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Why we need TWEENS / PRETEENS!?


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    BuzzBuzzBuzzBuzz Posts: 303 Member

    What actual NEW gameplay ideas would come with your want? What you suggested is already in the game. There was nothing tjar suggested new gameplay elements.

    There were already suggestions. READ.
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    NorthDakotaGamerNorthDakotaGamer Posts: 2,559 Member
    edited December 2017
    BuzzBuzz wrote: »

    What actual NEW gameplay ideas would come with your want? What you suggested is already in the game. There was nothing tjar suggested new gameplay elements.

    There were already suggestions. READ.

    But her "suggestions" did not add any significant gameplay features that would be new. In fact many suggestions were already gameplay features that existed in the game. I asked what actual NEW gameplay features would she suggest.
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    UniteSimsUniteSims Posts: 142 Member
    edited December 2017
    I really see no need for another life stage. I feel we should tweak the life stages that already exist. Make it more realistic.
    Post edited by EA_Lanna on
    tell me how good it feels to be needed
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    BuzzBuzzBuzzBuzz Posts: 303 Member
    edited December 2017
    tweaking already exsisting life stages isnt going help this game grow. We need knew ideas, concepts. People, the problem is wont let Sims 4 get a chance to add new
    Post edited by EA_Lanna on
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    BuzzBuzzBuzzBuzz Posts: 303 Member
    things. Let them add in new life stages and tweeking at the same time.
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    DannydanboDannydanbo Posts: 18,057 Member
    The simple fact is that they are not going to add a life stage just because of a perceived height problem that few want. I would prefer the current stages fleshed out and rounded out to be more interesting and fun to play. Parenthood helped with punishments, sneaking out and mood swings. Now, just a few more tweaks to kids, teens and elders will do nicely.
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    edited December 2017
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    The simple fact is that they are not going to add a life stage just because of a perceived height problem that few want. I would prefer the current stages fleshed out and rounded out to be more interesting and fun to play. Parenthood helped with punishments, sneaking out and mood swings. Now, just a few more tweaks to kids, teens and elders will do nicely.

    Again for the ten millionth time ready "IT IS NOT ABOUT THE HEIGHT!!! we actually want Pre-teen because we @BuzzBuzz recognizes Pre-teen as a missing age just the developers in the game recognized a baby don't just jump out and become to a child so they added toddlers I'm speaking of this way before Sims 4 the developers also recognized that an adult dont just die so they added elders into the game. Also they added YA later into Sims 3 and Sims 4 now I'm asking them to recognize a Pre-teen age because it's weird looking at a child to just up and turn into a teen so a Pre-teen age or better yet middle school age to be exact will fill that Gap it has nothing to do with height.
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    DannydanboDannydanbo Posts: 18,057 Member
    Toddlers were always meant to be in the game but due to reasons beyond their control at the time, they were left out. So when they did add them, they took the extra time to make them the best toddlers yet. Pre-teens have never been a thing and never will be because we have pre-teens in the game already, they are called children. You and I both know what you really want is shorter teens like we've had before. If we had been given shorter teens from the start, no one would ever have wanted or talked about pre-teens. So, do you want twelve year old sims (because pre means before, so before teens which is twelve) or shorter teens? Trick question because we will be getting neither of them.
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    BuzzBuzzBuzzBuzz Posts: 303 Member
    edited December 2017
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    Toddlers were always meant to be in the game but due to reasons beyond their control at the time, they were left out. So when they did add them, they took the extra time to make them the best toddlers yet. Pre-teens have never been a thing and never will be because we have pre-teens in the game already, they are called children. You and I both know what you really want is shorter teens like we've had before. If we had been given shorter teens from the start, no one would ever have wanted or talked about pre-teens. So, do you want twelve year old sims (because pre means before, so before teens which is twelve) or shorter teens? Trick question because we will be getting neither of them.

