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Clifford and Jordan 5x5 TS3


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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 246 - Part 1
    Brogan got Maeve up and ready for the day :)
    And what a day it was! Weekends are stressful at the best of times but with a toddler that needed training, a teen wanting to spend time with her boyfriend and a young adult I want married and out, I bit off almost more than I could chew! The morning started off in the usual way with the family eating together.
    Elva wanted to spar so I had Michael take care of that while Brogan gardened and Nevan prepared a meal as per his morning wish.
    Although Elva looks worried in this pic, she kicked Michael's butt!
    Michael took Maeve for a stroll. I figured he could do with something to take his mind off his defeat ;)
    Willie joined the household. His first wish was to learn the gardening skill. His LTW is Tinkerer and he had a job at the Science Facility. I checked his skills and discovered that he had 2 Scouting skill points so getting the gardening skill wish granted was just a matter of planting a single plant :) Ita (in the background) had watered the plants that morning and then started playing her guitar and leveled up which triggered a wish to learn a new song.
    After granting Willie's first wish I sent him around back to see Elva.
    Michael finished off Maeve's potty training :)
    Because I was trying to make sure everyone was happy it took me forever to get Willie and Elva to the point where Willie could propose. I don't know who was responsible for breaking the flirty mood but every time I went back to them I had to start from scratch and work them back up again! I prefer for my sims to get engaged autonomously but I really want this couple ready and out quickly!

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited June 2017
    Day 246 - Part 2
    As I said earlier, Ita had a wish to learn a new guitar song. I sent her to the bookshop because I didn't have any low level songs in the bookcase. As luck would have it, Douglas was sitting outside the store doing his homework :) He had finished by the time Ita came out.
    Ita had a wish to go on a date with Douglas which I had locked in the previous day but had cancelled earlier that morning because I didn't see how I could possibly do it! I had left them flirting while dealing with the rest of the household and when I came back I decided she could go on a date after all. I don't know what my simself is on but she always looks so darned happy! :p
    Celine was also at the bookshop and had a red glow. She is one of the few evil sims in my town and I was happy to see she had reached the top of her career :)
    I decided to go the easy route for their date so had them start by watching a movie.
    While waiting for Douglas to come out of the theatre, Ita chatted with Jerome, Aideen's son.
    After the movie, I sent them to the Bistro for drinks.
    Once again, Douglas was slow to come out. Regan Mullis, Tam's son, shared some gossip with Ita and Quinn, Jerome's son (therefore Aideen's grandson) was also in her queue for a chat.
    Douglas surprised Ita with flowers :)
    After a little more flirting, I had Ita kiss Douglas goodbye and sent her home. The date was awesome :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 246 - Part 3
    Because Michael and Brogan were otherwise engaged, I had Shay start on Maeve's talking lesson.
    When the boys emerged from the bedroom, I had Michael get started on teaching Maeve how to walk.
    Brogan had been fishing and Nevan and Shay had been playing catch when they suddenly all came inside. I saw "shoo to next room" in their queues! It would seem that Willie was shy about woohooing with Elva in the hottub while the family were clear across the other side of the yard! :/
    These two are always chatting with each other :)
    After hottub woohoo, Elva and Willie went fishing while still in their swimwear.
    I felt sorry for Dermot because I didn't have the time (or energy) to amuse him so he had been sent to watch a movie. When he got back he played chess with Grandpa Nevan. As they are both geniuses, it is their game of choice ;)
    Ita got home from her date in time for dinner with the family :)
    Shay rolled a wish to take a photo with a friend so I let him have it :) Ita is finally learning the new song she bought before her date!
    Michael and Brogan watched the stars from the frontyard :)
    Ita learned a new song :)
    Willie and Elva were watching the stars beside the treehouse. Both had woohoo moodlets so I can guess what they were up to ;)
    Nevan and his boasting! LOL

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 247 - Part 1
    Brogan got Maeve up and ready for the day. It should have been Michael's turn but Brogan had the most Maeve wishes ;)
    Although I was anxious to get Elva and Willie out of the house, I took my time as the day got a lot easier once the kids had gone to school. I indulged them by granting a few wishes and letting them have some quality alone time. The only time I stopped them was when they were heading to the hottub for woohoo. If Willie is going to be shy and shoo my sims he is not allowed to use the hottub while under my roof!
