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The Sims 4 LOVE thread! *Positive only!*

Hi, guys! I thought we needed a thread just for the good things and for those of us who are enjoying what we see and want to discuss it without the negativity and disrespect that is overflowing on the rest of the board. For instance: I love the way the park looks in the game play preview! It was so vibrant and there were sims all over the place! I really think that the build mode looks great and I have enjoyed the CAS Demo, as well! Please feel free to jump in and let's talk about the good things we are seeing! The UI looks amazing. It's so nice and clean! And I am really impressed with the ability to drag people in and out of situations so easily. And I think I saw a store section, too! I'm so excited after seeing the video.


Because of growing hostility, TheSims3crazy has suggested that all of the positive TS4 loving folks move on over to the new boards. It is nicer and more even than the nastiness we are experiencing here. Please go to


Thank you guys for the assist! Happy Simming! :D

**DISCLAIMER: If I see any negativity or disrespect in this thread you will be reported. No warnings. This thread is specifically for people needing to enjoy themselves without being attacked for liking something. If you complain, you will be reported. Move along.
***Please guys, if anyone does start posting negative stuff, do not engage them. Please ignore the trolls and report them, instead. Thank you!


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    kovu0207kovu0207 Posts: 6,209 Member
    edited July 2014

    **DISCLAIMER: If I see any negativity or disrespect in this thread you will be reported. No warnings. This thread is specifically for people needing to enjoy themselves without being attacked for liking something. If you complain, you will be reported. Move along.

    Errm you do know you can't report people for feeling negative about the game right? It's a forum, all opinions are allowed.
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    pandabearroxpandabearrox Posts: 2,295 Member
    edited July 2014
    I agree, I like the sims 4, I love how bright it is.

    But you cant go around reporting people for no reason. You are not a guru, and this is a forum. Every member has the full right to post anything they like, whether its good or bad, it doesnt matter. You can get banned for threatening to report people just for voicing their opinion. You have no right to tell us what to post and what not to.
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    Jimbo_JrJimbo_Jr Posts: 108 New Member
    edited July 2014
    Contrary to the opinions of others, I like the art style. Not so realistic, but it's a good thing IMO.
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    jessathemessajessathemessa Posts: 2,342 Member
    edited July 2014
    I'm excited about the building! I've always been, well, bad at building. The new room placement or total house replacement is awesome. I would always move like a dozen times trying to find a house I liked.

    I'm also loving the gallery (more for houses/rooms) built in. I hated stopping my game to go find things.

    I know people are very split on it, but I love the graphics. I really didn't like the look of the sims in Sims 3. I like the style a lot.

    Very excited! Thanks for creating this thread :D
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    ceyricceyric Posts: 1,584 Member
    edited July 2014
    The game looks bright and vibrant, I love it :)
    keep on keepin' on
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    JackVerhaegJackVerhaeg Posts: 317 New Member
    edited July 2014
    **DISCLAIMER: If I see any negativity or disrespect in this thread you will be reported. No warnings. This thread is specifically for people needing to enjoy themselves without being attacked for liking something. If you complain, you will be reported. Move along.

    I agree with your intentions but you can't dictate other people's opinions. Last time I checked this wasn't 1984...
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    RedHoneySkyRedHoneySky Posts: 105 Member
    edited July 2014
    Jimbo_Jr wrote:
    Contrary to the opinions of others, I like the art style. Not so realistic, but it's a good thing IMO.

    I, too, am enjoying the style! It's a pleasant change!
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    FluorescentSoapFluorescentSoap Posts: 1,472 Member
    edited July 2014
    Despite still sitting on the fence I am a little surprised so to say with the game play preview. In a good way. I mean it will take some time to get used to but it's not as bad as I first judged it to be. Still not going to accept the fact that there's no colour wheel! or pattern tool. >-< that will not sit well with me no matter how shiny and beautiful they make the game.
    ⌠ Team Holy Hêll ⌡ [Currently playing TS4]
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    Simmerfreak44Simmerfreak44 Posts: 1,641 New Member
    edited July 2014
    I love the new ground interactions and gym equipment and how bright and vibrant it looks and how you see sims walking and running around the Neighborhood and I love how CAS looks.
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    QuelsimmyQuelsimmy Posts: 531 Member
    edited July 2014
    The more I watch, the more I fall in love with the art style. I'm really excited for the Sims 4 now!
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    slamondaslamonda Posts: 1,357 Member
    edited July 2014
    I like what I saw sure were missing a lot of things that we were use to but were getting a lot of new things I'm ready to jump in and test the new waters :D
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    DaveLevenbachDaveLevenbach Posts: 117 New Member
    edited July 2014
    Love the new world ! So Zelda Skyward sword realness <3
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    RedHoneySkyRedHoneySky Posts: 105 Member
    edited July 2014
    I'm excited about the building! I've always been, well, bad at building. The new room placement or total house replacement is awesome. I would always move like a dozen times trying to find a house I liked.

    I'm also loving the gallery (more for houses/rooms) built in. I hated stopping my game to go find things.

    I know people are very split on it, but I love the graphics. I really didn't like the look of the sims in Sims 3. I like the style a lot.

