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Clifford and Jordan 5x5 TS3


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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 70 - Part 1
    Cliff had the most Eilish wishes, so he gets her ready for the day :)
    Nevan has his last breakfast as a child and Derry as a teen!
    Jordan is still rolling those stroller wishes! Two or three a day :p
    Derry masters the Athletic skill just in time because I have the perfect LTW for him :)
    After all the morning chores are done, it is time for Nevan's birthday :)
    Interesting get-up, but NO!
    This boy is adorable <3

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 70 - Part 2
    Finnian reached level 9 of the Martial Arts skill :) Not bad for an artistic boy ;)
    This was the first driving lesson I have had that made in one try without any stopping on the way :)
    No kids at the table now! At least not until tomorrow ;)
    After dinner, it is Derry's turn.
    He got the dreaded pigtails :/
    That's more like it!
    Finnian was fatigued from breaking space rocks for the first time. Declan helped his brother and BFF get back on his feet :)
    "Oh, I see a star! Better get that ladder out and fix the hole in the guttering before the rain comes!"
    The boys were ready to woohoo but I had to stop them because Declan came in to tickle Eilish :p I had them cuddle until he went away.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 71 - Part 1
    Cliff gets Eilish ready for her last day as a toddler :)
    Although there are still empty spaces at the dining table, that won't be the case by the end of the day ;)
    Shane, who Loves the Outdoors and is an Angler, wanted to learn the gardening skill. I think he has about 6 fishing skill points and gardening is a natural wish for Anglers as they like to grow their own bait. Although Cliff could upgrade the sprinklers to automatic, I don't like to do this because it's always good to have plants that need watering when you want a sim to learn the gardening skill quickly.
    I missed Jordan taking Eilish on her last stroll, but I can assure you it did happen :) After the dads and all the boys had fulfilled their wishes to snuggle, tickle or just pick up Eilish, it was time for her to age up.
    Oh my! This will take a little work to rectify! ;)
    So much better! :)
    Eilish even approves :p You will notice that she has lost her baby curls. I did this for a good reason. If you all get used to seeing her in curls I will be cornered into giving her the only curly hair I have for adults and, although I like it, I don't want my redheads pigeon-holed.
    The boys must have finished gardening because I found them post woohoo, looking very pleased with themselves ;)
    I love Finnian's latest painting! I was trying to capture the colouring of the red and white koi for the frame but I will have to go back and work on the red a bit more.
    This pretty girl is Darla and she is to be Finnian's :)
    They didn't even make it into the house when they discovered they shared traits ... well, duh, of course they do! It is as the Sim God decreed when she saw Darla as a toddler :)
    They must have given each other a dozen friendly hugs before I could ascertain if they were compatible (not that they wouldn't be!). It's just that they had been friends since childhood and only just had romance activated for them so were unfamiliar with the "moves" ;)
    It didn't take much nudging on my part to get them out of the friend zone :)
    And they are now going steady and to the Prom together :D

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 71 - Part 2
    Cliff and Jordan had each other for company, as did Shane and Derry. Eilish, who Loves The Outdoors, had a wish to learn fishing and Nevan had a wish to master fishing so they were easy to keep occupied. I felt sorry for Declan while I was working on Finnian's love life so I sent him to the park because I saw Teresa's tag heading that way. When I checked to see if he had found her, he had :) Although I am happy to let my sims run wild, I thought he might need a little help being athletic and not particularly good with romance. He did, however, have an outstanding wish to ask Teresa on a date so I had him ask her then disregarded his wish to see a movie and sent them to the Bowling Alley :)
    Back at home, Eilish was taking a break from fishing because she had already filled a few wishes and the spawners needed replacing. It was a good opportunity to talk to her dads :)
    When Jordan saw Darla coming out of the treehouse ;) he rolled a wish for a friendly introduction.
    When Declan and Teresa got to the bowling alley, I had them play together. (Love having the ability to keep sims locked into an activity that frees me for a while) :p
    Since Finnian decided he would rather break thin stone blocks, I had Jordan train Darla in MA since she, like Finnian, has the Disciplined trait.
    When I noticed Derry breaking space rocks I went looking for Shane and found him fishing. Aideen was also fishing at the family pond :D
    I got a pop-up that indicated that Declan and Teresa had finished bowling and had availed themselves of the photobooth. Poor Declan had a performance anxiety moodlet. Public woohoo must have been too much for my athletic boy ;)
    I saw Derry had juice pong in his queue but couldn't work out who he had targeted. Then I saw Aideen come to the table :)
    Afterwards they shared a little chat and gossip before Aideen ran off to the library.
    After bowling, I sent Declan and Teresa to the diner. I needed the spare chair for Teresa ;)
    After dinner, I had Declan kiss Teresa goodbye. The date went well and he immediately rolled a wish for another :)
    Finnian: "Dad was right! The swallows are back!"
    Watching the stars together must have put Derry in the mood for something as lasting as the stars and he proposed to Shane :)
    Shane happily accepted :D

