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The Whittaker Saga - 1937: A world in turmoil, and a new foal (6/9)


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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    Edward and William's birthday and an updated family tree:

    As the week ends together with the year 1913, Alice and Anna are spending as much time as they can get away with before the boys' birthday party. They talk, cloudgaze and dream about their future. Tomorrow it's Alice's turn to leave for university, as Anna tries to figure out what to do with her life, but today they're just two sisters watching the sky.

    Soon enough, however, they need to head inside, as the entire family and all the kids in the neighborhood fill up the house for the boys birthday party. Joseph plays the violin, Abigail reads to the youngest kids, there is food and cake and as soon as they can get away with it, young Edward and William sneak away to play by themselves in William's room. Who need other kids when you have each other?

    For Abigail this is a strange birthday. On the one hand she's proud of her little boy, on the other it will be the first time in almost twenty years that there will be no babies or toddlers either in the house or on the way. What will she do with all her time? Charity work? Temperence movement? Help Emily? She is almost as clueless as her daughter.

    But here are our two birthday boys:

    And here is an updated family tree:
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited November 2023
    In which Alice starts university, Emily celebrates a birthday and a war breaks out in Europe

    As a new week starts, so does Alice's new life as a university student. As she settles in, she writes to her sister:

    Dear Anna,

    So now I'm finally here. I have barely settled in, but I already feel at home. It's just as you described it, even Miss Tanner. She's not the friendliest of women, is she? The other girls in the dorm seems nice, and chatty. I can barely read my homework for how much they want to talk all the time. My first classes has started, and they're tough but fun. Especially the acting classes. The others are mostly about how to get charisma. I suppose it is something you need at the theatre, but I do wish there were more proper acting lessons. I have yet to start an acting club, but as I get more comfortable, I do intend to start one, just like you said, but I want to settle in properly first. Britechester is so beautiful, I think I will be happy here.

    Lizzie sends her best. I can't believe my luck that she's here, sleeping in the bed next to me. It's both a source of immense joy and sweet torture. To have her so close and yet so far away. There are times, when she looks at me, that I think my very breath might stop and I dare see a glimmer of a hope that I am not alone in this madness. In this... strangeness that is me. But they are fleeting moments and then I come to my senses again. I know I need to be strong and not give in to these impulses, but value the friendship I have. Pray for my strength my dearest sister, that I might come through the phase that this surely must be.

    I hope everything is well with you and everyone else. I cannot believe I'm going to miss Thanksgiving with all of you, and Emily's and Frank's birthdays! But I will see you all over Christmas break. I so look forward to it.

    Give everyone my love.
    Your loving sister,


    Dear Alice,

    I am so happy to hear from you, and to hear that you are settling in. I will not try to understand what you are feeling or going through, as I have never had any inclination of any romantic feelings. Perhaps you are not the one who are not as you should be, perhaps I am who seems unable to feel any such emotions at all? I will, of course, pray for your strength, but do not worry, you are far stronger than you give yourself credit for, and no matter what do know that I love you for all that you are. Stay focused on your studies, and remember your dream. That is more important than anything else.

    Here things are in chaos, or perhaps it's just me who is and everything is far too ordinary. Did you see the headlines? Of course you did. I cannot believe it! I know the papers has warned about it for months, for years, but those warnings have become so commonplace that I did not actually believe it would happen. War in Europe! Frank and father are certain it will not affect us, but Nathaniel thinks differently. I do not know myself, but I cannot see how we with a good conscience can stay out of it, either. How can anyone? I do not know what to do, but I do know I will have to do something. Perhaps mother's charity club can do something? I know she'd be delighted if I actually got involved. If it can help people, maybe I should.

    Speaking of helping people, tragedy struck in town. Reverend Hutson died. Mum is so upset. But not only him, but his illness took his wife as well. The children seems safe, for now, but obviously has no where to go. It's not as if anyone will take in both, especially not when both their parents died of illness. I feel so sorry for them. I cannot imagine losing either mother and father, as much as I complain, but both and nearly at the same time too? It's a faith too horrible to contemplate.

    Everyone sends their love. Emily had her birthday party last night. It went well enough, though she does look a bit tired lately. She says baby Harold is a darling, however and not demanding at all. She was in a good mood, as was Frank for once. I think crisis mode suits him, he got to talk politics and sound important. Oh, I know, I should not speak of our brother like that, but at times it just seems as if he got into politics to hear himself speak. Or maybe it's just my own arrogance talking, because he does not share my views. But seeing what men can do with this world, starting wars that makes women widows and orphans, how can anyone think it right not to allow women to have the vote. Surely we'd make wiser choices?

    But I will stop boring you with politics, I know it never interested you the way it does me. Thanksgiving will be strange without you, but Christmas is soon, and then we'll be together again. I cannot wait until then.

    Your loving sister,

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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited November 2023
    A letter to Alice

    Dear Alice,

    I hope my letter finds you well as I long to hear from you. Most likely this letter will find you almost as soon as my last, but I feel I need to write to someone least my frustrations get the best of me.

    Mother had her charity club here today. You know how I always thought they were just a bunch of women talking but doing little. Well, after joining the meeting today I cannot say that my view has changed much. They're all horrified by the war, of course, and talk about the need of action, but then settle on things like knitting sweaters or hosting charity balls. Can they find no more direct way to take action? I have never been patient enough to knit, and as you know I abhor balls. Why spend so much money on entertainment when you could just ask people for money? I do not know what to do myself, but I do feel the need to do something other than eating and chatting and hosting parties!

    In other news, we have a new reverend. I have not met him yet, but everyone speaks highly of him, especially since he took in the Hutson-boy into his household. No one else would. I suppose it does speak to his merits, but I cannot help but to wonder why he only took the boy and not the girl too. Josephine informs me she has left school, and Emily said that she has taken position in the Godeau household as a maid. What would it be like to live next to the house you've called a home your entire life, to see your own brother come and go to school while you are now cut off from that life? People say this is a good thing, that both children are now taken care of, but I cannot help but to feel there is a deep injustice here. What about her dreams? Her hopes for her future? No one dreams of becoming a maid, how could anyone possibly dream of that?

    I do hope you are well, and that your studies are going well, and that you have some time off for Thanksgiving at least. Write to me soon to let me know all is well.

    Miss you terribly.
    Your loving sister,

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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    Alice: in which she experience something special

    Dear Anna,

    I write to you know, knowing that I will see you before this letter can be replied, because if I do not commit this to paper now, I am afraid I will never dare to speak of it. Or I will start believing tonight never happened and this was all a dream or a fantasy, some warped version of reality that could never come to be. I do not understand, and I still struggle to accept, but my heart is soaring tonight and there is nothing my mind can do to keep it still or silence the desire it feels.

