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The Sims Victoriana



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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member
    edited August 2019
    We're back in business with a reduced cast of diarists! This time, it's Miss Fairley's turn.

    Chapter 11
    Lizzie Fairley

    4th week of Autumn



    We are a family of three at last. My step-father, Dr Payne, has asked me to call him Papa. I barely remember my real father so I am happy to oblige. It is a little strange to have a gentleman in the house, but Mama is happier than I have ever seen her, and our finances are much improved as well. I think I would become fond of Dr Payne for those reasons alone, even if I did not already know he is one of the kindest gentlemen I have ever met.

    My new Papa has begun to speak of children. I feel a little odd about having a little brother or sister - and me almost fully grown - but I suppose I will be married with a home of my own by the time any children are old enough to be a bother. Mama is worried that we might need to extend the house but Papa says we can afford it. Imagine that - we used to worry about whether we would have enough money to keep me at my lessons, and now we have a maid and are thinking about building! How life can change in a few short weeks!

    It is my birthday soon and then I shall not attend lessons at all, but spend all my time seeking a husband. Today I had time for my bath and a glass of orange juice before it was time to walk to lessons with Hannah. Mama has given up her work at the shop now that we have Papa's income, and Papa does not work on Monday so they are to spend the day together, doing whatever married people do.

    Mama told me tonight that they went to the park. Unfortunately it was raining but they enjoyed it anyway. I cannot think why - rain ruins one's clothes and hair!


    I was very thankful to be home after having to walk back after lessons. I made dinner but Mama and Papa said they were not hungry and hurried upstairs to their bedchamber. I cannot believe they did not appreciate my kind gesture! Married people are so odd, sometimes. I finished eating and settled down with a book, all by myself.


    Some time later, Mama and Papa came downstairs for some dinner. They both looked rather pleased with themselves. They probably have some silly secret they have agreed not to tell me.


    I practiced the violin for a while and then it was time for bed.
    Post edited by Mariefoxprice83 on
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member

    I have wonderful news. Papa secretly ordered one of those newfangled showers so that we can all bathe more efficiently when we have obligations. It is to be delivered today - I am very excited to try it.


    The day was largely uneventful but Mama had some interesting news, though we were all expecting it eventually - she is to have a baby. Dear Papa was excited as a boy!


    Mama sold my own cradle years ago, because we needed the money, but Papa bought a new one.


    I didn't expect Mama to be with child so soon after the wedding. Ah well, as long as the baby isn't born on my birthday - that would be truly annoying!

    Next time on The Sims Victoriana, Lizzie prepares for her birthday, and Mrs Payne prepares for the birth of her new child.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member
    edited August 2019

    Mama is close to having the baby. She and Papa are getting excited. Papa is convinced that it will be a boy, and that it will come today.




    It is the Harvest Festival today. We are to have a big meal this evening to celebrate, but first Papa and I are going spend the day doing good works for the poor. Mama is to spend the day resting at home because it is not proper for a lady in her condition to be out in public. We are going to a soup kitchen to help for the day.

    We were so tired by the time we got back that we had to rest. It was late when Mama served us a ham dinner but I was extremely hungry and dinner tasted wonderful.


    I am taking the day off from lessons tomorrow so I can get a good night's sleep before my birthday party on Saturday.


    My little brother, William Payne, was born at 6.48 this morning...or so I was told later today, when I woke up.



    I met Cassandra and Hannah at the cafe and ordered pain au chocolat - my favourite! It was busy today so I had to wait a while. Hannah had invited along her sister Esther, and we chatted to Mrs Page from the bookshop for a while. We had a pleasant time but I was disappointed at the lack of young gentlemen present.




    It is my birthday at last! I was so excited I woke up early and decided to read for a while before breakfast. I quite enjoyed the quiet before everyone else woke. Then Papa came to wish me a happy birthday.


    Papa gave me a present, a book on how to catch myself a husband, and Mama made my favourite breakfast - French Toast!



    After breakfast Mama is taking me to Madame Angelique's to collect my new dress for my birthday party. She bought me another dress as well, in the same style as my favourite red dress! I was so touched by her generosity and it was wonderful to spend time together. I think I must have the best Mama in the world.



    I wore my new dress to the party. The guests were Cassandra Goth, Hannah Klein and Georgiana Anglesey. I don't know Miss Anglesey well but Mama thinks it will be good for us to become friends.


    Mama made my birthday cake - it's chocolate! It tasted delicious.


    I had a good time, with plenty of food and drink and good company. Before I went to bed I cuddled Willliam and told him that I knew he was going to have the best childhood ever.


