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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2014
    Ra'ed stood up abruptly and a slip of paper fell upon the ground. Avoid her and don't worry, you'll figure it out. Then he walked away and never looked back.
    I picked up the paper. Dan-Dan Wchin. Another name.
    What would I figure out? What? I took my plate back in and placed it in the dishwasher in the kitchen and went upstairs to hit the hay. Sometimes what doesn't make sense in this dimension makes sense in dreams. I slept.
    visions of names swept before me as though suspended in mid air. All in the order of which I'd been given them.
    The flash of light I'd experienced while in the buffet line, there were numbers on a gridline. Numbers and names.
    Margot Petit. a one above the A and a 5 above the E
    Gerald Morel. A 3 above the D.
    Ra'ed Nahas. A 4 above the R and a 2 above the N
    Dan Dan Wchin. A 6 above the W.
    Equals: ANDREW
    My Dad!
    The next morning I called Margot Petit. "We have to talk." I said. "We certainly do." she answered.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Painterly27Painterly27 Posts: 177 Member
    edited January 2014
    My new man, Travis Blackwell, and his horse (of course) Whipper. The year is 1890. Right now these two are living on a ranch in the middle of nowhere - actually, it's Roaring Heights but it doesn't "exist" yet. Travis is growing the best quality produce he can grow, and is close to several fishing holes. So he's living the meagre life and is about to start his family with a girl escaping the hustle of the city. Will she be the escape he needs from the slow pace of this homestead? Find out :)



    Layout of the homestead - outhouse on the top left, sowing fields are the brown dirt on the bottom left, and Whipper's stable and turnout on the right. The house is tiny too - one bedroom, and an open plan. The kitchen is in the basement.

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    LucyBorgiaLucyBorgia Posts: 753 Member
    edited January 2014
    Zabeth0 wrote:

    @LucyBorgia- Score, time machine kid! Is he a knight in non commitment armor? ;) Adorable! Well, at least as a social butterfly, he'll actually want to keep track of a lot of friends. (And it makes sense for the time frame, knights kinda wanted to be known and loved...and weren't known for settling down with everyone who wanted them to!)


    I think so! That's how he came out of the time machine, but when I looked at his other outfits, they were boring modern clothes, so I spent a while with the help of my elder son makiing sure all his outfits fitting the vibe of a knight :-) I'm thinking if he ends up heir, then we'll go for a bit of 'droit du seigneur' behaviour - this is an evil legacy after all! Only I'll have to move in his girlfriends before they have babies for the next generation, so I think I'm looking at drama...
    Keori wrote:
    Here's the family im playing thanks to mods im playing with 11 sims!


    They look great! 11 Sims must be hard work :D I think my largest household to date was 9 Sims + one on the way, which was tricky at times :-) and I needed to get NRaas' Mover mod when I wanted to move a young adult out as I'd have still been leaving 8+bump in the house - the things we do to our game! :wink:
    wickichick wrote:
    Beth realizes she is different.

    Oh, I'm intrigued! I'm glad we know she has Kia to confide in, as difference can equal lonely...
    wickichick wrote:
    LucyBorgia: You have found all kinds of ways to make your story interesting...creature cross breeder is something I haven't explored but it sounds interesting and I like to have some challenges in game play cuz it mixes things up and keeps it interesting. Congrats on the lifefruit discovery that's awesome!

    Thank you, I was so pleased! I'm not sure that we'll get Annabel's life time wish of monster maker this generation, as it just takes so long to max inventing and then get the opportunities fulfilled so she can make 1 simbot and I've just read that the other monster you can make is a mummy - but we've not been to Eygpt even once to get anything. I do like to try to give Sims their first lifetime wish though and with Annabel's traits this was first followed by... um, can't remember the name, but to max athletic and martial arts, which should be quite easy.

    Ah well, the lifefruit will be useful anyway, and we've got a time machine (and Drew!) out of it :lol:

    Creature cross breeder sounds better than it is, I think... The skills needed for promotions at work are good for the household as they're gardening, fishing and handiness, but all the creature stuff is confined to the rabbit hole of work :? But I like to help spouses meet their LTW, as they generally come in with one I wouldn't have chosen, which gives me more interesting game play, as you said.
    Simmelina1 wrote:
    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Andrew had his own plan for the night. Remember genie Chrissy resurrected Mira & made Lucy fall in love with him. To show how thankful he was for her help, he decided to free her from the genie lamp.


