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POLL: Amazed or Disappointed with TS4


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    Saunta2Saunta2 Posts: 870 Member
    I thought I would have hated the graphics but I don't. My fear is that I'll like it too much to go back to Sims 3, especially since there's no lag so far. I like how smooth it's moving. The camera controls are bugging cuz I can't get it at the angle I want. I normally play at an angle slightly elevated from the house and I don't rotate from that spot due to my motion sickness. Now I'm just trying to find that perfect spot.
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    blueflame17528blueflame17528 Posts: 1,937 Member
    The way I see it, it's going to take some time (for me). Sims 3 was so 'omg what is this sorcery' to me, same with 2. I have to assume I'm just all startled again with 4, and once there's time to adjust it won't feel so weird. It is quite a lot different from it's predecessor, after all
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    reni344reni344 Posts: 362 Member
    I am enjoying it so far. Runs very smooth on my computer and the graphics look great. The only problem I have had is with the very annoying pop up tutorials and the camera controls.
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    RaceGirl328RaceGirl328 Posts: 35 Member
    the graphics look great, and I love how smoothly everything scrolls. It's what I expected, TS3 but improved. I've only been playing 2 hours, so I haven't gotten to do much, but I love the goals for careers, and how they can multi-task.

    Being able to sort your skills is a really cool little feature, though I do wish you had info on where you are in, say, completing a book.

    I also love love love how my sim walks to the bathroom when she has a full bladder! So funny!

    I need to get some sleep, but I'm very much enjoying the new game!
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    Vicks06Vicks06 Posts: 728 Member
    Middle ground. I can see the potential for things once I get the controls down. The controls are just very unintuitive in comparison to the other games and feel awkward.

    I'm in the UK so this isn't out til Friday here so I don't know how bad they are but I expect it's the same with everything, you have to persevere and you will get used to them - happy simming
    ||Origin Name: VicksLouise||UK Simmer||Simmer since 2000||My Fanart||My Gallery||
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    KatxLuffKatxLuff Posts: 312 Member
    Personally I'm disappointed.
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    DeerLordDeerLord Posts: 236 Member
    So far I think the Sims are borderline fantastic besides a few weird things like continuing conversations when the other person has already left the room. Traits seem to play a big part in how they act and how they go about doing specific things, and I like that a lot.

    There doesn't seem to be much for them to actually do though, aside from interacting with eachother. I can also see going to the same handful of places occupied by the same few Sims getting old very quickly.
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    SmokeyBearzSmokeyBearz Posts: 1,138 Member
    Amazed! Right now I'm having a blast discovering the new animations. They're funny and really do change depending on our sim's emotions. Surprisingly, no amount of previews could have prepared me for this. And the gameplay is fantastic! I'm still disappointed by the blocky graphics but it's really not that bad, and our sims are definitely prettier. Good purchase, I do recommend.
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    Devynsims00Devynsims00 Posts: 3,392 Member
    I am impressed. I am actually impressed that I AM impressed. I was worried about the game, or even if I was going to be able to play it on my laptop (is about 1.5yrs old).

    The game runs smoothly, the new animations are great, the emotions so far have been a lot of fun! I've only been playing for about 2.5 hours, mostly exploring, getting a feel for the new control/camera/interactions.

    My only disappointment is that the lots do seem a bit small, build mode for me seems a little clunky (I've never been a builder so do not take that too seriously), and I wish there were more interactive objects (but I have not unlocked anything yet and have more to look at in buy mode, etc).

    Over all, I am pleased & impressed :D
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    MafiastyleMafiastyle Posts: 714 Member
    I enjoy it but I'm bothered by the camera for some reason. I usually like to have it tilted a certain way, but it seems I can only get it to tilt two types of way. I feel so imprisoned! Otherwise it's been a really great game. There's some routing issues, but there's always routing issues isn't there so - yeah lol
    Babies everywhere, thank you shadow cat.

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    Devynsims00Devynsims00 Posts: 3,392 Member
    Camera mode bothered me at first, I am getting the hang of it... there is an option to set the camera more to how the Sims 3 is
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    Geeker29Geeker29 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm not amazed with it but not disappointed either.
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    FreygeaFreygea Posts: 867 Member
    I am impressed with the game so far. I love watching them go about their day. I will still play 2 and 3 but I know I will be spending most of my time here in 4.
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    JohnBlackJohnBlack Posts: 115 Member
    Its something getting use to I will say that. I mean the emotions aspect of it is the disappointment its very false advertising with them constantly bringing that up in interviews over the past year. Other than the picture in the UI when they are sad and happy its not being emoted in the sims themselves which I find that gimmick manipulative just for people to take interest and buy the game. It feels like an unfinished product but however the game is seamless compare to the Sims 3 base game and yet has not crashed on me lol. So I am 50/50 as of right now.
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    BaelzianythBaelzianyth Posts: 684 Member
    > Should have the game installed in 20 minutes. Will report back then.. if I haven't imploded into a ball of rage by then.
    > Would be interesting if respondents reply with if they were aware of the reductions in the game versus how the sims have been
    > upgraded.

    > A like or dislike question might be too early otherwise.

    How 20 minutes turned into a few hours of mining this shallow pit, an hour of sleep and 11 hours at work.


