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To those that dislike goals...

I was just thinking this morning, if the sims recognized that the goals were being completed I wouldn't mind them.

Currently, they are so unaware of their own desires and goals that it feels like a challenge made for and centred on the player instead of the sim. In previous games completing tasks improved a sim's mood, now it does nothing. In previous games it felt like the sims actually WANTED to achieve their goals, their wants would support that, and they would be rewarded with a better mood for completing both wants and goals/aspirations.

My sim completed his life time aspiration the other day but it didn't effect his mood at all. He just kept on being uncomfortable because there was a stinky plate near him. Shouldn't he be ecstatic!? I feel like if the sims reacted to the completion of their goals I would be much more inclined to achieve them, and also much less likely to be annoyed by them. If they were encouraging the feeling of sim-led game play I would feel less like the game is leading me by the nose.

I don't mind nearly as much being led by my sim as I do being led by the not-so-invisible hand of the developers. I don't want to achieve things for points, I want to achieve things so that my sims 'feel' fullfilled; so that they 'feel' happy.

I think a sim who has been fullfilling his whims, and aspiration goals should be happier than one who hasn't been. A sim that loves his work should be pleased with himself for fullfilling his career goals. A sim whose aspiration is being ignored should become antsy that their life isn't on track.

I still think that goals are too linear - my family oriented sim cannot complete hers for example because her child has grown up and no longer counts toward 'have child max any skill'. I feel like this is an easy rebalance, however, as are the bizarrely weighted moodlets (+1 happy for having a a baby, +3 for buying a plant? 🐸🐸🐸🐸?) but creating more reactive sims in regards to goals might be a bigger fix/struggle for the devs.

Personally, I think it would be worth while for them to implement some awareness of the goals/aspirations for the sims, and also add the option to turn off the pop-ups and musical queues. For me, it would basically remove the complaint that the game is too grindy/goal oriented. It would make the goals sim oriented, which is how they have always been in past games.

What do you think, would that be a good compromise?


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    ShaobunShaobun Posts: 1,155 Member
    I think what you've said sounds insightful and would be an improvement
    Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong. ~ Donald Porter
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    LaAbbyLaAbby Posts: 3,742 Member
    Yeah, even the traits seem pretty linear :unamused: I mean they don't really act accordingly, and most of the whims are pretty much the same over and over.

    Played S3 yesterday, and my sim was upset that I turned the TV off. Whereas I make the sims in s4 stop watching or playing, and they don't care. They just have the plastic face and stand there. Same with the family death, they just walk through the dead body with a big plastic grin on their face ...
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    esharpmajoresharpmajor Posts: 1,055 Member
    @shaobun thank-you!

    Absolutely agree @laAbby, so here's the million dollar question: do you think you would learn to like the aspirations/goals if they were better integrated (meaning the sims reacted to them)? Or do you think they would continue to be an annoyance?
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    LaAbbyLaAbby Posts: 3,742 Member
    @shaobun thank-you!

    Absolutely agree @laAbby, so here's the million dollar question: do you think you would learn to like the aspirations/goals if they were better integrated (meaning the sims reacted to them)? Or do you think they would continue to be an annoyance?

    If they fix it properly, then I would of course give it a shot to try it out. I want my sims to have life in them after all.
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    esharpmajoresharpmajor Posts: 1,055 Member
    That's what I thought most people would feel! Yay, I'm glad I don't appear to be off base with that. Maybe I somehow missed it, but I feel like I haven't seen people calling for the goals to be better integrated. I've seen many say they don't like them, want them removed, or want them to be less linear, but to me the most important thing is that they have an IMPACT on our sims' lives.
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    LaAbbyLaAbby Posts: 3,742 Member
    That's what I thought most people would feel! Yay, I'm glad I don't appear to be off base with that. Maybe I somehow missed it, but I feel like I haven't seen people calling for the goals to be better integrated. I've seen many say they don't like them, want them removed, or want them to be less linear, but to me the most important thing is that they have an IMPACT on our sims' lives.

    Oh yeah I agree with you there. I don't really see a point in removing them anymore, as I don't really see this game changing too much. I've been accepting it for what it is, and because of that I'm pretty much on the verge of just giving up, and would rather wait for Sims 5 to see a change.

