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SimGreece -Ancient Based/World! Take look and tell me! what you like-


Hello Fellow Simmers or in this case in this post should i say SimTitan's! I'm here to show a project I've recently have just started working on its based in Ancient Greece Times, And yes there is mythology background in this world. First off let me first off say thank you for view this post I'm very happy to show what I've been working on for a while now! and have a lot of backgrounds in/on this world! I'm also do this post in sections just so you are aware!

if yous till can't read just hold Cntrl and use your mouse to scroll in :) to zoom in!

First off this World expansion is based of:

Sims 3: base, World adventures, Supernatural,Showtime,Island paradise,latenight (If you have all then don't worry about this part!)

is there any custom content: CC FREE!

Mnt Oly: But like i said this world is based in the ancient times, were the oh mighty greek gods ruled all over Greece looking down Mnt Olympus. (In this world I give you the option to actually build a house on the mnt Olympus and actually play (re-create a god or goddess) or actually rewrite your own mythology (if you so choose) I'm also gonna show you some pictures later in this post!

Buildings: The buildings are actually based off of actually what building looked like in Ancient Greece! I will even show some pictures to compare! later in this post! (Please Note that this world is still being created and that there's not a lot of building yet but SOON! *if anyone is wanting to help build Greece Houses please let me know, I would deeply appreciate any help on building the houses!*)
there is gonna be a lot of things that will be comming to the world hopefully in the next few weeks! the first thing is gonna be building done! and maybe adding a few more trees and plants and rocks and maybe some diving zones! :D

**The new and bigger size is in my new post, but please note not all picture made in the new sideshow**
**Please note that the picture is a slideshow!!** (i gotta keep doing it hey i'm the one that started it :P)
there is one thing i brought into the real world into this world, I'll show you this right now. *sorry if this picture is to big!*
**The new and bigger size is in my new post, but please note not all picture made in the new sideshow**
This is just some exampled of the what is in the picture (the market was based off stuff like that just so you are aware!)
the top left: is the Spa,Gym,Pool
The center left: is the stadium
The Center right: the theater
Bottom left: noble(rich) people houses)
Top right: normal stander middle class houses
bottom right: this picture was based for the market.
**More Pictures to COME! stay tone!*

The status of the world:

So as if what you see in these view things, what do you think of my world of right now! and when things are updated i'll be post it asap! and also let me know if i should keep working on it!
thanks so much


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    NilxisNilxis Posts: 596 Member
    edited April 2014
    That's awesome! I study Ancient Greek language and culture at school and it's my favourite subject, so I'm very interested in this world :D
    The theme for this world is very complete and judging by the pictures it looks very beautiful. I would love to see bigger pictures that are quiet if possible to look better at the details. I just love the landscaping and your recreation of the real beach!

    Great job, I'm looking forward to see more :thumbup:
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    niac1234niac1234 Posts: 6,735 Member
    edited April 2014
    :shock: OMG. YES!! You have a very happy Greek right here! :XD:
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    17mars17mars Posts: 263 Member
    edited April 2014
    I would love it!
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    percectpercect Posts: 121 Member
    edited April 2014
    Sounds interesting! What I would love is a full world picture to see how it all fits together.

    No offense, but the presentation is a bit confusing. It would be easier to see what's happening with a slightly more simplified approach. I'm thrown by the fast gifs and the slideshows.

    First let me say thank you for your feed back on the slideshow and gif. and They really ain't that fast. It could be possible that its the height and size of the pictures (I'ma be fixing all this later tonight! so its be better to see and i guess i'll slower the timer just for you EswenRaedself :)also stay tone to more updates :)
    But thanks sweetie for your feed back and like i said i'll be fixing the picture sizes later tonight!

