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PC Gamer's article by Chris Thursten about the sims 4

Since we are all hungry for information on the Sims 4 I took my grandson's copy of PC Gamer as I saw on the cover Sims 4 and I read the article by Chris Thursten. It is a pretty positive article, but has a drawback. I will bullet and summarize the article for you all here.
-Building tools: "Trying to make yourself or your house with any accuracy in the Sims3 has been a trial and error affair." "I'm very impressed with the number of these trials that Maxis has done away with--and, in particular, with how much easier it is to recreate familiar places and faces."
-"Character creation is based on a single, intuitive-but fairly deep- "molding" system where you tweak your sims appearance by clicking and tugging on various parts of their body." "The number of tweak-able areas is impressive, extending as far as eyelids and the exact orientation of a person's ears." "The only strict limitation is character height--every sim in any given age bracket is approximately the same size, a restriction imposed by the animation system."
-"This freeform method is supported by an extensive range of presets,, filters and randomization setting." " You can "lock" particular parts of your appearance and randomize the rest, in which case the game will do its best to pick complementary body shapes and coherent fashions."
-"If you are struggling to pick an outfit, the developers will be providing a rotating selection of pre-designed and color coordinated styles for you to pick from, with new options streaming into your game if you're playing online." "The only sliders you'll need to adjust affect your sims weight and musculature, variables that will also be affected by the activities you choose to pursue in the game itself." "These don't just change the dimensions of your character, but the textures they're actually drawn with--a fitness--crazed sim will look more muscular than an otherwise-healthy sim of the same shape who does not work out."
-"I appreciated the new sorting filters; you can filter the catalog by style and color. "Pick "red" for example, and the game will display every piece of clothing with red in it--from dinner jackets to argyle sweaters." "This system is also used when you are picking wallpaper and flooring options. Across the board it's much easier to pull together a look that your're happy with."
-"Once you've created a single sim in a household, it's now possible to genetically derive their relatives. You can do this up or down the family tree." "Unlike the sims 3, where you could only derive children from their parents, you can now derive parents from children and brothers from sisters and so on."
-"The new building tools are similarly efficient. While they resemble the old set on the surface--your still painting walls and floor plans into a grid-based lot--it's far easier to correct mistakes and have the game intelligently work around what you are trying to achieve. The grid-based structure has always made it tricky to recreate the fiddly details of modern houses--particularly the smaller ones--that sometimes meant compensating with larger spaces that could end up throwing off the proportions of familiar places."
-"The possibility to drag and rearrange rooms on the fly with furniture automatically moving out of the way to account for the changes."
-"The game now recognizes rooms as distinct entities." "You can also adjust wall height, arrange windows at different vertical alignments, and tweak the angle and style of rooftops to a substantial degree."
-"Online sharing of sims house and rooms is now integrated into the game proper, enabling players with an internet connection to upload their own designs and download ideas from other people. You can also store local copies of anything you've made for later use, which is both a handy convenience feature and a sign that Maxis has learned an important lesson regarding players who want to play without an internet connection."
- sims now intelligently follow routes you lay out for them in outdoor areas and gardens--previously, laying out a scenic garden path was a cosmetic choice, something that the AI would ignore in favor of trampling over your lawn. Now their aware enough of their surroundings to take the route that you intend."
-"The houses you build will occupy plots in several neighborhoods, each with a different purpose. At first, this seems like a technological step backwards. The sims 3 took place on large, open world maps, with scattered residential areas and large central commercial districts for sims to visit. Now, you'll live in one area and use a menu-driven fast travel system to warp to others. Technology is part of the reason, but the thinking behind the change is also grounded in the sims 4 specific mechanics."
-"You'll be able to decide which buildings appear in each neighborhood, so if you want to re purpose a museum into a home that will be an option."
-"Ambitions and traits both return from the sims 3, but they've been reworked to play into the new game's emotion system. One of the sims 4 most interesting ideas is the notion of making this system less binary-making the game less about making everybody happy and more about toying with the positive and negative effects that can be derived from the entire span of the emotional spectrum."
-" In the sims 4 ambitions are fairly fluid: they'll still earn a lot of happiness when you complete one, but you can swap them in and out at any time. The things that drive sims as children don't necessarily carry over into adulthood.
-"I was worried that despite the variety of emotional responses on offer, sims would be essentially similar in their preferences--that the world would be built of absolute emotional correlations. Traits upset that." "Despite having performed the same action, each character's underlying traits fundamentally changed the nature of the action that followed."
-"I like the idea that I will be able to create sims that clash with one another, that don't all need to do the same things in order to fulfill their needs--because that's how people really are."
-"If there's an upside to the neighborhood system, its that you'll see these traits interactions between other sims with more frequency."
-"The only thing dampening my enthusiam for th game in the months before the release is concern about its stability. The version I was shown was alpha software, so problems are to be expected--but there were none the less prominent crashes and the odd overlong loading screen."
-"The game seems remarkably complete, content wise--Maxis promises more stuff to do on day one than any prior Sims launch--so perhaps there's time to get on top of the issues I saw. I hope so, because what I've seen of the sims 4 has rekindled my affection for the series."

