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Feedback: The Sims 4 CAS Demo - New Thread


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    SUPERsimsfan01SUPERsimsfan01 Posts: 23 New Member
    edited July 2014
      The game runs smoothly.
      There is a wide variety of clothing and hairstyles.
      The UI looks slick and modernised.

      CAS lacks ability to customize due to lack of a colour wheel/CAST.
      The mouse glitches quite often and therefore makes mistakes.
      Would be handy if more ages were added into the demo.
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    unicornlover80unicornlover80 Posts: 6
    edited July 2014
    I really liked the new feature of actually being able to push and pull things on the sim's body. I liked how fast I was able to create sims.

    I wish there had been more colors or patterns for the clothes. I wish they had incorporated a color wheel etc. like in the Sims 3. I wish we could've been able to zoom in on the legs and arms, specific parts of the body to adjust them.

    I did not have any bugs. It was all really fast. Overall it was pretty good.

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    dollinthemachinedollinthemachine Posts: 6 New Member
    edited July 2014
    1. What you liked
    - Was easy to use (with in-game help lessons).
    - The wide variety of noses, mouths, eyes, eyebrows & hairstyles for a base game CAS
    - The many ways you can shape & change body types & faces to make each Sim look really unique. Small details like the ability to now change eye pupil sizes are amazing!
    - You can really tell the difference between ethnicities now.
    - Genetics seem improved.
    - The walk styles.

    2. What you didn't like
    - The limited life stages. Not exactly sure how they’ll work in game since the demo only lets you create young adults but apparently toddlers & teens are missing.
    - Inability to change a Sim's height.
    - Lack of customizing options for hair color, eye color, skin tone & clothing colors, etc. Please bring back the Color Wheel & Create A Style!
    - Sometimes the face adjusting was a little hard to control. I wish the faces had some easy-to-use slider options just like the bodies do.
    - Limited make-up options for lipstick & blush and not enough make-up options for males. Also miss being able to adjust the intensity of the make-up.
    - Really wish we could choose at least 4-5 traits for Young Adults.
    - And what happened to choosing zodiac signs? Favorite foods? Favorite music? I also miss Turn Ons/Turn Offs from Sims 2. I couldn’t find any of those options in the demo & those are the little things that help make a Sim’s personality unique. Was hoping these things would be improved on & not removed from the game.
    - Hair looks helmet-like, flat & lifeless.
    - Eyelashes look too thick & blocky and I miss being able to change the length of them.
    - The limited options for Sim’s relationships at least in the demo. Wish we could have more variety such as “couple/dating” option besides just “married.”

    3. Suggestions?
    - See my suggestions above.

    4. Did you experience any issues/bugs? If so-
    - No. CAS loaded quickly and ran smoothly.
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    lrt05qlrt05q Posts: 1
    edited July 2014
    I liked the demo. I liked the fact that if you didn't want to get too detailed in creating a sim there were still options to pick from. Will there be more clothing options? If your sim is not skinny but full figured....I would rather put them in long pants or long dresses for formal and sleepwear. I do miss the color wheel for clothing, eye color, hair color and even for tattoos. The personality choices were awesome! I like the fact that a trait can now be disliking children. And also being able to create siblings and twins. I am so excited for this and saw no bugs. Just one major question; will this need more space than the sims 3? I hope that is doesn't since the sims 3 took a lot of room on my laptop and its really expensive to buy a new one.

    Thanks for the opportunity!
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    darknessb4dawndarknessb4dawn Posts: 1 New Member
    edited July 2014
    :D This Demo made me so excited for the sims 4!! Thank you for giving all of us this opportunity to experience the CAS. I have played The Sims series since the very first Sims game that was released and i am loving the way the game has and keeps evolving!

    I love the look and feel of the overall CAS screen. Everything is very smooth. When i first tried the CAS, the push and pull feature seemed slightly delayed but i have opened it a few times since then and it feels better now.

    I noticed that for the males they do not have eyelashes at all but they should because some men actually have better eyelashes than women do.

    There should be an eyelash editor for the length of the eyelashes

    Options to push and pull the hairstyles for the length and fullness would be fun!

    I noticed that the relationship of fiance was not available to select and i know it might just not be in the demo, but this option was nice to choose in the sims 3.