    Yes, toddlers were meant to be in the game but they weren't added until THREE years later. Children being preteens, let's agree to disagree. I already explained that they weren't meant to be preteens. Concept art proves it. If you listen to what people have to say instead jumping to conclusions, then you would understand. I'd rather have twelve or thirteen year old sims because shorter teens are never coming. How will you know we'll never get the preteens life stage? Do you work at Maxis to confirm it? My question is, they added toddlers. What's the excuse to not add preteens or other life stages?
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    BuzzBuzzBuzzBuzz Posts: 303 Member
    Making a preteen is just as shallow as it is already with a shallow child and teen lifestage we have right now. Combining features from both LifeStage to create a new age group isn't practical in my book. And people would be begging after its release to get Adult-Elder, Toddler-Child, Baby-Toddler and all other mish-meshed variations of ages that would probably take a lot of harddrive space on comsumers computers with duplicated existing feature/animation code. I rather have developers save their precious time in improving the souless existing life stages (particulary children and teens), THEN moving to consider preteens with NEW never before features in the game that aren't copy&pasted from used up time that children and teens can do.

    All the threads I came across with pre-teen request, I'm gonna be straight honest: (from the peoplee that suggested them) Preteens don't bring anything special to the gameplay!

    Would yall really enjoy playing through an unnecessary prolong lifespans from baby, tweenbaby, crawling baby, toddler, preschooler, almost-a-child, child, tween, a-wee-bit-mature, towering-teen, young adult, middle adult, adult, senior, elder, almost-dead-elder ?

    The whole point of the Sims 4 is adding something new and improving already existing content. They said they would bring new (free) content. Before the release of the game, in a Q&A on the The Sims 4 Blogger:

    Simified: What are the Life Stages in The Sims 4? Are there any new ones?
    SimGuruGrant: The Sims 4 will have all of the same life stages as previous games, Baby, Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, and Elder. There are no new life stages coming at this time.

    It doesn't say a lot but it does give me hope that new life stages could be added someday (2017-2018).
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    S1MSLYS1S__QARDS1MSLYS1S__QARD Posts: 206 Member
    edited December 2017
    Karallyne wrote: »
    Karallyne wrote: »
    I don't understand why people can't just ask for what they want without dragging "we" into it all the time. These are reasons why you think you need preteens, not the rest of us.
    2. I DO think WE as a sims community need this not just for me the reason why I said we.
    3. other have mentioned it and agreed making that more than one, a collective infact. :)
    What a stark contradiction. You say the whole community "needs" them, which is why you speak for us... and then you follow that up with, well, even if the whole community doesn't want them, as long as more than one person does you're free to use the community as you wish.

    I could add a meme at the end of my post to make myself look brain dead as well, but I rather don't see the point.

    First of all didn't I say the whole community,no. I said people agree not the whole community but their are those that agree. (That's out of contexts)
    Secondly, What is the contradiction? I explained how I wanted them and how we the community needed them and the reason why I think that. :)

    Contradiction is when statements and Ideas opposed to each other my ideas and statement wasn't opposed to each other as they were on the same idea but taken at different point of view.

    Thirdly now you got a problem with memes?

    and your still just nitpicking.

    Listen I appreciate your opinion but honestly it nothing to get so serious about.

    And if you don't want to do a meme that's cool too :) Idc

    and I just like memes :):):D


    Post edited by S1MSLYS1S__QARD on
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    edited December 2017
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    Toddlers were always meant to be in the game but due to reasons beyond their control at the time, they were left out. So when they did add them, they took the extra time to make them the best toddlers yet. Pre-teens have never been a thing and never will be because we have pre-teens in the game already, they are called children. You and I both know what you really want is shorter teens like we've had before. If we had been given shorter teens from the start, no one would ever have wanted or talked about pre-teens. So, do you want twelve year old sims (because pre means before, so before teens which is twelve) or shorter teens? Trick question because we will be getting neither of them.