    Andrew, how exactly are you planning to show your gratitude? I see that heart over your head while you talk to Chrissy!!
    Colorist40 wrote:
    I wanna join in the fun. I will go back a few pages to comment and then post a few pics from my game and a recap.


    @LucyBorgia Aww sounds like you have a lot to be proud of. Your sons sound amazing.

    Well Noah was playing Godzilla so he needed a house to wreck lol. Kenji must be a softie for wanting to buy another dollhouse lol. Cute family. Can't wait to see more.


    @LucyBorgia I think it is great you got a life fruit. I cheat to get mine lol. Having a baby via time machine is fun isn't it? You could alwlays get Kenji young again potion if he has enough life time wish points. I admire you for getting things the hard way. I always play on epic as I can't stand to see my favorite family die lol.


    I am so proud of my son, thank you! It was funny after the nativity at church, lots of people were coming up to us saying how lovely it was, and one little boy came up to him and said 'You should be on X factor!' - not sure Simon Cowell would be too impressed with Christmas carols :D !

    I haven't got more photos yet - I get carried away with playing! :oops: But they are a good family to play with.

    The first time I played sims, I didn't know about checking how long they had left (or using lieftime happiness points) - elder son had set it up for me, and clicked to say I didn't want the tutorial :roll: so I was shocked and horrified when the Grim Reaper came for the dad of the family :( . I'm still sad when they go, but I try to make sure they've had good (or, with this family, evil :mrgreen: ) lives - okay, happy lives :D . It is tricky, when I know I could have easily put a life fruit plant in a planter, or added some to the community garden. But I'm trying to play this save according to the legacy rules - so no cheats.

    I was telling my son I'd got the elder clothes free gift and he asked me what elders are as he plays all his families on epic too :D I've tried it but my sims like to have children and then I want to play them all... So at least on normal lifespan, by the time I'm thinking 'Oh, I can't choose who to play in the next generation!', the parents/grandparents are fading away. I do miss them though!

    Hmm, I'm going to post now and then read page 11 to stop this post being massive! :mrgreen: (I'll probably get to page 14 and find it's mostly my posts :shock: !)
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    LucyBorgiaLucyBorgia Posts: 753 Member
    edited January 2014
    So I unintentionally deleted my Songbird file. >__<
    I was decluttering things and accidentally clicked on them when doing so and that was that ... darn. However, not all is lost! I have Windy in the sim bin but I think I will start a new game with a some new simmies.

    Colorist: Stros M'Kai is from The Elder Scrolls Skyrim, it's the name of a city, I think.

    Oh no! :( Well, looking forward to seeing your new simmies. I'm sure they'll be lovely. I was thinking about your horses last night as James has aged up with the equestrian trait and decided his Life Time Wish is the Animal Rescuer (adopt 6 animals)- this is amusingly apt as his birth traits are easily impressed and couch potato, so all he needs to do is phone up & adopt 6 animals to be done! Lazy little tyke :lol: Not sure it's very evil though :x ! And I was thinking, 'I hope I get have them as good looking horses as Painterly's ones'.

    Colorist40 - wow, what a story! Gosh, I wonder who Alexander is, and what will happen to Brett (hmm, there's lots that Brett deserves to have happen to him!), and oh my goodness, everything!
    wickichick wrote:

    Looking back, I am so glad that within my child's innocence, it was possible to do that.

    Eek! I'm worried for Beth and her parents now!

    I do love your stories :D You show so well the loving relationships in the families as well as with pictures and few words conjuring up Beth's feelings.
    Baker9793 wrote:
    since I had to start all over with the James family, I decided to take their relationship slow. (I have a tendence to rush families and i get bored) ....
    Spencer is going to be my Hot Doctor :wink::wink:
    As for Lacee, she is going to be an author. I did have a picture of her but it wouldn't upload. Back home she is working in the culinary field but I may changer her to Politics. Only reason I have her in that field is because when she reaches the top she will only have to work 3 days a week. Which would ultimatly help my plan for this family to have 3 kids.

    Well that is the current update of the game. Next update will include (hopefully) Lacee's picture of her writing, Spencer being quiet handsome in his Formal wear and Lacee in hers as well.

    Sounds like their relationship is going well :D I think it is easy for us to rush things - sometimes I look at a married couple's relationship and find they are barely friends :( so now I try to make sure they are at least good friends before marriage/children and keep them working on their relationship - it's true for us and for Sims!

