Zelda's money."

    "Well, Primarily Zelda's money, but still." Chadwick corrects himself.

    Well now it's Harvest Fest. Time to get the whole family together for dinner.

    "So, I heard you were one of the main characters of this generation." Abraham says to his Aunt.

    "Yeah, But I got pregnant with triplets so I had to move out or else there'd be no room for you." Yadira explains, still very upset about her plight. "So you should be thanking me right now."

    After that, Abraham paid tribute to the Harvest Fest gnomes. Hope that doesn't bite them in the butt.

    "Alright everyone, come and eat this dinner My Butl-I mean, I made." Zelda calls out to the family.

    At least there was enough room for the whole family to sit down at.

    Correction, ALMOST the whole family.

    "You're telling me you couldn't give up your seat for your elderly mother?" Minerva scolds her daughter.

    "Well I'M pregnant!" Zelda defends herself.

    "You always have an excuse." Minerva responds. In Zelda's defense, Minerva's not even THAT old.

    Yadira made one trip to the bathroom and came back.....

    "Pregnant again?!" Zelda says in shock as her sister wasn't showing like 30 minutes ago.

    "Hey like I said, I had to move out to make room for Abraham to be born, now that I have my own place I can have all the kids I want." Yadira explains casually. At least she's employed now.

    Unfortunately, the party came to an abrupt end a few minutes later.

    "Hey Zelda check it out, I'm going to stick this fork in an electrical outlet!" Ryker says excitedly.

    "Please don't." Zelda pleads with her father.

    Rest in Peace Ryker, you died as you lived......Being King Dumdum. 2287-2343.

    Well how do you carry on from the sudden death of your father? That's right buying this vault to store all your money in! Here's Chadwick playing with the money.

    "You know what else we could do with this money?" Zelda asks before pushing Chadwick into the money pile and they proceeded to defile that money.

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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 11: Chapter 7: Why Does Minerva Act So Old? She's Not Even That Old!

    Now Zelda may have bought this magic picture frame that magically updates the picture every time someone changes appearances in the household back when Abraham was a toddler, but this is the first time she's actually looking at it.

    "THAT'S what I look like right now?!" Zelda says in shock, clearly not liking what she's looking at. "I'm as big as a house, the sooner this kid comes out the better."

    "At least I still have my Simmy's." Zelda says as she looks at her many awards.

    As Chadwick and Zelda sat down for dinner, they were joined by an unexpected guest.

    "Chad, why is the paparazzi in the house?" Zelda asks under her breath.

    "I don't know, I think I locked the front door....Just don't make eye contact." Chadwick advises his wife.

    "OMG I LOVE YOU ZELDA!" The Paparazzi gushes.

    "Okay, I'll allow this." Zelda says, accepting the silly situation.

    Well looks like Minerva's moving in. She's using her newfound widowed status as an excuse to move in and have someone else take care of her. But she's not even that old!

    Well looks like Minerva will have to make herself at home without Zelda. She just went into labor! So did her doctor.

    "Where's the receptionist?!" Zelda says in the empty lobby.

    "Sorry Ma'am, I used to be alive until I stuck a fork in an electrical outlet. The Grim Reaper said I wasn't the only dumdum to do that today." The Ghost Receptionist says as he arrives to work late.

    Meanwhile in the delivery room.

    "Okay so here's the deal, I'll deliver your baby as long as you deliver mine afterwards." The Doctor says to Zelda.

    "That......doesn't sound like a good idea at all.....But you've got a deal." Zelda agrees to the arraignment.

    And that was when Aria Bailey was born in 2343.

    Oh and Chaya Bailey.....

    Oh and can't forget about Chaya Bailey.

    "I was excited to be a big brother until I found out it was triplets." Abraham says as he meets his sisters.

    "Actually.....I think I can get used to this." Abraham says as he gets all giddy over how cute his sisters are.

    Well until this happened. Abe isn't going to deal with that.

    No more relaxing in the hottub for Minerva. If she's moving in she's going to help take care of these brats.

    "See that? That's where the planet Sixam is. Our ancestors came from that planet." Minerva says, pointing out the planet to her grandson.

    "That's so cool." Abraham says, genuinely interested in the fact. "I want to go there some day."

    "I don't. Why do you think so many Sixamsians hang around on Earth? Doesn't sound like a great planet." Minerva explains.

    "Huh, good point." Abraham agrees.

    Listen, Zelda may be an out of touch celebrity, but most importantly, she's a mother. She's done this before, she can handle these kids like it's nothing.

    Oh no......All three of the Triplets just used their diapers all at once. Nevermind, Zelda needs help.

    Come on Minerva, you can at least hold one of the babies in the magic picture.

    Now that her babies are born, Zelda can return to work.

    "Okay so what movie are we making today?" Zelda asks her director.

