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Mistakes that shouldn't been repeated in The Sims Series

DragonCat159DragonCat159 Posts: 1,896 Member
edited May 2018 in The Sims 4 Game Feedback
*Don't know a good opening to this thread* I believe the title is self-explanatory.

If I were to be honest, I would love and have an open mind for online/multiplayer mode, but I personally think it shouldn't be the top priority and should only come at the end of singleplayer experience development because that needs vast improvement. Shouldn't also interfere and act a separate entity from the singleplayer experience and without locking items and features that feel like should belong in the singleplayer mode as well.

- If the game isn't finished, its release should then be postponed.
- Regression and the absents of important elements (lack of terraforming tools, world editing cast, open world, tots, hip hop etc.)
- Where's the sandbox (apartment customization tools, pet controllability, toggles for things like supernatural) ?
- Bugs aren't handled well; aren't squashed enough (includes recyclement of broken systems); where are bug testers and quality assurance?
- New concepts defined as mechanics are programmed to be flawed (emotions and multitasking).
- Debatable, but graphics.
- Little drama and negative consequence than utopia regarding the world how acts upon within the mechanics that are beyond the control of the simmers.
- Lifestages: child almost adult alike, teens very adult-like (physique and psyche wise), debatable but barely difference between YA and adults, elders need something interesting.
- Production side (not necessary by order): 1) Providing & maintaining little to no communication between the players/simmers and gurus/developers; 2) Making contradicting statements and holes in the logic of the official's reasoning for their made decisions/choices. 3) Throwing past games (a.k.a. especially by those developers who worked on those are happen to be their own work) under the bus to give a good look or hide the flaws of the current-recent-new installment game of the series of the franchise.
- *Adding more and checking If I forgot any which likely I did*

On a side note, TS3:S was a catastrophe with its social media thing that was in people's throats. The Memory system was also horribly design.

Post edited by DragonCat159 on


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    ErpeErpe Posts: 5,872 Member
    I don’t care about multiplayer either. But I think that all the new very young simmers do because they like to play with their friends. Therefore I don’t think that we can avoid multiplayer much longer because EA likely will make it anyway.
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    ShadowmarkedShadowmarked Posts: 1,054 Member
    - Ever again allowing the Ai to interfere or take priority over player commands
    - have multitasking that slows down both actions to preform
    - Continue the idea of "vacation" world's. Have packs that add vacation activities and things to add to world's that act as tourist attractions. But just let all world's be livable. It annoys me a fair bit that because some place is not in North America it gets the novelty of vacation spot. :| that place is also often someone's home... just saying (looking at ts3 specifically but they all do it to different degrees)
    - continue the idea that university is it's own world.
    - uncontrollable pets (yeah it's a love hate thing but I believe a sand box game should always offer more options)
    - no terrain tools
    - no color wheel
    - Make or use a base that doesn't allow for toggles
    - the emotion system and traits, no system should disrupt a personality of a sim.
    - Apartments that can't be made
    - recycling buggy content (active careers)
    - world's that can't be adjusted at all/inability to add more build space in a save
    - foundations that are universal on a lot
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    DragonCat159DragonCat159 Posts: 1,896 Member
    The Game wouldn't have been much of a controversy If it weren't for its faulty title. Is anyone complaining about The Sims Life Stories not being exact copy of TS2? No, nobody does that and even If laptop users complained about how it's lackluster and weaker than the pc counterpart, they will/would take into an account the name of the game doesn't have number 2 include. The Sims 4 would be brushed of If it weren''t called "The Sims 4". I'd promise. spin-offs such as Medieval and MySim get a pass. That's another mistake I can think of regarding its production.
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    12JEREMIA12JEREMIA Posts: 3,143 Member
    Here goes my emotions with packs with my favorite music
    Get Together (Bored)
    No hip hop station

    City Living (Sad and Angry)
    Still no hip hop station

    Cats & Dogs (Enraged)
    No dog houses and hip hop radio station
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    SimmerNickYTSimmerNickYT Posts: 703 Member
    Every mistake they made shouldn't be made ever again. That's why they are mistakes. I hope that the next iteration, if there even is one, will be the ultimate The Sims game that we have been rooting for. But I'm sceptical.
    Not so obsessed anymore with building in TS4!
    YouTube: | The Gallery:
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    Stdlr9Stdlr9 Posts: 2,744 Member
    Fix bugs. Let me say that again: fix bugs. Don't keep putting out more bug-ridden fluff hoping players will forget about the old bugs.

