Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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The Going Solo Challenge (main) Updated to include TS4


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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    GUYS! I have a new chapter for Gary! :D It's only been, what, a year? :no_mouth:


    I'll try to get Luca done soon, too :)


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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    @MischiefTheKitten and @Piazzagirl1015 thanks for the congrats. It feels good to have it done. Luckily I found a group on Twitter and have been able to get some feedback on it before I start edits. @MischiefTheKitten no I haven't treated myself. I'll do that once I hit publish! When I finished Fiendish I took a spa day, might do it again. Yay for getting an update out. I've been working on writing the rest of Matt's gen so that way I can do shots then start releasing. Hopefully I'll be finished soon.

    @Piazzagirl1015 I read and commented on your last Race update.

    I know PG showed off her new puppy. Well I get to do the same. Last Saturday (the 22nd) The hubs and daughter surprised me by saying I was taking a road trip to go pick up my new puppy. PG knows I've wanted a Yorkie for a while, but was having a hard time finding one through rescue like our other dogs. Actually went the breeder route for him.

    We named him Titan. He's 11 wks old now and weights all of 2lbs. LOL It's taken the other dogs some time to warm up to him. Most times they run when he wants to play. :( Thor is getting better which is funny since he's the biggest one of the pack. But Titan loves to play with him most so they make the odd couple for sure.





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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    Sorted some shots today. A new update for Anahi.

    Hope everyone is doing okay. :)


    One Woman Show: Update 20

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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    edited August 2017
    @MischiefTheKitten Some of those houses are so difficult to complete. You have to time it just right. I'm only on house 5 and so far I had to do house 2,3, and 4 mulitple times. I don't update that house until I know I completed it. I do hope you are able to finish house 6

    It's good to see Gary back. I'm read the update on Gary and commented :)

    @jazen The puppy is adorable and in the pictures it looks as if Thor has taken him under his wing. They look so cute together. After you do publish the book make sure to give yourself that treat as you have earned it. I read the update on Anahi and I'm looking forward to Matt updates in the future.

    @Everyone I know that we are all busy but I hope that we are all doing fine. My father just had another cancer scare but luckily that is all it was a scare. I was really afraid because at this age and with his health the way it is I don't know if he would have been able to fight cancer and win a third time so this is a relief.

    I've also put all the Just for fun games aside as I'm writing Race and Romance updates. Expect a new Race update in the next few days. I'm motivated to start writing again.
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hello all!

    I am loving all these puppy pictures @Piazzagirl1015 @jazen !!

    @Piazzagirl1015 @jazen @MischiefTheKitten @LittleMinxUndr I have tabs pulled up to catch up on your stories. I am dreadfully behind on most of them.

    I don't know about you guys but my summer has been very full and very long. Lots of ups and downs and I am ready to start the new routine of my kids being in school next month (my oldest has to catch the bus at 0630 this year!!) I get lazy when I have too much freedom to be honest.

    I have been avoiding coming to this forum for a while now. I feel bad that I just kind of let my story fall away. I was all motivated to start playing/writing again, I sketched out some plans for the next few gens even...then Photobucket got greedy and now 99% of my story is unreadable. The worst, most maddening thing about it is that I can't see any of the pictures either! I don't know which ones or which order they're in to move them to a diff host in order to make them show again. I am SO irritated I don't even want to deal with it! I sure as heck won't be giving them money either. I hope this isn't as big of a problem for all of you as it seems to be to me. If anyone has any suggestions for a fix, I would LOVE to hear about it!

    Until then I will Solo vicariously through you all (and maybe Vee)
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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    @Vuneca wow, what grade is your oldest in? My oldest boy also catches the bus that early, but he's in high school this year. My kids have been in school for about 3 weeks now and it's great. I've been working on edits for my book. Not as much writing as I should on Matt's updates. :( But I'm gonna get to him.

    As for photobucket, not sure. I didn't have a lot on there. If you log into your account can you see what you have stored there at all? When I upload to my blog I do it directly from my screenshot folder, I never uploaded to a third party site for that. Do you by chance still have them in your screenshot folder? How do you get your photos from photobucket to another site? Others that I've used are flickr and imgur. Hopefully you'll be able to get things worked out and get back to your story at some point.