    The color options are great but i feel like a color wheel would be nicer. i absolutely loved the create a style tool within in the sims 3 and this is one thing i will truly miss. Maybe down the road it can be added because it made designing the clothing and houses for the sims so much fun and made anything possible. I realize this might make the game require more and it may not run as smoothly but there should be some way to incorporate this option in the game eventually!

    The make-up was a little dark so opacity bars would be nice to adjust this! Maybe this would be nice on the mens facial hair too!

    I felt like the traits should have the option to add at least two more traits instead of only 3 to choose from. 5 traits would give each sim even more personality! Giving us three traits and then being able to hit a plus sign to add possibly two more (similar to the way we can add an extra outfit for each category of clothing) would allow us to feel like we are forced to pick 5 triats in total. Maybe we only want our sim to have three different traits but knowing we have the option to add maybe one or two more would be even better! It would be interesting if certain traits can be accumulated throughout gameplay too!

    Im sure that the actual sims 4 game has more to offer than this demo, but as far as what i saw in the demo, these were my thoughts! I absolutely loved everything about it but felt like some things could be added to tweek it a bit. Thank you again for this great opportunity and i feel so excited to get my hands on The sims 4 on September 2nd!!

    :D :!: :D :!: :D :!: :D :!: :D :!: :D :!: :D :!: :D :!: :D :!:
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    AlisoxAlisox Posts: 1,640 Member
    edited July 2014
    For those who have the demo, can you tell me how you first knew? Was it in an email or did it just show up in Origin or what?
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    coco242008coco242008 Posts: 20 New Member
    edited July 2014
    Overall, very disappointed with what The Sims 4 has to offer. I have been playing these games since the beginning and I am getting sick of paying more money for less options, materials, designs, etc., etc. It is better to wait until the end of the game's run and get everything included and/or pay 50% less. Sorry EA, you'll have to try harder to get my hard-earned money this time.
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    libertylibbylibertylibby Posts: 3
    edited July 2014
    Hi I very much enjoyed the Sims 4 CAS demo that was provided

    So what I enjoyed about this demo was the way you could shape the body
    and the whole dragging effect was very intriguing it really brought much more reality to the game.

    What I did not so much enjoy about the Sims 4 CAS demo was the fact you took away he toddlers from the CAS
    It's almost as if you took a step back from the Sims 3 ,and I also noticed that in your shorts category the shorts seemed to be very
    High waisted it looked very weird and it kind of looked like there wasn't much effort put in to it

    But all in all this demo looks very interesting and I am excited for the full game to be released

    Good job EA
    Liberty a loving simmer :-)
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    libertylibbylibertylibby Posts: 3
    edited July 2014
    Alisox wrote:
    For those who have the demo, can you tell me how you first knew? Was it in an email or did it just show up in Origin or what?

    I got an email but the demo is now available to everyone with an origin account I believe

    Hope this helped :D
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    BlazingLegend99BlazingLegend99 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited July 2014
    I haven't gotten the demo or anything, so this may be premature, and if it is feel absolutely free to ignore me. :)

    But I just wanted to say: I would really lovelovelove the ability to place freckles/beauty spots. I have a large freckle (beauty spot, whatever) on my nose, and it's one of the things that makes me me (physically, anyway) and it's a way for people to see me and go: "yeah, that's her, definitely."

    Of course, I don't know how hard it would be to add this in, but I can definitely understand that it would be quite difficult. And I highly doubt anybody important is actually taking me seriously, so, I don't mind if you completely ignore me. Just thought I should say. :mrgreen:
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    EquilibrixEquilibrix Posts: 2 New Member
    edited July 2014
    I was definitely surprised that I didn't hate the cartoon-ish style as much as I was expecting to.