    @Nilxis: I also study ancient Greece culture even mythology *whispers that the only class i actually pay attention in xD* and thank you for the feed back i do thank you and like i said to EswenRaedelf i'ma be fixing them TODAY :) so keep looking at and i'll also be adding more pictures :D

    @niac1234: OMG and i love your feed back sweetie! i'm happy i'm bringing Greece to Sims 3! and their mythology! :D

    @17mars: thank you :) I love your feed back stay tone on this world :)
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    ChrisVegaChrisVega Posts: 12 New Member
    edited April 2014
    Wow ! I'm really really excited by this world ! The island you've made seems gorgeous ! I love greek mythology and I already have all the gods(at least the best of them) into sims ! I'll post few pictures one day if you wanna see. ;)
    I can't wait for an update !
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    DaethaqtDaethaqt Posts: 760 Member
    edited April 2014
    Very Nice from what I can see.
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    juncedajunceda Posts: 2,614 Member
    edited April 2014
    Beautifull landscape and such an interesting theme!

    I can play at last TS2 TS3 and TS4 So great that toddlers are here!!!
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    rjdreamer53rjdreamer53 Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited April 2014
    OMG...Great job. You are very talented. Looking forward to more updates. Awesome world , so far.
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    percectpercect Posts: 121 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hello! SimTitan! Percect here! I just want to say thank you guys for being interested in my world!I was dealing with a "boyfriend issues :p" all I can say! but i'm just tell you there is more updates!!!!!!!

    The recent building that have been added: as 4/25/2014
    Hosptial *done*
    Library *being finish*
    science lab *done*
    Crime hide away *being remodeled*
    School *done*
    Business HQ *done*
    3 diving zones *Still being made!*
    The Siren House *done*
    Mnt Oly Main building *where the powerful gods would life*
    parthenon/temple (made it look like it was still being built! if you didn't realize that!) *done*
    More houses *not yet done maybe 3 more houses!*
    Apartments *done*
    Parks *done*
    graveyard *getting remodel*
    Show Venus *done possible*
    The oracle *little remodeling*
    The theater/film *done*
    The market *done*
    Spa/gym/pool *done*
    *more coming soon!*

    I'm also adding a new slide show (I'm keep the old one in the first post sorry if picture repeat them self in the new slideshow! (THIS SLIDE SHOW IS EXTREMELY SLOW SO YOU CAN TAKE IT ALL IN!)

    I've also added more texturing,trees etc. to the world and also re sizing the picture so you can see the update (as of right now!) Please note picture might repeat from the old post! (the old post in the first post for SimGreece if you haven't checked that out!!


    Next thing that gonna be coming after the building is i'll make some Sim's that would be able to download or whatever (such as the gods and i'll upload some of those pictures later on when they are made as well!)

    OR If any you fellow Sim titans are wanting to make the sims and just post them in a replay/post in this thread and tell me the traits etc! *But if you want too, if not i'll do it! :)*

    the status of the world: 90% done! (as of 4/25/2014 at 7:00AM)

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    percectpercect Posts: 121 Member
    edited April 2014
    and yea i slow them down extremely slow lol, and made them bigger so people could see better! :)

    @the boyfriend thing: The funny thing is, i'm not even sad nor mad i actually caught happy. :)
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    percectpercect Posts: 121 Member
    edited April 2014
    Bumping! :)
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    niac1234niac1234 Posts: 6,735 Member
    edited April 2014
    OMG! It's so beautiful! :D

    I'm only suggesting this because I love the world so much, but I do have a suggestion. I've noticed that you've only used one texture for the rock of the mountains. I'd suggest you pick another stone texture that looks good with the one you have now, and mix it in slightly. Put the brush down to 3-4 tiles wide and lower the falloff and opacity and just mix it in. It'll make it look a lot more detailed. Make sure that they are similar colors though. It looks silly if the one of the textures is white, and the other is dark grey.

    I'm seriously not trying to be pretentious. I really only give criticism for work that I love. :XD:
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    percectpercect Posts: 121 Member
    edited April 2014
    I'm actully using 3 texture for the rocks to be honest :) but thank you for the tip :)<3 and thank you for your feed back :)<3!
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    ChrisVegaChrisVega Posts: 12 New Member
    edited April 2014
    Your work is stunning ! I'm just a little concern about the roads and the modern rabbitholes, this is not supposed to be an ancient world ?
    Except that I will download your world for sure ! :)

    And I will post pictures of my fellow gods as soon as I get to put them on the exchange (I have some difficulties with it, my launcher does not put them on the site anymore. It's been years and I still don't know why) !