    Nevan wanted to take a photo with a friend and of course his wish is my command ;)
    Shay wanted to train with the dummy. There was time before the school bus was due and he could certainly do with the training ;)
    Elva had a couple of Maeve wishes. I love the dark/light contrast between the sisters :)
    My toddler gnome aged up to teen and the teen to adult. The buydebug gnome is hanging with the others so all is well with my gnome family :)
    Because I had the wedding arch set up inside, I had to put the play pen on the deck. I was a little concerned as it was next to the science machine and Nevan was doing some experiments ;)
    He did fail but not badly so Maeve didn't get exposed to radioactive mist :p
    Michael wanted to take Maeve for a stroll. He had a little trouble getting her out of the play pen ;)
    Nevan wanted to play a game with Brogan so they were off to play catch while Michael and Maeve went for their stroll :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 247 - Part 2
    Once all the chores were done and many wishes granted, it was time for Willie and Elva to tie the knot. Willie looks a little unsure about the haste ;)
    Love Nevan's face as he strolled in to watch the wedding :) He often has a sad face but these days I catch him smiling a lot :)
    Michael is not coping with the thought of losing his first born! :p
    Grandpa Nevan shed tears of joy :)
    Brogan chose to watch the wedding from the dining table. I didn't catch his reaction because I was concentrating on what was happening closer to the arch.
    Brogan came a little closer to throw rice but sims don't usually cry at this stage in the proceedings.
    Michael and Nevan watched each other throughout this part of the celebration. In my mind, Michael was telling Nevan that he had made this grandchild for him and Nevan was saying that he approved :)
    The newlyweds went straight from the arch to the bed! I was tempted to intervene and have them try for baby but I won't rush them :)
    I tried to move them into the house that Derry and Shane lived in as it is now empty but for some reason it wouldn't work so they had to settle for this house until I worked out what was wrong. Later in the day they moved again :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 247 - Part 3
    A manageable household at last! After I moved Elva and Willie into their new home I found Brogan dancing while Nevan sketched :) Michael was breaking space rocks.
    Grandpa Nevan had some fun with Maeve :)
    I can't clear the gems fast enough! If Michael's not producing them, Brogan is!
    Michael had a wish to tickle Maeve and that led to a wish to put her on the spring rider :)
    Fish and chips for dinner! I did this because the teens don't know the recipe and I wanted to try to get one of them to roll a wish to learn the recipe. Shay did and I gave him a copy of the recipe from the bookcase :)
    After dinner, Brogan took Maeve for a stroll. The wish had been locked in since morning.
    When he got back, he and Michael watched the house :)
    Nevan had been playing computer games and I wanted him to go to bed with a full social bar so I had Michael chat with him while Brogan put Maeve in her crib.
    Jordan showed up about an hour before I closed my game. I triggered Cliff's arrival as well but when I went looking for them I found Jordan in the sauna while Cliff was haunting various objects around the lot.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 248 - Part 1
    When I closed my game Jordan and Cliff were there. Jordan was in the sauna and Cliff was haunting around the lot. When I opened my save, Cliff came and woke Maeve up. I don't like it when that happens but I am glad that he got to meet his great-granddaughter :)
    I had Michael wake up and put her back in the crib and then cheated her back to sleep again. When morning finally came around, I had Michael get her up and ready as Brogan had done it the last couple of times.
    It will be nice to have another chair occupied when Maeve ages up in a day :)
    Brogan got the first walk since he had some Maeve wishes that had to wait until after breakfast.
    While eating breakfast, Dermot rolled a wish to play catch with Nevan. I bet he regretted that wish! ;)
    After Michael finished the gardening he had his turn with the stroller but he seems to have got it wrong. I saw the newspaper was being delivered so I am assuming the paper girl got in the way.
    I almost forgot the kids had a field trip! Jasen was in charge. The girl sitting with him is Tracie, Eilish's youngest daughter. I was worried that Eilish wouldn't live long enough to see her grown. Of course she might not see her make it to YA.
    The girl in green is Michele, Rowan's daughter :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 248 - Part 2
    I didn't want Nevan to get the stir crazy moodlet so sent him to the park. He watched his son-in-law, Josh, playing chess with Patrice (granddaughter of Marina Prattle).
    After introducing himself to Patrice and boasting about his grandchildren, Nevan played chess with her :)
    A little later, I had Brogan, Michael and Maeve join Nevan at the park.