    Good things:
    - Sub categories for clothing, as well as all clothing being available to all outfits.
    - Being able to wear a hat with any hairstyle you want
    - Name randomizer
    - Different walking styles is quite cool.
    - Looks good, but then I can run on Ultra easily

    Bad things:
    - Not beings able to copy make-up/hair etc across all outfits.
    - The bright highlighting that seems to occur on the lower eyelid seems weird.
    - Most of the eye colours are way too bright.
    - Got really annoying having to go back to the head accessory menu just to change ear rings and necklaces. Could these accessories not just appear in two places, or only in the clothes menu.
    - I expected that all the clothes in a category would appear in at least one of the sub categories, but there was several that didn't.
    - The general customization of the sim's personality is very limited

    - If there is not going to be at least a colour wheel then a LOT more colour choices, and then being able to repeatedly click on the piece of clothing to cycle through the colour options, I really got sick of looking back and forwards between the sim and the colour palatte.
    - Maybe some little button somewhere that locks the body modification, there was many times that I accidentally changed things when all I was trying to do was rotate them or zoom etc.
    - When you click on the shoe category, it should really zoom out to a level where you can actually see the shoes.
    - The mouse sensitivity when using body sliders seemed off

    Didn't encounter any yet and I seriously hope this game is a lot more polished and bug free on release than Sims 3 and SimCity for all the features etc that have been removed. Missing Toddlers is a very unforgivable example.
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    1423smile1423smile Posts: 118 Member
    edited July 2014
    Alisox wrote:
    For those who have the demo, can you tell me how you first knew? Was it in an email or did it just show up in Origin or what?

    I got an email but the demo is now available to everyone with an origin account I believe

    Hope this helped :D

    Wait what :shock:
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    MoonbarkerMoonbarker Posts: 1,281 Member
    edited July 2014
    1423smile wrote:
    Alisox wrote:
    For those who have the demo, can you tell me how you first knew? Was it in an email or did it just show up in Origin or what?

    I got an email but the demo is now available to everyone with an origin account I believe

    Hope this helped :D

    Wait what :shock:

    Its not available to everyone yet lol. It's still only "later this summer."
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    DonnaNobleDonnaNoble Posts: 170 Member
    edited July 2014
    I didn't realize until yesterday that I was able to download the demo from Origin, that's what I get for neglecting my email :lol: So far so good. I haven't had any bugs or glitches. The controls are smooth and it's easy to pick up the basics. I like that you can make a fat, fit sim or a really skinny sim, and its fun to stretch the facial and body features to their limits. I love that the hats are separate from the hair!

    The graphics seemed a little weak, colors kind of pale and textures kind of flat. I'm not sure if this is because its a demo or if its intended to be the finished version.

    I was disappointed that I couldn't play with different ages. It would be fun to see what they look like as elders or children.

    Having the aspiration with a strength makes sense, but why only 3 traits, or 2 traits and a hobby? Is that the final version or will there be more options in the release in September?

    The silly walks made me laugh, but I'm not sure I'd want to use them very often. If I choose a perky walk, etc., do they walk that way everywhere? Kind of annoying. Maybe tone them down a bit?

    I'll give it a B+

    Edit: I managed to make a sim self, sort of. I'm still getting the hang of small tweaks and adjustments. She reminds me of one of my cousins or my aunt when she was younger, so I am in the ballpark. That is the closest I've managed in many attempts over the years. :D
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    KatzMeowzKatzMeowz Posts: 894 Member
    edited July 2014

    Sims look so surprised in their portrait pics in the gallery. Sometimes it really changes how they look in the demo versus their gallery pic.
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    Faithsky11Faithsky11 Posts: 4
    edited July 2014
    I have literally watched the Sims 4 trailer about 500 times!?! I'm so excited and intrigued by the emotions,and actually being able to fully control your Sims! Have you guys seen the producers walk through Game play video on YouTube?!? It shows So much and they really go into full detail about everything and it makes you want the Sims 4 to hurry up and be in stores! :D
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    AgathaUdimoAgathaUdimo Posts: 208 Member
    edited July 2014
    I have found that certain clothing, pants or skirts. The leg thickness differs between certain styles. The same goes for tights. In fact my sim lost a good 8th of her leg width when I swapped from one pair of tights to the next.

    The second issue I have is the quality of the Sims close up. Art style aside, they are very jagged. The lips are very square and not smooth in the slightest.

    The third issue is the texture quality around the lips. It is blurred and looks stretched, especially the top lip.