    So now your trying to think for me don't assume what I want. See you don't read what people just explained to you again I don't want shorter teens I wanted Preteens since Sims 2 and teens weren't as tall as they were today right? I could care less about the teens being tall I had no problem with them I'm not talking about how they added toddlers now in Sims 4 this how I know you don't pay attention to what you are reading. Toddlers were added in game in Sims 2 why? Because people thought it was weird for a baby to pop up and become a kid. Elders were added because again people thought it was weird for an adult to just die when the time came. I for one want to recognize Preteens as a lifestages because the gap between a child and teen needs to be filled.
    Also yeah we haven't had Preteens in game before that's the entire point of the thread also never say never.
    Post edited by Briana2425 on
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    DannydanboDannydanbo Posts: 18,057 Member
    Briana2425 wrote: »
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    Toddlers were always meant to be in the game but due to reasons beyond their control at the time, they were left out. So when they did add them, they took the extra time to make them the best toddlers yet. Pre-teens have never been a thing and never will be because we have pre-teens in the game already, they are called children. You and I both know what you really want is shorter teens like we've had before. If we had been given shorter teens from the start, no one would ever have wanted or talked about pre-teens. So, do you want twelve year old sims (because pre means before, so before teens which is twelve) or shorter teens? Trick question because we will be getting neither of them.

    So now your trying to think for me don't assume what I want. See you don't read what people just explained to you again I don't want shorter teens I wanted Preteens since Sims 2 and teens weren't as tall as they were today right? I could care less about the teens being tall I had no problem with them I'm not talking about how they added toddlers now in Sims 4 this how I know you don't pay attention to what you are reading. Toddlers were added in game in Sims 2 why? Because people thought it was weird for a baby to pop up and become a kid. Elders were added because again people thought it was weird for an adult to just die when the time came. I for one want to recognize Preteens as a lifestages because the gap between a child and teen needs to be filled.
    Also yeah we haven't had Preteens in game before that's the entire point of the thread also never say never.

    They are not going to go to the time, money and effort of making 12 year old sims. And unless you play with aging off, they won't stay 12 long enough to enjoy all the "cool" new features you seem to think they will bring.
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    LiaRose1435LiaRose1435 Posts: 720 Member
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    Briana2425 wrote: »
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    Toddlers were always meant to be in the game but due to reasons beyond their control at the time, they were left out. So when they did add them, they took the extra time to make them the best toddlers yet. Pre-teens have never been a thing and never will be because we have pre-teens in the game already, they are called children. You and I both know what you really want is shorter teens like we've had before. If we had been given shorter teens from the start, no one would ever have wanted or talked about pre-teens. So, do you want twelve year old sims (because pre means before, so before teens which is twelve) or shorter teens? Trick question because we will be getting neither of them.

    So now your trying to think for me don't assume what I want. See you don't read what people just explained to you again I don't want shorter teens I wanted Preteens since Sims 2 and teens weren't as tall as they were today right? I could care less about the teens being tall I had no problem with them I'm not talking about how they added toddlers now in Sims 4 this how I know you don't pay attention to what you are reading. Toddlers were added in game in Sims 2 why? Because people thought it was weird for a baby to pop up and become a kid. Elders were added because again people thought it was weird for an adult to just die when the time came. I for one want to recognize Preteens as a lifestages because the gap between a child and teen needs to be filled.
    Also yeah we haven't had Preteens in game before that's the entire point of the thread also never say never.

    They are not going to go to the time, money and effort of making 12 year old sims. And unless you play with aging off, they won't stay 12 long enough to enjoy all the "cool" new features you seem to think they will bring.

    I play with aging off, and keep my sims the same age. I need 12 year olds to be able to accurately create some families.
    Am I too lost to be saved?
    Am I too lost?
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    NorthDakotaGamerNorthDakotaGamer Posts: 2,559 Member
    edited December 2017

    What actual NEW gameplay ideas do you have if you need preteens? What has been described in this thread are features already available in the current available life stages, both kid and teen. I guess since I play with aging on, I have the ability to imagine a preteen by dressing a kid differently a bout half way through their age. I know soome people are unable to imagine like that.
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    BuzzBuzzBuzzBuzz Posts: 303 Member

    What actual NEW gameplay ideas do you have if you need preteens? What has been described in this thread are features already available in the current available life stages, both kid and teen. I guess since I play with aging on, I have the ability to imagine a preteen by dressing a kid differently a bout half way through their age. I know soome people are unable to imagine like that.