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 72
    I was going through my earliest updates and it was a lot of fun remembering how Cliff and Jordan started in their small, one room house. Despite their slow start due to my over-spending the boys lived "right", always starting the day with a good quality meal. Even now that the house is pure madness I still manage to get the family all together for the most important meal of the day :)
    After the kids went to school, I sent Jordan, Cliff, Derry and Shane to the small park. Shane's parents, Jason and Lilika, were there with their toddler son (whose name escapes me). Normally when Jason is left in my saves with his evil trait, his marriage usually ends in divorce and with his kids not liking him. In this save, I was surprised to see that Lilika has the staying power to keep their marriage going. She has the Family Oriented and Flirty traits and is obviously what is needed to keep Jason in line. They must have at least half a dozen kids so far.
    I left the boys to their own devices for a bit and Jordan asked cliff to play catch while Shane and Derry got all lovey dovey.
    I looked at Shane's wishes and saw that he wanted to toss his baby brother in the air so I broke the boys apart so he could do just that :)
    Since Derry had pulled out a book, I had Shane talk to his father. Their friendship bar was almost full! Lilika has really tamed Jason :p
    Shortly after the kids got home from school, Finnian mastered the MA skill :)
    The girls arrived for Prom :)
    Everyone made it in the limo although I could only see three of them when I looked inside.
    Jordan made Shane's favourite meal, sushi :)
    "The baby swallows are getting ready to leave the nest!"
    "You do know that the Sim God is making jokes at our expense?" ;)
    The boys were hungry when they got home from Prom :/

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited March 2017
    Day 73 - Wedding Day Part 1
    Today was a huge day for my sims! They eat their breakfast without the faintest idea of what I have in store for them :p
    Good thing I wake the kids up early for breakfast and that the meal mod makes breakfast fast and fuss-free :) It means the kids have time for lots of fun before the bus comes :)
    Can you guess from this picture what I have planned for Derry and Shane? ;)
    Because Jordan had already invited guests to the wedding, Shane and Derry tried to marry autonomously before anyone had arrived! It seems that the wedding invitation triggers this autonomous behaviour because I know my mods don't allow my sims to go that far without me.
    I had them change into their wedding outfits and play catch to keep them occupied for a while.
    Some of the guests arrived as I was keeping Jordan away from the stove by having him recycle the newspaper. He would cook all through a party if I let him :/
    Constance Shelley was not invited but at least she is well dressed.
    I had Derry ask Jason for Shane's hand. I didn't notice last time I tried this interaction that the sims get a 10 day +20 moodlet for receiving the blessing :)
    Jason said yes, thankfully :) He is Evil afterall so I didn't quite know what to expect.
    While Jordan was chatting with Aideen, Dameon arrived and whisked her off to the bedroom. I was kinda hoping they were trying for baby but when I checked her later she wasn't pregnant :(
    Jason and Lilika are perfect for each other :)
    Because of the bottleneck on the stairs at my last wedding, I steered Jordan outside hoping the guests would follow him and they did :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited March 2017
    Day 73 - Wedding Day Part 2
    Now that Derry had Jason's blessing and most of the guests had found their way outside, it was time to start the ceremony :)
    Stoopid, uninvited Constance stopped Aideen from getting to her seat and both ended up standing :/
    Once again, it's too much for Jordan :p
    Love the goofy wedding faces :) Don't know what was up with the teens. They seem to have been distracted by something.
    I later discovered the problem was Eddie. He was in the queues of the boys. The boys were complementing him on his music or something like that. I think he is fairly high up in the music career.
    Once started, the wedding proceeds to its conclusion regardless of what the other sims are doing.
    At least Nevan took notice before it was over.
    And finally Finnian as well.
    I'm not sure where Jordan got to.
    I guess it was pretty orderly given the unpredictable nature of sims ;)
    Since I timed this wedding earlier than the last one, I allowed the boys to cut the cake immediately. I think EA could have put some effort into the facial animation for the sim not cutting the cake :/
    There wasn't enough cake for everyone but I wasn't concerned because most of the guests ate the cheese plate in the main house before the ceremony. I did bring out something special for Eilish when she got home from scouting.
    The boys excused themselves and watched the stars from the front of the house :)
    After breaking the hottub, Cliff and Jordan did the same in their swimwear.