    I am not so silently judging you.
    ASD - I think differently to you.
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    Jazmyne4u2Jazmyne4u2 Posts: 158 Member
    edited July 2014

    I just wanted to let you know that I love everything that is provided in the demo! I've had no issues thus far, and I think what you all did here is really great! My only suggestion would be to somehow implement a color wheel in CAS for at least the hair and the lipsticks. I'm not sure if there would be more options in the final version, but I would love to have darker brown hairs, especially for eyebrows and more neutral lipsticks. I personally prefer not having Create A Style in this game because I felt as if it gave me too many options and I'm like super indecisive haha.

    But yeah, that's the only thing I would suggest and I haven't experienced any issues (thankfully!)

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    hannahghxxxhannahghxxx Posts: 316 Member
    edited July 2014

    What I liked:
    The styled outfits are nice.
    I like the slide and pull, but it was a bit difficult to get used to. It was kind of slow, also.
    The voices are nice.
    Choosing clothing, accessories, hair, etc. loads much quicker than in The Sims 3. It took forever to load all my content in Sims 3, so I like this in The Sims 4.

    What I didn't like:
    Some of the eyes were way to light. One example is the brown eyes. There was either a light brown, or an almost-black brown.
    I know you guys must be sick of hearing this but... the hair! Is looks alot like clay and some styles are very clumpy.
    I only liked three of the walkstyles. The others were overly goofy.
    The "eyelashes" looked like liquid eyeliner. It'd be nice if they were a little more detailed.
    The lipstick looks like crayon, imo.

    More photos for the gallery. I appreciate that you guys added the randomize button, but some neutral ones would be nice. Like, just a more simple smile, relaxed. Their eyebrows rise up too high. You guys might have thought it was comical or quirky, buts it's just OTT.
    Some more curly hairstyles would be lovely, too. Also some more colour options.

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    mignightmoonmignightmoon Posts: 1 New Member
    edited July 2014
    I loved the demo and am so pleased that I've had the opportunity to get to grips with the differences between this and The Sims 3 CAS before the actual game is released, and am surprised by how much I like the graphics.

    Good things:
    -The range and variety in skin tones
    -Being able to adjust posture
    -The 'styled looks' option
    -The hairstyles are a million times better than those in the Sims 3 base game
    -Being able to filter the clothing, and have most clothing options available for every outfit
    -'Detail edit mode' made editing the face a lot easier
    -Being able to deselect all accessories at once without needing to click onto the list
    -Name randomiser
    -The different walking styles are cool
    -Face details such as freckles seem softer and more realistic
    -Being able to choose 5 outfits for each outfit category already
    -The traits offered were quite interesting, I just wish I could choose more of them
    -Unlike TS3, it didn't freeze and there was no lag at all - everything ran super smoothly

    Bad things:
    -The harshness of the eyelashes at first had me believing that they were eyeliner, so softening them would be nice. And I missed the option to lengthen the eyelashes as well
    -Although I liked some of the tattoos offered (the full sleeves were a nice surprise), I missed being able to choose exactly where a particular tattoo was going to be. Also, a lot of the tattoos for females seemed to be the current 'hipster girl' trend tattoos (birds flying on shoulder blade, butterflies on back of neck) which I wasn't happy about at all !
    -Most of the preset colours were too bold or bright
    -Lack of changeable highlights in hair - for example, I would have liked to have been able to change the coloured tips in the last hairstyles, instead of them changing automatically with the base hair colour
    -A lot of the preset colours for clothes do not match certain shoes, even if they are a similar shade. I had to choose black for a lot of the shoes just so it wouldn't look weird
    -Not being able to apply make up and hair to all outfits (though I soon realised that the hair you choose for everyday outfit 1 locked automatically across the others)
    -Only being able to choose 3 traits makes the sim's personality seem very basic and lacking, even with the preset bonus trait
    -There actually weren't very many lifetime aspirations to choose from

    I haven't encountered any bugs so far, and am really pleased with how smoothly the demo is running on my laptop - far better than TS3. I just hope the actual game runs as smoothly.