    I love the jobs when they only work a few days a week - in my Adam and Eve family, my foundress had so long on maternity leave, she got the toddlers fully skilled easily. (Of course, this didn't do much for her LTW of being an astronaut...)
    @LucyBorgia: Thanks for the vegetarian link. I keep forgetting about that trait and he gets nauseous a lot too. I have to be more careful. I never thought of the all-in-one bathrooms for the dorms! What a good idea.
    You can definitely tell that there was some variation on who designed some of the worlds with the differences in how the townies look, or something changed at least. It is interesting how some world have really good looking sims and others... not so much! That is one reason Nicholai will be moving to Aurora Skies when he graduates; several good looking women to meet!


    Oh, I've had a sim serve up a meal and then wondered why someone had a nauseous moodlet as the food was fresh till I've realised I made them eat meat! Funnily enough elder son got the nauseous moodlet after eating a biscuit from the pack my sister gave the boys form Christmas and realising they had beef gelatine in them... :wink:

    I got the idea for adding the all-in-one bathrooms from someone posting on CK213's university thread (it's long!) about adding them to one of CK213's creations and thought 'What a good idea! I'm doing that!'. Of course, I promptly forgot all about it until I actually had uni life and sent my first sims there and realised everyone else was stinky :roll: and then couldn't add them to the dorm we were in without it coming out of household funds. I've also seen the idea of putting an a-i-o bathroom in each bedroom at the dorms and then turning the bathrooms into skilling rooms, but I quite like the realistic feel of communal bathrooms and having to send my sims out of the dorm to skill and potentially meet other sims.

    I love Aurora Skies and haven't played in it for ages - so many towns, so little time :lol: !
    Poor Florence watched her die, the rain made it sadder


    Sierra was so pretty, but oh my, that was so sad!
    Back to the present now :D


    Their maid got eaten by the cowplant :roll:


    He wasn't a very good maid anyway :lol:


    :lol: Let that be a lesson to all bad maids!

    I have another save with Franciska Vandenberg, who wanted to go to uni - I put her in the sorority and decided they should have a maid, but I caught him doing very little... Quick trait change with Master Controller and he should be more hardworking now :twisted:

    End of page 11, time to post and do some housework before I read pages 12 to 14...!
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    LucyBorgiaLucyBorgia Posts: 753 Member
    edited January 2014
    Zabeth0, I love Jake's enthusiasm!!

    I don't have ITF yet, so it's great to find out about it :-) .
    wickichick wrote:
    He never came home. We didn't know what happened to him, but I knew he was gone. Mom never gave up hope. Never.
    She passed away my last year of college. The doctors said it was complications secondary to pneumonia.

    Oh no! Poor Beth :( But it looks better in the next set of photos. Still solitary, but able to begin to move on with her life.

    Moonlit Falls looks beautiful.
    wickichick wrote:

    Nick Wickman and I were the same age. We were in all the same classes in grade school. I had a crush on him big time in high-school. What girl hadn't? It probably had a lot to do with those deep blue eyes, the chiseled dimples, plumb lips, charming smile. He was Brad Pitt handsome and knew just how to work it.
    I strode straight to the apothecary with great determination.
    "Are you out of your mind?" I pointed a very determined finger daggered towards his chest.

    Ooh, will the crush develop into something more? I love how Beth doesn't beat about the bush with catching up on old times before telling Nick off!
    Simmelina1 wrote:
    Comments from p 10
    LucyBorgia I hope Julia will get some gifts at her next giftgiving party, as a teen. There is not enough time to have a new giftgiving party for her as a child. I'm going to celebrate her dads birthday next time I play, & Julia's birthday is tomorrow (in simtime).


    I hope so! I had a gift giving party for the Lees and they all got chess tables... :?We already had one. And Drew got coal :x I hope Julia gets good presents and ages up well.
    Keori wrote:
    Josef and penny got merried

    Congratulations on a cute couple!
    Simmelina1 wrote:

    Andrew freed the genie on his birthday. At the graveyard he got a phonecall from Lucy, he will never forget. Lucy just gave birth to a babygirl named January. Andrew is January's father. Since Andrew's family have a bigger house, Lucy sent January to live together with his family, for the time being.

    Mira was very surprised to find baby January in Dara's crib, when she woke up. She couldn't believe Andrew had a baby with Lucy. Especially, since Lucy & her husband Edgar, are good friends of Songs.