    Post edited by Mikezumi on
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 74
    Cliff's latest painting. I think this one is cute :)
    Finnian's two most recent paintings. Not sure how I feel about a watermelon rabbit eating its own ear :o
    I really like this one :)
    Since Declan will be aging up shortly and another wedding will probably take place, I decided this will be Derry and Shane's last breakfast with the family. I will be sad to see them go but I will be keeping a close eye on them.
    When Shane had finished his painting, I had Derry join him on the deck for a bit of romance before they hit the road.
    Two and a half sims moved out ;)
    Eilish came home from school with Joseph Mullis. He's a cutie and looks very much like his dad, Eddy :)
    Declan wanted to try his hand at painting :)
    Joseph was heading to the bookcase and Eilish was heading to the pond so I stepped in and had her socialise with Joseph instead. They ended up playing tag and building up their friendship level to best friends :)
    Poor Eilish was bumped out of the way by Joseph on her way to the dinner table and didn't get there until Cliff had finished.
    After Joseph went home, Eilish went fishing as she had been trying to do earlier. Declan and Nevan also had fishing wishes so they kept her company :)
    "I wonder what joke she will make about us today?"
    Sorry boys! I am drawing a blank :p

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 75
    A quiet, almost shirtless male-free breakfast ;)
    Cliff and Jordan went to the park and bumped into my SS.
    Jordan walked away - he must have been distancing himself from the loonies ;)
    But then he came back and I nearly fell off my chair when I saw him looking at my SS like this! :o Even Cliff looks less than happy!
    Then I realized it was because he was working up to a flirt with Cliff. Their last interaction before leaving home had been a romantic one and this was the carry over.
    My SS was feeling a bit like a third wheel, so she made light of the situation before leaving ;)
    As the boys were heading off to play catch, I saw Connor arriving. He was wearing his work outfit :o
    A couple of mouse clicks later - so much better!
    Although I haven't mentioned it before, Cliff has also been working on his nectar making skills. He's around level 5 or 6 now. When I checked how he was doing with his latest batch I found him in his formal wear :/ I hope he hadn't been squishing grapes like that!
    Nevan wanted to play the piano when he came home from school so I had him start a jam session because I knew this would trigger a "jam with another sim" wish. When he rolled the wish I had Cliff join him. Cliff had been playing the guitar alone in the backyard in any case.
    Jordan challenged Declan to a dunking competition but Jordan cancelled the interaction by the time Declan got there. He had been doing his homework and I didn't want him disturbed.
    Jordan wanted to eat at the Bistro, so I sent the whole family :)
    When the boys got home they decided to watch the stars and since they were at the front of the house ended up in the yard :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member