    -Without a colour wheel, there definitely needs to be more colour options for hair, eyes and clothing.
    -An opacity slider for make up would be helpful, as I felt a lot of the eye shadows were too bold
    -PLEASE let the tattoo options be expanded in the actual game, or all of my sims will be walking around with exactly the same tattoos !
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    MaxsodinMaxsodin Posts: 1
    edited July 2014
    The CAS demo was great!! I tested it out on my family (who all have varying levels of Sims experience) to see "just how friendly it was." The results were great. My sister who plays Sims 3 with me often picked up on the tools right away and was able to make her own unique Sim without any trouble. My brother who had never used any CAS did equally as well as my sister. My mother, who had never played Sims before, found it easiest for her to choose from pre-made parts and outfits instead of tweaking every little detail.

    A few things that bothered me:
    1. The responsiveness of the dragging/pulling/pushing; I found it took an exaggerated amount of mouse-movement for me to see the extremes of a certain part/area. Nd when making tiny little changes, one is prone to move the mouse a tiny bit, but in this case there was still quite a bit of movement from the mouse to even make tiny changes.
    I can understand why it's like that: so that you don't accidentally mess up one part because of a slip of the hand. However, that's what the undo button is for! I would like to see the system be a little more sensitive (a LITTLE) and responsive.

    2. Rotation of the ears; I liked how in Sims 3 there was a slider to rotate the ears which didn't mess with the size of the ears. In this new CAS, I wasn't able to find a way to rotate my ears outwards without making them turn absolutely huge!! If there is a way, it obviously wasn't evident enough for me to find it. I would like to see this fixed so I can still make realistic Sims (like myself) whose ears stick out but aren't grossly enormous.

    3. The Walk Styles; I understand you guys worked hard on these with all the animation and whatnot, but let's be honest: the majority of them are just ridiculous. I feel like you guys should have had separate Walk Styles for girls and guys, because most of them are awfully girly. Like the Snob walk. It works with girl sims, but on guy sims it's just plain silly. I would still like for my guys to walk like Snobs, but, you know, retain some manliness in doing so! And that Silly walk style? Come on guys. Come on. I feel like the only ones I've been able to use for guys (and even girls) Are the default, the swagger, and the tough walks. I can manage with those three for now, but if you could come out with more MALE-GEARED walked styles, that's be great.


    There were just a few minor bugs I noticed. One was when I was editing one part, the system would jump to another and usually edit it to an extreme. When I would hit the undo button, it was as if the buggy change didn't even register because it wouldn't undo; I had to manually go in and fix it myself.
    At another time the changes in weight and muscle tone were lagging behind the sliders, but that went away.

    I thought it was really great to start off with, but the more you work on it and really polish up the little things, the happier we'll all be! :)
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,551 Member
    edited July 2014
    Tell us:

    1. What you liked
    2. What you didn't like
    3. Suggestions?
    4. Did you experience any issues/bugs? If so-
    - Please give full details of what you're seeing (error messages, etc.)
    - Provide your DxDiag & Config.Log (see below how to get these)

    1. What you liked

    - I liked grabbing on features and adjusting them
    - I like the subtle sheen effects on clothing, especially the sparkly skirt and those leather boots, but be careful. The shiny should only go on clothes that really look like they should be leather, silk, or sequined.
    - I like the feminine walk. It was not too exaggerated.
    - I like that the hair has a sense of volume
    - I like that the skin around the eyes finally have details
    - I like that you could select voice pitch and the three speech delivery choices. I just hope there are more voice actors to choose from.
    - I don't mind three traits if sims can earn more from game play. I would rather have them partially shaped by life than totally by my preconceptions
    - Hats on any hairstyle is a cool thing

    2. What you didn't like

    - The absence of Create-A-Style, the more I played the new CAS, the more I miss CASt.
    - I don't like the other walk styles. They are a little too silly and over the top. I would love to have them, but make them more subtle.
    - Some color selections didn't represent the actual colors.
    - Although the hair captures volume nicely, hair is made up of individual hairs. There should be a loose hair or two and a few thinner tresses. The hair looks too blocky, monolithic.
    - I don't like the eye irises. They lack detail. They look like the fake bird eyes a taxidermist would use.
    - One voice actor
    - The eye lashes. Some look like eye liner and they look odd in general. Eyelashes are individual hairs, not a mono-lash. I also don't like that you can't choose the eyelash you want for any eye default you want.

