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(Open To All Models) Models Paradise 2017: A7 Taking Submissions! Check in A6. LOOKING FOR JUDGES!

wiredhanna67wiredhanna67 Posts: 402 Member
edited March 8 in Nominated Threads

Welcome all! Beginning Models and Advanced Models, I always see modeling contests but they're always almost finished or closed off, or some models feel as if they're not experienced enough to join, so I created a fun and friendly modeling section here! Where all are welcomed at all times,
you do not have to stick with one model, there are no applications, you just send in the assignment and will get judged on them and tips on how to improve, there are no rewards (after all this is not an actual modeling competition) This is here for experience, for your future modeling competitions.

Every 2 weeks there will be a new assignment, There are no Extensions, but you can always join in on the next assignment! The assignments will range from simple to extreme. assignments will have requirements and extras for extra points towards your assignment if included.


These are here to help keep this a healthy & safe Modeling Community at this forum!

No Negativity this includes belittling yourself.
No Copying and No Fighting.
Editing is recommended but not required
You May Draw your own Hair, Clothing & Objects
No Editing Submissions once entered on the forums!
Pose Player recommended but not required
Have Fun.


Host & Judge

Judges & Temporary Judges do have applications!
They're separate applications.
PM me in which you are interested in doing as this will also be experience for future judging all beginners and advanced judges are welcome!

Will be around for a long period of time/permanent judge for all assignments.
I need at least 1 judge.

Temporary Judges:
Will be around for one assignment, they may re-enter as a temporary judge if asked and if a spot is open.

I need 2 temporary judges.

All judges/temporary judges must have headshot on a white background.


Here is where you will find all assignments!

Judging scoring for all assignments:
Photo Quality:/10
Capturing The Assignment:/10
Creativity Of Photo:/10
Model Appearance:/10
Bonus Points:/10

All Submissions will all get comments and tips on how to improve.

Assignment 7: Album.
One of your model's has decided to jump into the music career! now all you have to do is come up with the cover!
Basically I want you to make an album! front AND back!


You can take any album art into your assignment as long as it features your model in either the front or back cover!
We're near the finale guys! (:
be creative!

Age Group:

Bonus Points:
Group Album.

DUE DATE: 9/24/17 BY 12:00AM CT.




1. Jendowoz0612


Photo Quality:9/10
Capturing The Assignment:9/10
Creativity Of Photo:9/10
Model Appearance:9/10
Bonus Points:8/10
Overall: 49/55

Judge's Comments:
All I can say is, wow! I love this! Your model is gorgeous and totally fits the 'goddess egyptian' vibe! way to rock it! The pet snake was a nice touch as well!

2. abelhinha35


Photo Quality: 9/10
Capturing The Assignment: 8/10
Creativity Of Photo: 10/10
Model Appearance: 8/10
Requirements: 5/5
Bonus Points: 8/10
Overall: 48/55

Judge's comments:

Wow she is gorgeous! I absolutely love the 'zodiac' background, but it didn't really fit in with your goddess I feel like there was some things missing to really bring that all together, Maybe more of a flowy dress or zodiac tattoo's along her arm, something that show's me she's the zodiac goddess, other than that wow! you did really great!

I was really proud of you guys! absolutely both of your goddesses really took my breath away! wonderful job! hopefully we'll get more people this next round! (:
The voice in your head is just me in your headphones, Everyone knows that we're the devils hero's!
Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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