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The Lack of Family-Oriented Play -- Here's an Illustration


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    GoldenBuffyGoldenBuffy Posts: 4,025 Member
    Another one just came to me, when kids and teens go an A report card they would run into the house to show their parents. And they would cheer and celebrate. I loved that. It should come back as well!
    It's up to Nancy!
    My YouTube!

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    staravia81staravia81 Posts: 369 Member
    Back to the OP - I get that there are family gameplay interactions and mechanics that are missed. I also am getting the "lack of family play" argument (though I don't completely agree). I just think the OP's example doesn't work towards the argument. It doesn't make the argument invalid or the "family players" wrong for feeling that way, the example itself is just faulty. The dad could've been brought home. This rarely happens in my games. Parents are usually not that neglectful, and kids don't just sit alone in the dark, there's always something for them to do.
    My builds!
    EA ID: staravia81
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    Sim_LucentSim_Lucent Posts: 689 Member
    Wow -- OP, you have far more patience than I! Kudos, and awesome compilation. :)

    I personally find the kids in TS4 cuter than the ones in TS3. I enjoy the CAS stuff they do come with, the items, etc.. I LOVE the mismatched socks you can put on them, etc. There are a lot of endearing qualities in them as well, right down to the animations.

    I don't think I've ever seen anyone complain about the kids clothing and the furniture they come with, though? Most stuff I see is that people want more interactions between their kids (tag, etc), toddlers, better teenagers, etc.

    Even though I'm enjoying TS4 more now than I was before, I still find it lacking quite a bit in terms of the family play that I like. Some people have posted here that they find the game suits their needs quite well in this aspect, and I certainly don't argue that -- it's all a matter of personal preference.

    I'm holding out for the day they add toddlers. I know so many have given that hope up, but I still hold on to it. But I've never, ever felt the CAS items or furniture was the downfall of this topic.
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    Sim_LucentSim_Lucent Posts: 689 Member
    edited January 2016
    jackjack_k wrote: »
    The Sims 4 is stills selling, and from all accounts we've had, selling well.

    And you the negative threads are made by the same people over and over. If the game was really bad, people wouldn't buy, YouTube videos votes wouldn't be so positive etc.

    I mean Nintendo has a huge following that pretty much loves everything, but if heaps of fans aren't happy, YouTube votes are negative:

    whereas Sims 4 videos are very positive.

    I'm mostly curious -- where have we ever been able to define the game as 'selling well,' given the company no longer releases it's sale numbers? This is all speculation -- I'm not saying it's doing poorly, but we really can't say one way or another how it's truly doing, can we?

    Also.. YouTube barely makes up a portion of social media. There are tons of feedback through Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.. and a lot of it from what I have seen has been majorly negative. You like to bring forward only YouTube quite a bit in these debates.. and yet you never mention the other means of social media.

    Wouldn't it be safer to say that the most disappointed people are the loudest? This board is a prime example of that. Those that feel upset with the game are the most likely to vent their frustrations online, rather than the ones who are thoroughly enjoying it and using their time to play their game instead.

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    TriplisTriplis Posts: 3,048 Member
    HollowVoid wrote: »
    Take a look at TS3 code, specially how all EPs end up interacting with each other. "Clean-up work" is not anywhere near close to what it is. In fact, out of the myriad of his mods, only a handful were made for maintenance, anti-corruption and clean-up. Said AAA team was almost 5 years developing the entire game, add on to that the years spent in development before launch. If we were talking about a few issues here and there with newer patches and EPs, that'd help the case. But no, we are talking about core issues within the base game. Saying that in over 7 years of development an AAA development team could not "clean-up" their code due to time constraints, understaffed, etc., is kind of absurd as well. Moreover, if there were issues such as being understaffed, then the management team is also at fault. TS3 did pretty 🐸🐸🐸🐸 well as far as sales went. Someone is at fault, and it is most likely both parties; management and development.

