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So sick of people calling this "open world"


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    CrackseedCrackseed Posts: 5,209 Member
    "My spirit animal can beat up your spirit animal"
    ~ Origin ID: DaCrackseed ~
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    xBob18xBob18 Posts: 7,893 Member
    devans0714 wrote: »
    bobyo2001 wrote: »
    devans0714 wrote: »
    bobyo2001 wrote: »
    devans0714 wrote: »
    abe70280 wrote: »
    devans0714 wrote: »
    Anavastia wrote: »
    devans0714 wrote: »
    Anavastia wrote: »
    devans0714 wrote: »
    I guess I am one of the few who likes the new world layout. I hated that in the Sims 3 when you went to view your town it was just too much. I'd be sitting there trying to find my other families and I am scrolling left, right, up and down and still couldn't find them. I didn't like the fact that though they gave us the option to move your family to another town, you lost all your friends/families and basically had to start over because you are in a new town with no friends.

    Even with the load screens when I am in my town view I can just hope over to the next town to go visit my friends/family and don't lose a thing - no skills, no relationships, nada. I can tolerate the load screen if it means I will not lose my skills or relationships with people in my old town

    The one thing we gained in the Sims 4 that we did not have in any of the Sims games prior is that when they go on a date....You actually get to see and control your Sims while they are on a date. In the Sims just sit therer idling .... looking at the restaurant waiting for their status bars to change while they are on their dates. I know you can see them interact in bars and the nightclubs but you couldn't see them on a kissing and so on.

    Has anyone seen a drunk sims at the bar???? B) That is so worth it...

    O.o um you could go on a date with sims 2 and do more than what sims 4 is offerening. We don't go backyards in design. We could have easily done that with sims 3. You see i have the expansion where i create bars. I just made a casino in my game where there is a bar. So not only on the date did my sims win 3,000 bucks. The shared a meal, drinks, and kisses and what not. On top of that after the casino closed we went on a romantic evening at the beach where they gazed at the stars. No random sim to come buy and interrupt my beautiful evening with banter. so they proposed and my two sims are engaged. I plan on having an outdoor wedding on a park lot that i've made.

    You see i already have that play and i don't have to pay 70 dollars to move on. Plus i have the open neighborhood. so when im doing my singing gigs, hands on careers and other fun stuff i don't really have to be interrupted with load screens i can go from lot to lot seamlessly.

    Even if i cared that my relationships aren't lost, i have sims 2 to play that kind of play. Still offere more than sims 4. So why should i play a game that really didn't advance. Then got rid of the fun thing that was advancing play. To me the trade was so not worth it. Well hence why i didn't buy it.

    Ummm.......Well you have your reasons for not buying the game as you have stated but my comment was just a comment on the open world not leading to another discussion on why anyone did or did not buy the game....Every post is not a lead in to a long drawn out 100 reasons why I did not buy the Sims 4 dialogue. I apologize for going there but I am getting a little sick of people using each forum to state their reasons why they did not buy the Sims 4...I get it. I am not sitting here saying this is why I love the Sims 4 because I am not sure what my feelings are at the moment. I am playing it and I am pointing out something I see as a positive to the game. I have all the sims games since 1 and I haven't played the Sims 2 in about 5 years....I was basing my opinion on my experiences with the Sims 3. So you see my point...The things you said you can do in the Sims 2 you couldn't do in the Sims 3. And btw...Didn't the Sims 2 also have load screens and people just teleporting here and there. And let's not forget the infamous jump bug.

    I said all that to say this (and not flaming anyone)....All the Sims games had the pros and cons. We lost some things in the Sims 3 that we could do in the Sims 2. They all had bugs/issues and for the most part they were not fixed. The jump bug in the Sims 2..Never fixed...the Investigator career bug in the Sims this day and I stopped playing it less than a month ago was never fixed.

    Some people see the Sims 4 as a step back....and for the most part that depends on how you play. I am not one of those people who build lots and bars..and so on. I just play the game... And yes, there are things they promised and left out...There are things they just plain left out with no explanation .... toddlers come to mind...but it is getting so tiring to come in here and make a comment on something so simple and have to defend the fact that you even play the Sims 4.

    First off no one forced you to post but i responded to your post to the discussion. I didn't rudely say to you im sick of hearing why sims 4 is so worth it did I? Yet that's how you want to talk to me? It certainly wasn't that discussion until you replied so. I gave expamples of how i can do that now with the two games I already own. I was talking about progression, of play and design and how we should avoid regressing. Where this came into why i didn't buy or didn't is your take on the matter.