    So, I like what you said, better implementation so it can have an impact on our sims. I think I could at least tolerate that honestly.
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    esharpmajoresharpmajor Posts: 1,055 Member
    TS2's aspiration system sounds like what you want. The meter slowly drained, so someone stagnating in life (or suddenly hit with trauma) would eventually go nuts.

    It helped make the wants and fears feel less like sterile random goals and more like what the Sim wanted and didn't want in life.

    As for a TS4 version I'd like to see, high Aspiration would push a constant Happy moodlet, while low Aspiration would push a constant negative moodlet:

    Fortune: Tense (I can't pay for my dream life!)
    Creativity/Culinary: Embarrassed (My art/food stinks! They're making fun of me!)
    Knowledge/Nature: Bored (There's nothing out there! I'm feeling dumber already!)
    Athletic/Deviance: Angry (They think I'm wimpy/harmless? I'll show them!)
    Popularity/Romance/Family: Sad (Nobody loves me!)

    Yes! Yes. This.
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    ShaobunShaobun Posts: 1,155 Member
    I agree @laAbby that something needs to be done about how all the sims feel the same. I think EAs big mistake was making the emotions something you use for promotions, etc. This means all the sims end up with all the same predictable emotions and we're discouraged from letting them feel anything else. It feels superficial, like my sims aren't really sad or angry they're just feeling how we told them to feel. It's too late to change that mechanic. I think that if there was a way that the sims could respond to more subtle cues (like turning the tv off - a crazy sim might keep watching the "black channel", a hot-headed sim would get angry, a playful one would turn it back on, etc) it might feel like they have more personality. There needs to be some kind of connection between the sims and us players. I think having them respond positively to fulfilling their aspirations might make it easier to care whether we do or not. It would be a good start.
    Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong. ~ Donald Porter
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    LaAbbyLaAbby Posts: 3,742 Member
    Shaobun wrote: »
    I agree @laAbby that something needs to be done about how all the sims feel the same. I think EAs big mistake was making the emotions something you use for promotions, etc. This means all the sims end up with all the same predictable emotions and we're discouraged from letting them feel anything else. It feels superficial, like my sims aren't really sad or angry they're just feeling how we told them to feel. It's too late to change that mechanic. I think that if there was a way that the sims could respond to more subtle cues (like turning the tv off - a crazy sim might keep watching the "black channel", a hot-headed sim would get angry, a playful one would turn it back on, etc) it might feel like they have more personality. There needs to be some kind of connection between the sims and us players. I think having them respond positively to fulfilling their aspirations might make it easier to care whether we do or not. It would be a good start.

    Yes! These sims don't really have a personality at all, to the point that I don't really care what traits they get anymore. Not to mention, I even ignored the whims a long time ago.

    I did say in another thread similar to what you've said (the bolded part).
    Since we don't have toddlers yet, I have said that it would be nice if their traits affected them. Like say a lazy baby would take longer to learn the walk/talk skill, a bookworm toddler would prefer to look at books rather than play toys, a hot-headed baby would 'bite' and take another toddlers toy etc.

    Stuff like that really give them personality, and that's what I find something fun about the sims, is that they're all different not just in looks but how they act as well. But they all pretty much act the same in TS4 ... I mean, sure they do seem a lot more animated, but it's kind of robotic at the same time.
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    esharpmajoresharpmajor Posts: 1,055 Member
    People shouldn't walk away from this game feeling like all the sims are the same! That is such a huge red flag I hope that the devs are scrambling to fix that impression. Great ideas there @Shaobun and @LaAbby, I too would like to see traits have more influence on the sim's actions, and for emotions to feel more natural and less like a 'mode' I need to get my sim into before they attempt a certain task. It reminds me of filling up a rage bar or fury meter in League of Legends, lol!