    They go middle school? I don't know what you want here.
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    BuzzBuzzBuzzBuzz Posts: 303 Member
    Karallyne wrote: »
    Karallyne wrote: »
    I don't understand why people can't just ask for what they want without dragging "we" into it all the time. These are reasons why you think you need preteens, not the rest of us.
    2. I DO think WE as a sims community need this not just for me the reason why I said we.
    3. other have mentioned it and agreed making that more than one, a collective infact. :)
    What a stark contradiction. You say the whole community "needs" them, which is why you speak for us... and then you follow that up with, well, even if the whole community doesn't want them, as long as more than one person does you're free to use the community as you wish.

    I could add a meme at the end of my post to make myself look brain dead as well, but I rather don't see the point.

    First of all didn't I say the whole community,no. I said people agree not the whole community but their are those that agree. (That's out of contexts)
    Secondly, What is the contradiction? I explained how I wanted them and how we the community needed them and the reason why I think that. :)

    Contradiction is when statements and Ideas opposed to each other my ideas and statement wasn't opposed to each other as they were on the same idea but taken at different point of view.

    Thirdly now you got a problem with memes?

    and your still just nitpicking.

    Listen I appreciate your opinion but honestly it nothing to get so serious about.

    And if you don't want to do a meme that's cool too :) Idc

    and I just like memes :):):D


    I love memes~ :3
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    NorthDakotaGamerNorthDakotaGamer Posts: 2,559 Member

    Not everywhere has children ages 9 to 12 in a separate school. I know many places that have grades 1 through 8 in the same school.
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    BuzzBuzzBuzzBuzz Posts: 303 Member
    edited December 2017
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    Briana2425 wrote: »
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    Toddlers were always meant to be in the game but due to reasons beyond their control at the time, they were left out. So when they did add them, they took the extra time to make them the best toddlers yet. Pre-teens have never been a thing and never will be because we have pre-teens in the game already, they are called children. You and I both know what you really want is shorter teens like we've had before. If we had been given shorter teens from the start, no one would ever have wanted or talked about pre-teens. So, do you want twelve year old sims (because pre means before, so before teens which is twelve) or shorter teens? Trick question because we will be getting neither of them.

    So now your trying to think for me don't assume what I want. See you don't read what people just explained to you again I don't want shorter teens I wanted Preteens since Sims 2 and teens weren't as tall as they were today right? I could care less about the teens being tall I had no problem with them I'm not talking about how they added toddlers now in Sims 4 this how I know you don't pay attention to what you are reading. Toddlers were added in game in Sims 2 why? Because people thought it was weird for a baby to pop up and become a kid. Elders were added because again people thought it was weird for an adult to just die when the time came. I for one want to recognize Preteens as a lifestages because the gap between a child and teen needs to be filled.
    Also yeah we haven't had Preteens in game before that's the entire point of the thread also never say never.

    They are not going to go to the time, money and effort of making 12 year old sims. And unless you play with aging off, they won't stay 12 long enough to enjoy all the "cool" new features you seem to think they will bring.

    I disagree. If they can put all their time, money, and effort into pets and toddlers they can put all their time, money, and efforts into preteens. Silly excuse.
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    BuzzBuzzBuzzBuzz Posts: 303 Member

    Not everywhere has children ages 9 to 12 in a separate school. I know many places that have grades 1 through 8 in the same school.

    I been to a school with elementary and middle school grades.
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    JestinaJestina Posts: 1,609 Member
    I just want them to grow up quickly and become productive. I wish they would expand on what a child can actually do though. I think it's silly that I can't get my child to help with gardening, cleaning, repairing or whatever else needs to be done. They should be able to help with the chores as soon as they can walk.
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    LiaRose1435LiaRose1435 Posts: 720 Member
    @NorthDakotaGamer How would you suggest I create this family, since I apparently lack imagination?
    The youngest child would be a toddler, but the 5 others would be a child. And the problem is that in the game they would all be the same height, and look the same. This is why I need preteens. Or I would be happy if I had a mod to change the heights of children since it really is about the height for me. And I'm sorry if I'm annoying.
    Am I too lost to be saved?
    Am I too lost?
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    edited December 2017
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    Briana2425 wrote: »
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    Toddlers were always meant to be in the game but due to reasons beyond their control at the time, they were left out. So when they did add them, they took the extra time to make them the best toddlers yet. Pre-teens have never been a thing and never will be because we have pre-teens in the game already, they are called children. You and I both know what you really want is shorter teens like we've had before. If we had been given shorter teens from the start, no one would ever have wanted or talked about pre-teens. So, do you want twelve year old sims (because pre means before, so before teens which is twelve) or shorter teens? Trick question because we will be getting neither of them.