    So you don't like my post and quickly responded in the typical manner. I don't like the way you think and im sick of hearing it so im going to be rude. Is clearly what that came off of as yet no one treated you in that same manner and i still haven't.

    I don't see your point at all. I don't see how we have to at all return to the closed world to achieve map travel. See my point is why in the hell did dev's think that the two wants meant by simmers was to close the world. As if that helped performance any. It didn't not one bit. You haven't loaded in your expansions yet to know if it's good performance or not. So that's still up for discussion and as far as i can see after 36 hours of play the game has performance issues for many both high and low end machines. So much for that closed world on low end machines. Still not a legit excuse not to advance the open world. People wanted to travel the world, travel to other worlds and keep there relationships with family and other simmers. Guess what it's still possible to do it with an open world play. My point being when i mentioned both games is this. Sims 4 didn't offer play that was new to anyone. That's the problem. It really didn't step the system forward. Especially when you aren't really traveling different maps. I have a feeling oasis springs and willow creek whatever it's called aren't actually two separate maps but one map with different load zones. If that's the case it explains why the zones are so small. As sims 3 load zones are roughly about the same size can only tolerate about 25 lots in the same area. That means in the next 10 expansion they're pretty much adding more to the map. However that is a hunch if that's a hunch it can be confirmed just yet until we see CAW tools correct.

    So go ahead and enjoy your sims 4 game, just don't think people aren't going to respond to you with but i can do that already with my game. Especially when you finish your post with loading screens where so worth it if i can do the list of things you like to do with sims 4.

    Did I tickle your fancy with my comment? I sure hope I did. I did not get all bent out of shape and defensive as you did. I said I do not understand why each time someone makes a comment on a thread someone has to come back with a comment about what they can do in the other Sim games. Okay, let's get that clear. I don't give a flying plum what you can do in the Sims 1, 2, or 3 as I have played them all. I don't give a flying 🐸🐸🐸🐸 what the dev's did or did not do to the game that got your panties in a bunch. I made a comment based on my opinion on an aspect of the sims 4 which is what the title of this thread is. You turned this into a comparison between the Sims 4 and the other sims game and what you don't like about it. So you don't like the game who gives a flying 🐸🐸🐸🐸!!!! That does not give you nor anyone else the right to turn every thread into a I hate the Sims 4 forum. When all we are doing is talking about the game.

    Yes I play the Sims 4 and 🐸🐸🐸🐸 proud of it!!!!!

    the truth is you dont know how to play Sims 3. The fact that you're having trouble finding your sim families in Sims 3 proved it as fact. So what else is there for you to play that your limited capacity brain can handle? ah yes, a facebook game branded The Sims 4. Enjoy your 70 USD browser game.

    How can you make an assumption like that? Ahhhh another rude person....Sweetheart I can play the game I was talking about the way the world is in the Sims 3. I don't have to like it. You don't have to like the Sims 4. To each his own. You don't have to like my comment but I really was not talking to you. But it seems that some people just have to keep on talking to validate themselves. I don't. I came here made a comment and just like the rest of the trolls you want to turn it into something it is not.

    Yes, I do enjoy the Sims 4 base game. I don't have a problem with it nor saying it. Yes, I spent 70 USD on it and I spent hundreds (maybe a few thousand) on the Sims 1, Sims 2, and the Sims 3 with all the expansion packs there is no shame in that because I enjoyed each series for their own reasons and didn't like them for their own reasons. They all have their faults and limitations. I made a comment on what I like about the difference between the worlds in the other sims and this version, you guys want to make it into a hate thread that's fine because that is what the haters do on each sensible discussion thread that is out here. Shame you guys can't give it a rest but I have seen this behavior since they opened this board (yeah I have been around that long). I am not saying I am passionately in love with this game but like every other installment of the Sims I am giving it a try. I've seen some things that work. I seen some things that could be better...but I have spoken on that already and have moved on. I am not sitting here on each and every thread making it a love/hate fest. You haters just can't seem to let it go.

    So what else would you like to say with your limited brain cells?

    Your brain cells seem ever more limited, since you can't even differentiate between a troll and someone who is disappointed. Completely and utterly pathetic.