    Performance and stability, specially in a game such as TS3 where they pushed the boundaries so far out they could not keep up, is quite easily one of the hardest things to do. The more layers you add to the base coding, specially when said code is flawed, the worse it becomes. Trying to fix the game after a few years on the market with a bunch of updates and EPs on its back is a ridiculous task for any programmer. So, all in all, the entire team, for whatever reason they may have, are not delivering. This is not an Early Access title, or an Alpha/Beta game. This is a full game with DLCs on top. They are two different worlds, a modder does not have to deal with any of the things you mentioned. Yet have you looked at what a modder might have to deal with? Some modders put hundreds of hours of work, must keep up with updates conflicting with their code, full rewrites, and most importantly, they do it for absolutely *free*. An AAA programmer does not spend hundreds upon hundreds of hours of his/her time working to deliver something enjoyable for the public for free. They have no incentive other than to produce something of quality or enjoyable. Modders might not even be full programmers, might not even have studied for a career in programming, might simply have picked up some online tutorials in coding whereas in an AAA team like this, you can safely guess that programmers not only have degrees in their respective areas but years of expertise as well as being a paying job. If we are gonna talk about how they are two different worlds, we have to look at AAA programmers as well as modders.

    None of us know who truly is at fault. None of us work with them. We don't know how much they get pushed as far as deadlines go, whether they truly have been understaffed or underpaid, whether management has made ridiculous demands, etc. Therefore, it is neither silly nor absurd to make those assumptions. If anything, I'd reword "development team" to just "team", encompassing the entire staff under EA working for this title. There's no justification for a fully released game with almost 16 years on its back that has done reasonably well to not produce stable content, or to not fix base game issues in a period of over 7 years of active development.

    A mod should be something you look at and think "That looks like a nice addition to my game.", not "My game runs like crap, I need to use this mod to fix most of it."
    I've never said there is justification for a fully released game to be a buggy mess. Like most people who have been playing games for any length of time, game-breaking bugs that don't get fixed are a red flag to me and I take some base level of "works as intended" for games pretty seriously. Game-breaking is, of course, somewhat subjective, but that's a discussion for another time.

    And the justification of it is irrelevant to the point about modders and whether they are showing up a AAA team. AAA teams are usually teams that consist of hundreds of people. Given the comparison of one person to hundreds, it is by default an absurd claim to say that one is showing up hundreds and the onus is on the person making the claim to show why it is not absurd. So I don't agree that us not knowing means it can easily go in either direction.

    Furthermore, if the management was bad, that doesn't mean the modder showed up the company's programmers - it means he did a better job than them because he didn't have bad management breathing down his neck. You can argue, in that instance, that he showed up EA the company in the sense of showing them what an unleashed programmer can do for a game. But again, that's not him showing up EA's programmers.

    If you want to stick with the argument that this modder showed up EA the team rather than their programmers, then sure, I guess have at it. But again, he's not really showing up the capabilities of individual employees. He's making their priorities as a company look bad. That said, we need to take into account that in this scenario, if he keeps fixing stuff well and consistently for long enough, he's basically a free bug-fixer for them and it's arguably smart of them to let him do the work for them, so they can devote more time to producing content that they can sell and take their sweet time with their own bug-hunting process.
    Mods moved from MTS, now hosted at:
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    Jarsie9Jarsie9 Posts: 12,714 Member
    Isn't also possible that the reason You Tube videos are mostly positive is because the makers of those videos want to be invited to EA's special events, at EA's expense, like the ones in Europe and California?
    EA Marketing Department Motto:
    "We Don't Care If You LIKE The Game, Just As Long As You BUY The Game!"
    I Disapprove (Naturally)
    I Took The Pledge!
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    TheSingingSimmerTheSingingSimmer Posts: 3,348 Member
    edited January 2016
    Jarsie9 wrote: »
    Isn't also possible that the reason You Tube videos are mostly positive is because the makers of those videos want to be invited to EA's special events, at EA's expense, like the ones in Europe and California?

    This is true.

    Plus some recieve games ahead of time and recieve money through EA when their viewers order through Origin, they have to be biased.
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    TMBrandonTMBrandon Posts: 229 Member
    @GabbyGirlJ As stated, the reason I made this thread was to provide a resource for others to warrant their claims. Primarily, when it specifically does turn into that Sims 3 v. Sims 4 battle about content, anyone (be it for or against either game) has evidence to back it up as evidence makes for a stronger argument.