    ....Songs will celebrate Andrew's birthday, when he finish work. Maybe, he kept walking home during work time, because it's his birthday. His boss disliked his behavior, so it will go a loong time, before he can earn a promotion again.

    For someone who dislikes children, Andrew is a one-man population explosion!! I think Chrissy's genie powers will be very useful, and love her make over!
    Nik24X7 wrote:
    Hi Everyone!

    Unfortunately, no photo to share with you all today. I spent much of yesterday crafting a custom dive lot for Roaring Heights. Someone in the Island Paradise forum posted a link to a Youtube video with step-by-step instructions on how to craft such a lot. So I did. But as the day wore on, my game started to randomly crash. After three or four attempts to debug the lot, I finally gave up. I returned to an earlier save, one that I saved prior to the dive lot fiasco. So I didn't make much progress in my game yesterday. It was fun for a while having my Sims scuba dive again, but I can't be playing a game where it could randomly crash at any time. So I'm back to focusing my my vampire Sim (Darius St. Jacques) and the Landgraab family. I managed to earn two Supernatural badges and my game no longer crashes.

    Take care!

    P.S. I'm loving all the pictures that people post. Great fun!

    That is a pain! I've added diving spots though not for a while using this as a guide:

    End of page 12, time to post again :-)
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    LucyBorgiaLucyBorgia Posts: 753 Member
    edited January 2014
    This is my newest -and I think the best I have created- couple. It is me and my wife we are newlyweds in the game and we just moved in together and I thought this was post worthy! Enjoy! :D

    Aww, cute couple and even cuter that it's you and your wife!
    Well, the newlyweds uprooted and moved from Lucly Palms to Hidden Springs to buy the little country home they always dreamed of!

    Oh dear god this place needs some work... but I really love the layout! :roll:



    Looking forward to see it decorated to your tastes! It looks like the previous owners had the house doctor in to tell them to tone the decor down to appeal to more buyers!
    wickichick wrote:
    I thought the topic in this thread is a good one to post a link to in this thread.

    We have many simmers who are new to the game and it is easy to see where it gets confusing when you choose to download from the exchange since it is offered here on an EA site.
    However, since the introduction of third party creators, the items offered via the exchange is not always safe.

    Please note that the creator offering items via the exchange is not always aware of how custom content can attach itself to what they have put up. They may hence place the free in the description.

    I think it is good for simmers to be aware that this can and does happen. Once instilled into your gaming files it can become a headache to remove for those who are not well read in such procedures.

    These items can cause disfiguration of your pixilated sim images as well as a total black out.
    Here is the link

    I saw that thread though I've not read both pages yet - not nice for Anniemary or her children! :( I don't often download from the exchange anymore (except offical festival lots for new worlds) since I had to take out all my custom content to get rid of some bad CC.
    SimFanAJ wrote:

    But he thawed her out, and snuggled her on the couch to warm her up:


    Now, her face may only be one a mother (or in this case, Dylan as well) could love while in her werewolf form, she's quite pretty in her human form!


    Yes she is! It looks as though they're comparing teeth while on the sofa :D

    Aha, end of page 13! Now I'll get some playing in so I've something of my own to post :lol::lol:
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2014
    Painterly27: Morning! Yay, you have a new story to build on. How interesting it opens back in the 18 hundreds...Travis seems like a resourceful guy building a homestead with a good and near-by water supply. I find it interesting that his chosen mate is escaping the city life...does she know what she is getting into? LOL, a city girl in a farming world...stuff could certainly happen. I'm excited for this and can't wait to see how you unfold this new story!
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2014
    Lucy: Morning :mrgreen: My goodness girl you get a four star rating on commenting....I've had a little extra time off but once I am back at work again I will not have as much time to play/post. LOL, it will give everyone a break. I hope you enjoy your simming time.
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    Nik24X7Nik24X7 Posts: 7,865 Member
    edited January 2014

    thanks for all the comments on my posts. Much appreciated!

    Today, I have a couple photos of the Landgraabs. It occurred to me last night that I've talked about them, but I haven't shown them to you. First, this is Malcolm Landgraab. He's to be found in the cemetery in Roaring Heights. My other Sim resurrected him via the Oh My Ghost quest and then Clara Harbucks (previously resurrected from the cemetery) made and fed him Ambrosia. My level 10 Alchemist (Darius St. Jacques) tossed a Young Again potion at him, so Malcolm is now a Young Adult.


    Malcolm just achieved Level 10 in Athletic as I snapped this picture. He's joined the business career and is on his way to becoming a business mogul/tycoon.

