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PixelsSquaredPixelsSquared Posts: 3,265 Member
Hi guys! I'm starting a new story about two Sims named Aleksi and Galatea. They both had dark pasts, but with each other they found true happiness. I'll leave the rest of the details in the story. ;)

(Ugh, sorry for this cheesy intro. :p )

I'm not sure how many chapters I'm going to make, but I'l try to keep this going for as long as possible. :)


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3, Part 1, Chapter 3, Part 2
Chapter 4
[url=]Chapter 5[/url]
[url=]Chapter 6[/url]
[url=]Chapter 7[/url]
[url=]Chapter 8[/url]
[url=]Chapter 9[/url]
[url=]Chapter 10[/url]
Pricefield forever.
Time Won't Keep Us Apart - A story.
MTS: SimsForever15 | Origin: vba152318 | Paradox: PixelsSquared | Simblr: PixelsSquared
Post edited by PixelsSquared on


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    PixelsSquaredPixelsSquared Posts: 3,265 Member
    edited July 2015
    Chapter 1

    Walking down the street to go get some groceries, Aleksi overheard a conversation between Don and a girl he knew as Galatea.


    Galatea: I don't want anything to do with you ever again, you sleaze!
    Don: Let me...
    Galatea: Don't touch me!


    Aleksi: Dude, what is your problem!?


    Aleksi got fed up and fought Don. He won.


    Galatea: Y-you didn't have to do that!
    Aleksi: I felt like I had to do something! I didn't want to watch you get hurt. I've seen that all too often...


    Galatea: T-t-thank you.
    Aleksi: Do you want to talk about this?
    Galatea: Can we?
    Aleksi: We can talk about anything.
    Pricefield forever.
    Time Won't Keep Us Apart - A story.
    MTS: SimsForever15 | Origin: vba152318 | Paradox: PixelsSquared | Simblr: PixelsSquared
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    PixelsSquaredPixelsSquared Posts: 3,265 Member
    edited July 2015
    Chapter 2

    Aleksi: So tell me, what exactly happened between you and Don?
    Galatea: Well, I never really truly was happy with Don. We met at that bar in Oasis Springs. At first, he seemed like a nice funny guy. I know he had a reputation for being a player, but I didn't think it would be that bad, so I gave it a shot. He ended up luring me into their home later that night. He asked me if I wanted to move in, and I accepted. At the moment, it seemed like a good idea because his place was so much better than my crummy old apartment in Newcrest. For the first few weeks, it seemed to go well. He and the Calientes treated me well and gave me my own room there. After a while of going out, we made it official. However, things soon took a turn for the worst...


    Galatea: He treated me like plum. He degraded me and he yelled at me almost every day. He said I never paid any attention to him, yet when he wasn't working out, he was at the bar or watching TV. I never got any attention from him. I tried my best to be a good girlfriend to him, but he never appreciated my efforts.


    Galatea: I felt alone. Secluded. I felt trapped and hopeless. I didn't want to deal with this any longer, but I was too scared to confront him.


    Galatea: Eventually, I found the strength to leave. I left all my stuff there, but I really didn't care. I just wanted to get out of there. I saw him cheating on me with another woman, but I didn't care anymore. I felt no more love for him.


    Galatea: I really wanted to say thank you, Aleksi. Thank you so much for helping me finish this. I really don't know how I can repay you.
    Aleksi: Hey, I'm just glad you're safe and out of that nightmare.


    Galatea: Ooooohhhhh, I know! Wanna go to the new Ultra Splash Pool? Come on, it'll be fun!
    Aleksi: Well, I can't refuse fun... Okay, let's go!
    Pricefield forever.
    Time Won't Keep Us Apart - A story.
    MTS: SimsForever15 | Origin: vba152318 | Paradox: PixelsSquared | Simblr: PixelsSquared
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    RoryPlaysTheSimsRoryPlaysTheSims Posts: 5,330 Member
    Just wanted to say hi and let you know how much I'm enjoying your story so far. Your photography is gorgeous as well! I look forward to more. :)
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    PixelsSquaredPixelsSquared Posts: 3,265 Member
    @Rorygilmore34 - Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to writing more. :)
    Pricefield forever.
    Time Won't Keep Us Apart - A story.
    MTS: SimsForever15 | Origin: vba152318 | Paradox: PixelsSquared | Simblr: PixelsSquared
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    Ashley959Ashley959 Posts: 35 Member
    This is so good. Did you make your galatea and aleksi? They are stunning sims :)
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    PixelsSquaredPixelsSquared Posts: 3,265 Member
    @Hemera123 - Thank you! I already have the next chapter prepared! I'll post it when I get home. :)