This is what I thought was interesting about the article. I know that some of the things I have mentioned here we already know, but I think since the author played the alpha stage of the game that this was good to post here.


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    catloverplayercatloverplayer Posts: 93,515 Member
    edited June 2014
    Hopefully the crashes are fixed before release. I hope the person writing told the developers about them.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited June 2014
    Hopefully the crashes are fixed before release. I hope the person writing told the developers about them.

    I do not know CLP It was an article in the PC GAmer magazine, they tested the game in alpha stage. Since it is not to my knowledge in beta yet, they could be working on them, I too hope so. Thanks for reading this long post, my hands are really tired from typing it.
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    Cabelle1863Cabelle1863 Posts: 2,251 Member
    edited June 2014
    Awesome info, thank you for summarizing it for us. I didn't get the chance to grab that issue and was interested in what the article said. Hopefully we'll have some more articles/info before the release.
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    meekeeleekeemeekeeleekee Posts: 202 Member
    edited June 2014
    I am also very interested in the sims franchise once again. I just have so many reservations. For me sims 1 & 2 were perfectly playable. Never had a glitch. Then I got Sims 3 and it got worse and worse. It's all about glitches and game crashing for me. If i see enough smooth gameplay and less crashes after the release date then I will buy it.

    At the moment I havnt been able to touch the sism 3 for 6months. It will not stop crashing no matter what.
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    Stdlr9Stdlr9 Posts: 2,744 Member
    edited June 2014
    Great post, thank you for typing all that! I really like both PCGamer and Chris Thursten the writer.

    One thing to keep in mind, though, is that because of editorial deadlines, this article was probably written months ago. The SimGurus have confirmed some things in the last few days that are very disappointing to many Simmers.
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    HaucusuchusHaucusuchus Posts: 118 Member
    edited June 2014
    Thanks a bunch for the write-up, some good stuff in there. This:
    jimmysnan wrote:
    You can "lock" particular parts of your appearance and randomize the rest, in which case the game will do its best to pick complementary body shapes and coherent fashions."
    -"If you are struggling to pick an outfit, the developers will be providing a rotating selection of pre-designed and color coordinated styles for you to pick from, with new options streaming into your game if you're playing online."

    Sounds like it will be excellent for story progression generated and inactive sims. Those goofy or clashing clothes the Sims 3 sometimes aged up into detracted from the game, IMO.
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    catloverplayercatloverplayer Posts: 93,515 Member
    edited June 2014
    I am also very interested in the sims franchise once again. I just have so many reservations. For me sims 1 & 2 were perfectly playable. Never had a glitch. Then I got Sims 3 and it got worse and worse. It's all about glitches and game crashing for me. If i see enough smooth gameplay and less crashes after the release date then I will buy it.

    At the moment I havnt been able to touch the sism 3 for 6months. It will not stop crashing no matter what.

    Do you have any mods?

    Any cc?
  • Options
    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited June 2014
    Awesome info, thank you for summarizing it for us. I didn't get the chance to grab that issue and was interested in what the article said. Hopefully we'll have some more articles/info before the release.

    Glad to be of help. I too hope for more articles and for simmers to share what they know about the game as it comes out, as some have been doing already. I have been hesitating buying this game and I wonder why as I was very excited with sims 1, 2 and 3, but was disappointed in the way the sims 3 ran on even high end computers, so that could be my hesitation. I hope to make an educated decision on what I find interesting in the game and not be swayed by either positive or negative posts on the game.
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    GizmonicInstituteGizmonicInstitute Posts: 1,551 New Member
    edited June 2014

    At the moment I havnt been able to touch the sism 3 for 6months. It will not stop crashing no matter what.