    No you are the one that is pathetic...Jumping in on the end of a conversation that has nothing to do with you....UTTERLY, TOTALLY PATHETIC. She came after me first because of my comment and I responded. I did not pull you or anyone else into it. You choose to respond and you got responded to in kind.

    This is a PUBLIC forum in case you didn't know. I'm free to join any conversation I want whether you like it or not. Don't like it? Message who you wanna talk to privately.

    Well then expect to get commented to when you come up in here all rude to someone that was not talking to you. You jumped in feet first and you have no idea who I am. Never spoke to me until today and you make assumptions and start name calling??? And who is rude??? I did not call nobody not one name until it was thrown at me....Sooooo.....You get what you got because you put out what you did....Bye Now.

    Bye sweetcheecks. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. <3
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    devans0714devans0714 Posts: 70 Member
    what do you guys do get off on going through boards and trashing people who don't agree with you or who say they actually like something about the game. I get it you are disappointed...we all get it. But that does not mean those of us who actually have some optimism can't share it. ...Some of you were bashing Cinebar this morning and now you come in here after me????

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    VlaxitovVlaxitov Posts: 5,798 Member
    In TS3 my legacy style family I played owned a family mansion and underneath that mansion like 4 floors down was the family crypt. The crypt was like 3 stories deep with balconies, libraries, other activities that looked like they fit in with the decor. It was decorated with family portraits of the ghosts residing there. Now that was deep to me and fun to play.
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    KrayzieStrykerKrayzieStryker Posts: 2,646 Member
    edited September 2014
    devans0714 wrote: »
    I agree....There are differences in all the games we love/we hate. I an optimistic that this game will get better. hey we all hated the Sims 3 when it first came out. We all hated the Sims 2 when it came out but now we look at those games reverently and love them each for what they have given us over the years. Bugs/Patches and all.

    I don't hate any Sims Game. I am only disappointed in Sims 4 that it lacks so much content from the previous Sims 3 Base Game. I am disappointed that this Game had cost me 80 Euro and lacks exactly my Content that i need to enjoy my Playstyle of playing the Sims. I am disappointed that they took so much money from me over the 14 years and i get only a half baked Game. I wouldn't be here if i didn't have any Problem in Sims 4, but i do have. I wouldn't waste Time looking in Threads like this i would playing like mad. I try to be friendly but this behavior against disappointed People i can't overwatch. I am sorry maybe i sound now rude but i try to be friendly here. So go play and enjoy the Sims 4.
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    CrackseedCrackseed Posts: 5,209 Member
    devans0714 wrote: »
    what do you guys do get off on going through boards and trashing people who don't agree with you or who say they actually like something about the game. I get it you are disappointed...we all get it. But that does not mean those of us who actually have some optimism can't share it. ...Some of you were bashing Cinebar this morning and now you come in here after me????


    To offer a point of view that may help - some of the folks in here are people I routinely disagree with. I think there are fundamental points I will never share with them and that is totally ok. Because they are individuals and should have their own thoughts. Do some of us potentially fail to phrase things well sometimes? Sure. Tis human. Made even harder because text on the interwebs is not a good medium for inflection/emotion.

    But I appreciate and value what they say often enough because while I may be happy with the game, there are many who aren't and we're never going to affect change if we're all just "Yeah, so good, so perfect let's all go spoon together and talk about emotions!"

    It's a two way street - if you keep escalating a perceived slight, it's just going to snowball out of control. Recognize that you have your opinion and if someone wants to give you grief over it 1) try to reason with em 2) If step #1 fails or you just find their attitude terrible, /ignore them and roll on.

    Thick skin is required but it doesn't mean every post that gets under your skin should set you off too. Welcome to forum discussions - here's your teddy bear to hug in case of emergency and mean words (I find he's not too needed here but hey, we have to offer it just in case)
    "My spirit animal can beat up your spirit animal"
    ~ Origin ID: DaCrackseed ~
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    devans0714devans0714 Posts: 70 Member
    edited September 2014
    devans0714 wrote: »
    I agree....There are differences in all the games we love/we hate. I an optimistic that this game will get better. hey we all hated the Sims 3 when it first came out. We all hated the Sims 2 when it came out but now we look at those games reverently and love them each for what they have given us over the years. Bugs/Patches and all.