    @kiwiboy18 Thanks for the insight, but one of the initial reasons for creating this was seeing claims regarding the actual content of both games, not so much the quality (which is highly objective). And the part of "I honestly can't remember exactly what child related came with the base game of Sims 3 alone..." is exactly what occurred to me and prompted me to do my research and reinstall the game so I wasn't making a false claim, in the end I still haven't made a claim because I want to be as neutral as possible, but if anyone else wants to make a claim in the future you all now have something to warrant it. Also very refreshing to see the open-mindedness of you all in this thread! :smiley:

    @Scobre Thank you, I don't hold grudges against people regardless of whatever occurred in the past. I agree with you, they are quite adorable, I also miss those objects, so I'm there with ya.

    @Sim_Lucent Thanks for the kind words, they do say patience is a virtue! And I'm very well aware that some people are talking about interactions, but recently I've witnessed unwarranted claims regarding both games about the content the games came with, so now there's a reference for anyone. ^^

    @Jarsie9 he's referring to the actual votes of the youtube videos, not the videos that are posted by youtube content creators but the videos posted by the Sims team have more positive votes than negative. Example;
    The Sims 4 Get Together: Official Announce trailer got a million+ views and the rating is 16,749 positive, to 791 negative.

    Whereas the video jack used as an example has a million plus views (like 240,000 more), and has 9,561 positive views and a whopping 83,291 negative votes, showing that it was very negatively viewed.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited January 2016
    Amiutza wrote: »
    Well then. Someone took 2 hours of their life to make this post and what he's been met was snark and name calling.

    It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but I guess asking for it to be expressed politely, at least for the amount of work the OP put into this, is too much I guess.
    Sorry, but I think he has been wasting his time and I think I'm entitled to express that opinion. Because this topic wasn't meant as an archive at all, that was just a cover up, it was meant to make a point. And that point isn't made in my opinion.
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    TMBrandonTMBrandon Posts: 229 Member
    edited January 2016
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    The sad truth is, children in both Sims 3 and 4 have a lot to desire for. And I think it's even more sad players create topics and put precious time in comparing apples and oranges, when of course it should be totally obvious kids in the new game are better. That's just not the case though. I'd also like a topic comparing toddler stuff in 3 and 4.
    Amiutza wrote: »
    Well then. Someone took 2 hours of their life to make this post and what he's been met was snark and name calling.

    It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but I guess asking for it to be expressed politely, at least for the amount of work the OP put into this, is too much I guess.
    Sorry, but I think he has been wasting his time and I think I'm entitled to express that opinion. Because this topic wasn't meant as an archive at all, that was just a cover up, it was meant to make a point. And that point isn't made in my opinion.

    Incorrect, I'm not wasting any of my time. If you feel as though this thread is worthless, then you are wasting your own time. This topic is meant as an archive, the original comment (which I never made) I was going to make was meant to make a point. Have a great day! :)

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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited January 2016
    TMBrandon wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    The sad truth is, children in both Sims 3 and 4 have a lot to desire for. And I think it's even more sad players create topics and put precious time in comparing apples and oranges, when of course it should be totally obvious kids in the new game are better. That's just not the case though. I'd also like a topic comparing toddler stuff in 3 and 4.
    Amiutza wrote: »
    Well then. Someone took 2 hours of their life to make this post and what he's been met was snark and name calling.

    It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but I guess asking for it to be expressed politely, at least for the amount of work the OP put into this, is too much I guess.
    Sorry, but I think he has been wasting his time and I think I'm entitled to express that opinion. Because this topic wasn't meant as an archive at all, that was just a cover up, it was meant to make a point. And that point isn't made in my opinion.

    Incorrect, I'm not wasting any of my time. If you feel as though this thread is worthless, then you are wasting your own time. This topic is meant as an archive, the original comment (which I never made) I was going to make was meant to make a point. Have a great day! :)

    I said I think you wasted your time. That's not incorrect, that's how I feel about it. A lot has been changed in your OP, a forum member was insulted and harassed due to the original tone of that OP and therefore you changed it. And rightly so. But it was the OP like I read it, the original one, the OP that at least was honest about your real reasons to waste time (my opinion) that made me react the way I did (and others as well).
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    blueturtleotterblueturtleotter Posts: 867 Member
    edited January 2016

    You can't compare the clothes because in 3 you can customise them with colour and unique patterns. In 4 you are limited to the colours and patterns Maxis have provided. So although 4 may have more unique cuts of clothes, because they cannot be customised by the player, 4 has less options than 3. The same goes with household objects too. I can turn any household object in 3, into a child one just by changing its colour or pattern.