    Buuut I'm going to try to bring it back to goals one more time here - I think if the whims/aspirations had an effect on how sims acted that would go a long way toward making them appear as individuals. (Of course you guys are correct and so would more impactful traits, reactions, relationships and memories, I'm just trying to tackle one glaring error at a time here people! :D )

    It's funny, there are so many interconnected and essentially broken aspects of this game that trying to have a conversation about just one is about as difficult as using a one-man fighter to fire proton torpedoes into a thermal exhaust port that's only two meters wide.
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    LaAbbyLaAbby Posts: 3,742 Member
    edited March 2015
    People shouldn't walk away from this game feeling like all the sims are the same! That is such a huge red flag I hope that the devs are scrambling to fix that impression. Great ideas there @Shaobun and @LaAbby, I too would like to see traits have more influence on the sim's actions, and for emotions to feel more natural and less like a 'mode' I need to get my sim into before they attempt a certain task. It reminds me of filling up a rage bar or fury meter in League of Legends, lol!

    Buuut I'm going to try to bring it back to goals one more time here - I think if the whims/aspirations had an effect on how sims acted that would go a long way toward making them appear as individuals. (Of course you guys are correct and so would more impactful traits, reactions, relationships and memories, I'm just trying to tackle one glaring error at a time here people! :D )

    It's funny, there are so many interconnected and essentially broken aspects of this game that trying to have a conversation about just one is about as difficult as using a one-man fighter to fire proton torpedoes into a thermal exhaust port that's only two meters wide.

    Off topic: But yes! I even quit League for awhile because it made me angry sometimes lol.
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    esharpmajoresharpmajor Posts: 1,055 Member
    @S100Headache Oh I would love to see combo emotions become a thing. Great break down of how this could apply to the various aspirations! *Applauds*

    Honestly that would blow my expectations out of the water.
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    haituvahaituva Posts: 266 Member
    edited March 2015
    I personally just ignore the whims and aspirations most of the time, thye don't bother me. But I do agree that Sims's mood seems to be excessively affected by their environment, like dirty plates, decoration, and too little by things that SHOULD affect it, like death, cheating (although in that case I'd like an option to set a Sim's jealousy on or off, for those who want to have polyamorous families)... Also I'd like the unfulfilled Needs to make them uncomfortable only on the red level, not orange.
    Post edited by haituva on
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    83bienchen83bienchen Posts: 2,589 Member
    These are good thoughts. I always liked my sims moods been affected by fulfilling their wishes.
    Now now EA, don't be stinking up our lovely lavender bath with your shopping fart. - My TS4 mods - Gallery ID: 83bienchen
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    Cabelle1863Cabelle1863 Posts: 2,251 Member
    I really like all these ideas. I do find that I enjoy the TS2 wants, fears & aspiration system more. If they made some adjustments like suggested above I think I'd enjoy TS4 more. The goals would draw me into the game more, and feel less like I'm just crossing off items on a "to do" list.
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    esharpmajoresharpmajor Posts: 1,055 Member
    edited March 2015
    edited to pre-emptively apologize for the cranky tone of this post. o:)

    Oh, didn't even notice this thread got moved to feedback.... um... I wasn't really wanting to give feedback per se, I was interested in having a discussion on whether or not making the aspirations more impactful would make players more accepting of them. But ok, EA if you want feedback, here's some: I find it hilarious that your forum does not know that immersive, or impactful are words, and underlines them as though there were misspelled.

    having a major impact or effect.

    pertaining to digital technology or images that deeply involves one's senses.

    Learn them. Implement them.

    Also, you know what? I'm sick and tired of the seemingly arbitrary distinction between the general discussion and the feedback/ideas pages.

    -Feedback page: a place for people to tell devs whether or not they like the game and why. Player > Dev
    -The Ideas corner: a section for players to suggest new features/content or suggest changes to current features to devs. Player > Dev
    -The general discussion: a place for simmers to ask for opinions on certain topics, or discuss sim related news. Player > Player

    Maybe I've misinterpreted the use of these pages, and maybe I'm overly obsessed with organization but I think in this case I was looking for a general consensus from other players before I posted in the ideas section, so that I had a better sense of how others felt, and could get their help to further flesh out my idea. I never intended this as 'feedback'. I've given my feedback ages ago... it was... mixed. (Ironically, that thread was never moved to feedback... I would have moved it myself but as I was new to the forums I wasn't even aware of the distinction at the time.) This thread is about a specific idea that I wanted more input on before writing up a specific solution for this issue, which would have been aimed at the devs and placed in Idea's Corner.