    @Ashley959 - Thanks! I made Galatea and Aleksi. :)
    Pricefield forever.
    Time Won't Keep Us Apart - A story.
    MTS: SimsForever15 | Origin: vba152318 | Paradox: PixelsSquared | Simblr: PixelsSquared
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    Anemone7Anemone7 Posts: 3,950 Member
    Hey, i followed you here from the "Favourite Screenshot"-thread (that sounds creepy somehow :s )Great screenies and awesome Sims!
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    wynwyn Posts: 901 Member
    *gets popcorn and coffee* Ok, I'm ready! Can't wait to see what happens next. :)

    (and yes, coffee with popcorn, I have an irrational love of coffee, DEAL WITH IT)
    Origin ID: WyntirLily
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    PixelsSquaredPixelsSquared Posts: 3,265 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thanks guys. :)

    I'm not home, so the next part should be posted about 9-10 hours from now... :cry: Sorry for the really long wait, but I can give you a hint: It's going to be a flashback chapter that goes more in-depth with Aleksi and Galatea's dark pasts. ;)

    EDIT: Well, I have something important to do tonight, so I can't post the next chapter until tomorrow. Sorry about that! :'(
    Post edited by PixelsSquared on
    Pricefield forever.
    Time Won't Keep Us Apart - A story.
    MTS: SimsForever15 | Origin: vba152318 | Paradox: PixelsSquared | Simblr: PixelsSquared
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    CementCement Posts: 3,505 Member
    Going to keep an eye on this as well :heart:
    -Excited waiting for cute kid flashback-
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    PixelsSquaredPixelsSquared Posts: 3,265 Member
    edited July 2015
    Chapter 3, Part 1

    Aleksi and Galatea arrived at the pool. The first thing they did together was jump into the pool!


    Galatea: Watch out, Aleksi!


    Aleksi: Ha, you should probably watch your back too!
    Galatea: Hey, no fair!


    Aleksi: You know, this is actually fun! I'm really glad you brought me here.
    Galatea: Glad to hear it!

    The sun was setting and the pool was getting colder, so the decided to sit by the edge and talk.

    Galatea: Hey Aleksi, when you told me back there "you've seen that all too often," what did you mean?
    Aleksi: WWell, it's a long story, but I can tell you. I can trust you with this.

    Aleksi: When I was a kid, my parents had a pretty happy marriage. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than most other marriages. However, my dad never really found any satisfaction with my mother. One day, he came home with another woman. He worked as a businessman and the woman looked like a co-worker of his. I saw them pulling into the driveway and I hid so they wouldn't see me. Eventually, I looked because I was curious, but I really wish I hadn't. At around the same time I looked, my mom came home and through the windows, she saw them making out on the couch. I'll always remember the look on her face. She was horrified.


    Aleksi: My mom was so depressed that she ran away from my dad. My dad really didn't seem to care as he seemed to have found a new love. I haven't seen my mom since. Eventually, my dad and that evil woman got married and I... I had to accept that homewrecker as my step-mother. I haven't looked at my dad the same way since either. How could he not see that that homewrecker was only using him for his money!? Eventually, we were so deep in debt that we had to move out of our nice house and move into a horrible neighborhood. That homewrecker witch also left my dad. Now he's all alone. I kind of feel bad for him now. Last time I heard, he has a lot of major health issues and-and... I'm so sorry for pouring my feelings out on you! I really shouldn't put all of my problems on you. Anyways, that was years ago. I'm okay now.


    Galatea: It's okay, really it is! I'm just glad you're fine. You know, I think I shed a tear.
    Aleksi: Thanks for listening to me yammer. I really do appreciate it. And thanks for bringing me here too, Galatea. I had fun and I was finally able to tell someone what happened to my family when I was younger.
    Pricefield forever.
    Time Won't Keep Us Apart - A story.
    MTS: SimsForever15 | Origin: vba152318 | Paradox: PixelsSquared | Simblr: PixelsSquared
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    PixelsSquaredPixelsSquared Posts: 3,265 Member
    Chapter 3, Part 2

    It was getting late, so Galatea crashed at Aleksi's place. He only had one bed, but they didn't seem to mind. They went out like lights.