    Very excited! Thanks for creating this thread :D

    You are welcome! I LOVE the gallery! And I hear you on moving over and over! That is very complicated in the game. :D
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    fullspiralfullspiral Posts: 14,717 Member
    edited July 2014
    I thought it looked good! The park is very nice and the pirate ship playground was cool. A good place for a family day out!

    I would have loved to see some family play and children interactions, but I can wait for the game for that.

    I thought the "bro hug" was definitely better than "Shakabra"

    I'm looking forward to my own unique sims and my own unique world that I can start creating in September.
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    NoogsterNoogster Posts: 627 Member
    edited July 2014

    I am absolutely in LOVE with the new style! I'm so happy it looks so pretty and it's able to run on older computers! I also love how populated and pastel-coloured the environment was in the preview! :mrgreen:
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    RedHoneySkyRedHoneySky Posts: 105 Member
    edited July 2014
    Despite still sitting on the fence I am a little surprised so to say with the game play preview. In a good way. I mean it will take some time to get used to but it's not as bad as I first judged it to be. Still not going to accept the fact that there's no colour wheel! or pattern tool. >-< that will not sit well with me no matter how shiny and beautiful they make the game.

    I see where you're coming from:) I am looking forward to the changes, as I was never super great at navigating TS3! This seems just about my speed, though, LOL!
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    GizmonicInstituteGizmonicInstitute Posts: 1,551 New Member
    edited July 2014
    I'm not really liking anything about this game.
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    RedHoneySkyRedHoneySky Posts: 105 Member
    edited July 2014
    Noogster wrote:
    I am absolutely in LOVE with the new style! I'm so happy it looks so pretty and it's able to run on older computers! I also love how populated and pastel-coloured the environment was in the preview! :mrgreen:

    Hi Noogster! Glad to see you over here! I completely agree! The game is gorgeous! The park was amazing!
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    kovu0207kovu0207 Posts: 6,209 Member
    edited July 2014
    I'm not really liking anything about this game.

    Oww careful the Op will report you ;)
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    MySugaCubeMySugaCube Posts: 57 Member
    edited July 2014
    I haven't seen anyone on the threat mention the hmm what it's name? the dashboard kinda thing? yeah that thing. it looks so fresh and clean! and really doesn't seem to obstruct anything which is pretty good. compared too past games where it was a little more obstructive (it really wasn't a problem, BUT I HAVE SO MUCH SPACE FOR MY EYEBALLS)
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    StoreAccountStoreAccount Posts: 1,504 Member
    edited July 2014
    You can't report ME because what I am posting is NOT against the forum rules. Here is my opinion:

    Wow, I was expecting to see family life. Some babies, children, teens. Maybe even a pregnant Sim. A couple dating? No, oops I forgot. This game is about BROS who go to the gym and throw house parties.

    The Sims look like washed-out and NOTHING like they do in CAS. Half of the townies are stood around, frozen like in TS3. When the Sims are idle they do the same goofy faces and animations. Where is the life? The EMOTION? Forget about rich or deep interactions, instead we have "show muscles" and "bump hips". We don't even have categories for different socials now. One long list, like a social game.

    You didn't want to see your Sim walk off the edge of the lot? Well, you're in for a treat! You select where you want to go and bam! You're instantly there. This is a step forwards? How very reverse-Warholian! And is there actually anywhere to go but the gym?

    The world looks like a cartoon, with a sheer cloth over the lens. Sure you will see Sims walking around, but is anyone actually doing anything? Is there anything TO do? And what about those houses!? Those windows look like pieces of cardboard with a pencil drawing on.

    The UI is exactly like a social game, even won to the flashing white around whichever object you select. Just click straight on your Sim (should I call them an avatar now?) to travel where you want to go, and with ANYONE (even if you don't know them) from the current lot.

    We asked for less RPG elements, but instead we got MORE. Have fun having how you organise your party set out for you! Adding to the cartoony feel, we have huge cupcake machines and space rockets and what looks like a giant microphone! Fancy baking some cupcakes? Plop down the 6x6 machine in your kitchen first!

    The loading screens are hardly short, and I noticed at least some freezing.

    Wow, I feel dumb for being optimistic and believing this game could be amazing. Everyone was right.
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    RedHoneySkyRedHoneySky Posts: 105 Member
    edited July 2014
    MySugaCube wrote:
    I haven't seen anyone on the threat mention the hmm what it's name? the dashboard kinda thing? yeah that thing. it looks so fresh and clean! and really doesn't seem to obstruct anything which is pretty good. compared too past games where it was a little more obstructive (it really wasn't a problem, BUT I HAVE SO MUCH SPACE FOR MY EYEBALLS)

    The UI! :D I know! The whole screen is so open now! I have had a lot of trouble in the past with the UI taking up so much of the bottom of the screen that I feel like I miss things in the game! It's really a breath of fresh air!

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    kake123123kake123123 Posts: 162 Member
    edited July 2014
    i saw BELLA GOTH XD
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    EvvieSimmerEvvieSimmer Posts: 134 Member
    edited July 2014
    I loved the demo! I am super happy with what they have done for the Sims 4 <3!! I can't wait to play it myself!!

    The only bad thing I can say about it is I wish it had been a longer demo. It ended to soon it felt like ;-; I wanted to see more!
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    pandabearroxpandabearrox Posts: 2,295 Member
    edited July 2014
    I like the graphics.


    They really need to make it bigger.
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