    More options. Want to include multiplayer? Fine, but make it optional. Don't make the graphics look like cheap 1990s garbage; instead, have scale-able graphics so that someone playing on a potato with wires can have low-res and that someone with a newer gaming rig can have cutting edge graphics.
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    MissNightOwlMissNightOwl Posts: 740 Member
    I agree with more options. I love TS4 vampires and don't really mind them in different world, but it'd be great to be able to toggle that. The same goes to the strays, for example. Let us choose if we want them, want them just in Bridelton bay or everywhere. I hope we'll have more control over the weather when/if it comes, but I doubt it a little to be honest.
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    TheGoodOldGamerTheGoodOldGamer Posts: 3,559 Member
    The only mistake Sims 4 made was not being a full on reboot. Should've just been a clean slate restart and cut off the past instead of being tied into it. Should've just been The Sims (2014). Definitely hoping the next Sims game does it.
    Live, laugh and love. Life's too short not to.
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    MasonGamerMasonGamer Posts: 8,851 Member
    Brindleton wrote: »
    Releasing a base game without toddlers.

    No that they could do again, I was thoroughly entertained. kidding... sort of, they did a good job on toddlers, but it was funny to watch

    Uh, I think basic weather should be included
    Clear Sky, Cloudy, Rain, and Temperature and then Seasons can build off of it.
    Realm of Magic:

    My Mood:

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    ChadSims2ChadSims2 Posts: 5,094 Member
    I hope there is never a repeat of small un-editable worlds, worlds should be easy to edit for players and the Sims team so they can be expanded upon later as the game improves with new content and features. The lazy short cuts on teens-elders the bassinet baby and missing toddlers from the base game are huge mistakes that should never happen again.

    Sims 4 went from "You Rule" to "One of the stories we want you to tell"
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    catitude5 wrote: »
    If they do multiplayer, I'm out. I don't want other people in my game.

    If it's completely optional and if they don't lock content unless you play multiplayer (like they did with Simport) I'm okay with having it as an option for those who want it.
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    I think a mistake they made with Sims 4 is making it too easy. I'd like to see more consequences; if your spouse finds out you've been cheating with the maid, s/he should refuse to share a bed with you and consign you to a single bed in a spare room, with the relationship dropping with him/her and the kids. Or chance cards (that you can refuse) that can actually lead to losing your job or a lot of money. For those who want it easier there's always Motherlode, or maybe modders can create mods to reduce or eliminate the risks, or make it easier to earn Simoleons

    I'd also like to see a lot more player options in the game. Take vampires, for example -- I know the standard response to people who complain about vampires is "Well you shouldn't have bought the pack if you didn't want vampires munching on your Sim in the middle of the night." But people might want vampires in some saves but not every single save. A way to turn off occults we don't want, or to tone down the frequency would be great rather than "patching" after complaints and making the experience worse for those who really want the ultimate experience.
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    comicsforlifecomicsforlife Posts: 9,585 Member
    edited May 2018
    having to put sims in other peoples games to get higher in a career like sims 3 never again please
    or having a sim do flips as a fairy none stop like in sims 3
    or having most building be rabbit holes like in sims 3
    or giving us warnings before a sim dies like in sims 4 we don't like that never again please
    more for sim kids and more drama please
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    LiELFLiELF Posts: 6,537 Member
    I'm choosing to list the three things that I think have the biggest impact on my ability to fully enjoy Sims 4. These are root problems from the very early programming of the base game, so I feel they are some of the most important because they are probably nearly impossible to change.

    1. A Sims game should never, ever default to a Utopian state. The whole purpose of playing a life simulation game is to be met with obstacles that make it a challenge to keep your Sim happy. Having those risks of failure are what keeps the player engaged. That's the entire premise of the "game" part. Otherwise, it isn't much of a game at all, it's a self-running simulation and pretty much omits the need for a player. If we start off with our Sims already winning, the challenge then becomes trying to get them out of their happiness and contentment and that doesn't make any sense.

    2. Emotions should never override traits. A Sim's traits are what defines the personality of the individual Sim. If you have all Sims reacting the same way to generic circumstances, then you end up with cookie-cutter Sims who all act alike. Again, this ends up negating the need for player choices and the simulation continues to run itself, overriding the player's wishes.

    3. If you're going to represent something, be thorough and balanced. For example, the emotions system is severely lacking in negatives, especially, especially Fear. How can you decide to make the main focus of a simulation game the Sims emotions and then leave out a chunk of the emotional spectrum? Our Sims occasionally go through the animation of fear, like when their house is on fire, but they never actually experience it. There's an entire piece of the emotional system missing that could have been deep and added more substance to personalities and reactions, but it doesn't even exist!
    #Team Occult
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    having to put sims in other peoples games to get higher in a career like sims 3 never again please
    or having a sim do flips as a fairy none stop like in sims 3
    or having most building be rabbit holes like in sims 3
    or giving us warnings before a sim dies like in sims 4 we don't like that never again please
    What feature is that referring to? Don’t recognize it, I never had to put my sims in other people’s games?

