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Chain Reaction: NEW GENERATION! 4.8: Dry, 4.9: Famous (2/20/23)


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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    Maladi777 wrote: »
    It could be hilarious to watch Alex trying to be friends with Graham. :D>:)
    Alex reminds me of Thomas Nightshade with all his woohoo thoughts. People said he was a creep. The truth is men are visually very excitable. (Not sure how to describe it in English properly) I had an interesting talk with a friend of mine and he told me funny stories about his commuting to school as a teenager and all the stimuli he faced in public transport. Girls are very lucky in this regard. :D

    I guess I can kinda see how they're similar?
    Someone once told me that when writing men to remember that they have two brains. Some are more actively two-brained than others.
    Yes. Girls are very lucky. We can hide it a hell of a lot easier. :)
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    It occurred to me that so far we've been talking what Graham's reaction will be and as much as I'm looking forward to all that drama involving him and Alex again, I must wonder, what about Brielle? What is she going to think about Alex pawing her daughter? She has a first hand experience with him and how intense he can be. :)
    HEFFNER LEGACYSimblrHeffner Legacy Discussion │ Origin ID: Maladi
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    Maladi777 wrote: »
    It occurred to me that so far we've been talking what Graham's reaction will be and as much as I'm looking forward to all that drama involving him and Alex again, I must wonder, what about Brielle? What is she going to think about Alex pawing her daughter? She has a first hand experience with him and how intense he can be. :)

    /claps hands with girlie 'eeee!'
    Yes! I'm glad you brought that up. It's kinda mentioned later, I'll say that much, but there's still stuff going on beneath the surface in Brielle's mind, which I hope to get to much later.

    On another note, it's so nice to finally reach a milestone in writing. Here is a pic from approximately (because that changes) 20 chapters from now:
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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    Hmm, Alex, Graham and Ethan in one room. Interesting. I wonder for whom Alex is working for on that computer.
    HEFFNER LEGACYSimblrHeffner Legacy Discussion │ Origin ID: Maladi
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    My heart rate would increased too if he told me he's my boss. :) Well, I would prefer another boss, but it's the idea that counts.
    There are nice poses in case you decide to make him her boss. :smiley: I love their conversations.

    "I'm not seeing this." :D>:)

    Very well written argument. Enjoyed every word. And oh my god, Alex obviously expected Emily to act a certain way, but she was so confused and she's still so unexperienced in these things. At the end he stood fighting alone. :'( Seeing Graham cry broke my heart though. And his hair went gray from it all.
    HEFFNER LEGACYSimblrHeffner Legacy Discussion │ Origin ID: Maladi
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    Maladi777 wrote: »
    My heart rate would increased too if he told me he's my boss. :) Well, I would prefer another boss, but it's the idea that counts.
    There are nice poses in case you decide to make him her boss. :smiley: I love their conversations.

    "I'm not seeing this." :D>:)

    Very well written argument. Enjoyed every word. And oh my god, Alex obviously expected Emily to act a certain way, but she was so confused and she's still so unexperienced in these things. At the end he stood fighting alone. :'( Seeing Graham cry broke my heart though. And his hair went gray from it all.

    Hehe, especially considering his track record. That was fun to write.
    I'll have to check out those poses. I recently downloaded a bunch for another scene I had to do (I did blood for the first time. Not great, but it doesn't suck either!). It was nice for once to find exactly what I'm looking for. You know I'm picky. >.>

    Really? Thanks. Arguments are my biggest challenge. It helps that in game Alex actually DID win the argument, giving me the interaction shots I needed. This was a play-first-write-later thing. Well, 99% of this story is that way. Just pre-planned.
    Yes, Emily was at a total loss as to what to do. Alex kept reminding himself of that, but the end did feel like a slap in the face. You'll see more of his reaction to it in the next chapter.

    I hated making Graham cry, but it was unavoidable. The stuff I've written recently...I hope everyone doesn't hate him in the end.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    For the record, I'm not a Graham fan. Never have been, and I've been vocal about it, so whatever you write next for him that might make him look bad won't change my mind against him. Ha!

    I love Alex. I felt sorry for him that Emily couldn't help in his fight. I guess because she's too young? Well...that will happen when you choose someone too young for you.

    I love Alexander Goth so much. I kick myself for not keeping him in my game. I may have to resurrect him for my Gen 4 heir... ;)
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited May 2017
    You're not? Really? :p
    That's okay. I find it entertaining who likes or dislikes whom. I like everyone because I'm in everyone's head. Or they're in mine. O.o

    I'm glad you love Alex. He needs love.
    Emily had no idea what to do. It's partly because she's young but partly because she's just her.