    Next time on The Sims Victoriana, it's back to the Goth family. In the meantime, stay tuned for random screenshots from other households!
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member
    I'm playing the Hake family today. I'm finding them a bit boring at the moment as they are poor, with limited space, and the dad couldn't even go fishing in Newcrest on account of the snow. I let them do what they wanted while I did some online stuff for a bit, then, the next thing I knew, the 2nd daughter Betsy was burning to death. I thought about saving her as I'd saved the last 2 sims who caught alight, but I decided that I'm going to try avoiding that now. After all, it's realistic to the setting. So poor Betsy was taken by Grimmy and her family have had a couple of tough days of mourning afterwards.

    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member
    2 days later the eldest son, Eddie, became a young adult, and shortly afterewards his mum, Bess, died of poison, probably because I gave their home lot the creepy crawlies trait as I have certainly never sent them to Selvadora as far as I recall. The family actually feels a bit more interesting now.

    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member
    Chapter 12
    Cassandra Goth

    1st week of Spring


    Today is New Year's Day, and my birthday. My baby sister Rosamund has her first birthday today as well.
    This morning we attended church and decided upon our resolutions for the new year. Mine is to fall in love and to become engaged to the gentleman of my dreams. Truth be told, I had rather spend time on my music than searching for a husband, but Mama is quite determined that I be married sooner rather than later, and I shall do my best to oblige.

    I spent the afternoon practising the piano. It is my dearest wish that I will be able to write some music, and, if I am very lucky, to earn some pin money whilst doing so, but at present I lack both the confidence and the skill to do so.


    Mama baked my birthday cake herself because she did not trust anyone else to do it right. It was so pretty and tasted divine. She certainly doesn't do a lot of cooking and baking - why would she, when we have staff for that - but she really outdid herself.



    Baby Rosamund is not such a baby any more! She already looks like a determined little soul.



    Tonight I attended the Assembly Rooms with Mama as chaperone. I am looking forward to the dancing and to seeing my friends, but I am a little worried about how I am to find the right man for me. He must be wealthy and good company and ideally he should be young and handsome too (but Mama says those qualities should not be my priority!)

    This afternoon I visited the spa with my friends, and had a nice, relaxing time before it was time to attend the Assembly Rooms. I sat in the sauna and chatted with the other ladies before I got a massage to help myself relax. The poor lady seated next to me in the sauna was so hot she thought she was going to faint.



    I was a little thirsty by the time we arrived at the Assembly Rooms so I sat down with my friends to chat and have a drink before it the dancing began.


    I had fun talking to my friends and making new acquaintances. It's a pity that Edward Carrington hasn't a feather to fly with, because I know Mama would love me to have a title. But I am determined not to marry him, nor to fall in love with him. Unfortunately there are so few eligible gentleman in town at present. There must be more, but we are not acquainted with them yet. The Klein boy is too young for me, and a different faith besides.


    At last, it was time to dance! I had a lot of fun.


    By the time we got home I was tired by very happy. I am already looking forward to the next ball.


    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member
    edited August 2019

    Mama and I are paid calls today. After all, a lady must keep up her social obligations. Our first visit was to the Rectory to see the Reverend Mr Granger. His little house is very pretty.


    Unfortunately Mr Granger was not at home but we did get to meet his wife, at last. Mrs Granger told us the most shocking story about how a baby boy was left at the house of Mr Sheridan, the tailor, without even a note to explain where it had come from! I cannot imagine what kind of woman could be so heartless! The Grangers offered to take the baby but Mr Sheridan insisted that he wished to give the poor little thing a home. He means to raise the boy as his own. He must have a fondness for waifs and strays, because the photographer, Mr Fromage, has moved in as his permanent house guest.


    Our second call was to Weeping Willows . I would have liked to pay a call upon Mr Sheridan to see the little baby but Mama said it would be improper as we are not Mr Sheridan's particular friends, and besides, Mr Sheridan is probably at work today. So instead we visited the Angleseys instead. I got to play with their baby instead. Unfortunately young Master Anthony didn't seem to like me very much.


    It was Mama's birthday so she arranged a little gathering with her friends. Alexander and I call them the usual crowd - Lady Carrington, Lady Anglesey and Miss Anglesey, Mrs Payne, Miss Broome and Miss Walker. We ate cake and I played the piano and Mama told her friends the shocking story of the poor abandoned baby.


    Today I walked to the old Von Haunt Estate with my friends. I am not quite sure who owns the place now, but it is almost a museum rather than a residential house. The house is pretty but I particularly enjoy walking in the maze. I have become quite close to Georgiana Anglesey.