    Also a little annoying that there is no auto notification when your thread it moved. I'm not sure when that went down, I only noticed when I went to catch up on the feedback section and noted my own thread there at the top. What?

    Anyway, since this isn't really the place for having a 'general discussion' on whether or not altering the goals in S4 would be an acceptable compromise I guess since it was well received, we can assume that it is an acceptable solution for most.

    So, to reiterate, in feedback form:The current goal implementation is terrible not immersive. Many simmers feel the game has become too goal oriented, and player driven. A possible solution is to make aspirations and goals have an effect on the sim's emotions and behaviour, for better or for worse. Here is a great example of how sims could potentially react to aspiration failure:

    Athletic: Embarrassed-Tense
    "Staying in tip-top shape is hard! I've let myself go!"

    Creative/Culinary: Embarrassed-Angry
    "They're tearing apart my art/food and calling me a no-talent nitwit!"

    Deviance: Bored-Angry
    "I've been playing the nice guy for too long! Time to wreak some havoc!"

    Family: Sad-Tense
    "Trying so hard to please my family and they're just ungrateful!"

    Fortune: Tense-Angry
    "I'm being worked to the bone and don't even have a dime to show for it!"

    Knowledge: Bored-Embarrassed
    "I'm feeling dumber and people are starting to notice!"

    Nature: Bored-Tense
    "Is this all the world has to offer? I'm starting to get antsy!"

    Popularity: Bored-Sad
    "All I wanted was to have a good time with my friends!"

    Romance: Sad-Embarrassed
    "Shot down again and again! Maybe I'm just unlovable..."

    Make it happen.
    Post edited by esharpmajor on
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    I use cheats to get through all this stuff. I want them to have all the interactions, but I don't want to have to wait until they are ready to die to get it. No, I don't want to buy 20 colums for no reason. No I don't want to have 20 parties.
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    MiyuEmiMiyuEmi Posts: 2,404 Member
    I think the emotion system in general is completely broken, which is why they react to so little. In my opinion, it feels as though the emotions are on a rota, so that they will feel nearly every emotion at least once per sim week. My sim, who was family oriented, was cradling his baby son after having a meal with his older son and wife, yet he was sad because he was 'Missing Family'. This just doesn't make sense. So after I saw this, I just became convinced that the emotion system isn't wholly based on their experiences but on a rota, which cycles a sim who has a regularly happy life and feels good emotions all the time in their home, to allow you to experience these apparent negative emotions.

    With regard to Whims and Traits as the OP pointed out, yes, I feel these were really poorly done. They seem to affect very little other than occasionally giving them a tense, frustrated or sad moodlet if you don't do enough things in that 'genre' of traits. Sims are too heavily focused on showing off multi-tasking that they don't have the foresight to actually react to their lives, so for me the sims emotions feel false and don't effect gameplay at all.
    Crowley Family Legacy Patriarch - Jonah Crowley
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    MiyuEmiMiyuEmi Posts: 2,404 Member
    edited March 2015
    @S100Headache I'll definitely agree with you there, those odd moodlets from work that you can do nothing about which can rob them of a promotion despite fulfilling all of the other requirements for that promotion. I'm just not wild about this game. If it was fine tuned and they actually worked on the game with the mind of a simmer, not a developer, perhaps I might enjoy it more. What is the moodlet they get from the genius trait if you don't do something genuis like with them? That's the one I was trying to get at!

    As it stands, I bought the game incredibly late because I really didn't want to buy it and played it for less than a week before I had to 'repair the game', which seems a common requirement, and have become incredibly disilluisioned as my sims meet no one at work or school. It just feels all together stunted and as I've said before, like a very expensive Facebook game.
    Crowley Family Legacy Patriarch - Jonah Crowley
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    luthienrisingluthienrising Posts: 37,632 Member
    The sluggish career progress wouldn't be so bad if we could just work overtime or on days off.

    A thread complaining about the date goals was just deleted...Maybe the people who worked to make the goals got offended?

    There's one in Ideas Corner that's about parties + dates - might be the one you mean.
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