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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    edited August 2017
    @Vuneca I'm sorry to hear that you have lost your pictures with the changes at photobucket. I used to have to use a third party when I posted the story in the forums myself and I still have the first 4 generations on Imageshack. When they went to a pay service I was faced with the same problem but I gave in and paid them until I could move all pictures to blogger which hasn't happened yet. @jazen always had her pictures on blogger which is where I keep them now. While I'm still out of work I really should move the rest to blogger so I can stop paying imageshack.

    @Everyone Update on my father. No cancer but he started bleeding when he was sent home so he went back to the hospital. It turns out that something went wrong with the colonoscopy which they had to fix. He just came back home yesterday and I wish I could see I don't want to see that place again but on Sept 22 I have to go for carpal tunnel surgery. Luckily though that will be done as an outpatient. After that I don't want to see that place for a very long time.
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    @jazen He's going into 6th. Our district has a very dense population so every 3 years they rotate start times between all the schools. Otherwise there aren't enough buses or time to get all the kids in. It's strange to me!
    I think I am all caught up on your stories, I am LOVING the new one Colors of Love I think?

    @Piazzagirl1015 I thought about just paying long enough to get my photos transferred to blogger but they want an annual fee of over $400!! I am so angry!
    I am hoping with enough time, it will have 🐸🐸🐸🐸 enough people off that they relent, or offer more affordable options
    I am eagerly awaiting your 100 BC updates...
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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    @Vuneca OMG they are charging $400 a year! I only pay Imageshack $3.99 a month but this time they gave me an offer for $18.00 per year. I can't believe photobucket is charging $400 a month. That is insane.
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    I am sad to say that I cannot buy the toddler stuff pack or pre-order pets. I am so used to getting sims stuff asap but with how expensive it's gotten, I;'ll just have to wait. That being said, I really wanted to play with toddlers. I think they did such a great job. I am holding my breath on photobucket giving me access to my photos and until then I started a ims 4 Going Solo starting with my simself. Not writing a story, just having fun with it. Will post small snippets here if anyone want's to see how it's going.

    She's already achieved her bodybuilding aspiration and is lvl 9 in the sport career. she just had her heir, a boy named Oliver with J huntington III
    She's living in the studio style starter home I made (it's in my gallery.)
    I reinstalled MC command center to help with the SP and oddly, it has made 90% of the townies gay. Not that I have a prob with that I've just never seen so many same sex marriages in my game before. Instead of birth announcements I keep getting adoption notices. I think it's great that MC is still providing kids for story progression!

    I am debating making my simself immortal for this and moving Oliver out asap.. What do you think?


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    Nancy01905Nancy01905 Posts: 3,929 Member
    I am hoping to get more Matilda Watts challenge done today :smiley:
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    Did any of you get Pets? Or even the toddler stuff? I'd love a review from you
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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    My daughter who is a total animal lover always buys the pets EP and this one will not be any different. I do have the toddler stuff pack but I haven't played with it too much yet. I do love the big slide with the steering wheel. The make believe animations on the toddler side are so cute and I love that the parents can play with them on that. The graphics on the ball pit were really bad at first but in the last patch they improved them somewhat.
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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    @Everyone I just seen a you tube on the new pack. I think there was a live stream too but I didn't see it. Anyways there is a new aspiration with Dogs and Cats so Anahi, Vee, and Alexis are going to need to do one more to finish the challenge.
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    I keep telling myself that I will wait for a sale but my self control is waning...
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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    I agree wait for a sale which is what I usually do. I noticed they even tell you what is on sale now. I don't have the vampire game pack but there is a -25% on the vampire game pack icon when I log in. They must be running on some of them now.
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    Did any of you get Cats and Dog??? I wanna see pics!!
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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    My daughter is a real animal lover so she bought it for me. The only Pet EP my daughter never bought herself was Unleashed for Sims 1. She was too young to do so but after that she bought all of them. I haven't played yet but I will post pictures ASAP.
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    How exciting! and super nice of your daughter. I can't wait to see pics!
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    So apparently I have the best hubby in the world...He went to 3 different stores to get me Dogs and Cats at the 50% off prices! I am loading it up and won't be moving from my desk any time soon!
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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    edited November 2017
    Cool I am so happy to hear this and I'm sure you are going to love it. That really was so sweet of your husband.