    Lizzie kissed me!

    There I said it. She kissed me. And I kissed back. And for a moment in time it felt as if all was right with the world. No hesitation, no self doubt, no uncertainty, just a moment of absolute clarity.

    I am so sorry dear sister, for subjecting you to secrets you should never be required to keep, and I wish... no, that is a lie. I no longer wish for normalcy, because how can I wish for that when all I my heart is crying out for is the very opposite or normal? You advice me to stay focused on my studies, but how can I when I can barely think? All I am capable of tonight is feeling, and I know everyone in the world will tell me this is wrong and sinful, but it felt so right. It felt...natural, simple, and so much more that I cannot wrap my head around to write or express in words.

    Many would say that I should feel guilty, but the only think I feel guilty of is not properly replying to your letter. There was so much in there, so many things I should think about, say something about, but there is no room left in my head to think of anything but tonight. I must get to bed, last light was long ago and I'm writing in the light of the fireplace. I will see you soon, before you have the chance to reply to me, I'm certain.

    Burn my letter, will you do that for me? I cannot bare the thought that father or mother may inadvertently see this. If you want them, I'll share all the details of what happened with you when I see you for Christmas. If you do not, I will understand and speak no more of it.

    All my love,

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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    Alice returns home for the holidays

    As Alice is having her transformative experiences in Britechester, life goes on in its own pace in the Whittaker households. Thanksgiving is a quiet affair where they after dinner just spend time together. Abigail teaches Melanie to knit, the boys play together in Williams room, Joseph reads to the children. On Saturday Frank hosts a small birthday party for his closest friends. It's a fairly successful affair, or so Emily thinks, especially as Frank stays in and does not go out with James and Mathias after the evening is over. Her boys are developing well, Harold oh so quickly, and Edward and John seem to take care of each other, playing in the first snow of the season. The scout movement has been good for them, she thinks. Taking them out of the house on the long weekends where Frank is more likely to be in a foul mood.

    The new reverend is proving interesting and provides the town with plenty of gossip as he quickly marries Viviana Sinclair. How such as fast marriage is possible no one knows, but it surprises everyone as Viviana has not looked at another man since the death of her husband all those many years ago. And then the poor Hutson girl seems to be cursed, as the Godeaus, both of them, dropped dead within days of her joining them as their maid. Now no one dares to take in the poor girl, even for work, and she is shipped off to Britechester to work there. (Do we have our very own Typhoid-Mary in the game?) Rhett is now the only Godeau left, and will be the most eligible bachelor in town the moment he returns from university. But for all the gossip in town, the reverend does prove himself as he holds his first sermon burning with fury about the war and encouraging action and commitment from his parish. Anna hangs on every word as he says the things she's been thinking. "We cannot leave people to fend for themselves, it's our duty to help when we have the ability."

    Then finally, it's time for Alice to return for Christmas break. Anna, having read her letter but being unable to respond in time, runs out the door to greet her sister.

    She (im)patiently waits while Alice goes inside to greet everyone else:

    Then quickly snatches her away and brings her back to her room. Locking the door so no one can come in she implores her sister to tell her everything and leave nothing out:

    And Alice does. She tells her sister about the small Thanksgiving dinner they had in the dorm. About how she and Lizzie kept looking at each other and how she couldn't tear her eyes away from her. She tells her about how badly Lizzie wanted to visit the pub in town, and how she went along, and how while everyone else were partying and celebrating in the center of the room the two of them found a table far, far in the back and just talked all night. She tells her about the way Lizzie looked in the light from the fire, about their slow walk home after a couple of glasses of nectar. About how Lizzie suddenly took her hands and how she couldn't resist for a moment longer. She tells her about the first kiss, and the next, and how the two took forever to get home because they could not stop kissing. She tells her how right it felt, even though she knows it's supposedly wrong.

    Anna is worried. "How do you know it was not just the nectar?"
    Alice shrugs. "I know what I feel, I trust in what Lizzie feels."
    "Have you kissed since?"
    "There hasn't been opportunity. There is always people around, but I am not worried."
    "Just be careful." Anna warns. Alice promises she'll try.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    It's Christmas Time

    Christmas this year started with a wedding. Yes, that's right, it was time for Betty and George to get married. Abigail might have been a bit peeved that she did not get a wedding for her own daughter, but Anna was delighted at the sight of her two friends being so happy (and relieved that she dodged the bullet on that one). Betty was a beautiful bride, and the two moved into one of Newcrests (soon to be functioning) townhouses.

    The rest of the week was a time for family. On Winterfest Eve they went to Ida and Nathaniel's place:

    The kids got so wrapped up in their snowball fight that the adults had to come out and tell them it was time to go home.

    Winterfest itself, was per usual spent in the Whittaker house, with everyone crowding into the living room, chatting and opening presents, or playing instruments and games upstairs. The morning started with Abigail and Joseph getting up extra early to decorate the tree.

    But while all this seems perfect, there are still those who are not happy. Frank is having deep rooted confidence issues, and a feeling of disconnect from everyone in the family. As Boxing day comes around, his and Emily's time to run the show for the evening, he is feeling less and less content. With four children, whereas one toddler and one infant, Emily and Frank rarely have the time to speak to each other at all anymore. He's normally out the door before she has time to even sit down for breakfast, and when he comes home she's usually pretty exhausted. Even with all day together at home, Emily is busy preparing the children and house for a family gathering, and Frank is worried that this might not be worth it. Could there be someone else to make him happier? Divorce is of course not an option, but a lover might be easier to arrange? Should he? Or should he instead try to make more time for the family?

    Frank's misgivings aside, the family gathering goes over well. There is good food and lots of conversation, and Emily has a chance to get to know her aunt's new husband a bit better. Anna, however, is getting a bit tired with so much talking. She finds herself a corner and a book for a little while.