    Day 76
    I must say it is really nice not seeing my sims cough or choke on their perfect meals anymore :)
    After breakfast, Cliff finished this brilliant painting.
    Once again I have managed to take no pictures of what the boys got up to during the day. I do leave them to their own devices a lot, so I know there was woohoo involved. From memory, Cliff also leveled up to 8 in nectar making and Jordan broke several space rocks.
    Declan had a wish to prepare a meal so I had him cook burgers for dinner. When he sat down to eat he realized he had made his own favourite meal ;)
    Before cleaning up the dinner dishes, it was time for Declan's birthday :)
    I guess the top he aged up in was appropriate for an athletic sim but I wanted something that would reflect both his athleticism and the party animal in him :) I also like to dress my sims according to their favourite colours and Declan's is black.
    Although his jaw would make you think he looks more like Jordan, he has in fact got Cliff's nose.
    The boys look terrible under the deck lighting, but at least they are facing the right way tonight ;)
    I love Finnian's latest painting! I will have to frame it when I go in game tomorrow morning and decide where it will hang.
    Eilish took a beating but since she was the one who asked Declan to pay catch, she got what she asked for ;)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 77 - Part 1
    Another hectic Saturday ahead! Teresa was meant to age up the same night as Declan but was out about the town and missed her birthday. When I opened my save it was 3am and I aged her up and added her to the household.
    I'm sure Declan was happy to see her at the breakfast table :)
    While the rest of the family tended to the chores, I let them have some alone time :)
    They didn't have a lot of alone time because it was Graduation Day for Declan.
    He graduated Valedictorian and was voted most likely to be a sports star :)
    I don't normally check on Cliff while he is making nectar because the other sims keep me busy but this time I decided to check because I wanted to make sure he wasn't squishing fruit in his tux.
    Teresa wanted to cook a meal. Her cooking face is so cute :)
    Nevan: "And I thought my older brother was cool!" ;)
    Found these two flirting up a storm :)
    Since they were doing so well, I had Declan propose. I can't leave these things up to athletic sims. They had been flirting for a good while but he was just about to rush off to work out!
    Meanwhile, Nevan rolled a wish to visit the library. When he was there he introduced himself to Shane's little brother, Mark. This one also looks a lot like their dad, Jason.
    Lydell Mullis was also at the library.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 77 - Part 2
    When I checked back on the family, I found that Teresa and Declan had found their way to the bedroom on their own :)
    Then Declan ran off to work out on the basketball hoop! :p
    Woohoo must have thrown him off his game ;)
    Awwww he looks so dejected :(
    The family enjoy the Goopy Carbonara prepared by Teresa :)
    "I almost saw a star through the hole in the guttering but Declan got in the way!" ;)
    Since it was Saturday and poor Finnian's love life had been ignored, I sent him to the park because I saw that Darla was there. He autonomously joined her at the picnic :)
    Darla's sister soon joined in. Can't remember her name.
    Back at home Nevan and Teresa were jamming ...
    While Declan skinny dipped in the pool :)
    I checked back on Finnian and Darla and they were watching the stars :) I almost got a mod to stop autonomous star watching but I am kind of glad I didn't because it can be so cute :)
    When I checked on him later, he was playing kicky bag with Betty :/ I left them to it for a bit because I wanted to check on Cliff and Jordan who I had set up at the massage table :)
    I had Finnian find Darla so he could kiss her before going home.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 78
    This Sunday starts like any other day of the week with the family eating breakfast. What the family don't know is that they will live this day twice! In one of version of this day, there will be a big wedding attended by family and friends followed by a game crash which broke the Sim God's heart and made it impossible to do over. You get to see the reality I prefer ;)
    After breakfast, Declan and Teresa practise their wedding dance while the family take care of the gardening and other household chores.
    After Cliff invited family and friends for the special day and all toys were removed, I had the bride and groom change into their wedding outfits.