    So far I have only been in Create a Pet but I plan to open a vet clinic today. I really didn't do so well with the new features so I re watched the Create a Pet live stream and I'm going to try again today. This is my first attempt:




    This is Precious the Yorkie. It is so cool that you can pose them in Create a Pet.


    This is Candy the Maltese



    This is Romo and he is a mixed breed. He is a mix between a Poodle and a Cavalier (aka King Charles Spaniel) or Cavapoo. In Sims 3 they implemented many designer breeds but not in Sims 4 they gave us the mixed breed option to combine any breeds we want. This is much better IMO. @Jazen probably remembers when I wanted to create a chocolate Lab in Sims 3 and I found out there was no Labrador Retriever in Sims 3. They have Labrador mixes like the Labradoodle and Labradinger but I had to download a regular Labrador as CC. It should be up to us which dog mixes we want and they corrected that mistake in Sims 4.

    I really don't know too much about cats but I decided to add one to the household. Nothing against cats its just that I am more of a dog person. I didn't even realize how many different breeds of cats there are. I decided to make Sassy from Homeward Bound.




    She is a Himalayan cat and I love her blue eyes.

    After I finish cooking I'm going into game to open a vet clinic and I might be making a German Shepard named Cheech for Alexis. That was Chrissie's dog who I simply adored.
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited November 2017


    So far I have learned:

    -You can not select them to view their needs/wants

    -Puppies still cant go up and down stairs

    -You can Simstagram your pet and they earn followers. My adopted terrier puppy (I was so excited to get into the game I skipped right past create-a-pet) has 25 followers and received a Ball!Ball!Ball! from Think Pawsitively Pet Products

    -You have to clean up the dog poop from your yard :D:D:D:D
    The animation is a little off though

    -You can do a Feel the Love interaction at times and earn 100s of satisfaction points. Not sure if this has to do with her Aspiration to be Friend of the Animals, or that she's a cat and dog lover. It may be true for all sims with a good relationship with their pet.

    Now I am going to try being a vet a try and maybe adopt a cat!


    The animals tend to sleep while the sim is sleeping

    You can adopt 3 at once and when the worker brings them, you have a chance to meet them before committing to adopting them

    I adopted a Tuxedo, Maine 🐸🐸🐸🐸, and a Manx.The cuteness of the kittens is overwhelming <3<3
    Post edited by Vuneca on
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    ORIGIN is have a store wide sale of 30% off with the code fillyourstocking
    (This includes Cats & Dogs)
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    Hi guys!

    I'm sorry I've been MIA for so long. I wanted to pop in to let you all know that it's unlikely my sims stories will come back. I just can't see where I'd fit them in :/

    This year I've started a business and set myself up as an editor and freelance writer. That's going to need most of my attention next year, and the rest of my attention will go to my books. There's just no room for these blogs :( The writing isn't the problem, it's getting all the pictures, proofreading what I've written, planning what I'm going to write, trying to convince my sims to do things they don't want to do, like stand a certain way or stop grinning.

    Part of me is tempted to start over with something much smaller, but really I still don't have the time for it.

    I'll let you know if anything changes <3

    All my best to all of you <3<3


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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    @MischiefTheKitten We will all miss you but I wish you the best of luck. Please check in with us and let us know how you are doing.

    @Everyone I hope that everyone is enjoying the holiday season. This is the first year that Sears didn't suck the fun out of the holiday for me so I've been decorating and I plan to be baking this year. I'm so happy and still unemployed. I am taking the test for 911 operator on December 28th so keeping my fingers crossed for that.

    I have some pictures from Alexis' save file. I just have to get them together to update.



    This is Chloe the bichon frise. As you can tell I am loving the pets EP.

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