    Same here. I've uninstalled and reinstalled a million times and still can't get it to work. I keep hoping they'll release an early CAS demo to satisfy my simming needs.
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    XxAirixXXxAirixX Posts: 2,567 Member
    edited June 2014
    The one thing I really want in Sims 4 is no crashing like Sims 3. Sims 3 wasn't really fun for me and feels more like a chore to make it more stable. I really hope they fix that up before the release because I already spent a lot of money for the pre-order and I expect it to be playable/stable like they promised.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited June 2014
    XxAirixX wrote:
    The one thing I really want in Sims 4 is no crashing like Sims 3. Sims 3 wasn't really fun for me and feels more like a chore to make it more stable. I really hope they fix that up before the release because I already spent a lot of money for the pre-order and I expect it to be playable/stable like they promised.

    I too want this, we can only hope!
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    PenelopePenelope Posts: 3,298 Member
    edited June 2014
    For those concerned about the crashing:

    I interned at a magazine once. You might want to know that articles for magazines are written MONTHS before they actually make it to a published magazine. It's very common for magazines to publish articles they'd received four-to-six months before publication. So I wouldn't be too worried about the fact the reviewer saw an alpha version of the game, and had crashing. Just sayin'.
  • Options
    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited June 2014
    Penelope wrote:
    For those concerned about the crashing:

    I interned at a magazine once. You might want to know that articles for magazines are written MONTHS before they actually make it to a published magazine. It's very common for magazines to publish articles they'd received four-to-six months before publication. So I wouldn't be too worried about the fact the reviewer saw an alpha version of the game, and had crashing. Just sayin'.

    Thanks for this info. I just posted what was in the article. I am neither pro nor con right now as I do not have enough to go on to be either, just passing on what I read.
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    SEAKASEAKA Posts: 592 New Member
    edited June 2014
    Thank you for posting this. It's definitely one of the more informative articles I've read.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited June 2014
    SEAKA wrote:
    Thank you for posting this. It's definitely one of the more informative articles I've read.

    Your welcome. I know we are clamoring for information, so I just thought that this was relevant. Glad you got something out of it.
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    Faith05201Faith05201 Posts: 245 Member
    edited June 2014
    That was a lot of typing, jimmysnan, and I just want you to know that I appreciate you sharing this information :D
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    PamhamletPamhamlet Posts: 5,556 Member
    edited June 2014
    Hi jimmysnan! Thank you for doing this. I really enjoyed reading it. I'm keeping my hopes up for a fun, smooth-running Sims 4. :)
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited June 2014
    I am glad this was appreciated, some sims 4 fans do not like anything negative about the game and I really did not think that this was a negative post. The only part that was a little off was the instability of the game, which as the author said was in the alpha stage, so lets hope they cleared that up. That would really be a deal breaker for me., I do not intend to go through what I went through with the sims 3 again. I want a smooth running game, so I am looking to get information so that I can make a decision about purchasing that is right for me. Right now I am very confused.
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    rebekah512rebekah512 Posts: 881 Member
    edited June 2014
    Thanks so much for bringing this onto the forum.

    This is some great info, and yes, the stabilization has no doubt gotten better than when the writer had his preview.

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    ReslekReslek Posts: 90 New Member
    edited June 2014
    Thanks for the summary jimmysnan!

    It sounded like a really well informed and impartial article. I wouldn't mind getting a hold of it to read for myself, if I can.
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    Pandagirl9449Pandagirl9449 Posts: 911 Member
    edited June 2014
    Ah, I appreciate the information. Gracias.
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    simmadness24simmadness24 Posts: 828 Member
    edited June 2014
    I love that we can build and share whole rooms now and save them for later. This is perfect for those of us who wish to download or plan the perfect nursery but haven't delivered the baby, or started a family yet.
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    Longcat123Longcat123 Posts: 1,447 Member
    edited June 2014
    Thank you Jimmysnan, this article was very informative! :mrgreen: Probably the most information I've heard from one source yet. Loved everything in that article apart from the stability issues, hopefully they will clean that up. I'm also not not too keen on the lack of lots in one world, I was fine with the semi-closed neighborhood system, but the possibility of only 25 lots in a world is disappointing. Otherwise, the game sounds great. I really like how they have decided to focus on the sims and the dynamics of their relationships, as well as the new CAS and building systems :)

    I'm 95% tempted to pre-order now, but still not sure without seeing some live gameplay. Hmm...
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    WeealbetWeealbet Posts: 1,105 Member
    edited June 2014
    Thank you for the info!! Which issue was it it came from? :D
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    AnavastiaAnavastia Posts: 6,515 Member
    edited June 2014
    thanks jimmysnan if you could please put a space between each point it would be a bit easier to read for me. I couldn't get through all of it because my eyes started to strain a bit. I've been having a bit of sensory overload lately. If you can't that's fine too.

    From what i understood they showed him an alpha version of the game i wonder has the game reached beta yet. I am concerned about the long loading screen as well.
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