    Soon after, the guests started to arrive :)
    I went looking for the bride and groom and found them in the bedroom :o:p
    Jensen and Aideen were chatting on the front porch and hadn't made it out to the backyard yet.
    Declan asks Connor for his daughter's hand :) Although I did not get a pic of the blessing it was, indeed, received :)
    Once the guests had arrived and I had extracted Declan and Teresa from the bedroom and got them redressed, it was time for the ceremony :)
    After the ceremony, the guests gathered around for the cutting of the cake :)
    This is the last picture I took before the crash.
    On an uplifting note, here is Finnian's latest painting :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 79
    Post wedding night breakfast and the family are enjoying crepes :)
    Why is Teresa excusing herself to rush to the bathroom? Did Jordan make the crepes with plasma fruit again? ;)
    "The Sim God has generously provided us with a nice new house. Let's say we blow this joint!"
    Declan got the Irresistible trait as an extra trait when he reached a certain level in one of the social groups ;) I figured he would need some help to counter his Athletic trait :p
    "Bye son. Don't keep me waiting for a grandbaby like that sister of yours!"
    Bye Teresa and Declan. Be happy in your new home :)
    The house is very empty now with only 5 sims but it means that my boys can have more fun together ... not that their lives have been anything less than fun ;)
    My SS was chatting with Jensen. She keeps good company :)
    After bowling, the boys went upstairs ;)
    No wonder Cliff's nectar is of such high quality! ;)
    Jordan prepared grilled salmon, Cliff and Nevan's favourite meal :)
    I hope you don't damage the new sofa in the study, Eilish! ;)
    The boys finished the evening with some skinny dipping ...
    and star gazing :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 80
    Can you believe this is my 80th sim day in this save!? Given I often take over 2 hours to play a sim day, that means I have played this save for more than 160 hours! :o
    That's about one week of my life!
    The family have a quiet breakfast. With no party animal in the house, the stereo rarely gets turned on. I do miss Declan drinking all of Cliff's mixed drinks and dancing away hours of his life when he wasn't exercising.
    After the kids had gone to school and the gardening had been done, the boys sparred. I bet Jordan is missing Declan too because this fight was over in next to no time! Poor Cliff didn't stand a chance :(
    I put out the Stiff as a Board Dance floor, generously gifted by @Charlottesmom, and Cliff decided to try his hand at The Smustle.
    He took a couple of spills ;)
    What else do parents do when their kids are out of the house but play juice pong! I'm pretty sure it's in the "Responsible Parenting Guide" :p
    Both boys rolled a wish to play their guitars as they finished their school day!
    When Eilish got home from scouting, they family attended her Badging Ceremony :)
    "Are you laughing at me, dad?"
    The family went to the Bistro when the ceremony was over. Look who's wearing maternity wear! :)
    The boys watched the stars from the front yard when they got home :)
    The teens played table tennis :)
    Nevan might not have the athletic skills of his brother, Finnian, but he won this match! :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 81 - Part 1
    Another quiet family breakfast. It won't be long before Finnian ages up and then there will be another sim at the table :)
    After breakfast, Eilish had a submarine adventure :)
    Normally when Cliff and Jordan play catch, it is Cliff who gets smacked hard by the ball. Cliff recently maxed his athletic skill and it was good to see Jordan get some of his own ;)
    Although he was not as happy as I was ;)
    Shane, as an angler, often avails himself of the family fishing pond. After he had been fishing for several hours, I saw "play juice pong with" in Cliff's queue. I let them be and had Jordan amuse himself elsewhere until they were done :) Shane and Derry have a toddler daughter, Sally :)
    After his homework was done, I had Finnian invite Darla over. She went straight for the heat of the moment kiss on entering the house! Although Finnian loves his painting and martial arts, I don't think I will ever need to nudge these two in the romance department!
    That must have been some kiss because I later found them in Cliff and Jordan's bedroom :o:p
    Eilish: "I know what you and Darla were doing before dinner!" :mrgreen:

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 81 - Part 2
    After dinner, Cliff, Jordan and Eilish attended a party held by Dustin Frio. Eilish introduced herself to Josh Holloway who arrived when they did.
    I had Cliff keep Justin busy so that Jordan could get to the stove and prepare some food for the guests.
    Aideen and Betty also attended :) Aideen and Dameon had a baby girl earlier that morning but I don't recall her name.
    Back at home, I found Finnian and Darla about to watch the stars.
    "Since my dads aren't home, I guess we should keep up the family tradition of staring at the eaves" ;)
    Back at the party, Josh and his wife Betty made good use of Justin's bed :p
    Declan was rushing to join the party as well :) Declan and Teresa are now the proud parents of a baby boy, Torrance :)
    Declan looks on as his dads get ready to watch the stars :)
    Aideen is up to her old tricks! I found her taking a pic with Josh. That was the one thing that drove me crazy about her when she lived with the family!

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 82
    Finnian woke up in a mood! :/ No, you will not skip school or stop being friends with your brother! Cancelled!
    He was fine by the time he got to the breakfast table ;)
    Jordan showing his manly side ;)
    I went into map view to see what the extended family were up to and found them all converging on Declan's house! They are not throwing a party without Cliff and Jordan! I had them hightail it over there :)
    Cliff wanted to introduce himself to Kara Starr (Eddie's daughter to Constance Shelley). I don't know what's up with their household but Kara and her brother never go to school even though I have used MC to assign them to one.
    Cliff then played with his grandson, Torrance <3
    And Jordan had a snuggle :)
    Cliff then introduced himself to Kara's brother, Shannon. This boy will be Nevan's future husband. Anyone who knows me should know what this means ;)
    Eddie, Teresa and Shannon dancing :)
    Eddie's giving Shannon a stern "why aren't you at school" look ;)
    I let the boys stay at the party until it was time for the kids to get home from school. Eilish wanted to play with the costume chest :)
    Finnian's latest brilliant painting. I like this one :)
    The family ate frogs legs for dinner :p
    "That's some fine repair work you did on the eaves!"

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 83 - Part 1
    Friday morning breakfast. The coming weekend won't be as stressful as usual since there are only 5 sims in the house. I could be wrong, though ;) I do believe that Nevan will hit the half-way mark of his teens meaning I will need to organize some love for him ;)
    After the kids had left for school and the chores were done, I checked the family's whereabouts in map view. I saw that Derry, Shane and Sally were at home so I sent the boys visiting :)
    It would seem that Aideen is not the only one in the family who is obsessed with selfies :/
    I do love their smiles in this post-selfie pic <3
    Cliff meets his granddaughter for the first time :)
    Derry and Shane look like they are taking advantage of the potential baby-sitting service that Cliff and Jordan provide ;)
    Since it looked like the boys were about to woohoo, I had Cliff start teaching Sally how to talk.
    But it wasn't to be as Derry got sidetracked and wanted to take a selfie with Cliff.
    The boys did finally make it up to the bedroom so Jordan got some granddaughter time :)
    Little did I know that while I was checking on Derry and Shane, Cliff and Jordan were getting up to no good as well ;) Good thing I bought a dollhouse for Sally :p