    After exploring the maze I bumped into Mr Julian Ebenezer. When I see him at church he always looks so sad but I got along quite well with him. He says that he wants to become an archaeologist and an explorer. It just shows that you never really know a person!


    Post edited by Mariefoxprice83 on
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member

    I visited Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens with Alexander, Kitty and young Mr Ebenezer. Unfortunately it started to rain shortly after we arrived. The rain didn't stop the bees from attacking poor Mr Ebenezer though!


    I spoke to the charming Mr Champion for a while but after we had been talking for a little while he confessed that he is married and he did not wish to insult me by pursuing a flirtation. That was very gallant of him but I was a little disappointed. I swear, it is impossible to meet eligible gentlemen in this town!



    The rain stopped at last and I was able to sit down and eat. Unfortunately it started again a little late and we decided it was best to go home. I played the piano and wondered how I was ever to meet an eligible gentleman.

    Next time on The Sims Victoriana, we return to Scrooge Hall. Old Mr Ebenezer is reaching the end of his life and Julian is more determined than ever to go exploring when he officially becomes an adult.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member

    My lessons have finished for good now that I am almost grown up. This morning I breakfasted in solitary state. I am to join Uncle Tiberius at the store, to help with business matters - and here I was believing that I was a free man at last!


    I spent a lot of time talking to the customers about the range of items we stock, and about the prices, but after a while I felt quite ill and had to lie down. Miss Anglesey told me that I had horrid red streaks across my face! I slept most of the afternoon but felt much better for it



    Miss Goth arrived for a visit this evening. She was not hungry but insisted that I should not put off my dinner on her account so we enjoyed a comfortable conversation. I find her company most congenial.


    Next time on The Sims Victoriana, it's Julian's birthday. (Too much going on IRL and with the ROM announcement to get much done today.)
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member

    Uncle Tiberius has given me the day off from working in the store so I may celebrate my birthday as I please. I am most grateful for that. As I am planning to go adventuring in the jungle, I thought I should start getting myself into shape so I visited Jackson's Gym and Spa. I particularly enjoyed the sparring. One day I might even be good enough to spar with another gentleman!



    I invited Sir George and Miss Goth to celebrate my birthday. Mrs Lewis made a wonderful cake.


    My party was scarcely over when Uncle Tiberius collapsed and died. He was getting on but his death was still a shock when it happened - I used to think he would go on forever. (Editor's note - I missed the death scene because I was looking at cat pictures! Oops!)



    I am my own man at last. Uncle Tiberius, God rest his soul, is no more. I laid him to rest in the crypt today. I wish I had taken Mrs Lewis with me, simply for another person to mourn besides me. Unfortunately Uncle Tiberius simply did not care if he endeared himself to anyone, but it troubled me that I was the only person paying my respects.



    I have decided to sell the store. I have no interest in the business and now Uncle Tiberius is no longer with us, there is no obligation for me to keep the place at the expense of my own happiness. I can hardly manage it while I am exploring the jungles of Selvadorada, and it seems bad business sense to let the place moulder away in my absence. I feel a little guilty because Uncle Tiberius built it up from nothing but the money is much more useful to me, and I cannot stand the thought of spending all day cooped up in the store, selling produce to strangers.



    After I bid farewell to the store, I returned home to start planning for my trip. I began by doing a little more research in my archaeology books. It felt a little strange to sit in Uncle Tiberius' room, but the house is mine now, and his bedchamber is the nicest in the house.


    Mrs Lewis thinks it's heartless of me to go so soon after Uncle Tiberius died, but I am more upset than I thought I would be, and it will be good for me to spend some time away from home, with new experiences to take my mind off the grief. Besides, I know Mrs Lewis, if I do not spend some time away she will begin pestering me to take a wife and father an heir! Ugh, as if I cared for such things!

    After a little reading I spend the rest of the evening gathering items for the trip, such as my tent. I am very excited.

    Next time on The Sims Victoriana, Julian visits Selvadora for the first time!
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member

    It is Good Friday and I left for my trip today. At first I had to choose which outfit to wear. After all, what does one wear in the jungle? As a gentleman I am obligated to keep up appearances but it occurred to me that clothing suitable for attending daily affairs and social functions are not necessarily suitable for the jungle. After trying on several outfits I decided to go with something less cumbersome than my usual coats. My spots have finally cleared up, which is wonderful.



    I left the house in Mrs Lewis' capable hands and set out for Selvadorada. Mrs L was not best pleased that I skipped church on this particular occasion, nor was she pleased that I sold the shop, but, after all, it is my business what I do now I have attained my majority. She has been a second mother to me, true, but I shall not allow her to dictate to me.