    The boys complained about video games an awful lot! :/
    When Michael and Brogan went off to play catch, Josh gave Nevan a hug :)
    I had forgotten that Josh was clumsy! LOL
    I sent everyone home just before the kids got home from school.
    Shay wanted to take a photo with a friend.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 248 - Part 3
    Nevan interrupted Brogan's dancing to have a pillow fight :)
    Ita had a couple of Maeve wishes :)
    After the pillow fight Brogan performed the Stimulus Response Test on Nevan and was surprised when he caught the rubber ducky :)
    Nevan wants to improve his science skill. His experiment was a success for once :)
    There was a Prom popup. Hi Rowan! I found Douglas at the shops so sent Ita to ask him. His response: "I think you are dreamy! I'd love to go with you and make all the other students envious of us." :)
    I let them flirt a little before sending Ita home. When I checked back on them, the beautiful George was there :)
    While pillow fighting, Nevan rolled a wish to skinny dip with Brogan. Since Brogan and Michael were already skinny dipping, I had Nevan join them :)
    Dermot burned a muffin!
    Because of the skinny dipping, the grown ups were slow to the table. The family had Nevan's favourite, Grilled Salmon for dinner :)
    Michael and Brogan then watched the house :)
    Nevan had been playing chess on the computer so I had Brogan go chat with him before bed.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 249 - Part 1
    Shannon came out very late! It was about 4.30am. I didn't bother waking Nevan as I knew he would be around for most of the morning because of his late arrival.
    Michael got Maeve up and ready for the day :)
    Then joined the family for a pancake breakfast.
    After breakfast I sent Nevan out to see Shannon. I left him to his own devices while I got the kids ready for school.
    While I was dealing with the kids' morning wishes, I heard woohoo and almost missed this!
    After I had taken care of all the family's wishes to tickle, snuggle and chat with Maeve, it was time for her birthday :)
    She doesn't look happy (and neither did I! ;) ).
    Now we were both happy! :)
    The first thing she did on aging up was find Brogan for a chat :)
    I sent Maeve to the nectar cellar to discover potions as she had several potion wishes from gaining the logic skill in the play pen as a toddler. I found the boys flirting it up. I love the whisper in ear interaction :)
    Maeve also chatted with Grandpa Nevan :)
    Which led to a pillow fight :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 249 - Part 2
    Since the kids were at school, I had Maeve work on her cooking skill. She didn't burn her first muffin :)
    Nevan rolled a wish to go to the park. I was anxious about sending him away from home given his age but I kept a close eye on him. He met Vernon Mullis.
    Of course he boasted about his grandchildren :)
    A new family moved to town during the night: Daphne Hemlock and her son, Dragan. He was the grandson of Wogan Hemlock from a save several years ago. He was also descended from Beau Merrick and had his red hair but I got rid of it for this save. His mouth is the only thing that shows his Hemlock heritage.
    Shay now has a prom date :) "Do you have the dance moves to keep up with me? I'll give you a shot but be prepared to prove yourself!" Hah! Little does he know that Shay maxed his dancing skills as a child! :p
    Maeve "introduced" herself to Dragan! LOL
    Dragan stayed for dinner and the family had Brogan's favourite, Shawarma :)
    Dragan started clearing the dishes after dinner so I cancelled all other attempts so there would be no yelling and foot stomping!
    Nevan introduced himself by boasting about his good looks :p
    After dinner, Brogan and Michael watched the house :)
    I had forgotten to turn off romance after Shay asked Dragan to the Prom and they managed to get in a few flirts before I turned it off.

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Well it has been a while since I popped into this thread but after my months absence after my account was broken and the UK election I am finally getting back into the forums so will hopefully be able to spend more time here again :smile:
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 250 - Part 1
    Nevan is 13 days over the full lifespan and I am getting a little stressed every time I open my save. Still, life must go on and the family enjoy breakfast together.
    It's Dermot's birthday so I was glad when he wished to have a tea party with his teddy because it will be his last opportunity to play childish games.
    When Nevan came in from harvesting eggs, he chatted with Dermot as the rest of the family were occupied.
    Shay had a wish to hang with Maeve so I had them play catch :)
    Michael wanted to catch a bug so I sent him to the nearby beach. I would be screaming in terror if I came across a bug that size! :o
    Once the morning chores were done and the kids had left for school, I sent the boys to the park. Brogan introduced himself to Alison Mullis and she immediately shared some gossip with him.
