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The Paragon Legacy, Generation One

Hey everyone!
This is my story of my legacy. Each generation will be its own discussion. If this one is liked, I will make more. I didn't insert pictures mainly because the story is better without pics. So here we go!

Chapter 1: A great mind
Lexie Paragon

Finally! I have received a chance to use my mind for the greater good. I applied for a job as a scientist and got it! It doesn't pay great, but I will work up to a better position. I start in a few days but in the meantime, I will work on doing what I really want, being the greatest rocket scientist ever! This job will give me the experience and money to fly my rocket to places no sim has ever set foot. I could afford a chess table, and will spend my time playing chess so I can impress my co-workers with my logic.

Chapter 2: A new friend
Lexie Paragon

My neighbor came over to welcome me to the neighborhood. Her name is Jenna Marbles and she is pretty cool. She works as a doctor so she must be pretty smart. She is very kind and we were friends almost instantly. Later that night, she called me and asked to go to a party. I'm not the partying type but she insisted so I finally gave in. I actually had a good time. We had a dance battle but we are both terrible dancers so it was mostly just us tapping our feet to the music. Still, it was a great night and I made a lifetime friend.

Chapter 3: A gym rat
Lexie Paragon, three days later

Work has been going well so I decided to take a day off. I got a promotion yesterday so I'm making progress. I went to the gym to get in shape when I saw this handsome guy on the treadmill. He had abs and muscles and great hair and... he was hot :D We talked for a bit and went back to my house. The mood was just right and I hit him with my best pick up line. This wasn't googled, I put thought into this! However, he regected me and left, leaving me alone. I love being by myself, but this was different... this was lonely.

Chapter 4: A first kiss
Lexie Paragon

After work today the guy from the gym called. I was ecstatic to hear back from him after my awkward comment last night. He said that I was a good girl and he should have given me a better chance. He took me out to a new restaurant, Chez Llama. We were chatting and flirting and all of a sudden, he leaned in for a kiss! I was shocked. He came back to my house and no, we didn't hook up. In the morning he left quickly. He thanked me for the date but said he had "other business." I don't know what that was about but I'm sure it was important.

Chapter 5: A rocket scientist
Lexie Paragon

After our date I decided it was time to pursue my dream, to become the greatest astronaut ever! I checked my balance and saw that I had enough money to buy a rocket. I bought it and started building today. It will take awhile but once it is finished, it will be a blast! At work, I have invented a cloning machine! My boss gave me a promotion and said that the promotion will be the first of many rewards. He said inventors have been trying to clone things for ages but I was able to make it in one afternoon. I feel so proud and can't wait for what else will come.

Chapter 6: A memorable party
Allan Vangon, one week later

Me and Lexie have been doing great lately. We have been going steady for awhile and our relationship is growing quicker. Today she called and invited me to a party at a remote island. I hesitated, but finally said yes. I thought this might be a perfect time to pop the question. We arrived and the DJ was playing some great music. I jumped out to the dance floor and we danced for hours. Finally, I pulled her to the side, got on one knee, and pulled out a ring. She started crying but finally said yes! I moved in and saw her house and it was enormous! She said she invented a cloning machine and got rich off of it. I had no idea I was marrying into a rich family!

Chapter 7: A married couple
Lexie Paragon, one day after the wedding

Our wedding was amazing! We had it at the park under the biggest tree there. When we got home, Allan came to me and talked about having a family. I asked if he wanted a kid. We tried for a baby and it worked! I'm expecting! When I told Allan he was overjoyed! My life couldn't be better.

Chapter 8: A family of three
Allan Paragon, three days later

Lexie is in her third trimester and could have her baby any minute now. Despite the fact that she can't fly in her spaceship, she is still working hard on it by upgrading it so it is safer and she can travel farther than any rocket scientist has gone. I have been working on a nursery for our child and it is almost complete. She came to me in a panick. I knew what was going on. We rushed to the hospital and the doctors helped her to the back. I was freaking out. I don't know how to be a parent or anything. All I knew is that I would be there for Lexie. She came back with a baby in a blue bassinet. The doctors asked for a name. "Brian," she said, never taking her eyes off of him. "His name is Brian."

Chapter 9: A flight around space
Lexie Paragon, two days later

Brian's birthday was today and Allan was making a cake. I decided to take my first flight in a long time. I was passing the planet Mors when my engine started to sputter. I landed on Mors to check it out when an alien came to me. "I can fix your ship," he said " if you make me some lunch." I thought that was a weird request but agreed, because what else could I do? I luckily found a space diner and brought the alien a hamburger. The alien looked so happy. He fixed my rocket and gave me some gifts too! "These are the most rare plants in the galaxy. Plant them and protect them." I ate one on the way back. It was called a cowplant and I thought that didn't seem too amazing. The other is a blue seed so it seems cool. I landed safely back with my cool plants to plant in my backyard.

Chapter 10: A crazy night
Brian Paragon, a few days later

I'm not doing to good. Mom is having another child and dad is doing great at work, but I feel like a failure. I got a D in school and went to the playground to have some fun but no matter what I said, the conversation just keeps on being awkward. I peed myself going down the slide in front of everyone. I went in the bathroom to cry but I walked in on mom! I feel so embarrassed. I went to the backyard away from everyone when I collapsed. A black figure showed up and my parents were crying. My eyes shut and I am gone.