    How much actual interactive content specifically for children does each game have? That's what I am interested in. After all, it is the interactive options that make the gameplay.

    Also, it would be good to compile all the interaction options that are available to each child in 3 and 4. Without that, this thread is pointless. Static, non-interactive objects are not gameplay and the fact that you can make anything look like a child object in 3, renders the comparison pointless. 3 will always win on that count, but perhaps not on the actual gameplay interactions.
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    TheSingingSimmerTheSingingSimmer Posts: 3,348 Member
    edited January 2016
    Amiutza wrote: »
    Well then. Someone took 2 hours of their life to make this post and what he's been met was snark and name calling.

    It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but I guess asking for it to be expressed politely, at least for the amount of work the OP put into this, is too much I guess.

    He wasn't the only victim of name calling. The messages I got were much worse than what was directed at him in this thread.

    I know he meant no harm, but I think it's wrong to make a thread and have someone's quote the center of it, no matter the context.

    I apperciate that he took it down.
    Post edited by TheSingingSimmer on
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    TMBrandonTMBrandon Posts: 229 Member
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    TMBrandon wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    The sad truth is, children in both Sims 3 and 4 have a lot to desire for. And I think it's even more sad players create topics and put precious time in comparing apples and oranges, when of course it should be totally obvious kids in the new game are better. That's just not the case though. I'd also like a topic comparing toddler stuff in 3 and 4.
    Amiutza wrote: »
    Well then. Someone took 2 hours of their life to make this post and what he's been met was snark and name calling.

    It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but I guess asking for it to be expressed politely, at least for the amount of work the OP put into this, is too much I guess.
    Sorry, but I think he has been wasting his time and I think I'm entitled to express that opinion. Because this topic wasn't meant as an archive at all, that was just a cover up, it was meant to make a point. And that point isn't made in my opinion.

    Incorrect, I'm not wasting any of my time. If you feel as though this thread is worthless, then you are wasting your own time. This topic is meant as an archive, the original comment (which I never made) I was going to make was meant to make a point. Have a great day! :)

    I said I think you wasted your time. That's not incorrect, that's how I feel about it. A lot has been changed in your OP, a forum member was insulted due to the original tone of that OP and therefore you changed it. And rightly so. But it was the OP like I read it, the original one, the OP that at least was honest anout your real reasons to waste time (my opinion) that made me react the way I did (and others as well).

    And I'm telling you, that no matter what your opinion of me is, that I have not wasted my time, and that is solely just your opinion. So you can choose to continue to think that, and attempt to defame my name, but at the end of the day, the fact, not the opinion, is that I did not waste my time. Feel free to go back and forth, but it will simply be with yourself. :)

    Also, I have no control over the actions of other people, those people decided to attack the person as their own personal choices. That was not my intent to have that happen to the user, and we've both apologized and moved on from the subject, and perhaps you should as well.

    @blueturtleotter There's no comparison in here from me, I did not say x was better than y, I agree with all the points made in this thread thus, far, but I personally have not compared the two games within this thread. I simply provided the images of the content from both games and responses regarding comparison came from that.

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    blueturtleotterblueturtleotter Posts: 867 Member
    Honestly, the sims 3 children could have all the content in the world and I still wouldn't play them because of the way they look.

    What relevance is this to the thread? No one in this thread is interested in that. We are here to discuss the actual content specifically for children provided in 3 and 4, not your opinion on their looks.
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    HagfisherHagfisher Posts: 950 Member

    Honestly, the sims 3 children could have all the content in the world and I still wouldn't play them because of the way they look.

    Same though.

    But sometimes the children in Sims 4 look too much the same. It's not as bad, but some look literally copy and pasted. The children in Sims 3 may have more interactions but they don't really win in the looks department, imo.