    EDIT : I've succeed at least for the pictures, you can see them here :
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    percectpercect Posts: 121 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hello ChrisVega Thank you :) i'm trying to make it close to what it look like in the ancient times. and the roads/sidewalk is custom texture (to make look like grass) and the rabbit holes are under the building that i built built its like a shell :)IM not that smart to make custom custom rabbit holes JUST YET xD lol

    Edit/forgot to put this part: Yes this world is ancient based world! (or what I'm basing it off)
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    ChrisVegaChrisVega Posts: 12 New Member
    edited April 2014
    What I wanted to specify is that there will be a problem due to roads and rabbit holes, cars NPCs(taxis, ice-cream truck etc) for example.
    And there is no science carreer in ancient times haha. :D
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    percectpercect Posts: 121 Member
    edited April 2014
    ik they didn't that why i pull the the shell design out my A** for the science lap xD lol! and if i knew how o could make what type of cars u can drive i could do that and remove the ice cream truck but i only thing that only shows if u have season.
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    morakemorake Posts: 74 New Member
    edited April 2014
    The few pictures on the first post look very nice and I'm super excited for this world in general, since Ancient Greece fascinates me, but I'm still confused. Are there more pictures? I'd love to see the whole world as it is so far, but I'm having trouble finding anything to look at, and it's hard to piece together what I do see now.
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    percectpercect Posts: 121 Member
    edited April 2014
    The other pictures are in another post/replay in this thread but i'll just put them in this replay i'm doing just for you! :) but i'll take some more pictures :) and show you them later on when the buildings are fully done!

    Heres the pictures again :)

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    tilatequilaismtilatequilaism Posts: 819
    edited April 2014
    Absolutely fantastic! have not seen this idea done before and this looks phenomenal!

    can not wait!
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    percectpercect Posts: 121 Member
    edited April 2014
    I thought that. and EswenRaedself was right about the ancients were studying and practicing science! i totally forgot about that thank you for reminding me about that! :D
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    CaptainTHPS4CaptainTHPS4 Posts: 1,466 Member
    edited April 2014
    Ooh this world looks great! :D
    My YouTube Channel!
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    percectpercect Posts: 121 Member
    edited May 2014
    Hello thanks for all the feed bsck so i'ma show some new updates.
    Before the Bussniess HQ and school were in the same lot. so i change the idea and put them on different total lots. I'll show you the map view of the 2 lots and other lots!
    *These pictures are not slideshow pictures. just so you are aware!


    So I've been also redoing some things aswell. The Siren house got moved because i reread some mythology about sirens in Ancient greece so i brought it into the world

    This is where the old siren house use to be! (and ugly house xD)

    Now i'ma show you the new house for the siren its actully on an island if you know the siren mythology. but if you don't ima tell you "the sirens were dangerous yet beautiful creatures portryed as Femme fatales who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwereck on the rocky coast of their island. the roman and greece poets place them on some small isalnd called Sirenum scopuli"

    here is what the house looks like now on the SIREN ISLAND :D

    and i'ma just be posting the world really soon Even if not all the lots are not done! that my promise for you guys :)<3 but heres the update :D<3
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    percectpercect Posts: 121 Member
    edited May 2014
    For those who are the people who are a fan of Ancient Greece mythology, Giving this world is 98% done and most likely be able to be download later tonight or mostly for surely tomorrow (5/6/2014) but anyways back tot he Ancient Greece mythology (this is also in the world description) i'ma show you what it says so its much more easy to read (and if any grammar issues or spelling point them out! i wrote this all when i was tired!)


    if yous till can't read just hold Cntrl and use your mouse to scroll in :) to zoom in!
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    juncedajunceda Posts: 2,614 Member
    edited May 2014
    Hi percect! great job! I think I will love this world, as I have had since long ago a simstory in my mind for a world like this, now I´m waiting eagerly for your uploading!

    Thankyou very much for sharing!
    Post edited by Unknown User on

    I can play at last TS2 TS3 and TS4 So great that toddlers are here!!!
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