    Next, I have a picture of Clara Landgraab (Clara and Malcolm were wed a couple days ago). She finished reading her skill book and is about to get up to move to the music room to play the piano. She's currently level 9 in that skill. Seated to her left (our right) is Mindy St. Jacques. Mindy was a burglar who attempted to steal from the family. Instead, Darius befriended her and the two were eventually wed.


    Lastly, I have a photo of little Malcolm II. He inherited his father's Strawberry Blonde hair. So far, he hasn't done much other than play with toys.


    Best Regards,

    P.S. LucyBorgia, thanks to the link to mcrudd's tutorial. One thing I see right off the bat is that I didn't lock the lot at the end. Also, I've noticed that when I now boot up the game, Diving Area was no longer an option in the drop down menu. I wonder if that had anything to do with the crashing?

    P.P.S. I just now realized that Malcolm is wearing the boots from ITF in the photo. I'll have to change that. They weren't around in the 1920's. :oops:
    Origin ID: nik24x7
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    KeoriKeori Posts: 1,024 Member
    edited January 2014
    Three of my teens finally went off to Sim uni. I found out the hard way that if your living in the future they canot travel to sims U. I had to uproot all 11 of my sims an take them back home to the base world where they first started. since i couldt split the family up an play just these three. *sigh* oh well least i dont have to worry aobut story progression splitting my family up. Tho i goofed an now that there in uni story progesssion made sims U into a ghost town...ooops! so these three are the only ones living in the dorm hahhaha


    Left to right : Zolan- tech major, Beatriz- Art, Logan- science med
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2014
    Nic: Your sims definitely skill right along..they are all doing well.
    Malcolm is ripped..he looks mighty fine! The boots, hmmmm well maybe he knows something the other sims in Roaring Heights don't. He has beaten death even if it was with a little help from his friends!
    Clara is a lovely sim...just to make sure I have this straight..prior to wedding Malcolm she was a Harbucks, right?
    Interesting story regarding Mindy...looks like she picked the right house to rob...Darius took her in and wow, married her. LOL, he made an honest woman of her so it seems. Darius is quite the interesting fellow...I've never reached level 10 of the alchemy skill...but I think the sim I currently have now is going to. She is gonna need it for the adventure I'm sending her on.
    Baby Malcolm is adorable.
    How fitting Mr.Landgrabb is maxing out the Business career...true to his character.
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2014
    Keori: I did know you couldn't send sims from ITF to uni but I've never had a ghost town uni...I'm sure you are not overly happy about that
    Zolan just looks like a tech suits him and Beatriz and Logan look a tab bit more spunky and ready to party.
    Good Luck with your Uni plans.
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    Nik24X7Nik24X7 Posts: 7,865 Member
    edited January 2014
    wickichick wrote:
    Clara is a lovely sim...just to make sure I have this straight..prior to wedding Malcolm she was a Harbucks, right?
    Yes, her "maiden" name is Harbucks. I imagine she's some sort of relation to Olivier Harbucks, but there's no connection in the family tree. I went ahead and used Twallan's Master Controller to make them brother and sister. I should also add that she's had a Young Again potion tossed at her, too. I think she was originally an elder or close to it when she was resurrected. I might have changed her outfit but even the ghost version of her was wearing the caftan. Works on her!

    Oh, I forgot to mention that I changed both Sims' skin tone in CAS. They had that grey/black skin tone like all the other dead Sims. I changed it to the third one, the Caucasian flesh tone one. I hate that gray pallor that they otherwise would have.
    Origin ID: nik24x7
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited January 2014

    Happy birthday Andrew!

    Julia, Mir, Chris, Kai, Luna & Younha visited the winter festival to iceskate, snowboard & play in the snow.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Mir enjoyed some time on snowboard. Chris & Kai build snowmen. Julia, Luna & Younha iceskated.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Julia had just learned to spin around on the ice, when heaven turned red. Something sims in Midnight hollow, had never seen before.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Kai has decided to make 5 snowmen this winter. Is this his 3rd or 4th? His very first hockeysnowman.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    What a scary snowman! Both Chris & Kai were surprised, when they saw Chris black snowman. How was it possible to make a black snowman with white snow?