    (rabbithole buildings aren’t a mistake, they are just a way to visualize the inevitable rabbitholes in this game and ‘most buildings’ is not true anyway)
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    CynnaCynna Posts: 2,369 Member
    edited May 2018
    JoAnne65 wrote: »

    (rabbithole buildings aren’t a mistake, they are just a way to visualize the inevitable rabbitholes in this game and ‘most buildings’ is not true anyway)

    Yep, what you said.

    I'd much rather have an actual place for Sims to go, rather than have them disappear into thin air. Also, those building served many purposes: skill improvement, entertainment, a means of changing careers, work locations, etc. Not only that, they served as an easy way to meet certain Sims. Want to meet a policeman, hang out outside of the precinct. A fireman? Go to the fire station. If you want your next baby daddy to be a big money baller, go loiter in front of the stadium, one would inevitably pass by. ;)

    I also love that you actually see your co-workers going to work. You can introduce yourself to them, chat them up, and truly befriend them, as opposed to having all of that off screen with no input from the player. I especially loved seeing all of the kids going to and from school. That's how my Sim kids used to make acquaintances with their classmates.

    Those building actually filled out a world and made them feel more complete. In the current game, there's no town hall for the mayor, no schools for the children, no work locations, except for the active careers. Most of the world is not tangible. It's floating somewhere out in the ether, invisible and totally inaccessible.

    At least the rabbit holes were tangible physical things, not 2D backgrounds that can't be interacted with at all.
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    ApparentlyAwesomeApparentlyAwesome Posts: 1,523 Member
    Here's what I can think of off the top of my head.
    • Lack of and failure to communicate- They should talk to players more, especially players in the forums. Twitter is more for quick comments and players can't really get as in depth as they can in the forums, and communication during the roll out of TS4 up till now hasn't been the best.
    • Making contradictory statements and/or choices- I think this speaks for itself but if anyone needs at least one example doghouses=bad while brain numbing treats=good.
    • Down talking previous games to uplift the new game- If the game is good it should stand on its own perfectly fine. It doesn't look good when the same people who brought us the previous games use them to make the other look good. I'd rather they just say they tried to improve on X or Y not downplay our personal experiences with the previous games and tell us the new way is better.
    • The roll out of The Sims 4- let's try to avoid any future sims game coming out with that much controversy and drama.
    • Less options and control in the hands of players- I don't know how it happened but if anything we need more general and advanced options than what we had in previous games not less. I don't feel like I control much at all in TS4 besides the way my sims look and even that is undermined sometimes due to emotions.
    • Not fixing their games- Please, please, please do not move onto the next game before fixing the previous one. It feels like fixing the games aren't even a concern. They just want to release content and make money. Stop relying on modders to fix your problems and fix them yourselves.
    • Mediocre expansion packs- Make expansion packs great again, please. What happened between TS1/2/3 and TS4?
    • Not taking advantage of the tech of the times- I agree, OP, I don't think there would've been this much complaint about The Sims 4 if it were say The Sims Life Stories 2014 (styled like The Sims 4 but geared towards people who have weaker systems). Games in the main series shouldn't be held back to accommodate weaker systems.
    • Sims lacking different personalities- If they're going to give emotions another go they cannot override personality traits.
    • Attraction running amok- If they try an attraction system again it needs to be more subtle. No constant calling, gifts galore, being asked out on dates, and being pulled by attraction because of things we may not want our sims to be attracted to.
    • Removing open worlds- Open worlds, like taking advantage of today's tech, are just a natural step forward in my opinion. It's progress. But again we go back to players and modders fixing the game because they're the ones who fixed the worlds. Just fix your problems and mistakes.
    • Removing CASt- This was also progress to me. No more wishing a shirt was a different color because then it'd be perfect for my sim, or wishing the texture of a blanket was different, or wishing the wall came in another color, or that the furniture matched.
    • Regression in general- It keeps feeling like they take one step forward and four or five steps back. While that one step may have been a really good step it more times than not doesn't make up for all the back steps.

    On multiplayer, I wouldn't mind if it were optional in the main series or just a whole different Sims game entirely. Just don't force it on everyone.