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    Ponder the SimPonder the Sim Posts: 3,054 Member
    edited January 2016
    As far as the 'cast' argument goes.. doesn't fly for me. All sims 3 clothes look bad imo. It's like they are all made from the same hard shiny material with patterns painted on. I find the sims 4 clothing to actually look like the material they are representing.
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    blueturtleotterblueturtleotter Posts: 867 Member
    edited January 2016
    TMBrandon wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    TMBrandon wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    The sad truth is, children in both Sims 3 and 4 have a lot to desire for. And I think it's even more sad players create topics and put precious time in comparing apples and oranges, when of course it should be totally obvious kids in the new game are better. That's just not the case though. I'd also like a topic comparing toddler stuff in 3 and 4.
    Amiutza wrote: »
    Well then. Someone took 2 hours of their life to make this post and what he's been met was snark and name calling.

    It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but I guess asking for it to be expressed politely, at least for the amount of work the OP put into this, is too much I guess.
    Sorry, but I think he has been wasting his time and I think I'm entitled to express that opinion. Because this topic wasn't meant as an archive at all, that was just a cover up, it was meant to make a point. And that point isn't made in my opinion.

    Incorrect, I'm not wasting any of my time. If you feel as though this thread is worthless, then you are wasting your own time. This topic is meant as an archive, the original comment (which I never made) I was going to make was meant to make a point. Have a great day! :)

    I said I think you wasted your time. That's not incorrect, that's how I feel about it. A lot has been changed in your OP, a forum member was insulted due to the original tone of that OP and therefore you changed it. And rightly so. But it was the OP like I read it, the original one, the OP that at least was honest anout your real reasons to waste time (my opinion) that made me react the way I did (and others as well).

    And I'm telling you, that no matter what your opinion of me is, that I have not wasted my time, and that is solely just your opinion. So you can choose to continue to think that, and attempt to defame my name, but at the end of the day, the fact, not the opinion, is that I did not waste my time. Feel free to go back and forth, but it will simply be with yourself. :)

    Also, I have no control over the actions of other people, those people decided to attack the person as their own personal choices. That was not my intent to have that happen to the user, and we've both apologized and moved on from the subject, and perhaps you should as well.

    @blueturtleotter There's no comparison in here from me, I did not say x was better than y, I agree with all the points made in this thread thus, far, but I personally have not compared the two games within this thread. I simply provided the images of the content from both games and responses regarding comparison came from that.

    I know you haven't given a personal view of this in this thread, but those pictures you posted are intended to be compared. As you state @TMBrandon, they are for reference. I just think that if the interactions are listed, this will make your thread more of a definitive source of reference, and hopefully end the arguments about which game had more content for children. I'm genuinely interested to see which one did. The clothes and non-interactive objects in your pictures are a useless comparison.

    We need to compare the actual number of child interactive objects and child interactions.
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    Ponder the SimPonder the Sim Posts: 3,054 Member
    edited January 2016
    Honestly, the sims 3 children could have all the content in the world and I still wouldn't play them because of the way they look.

    What relevance is this to the thread? No one in this thread is interested in that. We are here to discuss the actual content specifically for children provided in 3 and 4, not your opinion on their looks.

    Much more relevant than the OPs 'intent' which was analyzed for 4 pages before I commented.
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    TMBrandonTMBrandon Posts: 229 Member
    TMBrandon wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    TMBrandon wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    The sad truth is, children in both Sims 3 and 4 have a lot to desire for. And I think it's even more sad players create topics and put precious time in comparing apples and oranges, when of course it should be totally obvious kids in the new game are better. That's just not the case though. I'd also like a topic comparing toddler stuff in 3 and 4.
    Amiutza wrote: »
    Well then. Someone took 2 hours of their life to make this post and what he's been met was snark and name calling.

    It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but I guess asking for it to be expressed politely, at least for the amount of work the OP put into this, is too much I guess.
    Sorry, but I think he has been wasting his time and I think I'm entitled to express that opinion. Because this topic wasn't meant as an archive at all, that was just a cover up, it was meant to make a point. And that point isn't made in my opinion.

    Incorrect, I'm not wasting any of my time. If you feel as though this thread is worthless, then you are wasting your own time. This topic is meant as an archive, the original comment (which I never made) I was going to make was meant to make a point. Have a great day! :)

    I said I think you wasted your time. That's not incorrect, that's how I feel about it. A lot has been changed in your OP, a forum member was insulted due to the original tone of that OP and therefore you changed it. And rightly so. But it was the OP like I read it, the original one, the OP that at least was honest anout your real reasons to waste time (my opinion) that made me react the way I did (and others as well).