    "We're remaking that movie where you play that Cowgirl that kills the interstellar assassin." The Director says to her Star.

    "Are you serious?" Zelda asks dumbfounded.

    "Of course I am, now put on your cowgirl hat and grab your death ray, we film in five minutes." The Director orders.

    It ain't easy being Cheesy.

    Uh oh, since Minerva lives with them now, the Too Many Minerva's disease is spreading again. Now Zelda can't see since she's not supposed to be wearing glasses, but she knows she rocks this outfit.

    Minerva was busy trying to soak up this hottub, enjoying some Minerva time.

    "Mooooooooom, Skyla just puked EVERYWHERE!" Zelda shouts from inside the house.

    Later that day, Minerva wanted to relax by sleeping in the pile of this 7.2 Million Simoleons.


    Minerva was going to go make herself a drink when suddenly.....

    "Moooom, can you grab a few bottles for the girls?" Zelda asks from the other room.

    "THAT'S IT!" Minerva shouts in anger. "If I knew I was going to help out around the house I would've stayed in my own place. That's it, I'm dying."

    "Peace out y'all, make sure to tell Abraham and the Triplets this isn't their fault. I'd just rather be dead than change another diaper." Minerva says weakly before finally dropping dead.

    Well that was a way to go out that's for sure.

    "Hey Chadwick you probably get this a lot, but I'm a big fan, can I get your autograph?" Grim says, fanboying over Chadwick.

    "Can this wait?" Chadwick says, rejecting the autograph. "My Mother in law just died."

    "Well you just peeved off the wrong guy, you're next." Grim says as he leaves the house.

    "What do you think he meant by that?" Chadwick asks the Nanny.

    "I don't know, but it looks like I have a lot more work to do now." The Nanny says in a depressed tone.

    Rest in Peace Minerva. 2285-2343, SHE WASN'T EVEN THAT OLD!
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 11: Chapter 8: I'll come up with a better title next chapter, sue me.

    It is the year 2346, which means the triplets have aged up and.........I couldn't be happier because now we can tell them apart.
    First up is Aria, then Chaya and then Skyla. Whoopie.

    "Now don't get used to getting all this attention from me, girls." Zelda says to her toddlers. "I am a very busy woman."

    They clearly need a nanny that can stay at the house 24 hours a day, the triplets all had nightmares in the same night at the same time. Have fun Mom and Dad.

    Oh and THEN when Skyla and Chaya were trying to wake up the parents, Aria decided to make a mess all over their floor. Have fun Mom and Dad.

    But alas, it is day time, Zelda's nanny is here so she can have some Zelda time. Well it would be Zelda time if the Paparazzi didn't break into her backyard.

    Oh well, she'll let them get a few pictures of her. No such thing as bad publicity.

    The Triplets were causing so much trouble that Abraham hasn't been mentioned once in this chapter. So let's remedy that, here's Abraham being mentioned in the chapter, and he's a teenager now-I do not like that shirt on him and neither does he according to this image.

    There, much better.

    "Ah, so you're a teen now." Zelda says after finally noticing her son.

    "Yeah, just kinda happened when you were too busy taking care of the girls." Abraham says understandingly.

    That's when Orange showed up.

    "Oh no, Orange please don't go on a rampage here, we just got the girls to go to sleep." Chadwick says to his older brother.

    "Don't worry, I've actually been receiving some great treatment for my Gamma exposure." Orange explains, using full sentences "I may still be freakishly huge, but my rage and desire to smash things have all but faded."

    "Oh, that's great man!" Chadwick says in support for his brother. "Say, how did you get in the house?"

    "Oh, you're going to need a new door. ORANGE SMASH!" Orange says jokingly.....well, half jokingly since he did indeed smash the door.

    Zelda finally began filming the movie adaptation of Abraham's favorite super hero, Captain Sigma! Captain Sigma isn't a woman in the comics, but Zelda's too famous for producers to not cast her in this movie.

    "But seriously though, do I really have to wear the chicken mask?" Zelda asks the director.

    "Hey, it's accurate to the source material." The Director explains to Zelda.

    "Captain Sigma was a man in the source material, obviously we aren't trying to be 100% faithful to it." Zelda retorts.

    Well the Director won the argument and Zelda has to wear the stupid chicken mask in the movie. But Zelda can forgive the mask because she gets to have a cool laser sword battle.

    And everyone knows, the quickest way to Zelda's heart is with a sword fight.

    So Winterfest was pretty successful this year, with the money Zelda brought home from Captain Sigma she could've bought everyone their own private island.

    Oh wow, a black skinny Father Winter. No one's seen one of those before.

    "You guys couldn't save me anything?" Father Winter says sadly as he looks at everyone eating dinner.

    "Don't you have to travel the whole world tonight?" Abraham asks.

    "Yeah but I still like to sit down for a nice meal." Father Winter explains.

