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The Sims 4: EA Responds to Angered Fans


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    knuckledusterknuckleduster Posts: 1,268 Member
    edited July 2014
    Dezmeria wrote:

    Why is it only "over 15 minutes of live gameplay" - that's it?!

    This smacks so much of when they paraded Lucy Bradshaw out to appease everyone regarding SC2013 - and then she later admitted the truth, after being called out on it.

    Yes, the emotions are great, but, the point they are missing is that, in the end, it is not just about the toddlers and pools, it's about making the game that it should have been from the beginning, and again, not lying to their consumers - someone always has the evidence somewhere, to prove them wrong, again, and again.

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    JULES1111JULES1111 Posts: 4,489 Member
    edited July 2014
    JULES1111 wrote:
    JULES1111, you are not alone. This won't sway me to buy it either. That was a half baked apology if you can even call it that.
    Not biting, not buying.
    It was the worst thing I HAD EVER READ. I was at work when a co-worker ran into the break room with her phone screeming "you ain't gonna believe this". I only read half of it in the time I had left and had to wait till I got home to rant. I had to hold it in for almost 2 yrs! I'm exausted. :cry:

    Don't exhaust yourself. Me, I just chuckled and thought wow, that is all they could come up with. I'm unimpressed to say the least. Two different excuses. That to me is funny. Really can't get their stories straight now can they. The most honest thing ever said was, "Things Change." Yes, things certainly do change. As I said where I plan to spend my money this fall is one of them. I have found trying to understand some people is like trying to pick up a steaming pile by the clean end. This applies to corporations as well.
    Ya I had to get my outrage out before I could laugh at it. Unfortunetly work ain't the best time to do that. :lol:
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    JULES1111JULES1111 Posts: 4,489 Member
    edited July 2014
    Dezmeria wrote:

    Why is it only "over 15 minutes of live gameplay" - that's it?!

    This smacks so much of when they paraded Lucy Bradshaw out to appease everyone regarding SC2013 - and then she later admitted the truth, after being called out on it.

    Yes, the emotions are great, but, the point they are missing is that, in the end, it is not just about the toddlers and pools, it's about making the game that it should have been from the beginning, and again, not lying to their consumers - someone always has the evidence somewhere, to prove them wrong, again, and again.

    Exactly I hate being lied too :evil: It makes me rage inside, especially when they know that we know...and they still lie. :roll:
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    BadmagicBadmagic Posts: 1,610 Member
    edited July 2014
    Part 1 "EA Responds to Angered Fans"

    Wonder when we can expect part 2, you know the "Angered fans are now apoplectic with disgust." piece.
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    NovoniaNovonia Posts: 1
    edited July 2014
    I think they didn't do a great job of explaining 'WHY'

    If that gameplay of 15 minutes turns out to be corny with emotions/walking that I think will be detrimental to my gameplay by making me shake my head in disgust I'll be getting that free CAS demo and saying 'cancel my preorder'

    I don't really care about the toddlers and yes I know some of you do but for me it was a horrible life stage, you have to sit there chained to that child until they can walk/talk/pee and then grow up without being penalized with a crappy trait and I HATED that with a passion.

    I do really enjoy pools and I'm disappointed, but then again unlike some people I realize this is a whole new game and they can't just copy/paste code over from previous sims games.

    I just wonder if there are any more 'surprises' coming our way
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    Begrezen1Begrezen1 Posts: 11 New Member
    edited July 2014
    I'm actually starting to believe that toddlers will never be integrated into the game. That really breaks my sim heart.

    If they had plans to add it later down the road, don't you think she would have said or hinted at that? I think they're being so cryptic because the truth is worse than what we are speculating. It really sucks. I think if this hadn't been the remnants of an online game, we could have had a really awesome Sims4 - emotions and all.
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    leyna75leyna75 Posts: 127 Member
    edited July 2014
    Was that an apology...cause it sure like blame shifting to me.
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    JustMe123JustMe123 Posts: 160 Member
    edited July 2014
    I'm still angry. :x :(
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    ApparentlyAwesomeApparentlyAwesome Posts: 1,523 Member
    edited July 2014

    So basically no toddlers for more emotions and feeling (and a better CAS), and no pools for a better and easier building experience?

    Based of Rachel's statement and Graham's statement I still say the issue is time, money, and probably the lack of the right employees to work on toddlers, pools, and other things because the right ones employed to work on them were busy with said reasons for these things not being included.
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    Sc3niXSc3niX Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited July 2014

    So basically no toddlers for more emotions and feeling (and a better CAS), and no pools for a better and easier building experience?