    Eilish was also there. She looks cute as an elder :)
    Michael introduced himself to Quinn, Aideen's grandson.
    Nevan chatted with his brother-in-law, Daryl. The girl is Karin, Declan's daughter.
    I was very disappointed in Brogan when his aunt wanted to share a secret and he refused :/
    Claude was also there :)
    Nevan broke away from the crowd gathering around him to go to Brogan to boast about his grandchildren! LOL
    The boys socialized a bit more before I sent them home.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 250 - Part 2
    The kids got home late because of Scouts so only had time to do their homework before it was time for Dermot to have his birthday.
    Hello!? Nope! :o
    This is not a flattering smile but he is a very handsome boy :)
    After cake, Michael and Brogan watched the house :)
    Dermot rolled Green Thumb and wanted to learn the gardening skill. Because of his Scouting he only needed to plant a lettuce to get to level 3 :) This triggered a wish to learn how to cook. He also had hidden cooking skills because of the toy oven :) I was surprised to see Michael and Nevan dancing! I need to check if I didn't give Michael Party Animal as one of his extra traits because of the social groups.
    Since Brogan was dancing on his own, I had Michael dance with him instead. Nevan whipped out his sketchbook as soon as I let him off the hook ;)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 251 - Part 1
    Friday morning and it is Prom Day. When Dermot aged up the night before his first wish was to go to the Prom. I didn't have time to organize a date for him. I have a male and a female in mind for him when I decide which gender preference he will have. I don't want to be rushed by a stooopid Prom wish. The family enjoyed pancakes for breakfast :)
    After breakfast I saw Nevan going in for the cheek pinch! LOL
    After pinching Maeve's cheek, Nevan was walking away when Maeve got him back for the pinch ;)
    After the chores were done and the kids were at school I found these two flirting it up in the study :p
    Maeve had a field trip. Willie was in charge. Desmond, Rowan's son, is sitting beside him. Before the bus took off, Willie got off the bus, changed into his formal wear, and ran to the City Hall.
    Angel, Bridie's daughter, and Kathy, Derry's granddaughter, were also there.
    When I checked back on the house I found Michael and Brogan dancing :)
    Brogan has mastered the mixology skill but often rolls wishes to make particular mood drinks.
    Shay had a wish to do a strength workout. Because there were no after school activities there was plenty of time for the kids to get in a few wishes before Prom.
    It has only been a couple of sim days since I had Brogan collect the gems generated from breaking space rocks! :o

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 251 - Part 2
    When Willie ran off before the field trip earlier in the day, I went into map view and took a screen capture showing how many sims were attending graduations at the City Hall. The blue tags are related to Nevan! :o If the game considered second cousins and beyond blood, I imagine there would be very few tags that weren't blue at this stage.
    I didn't take any pics of Dragan and Douglas when they arrived for Prom. Douglas didn't make it into the limo so I MC'd him to school. Dragan did make it but can't be seen in the limo.
    I thought it was lovely when first Brogan and then Michael came to Nevan for a chat after they finished what they were doing :)
    The family had a lobster dinner before heading off to a party :)
    The party was thrown by Jeffery Holloway, Declan's grandson. He was a no-show but his little brother, Randal, was there. It took a while for Nevan to get in to the house because James, Bridie's husband, stopped him for a chat at the mailbox.
    I sent Brogan in to make a cheese plate and I was watching Michael dancing when I saw this from the corner of my eye! This is Adriana Starr. She is the daughter of Jason and, like him, is evil. Although Nevan was upset by the harassment with the cane, he rolled a wish to boast about his grandchildren to her. She refused to look at them three times and this upset Nevan further ... needless to say, I was also upset!
    I heard a yelp and zoomed in on Maeve. She had just scared Randal :D They played tag after this.
    Then I heard woohoo from the next room and found Michael and Brogan in their host's bed!
    I saw Adriana heading into the house and remembered that Nevan had inherited Jordan's cane. Jordan had never used it but rolled a wish to purchase one on aging up. I had Nevan give her a taste of her own medicine! >:) He got a negative moodlet but I cancelled it :)
    Nevan then went inside and sketched :) I was getting really annoyed by all the negative moodlets I had to cancel for Dermot. Because he went without a date the game was putting him all sorts of nasty scenarios like asking a crush to dance and being rejected and getting into fights and being sent to the Principal's office :rage: Since his wish to attend Prom was already granted, I had him leave the Prom and come to the party. I only send the kids to Prom because they wish to go. I will see if I can get rid of it altogether with Retuner. It's a waste of time and my sims never come home happy so totally not worth it.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 252 - Part 1
    It's Saturday morning and it was a very long, stressful sim day. While Dermot served breakfast, I took care of Nevan's first wish to analyze a plant.