    And I'm telling you, that no matter what your opinion of me is, that I have not wasted my time, and that is solely just your opinion. So you can choose to continue to think that, and attempt to defame my name, but at the end of the day, the fact, not the opinion, is that I did not waste my time. Feel free to go back and forth, but it will simply be with yourself. :)

    Also, I have no control over the actions of other people, those people decided to attack the person as their own personal choices. That was not my intent to have that happen to the user, and we've both apologized and moved on from the subject, and perhaps you should as well.

    @blueturtleotter There's no comparison in here from me, I did not say x was better than y, I agree with all the points made in this thread thus, far, but I personally have not compared the two games within this thread. I simply provided the images of the content from both games and responses regarding comparison came from that.

    I know you haven't given a personal view on this in this thread, but those pictures you posted are intended to be compared. As you state @TMBrandon, they are for reference. I just think that if the interactions are listed, this will make your thread more of a definitive source of reference, and hopefully end the arguments about which game had more content for children. I'm genuinely interested to see which one did.

    Ah, I understand you now, I misunderstood your original statement, thanks for clarifying.
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    Sofmc9Sofmc9 Posts: 499 Member
    edited January 2016

    How much actual interactive content specifically for children does each game have? That's what I am interested in. After all, it is the interactive options that make the gameplay.

    In Sims 4, kids can cuddle parents, give kiss, be read children books. These interactions between parents and kids are a must for me in a Sims game. When I play Sims 3 families, I miss these interactions and can't feel any warmth in game without them, even with tag and play catch. First time I played TS3 back in 2009, I couldn't believe they had left all of this out. I still remember sending a parent and kid sit on the sofa then saying 'Where's the snuggle? Ok, let me try family kiss before sending the kid to bed. No family kiss either' : o

    And I much prefer the kids toys in TS4 as well. The drawing table is my fav. It's really cute when they're drawing while inspired.
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    TheSingingSimmerTheSingingSimmer Posts: 3,348 Member
    edited January 2016
    TMBrandon wrote: »
    Amiutza wrote: »
    Well then. Someone took 2 hours of this life to make this post and what he's been met was snark and name calling.

    It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but I guess asking for it to be expressed politely, at least for the amount of work the OP put into this, is too much I guess.

    To be fair, I think you might have missed the quotes that were originally there when this thread was posted. It seemed to be born out of an argument from another thread :/

    They can still see the original OP in Rflong's comment on the first page. Idk, if TheSingSimmer cares about that, went to message them and they've got me on ignore.

    Anyways, yes, the original reason for me going into take the pictures was in response (not really an argument, they replied to two of my comments, and one of their comments remarking content for children intrigued me) to something from another thread. However, I soon realized that I could make better use of the photos and provide a resource for others to use, thus is why the reply was made into a thread, rather than a reply on the already derailed topic.

    With that said, we have both moved on from the issue, and it seems to have been resolved (for the most part).

    ETA: @Amiutza

    Thank you both for the very kind words! I appreciate it.

    Just to clarify so I do not look like a piece of crap:

    Yes I have you on ignore. (I'm planning on taking you off soon but can't find the button on moblile) I don't understand why you felt the need to say that besides making me look selfish. It's a personal thing.

    It was a heat of the moment action. I was super mad that you'd publish my comment for everyone to see and dedicate a thread just to prove me wrong. I understand you had good intentions, but I didn't know at the time and given the awful things that were said at me..I just couldn't.

    To put it into simple terms, I think this thread is made to prove me wrong. It's fine if you disagree with me, but in the future it's best not to do something like that again.

    If you had just replied in that same thread with your OP I would've listened too, I read long posts all the time.

    I hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy this SP.
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    ZhakiraPZhakiraP Posts: 1,439 Member
    TMBrandon wrote: »
    Amiutza wrote: »
    Well then. Someone took 2 hours of this life to make this post and what he's been met was snark and name calling.

    It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but I guess asking for it to be expressed politely, at least for the amount of work the OP put into this, is too much I guess.

    To be fair, I think you might have missed the quotes that were originally there when this thread was posted. It seemed to be born out of an argument from another thread :/

    They can still see the original OP in Rflong's comment on the first page. Idk, if TheSingSimmer cares about that, went to message them and they've got me on ignore.