    Based of Rachel's statement and Graham's statement I still say the issue is time, money, and probably the lack of the right employees to work on toddlers, pools, and other things because the right ones employed to work on them were busy with said reasons for these things not being included.

    I don't think money is a factor. In the creation of this game EA gave them a blank check to hire as many people they need many qualified people as needed. So i'd say time, but still then they should of hired more qualified people to work on this game to get it done right.

    EA i'm tired of hearing "BUT WE HAVE EMOTIONS" We've been hearing that for over a year, we know sims have emotions so stop riding on it. We've known they had emotions for over a year, so what have you been doing this past year other than cutting out key features from this game?
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    katerinalda4katerinalda4 Posts: 15 Member
    edited July 2014
    to my great disappointment it seems that sims 2 will still be the best game even after the release of the sims 4, whoever makes the decision of the new features and the old ones that should be excluded seems to have no idea of what the players want, and to me it seems that they haven't even played the game that much...
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    JustMe123JustMe123 Posts: 160 Member
    edited July 2014
    to my great disappointment it seems that sims 2 will still be the best game even after the release of the sims 4, whoever makes the decision of the new features and the old ones that should be excluded seems to have no idea of what the players want, and to me it seems that they haven't even played the game that much...

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    rebekah512rebekah512 Posts: 881 Member
    edited July 2014
    leyna75 wrote:
    Was that an apology...cause it sure like blame shifting to me.

    Most of it was restating the main selling points of the game-i.e., EMOTIONS. Smarter Sims.

    This is a PR document using an apology/explanatory framework. That's to be expected under these circumstances-don't blame Rachel Franklin for doing what any CEO should be in this situation.

    That doesn't mean we should buy it, so to speak, or that we should stop fighting for what we want in this game.

    I'll be interested to see the demo and the video, and I'm willing to be convinced that this game is worth my money at launch.

    But I remain a hard sell on that, and that's the only measure on which EA gives an actual crap.
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    GreenCatsGreenCats Posts: 9,318 Member
    edited July 2014
    Well this is very concerning.

    I appreciate that RF is in a tough situation and had to say something, but the spectacular lack of meaningful information in this release makes it seem to me like she's struggling to find many good things about the game, and so is (perhaps understandably) filling up the gaps with buzzwords.

    So the bottom line is that when we sat down and looked at everything we wanted to do for this game, all the new tech we wanted to build into it, the fact was that there would be trade-offs, and these would disappoint some of our fans.

    Right, so they sat down somewhere near the beginning of the development process and decided the focus of the game and what trade-offs that would require. But then why so recently where we hearing all life stages would be in the game? Either the omission of toddlers was a last minute choice made because things were badly handled and they were forced to rush the game so ran out of time, OR the guru who told us that was lying.
    to make the immediate environment even more relatable and interactive for your Sim.

    More 'relatable' for my sims (sorry, 'my Sim')? Does that even mean anything? Also, why do I only have one, and why is she suddenly a proper noun? Is it perhaps because the developers seem to think that the title they're producing is a kind of second-life experience, where you crate a single avatar and live vicariously through them. No wonder they don't even mention the removal of the open world (and the loss of the ability to control sims in multiple locations simultaneously) as an issue in this apology.
    Focus on revolutionizing the Sims themselves. So, rather than include toddlers, we chose to go deeper on the features that make Sims come alive: meaningful and often amusing emotions; more believable motion and interactions; more tools in Create A Sim, and more realistic (and sometimes weird!) Sim behavior.

    I can sort of understand this being a (totally misguided IMO) reason for cutting CASt, for example. But wouldn't 'the sims themselves', even in its narrowest definition, cover toddlers too? It's not like their just an accessory for the actual sims, unless by sims they only mean young adult sims, in which case it's got me worried about how much content babies, children, and teens will have. I can't help worrying that babies will be treated as objects as per TSM & TS1, and that teens will behave exactly like young adults, except they'll have homework instead of woohoo.
    For the first time, the Sims act like real people. They can interact with groups, not just one-to-one. A standing Sim can talk with a sitting Sim. They can multi-task (eating, watching TV and talking? Sounds like my typical evening!).

    I'm sorry, but these either simply lies or RF (and everyone who proof read her statement) has never played the previous sims games. TS2 has excellent group interactions; TS3 not so much, but they were sort of there. Standing sims can talk with sitting sims in both TS2&3, no problem. Multi-tasking is also in TS3, and was well executed in TS2. I get that they've (apparently) made these features better - so say that. Explain to us briefly how these features have been improved, and trust us to understand the specifics. But please don't make the major selling point of the game the idea that these are brand 'new' because they are very obviously not.