    Just because of that, Abraham got coal for Winterfest.

    For Zelda however, this Father Winter thought Captain Sigma was the best comic book movie of the year. So she received the Deed to Ireland.

    Some time after the Winterfest party, Zelda and Chadwick decided to have some fun in the money pile!

    After the love making was over, Zelda closed up and locked the vault. Can't have a commoner like the Nanny stealing their money can they?

    Meanwhile in the vault....

    "THERE'S NO AIR VENTS IN HERE! I AM SUFFOCATING!" Chadwick shouts as he was unknowingly locked in the vault.

    Abraham decided to invite his classmate over, for some reason she can only visit at night.

    Meet Kala Ibbotson, I'm sure her weird attire and weirdly sharp teeth aren't making her look suspicious to Abe.

    Nothing Suspicious at all.

    I think they're going to be pretty good friends due to how normal Kala is.

    Here we see Chadwick learning the downside about loving triplets. Give one of them love....

    Then you better be ready to love the others as well.

    OR THEY'LL HATE YOU!!!! Wonder why Zelda's not helping out with the kids right now?

    Oh that's right, she was busy at a celebrity party getting craaaaaaaazy. Listen, she had to wear a chicken mask in a movie, let her have this moment.
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 11: Chapter 9: I'm Being Sued For Not Giving My Last Chapter a Decent Title. Ouch.

    We're doing an old fashioned timeskip so I can skip past my lawsuit, I live in a box now, anyways it's THE YEAR 2353, that lawsuit took a long while to get through, they took my kids.

    But anyways, we have Zelda acting in her most important movie ever, Simming in the Rain..........It's a musical that wasn't meant to make any real money, just win awards, so it bombed badly. But of course the Director exclusively casts Zelda in roles where she's in a same sex relationship apparently.

    EVERYONE SHUT UP! It's time for Zelda's big dance number.

    Unfortunately in Simerica, no one knows how to do any other dance except for a good Ol' Pop n' Lock. Break it down Zelda, break it down.

    Like I said, the movie FAILED in the box office, only people who bought a ticket were Abraham and his weird girlfriend Kala. BUT the movie got Zelda so many awards that she finally made it....the top of stardom itself. And now she gets her name on the Del Sol Walk of Fame.

    "Yes......MY TIME IS NOW!!!" Zelda shouted as loud as she could into the sky above.

    "Yadira, get out of my way or I WILL kill you." Zelda threatens her sister.

    Later that night, said weird girlfriend Kala came over to get an autograph from Zelda. Might as well since she's the biggest star on the planet right now.

    She might also drink her blood too.

    "No I won't, hiss." Kala says in the least suspicious way ever.

    The next day, the Bailey triplets started off their day with a rousing video game.

    "Hey girls, wanna hear about how I got my 14th Simmy Award?" Zelda says, trying to brag to her daughters.

    "No." They all said in unison.

    Oh yeah, the Bailey Triplets are 10 years old now.....Ahem.
    Skyla. There, you can tell them apart now.

    Some weeks later, there's a knock on the door.

    "Well who could that be?" Zelda says sarcastically.

    Well if it isn't Igor Ibbotson! Back from the very first chapter of this story.

    "Well sounds like the weird voice in the sky already told me your name." Zelda says to the vampire. "What brings you over?"

    "I'm actually just here because our your son is getting quite serious with my daughter." Igor says plainly as he sizzles in the sunlight.

    "That sizzling sounds painful, why aren't you indoors?" Zelda asks.

    "Well, as a Vampire I have to be welcomed in anywhere I go......Really defeats the purpose of being a dangerous creature of the night." Igor says as the sizzling gets more intense.

    "Well then come on in!" Zelda says to her new friend.

    Now that they're indoors and Zelda magically changed her outfit they can begin.

    "So you said you're a vampire?" Zelda asks.

    "You're not concerned about that?" Igor asks.

    "Well I mean, Abraham's still clueless but I put two and two together and determined that Kala's a vampire." Zelda answers.

    "Oh good, there goes half of what I had prepared to say." Igor says warmly. "I was going to warn Abraham about what he's getting into, after all Kala's 150 years old now."

    "She's what?" Zelda asks in disbelief.

    "But anyways, I just wanted to tell you about how I've been watching your family tree for the last 300 years keeping you all safe." Igor states.

    "But.....there's been so many horrible things to happen to my family over the generations." Zelda questions his motive.

    "Well I'm not Superman, I can only do so much." Igor says again.

    "Well that's great, why would you watch over us like this?" Zelda asks once again.

    "Well because your ancestor hooked me up with my loving wife Hela. Wanna meet her?" Igor asks.

    "That sounds wonderful." Zelda says excitedly.

    Immediately a bat flew into the room and revealed it's no bat, it's a woman, baby!

    "Hi." Hela says.