    I arrived at my quaint little villa. I am all alone, for the first time in my entire life - I don't even have a servant to look after me! I shall buy all my food or else try to cook for myself. It is rather exciting. Of course, I very swiftly found a book to read and sat down to rest for a few minutes after my journey!


    After I explored my villa in full I went for a little swim. I think this might be the most beautiful place in the world! I am already wondering what it must be like to live here.


    After my swim, it was time to explore. My first stop was the market to buy supplies for the jungle. The locals seem to have a knack for dressing appropriately for the climate. There were a lot of items for sale, so I had to choose wisely. I bought some cheese, a machete, some spider repellent and something called "bat bait." I really cannot imagine what it is, but it is supposed to get rid of bats - I hope the salesman was not trying to fleece me!



    I had become rather peckish by that point so I decided to try one of the local dishes before setting out into the jungle. I began to feel very self-conscious with all these strangers around and the food was a little spicy for me, but I shall have to try a different dish one day.


    Onwards and upwards! I began to feel a little nervous as I entered the jungle, and I wondered if perhaps I ought to have brought a companion for this first expedition. I perked up a little when I was able to perform my very first excavation. I uncovered a curious statue, which I will examine when I am home again.


    I decided to press on after finding my statue. The way ahead was blocked so I had to use my machete to break the vines. I felt very strong and heroic chopping away at the vines - almost as if I were fighting a great monster!


    Night fell and I wandered solo in the jungle. I was musing upon whether to go home to my villa or risk staying in the tent overnight when I was attacked by spiders! It was lucky I had the repellent, which got rid of them. That decided the matter for me - I returned to the villa! I shall have to try the tent another day, when I am more confident in the jungle. No doubt I slept better in my bed than I would have done in the tent, where I would have heard the nighttime noises of the wild creatures around me.

    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member

    I woke up early filled with the spirit of adventure. I had a relaxing bath then set out into the jungle. Unfortunately it rained this morning - I put on a coat to keep myself as dry as possible - but I was determined not to be deterred. I found an interesting tree with a curious green fruit hanging from its branches. I picked a few - I hope they are edible. Mrs Lewis will probably know what to do with them.


    A little later I attempted another excavation. Unfortunately I got attacked by fireflies and my clothes got a little singed but I was not harmed. To make matters worse, I found only a little bone dust so I felt rather a fool for spending half of the morning searching. Hopefully my next attempt will be more successful.

    I had to cut down some more vines to enter another area. By that point I was soaking wet and had to take off my coat. I put up my tent as quickly as I could and did a little reading in the hope the rain would stop. Unfortunately the rain was too heavy so I returned to my villa. There will be other occasions for me to explore the jungle.

    I cooked myself a meal and didn't even burn myself! Mrs Lewis will be so proud.


    After dinner I read for a while and then the rain stopped. I felt rather daring at that point so I decided to go for a swim.

    I returned home the next morning. already looking forward to my next visit.

    Next time on The Sims Victoriana, we return to Weeping Willows where Miss Anglesey hopies to further her romance with Mr Oliver while Sir George and Lady Anglesey have to teach Georgiana how to be a young lady whilst looking after their baby son.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member
    Chapter 14
    Sir George Anglesey

    Fourth Week of Spring


    Now that my little Georgiana is a young lady, we have been busy planning social engagements on her behalf. Tomorrow I am to host a dinner party for the young people, and on Friday we are holding a ball at the Assembly Rooms. Antonia and I are encouraging Georgiana to befriend the eligible young gentlemen in the hope that one of them will make her an offer of marriage when she is older.

    In the meantime, I am committed to furthering the romance between my sister Charlotte and her beau. We invited Mr Oliver to visit us after church yesterday and I was initially pleased to see him making himself agreeable to Charlotte.


    Unfortunately the visit did not end well, with Charlotte accidentally blurting out her feelings in too blunt a fashion - she could never flirt for toffee! The poor thing is clearly going to need a lot of help to catch herself a husband!

    I have decided to sponsor Mr Oliver as a new member of my club, for Charlotte's sake. It is to be hoped that a friendship between the two of us will enable me to further the connection. I took him to the club this morning and we played cards with Carrington and Goth. The morning began well but I was not best pleased when a strange fellow arrived in nothing but his undergarments! I cannot imagine what possessed the doorman to let him in. When I got up to give the stranger the finest trimming of his life he had the audacity to seat himself at our table.