    So now your trying to think for me don't assume what I want. See you don't read what people just explained to you again I don't want shorter teens I wanted Preteens since Sims 2 and teens weren't as tall as they were today right? I could care less about the teens being tall I had no problem with them I'm not talking about how they added toddlers now in Sims 4 this how I know you don't pay attention to what you are reading. Toddlers were added in game in Sims 2 why? Because people thought it was weird for a baby to pop up and become a kid. Elders were added because again people thought it was weird for an adult to just die when the time came. I for one want to recognize Preteens as a lifestages because the gap between a child and teen needs to be filled.
    Also yeah we haven't had Preteens in game before that's the entire point of the thread also never say never.

    They are not going to go to the time, money and effort of making 12 year old sims. And unless you play with aging off, they won't stay 12 long enough to enjoy all the "cool" new features you seem to think they will bring.

    Again how do you know, do you work for EA? Do you actually know what's going on the office? Once I get a confirmation from the office about Preteens not coming than I will believe but if they don't say anything I can speculate and come up with ideas all I want.
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    BuzzBuzzBuzzBuzz Posts: 303 Member
    Briana2425 wrote: »
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    Briana2425 wrote: »
    Dannydanbo wrote: »
    Toddlers were always meant to be in the game but due to reasons beyond their control at the time, they were left out. So when they did add them, they took the extra time to make them the best toddlers yet. Pre-teens have never been a thing and never will be because we have pre-teens in the game already, they are called children. You and I both know what you really want is shorter teens like we've had before. If we had been given shorter teens from the start, no one would ever have wanted or talked about pre-teens. So, do you want twelve year old sims (because pre means before, so before teens which is twelve) or shorter teens? Trick question because we will be getting neither of them.

    So now your trying to think for me don't assume what I want. See you don't read what people just explained to you again I don't want shorter teens I wanted Preteens since Sims 2 and teens weren't as tall as they were today right? I could care less about the teens being tall I had no problem with them I'm not talking about how they added toddlers now in Sims 4 this how I know you don't pay attention to what you are reading. Toddlers were added in game in Sims 2 why? Because people thought it was weird for a baby to pop up and become a kid. Elders were added because again people thought it was weird for an adult to just die when the time came. I for one want to recognize Preteens as a lifestages because the gap between a child and teen needs to be filled.
    Also yeah we haven't had Preteens in game before that's the entire point of the thread also never say never.

    They are not going to go to the time, money and effort of making 12 year old sims. And unless you play with aging off, they won't stay 12 long enough to enjoy all the "cool" new features you seem to think they will bring.

    Again how do you know, do you work for EA? Do you actually know what's going on the office? Once I get a confirmation from the office about Preteens not coming than I will believe but if they don't say anything I can speculate and come up with ideas all I want.

    Exactly. Users like this think they know everything. They ain't no developers, so they don't know anything.
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    NorthDakotaGamerNorthDakotaGamer Posts: 2,559 Member
    edited December 2017
    @NorthDakotaGamer How would you suggest I create this family, since I apparently lack imagination?
    The youngest child would be a toddler, but the 5 others would be a child. And the problem is that in the game they would all be the same height, and look the same. This is why I need preteens. Or I would be happy if I had a mod to change the heights of children since it really is about the height for me. And I'm sorry if I'm annoying.

    So it is about height and not gameplay for you. That just tells me your imagination sucks badly, so sorry for you. The only way they will add a new life stage is if some new gameplay features could be added.
    Post edited by NorthDakotaGamer on
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