    On New Year's Eve, it's the yearly Duncan Charity Ball and for once Anna isn't entirely opposed. She still thinks there must be better ways to help, but at least it's doing something, even if it's mostly an excuse to show off young women to men who might marry them (it's Josephine's turn this time around). But to her great surprise, this night turns out better than she'd expected, for among the guests is Charles Edwardson, who has apparently decided to join the army. Even Anna thinks he looks dashing in his uniform, but more importantly he has information to share. About how men like him, who cannot idly sit by while others are dying, are joining up with the Canadian army to ship overseas even if the US has not joined the war. "I wish I could join too," Anna says, in awe of such bravery. "Well, they are crying out for nurses. Didn't you study biology?" Charles replies. For Anna it's as if an entire new world of opportunities opened up. As they gather outside to watch the fireworks that rings out 1914 and rings in 1915, Anna makes her resolution, that when Alice returns to Britechester after the holidays, she's volunteering as a nurse. No more sitting around, no more parties or asking for donations. She's going to make a difference!
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    Alice returns to university and Anna volunteers as a nurse

    The new year starts with a birthday and the announcement of a new child. Madison, daughter of Ida and Nathaniel, was born on New Years Day, five years ago and so it's time for her to age up to a child. With all the family gatherings over the last week both Ida and Nathaniel are a bit tired of big parties, especially since Ida is pregnant again. But they do invite grandma and grandpa, and therefore everyone one else who lives in the household. It's smaller, but still a big gathering. Madison is pleased however. Ida is mostly pleased when everyone goes home so she can get some rest. This third pregnancy is tough on her. But she cannot wait to meet her new baby. Austen is born two days later.

    One who did not make the party, was Alice. She instead was on a train bringing her back to Britechester and back to Elizabeth. Lizzie was eager to greet her when she returned, but as usual, there were people around so as much as Alice wanted to leap into her arms and kiss her madly, a hug would have to do. Later that night, as they sat in the study room doing their homework, Alice couldn't wait for the two of them to be truly alone. This waiting and being patient part is hard, but what to do when what you most want in live is not only frowned upon, but actually illegal?

    The very next morning, Anna headed into Newcrest and into the recruitment office that has been set up at city hall. She met with a very young recruiter, who told her the requirements and gave her her new clothes and took her picture.

    When she came home, wearing her new uniform, her mother was less than impressed. In truth, she was terrified. Her beloved daughter going off into a war zone? But of course it ended with an argument. "Forget it! You're not going! I won't allow it!" "You can't stop me, I'm an adult woman and it's my life!" Joseph too is scared, but mostly sad, and instead of yelling like Abigail does, he pleads, but this too falls on deaf ears. "I need to do something. I yearn to help. It is not possible for me to sit idly by, daddy!" Anna explains as she comforts him and explains why she absolutely has to go. There is nothing either parent can do. Anna has made up her mind, and all they can do now, is pray for her safety.

    Anna ships off the very next morning, first to Canada for her training (which is next to nothing), then to the small French town of Glimmerbrook to serve at an evacuation "hospital", which is little less than a tent in a ruin in a town that has seen heavy shelling in the last few months. But none of this is known to her yet, as she writes to her sister in anticipation:

    Dearest Alice,

    I should have told you I was leaving, but I did not want anything to disrupt your studies, but now I am on route to Canada for my training. My imagination has caught fire. I visualize myself driving an ambulance along the line of battle, aiding and comforting the wounded, or kneeling beside wounded men and nursing them back to health. I realise my imagination is likely running away with me, but I cannot help it. For the first time in my life I feel as if I am doing something worth while. Something that matters, that will make a difference. And as brave men are dying in pain, how can I not offer what I know to relieve their suffering? I will write to you as often as I can, but expect letters to take longer to reach you. I miss you. I love you. I wish you were here.

    Your loving sister,

    Glimmerbrook in the midst of war (all buildings are found on the gallery, including the field hospital and the bombed out one in the middle. The three houses (as they soon will be for real), were intact in the gallery, I just wrecked one of them):

    And an updated family tree with the newest addition and changes:
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    flauschtrudflauschtrud Posts: 248 Member
    @JAL :
    Good that Anna was able to leave. The working in a field hospital reminds me a little of Downton Abbey :)
    I make gameplay mods! You can find them at CurseForge.
    My first attempt at creating a Sims comic: The Parker-Goth Legacy.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited December 2023
    @flauschtrud: I am too, I'm so looking forward to playing in a new world with new people and new gameplay. Of course once the patch and new pack is out I will probably have to take a break while they fix all the mods I have, but hopefully that won't be too long. In the meantime, here is Alices account of what is going on in Britechester.

    Dearest Anna,

    Do not apologize for not telling me in advance, did you really think I did not know that you were leaving? I knew the moment I heart Charles mention the need for nurses. I do know I do not always keep up with the news, or engage myself the way you do, but I am not oblivious to the reports from the front, or the suffering of the people there. How could you do anything else and still remain yourself? Now whether our parents knew that is another matter. Please tell me you told them gently? Oh, who am I trying to fool? You surprised them after the fact, did you not? And mother and you got into an argument, didn't you? Do not be too cross with her, she worries about you. She cannot understand why you'd not rather live in safety, because it's what she wishes. Do write home often, our parents, both our parents, will be sick with worry for you. As will I!

    Things are getting back to a sort of normal here, though it's a strange kind of normal. Classes are harder and more demanding, as I suppose they must be, but also more inspirational. Did you know that more than a third of the population goes to see films every single week? That they are building huge outdoor studios in Del Sol Valley just to keep production up to meet the demand? The more I learn in my classes, the less theatre seems to be the future of the industry. Film is, and film is happening in Del Sol Valley. I dare not think about what our parents would think if I too left the comfort of their home for adventures elsewhere, but if your imagination is running away with you to France and the war, mine is running to the studios of Del Sol Valley.

    Do you think Lizzie would ever think to go with me? I wish I dared to ask. Am I demanding too much? Of course I am. I cannot help but to be jealous of people like Ida, who can flaunt her love for her husband. Lizzie and I pretend to be only friends in public, doing our homework and eating our meals as everyone else. Yet the moment we are alone... a stolen kiss. A brush of the hand.

    Her brother has moved to Britechester with his new wife, by the way. It makes it even harder. Even when out walking we risk constantly to run into him, his wife, or anyone of our dorm. And yet I cannot but long for another stolen kiss. Maybe persuading her to move somewhere far away where no one knows us will be easier than I think. We can live as friends, but have a place of our own. But now I'm being a dreamer again. I need to stop this folly.

    Mother told me in her last letter that Ida had her baby, their first boy, Austen. Of course mother think he's the cutest thing in the world. Knowing Ida, he probably is too.

    Do let me know what is going on with you, and assure me that you are safe. And write also to our parents to relieve their worry and fear. Be safe, and take care.

    Your loving sister,

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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited December 2023
    In which Anna writes home

    Patch day and so the last day of posting until all mods are either cleared or updated. But I do have time for one last post before I take my building hiatus. And this time it's Anna's turn to write.