    After a heated argument with the stranger he showed no sign of departing, and I was obliged to use rather more force than I like.



    Unfortunately the uncouth fellow was a great deal stronger than I am, and I came off the worse for the encounter and I was afterwards obliged to to home and rest, after ensuring that the fellow was banned from the club. It was not my finest hour.


    This morning I invited Charlotte and Mr Oliver to take a walk in the park with Antonia and myself. I am hoping that Charlotte will not become tongue tied or make blunt comments when we are walking in a public place. Everything started well and when we sat down to rest, I persuaded Charlotte to drink a tincture that is supposed to help her become more relaxed in the presence of a romantic interest.


    Antonia and I withdrew to let Charlotte speak privately with Mr Oliver. Their conversation grew very animated and Mr Oliver presented Charlotte with a rose before they agreed that they are officially courting. I consider that a successful outing.



    My little Anthony is no longer a baby. Antonia took him to the breakfast room to be fed him while the dinner party guests were still arriving.


    Looking over our guests, I had a fancy to see Georgiana married to Alexander Goth. It is a pity the lad has no title, but I cannot in good conscience allow her to marry young Edward Carrington, and young Ebenezer, while an excellent young fellow, is too bookish for his own good. As yet Georgiana is not particularly interested in any of the young gentlemen but there is plenty of time yet.

    Next time on The Sims Victoriana, we continue with Sir George's attempts to pair off his sister and his daughter.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member

    I am to be a father once more. Truly, was any man ever as lucky as I am? I am hoping, just a little, for another son, but of course a daughter would be dearly loved.


    I was also pleased to learn that Charlotte and Mr Oliver are to be married. After they told me, I sent Charlotte off to attend women's business while Oliver and I discussed the settlement,



    This evening Antonia, Georgiana and I attended the Assembly Rooms for Georgiana's ball. Antonia is surprisingly nimble for a woman heavy with child.


    I was pleased to see Georgiana engaging Alexander Goth in conversation. She made a real effort this evening.


    As the ball concluded, Antonia went into labour and I had to hurry her home to await the birth of our child. Antonia was so tired after the ball she slept through most of the labour. I now have twin daughters, Louisa and Lydia.



    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member

    It is Charlotte's wedding day. I suggested Antonia stay at home with the babies and rest but she insisted on joining us for the ceremony. It was a successful day. Charlotte was blissfully happy and her wedding cake tasted divine.




    Next time on The Sims Victoriana, we return to the Payne household, where Kitty is determined to catch herself a wealthy husband.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,128 Member
    Chapter 15
    Lizzie Fairley

    Second Week of Autumn


    I am enjoying family life very much. Papa is so kind, Mama is very happy and little William is adorable. Mama hired a nanny to take care of William while she and I paid social calls. Our first visit was to my friend Hannah, who has recently become Mrs Rein. She has a baby daughter, Devora. Her husband is pleasant, though rather old. I confess I thought him a trifle dull. Indeed, I was under the impression that Hannah had a tendre for the painter, Mr Descarte, who is both young and handsome! I do hope Hannah and Mr Rein redecorate their house soon, though, because their decor is shockingly bad. I suppose I must forgive them since they have not been married very long, but I should have thought Mr Rein would have put up a few paintings at least, since he and Hannah both adore painting.


    Our next visit was to the Kleins, Hannah's family. Hannah and I have been friends for a long time but I don't know her family very well. They are charming people. Mrs Klein has two little babies as well as her older children - she must be very busy! Mama wishes me to become better acquainted with Hannah's brother, Jeremiah, but I think he is a little young for me. I believe I shall look elsewhere for a husband. Jeremiah will be a wealthy man, one day, but he has no title, and I think I should prefer one. I have always wished to be a fashionable, titled lady.


    We spent the evening at home as a family. I enjoyed the quiet time after our busy day.


    I have decided to set my cap at Lord Windenberg. He's not wealthy, but he's heir to a grand estate, and his wife will be the Viscountess Windenberg, and, later, the Countess of Carrington. The difficulty is that he has a reputation as a terrible rake, but perhaps I can tame him. We visited Carrington Place today but the viscount was not present.

    Later on I invited some unattached ladies and gentlemen to visit me at home. Although I am hoping for Lord Windenburg, it's best to have a second choice. None of the gentlemen makes my heart flutter, not yet. Hopefully I will have better luck in the future.



    Next time on The Sims Victoriana, we're back with the Goths.

    OOC - sorry, my heart wasn't really in this chapter, and neither was the inspiration, and I kept forgetting to pause the game at various times. Maybe I am looking forward to ROM too much!

    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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