    I don't hate any Sims Game. I am only disappointed in Sims 4 that it lacks so much content from the previous Sims 3 Base Game. I am disappointed that this Game had cost me 80 Euro and lacks exactly my Content that i need to enjoy my Playstyle of playing the Sims. I am disappointed that they took so much money from me over the 14 years and i get only a half baked Game. I wouldn't be here if i didn't have any Problem in Sims 4, but i do have. I wouldn't waste Time looking in Threads like this i would playing like mad. I try to be friendly but this behavior against disappointed People i can't overwatch. I am sorry maybe i sound now rude but i try to be friendly here. So go play and enjoy the Sims 4.

    Nope you don't sound rude at all....You given the most logical, honest response I have seen all day. Without name calling or throwing insults.
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    AnavastiaAnavastia Posts: 6,515 Member
    When i finally got my new pc it played like a champ on it. So I think EA should be more honest about system specs for their game. Still quite a lot of bugs in the expansions, but than again you're going to experience it with sim 4 the same way. Why the same blunders that occured with 3 is going to occur with 4 because it's the same dev team.

    That being said that doesn't mean we can't improve the system by cleaning up the coding. See the nice thing that twallan showed all of us is if Maxis had taken the time to invest in coding the game properly the open world would have been enjoyable by all people. Simply put his mods even achieved map travel to the other maps with your family. So my guess is that the games regression is do to time and not due to player compatibility with the machines.

    Still not an excuse for a multibillion dollar corporation to make. Regardless the time and effort to advancing the open world should have been done. I think quite a few people can agree with that. pc gaming is different but it's even more harmful when players don't understand pc gaming. We have a lot of people not wanting to update systems. I get that it gets expensive and many people don't have the means too. However, even if that's the case games should be finding new ways to tackle that issue without losing innovation. Frankly the emotion system was apart of an idea that i gave in ideas and feedback years ago.

    Yet even though my idea was more fleshed out, it still a good idea to add to sims 4. (minus the rpg play attached to it). Emotion system is what sims 3 as a game lacked to boost the personality of the sims. An open world was fun but sims 3 id have one flaw all the sims behaved the same. However that's not going to change with an emotion system alone. The trait system needed an upgrade. Neither occurred with sims 4. The emotion system became a glorified moodlet system with rpg boosts. The emotion system isn't fleshed out where is love, jealousy, fear, hatred, etc. Trait system has become far less defining the sims than ever. So what does that leave the same mistakes occurring in a closed world as in the open world.

    The game may seem like it's running smoothly now but after 4 to 5 expansions much hunch is it's going to have massive problems because of the updates breaking the game and the expansions pushing a very limited engine. That only proves one point about both games.

    To make an open world run smoothly on any system you need to code it better, the same will go for a closed world.
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    devans0714devans0714 Posts: 70 Member
    Anavastia wrote: »
    When i finally got my new pc it played like a champ on it. So I think EA should be more honest about system specs for their game. Still quite a lot of bugs in the expansions, but than again you're going to experience it with sim 4 the same way. Why the same blunders that occured with 3 is going to occur with 4 because it's the same dev team.

    That being said that doesn't mean we can't improve the system by cleaning up the coding. See the nice thing that twallan showed all of us is if Maxis had taken the time to invest in coding the game properly the open world would have been enjoyable by all people. Simply put his mods even achieved map travel to the other maps with your family. So my guess is that the games regression is do to time and not due to player compatibility with the machines.

    Still not an excuse for a multibillion dollar corporation to make. Regardless the time and effort to advancing the open world should have been done. I think quite a few people can agree with that. pc gaming is different but it's even more harmful when players don't understand pc gaming. We have a lot of people not wanting to update systems. I get that it gets expensive and many people don't have the means too. However, even if that's the case games should be finding new ways to tackle that issue without losing innovation. Frankly the emotion system was apart of an idea that i gave in ideas and feedback years ago.

    Yet even though my idea was more fleshed out, it still a good idea to add to sims 4. (minus the rpg play attached to it). Emotion system is what sims 3 as a game lacked to boost the personality of the sims. An open world was fun but sims 3 id have one flaw all the sims behaved the same. However that's not going to change with an emotion system alone. The trait system needed an upgrade. Neither occurred with sims 4. The emotion system became a glorified moodlet system with rpg boosts. The emotion system isn't fleshed out where is love, jealousy, fear, hatred, etc. Trait system has become far less defining the sims than ever. So what does that leave the same mistakes occurring in a closed world as in the open world.

