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Sims 5 idea

allieb312allieb312 Posts: 305 Member
edited November 2016 in Off Topic Chat
So I was just brainstorming today and thought about what the sims 5 should be like if there even is a sims 5. So I thought I'd share my ideas and you guys share and give feedback!

Information : The sims 5 , for years we've experienced new items in stuff packs and many interesting new packs with things we've never seen before. Well, imagine that along with the Sims 5 AND more new ideas!

(All of this will not be included in the base game, but here's some thoughts on how it should play out!)

Seasons- "Look Mother, snow!" Yells Acacia and Tyler. That's also what they yelled when they saw the leaves on the fall tree fall or the first rain drop of spring fell from the bright sky. Imagine the beautiful seasons along with.. what's that, holidays? Yes , holidays. In the winter, we'd have Christmas and other many different religions based on your religious views. Remember that amazing turkey for thanksgiving last year? Share that with your sims! Oh, but don't forget Easter or Valentine's Day! Experience real days like we have in reality , except on the sims clock.

Houses- Houses and trailers and shacks , oh my! But let's not forget that beach house you rent every summer or the cabin in the fall when it's hunting season. Rent or buy vacation homes , have an apartment , or be an adventurer and live outdoors ! It's all up to you!

Family- You can't start a family without a mother and father, but after they arrive there are so many opportunities! Tell your teenager to turn that music down , or help your pre teen decide who she / he will be in the future. Don't forget to change that baby's diaper , and that toddler wants his/her new xylophone 3000 back because there are endless opportunities!

Pets- Do you like riding horses and caring for cows, or cuddling with a cat and playing catch with a dog? It's all up to you! Own a farm and raise animals like sheep, goats, cows and more or own multiple dogs or cats. Don't forget the small rodents!

Transportation- If you're a teenager and with a pick up truck or an elder with a sports car , that decision was entirely up to you! Cars give your sim their personality. From rags to riches , but your dream car.. or that fancy bike you've always wanted.

Jobs- From the CEO of a major company to a DJ at the hottest new club , you decide what job you want. Apply , go in for an interview , or even better open up your own retail business! It's entirely up to you!

School- Pre school , elementary school , middle school , high school , and college ! It's all there when your ready.

These are the few ideas I'd like in the sims 5 , or future sims 4 packs. Please drop your feedback or ideas below! I'd love to hear what y'all have to say!


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    allieb312allieb312 Posts: 305 Member
    So I was just brainstorming today and thought about what the sims 5 should be like if there even is a sims 5. So I thought I'd share my ideas and you guys share and give feedback!

    Information : The sims 5 , for years we've experienced new items in stuff packs and many interesting new packs with things we've never seen before. Well, imagine that along with the Sims 5 AND more new ideas!

    (All of this will not be included in the base game, but here's some thoughts on how it should play out!)

    Seasons- "Look Mother, snow!" Yells Acacia and Tyler. That's also what they yelled when they saw the leaves on the fall tree fall or the first rain drop of spring fell from the bright sky. Imagine the beautiful seasons along with.. what's that, holidays? Yes , holidays. In the winter, we'd have Christmas and other many different religions based on your religious views. Remember that amazing turkey for thanksgiving last year? Share that with your sims! Oh, but don't forget Easter or Valentine's Day! Experience real days like we have in reality , except on the sims clock.

    Houses- Houses and trailers and shacks , oh my! But let's not forget that beach house you rent every summer or the cabin in the fall when it's hunting season. Rent or buy vacation homes , have an apartment , or be an adventurer and live outdoors ! It's all up to you!

    Family- You can't start a family without a mother and father, but after they arrive there are so many opportunities! Tell your teenager to turn that music down , or help your pre teen decide who she / he will be in the future. Don't forget to change that baby's diaper , and that toddler wants his/her new xylophone 3000 back because there are endless opportunities!