    A small note about her letters. While I have made up most of what is in them based on the screenshot in the game, I have also added bits and pieces from actual letters and diaries written by American nurses who went to France to serve in the war. Online, I found an essay about these very brave women with extracts from the things they had written or shared in other ways, and I cannot help but to incorporate these into Anna's letters home. This way I can bring some real piece of history to the story, and give a glimpse of the conditions these women lived and worked under.

    Dear mum and dad,

    I have arrived safely in Glimmerbrook, a beautiful little French town where the evacuation hospital is located. The hospital, if one could call it that, is little more than a tent hosted in the ruins of an abbey that must once have been beautiful, but which has been damaged by the bombs that once fell here. Do not be alarmed, however, the front has moved on and we've been promised the area is quite safe. They would not put a hospital here if it were not, after all.

    The house we sleep in is an old manor home that has seen better days, but it's easy to picture it in its grandeur. It must have been a beautiful place. My own room is small, but adequate. For us, it's merely a place to eat and sleep, and we spend next to no time at the house itself, as the soldiers need us and we're dreadfully understaffed. There are three of us here, and then Madame Bain who more or less runs the entire hospital. Only the doctor do not officially serve under her, though he too listens when she speak.

    There is so much to do, and we are constantly tired, but the work is its own reward. To go on duty in a large tent and find strange, haggard, unshaven faces, to know that you alone are responsible for the well-being of a certain number and to see the change in their general condition and the improvement in their wounds after a few days care is reward for your work which no other work in the world can give. Yet sometimes I feel like I will never be enough. Oh, mother if you could urge your charity members to send more of everything. We need medicine, blankets, sweaters, bandages. Nothing is in enough supply and these poor men have nothing but the tent to provide them any kind of shelter from the freezing temperature. I know neither one of you wanted me to leave, but do think well of me because I have never done anything more important in my life, nor am I likely to do so again.

    Your loving daughter,


    Dearest Alice,

    It warms my heart to hear from you, and to hear of your plans for the future. Never have I known cold like this, but your letter was enough to bring warmth back to me again. Of course you should go to Del Sol Valley, with or without Lizzie! Do not let anyone, not our parents, nor Lizzie, dictate what you do in life. Do not let go of your dreams. Not for anyone.

    As for me, I have arrived safely in France. I thought we'd get more time training in Canada before we were shipped off, but the need is too great and we are too few. The shipping over was horrible, nothing like the smooth comfortable sailing that our parents and Ida spoke about. Of course, they travelled in the middle of summer rather than in the month of January, but pleasant it was not. I was utterly grateful to set foot on solid land again once we were here.

    Oh, how can I start to describe what it's like here? It's cold, most of all. In fact, it's freezing. The house we stay in is stately, or used to be, but was damaged in a bombardment of the village some time ago. Not as badly as some of the other houses in town. We still have a roof over our heads and walls that are intact. A few cracks, some damage to the wall paper and a cracked window is all that you can see apart from the crater in the garden outside. The heating was damaged, however, and apart from the fireplaces, there is no additional heating. We sleep with all our clothes on at night, or try to, for the front is close and we hear the shelling constantly through the night. Yet for all the discomfort (of which I told very little to our parents) I would not change it for the world, and in comparison to the poor men in the trenches or even at the evacuation hospital we live in absolute luxury.

    To be fair, I do not believe I could tell you with any accuracy the conditions under which these men live. You would simply not believe me. No amount of reading or imagination prepares one for the sight of wounded from the front. One cannot describe it; one must see it to feel it. Apart from the suffering, one's principal impression is that one has never seen so much mud caked on to human beings! And then one wonders at their great, enduring patience. The hospital is nothing more than a tent with a few heaters that might burn the entire thing down at any moment. We are not nearly enough nurses, and everything is in short supply, and all we can do is pray for a quick spring, so that at least the cold will not kill our patients.

    I think you would sicken with fright if you could see the operations that we are called upon to perform-the putting in of drains, the washing of wounds so huge and ghastly as to make one marvel at the endurance that is man's, the digging about for bits of shrapnel. Yet for all the cruelty and suffering there is no where in the world I would rather be. Just sitting around a fire in the freezing cold eating mushroom soup for the third day in a row since no new supplies has arrived, fires my blood like iron. I'm not going to miss this for anything in the world, and neither starvation nor cholera nor anything else will drive me away. I can't imagine how any nurse can sit by when she is so badly needed over here.

    Keep me in your thoughts, and I will keep you in mine here. That way we will never be far from each other.

    Your loving sister,

    Post edited by JAL on
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    @Kellogg_J_Kellogg She'll have to ask her sister to promote those when she get famous ;)
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited February 24
    Alice: Getting caught

    While Anna is struggling at the front, life is moving on as usual at Britechester. Alice is doing well in her classes and enjoying her relationship with Lizzie even if it needs to be held in secret. It's strange, but sometimes Alice feels as giddy as a child, to the point where she and Lizzie end up having a snowpal-building contest in the snow after dinner one night.

    They return to the dorm cold but happy, only to find the entire place nearly deserted. Only one student is present and she quickly disappears again. As they go back to their room they sit down to talk, only to find each other too close. What could possibly go wrong? They're alone after all.

    They're so wrapped up in each other that they fail to hear the door as it opens as Miss Tanner enters the room. She is not pleased with what she sees.

    Chewing them both out, she yanks them both in, one after the other to her office. Elizabeth tries to explain herself but to no avail.

    As it's Alice's turn the choice is clear that no pleas will help their case. They are presented with a choice: leave quietly or risk expulsion after a public hearing that will expose them both not only at the university but to their parents.

    Lizzie is already packing when Alice enters. Her mind is made up. Nothing can be worse than exposure. She's going home, and right away, and she blames Alice for everything that has happened as she breaks up with her:

    As Lizzie drops out and returns home for a marriage of her parents choosing, Alice is left alone with her broken heart. What should she do? She writes to her sister in despair:

    Dearest Anna,

    I'm writing this by the light of the fire as the lights of the dorm has long been turned out for the night, and yet I seem to struggle to get anything at all on the page. How different is not this letter from the one I wrote by firelight last! Back then, it feels like a lifetime ago, the world was beautiful and filled with promise, while now it's dark and empty. Oh Anna, I've been so reckless. How disappointed will you not be with me? For all the times you warned to be careful!

    If you have not deduced it before, Lizzie and I were caught. Miss Tanner is furious. She's talking about expulsion. Lizzie has packed up and left. Britechester, university, and me. There is no future there, and possibly not here, but the idea to return home in shame... I cannot! Oh, Anna what should I do? I wish you were here to guide me. Right now it just feel as if my life is over, and I'm entirely lost. I wish you were here so much it hurts.