Chapter 11: A crazy night part 2
Lexie Paragon

I couldn't believe it. My child, Brian, he's gone. All that is left of him is his grave, to remind me of how we neglected him when he needed us. I looked down at my belly and told it how I would do better this time. I felt a kick. And other one. And then I fell over in pain. "Allan!" No reply. "ALLAN!!!" He came in and knew what was happening. "Come on, let's get you to the hos..." "No... time..." There was Brian's old bassinet in his room. I went to it and pushed. Out popped a baby boy. The pain didn't stop. "What's wrong?" Allan asked. "We have twins!" I started crying. A baby girl popped out. They were both cute and I told myself, you get another chance. You can start over.

Chapter 12: A perfect family
Lexie Paragon, a few days later

Brean and Blake are doing great at school. They are getting good grades and are learning a lot. Brean is always outside on the neighborhood jungle gym or inside playing video games. Blake loves to play chess with me but he also conducts science experiments. Allan is doing great at work and sometimes works out in space using my spaceship. As far as my career goes, I quit. I wanted to focus on exploring space and learning about fixing things and playing chess. I found out today that Allan and I are having another child! It is due in a few days so I have to wait to explore space. I can research rockets and upgrade my rocket so I am getting better at rocket science.

Chapter 13: A rotten cherry on top
Blake Paragon, a week later

Mom had another child. His name is Marco and he is so much cooler than me. He has so many friends and wears stylish clothes. Mom said he has to sleep in my room because he is my brother. He picks on me at school but I can't do anything about it. I started spending more time with mom playing chess and less time in my room. Marco hangs out at the jungle gym with Brean but he never does his homework. Mom will never say, but she loves me more. I get good grades and always speak kindly. He never does his homework and plays pranks on everyone in the family. I wish I had a better brother.

Chapter 14: A crush
Marco Paragon

I have a lot of friends at school. I know all the guys and have lots of friends. But one person stands out. I met Avery Masters today and invited her over to my house. We sat in the backyard and talked until it was dark and she had to go home. She is very cute and always wants to draw. She makes the prettiest pictures. We became best friends and partners in crime. I would never tell her how I feel. I just can't. If she doesn't like me back, we would never be the same. Maybe one day...

Chapter 15: A new world
Lexie Paragon

I was tinkering around with my rocket and the electromagnetic space modifier. It normally allows the rocket to travel fast but I was trying to figure out how to make it go faster on less fuel. I got in to test it out and a portal opened above me. A wormhole! I flew into it and came out on an alien planet. There were no aliens like there are here, but there were lots of cool plants and rocks. I collected some before leaving. I had done it! I have gone where no scientist has gone before! I have completed my dream.

Chapter 16: A birthday party
Marco Paragon, weeks later

It's my birthday today. My siblings had there's a few days ago, but that doesn't matter. Avery's was yesterday and I was there to celebrate. I had mine at the pool and invited all my friends. It was a great time. After I blew out the candles on the cake, I felt different. I felt confident. So, naturally, I went over to Avery and hit her with a pick up line. She was into it! We chatted some more and before I knew it, the party was over. Everyone left and I stood there, smiling, knowing my lifelong crush loved me.

Chapter 17: A perfect couple
Marco Paragon

Today was my first day of high school and I was excited. All my friends were there and I could talk to Avery. It was a good day. After school Avery came over to my house. We talked and I flirted with her and she flirted with me. I asked her on a date to the café and she agreed. We were talking and flirting and stuff when I finally did what I have been waiting to do since childhood, kiss her. She is a good kisser. I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes. I took her home and went home, feeling better than ever.

Chapter 18: A promised couple
Marco Paragon, a few days later

School hasn't been going great. I used to not care but now everyone is worried about college and getting a job, things I never even thought about until now. I called Avery and she understood. She came over to talk about it and we ended up messing around in the rocket ship and my parent's bed. It really made me feel like I had my life under control. We chatted some more and I told her "I promise to marry you, Avery." I gave her a ring and she said "I do too" and gave me a ring. We kissed and she left. I slept great now that Avery and I will be together forever.

Chapter 19: A birthday for Marco
Brean Paragon, two weeks later

My birthday was a few days ago and here we are with Marco. He threw a huge birthday party at our house. We used to be friends but now he only hangs out with Avery. Still, it was his birthday and he deserves to be happy. He, as usual, spent most of his time with Avery but occasionally talked with the guys. Me and Blake sat in our rooms, me painting and him, gaming. For siblings we sure are distant, never speaking and living separate lives. Even Blake, my twin, doesn't talk to me. But we have to put that behind us because today is Marco's birthday. Marco, the evil, popular, hated by some but praised by all, ignorant, but successful child. He gets the happy life and I am stuck here, with no direction.

Chapter 20: A last day
Lexie Paragon, two days later

Marco is moving out today. I would never had guessed that he would be the first to move out and the twins, the smart, talented twins, would be the ones living with Allan and I. He is moving to a new house close to the one I lived at before I got rich. Avery will be there. I hope Marco can make a living off of what little talent he has. It might sound hateful, but you haven't raised him. I don't see what Avery sees in him but I hope it stays. I hope he will be alright at his new house.

If you want to see more on how Marco does in his new house, like this and I will post more.
Happy simming to all and to all a good night.


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    MarieDean81873MarieDean81873 Posts: 8 New Member
    Wish I could write like this about my legacy challenge. Once I started reading I couldn't stop. Hope you haven't stopped or finished the challenge yet. If you have start another one and write about it. I will read it!
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