    The game may seem like it's running smoothly now but after 4 to 5 expansions much hunch is it's going to have massive problems because of the updates breaking the game and the expansions pushing a very limited engine. That only proves one point about both games.

    To make an open world run smoothly on any system you need to code it better, the same will go for a closed world.

    So can they break the limitation on the number in households? Or is that totally impossible?
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    abe70280abe70280 Posts: 519 Member
    devans0714 wrote: »
    what do you guys do get off on going through boards and trashing people who don't agree with you or who say they actually like something about the game. I get it you are disappointed...we all get it. But that does not mean those of us who actually have some optimism can't share it. ...Some of you were bashing Cinebar this morning and now you come in here after me????


    here is fact. you dont need to insult Sims 3 to enjoy Sims 4. The fact that when you first commented you bashed Sims 3 to pave the way to your praises of Sims 4 automatically placed you in the troll category. Hence the barrage of replies you got which you've taken offense to.

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    VlaxitovVlaxitov Posts: 5,798 Member
    Crackseed wrote: »


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    xBob18xBob18 Posts: 7,893 Member
    Vlaxitov wrote: »
    Crackseed wrote: »


    Is that what Katy Perry looked like when she was human?
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    abe70280abe70280 Posts: 519 Member
    @devans0714 seems to me that you can dish it out but you can't take it.
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    CrackseedCrackseed Posts: 5,209 Member
    @Vlaxitov - I remember reading about that. It's funny how many "popular" musicians had their roots as christian singers first >.>
    "My spirit animal can beat up your spirit animal"
    ~ Origin ID: DaCrackseed ~
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    InannaWintermoonInannaWintermoon Posts: 3,400 Member
    devans0714 wrote: »
    devans0714 wrote: »
    bobyo2001 wrote: »
    devans0714 wrote: »
    Anavastia wrote: »
    devans0714 wrote: »
    Anavastia wrote: »
    devans0714 wrote: »
    I guess I am one of the few who likes the new world layout. I hated that in the Sims 3 when you went to view your town it was just too much. I'd be sitting there trying to find my other families and I am scrolling left, right, up and down and still couldn't find them. I didn't like the fact that though they gave us the option to move your family to another town, you lost all your friends/families and basically had to start over because you are in a new town with no friends.

    Even with the load screens when I am in my town view I can just hope over to the next town to go visit my friends/family and don't lose a thing - no skills, no relationships, nada. I can tolerate the load screen if it means I will not lose my skills or relationships with people in my old town

    The one thing we gained in the Sims 4 that we did not have in any of the Sims games prior is that when they go on a date....You actually get to see and control your Sims while they are on a date. In the Sims just sit therer idling .... looking at the restaurant waiting for their status bars to change while they are on their dates. I know you can see them interact in bars and the nightclubs but you couldn't see them on a kissing and so on.

    Has anyone seen a drunk sims at the bar???? B) That is so worth it...

    O.o um you could go on a date with sims 2 and do more than what sims 4 is offerening. We don't go backyards in design. We could have easily done that with sims 3. You see i have the expansion where i create bars. I just made a casino in my game where there is a bar. So not only on the date did my sims win 3,000 bucks. The shared a meal, drinks, and kisses and what not. On top of that after the casino closed we went on a romantic evening at the beach where they gazed at the stars. No random sim to come buy and interrupt my beautiful evening with banter. so they proposed and my two sims are engaged. I plan on having an outdoor wedding on a park lot that i've made.

    You see i already have that play and i don't have to pay 70 dollars to move on. Plus i have the open neighborhood. so when im doing my singing gigs, hands on careers and other fun stuff i don't really have to be interrupted with load screens i can go from lot to lot seamlessly.

    Even if i cared that my relationships aren't lost, i have sims 2 to play that kind of play. Still offere more than sims 4. So why should i play a game that really didn't advance. Then got rid of the fun thing that was advancing play. To me the trade was so not worth it. Well hence why i didn't buy it.

    Ummm.......Well you have your reasons for not buying the game as you have stated but my comment was just a comment on the open world not leading to another discussion on why anyone did or did not buy the game....Every post is not a lead in to a long drawn out 100 reasons why I did not buy the Sims 4 dialogue. I apologize for going there but I am getting a little sick of people using each forum to state their reasons why they did not buy the Sims 4...I get it. I am not sitting here saying this is why I love the Sims 4 because I am not sure what my feelings are at the moment. I am playing it and I am pointing out something I see as a positive to the game. I have all the sims games since 1 and I haven't played the Sims 2 in about 5 years....I was basing my opinion on my experiences with the Sims 3. So you see my point...The things you said you can do in the Sims 2 you couldn't do in the Sims 3. And btw...Didn't the Sims 2 also have load screens and people just teleporting here and there. And let's not forget the infamous jump bug.