    It gets crazier though. She follows on immediately:
    You can even put a hat on any hairstyle or pair boots with any pants… well, maybe that’s just me that cares about that.

    I mean, that sounds nice, but I don't know what it has to do with sims 'act[ing] like real people'. I'd say it's more to do with their boots acting like real boots. So maybe boots are sims but toddlers aren't...?
    That’s the thing about The Sims 4, though – you do care about things like that [boots not clipping]. Because you can now.

    What? :shock: I'm fairly sure my sims having new ways of expressing their emotions has nothing to do with how much I care about their boots not clipping into their trousers. If she's referring to the entire previous paragraph, it still makes no sense, because I cared about whether or not my sims could multi-task before; I would have done even if had been a feature at all. So I guess she's suggesting we're so stupid and lacing in creativity that we can't appreciate features (or bemoan the lack of features) unless they're shoved in our faces.
    to help us test it.

    :shock: :shock:

    One final thing - I had a more general source of irritation while reading this statement that RF was focusing only on pools and toddlers rather than also including CASt (not to mention the other build mode capabilities) and the open world. I guess it makes marketing sense to focus on the things they could possibly add a later date rather than the unalterable things that limit the way the game works at a core level, but for me its just seems like they're trying to divert attention.
    You can still find me on my old My page (, and see more of my game-play pictures and CC-free uploads at
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    MoonbarkerMoonbarker Posts: 1,281 Member
    edited July 2014
    This made me angrier.
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    Sims3Fan2009Sims3Fan2009 Posts: 266 Member
    edited July 2014
    I don't mind them not adding toddlers, it was cute to see them but actually making sure that they grow up well was daunting when you have a Sims house full of them. I'm excited for the walking styles and the clothing fixes to be more like RL. The body modification are what I'm stoked about, I finally get to create the perfect sim that I've wanted minus the heights (but I wasn't going to be holding my breathe on the heights since they've always said that it would never happen) on Sims. The blueprints are alright if I wanted to use them if they didn't cost so freakin' much. I love that you can move the walls up or down without having to delete walls/then recreate it and move them that way. Building houses annoyed me that way if I made a mistake so that it'll be fun to try out. I wanted pools in Sims 4, they had them in Sims 1 (if I'm mistaken then correct's been awhile), it would make house building more like RL and my sims could drown with the ghost having water around every time the ghosts were floating through the house.

    I don't expect to have a Sims game that's 100 percent, it would be impossible. I'm sure that they'll buy expansion packs which I will happily buy because I like paying for what I want in my games. If in the future they decide to add toddlers as an expansion pack then that will be awesome, I would hope for schools in there too. I hope that they add a Makin' Magic in there with dragons something fun for the future Sims 4 expansions.
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    SadieD123SadieD123 Posts: 1,317 Member
    edited July 2014
    I'm still angry..... I do not accept this "apology" if that's even what you want to call it. EA treats their customers like pure crap.....

    And I'm almost willing to bet that the only lifestage that will be in this CAS demo would be young adults. I wouldn't even be surprised. But I mean hey because the teens look exactly like adults you can just pretend that they are teens. They look exactly the same do I'm sure they wouldn't even think to put it in the demo. And of course they wouldn't care enough about children to put them in the demo. It would not surprise me at all.

    Also exactly "when" in summer is this? Summer is an entire season. It could be as soon as next week or as late as the day before release. Who knows when they'll actually make it available.
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    Tiki5872Tiki5872 Posts: 3,115 Member
    edited July 2014
    This response from EA has left me feeling even more irritated than before! They honestly think we don't have brains and will believe anything they tell us! :evil: It's so sad, I was really excited when the Sims 4 was first announced, but now I can't even dig up any enthusiasm over this. I want to buy it, but EA has not given me any reasons to hand over my money! I look forward to the live 15 minute gameplay demo, which I hope is an actual "live" game play demo! I know how EA works, and I hold everything they say and do in the highest suspicions. I also look forward to the CAS demo, but a lot is still in limbo for me. I am waiting until the end of August..... maybe a miracle will happen!? :lol::cry:
    Origin ID: Tiki5872
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    Cendres13Cendres13 Posts: 258 Member
    edited July 2014
    Moonbarker wrote:
    This made me angrier.