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Julia & Younha started to freeze, so they were the first sims to go home. Younha made a snowman looking the way snowmen are supposed to look.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Julia mopped the bathroom floor, since it's her dads birthday today. She did it, even though they don't have a good relationship. Her dad has never given her or her siblings any attention, after they aged into children.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Andrew feed & change diapers on Noor & January, when he has to. Hinni dislike, that Andrew made Lucy pregnant, while she was pregnant with his daughter Noor. Is there any future, for a relationship between Andrew & Hinni?

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Chrissy came into the bedroom, when Hinni walked into the livingroom. Chrissy started to flirt with Andrew. She told him, how happy she was, to be a free woman. If it hadn't been for his help, she would have been trapped inside that lamp forever.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Chris sold his first painting. Younha also found time to work on her next painting, before Andrew's birthdayparty started.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Chrissy learned Dara some new words. Songs hope Dara will teach to talk & walk in time for her birthday tomorrow. Chrissy told Dara about her new job at the hospital.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Matteo could see a wedingcake & smiling guests. He was surprised to see himself as the groom. "Marry you" by K. Will started to play, as the bride was supposed to walk into the room. Matteo was called back to the real world, by the birthday guests. He hope his dream will continue sometime. He would have loved to see who his bride in his dream is.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Family & friends cheered Andrew's transition from young adult to adult.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Andrew was happy to see, he hadn't changed too much.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Chrissy was thrilled to attend her first party. She looked forward to her own birthdayparty, in a couple of simweeks. She became happy as a goldfish, when she heard Songs should celebrate Julia, Dara & Noors birthday the next day.

    <a href="; ><img src="*******_z.jpg&quot; ></a>
    Their guests were amused to see Mir, Chris & Kai made 3 different snowmen.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Queen Luna was so busy playing queen in Julia's bedroom, she almost missed the birthdaycelebration.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    This guy is Matteo's boss. He is always dressed in underwear, whenever he attend parties.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Julia, Kai & Luna had a snowballfight with Vanessa Holden-Limb. Vanessa is the daughter of Jack & Sarah Holden-Limb.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Hinni entertained the guests with her guitar.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Wonder what kind of criminal activites these two plan.

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Matteo had a satisfied expression, while he fixed the kitchen sink. So they might have planned something big.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    rednenemonrednenemon Posts: 3,207 Member
    edited January 2014
    I finally got some game time in. I wanted things to go off without a hitch, but apparently, the weather in the game had other plans. :roll:

    Here is Solara and her cousins playing with blocks. They all seem to be having their own little toddler conversation while doing so.

    Here we have Landon, back from work and upset because the sink broke.

    Here is Guillaume freaking out over the Bot Builder going berserk for some reason. Nothing bad really happens, besides him stopping early.

    Here we have J.A.R.V.I.X after taking Landon's scooter, to go to City Hall to register as a self-employed painter. :roll: Really, J.A.R.V.I.X?

    Here know, I think I'll just let the pictures do the talking here:

    Yep, finally decided to make it official. Would have been perfect if the weather cooperated. Oh, well.

    Here we have Landon and Guillaume making up for lost time. I waited until they were married before doing any of the fun marital business. No big reason, just thought it'd make it more meaningful.

    And here is J.A.R.V.I.X either trying to contemplate Sim mating rituals, or he's just being a 🐸🐸🐸🐸. Either way, he really shouldn't be in there. :lol:
    AO3: Silver_Shortage_in_Markarth <(Where I'm usually at nowadays)
    Part One(Complete 9/24/16) /Part Two(on hold)/Short Stories(on hold)/Twinbrook 1996(on hold)/Ten Crystal Hearts (on hold)
    I own the TS3 Store as of 12/11/16 (sort of. It's complicated)
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    SimFanAJSimFanAJ Posts: 2,755 Member
    edited January 2014
    rednenemon wrote:
    And here is J.A.R.V.I.X either trying to contemplate Sim mating rituals, or he's just being a 🐸🐸🐸🐸. Either way, he really shouldn't be in there.

    This made me lol. Thanks. :lol:
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2014
    Simmelina1: I love the seasonal festivals...have never become bored with them...they are just so awesome.
    My goodness just look at all those kids/young adults...whew! that is a houseful and you have two babies at home to boot...your mouse must fly to accommodate all their needs.
    The festival was great..all those snowmen...the black one must have been the grim reaper? The blood red sky in Midnight Hollow is pretty amazing, right? Spooky.
    I would imagine Hinni is a bit upset..Andrew is fortunate he lives, really. I don't think the future looks like a good possibility between Andrew and is apparent he just might make a pass at Chrissy and she isn't likely to turn him away being all grateful for her escape from the lamp.
    I wonder who Matt will end up getting married to? Time will tell.
    The birthday party went off without a mishap...LOL, it seems someone always dies at those things and really puts a damper on the festive mood. Matteo's boss has some personal issues..who shows up at a party so under dressed? Wow! The kids looked like they had fun with the snowball fight.
    Matteo does appear rather please with the outcome of the hot tub conversation.
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited January 2014
    wickichick Thanks for the nice comments. Cross fingers, everything will be ok on the next birthday party for Julia, Dara & Noor too.