    Your loving sister,
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    flauschtrudflauschtrud Posts: 248 Member
    Oh no, poor Alice 🥺
    I make gameplay mods! You can find them at CurseForge.
    My first attempt at creating a Sims comic: The Parker-Goth Legacy.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    Alice heads to Del Sol Valley

    The very next morning, Alice is in pieces. She has barely slept, cried her way through most of the night and as she walks around Britechester, everything seems to have lost its charm. Not only does the loss of Lizzie weigh heavy on her heart, she also have a very hard decision to make. Fight for her place at Britechester, with the result that everyone, including her parents, will know what she was caught doing, or leave on her own accord and save some of her reputation, but risk losing her future. All morning, she wonders around, trying to wrap her head around her choices while wishing she could just curl up somewhere and cry instead.

    Eventually, she decides to ask for advice from one of her favourite teachers, hoping she'll get some useful advice without having to share what has really happened. Of course she has no such luck. Miss Tanner has already spread the word, and her teacher says she can do nothing to help her at Britechester. "Perhaps Del Sol Valley is a better place for you. Nothing says you need an education to make it as an actress there." Before Alice leaves, she has an address for somewhere to stay should she choose to act on the advice.

    As much as she had wished for some help to stay at Britechester and continue her studies, Alice also recognises a chance when she sees one. Signing her papers to drop out is hard, but by the end of the day she has a train ticket that will take her across the country. Before leaving she pens a quick telegram to her parents, fearing they'll hear from the university before she has time to write a proper letter if she sends nothing.

    Left Britechester for Del Sol Valley on the advice from my professor. Acting opportunities better there. Has arrangements for a place to stay. Promise to be in touch as soon as I am there. Try not to worry.


    It is not nearly enough, she knows, but it will have to be for now. She has a train to catch, and the ride is not a few hours, but a few days long. Plenty of time to cry her heart out, and to start to pick herself together for her life in Del Sol Valley.

    Back in Willow Creek, her parents are shocked at the news. Abigail's reaction is emotional: "She did what? Without coming home? Without talking to us? But Del Sol Valley is such a big city, and so far away!" In no time, she feels as if she lost two daughters. One to a war that might have her killed, the other to an unknown future in an unknown city where anything and everything can happen. What will they do? Joseph tries to comfort her, but in all honesty he, too, is worried sick about his girls, and feel helpless that he's not there to protect and help either of them.

    Withdrawing into his office, he can let go:

    While Abigail withdraws to her room and cries in her bed, too emotionally distraught to do much else.

    As her parents are sick with worry about her, Alice finally arrives in Del Sol Valley, finding the right house and moving into a beautiful house, but a fairly dingy apartment that could definitely do with some tlc, but which is rented to her furnished and at a reasonable price.

    To her utter surprise, her welcome wagon includes no other than Judith Ward. The Judith Ward! Alice is awestruck.

    As she writes to her sister later:

    Who would have thought that someone like Miss Ward would take the time to go and see new neighbours? Not even neighbors, she lives in the next building! Yet my next door neighbour tells me this is apparently normal for her. She wants to know who lives in the buildings around her. Some need for control perhaps, but I still found her very agreeable. Can you imagine? Judith Ward, in my little apartment!!! And what is more, she said that I cannot under any circumstances go to my audition dressed the way I am, and has decided to take me to get a make-over to fit with the style here in Del Sol Valley. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Their hemlines are shorter, their clothes loser and they all wear make-up. But now that I am here I will have to do what I can to fit in, won't I? I'd best not tell our mother about that. I will send you a portrait once I have one."

    She also pens her parents, urging them to accept the situation.

    Do not ask me to come home, not if you know me at all. An acting career is all I have ever wanted, and while I understand that it might not work, and that I might never make it, at least I need to try my wings. I know you worry because you love me, but if Anna can go overseas, surely I can go across the country? If I do not make it, if I cannot make a living this way, then at least I will return home knowing that I have tried my hardest.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited December 2023
    Anna's life as a nurse

    As Alice heads off to Del Sol Valley and rub elbows with Judith Ward, Anna is trudging on at the Emergency hospital in Glimmerbrook. Winter is hard on everyone, and spring takes its time to arrive, but the work load is hard be it winter or spring. Still, Anna is quickly falling in love with the small French community. As she writes to her parents:

    The town itself is beautiful and friendly, although almost entirely populated by women at this point. Not a single man who is not an elder or a child seems to have been spared in this war, for the only men in town are the ones working at or staying at the hospital. The town center is beautiful, however, and the women here friendly and eager to help me improve my French. I'm almost fluent by now, and can with ease shop for vegetables in the stands in town or talk to the solders we care for.


    To her sister she writes in greater detail.

    Dearest Alice,

    I was so happy to receive your latest letter, and long to hear from you again. When I heard about what happened my heart almost stopped, and I feared that you'd return home. I should have known you are stronger than that, but if I carried any doubt then, I am filled with pride now. I long to see your new photos, and hear of the movies you will no doubt be making soon.

    Here life is very much the same, although I cannot wait for spring to arrive. Winter has been hard and spring late. I swear I never knew cold before coming here, and with the washing and water my hands are reddened and sore. Yet that is nothing when compared to what others are going through. There is a house, in the middle of the village, who is completely lacking a part of the wall. Yet the widow who lives there refuse to move out, insisting that this is her house. Our doctor was so impressed by her strength of character, that he has since married her. Just a simple ceremony, right here at the hospital which used to be the town church, but they are now Dr. and Mrs Phillippe and quite happy together.

    I wish I had happy stories for all the soldiers here, but unfortunately I do not. Many have not had their wounds dressed since the temporary first-aid dressings on the field, several days before arriving here. Badly infected wounds are the rule, not the exception. Not all make it, in fact many do not. There was one just the other day, just as winter gave out to spring and the snow had receded to be replaced by mud. For three hours I sat by his side and watched death creep up. They were the longest hours I have ever spent, knowing he was too far gone for me to help. At the end, he held out his hand toward mine, reaching out at the end for some touch. It almost overpowered me, that groping at the last for a human touch. I had never seen him before. He had never seen me. But we drew together in that hour, and so we stayed until his hand relaxed.