    Disappointed. In an EA\Maxis game since Spore? There has to be another word for it. But the comment about this feeling like a console game is perfect. Console price and even less content than what should pass for a console game. Vaguely interesting but would only be disappointed if I had to compare it to any other Sims game.
    Forum needs a Sympathy option to add to disagree (automatic), Agree (after finding proof of statement elsewhere), Like (not sure what this is for other than sympathy comments to OPs that done a bad), and LOL (at oblivious people posting comments fishing for sympathy).
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    GameLover16GameLover16 Posts: 361 Member
    Disappointed, but I already was beforehand.
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    EuanSimEuanSim Posts: 2,345 Member
    edited September 2014
    Disappointed - hate that 🐸🐸🐸🐸 awful UI.
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    BeverlyStarrBeverlyStarr Posts: 111 Member
    I personally like how you can take a pregnancy test rather than there being a chime after trying for baby. There are quite a few new features that I'm rather fond of. I'm going to have my child sim look for frogs at the pond later.
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    dmel25dmel25 Posts: 1,514 Member
    Hercules will tell you how I feel. This is my opinion on how the game is prior to playing it, my view my change once I play it in the future.
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    CipherMandyCipherMandy Posts: 524 Member
    I'm leaning more toward amazed after 7ish hours of playing. Personally, I have not been bored once. The UI took a lot of getting use to for me. I'm still not blown away by it, but I'm not a fan of cluttery UI. Just my opinion.

    I absolutely love how active the neighborhoods are! Every morning, one of my sims cooks breakfast while having a conversation with his roommate, as she drinks her morning coffee or tea. Speaking of his roommate, when I took her to the gym not only was she able to speak, and introduce herself to one sim. But she was having a conversation with four of them.

    I have really missed those types of interactions, and it's refreshing to see other sims. Did I mention the troll goes by their home every morning, and evening? It's awesome!!
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    LightdreamLightdream Posts: 113 Member
    Amazed!! To be honest i wasnt on planning on buying the sims 4 after what ea did,after watching videos and stream i wasn't convinced Of getting the sims 4. Intill i was you know what f it,if i dont i like it i have 24 hours to get my money back,i download it and having a blast. But theirs things i miss from ts3, story progression,toddlers i really dont care about the loading screens no more. I just wish it had more feautures from the sims 3.
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    Kamb64Kamb64 Posts: 2,546 Member
    I'm neither amazed or disappointed. There are little things that I really dig, like the way sims act toward each other, and there are things that annoy me like an adult hiding under the covers or doing the gotta pee walk. The nightclub, after 10pm at night only had maybe 2 more sims then I would get in Sims 3. I find that interesting. Anyway, I played it awhile and I am still getting used to the controls and figuring things out. Not bored. Yet.
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    Luturna1313Luturna1313 Posts: 85 Member
    Disappointed, the most disappointed I've been since the series came out in 2000 actually. $80 first of all.. and for what new and improved elements?? I know it's a base game, been through this 4 times now. Love Sims 2 and Sims 3.. what they offered by way of new and improved was obvious. But this.. someone tell me what is 'better'? No color wheel, hard to see when customizing anything in game. Very VERY limited mini-hoods. No book store, no grocery store.. maybe I'm missing something? Townies as ugly as ever. Can't even go into a public building with just two comps and some books without a load screen?? Want to go into the bar next door.. another load screen. Sure it's not a long load but why the load at all?? It's not like anything is that graphics heavy. All these new items that do the same old thing. People who complained about Sims disappearing into rabbit holes for work, how is your sim just disappearing from your lot any better? Need 5 ceiling lights per room set to high to get a decent lighted look. All the new interactions .. ok now what.. I see nothing different really other than more social choices, that really are just that.. I'm not seeing a whole lot of 'wow, did you see what my sim just did'. The only thing that is cool is to me is the new scenery, the River Boat.. such detail, the racing train..very cool.. the problem is it's just paint on the wall. How is it not a step back to see a cool area in game and not be allowed to even go check it out because you can't cross your street?
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    AlciyaDragonashAlciyaDragonash Posts: 1 New Member
    I'm amazingly disappointed.

    i started playing with Sims 3, and i LOVED the way the town was one cohesive thing where you could just have your Sim go for a walk downtown. random visitors would stop by the house, and it had a real feeling of 'community' to the towns.

    I've done 3 separate starts, and in all 3, there's no "welcome to the neighborhood' moment where a few locals come to visit and say hi. Couple that with the fact that i have to go through a loading screen just for my Sim to visit her bestie who lives just next door on the same street!... there's a total loss of a 'community' feeling among the town for me.

    i haven't really messed around fully with build mode yet, but i like that you can place wall decor at various heights on the wall.

    the Sims themselves are nice, but i miss my Sim having actual eyelashes instead of a black thing that's supposed to be eyelashes. I'm still waiting for a height adjustment slider... as it'd be nice to see Sims able to be taller or shorter than 'average'

    I'm eagerly awaiting store content and EPs, but I'm hoping that an upcoming patch at least fixes is to that there's no reloading with in a given 'section' of town...
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    KarenJeanSimKarenJeanSim Posts: 59 Member
    I'm kind of bored already. I'm hoping the expansion packs will make it worth it :/ still trying to look at the good things about it, like the way it runs amazingly on my computer and looks beautiful!
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