    I actually, haven't decided who my sims will end up together with in the future. I probably figure that out, as I play. It's a crowded but fun house to play.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    Dragonrose69Dragonrose69 Posts: 748 Member
    edited January 2014
    Sorry I have to go back so far to comment (Starting at page 12), was off work yesterday and I didn't log in at all...or play! /sigh

    @Wickichick: Oh camping in China, nice! It is easy to get spooked out in the wilderness after dark. Poor mom! France for a convention and then dad disappears, something is definitely going on!
    Nice to see Beth has decided to go home. Oh visiting the graveyard, so hard to do! She looked very nice for her interview. Congrats to Beth on the new job. First assignment in France? We should all be so lucky!
    And the mystery continues. Cryptic massages, names and visits with strangers. Love a good mystery. I hope Beth finds out what happened to her father, or even better finds her father!

    @Keori: I love Penny's dress! Three teens at Uni at the same time, that should be interesting. Hopefully SP will add some population to Uni though.

    @Simmelina1: Another baby for Andrew! He really needs to stop getting frisky with all the ladies. For a man who dislikes children he is doing something wrong. The fates are trying to teach him something I think.
    Chrissy the genie is pretty! And she will definitely make a welcome addition to the household with her cooking and cleaning magic. Andrew is lucky to have Mira, especially when she doesn't question a new baby and just starts caring for it.
    Did the family react to the suddenly red sky? Very nice of Julia to mop the floor on her dad's birthday. She is such a good child! Run Hinni, run! Andrew isn't worthy of you!

    @Nik24X7: Crafting lots, what a neat endeavor. I tried it once, but I couldn't get past bulldozing the lot.
    Wow, working out really does a body good if you take Malcolm as the example!

    @Colorist40: hmmm... kill off Mila the wench. The idea has merit, I was thinking of being nice and just forgetting she exists once Nicholai graduates. She is young...maybe as she ages an matures she will get better... Nah probably not! Now to decide, what shall it be, starvation... drowning...

    @xxItsNoTumorxx: Lovely sim couple! I love the pose. Their country house is very nice.

    @SimFanAJ: Oh no Jasmine froze! At least Dylan was able to thaw and save her (with a hair dryer? /snicker) She is a pretty girl, but wolfed out... Love obviously see through to the pretty girl she really is.

    @Baker9793: Lacee doesn't look to happy to be taking notes while her table mate snoozes.

    @Painterly27: Neat ranch! I love the layout for the overhead view. I hope Travis finds a good wife to help him with the homestead.

    @LucyBorgia: I understand what you mean about missing your sims when they become elders and die. I was right there with a prior sim family when the legacy founder died. But she did come back to check on her descendants, even took time to read to her granddaughter.
    A totally anonymous interaction!

    @rednenemon: I adore the toddler interaction at the block table! It is awesome that Solara has cousins her own age to play with. J.A.R.V.I.X is self-employed? Interesting. Lovely wedding! Congrats to the happy couple at last!

    Hopefully I will find time this week, even just an hour or 2 to play.
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2014
    My father worked with you? In what way? Margo shook her head, it is always hard to talk, Beth. There are always spies. It isn't dangerous in the way you are thinking. Still, the discovery would put whomever finds it first way ahead of the game. Margo went on to explain.
    It was great to be back home again. What Margo had to say about my father's work was interesting and maybe it helped knowing that he protected us by never telling. I was not interested in stepping up to the plate to follow in his footsteps and I felt certain he wouldn't have wanted me to.
    Nick? Stop laughing, you sounded different! Did Margo tell you? Good. Oh yes I am sure, no deal. Gifted? I don't know where you got that idea.
    No! No, I am not. Really? This girl is not traipsing through dark and moldy tombs for no reason. Final Answer. Good-bye, Nick. What? No, I'm not going out to dinner with you. Why? That's pretty obvious. Hanging up now Nick. Good-bye.
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    jalapenobotjalapenobot Posts: 28
    edited January 2014
    wow loved reading all of that some really nice sims :D i think ill be a bit of a lurker!
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    LucyBorgiaLucyBorgia Posts: 753 Member
    edited January 2014
    wickichick wrote:
    The Inn was a bussel of activity. A lovely buffet was being served and I suddenly realized I was starving. I grabbed a plate and started going through the serving line, there was a man behind me and he brushed up against me. Suddenly a sharp pain resounded in my head and a fireworks display of lights shot off in my head. I gasped and the man reached out and supported my arm, "it will pass" he whispered. "Follow me out to the back."