    A friend of his, who had been brought in at the same time, was also badly wounded. He was not even aware of the death, unconscious as he was in his own cot, and I had to share the news with him after he had woken up. He took the news with composure, considering. But perhaps he was in too much pain to fully take it in. He is badly scared, both in his face and on his body, yet thinks little of himself. A local to Glimmerbrook it turned out, though none of his family remain here now. He does not even know if they still live. At least I know that all of you are safe and sound.

    But do not take my tale of hardships for me not wanting to be here. One cannot be homesick when looking back is like seeing a view through the wrong end of opera-glasses, so small and insignificant. There is regeneration in knowing you can meet the worst and survive. I am happier here than I have ever been before because I am doing something where history is being made. We are doing a work into which no selfishness enters, and in which there is no restless wondering what to do next. I do have to admit I have time to miss you, my dearest, but I will settle for your letters until we can meet again. Write soon.

    Your loving sister,

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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited December 2023
    Alice get a make-over

    Dearest Anna,

    I am heartbroken by the stories you tell, and filled with awe and pride at your strength. I doubt I would ever be able to do what you do, suffer what you suffer. Here I am, in a sunny Del Sol Valley, where the winters are snowless and chilly at coldest, and yet I find myself pitying myself for my loneliness. Those are the times I think of you, and reread your letters to remind myself how utterly lucky I am to be here, safe and comfortable, when you are there, suffering without complaints. You are forever my inspiration.

    Mother wrote with news from home. Lizzie har gotten married to James Duncan. I do not know why that hurts as much as it does, but it pains me more than I dare admit. I somehow knew she might marry some day, fall for the pressure, but not so soon. And to hear the news from our mother, and not from her. But then she has made no effort to contact me at all. I know I should let go, but it's not always easy.

    Onto happier news. Judith Ward kept her word! I would not have been surprised, given her reputation for being mean and cruel, to simply ignore that she had ever met me, but no, today she took me downtown for my make over. Oh, if only mother could see me now! She'd be horrified. I swear, Miss Ward had me try on every outfit in the store, then still was not happy and demanded it in another color for me. She said I look terrific in red, and should make sure to stand out as much as I can to get ahead. After she took me to the beauty parlor where I had my hair rearranged, and make-up put on. I look like another person entirely. I even have painted nails!

    But better yet, is that I had my first part. Oh it's nothing significant, I'd be surprised if you even recognise me, but I gave it my all and they were happy with my work. I think this might just open up some new jobs for me. I have another audition tomorrow, and while by the time you receive this I will have already had it, keep your fingers crossed for my continued success and know that you are always in my thoughts.

    Your loving sister,


    And a picture of Del sol Valley anno 1916:
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited December 2023
    In which life goes on like usual in Willow Creek

    While Anna is saving soldiers or comforting dying men in France, and Alice rubs shoulders with the stars while hoping to become one herself, life moves quietly on in Willow Creek as well. In the junior Whittaker household, the unhappy marriage remain unhappy, Frank is still in the throws of his mid-life crisis and in the grips of his juice addiction. The only thing changing is really the age of the children, and how they are affected by what is going on. Now come spring it's time for John to age up to a teenager, something he does in a quiet family way as his mother has little energy to throw him the usual big bash that this kind of occasion would require, not with two toddlers constantly requiring her attention and a husband who stays away from home as much as he can manage.

    Still, they put on quite a show of enthusiasm for their eldest boy as he grows up. Or so Frank thinks before heading out to the Blue Note for the evening to brag about his now officially genius of a son.

    In the Preston family it's also time for a birthday, as Ida is aging up to adult. Having a much more stable life than her brother, Ida invites the family for dinner. Melanie and Madison take off to the park to play with marbles, and the rest of the family gather to talk and gossip about the many changes in town. "Did you hear that Rhett Godeau changed his name to Goth? Apparently, or so I've heard, to distance himself from his father. Yes, and is it true that he married Morgan Sinclair? Oh yes, they had apparently been corresponding for some time." (This was MCCC's doing and I am so tempted to rename her Morgana).

    And with make-overs and birthdays it's time for a new family tree:
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited December 2023
    Anna in Glimmerbrook

    Dearest Alice,

    I am amazed at the photo you sent, and the transformation you are undergoing. Gone is the image I remember of my sister, to be replaced by a fully fledged movie star! I do dare to say that Miss Ward knows what she is doing. As for mother's gossip, well I had heard. It should be no surprise to you that mother writes to me too about these things. How many times have I not heard about George and Betty's twins and how adorable they are? Or how that 'could have been me'. I am so happy that she does not know how right she is about that last part. To be fair, however, and let it be known that I never thought I'd be the one to take our mother into my defence, but she does not know how those news will hurt you. Perhaps it would be an idea to let her know you and Lizzie had a falling out? Without details of course. But I find that while our mother can push her own views, she is not entirely unsensitive.

    Here a cold winter has been replaced by a wet spring, meaning I spend as much time cleaning as I do tending soldiers. The amount of mud that can fit on one floor would astound you. We are early at rising and late in bed, but all of us sleep easily in spite of the sound of bombardment at the front. It was hard at first, but now we are so used to it we tend to wake up if there is none. But what has really happened here? How to sum up so many things in one letter? There was a fire, but no one got hurt. We got a cow - yes you read that right, a cow - when a farmer and his entire family were killed. It will likely be commandeered by the army any day, but until then the milk it provides is a great supplement to our rather meagre food.

    Easter was rather pleasant. Obviously, things here are far from the easter dinners at home, but we were given a ham by one of the farmers as a donation and borrowed and scrambled together a few extra tables to be able to sit inside and stay dry from the rain. It was simple, but nice, and most of the patients were well enough to join us that day. That is otherwise one of the hardest things, to let go of those who are now well and need to return to the front. We all know it has to happen, but for those who have stayed a long time it's sometimes hard to say good buy. Most of our patients do not stay here long, however. The more severe cases are sent on to better equipped hospitals and they are at most patched up enough to survive the journey. The most severe cases usually die before they can be transported.

    There is one soldier here though, Mr Beufoy, or Maurice as I have now started to call him, who has now been with us for a long while. He arrived, I am sure you remember, with a friend who died within hours of arrival. He survived, but was in such bad state he was supposed to be transported on, but there was no room. Somehow he still managed to survive. Without his friends, without his family who has left Glimmerbrook for an unknown location, who might even be dead, he still has an enormous amount of hope and joy in life. As he is local, he has told me things about this place that I never would have found out living here a hundred years. As he is starting to be strong enough to walk, I often accompany him on shorter strolls through the town, and it's quite amazing to see the town from his perspective. I find myself more attached to this place daily - in spite of the heavy rains. He even persuaded all of us, me, Racheal and Georgette, to join him and some of the other soldiers at the local bar. I know, I know, I said I would never again... but you cannot live in France and not drink Nectar. I think there is a law. I am being careful, however, and keeping it to a glass or possibly two at most. Rachael played the piano for us all, it was quite a fun evening.