    Galatea: Ahh, good morning!
    Aleksi: Ugh, how are people able to feel good this early in the morning?
    Galatea: I guess I'm just an early bird then! Hey, you know, I've seen that same shirt somewhere before. I remember a cute guy who sat next to me at my bus stop always used to wear it.
    Aleksi: Wait, was that guy a redhead with bangs and a beanie?
    Galatea: Yeah, w- Oh my gosh! You're that guy, Aleksi! I feel so plum. How did I not notice that before?
    Aleksi: And you must have been that girl with the ponytail and glasses then. God, look how much we've changed since then. Weren't you in some of my classes too? You were at school pretty much everyday. We walked the same paths, remember?

    Even in elementary school, we took the same paths.


    Then after school, we both went to the playground.


    In middle school, we also took the same paths.


    And we took the same bus stop home.


    But then you stopped showing up to school... and I stopped seeing you at the bus stop. It felt pretty empty without you. What happened?



    Galatea: Well, I-um. Okay, let me start over.
    Aleksi: I can tell how hard this must be for you. You don't need to say anything if you don't want to.
    Galatea: No, it's fine, really. Let me just gather myself.

    Okay, so I had to stop going to school because my mom was diagnosed with a severe illness and I um, I wanted to make sure she was comfortable enough. I had to stop going to school so I could make some money for my mom. My dad died a few years before, so my mom was the breadwinner of the family. But after being diagnosed with that illness, she couldn't work anymore. I needed to find a way to provide for the both of us, so I took over. Eventually, I found out she only had a few weeks to live, but there was still a 5% chance she might survive. I kept hoping she would be alive, but just in case, I wanted her to live her last few weeks comfortably. I worked my butt off. She told me her last wish was for me to go to college. She also told me to stay strong because she might make it through. She didn't want to see me sad if she got home from the hospital.


    But she didn't make it through. She flat-lined a few hours later. Apparently, a nurse made a mistake with her IV and she OD'd on morphine. I was devastated. One silly mistake by a nurse cost her the last few weeks of her life, or maybe even her second chance at life. I felt like my whole world shattered.




    Aleksi: Please, don't cry. Come here.


    Galatea: You always know how to make me feel better. Kiss me.


    Aleksi: Your wish is my command.


    Galatea: I don't want this moment to end.
    Aleksi: I want it to last forever.
    Pricefield forever.
    Time Won't Keep Us Apart - A story.
    MTS: SimsForever15 | Origin: vba152318 | Paradox: PixelsSquared | Simblr: PixelsSquared
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    wynwyn Posts: 901 Member
    Okay, these two are freaking adorable. :D love it.
    Origin ID: WyntirLily
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    PixelsSquaredPixelsSquared Posts: 3,265 Member
    Hey guys, the next chapter won't be here for about another day. Sorry about that!
    Pricefield forever.
    Time Won't Keep Us Apart - A story.
    MTS: SimsForever15 | Origin: vba152318 | Paradox: PixelsSquared | Simblr: PixelsSquared
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    PixelsSquaredPixelsSquared Posts: 3,265 Member
    Chapter 4

    Aleksi decided to pay Galatea a visit to her apartment. He was surprised, but not in a good way.


    Aleksi: No offense, but you live here!?


    Galatea: It's not all that bad, you know. It's quite cozy. There's no heating, but I get to snuggle up with my blankets on cold winter days. There are a few pests, but I think I made a few new rat friends! And also, my bed has a lot of delicious snacks hidden in it. The mystery stains on my bed and wall also add some character. I really made this place my very own... Okay, fine I really hate it here! On the bright side, the landlady is really nice... on her good days... which are rare...


    Aleksi: Galatea, why didn't you tell me about this sooner? It really doesn't seem like a safe place for you to live. I saw a rat passing by a few moments ago. I think it has rabies... This is a really bold move of me, but... would you like to move in with me? I understand if you don't want to...

    Galatea: Of course I want to move in with you! I need to get out of this dump.


    Galatea: But I need to sort things out with my landlady first. I hope it's one of her good days today! Oh, and can I at least bring my desk? And my TV? And my microwave? And maybe my bed?

    Aleksi: Yes, of course you can! I'll make you feel comfortable at our house, I promise. Now let's get this landlady stuff sorted out!
    Pricefield forever.
    Time Won't Keep Us Apart - A story.
    MTS: SimsForever15 | Origin: vba152318 | Paradox: PixelsSquared | Simblr: PixelsSquared
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