    Pets- Do you like riding horses and caring for cows, or cuddling with a cat and playing catch with a dog? It's all up to you! Own a farm and raise animals like sheep, goats, cows and more or own multiple dogs or cats. Don't forget the small rodents!

    Transportation- If you're a teenager and with a pick up truck or an elder with a sports car , that decision was entirely up to you! Cars give your sim their personality. From rags to riches , but your dream car.. or that fancy bike you've always wanted.

    Jobs- From the CEO of a major company to a DJ at the hottest new club , you decide what job you want. Apply , go in for an interview , or even better open up your own retail business! It's entirely up to you!

    School- Pre school , elementary school , middle school , high school , and college ! It's all there when your ready.

    These are the few ideas I'd like in the sims 5 , or future sims 4 packs. Please drop your feedback or ideas below! I'd love to hear what y'all have to say!
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    ShuffleJShuffleJ Posts: 273 Member
    I have a sick feeling there won't be a Sims 5.
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    xtinagaga97xtinagaga97 Posts: 600 Member
    There will be a Sims 5. The Sims franchise is one of EA's biggest cash cows. If the Sims 5 is produced by Maxis as we know it, that I'm not too sure of.
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    Renamed2002180839Renamed2002180839 Posts: 3,444 Member
    If they put all that into the base game it'd cost 300 dollars- lol. They can't afford elevator animations or the ability to build apartments, ANYWHERE and numerous other examples of cost cutting. Sims 5 will be a blank screen where you can use your imagination to imagine it's anything you want it to be. That'll be $69.99 please or 79.99 for the deluxe version that included a blue border around the white screen.
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    MovottiMovotti Posts: 7,774 Member
    allieb312 wrote: »
    In the winter, we'd have Christmas
    We don't have chirstmas in winter. It's always in summer here.
    many different religions based on your religious views.
    No. Please, no.
    The sims should be religion free... except for the cult of the Llama, and the Holy Plumbob.
    They are sims, not humans, they do not need human religions.
    Remember that amazing turkey for thanksgiving last year?
    Nope. It might be a thing in your country, but why would the sims be having it?

    Experience real days like we have in reality , except on the sims clock.
    Riiiight... so, Australia day, ANZAC day, Melbourne cup day, Queens birthday, Boxing day? This is what you mean, isn't it? Or are you talking about only US based holidays?
    Houses and trailers and shacks
    Sure, except a trailer is something people here use when they want to move a fridge. It's caravans that are accomodation.
    Personally, I wish there was a sims game that was more open to tiny homes. TS3 got pretty close, with the all in one bathroom, and loft/bunk beds. Tiny homes may be tiny, but they've become a big thing.
    let's not forget that beach house you rent every summer
    Rent? Nah mate, in Oz, its usually someones cousin who's folks own a shack on some beach. And by shack, we mean some pre-1960's dump, with a 1930's hand me down stove, that will probably set the place alight if you're not watching it closely, and beds from the... whatever era, that sag in the middle, and have those horrible pastel chenille bed coverings.
    the cabin in the fall when it's hunting season.
    Not a thing, and not a thing.
    People go camping in Autumn here.
    Oh wait, do you mean a hunt?

    You can't start a family without a mother and father
    The LGBT community would like a word with you.
    Also, this is the sims we're talking about, and pregnant men are not uncommon.
    Transportation- If you're a teenager and with a pick up truck or an elder with a sports car , that decision was entirely up to you! Cars give your sim their personality. From rags to riches , but your dream car.. or that fancy bike you've always wanted.
    What? No public transport system?
    I quite liked the TS3 subway system, and the opportunity to busk in the underground, or get mugged while you're going from a to b

    Apply , go in for an interview
    This would be nice. Much better than automatically getting a job.
    School- Pre school , elementary school , middle school , high school , and college ! It's all there when your ready.
    I'd rather it remain simplified, with primary school, high school, and uni.
    I'd love to hear what y'all have to say!
    A reasonably large chunk of the sims community are not from the US, do it would be nice for the game to be a little less US-centric, and a bit more universal

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    simsobsessedsimsobsessed Posts: 11 New Member
    I have MANY suggestions for Sims 5.