    Anyways, yes, the original reason for me going into take the pictures was in response (not really an argument, they replied to two of my comments, and one of their comments remarking content for children intrigued me) to something from another thread. However, I soon realized that I could make better use of the photos and provide a resource for others to use, thus is why the reply was made into a thread, rather than a reply on the already derailed topic.

    With that said, we have both moved on from the issue, and it seems to have been resolved (for the most part).

    ETA: @Amiutza

    Thank you both for the very kind words! I appreciate it.

    Just to clarify so I do not look like a piece of crap:

    Yes I have you on ignore. (I'm planning on taking you off soon but can't find the button on moblile) I don't understand why you felt the need to say that besides making me look selfish. It's a personal thing.

    It was a heat of the moment action. I was super mad that you'd publish my comment for everyone to see and dedicate a thread just to prove me wrong. I understand you had good intentions, but I didn't know at the time and given the awful things that were said at me..I just couldn't.

    To put it into simple terms, I think this thread is made to prove me wrong. It's fine if you disagree with me, but in the future it's best not to do something like that again.

    I hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy this SP.

    It is important to understand that not everyting is about you. People around you do have their own lives to live, and limited time to worry about you. Harsh but true.

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    TheSingingSimmerTheSingingSimmer Posts: 3,348 Member
    edited January 2016
    ZhakiraP wrote: »
    TMBrandon wrote: »
    Amiutza wrote: »
    Well then. Someone took 2 hours of this life to make this post and what he's been met was snark and name calling.

    It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but I guess asking for it to be expressed politely, at least for the amount of work the OP put into this, is too much I guess.

    To be fair, I think you might have missed the quotes that were originally there when this thread was posted. It seemed to be born out of an argument from another thread :/

    They can still see the original OP in Rflong's comment on the first page. Idk, if TheSingSimmer cares about that, went to message them and they've got me on ignore.

    Anyways, yes, the original reason for me going into take the pictures was in response (not really an argument, they replied to two of my comments, and one of their comments remarking content for children intrigued me) to something from another thread. However, I soon realized that I could make better use of the photos and provide a resource for others to use, thus is why the reply was made into a thread, rather than a reply on the already derailed topic.

    With that said, we have both moved on from the issue, and it seems to have been resolved (for the most part).

    ETA: @Amiutza

    Thank you both for the very kind words! I appreciate it.

    Just to clarify so I do not look like a piece of crap:

    Yes I have you on ignore. (I'm planning on taking you off soon but can't find the button on moblile) I don't understand why you felt the need to say that besides making me look selfish. It's a personal thing.

    It was a heat of the moment action. I was super mad that you'd publish my comment for everyone to see and dedicate a thread just to prove me wrong. I understand you had good intentions, but I didn't know at the time and given the awful things that were said at me..I just couldn't.

    To put it into simple terms, I think this thread is made to prove me wrong. It's fine if you disagree with me, but in the future it's best not to do something like that again.

    I hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy this SP.

    It is important to understand that not everyting is about you. People around you do have their own lives to live, and limited time to worry about you. Harsh but true.

    Excuse me? How does the quote say "Everything is about me do what I say!" I said I didn't like that he added that not "TAKE IT DOWN OR ELSE!" If I found out I was on someone's ignore list (and I have) I would never post it in public. That's *their* business not mine. But that's just me. I don't know why he said that but I can assume, who knows? I'm probably wrong or I'm probably right. He doesn't have to do anything, he can keep it up if he wishes.

    The OP can feel however they want about the game, I appreciate their attitude towards me in taking the post down. I just wish this thread was less personal about my reply to him, and he changed it for the most part. This is a discussion about Sims 3 Kids VS Sims 4 Kids. Not my ignore list. Call me selfish for that if you wish.

    @TMBrandon You're no longer on my ignore. I just removed you. :)

    I'm just derailing this thread so I'll make a comment about the actual topic.

    I do think that TS4 kids are better-looking but they are lacking. The pirate ship is the only child object they have that I like. In TS3 base game, we had babysitters, sprinklers, swings, slides, toy ovens, chests filled with toys, more interactions for homework, teddy bears that they can hold, and various other things.

    The teens were technically the same as YA, but they had a major height difference and you could tell them apart. That's not in TS4.

    I've personally had more fun with TS3 kids than TS4 ones, but that's just me.
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