    3. Suggestions?
    - Get a really good materials palette and follow it religiously. You should not have, say multiple oranges that are close, but don't look like they belong together. The same pale orange should be used on all items. Perhaps there should be a core set of color combinations that are used across all items as well as a core set of individual colors that work well together, and of course a set of neutrals to fall back on if nothing else matches. Whatever the solution, it is really annoying to combine items only to have the colors be off or not really compatible.
    - Add more detail to eye iris
    - Give hair more evidence of being made up of individual strands. Not every hair style though. There are some sims that are so perfect every hair is in place. :wink:
    - Tone down the other walk styles
    - More voice actors
    - I have a very high-end machine with anisotropic settings at 16x, and still clothing texture edges looked blurry when up close to a sim. I wish the textures were better.
    - TS3 type eyelashes, and eyelashes you can chose for any eye default

    4. Did you experience any issues/bugs? If so-
    - No, other than some color selections not representing the actual color well.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    kaileycbkaileycb Posts: 7
    edited July 2014
    Sorry for such a later review but I've been trying to play it as much as I can to give you my most accurate answers on how the CAS Demo turned out.

    1. What you liked
    Love the new drag out/in of the body parts. It feels like I really get to mold my Sims into how I want them to look like. The layout is easy to understand and play with. Also, the new ambitions are fantastic and how your goal unlocks aspects is a great idea. Finally, I would like to say its about time you guys get a grip on fashion! I've been dealing with unfashionable Sims since the Sims 1 and I'm overjoyed to find such a great verity of clothes and colors to chose from. Not only in the clothes but makeup and tattoos are looking much better!. Tattoos in the Sims 3 always ended up looking like big blobs so in all I am very impressed. The whole thing is really fantastic and I can't wait to see what else you guys will have in store for us with the rest of the game. Maybe a build mode demo would be awesome to see as well! *Wink Wink*
    2. What you didn't like
    Like any demo, there are always a few things that can be improved. Firstly, I really do wish there was a way to play with the colours. Like the Sims 3, we were able to enter a colour wheel and change the colour of anything from hair (which I'm very disappointed I can't create highlights anymore)to clothes. I believe it was a fantastic feature from the Sims 3 that really should of been brought over but it is still nice that we have colour options. Another thing though that I can't stress enough about is the fact that there is no longer a sense of steps when creating the sim. First time I played, I was confused and felt like there was no continuity in the process. I had no idea we could change the eye colour (let alone how). I feel like there should be either a next button or something of the sort because then i feel like many simmers will miss out on certain things like eye colours and even the eyebrows.
    3. Suggestions?
    My suggestions are really spread out in my comments above but really it would be to bring back the colour wheel and the have more of a continuity to the process rather than just throwing the simmer into it.
    4. Did you experience any issues/bugs? If so-
    - Please give full details of what you're seeing (error messages, etc.)
    My only bug was that it was a little difficult to pull in/out the body parts. I felt like it got stuck or didn't respond as well as it should of. Other than that I had no issues at all.
    - Provide your DxDiag & Config.Log
    Not sure about all the spects but I have a Dell Inspiron 17r if that help.

    Thank you for letting me play and test out this demo. I absolutely love being part of the process and hope that we have option of doing this again in the future.
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    BunyelBunyel Posts: 4 New Member
    edited July 2014
    I have spent many hours enjoying the Sims4 CAS Demo and CAN NOT wait for the full game! I have not had any issues with CAS but I do have a concern about downloading from the gallery. On at least one occasion recently, I have seen Sims in the gallery which have had custom content overwriting CAS content, such as purple skin and hair. There was no indication that this was custom content when I looked at it. My concern is that once the gallery is opened to the world with the game release, and when mods are commonly being used by some, that I might inadvertently download a hack or mod with custom content.

    Could there be some automatic screening system that alerts potential downloaders that gallery content might have something other than pure maxis content?

    also, I am hoping there are more long hair choices for men and more hat choices.
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    rudolpharudolpha Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited July 2014
    The demo is great and I now have so many sims I just don't know who I'll end up playing.

    Only issue is with the eyes. No real eyelashes, plus I've been waiting for such a long time for an eye colour choice to match my own (dullish greenish-blue with gold/yellow flecks) but it's still not an option.
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