    "It's wonderful to meet both of you." Zelda says warmly.

    "Just don't expect Hela to speak anymore. She doesn't talk much, she's maybe said 15 words to me over the last 300 years." Igor explains to the human. "Isn't that right dear?"

    Hela just stands there in silence.

    "Anyways, we should get together for dinner one night, I just pray we never do combat." Igor says with a weirdly ominous warning before leaving.

    So it was New Years Eve, so obviously Zelda threw a party....but not just any party....a Black and White Party which just makes them look fancier! But she planned this party at 11:47 at night, so the Bailey's celebrated New Years before a single guest could show up.

    Aww yeah, happy new year everyone!

    Kala was already present because she and Abraham were doing............Things upstairs. So she didn't even realize she was invited to the party and needed to get dressed.

    There we go, Kala has her own black outfit and Abraham still doesn't suspect a thing.

    "So I know we've been dating for......well, since we were in Highschool so we already have each other's phone numbers." Abraham explains "But we could exchange numbers.......Romantically now."

    And so Abraham and Kala Romantically exchanged phone numbers.

    "Hiss" Kala said softly under her breath.

    That's when the ghost of Minerva arrived and.......are you REALLY going to miss the opportunity to get an autograph from Ghost Grandma?

    As the party was wrapping up, Chadwick was busy serenading Zelda.

    "That's it. Me. You. Bed. Now." Zelda says to Chadwick in a sultry tone.

    Chapter ends with Chadwick getting lucky, huzzah!
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Generation 11: Chapter 10: Wow This Generation Lasted Longer than Generation 10.

    Previously on..........This. Chadwick got lucky.

    In this chapter of..........This. Zelda is pregnant.

    Ignoring the fact that he's going to be having another child in his 50's, Chadwick went down to his Record Label to talk to his boss.

    "Yo Whats up, I was thinking for my next song I remix the song I've remixed 82 times in the past." Chadwick says with swagger as he walks into the office.

    "Chadwick please sit down." The Record Label Boss says with an annoyed tone.

    "Umm.....Is this about that song I just remixed for the 97th time?" Chadwick asks with concern.

    "Chadwick, your Simify numbers are astronomically low. Your audience is gone." The Boss says with anger. "This is a young man's game."

    "Surely I just need to focus on making more remixes, people can't be that superficial that they'd stop listening to me just based on my age." Chadwick responds.

    "No! It has EVERYTHING to do with your age! All the comments on your latest song can be summed up with 'This guy is 50'. It's over, Bailey." The Boss says angrily.

    "Nonsense, I just need to appeal to the younger demographics." Chadwick says, ignoring everything said by the boss.

    Even though she's pregnant, Zelda has been going to more crazy celebrity parties.

    "Dude, Chadwick what are you doing?" Zelda says, sounding very dazed and confused.

    "I'm trying to get more clout on the internet so I bought a shark pond." Chadwick explains to her.

    "Come here sharky." Chadwick says as he feeds his cute pet shark.

    Apparently, seeing her husband buying a shark pond.....made her pretty flirty. But immediately after hugging Chadwick, Zelda needed to go lay down.

    After that, Chadwick decided to stand outside and pose for any paparazzi walking by.

    "Oh yeah I forgot you existed." The Paparazzi says as they finally notice Chadwick. "Hey can you get your wife out here instead?"

    Now, Abraham is an adult he decided he was going to follow in his parent's footsteps in the entertainment industry.....He sang one verse of a song before realizing he doesn't like singing has given up on the entertainment industry.

    So instead he's going to focus on pumping his guns.

    Oh look, the Paparazzi is here for Zelda. Not for Chadwick

    So Chadwick decided to try and get their attention with........Something stupid.

    "Yo whats up, Chadders." Chadwick says to his Online Audience, calling them the nickname he gave them. "Ol' Chad here is going to jump in my shark pond! Don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe for more content! #JustAPrankBro #YOLO."

    Five seconds later.

    "OH GOD, THEY'RE RIPPING ME APART!" Chadwick shouts as the sharks swarm him.

    "Oh no!" Zelda shouts in fear "Someone help him!"

    "Well the fact that I'm here says that it's too late to save him." The Grim Reaper says as shows up.


    "What a shame, if only he learned that fame isn't the only important aspect of life." Grim says solemnly as he goes through the typical Grim Reaping.

    "Oh well, his soul is mine now." Grim says as he takes Chadwick's soul.

    Rest in Peace Chadwick Bailey. 2302-2353.

    "His soul is mine.......and hopefully....Your heart.....Backrub?" Grim says as he flirts with Zelda. "I've always been a huge fan."

    "Well my husband is dead but it's never a bad time for a backrub." Zelda says, accepting the backrub. "But don't think this is going anywhere."

    Okay, NOW Zelda can properly mourn Chadwick.

    Geez, talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
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