    On rabbithole buildings, I didn't mind them. That's a better alternative to me than my sim just leaving the map altogether. I don't need to see my sims at school or at work all the time if at all but I like having a physical location on them.
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    cactusjuicecactusjuice Posts: 573 Member
    "Mistakes that shouldn't been repeated in The Sims Series"

    Easy - Sims 4
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    GoldmoldarGoldmoldar Posts: 11,972 Member
    I think a mistake they made with Sims 4 is making it too easy. I'd like to see more consequences; if your spouse finds out you've been cheating with the maid, s/he should refuse to share a bed with you and consign you to a single bed in a spare room, with the relationship dropping with him/her and the kids. Or chance cards (that you can refuse) that can actually lead to losing your job or a lot of money. For those who want it easier there's always Motherlode, or maybe modders can create mods to reduce or eliminate the risks, or make it easier to earn Simoleons

    I'd also like to see a lot more player options in the game. Take vampires, for example -- I know the standard response to people who complain about vampires is "Well you shouldn't have bought the pack if you didn't want vampires munching on your Sim in the middle of the night." But people might want vampires in some saves but not every single save. A way to turn off occults we don't want, or to tone down the frequency would be great rather than "patching" after complaints and making the experience worse for those who really want the ultimate experience.

    I agree, there is one thing I do like about Sims 4 Sims when they do cheat, the Sim being cheated on does not come running out of nowhere and automatically know they are being on cheated on. I moved an sim in the household with her lover and she got pregnant and the sim being cheated on didn't get a whiff of what is going on.
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    DragonCat159DragonCat159 Posts: 1,896 Member
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    having to put sims in other peoples games to get higher in a career like sims 3 never again please
    or having a sim do flips as a fairy none stop like in sims 3
    or having most building be rabbit holes like in sims 3
    or giving us warnings before a sim dies like in sims 4 we don't like that never again please
    What feature is that referring to? Don’t recognize it, I never had to put my sims in other people’s games?

    (rabbithole buildings aren’t a mistake, they are just a way to visualize the inevitable rabbitholes in this game and ‘most buildings’ is not true anyway)

    Could be referring to the inevitable friendship requirement to climb the next ladder of the promotion.

    As for rabbit holes, depending on how you look of it. If all premade community lots includes rabbit hole buildings with no effort to put real venues, than that could be a problem: for those who wish to enter the realm of what they're sima are actually doing or builders who detests the locked exterior look.

    Honestly, I would prefer at least they add them in with a healthy/balance number of actual real buildings BEFORE replacing it all with future updates to make them un-rabbit-ize.
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    comicsforlifecomicsforlife Posts: 9,585 Member
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    having to put sims in other peoples games to get higher in a career like sims 3 never again please
    or having a sim do flips as a fairy none stop like in sims 3
    or having most building be rabbit holes like in sims 3
    or giving us warnings before a sim dies like in sims 4 we don't like that never again please
    What feature is that referring to? Don’t recognize it, I never had to put my sims in other people’s games?

    (rabbithole buildings aren’t a mistake, they are just a way to visualize the inevitable rabbitholes in this game and ‘most buildings’ is not true anyway)

    dont you remember @JoAnne65 if you want your sims to get gigs in careers that came with show time you had to port your sims to others games no thank you is what I have to say to that also I wasn't counting the buildings you buy at the store just ones that came with the packs
    and most of those are rabbit holes no thanks I think all the building should come in packs so if you have all of the packs you have all the buildings I have all the sims 3 packs but nothing from the store so most of it is rabbit holes
    more for sim kids and more drama please
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    comicsforlifecomicsforlife Posts: 9,585 Member
    edited May 2018
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    having to put sims in other peoples games to get higher in a career like sims 3 never again please
    or having a sim do flips as a fairy none stop like in sims 3
    or having most building be rabbit holes like in sims 3
    or giving us warnings before a sim dies like in sims 4 we don't like that never again please
    What feature is that referring to? Don’t recognize it, I never had to put my sims in other people’s games?

    (rabbithole buildings aren’t a mistake, they are just a way to visualize the inevitable rabbitholes in this game and ‘most buildings’ is not true anyway)

    Could be referring to the inevitable friendship requirement to climb the next ladder of the promotion.

    As for rabbit holes, depending on how you look of it. If all premade community lots includes rabbit hole buildings with no effort to put real venues, than that could be a problem: for those who wish to enter the realm of what they're sima are actually doing or builders who detests the locked exterior look.

    Honestly, I would prefer at least they add them in with a healthy/balance number of actual real buildings BEFORE replacing it all with future updates to make them un-rabbit-ize.

    I agree with you about the rabbit holes and I also hate friendship being requirements for there jobs in sims 3 and sims 1 never again please
    more for sim kids and more drama please
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