    Finally, I need to let you know that you are not the only one who has gotten a recent make over. Georgette told us that nurses all up and down the front has started cutting their hairs because it is more practical. At first it sounded ridiculous, but the more we spoke about it, and the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. So, last night, me and Racheal asked Georgette to cut ours. She's a magician with a pair of scissors really, and I actually find that I like it. Most importantly, it's dead easy and simple. No more time spent fixing the hair up each and every morning, only to have it fall down by midday anyway. Whenever you feel ready to tell mother about wearing make-up, you can always drop the news that I now have short hair, she'll forget all about your colored lips, I swear.

    Your loving sister,

    Everyday life:

    Easter dinner:

    Talking to the soldiers:

    Night out:

    Cutting her hair (and nurses in WW1 were among the first to actually get the bob, before it became popular for everyone else as well)
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited December 2023
    Alice gets a promotion

    Dearest Anna,

    I barely dare to believe you did that, but I have to admit when looking at your photograph, it suits you well. I suppose I can understand the need, given the circumstances you now live and work under. I still cannot express how proud I am of you for doing what you do. And of course you are right about mother. I am not angry with her, I know she believes that we'd be happier if we got married and had children. It was what made her happy, and this she cannot understand. That didn't make it hurt less. I suppose I can even understand why Lizzie did it. A faster way to clear away any lingering rumors, I cannot think of. Still, it felt like a betrayal. It helps some that Ida shared with me that Emily had told her James mostly wanted a wife to get out of a potential draft. Here, a potential draft is all anyone can talk about. There are so many rumors of who might or might not be drafted, and who will or won't volunteer if we actually do join this war. Most seem to be certain that we will not be able to stay out of it, that it will be a necessity. I know that will make you happy, as you have long thought the US should take part of this.

    Here things are going quite well. I only get small parts so far, but I'm still gaining a reputation thanks to Miss Ward, or Mrs Thurston I suppose, as I'm sure even you read about her surprising marriage. I have not met him yet, though Judith did invite me over to their place. They have the most amazing swimming pool in their house, and upstairs they had a balcony with a view of the entire city. I do miss the clean air of home though. Even now at the end of spring, we're getting heatwaves and the smog is thick in the air as a result. And yet, I do love it here. Some say there is cleaner air up in the hills. Of course to go there you need to be very rich. But perhaps one day...

    I did get a strange little gig, the other day, and as a result I was promoted! My auditions will be bigger now, more demanding but also more rewarding. And even though the part was really small, I was nominated for an award! It's really silly, such a small thing, but it makes me proud and happy and gives me hope that I can do this. I've used my first salary on redecorating my small apartment to be more presentable, and started inviting people over more regularly. Judith said that it's always a good idea to invite over the director before an acting job, get to know what they want before you're on stage. I did, and it went perfectly. I have decided I want to do that more often, though of course I'd love to have a better place to do it in. I might not get to the hill soon, but with Judith's marriage there is a free apartment in the Mirage. It's insanely expensive compared to this, and I need at least one more promotion before I dare, but I would love living there, it's so much nicer than here, no matter what wall paper I put up. I actually found a mouse in the apartment last night! A mouse! I might just need to get a cat!

    I miss you Anna, and I keep thinking of you. I cannot believe you are turning 25 over there, and I will not even be able to celebrate your birthday! And did mother send you the pictures of Beatrice? I cannot believe she is old enough to start school, and soon Josephine is ready to leave it! Sometimes I do miss being at home, being together again to see everyone and follow their life for real rather than through mother's accounts. She tells me Josephine has but one agenda as she comes of age, Nash Sinclair. She seems more like Ida than us, doesn't she? But if that is what she want in life I hope it's what she gets. Speaking of men, you've spoken a lot about this local soldier! Am I imagining things, or is my sister actually taking a fancy to someone?

    I love you dearly,

    Beatrice (Frank and Emily's daughter) in her new school uniform:

    Alice visiting the Mirage and Judith Ward:

    Inviting over the director and co-stars before the gig:

    Getting ready:

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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited December 2023
    Anna falls in love

    Dearest Alice,

    How is it that you know more about myself than I do? Here I thought it was Glimmerbrook I was falling in love with, when in truth there was something else going on. Maurice has been so brave. You should have seen his wounds as he arrived. He came so close to dying and the scars he still bears in his face and on his body is just a testament to his bravery. I suppose it has affected me deeper than I thought. On my day off he asked me to meet him at the café. I expected him to show up like he usually dresses, in his uniform, but instead he was dressed in civilian clothing. I had to admit I was embarrassed by my own attire, showing up in my uniform, but he was a gentleman and said nothing of it. It was the first time we were there on our own, and it was strange at first, but in a good way. We talked so long that it turned dark before we know it, so he offered to walk me home. He still gets fatigued, walking too much, so we took a rest on bench, and there he kissed me.

    I was so surprised, dear sister, as I quite did not expected. It was definitely something very different from George's fumbling attempt when I was intoxicated. It quite made my heart flutter in ways I had not expected, or experience. I can now recognise what you once told me you felt, and I feel that for the first time I do understand more of what you went through. I honestly have not been able to stop smiling since.

    Maurice asked me out properly on a date for my birthday, and I had a magical night. We took a stroll in Glimmerbrook, which his really coming to life now in spring. It even stopped raining. We once more visited the café and later the bar where we had a glass (just one) of nectar. Again we stayed so late that Maurice had to walk me home, but even so, I could not possibly go to bed once he left me there. I spent hours just laying on the ground in the warm breeze staring at the stars. Oh, dearest sister, do not take me for a dreamer, but I cannot help myself! Never have I been more tempted to forget everything I have ever said and just run off and marry and have half a dozen children. But of course, this is war, and neither of us dare to speak too much of the future. Maurice has been strong enough to leave the hospital and return to his home, but not strong enough to return to the front just yet, but it's a matter of time before he gets that order, and we both know it. Oh this is not a place for dreaming of futures.