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 83 - Part 2
    Joseph Mullis came home with one of the boys.
    Since Nevan had no outstanding wishes, I had him help Joseph fill his fun bar after they had finished their homework.
    Later in the afternoon, the family attended a party at Aideen's :) It was a swimwear party. At least Aideen has a water slide ;) Her daughter's name is Deanna :)
    My family were in swimsuits. It would seem that the dress code is optional for other townies!
    Looks like Connor has been hitting the gym!
    Finnian made veggie rolls for the party. It seems that laptops on the table are no obstacle for sims ;)
    Aideen and Dameon seem to have forgotten that their house is full of party guests ;)
    After dinner the family went home because Deanna couldn't age up while actives were there. I found the boys boasting to each other about their gaming and fishing skills :p
    "Can you imagine that people actually watch the stars?! They must not be lucky enough to have a house as great as ours!" ;)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 84 - Part 1
    It's Saturday morning and Nevan is 15 days into the teen stage so I have a special surprise in store for him ;)
    Eilish rolled a wish to go on a submarine adventure so I sent her to the bathroom while the boys took care of the garden, meal preparation and egg harvesting.
    It will still quite early in the morning when all the chores had been finished which meant that Nevan would have the whole day to spend with Shannon, who I had invited over using MC :) Although Nevan had rolled a wish to kiss Joseph Mullis, Joseph is straight so that wasn't going to happen.
    Besides, this one is so much cuter :)
    Nevan asked Shannon to go steady. He accepted and they shared their first kiss :)
    Nevan then rolled a wish to serenade Shannon.
    Nevan doesn't look so sure that it was such a good idea given Shannon's reaction ;)
    I thought I better check on Cliff and Jordan and found them, as they often are, doing their own thing while still remaining close :)
    The family suddenly realized there was a visitor and Jordan rushed in to talk to Shannon. Eilish seems to have got stuck in the door while trying to get to Shannon as well ;)
    Don't hold back, Jordan! :o
    I felt that Finnian should also have some fun as it was his last weekend as a teen so I invited Darla over :)
    I heard the unmistakable sound of woohoo and found Nevan and Shannon in the shower :p
    Then while I was concentrating on Nevan, I heard woohoo sounds again and found Finnian and Darla in Cliff and Jordan's bed. Shameless and right under the noses of Cliff and Jordan's photos ;)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 84 - Part 2
    Saturday afternoon rolled around and Darla and Shannon were still there. Both boys had rolled wishes to date their partners but, given dates really stink in this game, I decided they would probably have way more fun at home. I suppose I could install Show Time and have a few venues for the boys to go to, but that sounds like too much hard work ;)
    It was fun watching Nevan working his Irresistible trait. Who'd have believed that turning on romance would change my quiet little Nevan so much!?
    Shannon suddenly ran off and I saw Cliff running across the yard as well. It seems that one of them challenged the other to a dunking competition.
    "Look how high the hoop is! Do we really need to jump THAT high?"
    I don't believe Shannon has many athletic skill points but boy can he jump!
    Of course the higher you jump, the further you have to fall ;)
    Cliff, for all his athletic ability, only jumped high enough to grab the edge of the hoop.
    But it looks like he landed right on his tail bone! *ouch*
    A lovely meal of stir-fry was enjoyed by all :)
    "I think she's watching us again!" Like I ever stop watching my beautiful boys! ;)
    "If we stay together, you will have to get used to our family tradition of looking for faults in the eaves or the siding." ;)
    Finnian's latest painting :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 85 - Part 1
    The waffles must not have been to Finnian's liking because he went cross-eyed on me! ;)
    Finnian had a couple of outstanding Darla wishes, so I sent him to visit her at her house. This is the small house next door to the Monotone. Can you believe that Jason and Lilika and 6 of their 7 children live in this tiny house? :o
    I haven't received any popups about the house not being suitable for their needs (and I haven't got that turned off in this save) so they must like it. After a while, I felt sorry for them and have been adding beds as they have more kids. I probably should move them but I will wait until I move the whole town to a new save, probably when the heir is ready to start the next generation as the save is still running quite smoothly for now.
    With my evil sims, scaring is foreplay ;)
    The house was really quite crowded so I had Finnian invite Darla over after the family had all chatted with him.
    When I checked on the main household, I found Jordan and Cliff doing their own thing. Cliff rolled a wish to master the guitar skill. I checked and he is nearly level 9. I have never directed him to play the guitar in this save. He has done this all on his own :)
    Finnian was breaking space rocks but I had him change over to oak boards because he was only about a dozen blocks away from Timber Terminator.
    Darla was reading in the study in her sleepwear so I know what those two were up to when they came back to the house ;)
    Seeing all the family painting must have inspired Jordan because he rolled a wish to learn the painting skill. The painting beside him is Cliff's latest.
    Eilish keeps asking her dads to play catch with her even though it's got to hurt!

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    soccer_emmysoccer_emmy Posts: 114 Member
    I really enjoy this story! Do you happen to have a family tree?
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited March 2017
    @soccer_emmy Thank you for reading :) I don't have a family tree, but I could take a screen capture of it next time I am in-game.
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