    I said all that to say this (and not flaming anyone)....All the Sims games had the pros and cons. We lost some things in the Sims 3 that we could do in the Sims 2. They all had bugs/issues and for the most part they were not fixed. The jump bug in the Sims 2..Never fixed...the Investigator career bug in the Sims this day and I stopped playing it less than a month ago was never fixed.

    Some people see the Sims 4 as a step back....and for the most part that depends on how you play. I am not one of those people who build lots and bars..and so on. I just play the game... And yes, there are things they promised and left out...There are things they just plain left out with no explanation .... toddlers come to mind...but it is getting so tiring to come in here and make a comment on something so simple and have to defend the fact that you even play the Sims 4.

    First off no one forced you to post but i responded to your post to the discussion. I didn't rudely say to you im sick of hearing why sims 4 is so worth it did I? Yet that's how you want to talk to me? It certainly wasn't that discussion until you replied so. I gave expamples of how i can do that now with the two games I already own. I was talking about progression, of play and design and how we should avoid regressing. Where this came into why i didn't buy or didn't is your take on the matter.

    So you don't like my post and quickly responded in the typical manner. I don't like the way you think and im sick of hearing it so im going to be rude. Is clearly what that came off of as yet no one treated you in that same manner and i still haven't.

    I don't see your point at all. I don't see how we have to at all return to the closed world to achieve map travel. See my point is why in the hell did dev's think that the two wants meant by simmers was to close the world. As if that helped performance any. It didn't not one bit. You haven't loaded in your expansions yet to know if it's good performance or not. So that's still up for discussion and as far as i can see after 36 hours of play the game has performance issues for many both high and low end machines. So much for that closed world on low end machines. Still not a legit excuse not to advance the open world. People wanted to travel the world, travel to other worlds and keep there relationships with family and other simmers. Guess what it's still possible to do it with an open world play. My point being when i mentioned both games is this. Sims 4 didn't offer play that was new to anyone. That's the problem. It really didn't step the system forward. Especially when you aren't really traveling different maps. I have a feeling oasis springs and willow creek whatever it's called aren't actually two separate maps but one map with different load zones. If that's the case it explains why the zones are so small. As sims 3 load zones are roughly about the same size can only tolerate about 25 lots in the same area. That means in the next 10 expansion they're pretty much adding more to the map. However that is a hunch if that's a hunch it can be confirmed just yet until we see CAW tools correct.

    So go ahead and enjoy your sims 4 game, just don't think people aren't going to respond to you with but i can do that already with my game. Especially when you finish your post with loading screens where so worth it if i can do the list of things you like to do with sims 4.

    Did I tickle your fancy with my comment? I sure hope I did. I did not get all bent out of shape and defensive as you did. I said I do not understand why each time someone makes a comment on a thread someone has to come back with a comment about what they can do in the other Sim games. Okay, let's get that clear. I don't give a flying plum what you can do in the Sims 1, 2, or 3 as I have played them all. I don't give a flying fig what the dev's or did not do to the game that got your panties in a bunch. I made a comment based on my opinion on a aspect of the sims 4 which is what the title of this thread is. You turned this into a comparison between the Sims 4 and the other sims game and what you don't like about it. So you don't like the game who gives a flying 🐸🐸🐸🐸!!!! That does not give you nor anyone else the right to turn every thread into a I hate the Sims 4 forum.

    Yes I play the Sims 4 and 🐸🐸🐸🐸 proud of it!!!!!

    Go play it now if you're so proud of it.

    And you're jumping in because?????? Oh right...Because you can...I have seen you trolling on the boards. Just a word of advice....Don't bother me and I won't bother you.

    How about acting like an adult and not bothering anyone. Everyone has opinions of their own, you don't have to agree but name calling and belittling people due to their opinions is just plain rude.

    How about minding your own business? I don't think anyone needs taking up for here. She got rude first...check yourself.