    Remember that I told you about our doctor? He married a local widow here, and they had a child. Well just last week he went to the front to deliver supplies and collect some of their wounded and simply never returned. A shelling hit the transport. No one survives. Madame Phillippe is now a widow for the second time in her life, but this time with a small infant at her hip. This is how cruel life is here. So how could I dream about a future when tomorrow is still an uncertainty? Yet Maurice is different from any man I have ever met. He's a painter when he's not a soldier, and have dreams to see the world just like I do. He does not shy away when I talk about travelling the world, exploring jungles and climbing mountains. He encourages me, tells me he'd love to paint those places. Never has he talked about it not being suitable for women, or told me dreams I should have instead. Its as if he understands my very soul. I am rambling, and I should not, there is still so much work to do, especially without our doctor. We have been told they'll send us a new one, but for now his student will have to do. At least he has experience by now. I will write again soon.

    Your loving sister,

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    flauschtrudflauschtrud Posts: 248 Member
    Oh, I'm happy for Anna 😊 What year are we in right now?
    I make gameplay mods! You can find them at CurseForge.
    My first attempt at creating a Sims comic: The Parker-Goth Legacy.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    @flauschtrud 1917, the US is just about to enter the war.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    The War Begins for the US

    While the war has been a reality for Anna for some time, the rest of the US wakes up to a new world as the war becomes a living reality for every family in the US on a morning in 1917:


    In the Whittaker household, Josephine doesn't really get why this upsets her parents so much. After all, it's her birthday, shouldn't they be more concerned with her party? Joseph tries to explain to his little girl what this means, but somehow it doesn't really hit home. Yet, that is.

    Instead, Josephine is much more interesting in what she will get, who will come to her party and what her wardrobe is going to look like as her mother takes her out to change into more adult attire. To her chagrin, Josephine's clothes fit very well for a young woman, and only her hair needs any real updating as the loose hair of a girl is no longer appropriate.

    What Joseph and Abigail understands, however, that Josephine has yet to grasp, is how fundamentally this will change life for so many families that they know. It is true that in their family all the men are relatively safe from the laws of a general draft. While forced to register, none of them are likely to be picked. Joseph is too old, Nathaniel and Frank are a bit older than desired, and both have young children at home, which is taken into consideration. In addition, Frank as a politician is entirely exempt. No, they are safe, especially since all the boys in the family are too young, but that does not go for everyone else. As the rules behind the draft is revealed in the news it's clear that:
    • All YA men who are not married will be drafted, unless they are erratic (medically unfit), criminals (convicted felons) or politicians or farmers (essential workers). For Willow Creek/Newcrest this means David Addington (George's brother) and Nash Sinclair.
    • All married YA men who are not yet fathers might be drafted. Here I rolled a dice 1-4 gets drafted, 5-6 stays safe. For Willow Creek, it meant that Rhett Goth is off to war leaving his young wife Morgan alone and pregnant (I cannot let the Goth family die out after all, had to get her pregnant first!)
    • Some YA who are fathers are sent (1-2 drafted, 3-6 gets to stay at home). George barely got out of that one with a 4, but he's safe at home with his Betty and his twins.

    As Newcrest and Willow Creek are drained of young men, Nash comes knocking on the door in his new uniform, and this, is where Josephine finally realises that this affects her too:

    But how can she be sad when he looks so utterly handsome and brave? She lets him in, and it turns out Nash has come with a very specific purpose in mind. To assure himself that his girl will be waiting for him when he returns. As Josephine has dreamed about, Nash goes down on one knee:

    Of course she accepts:

    But now she's all confused. As Nash asks and receives her father's permission, she is heartbroken that he is being shipped out but elated that he asked her to marry him. In truth she doesn't know how to feel. And what if he doesn't survive? What will she do then? Granted she has a better chance than her sister, only 2% of the military deaths of the entente (allied forces) were US solders compared to 25 % for French soldiers. France lost about 4,3 % of their population in the war (both military and civilian), the US only 0,13%. That of course does not mean it was risk free to go, and Josephine cannot know that Nash will return at all. At the end of the war, a dice roll will be made for all soldiers. For US-solders the odds will be in their favour (death on 1, 2-6 he will be alive). For Maurice in France the odds are less in his favour. 65% of those in the trenches were either killed or injured, so I'm splitting his odds into thirds. 1-2 he's dead, 4-6 he lives. Unless the game has time to kill either of them before. Accidental deaths is turned on for all soldiers and all people living in Europe.

    But for now, Josephine is mostly happy about her engagement, her optimistic and self absorbed nature telling her that everything will be fine, and Nash will return as handsome as ever to carry her off into the sunset. We'll see what happens.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    Alice respond to the news

    Dearest Anna!

    Did you hear the news? No, not about the war, I know for sure that you have heard those news and that they delight you where you are. Here it's little anyone can talk about. Most think it's the right thing to do, some are more hesitant, but apparently volunteers are flooding to the recruitment office and we here in Del Sol are more busy than ever. Charity parties are constant, though I am not important enough to be invited to most of them yet, but even in films. We make promotions for war bonds, for volunteering to the war, for joining the forces of nurses. It's all quite hectic.

    But that was not the news I was referring to. I was referring to the news of our sister. Mother is so excited that she even went to the grocers to borrow their telephone so she could share the news with me. We have one in the upper floors of the building. It felt so strange to hear her voice from so far away, but she said she could not possibly wait for the news of our sister's engagement to reach me. I bet she would have tried to telephone you in France had she known of a way to do so. So it seemed our sister got her wish, as Nash Sinclair proposed the moment he was old enough to do so. Of course they cannot marry yet, as he is being shipped out to Europe - or wherever it is they go to train ahead of leaving for Europe, in a matter of days. But Josephine is happy - well as happy as she can be. She is apparently also crying her heart out because the boy is leaving. I keep thinking of you, and your beau. How is that going? Is he being sent back to the war? I am at the same time delighted for you and terrified for you. I do so want you to be happy my dearest Anna and I am praying that one day, I will get to meet your Maurice and see you so happy.

    As for me things are busy, as I said. I have taken all of Judith's advice to heart. Before a shoot, I invite the director and any costars for dinner, so we can talk things over, although last time only the director showed up. It was a bit awkward but I have met him before and so it worked out alright. Oh, and one thing happened out of the ordinary. Judith Ward hosted one of her infamous parties and guess who was invited? It was not nearly as bad as the reputation said, but nice, and of course the drinks were flowing, but no need to be concerned, I paced myself and kept to only one drink. I do believe those kinds of parties are the key to getting better roles. Oh what if I could do something of real importance? A recruitment movie perhaps? Something that would show the significance of the effort you are making? I would really enjoy that.

    Write soon, as I always long to hear from you. It's strange, while there are always people around, I find myself more lonely than ever.

    Your loving sister,

    Moreover, I advise that the cart button must be destroyed!
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