    It didn't take long and he joined the family well before the meal was over.
    Dermot had a wish to finish a book so I gave him the recipe for Ratatouille as it is a quick recipe to read :)
    I had received notice that Finnian's time was up so I had Nevan invite him over :(
    Move over John Travolta! Michael's in the house! ;)
    Apart from directing Brogan to cook Finnian's favourite meal (Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches), I let the family do what they wanted. Finnian didn't get a chance to be lonely as the family all wanted to chat with him :)
    I don't know why but there was some bad blood between Dermot and Finnian. Perhaps Dermot had splashed Finnian at the pool when he was a child and it hadn't been resolved as they had not met since. I don't like my sims apologizing for silly things but I will make exceptions for family and those I love. After a quick apology, they got on like a house on fire :)
    Ita had been admiring herself in the bathroom when Nevan decided to barge in a boast about his grandchildren :p
    After the family and Finnian had all had a chance to chat with each other, I sent Brogan out with Dermot for driving lessons. It took two goes but not too stressful overall.
    I didn't want to take any chances that Finnian wouldn't get to have his favourite meal, so I had Maeve serve him a special late-morning meal :)
    When I got the pop-up that Dermot had got his licence I found Dermot running across town and I couldn't cancel the action. I had to reset him to get him home! Stooopid game!
    Sims being sims! Brogan couldn't get to the bar for a drink and Shay couldn't get to Nevan for a game of catch. I'm not sure who Ita was trying to get to but she was having no luck either.
    I had Shay take a photo with Finnian. Although the photo will vanish when I next have to move the family, it will be nice to have one of him for now :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 252 - Part 2
    Michael had just come over from whatever he was doing and hugged Finnian. I didn't take a pic but thought it was adorable until immediately after I saw that Finnian's time was up :'(
    Nevan had been outside playing catch with Maeve but I quickly sent him in to witness his brother's passing :(
    I was devastated when Finn begged for his life! :'( He was 32 days over the full life span but he had obviously not had enough :(
    Of course begging does no good and Grim reaped him anyway :(
    Brogan and Michael comforted each other with woohoo! :o;)
    On witnessing Finn's passing, Maeve rolled a wish to become the Emperor of Evil!
    I wasn't going to let Ita invite Douglas over because I thought that Finn might last the whole day but since he passed so early I let her have it.
    Because Maeve can be a bit of a pain, I sent her off for a joyride. I chose the chair that one of the other kids had pranked a while back :p
    What a delicate little sim - who'd have thought a dirty counter would be that disgusting?! ;)
    Brogan and Michael watched the house while the kids were cooking and cleaning the kitchen.
    Nevan had been invited to Quinn Holloway's party. Only Shay wished to go so I sent him. Quinn is Aideen's grandson. He is married to Bridie's daughter, Deidre.
    When I checked back on the family, Ita and Douglas were star gazing. I think this might be the second time for the boys!
    When Maeve finished her joyride, I sent her along to the party as well. She met Buddy, Eilish and Claude's handsome son :) I was a little annoyed that Shay was eating a serve of the cheese plate I had him make for the party guests!
    A close up because he's so darned cute <3

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 253 - Part 1
    Although it was Sunday it wasn't so busy that it was stressful :)
    Shay had a wish to garden, so I had him water the plants. I noticed Maeve heading towards the garden :p
    Brogan and Michael got amorous after they finished off the gardening and Nevan provided mood music ;)
    Dermot had the wish to learn the guitar skill which triggered a wish to jam. I had Ita join him as their dads were hitting the juice bar :p
    Dermot also had a wish to spar with someone. Nevan didn't take it easy on the beginner! :o;)
    Brogan had a radiation fail! There's a radioactive light beetle on the loose :o:p
    I sent Nevan and Dermot fishing as they both had fishing wishes.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 253 - Part 2
    Shay reached the half way mark of his teens so I had him invite Dragan over. Since Dermot was closest to the door, I had him invite him in.
    After everyone in the family had had a chat with Dragan, Shay managed to corner him in the study as he was about to read a book.