    How about not harassing people?
    It's quite drop from the top, so how ya feeling down there?
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    munchie885munchie885 Posts: 8,439 Member
    Someone needs to save this thread...
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    CrackseedCrackseed Posts: 5,209 Member
    @Munchie885 - I think this thread is at the point it needs B*tch Pudding...
    "My spirit animal can beat up your spirit animal"
    ~ Origin ID: DaCrackseed ~
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    xBob18xBob18 Posts: 7,893 Member
    I wouldn't be surprised if this was closed.
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    AnavastiaAnavastia Posts: 6,515 Member
    devans0714 wrote: »
    Anavastia wrote: »
    When i finally got my new pc it played like a champ on it. So I think EA should be more honest about system specs for their game. Still quite a lot of bugs in the expansions, but than again you're going to experience it with sim 4 the same way. Why the same blunders that occured with 3 is going to occur with 4 because it's the same dev team.

    That being said that doesn't mean we can't improve the system by cleaning up the coding. See the nice thing that twallan showed all of us is if Maxis had taken the time to invest in coding the game properly the open world would have been enjoyable by all people. Simply put his mods even achieved map travel to the other maps with your family. So my guess is that the games regression is do to time and not due to player compatibility with the machines.

    Still not an excuse for a multibillion dollar corporation to make. Regardless the time and effort to advancing the open world should have been done. I think quite a few people can agree with that. pc gaming is different but it's even more harmful when players don't understand pc gaming. We have a lot of people not wanting to update systems. I get that it gets expensive and many people don't have the means too. However, even if that's the case games should be finding new ways to tackle that issue without losing innovation. Frankly the emotion system was apart of an idea that i gave in ideas and feedback years ago.

    Yet even though my idea was more fleshed out, it still a good idea to add to sims 4. (minus the rpg play attached to it). Emotion system is what sims 3 as a game lacked to boost the personality of the sims. An open world was fun but sims 3 id have one flaw all the sims behaved the same. However that's not going to change with an emotion system alone. The trait system needed an upgrade. Neither occurred with sims 4. The emotion system became a glorified moodlet system with rpg boosts. The emotion system isn't fleshed out where is love, jealousy, fear, hatred, etc. Trait system has become far less defining the sims than ever. So what does that leave the same mistakes occurring in a closed world as in the open world.

    The game may seem like it's running smoothly now but after 4 to 5 expansions much hunch is it's going to have massive problems because of the updates breaking the game and the expansions pushing a very limited engine. That only proves one point about both games.

    To make an open world run smoothly on any system you need to code it better, the same will go for a closed world.

    So can they break the limitation on the number in households? Or is that totally impossible?

    The limitation on a household actually has proven it can be broken quite a long time ago. The sims 1 game as a base chose 8 sims as a design for one reason, the high animations of the sims in one area for a lot of systems. Well that and anything over 8 sims was way to hard to play. Years down the road it becomes tradition to give players 8 sims slots. However in my sims 3 game i have 8 sims and 4 pets. 12 sims registered in all.

    8 sims was a design choice and always have been. I think people should understand that the more sims you have the more challenging the game is suppose to be. The problem is reward cheats took that away. So now players pretty much can play 8 sims with a breeze and not feel challenged at all. Especially when sims will route to their jobs and eat and clean themselves. So time for Ea to upgrade the system as a whole. That did not happen. 14 years down the road and the simulation play hasn't improved is problem. That doesn't mean it can't be improved.

    Frankly i think the game should judge the system and improve it's settings that way. Offer 10 slot choice or higher for those systems that can handle it. Seeing as many people who host parties can hold about 30 sims on a lot. Again these limitations don't have anything to do with closed or open world. More to do with what has always been tradition for sims. I don't know how innovative that could be but what i do know is after all this time i'd like to see more from devs than a list of excuses of why they claim they cant do something, when 14 years down the road almost every game has proved it possible they can.
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    KrayzieStrykerKrayzieStryker Posts: 2,646 Member
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Someone needs to save this thread...

    Hydra from the movie the first Avenger you mean ?
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    devans0714devans0714 Posts: 70 Member
    abe70280 wrote: »
    devans0714 wrote: »
    what do you guys do get off on going through boards and trashing people who don't agree with you or who say they actually like something about the game. I get it you are disappointed...we all get it. But that does not mean those of us who actually have some optimism can't share it. ...Some of you were bashing Cinebar this morning and now you come in here after me????


    here is fact. you dont need to insult Sims 3 to enjoy Sims 4. The fact that when you first commented you bashed Sims 3 to pave the way to your praises of Sims 4 automatically placed you in the troll category. Hence the barrage of replies you got which you've taken offense to.