    Well, I think I have my Alex up for download. I think he comes paired with Emily, but you could always delete her. :)

    Edit: I think I did them #chainreaction
    I think.
    I'm thinking too much today.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    mypalsim1 wrote: »
    You're not? Really? :p
    That's okay. I find it entertaining who likes or dislikes whom. I like everyone because I'm in everyone's head. Or they're in mine. O.o

    I'm glad you love Alex. He needs love.
    Emily had no idea what to do. It's partly because she's young but partly because she's just her.

    Well, I think I have my Alex up for download. I think he comes paired with Emily, but you could always delete her. :)

    Edit: I think I did them #chainreaction
    I think.
    I'm thinking too much today.

    Ohhh...YES! I'll download him!! Thank you! I've always been smitten with him for some reason. It's really like an infatuation since your first chapter and I haven't been able to shake it. Also, you write him so s*exy...mmmm... ;)

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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    Alex is so sweet now. However, I have to agree with the comment on your blog. It is understandable that Graham wouldn't forgive Alex. I would find it hard myself to forgive a person who got me fired and sabotaged my job searching attempts and atop of that kept in touch with the person I married.
    Brielle took the situation surprisingly easy. I kind of expected her to get into argument with Alex herself. I can see her being mad at him, on the other hand she would understand how Emily is feeling because of her own experience.
    HEFFNER LEGACYSimblrHeffner Legacy Discussion │ Origin ID: Maladi
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    Alex is being an absolute doll. Loving it.
    Yeah, and like my reply to the comment, I agree that Graham doesn't have to forgive him. Alex still asked for it, though, so he does have that. He did his half of reconciliation. He knows he can't Force Graham to accept his apology, but it can bug him nonetheless that it's not accepted. And at that moment of anger, he added that to the list of grievances.

    Ugh. Brielle.
    You know what? She still thinks this is about her. You'll notice I barely include her in the upcoming chapters because her self-centeredness gets on my nerves and I don't want it in my head. Anyway, she's just thinking that she's glad her old friend has found someone that can make him happy. And she knows that Alex would make a very devoted husband to Emily. Geez, I don't even like writing about Brielle in a comment response. ick.
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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    Uh-oh. I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of the nanny's flirty behaviour. And I can easily imagine Ethan go down the wrong path just because he can't say no or things will happen and he won't have any idea how.
    Also the ever suspicious me is asking if this nanny could be a spy or something. Don't mind me.
    HEFFNER LEGACYSimblrHeffner Legacy Discussion │ Origin ID: Maladi
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    TBH, I haven't really decided on the future of the nanny. So, in essence, you're either cementing ideas that were already floating around in my head or putting new ones there. This was basically a low-maintenance chapter thrown in to let everyone know what's going on in the Ethan front while the Emily drama happens. One thing I can say is that Ethan did at least somewhat realize what was happening with the nanny before she could do anything besides flirt. After all, the arrested women he deals with at work treat him like a piece of meat. He wasn't expecting that at home, however, so that took him off guard. Still, good guesswork. :)
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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    Ha! I really like where this is going, although I doubt she stands a chance. Alex is too much in love with Emily. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing her try.
    HEFFNER LEGACYSimblrHeffner Legacy Discussion │ Origin ID: Maladi
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    Hehe, yeah, even as I was writing it, I'm like, 'no one is going to feel the least bit threatened, but I have to show Drake scheming.' So, essentially, he's scheming. Of course, I still had to show some of his immaturity (trolling the forums), but that disappears as time goes on.

    However, Violet is not immature and rather dangerous.
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    SterretjeeeSterretjeee Posts: 3,019 Member
    Soooo much happened!
    Alex and Emily!? I guess that was definitely bound to happen! And I don't feel as uncomfortable with it as I thought it would... Still mildly uncomfortable, though :lol:
    But that's not because of the age difference, but because of the entire situation. He watched her grow up, kinda feel for Graham...

    I love Drake's scheming, he should do more of it :lol:
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    Welcome back!
    Yes, it was bound to happen, and it's understandable that the whole situation makes you a little uncomfortable. Yes, he knew her when she was a child, but keep in mind there weren't any true romantic feelings until she became an adult (they were slowly growing before then, but that was when she was a teen). Poor Graham indeed. His worst fear is now happening.

    LOL. Well, glad you think so because he's doing plenty of it!
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    And the sun sets on my 30s. :(
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    I hear it's your birthday!!


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