    Bingo. It's a very poor attempt at placating the outrage.
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    To7mTo7m Posts: 5,467 Member
    edited July 2014
    SumoB wrote:
    Ohhhhhhh! Remember that time I asked for different walk styles for my sims? YEAH ME NEITHER! No one told them that what was important was my sims walking when they had "deeper emotions." Whoever decided that that was more important than the things we actually play with needs to play a chance card, and be demoted.

    I also like how it is stated that pools were removed to "make the immediate environment even more relatable and interactive for your Sim." I mean, what does that even mean? And building a house room-by-room? I'm sorry, but didn't we get blueprints back in 2012 when seasons was released?

    Haha it means that now our sims can stare at the floor rather than just into space...

    Smh if this game had a face. I would punch it.
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    Sc3niXSc3niX Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited July 2014
    I like how they make it out to be so much work. "New engine, new graphics, new animations, new AI system" Um hello? Thats what you're SUPPOSED to do with every new game. Every new game needs a new engine, new graphics, new animations, new AI system. ITS EXPECTED. Its not a privilege! :roll:

    FACT: It was meant to be an online game, and when Simcity didn't succeed at that then you spent these past two years converting Sims 4 to single player. You guys screwed up, so just own it for once in your lives. DELAY the game and do it right, instead of salvaging whats left of your so called online game. :roll:

    But they probably wont delay the game since they want to sell toddlers as DLC later.
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    edited July 2014
    I think it's the guys upstairs, not the devs. Most likely they were told that cell phones and tablets are the future, so never mind the PC crowd. Well I don't own a fancy cell phone, or a tablet, and don't want them either.
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    InannaWintermoonInannaWintermoon Posts: 3,400 Member
    edited July 2014
    catitude5 wrote:
    I think it's the guys upstairs, not the devs. Most likely they were told that cell phones and tablets are the future, so never mind the PC crowd. Well I don't own a fancy cell phone, or a tablet, and don't want them either.

    Same here. If I ever got a tabled digital books would be all I used it for. Games go on my PC, that is it.
    It's quite drop from the top, so how ya feeling down there?
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    Shadoza2Shadoza2 Posts: 1,579 Member
    edited July 2014
    catitude5 wrote:
    I think it's the guys upstairs, not the devs. Most likely they were told that cell phones and tablets are the future, so never mind the PC crowd. Well I don't own a fancy cell phone, or a tablet, and don't want them either.

    Tablets and cell phones are not strong enough to carry an involved game. They do well with social games with microtransactions, but I prefer a came that has depth.

    That EA/Maxis claim not have enough time to produce a complete game is an excuse. Where I work, if a project is pushing a deadline and the crew is behind schedule, we outsource some of the load to our subsidary companies. We do not hack and slash the project to fit the available time.

    If their starting idea did not work out, they should have scrubbed it at the moment they realized it was going to work. There is no shame is telling the consumer: Our ideas are outrunning technology. A lot of good ideas had to wait for technology to catch up. To suggest that we do not understand the work load distribution issues, is inane at best. We are the consumer. Our concern is not for your internal problems, but rather getting a complete, polished, finished product at a fair market price.
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    06Bon0606Bon06 Posts: 11,614 Member
    edited July 2014
    06Bon06 wrote:
    :lol::lol: Excuses :lol::lol:
    Truth, " We created a crappy online game because we wanted to market to the facebook gang, 2 years ago we decided to turn those bad graphics into something better. We had time for stupid walks and to bring your sims' eyebrows alive but not to add basic features :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: Please don't boycott our game, we only want your money"

    I swear this game is being marketed to little kids. I don't want to play with clowns. I don't want 7 walk styles nor do I want sims to look stupid because of :mrgreen: emotions :mrgreen: . I have never walked with an arched back because I'm sad, ridiculous!

    I don't care for eyebrows that come to live nor their creepily shiny world with sims that look like cartoon characters from the first 3d animations :roll:

    I have to admit that I feel the same way.

    I want my Sims to do what I tell them to do and not walk all mopey and down-trodden and pitch a fit about doing what I want because of "emotions".

    Right now I want to smack any of my Sims who see a Simbot because of all the "OH! A SIMBOT, I MUST DUMP ALL THE ACTIONS IN MY QUEUE TO REACT!" nonsense. It especially bugs me when the Simbot IS A HOUSEMATE. What, they NEVER get used to him so that seeing him doesn't upset the whole apple cart?

    That is what I think of every time they talk about how your Sims will relate emotionally to their world.


    Hahaha I think I'll pass on this game and keep to my rooting issues :mrgreen::mrgreen::lol:
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