    Before they got more than a few flirts in, Nevan popped in for a chat and Maeve to mastermind a plot :p
    The family enjoyed Nevan's favourite, Grilled Salmon, for dinner :)
    Shay is teaching Dragan the family tradition of house watching ;)
    Brogan and Michael watched the house as well :)
    Ita had been chatting with Douglas on the phone and rolled a wish to watch the stars with him. Since she will be aging up in a couple of days, I sent her over to his house. As a snob, she was thrilled to learn that Douglas was rich! :p
    Nevan chose the corner of the kitchen to start a jam session so excuse the odd angle.
    As it was getting late, I let him play a few minutes more before sending him to bed ... alive! He made it through another day :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 254
    Monday! *sigh of relief* ;) Shannon visited very late again and is playing computer games in one of the bedrooms. I let Nevan go to him after breakfast :)
    Nevan had a wish to find some seeds. When I sent him to the next door lot which spawns lots of special seeds, he rolled a wish to do a gene-splicing experiment. He didn't fail this time :)
    I sent the boys to the bowling alley :)
    When they arrived, they were alone but sims started arriving soon after. Spike, sharing a joke with Carl (Cait's husband) and Jed (Eilish's son) are pictured here :)
    When Michael finished his game, he went upstairs and met Daphne Hemlock, Dragan's mother :)
    He also chatted with his father :)
    I was happy when I saw Bran arrive. He immediately went to Nevan for a chat :)
    A couple of random family life pics :)
    Because I have the kids working on their cooking skills, Michael doesn't often get his favourite meal because of the high level required. I had Brogan whip up some tri-tip steak while Michael was playing catch with Maeve.
    After dinner, the boys watched the house :)
    There are two chess tables in the house and Nevan often uses them but I guess the computer version is fun too ;)
    Nevan made it through another day :)

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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Mikezumi , starting on Day 253... :)
    **Nice of Nevan to provide mood music! ;) (not that they need it...)
    **does the bar get a lot of use? I rarely have them in my houses.
    **Nevan is pretty dang bendy for someone past his expiration date!
    **Will the beetle hurt anyone?
    **Dragan is pretty cute! i love his shirt!
    **Nevan is hysterical!!
    **Yeah! Shannon and Nevan again!! <3
    **'s Carl the beautiful!!
    **LOL!! they really need a butt slider Spike has no tushy whatsoever!
    **Nevan really is hanging on!!

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    The bar gets lots of use because I have a couple of party animals in the family :) The drinks also give good moodlets, especially when a sim has mastered the mixology skill.
    There is a butt slider but I haven't downloaded it because I am all about the face.
    If I remember correctly, Jordan also went quite a ways over the lifespan. I hope that Nevan hangs on a bit more as I really enjoy having him in the house :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 255 - Part 1
    Today is Ita's birthday :)
    Dermot watered the garden because he had no wishes and I wanted to see if I could trigger a gardening wish.
    Shay wanted to catch a 100 kg fish so I put in a crocodile spawner :) You can see Nevan in the background. He got an exotic egg when he harvested the eggs :)
    The girls chatted in the house until the school bus came.
    After the kids left for school, I had Michael prepare some french toast as the family had eaten the last serve. I interrupted Brogan's dancing so he could finish the gardening. I left Nevan alone as I was planning to send them all to the park when the chores were done :)
    When the boys got to the park, Nevan sat down to read a book. I knew it wouldn't be long before sims started crowding him. Having the Irresistible trait means he will never be lonely ;)
    Because I spent yesterday playing a different save, I had forgotten the teens had a field trip. Fortunately I saw the bus from the park. Lacey Ackles, wife of Jed (Eilish's son) was in charge of the field trip. She is so obviously a Mullis!
    Dragan was also there :)
    As I predicted, Nevan barely got one page read before sims started arriving at the park and filling his queue. Cary Starr, half-brother of Shannon, was the first in his queue but didn't quite get to him. Something must have scared him or he's totally in awe of Nevan ;)
    Karin, Declan's daughter chatted with Nevan while Brogan and Michael flirted in front of Cary. Totally shameless! LOL
    Nevan started a couple of sketches while at the park but didn't get a chance to finish one.
    I got a good chuckle when Spike came over and boasted about his grandchildren to Michael. Michael is the only one of his kids that has produced grandchildren for him so far! :p
    I let the boys stay at the park until it was time for the kids to get home.

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