    Here is the facts....I did not insult the Sims 3. I think you need to re-read my first post post at 1:38 in response to Anavastia's heated reply to my original comment. I said I did not like the world view in the Sims 3 and the fact that I like in the Sims 4 you did not lose all your aspirations/relationships like you did in the Sims 3. Is that trolling???? I think not. Yeah I got heated because I have seen it time and time again in these forums that the minute someone says something positive all the people who are disappointed with the SIms 4 come out the woodwork like a flock and want to verbally destroy the person. Some of these same people did the same thing to Cinebar this morning and now here she is coming at me. Shrugs.....

    I really don't care about the barrage of replies. You don't know me and I don't know you and I will respect you as long as you respect me but when you start insulting someone's intelligence and lack of brain cells...I do have a problem with that.

    Hope that clears it up.
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    xBob18xBob18 Posts: 7,893 Member
    devans0714 wrote: »
    abe70280 wrote: »
    devans0714 wrote: »
    what do you guys do get off on going through boards and trashing people who don't agree with you or who say they actually like something about the game. I get it you are disappointed...we all get it. But that does not mean those of us who actually have some optimism can't share it. ...Some of you were bashing Cinebar this morning and now you come in here after me????


    here is fact. you dont need to insult Sims 3 to enjoy Sims 4. The fact that when you first commented you bashed Sims 3 to pave the way to your praises of Sims 4 automatically placed you in the troll category. Hence the barrage of replies you got which you've taken offense to.

    Here is the facts....I did not insult the Sims 3. I think you need to re-read my first post post at 1:38 in response to Anavastia's heated reply to my original comment. I said I did not like the world view in the Sims 3 and the fact that I like in the Sims 4 you did not lose all your aspirations/relationships like you did in the Sims 3. Is that trolling???? I think not. Yeah I got heated because I have seen it time and time again in these forums that the minute someone says something positive all the people who are disappointed with the SIms 4 come out the woodwork like a flock and want to verbally destroy the person. Some of these same people did the same thing to Cinebar this morning and now here she is coming at me. Shrugs.....

    I really don't care about the barrage of replies. You don't know me and I don't know you and I will respect you as long as you respect me but when you start insulting someone's intelligence and lack of brain cells...I do have a problem with that.

    Hope that clears it up.

    Funny how you said you don't know me but still call me a troll. Care to explain?
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    devans0714devans0714 Posts: 70 Member
    I have seen you and so many people going after people on this board every day it's pretty disheartening. It seems to me that you are trolling to start a disagreement with anyone who has something to say that does not fit to your liking. I saw a number of you guys beating up on cinebar and rbridges430 this morning in her Simmers Who Returned TS4 thread and here you are at me this afternoon. You don't know me and you called me Pathetic....I don't know you and I called you a troll. Fair enough? It's not necessary that you (not you) have to take a stance on every comment just because you don't like it. Was it really necessary for you to come after me today? Don't think so.

    Does that explain it well enough for you?
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    VlaxitovVlaxitov Posts: 5,798 Member

    You know what I've seen 100 times more? People being dishonest about the state of the game. That's more disheartening to me.
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    abe70280abe70280 Posts: 519 Member
    devans0714 wrote: »
    I guess I am one of the few who likes the new world layout. I hated that in the Sims 3 when you went to view your town it was just too much. I'd be sitting there trying to find my other families and I am scrolling left, right, up and down and still couldn't find them. I didn't like the fact that though they gave us the option to move your family to another town, you lost all your friends/families and basically had to start over because you are in a new town with no friends.

    Even with the load screens when I am in my town view I can just hope over to the next town to go visit my friends/family and don't lose a thing - no skills, no relationships, nada. I can tolerate the load screen if it means I will not lose my skills or relationships with people in my old town

    The one thing we gained in the Sims 4 that we did not have in any of the Sims games prior is that when they go on a date....You actually get to see and control your Sims while they are on a date. In the Sims just sit there idling .... looking at the restaurant waiting for their status bars to change while they are on their dates. I know you can see them interact in bars and the nightclubs but you couldn't see them on a kissing and so on.

    Has anyone seen a drunk sims at the bar???? B) That is so worth it...

    This is your post at 1.15 AM. Sounds like griping and insults to me and most of what you've said about Sims 3 isnt even true lol.

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