    For example, private schools. Let's say in the town there are two automatic schools, a private school, and a public school. The public school would work just as it did in the sims 3 (In my idea the map follows the sims 3 layout, not sims 4), children and teens would go to school in their everyday outfits. However, in the private schools, sims would have to wear uniforms. Also, just like with the Get to Work expansion for Sims 4, you could go to build mode for the private school and set up your own uniform. you could even set a tuition for every week, and if you wanted to you could set gender restrictions (not to be sexist, just to make it realistic). The way you would do this is to have a public school for anyone, one private school for just girls, and a private school for boys, or just one private school. Another thing to add on is having a separate elementary school, middle school, and high school. This would work if there were more age options (child, preteen, and teenager.) I also think they should add back universities. The only bug with this idea is that there would be multiple schools in one town, but maybe there could be another town simply for the University (such as in Sims 3) Also, to enroll in a private school a parent sim could use their phone, computer, or with the sims 3 map layout, simply click on the school. I think it would be cool to have a "tour" option for schools. Maybe the sims could even take their kids to the school, where they meet a principal NPC. One thing I'd love to see is where you could actually follow students to school, such as with the doctor, police, and scientist professions, but this isn't a necessity to me. I wouldn’t mind a university and private school EP instead of a base game.

    My next suggestion is illness and injuries.

    Sims 4 tried to add illnesses, but to me, they weren't very impressive. I haven't experimented with illnesses much, but I think we need more of a variety. Also, I'd like to focus more on injuries. Maybe clumsy sims could be prone to get injured at work or school. They go to the hospital and the doctor says they have to use crutches for a week or have a wheelchair. There could be many minor injuries, such as falling down the stairs and needing crutches. And maybe something severe like getting a concussion. Maybe if the sims injuries are so serious, they could be sent to the hospital, and their pictures would be greyed out. It would also be cool to get a hospital bill, and if they are in school, there would be a "Make Up Work" option the next day they went to school. Also, let's say a sim doesn't think they need to go to the hospital. For every day they procrastinate, the injury gets more severe. To explain this in depth, let's say a kid gets a concussion, and two days after the injury, they finally go to the hospital. Normally, the conclusion would last maybe 5 days, but since they waited to be treated it would last 7 days because they didn't get treated. I'm not sure if this is accurate at all to the real world, but I think some research should be done to make sure it's as realistic as much as possible. I wouldn’t mind this being in EP as it seems a bit complicated for the base game.

    Another suggestion is clothes.

    I was very disappointed in the difference between sims 4 and sims 3 CAS. We had many more options in Sims 3 and I would like to see those options return (Color wheel). However, I did like how Sims could buy outfits in the Get to Work expansion pack. It'd be nice to have that again in Sims 5. Also, I think there should be more stores, and that we shouldn't have to build EVERY store, with a minimum of 10 mannequins. I think there should automatically be a layout for clothing stores. Also... WE NEED MORE WEDDING DRESSES AND TUXEDOS!! I can only recall there being a couple of dresses that could be considered a wedding dress in Sims 4, and only one in Sims 3. We should be able to go to a store to buy a wedding dress, and maybe just evening gowns all-together. Also, since the details in Sims 5 are supposed to be more intricate, it'd be nice to customize more of the clothes, such as length of shirts, skirts, pants, etc. One idea is when going in CAS mode, you could click on a shirt, and there would be a customization mode where you change it to ANY color, maybe even add a logo or picture, and change the length or width. All of this would be done on a mannequin version of your sim. And when you're finished, you could click done, and even a "Save" option for future use.

    One thing I don't want to change is Build Mode. To me, it was so much easier to build a house in Sims 4, and hopefully, they keep that format but add more to it. Also, I like how you could change the land plots in sims 3 "Edit Mode". I would really like that feature back.
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