    Curious! Or suspicious :shock: ?

    It was funny to see the other nectary because I only sent a sim there for the first time yesterday! I want it for a holiday home now!
    wickichick wrote:
    Lucy: Morning :mrgreen: My goodness girl you get a four star rating on commenting....I've had a little extra time off but once I am back at work again I will not have as much time to play/post. LOL, it will give everyone a break. I hope you enjoy your simming time.

    Good morning :mrgreen: ! I'm doing my best to keep up with everyone and at the computer it's easy :-) Back to work next week and doing more hours than I used to as I have 2 people going off on maternity leave (one my fellow joint manager and the other our deputy! Eek! But we have some other great staff at the preschool and great new staff coming in) so then it will be harder to keep commenting. I'll still be reading from my phone though :D
    My new man, Travis Blackwell, and his horse (of course) Whipper. The year is 1890. Right now these two are living on a ranch in the middle of nowhere - actually, it's Roaring Heights but it doesn't "exist" yet. Travis is growing the best quality produce he can grow, and is close to several fishing holes. So he's living the meagre life and is about to start his family with a girl escaping the hustle of the city. Will she be the escape he needs from the slow pace of this homestead? Find out :)



    Travis looks good! I love Whipper :) I love the design of the homestead.
    Nik24X7 wrote:

    thanks for all the comments on my posts. Much appreciated!

    Today, I have a couple photos of the Landgraabs. It occurred to me last night that I've talked about them, but I haven't shown them to you. First, this is Malcolm Landgraab. He's to be found in the cemetery in Roaring Heights. My other Sim resurrected him via the Oh My Ghost quest and then Clara Harbucks (previously resurrected from the cemetery) made and fed him Ambrosia. My level 10 Alchemist (Darius St. Jacques) tossed a Young Again potion at him, so Malcolm is now a Young Adult.


    Malcolm just achieved Level 10 in Athletic as I snapped this picture. He's joined the business career and is on his way to becoming a business mogul/tycoon.


    P.S. LucyBorgia, thanks to the link to mcrudd's tutorial. One thing I see right off the bat is that I didn't lock the lot at the end. Also, I've noticed that when I now boot up the game, Diving Area was no longer an option in the drop down menu. I wonder if that had anything to do with the crashing?

    P.P.S. I just now realized that Malcolm is wearing the boots from ITF in the photo. I'll have to change that. They weren't around in the 1920's. :oops:

    No problem! I have it saved on my phone so each time I try a dive lot I can go through each step as I end up forgetting otherwise :wink: Hmm, it could have, it's so frustrating when the game crashes anyway without having to do the detective work & find out why! I'll have a go at adding a dive area to Uni where Franciska is & see how that goes before I go back to the Lees in Appaloosa Plains.

    I hate it when I only spot something I need to change after posting a photo! I have to write myself a post it note to remember to fix it when I go back into game :D They all look great, even with anachronistic boots :lol:
    Keori wrote:
    Three of my teens finally went off to Sim uni. I found out the hard way that if your living in the future they canot travel to sims U. I had to uproot all 11 of my sims an take them back home to the base world where they first started. since i couldt split the family up an play just these three. *sigh* oh well least i dont have to worry aobut story progression splitting my family up. Tho i goofed an now that there in uni story progesssion made sims U into a ghost town...ooops! so these three are the only ones living in the dorm hahhaha


    Left to right : Zolan- tech major, Beatriz- Art, Logan- science med

    Oh dear! At least they won't have to queue up to get into class :wink: And it looks like they are close so socialising together will be fun for them?

    I guess it make sense that they can't get into Sims Uni from the future, though a custom future uni world that they could go to uni in the future would be cool.
    Simmelina1 wrote:

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Julia had just learned to spin around on the ice, when heaven turned red. Something sims in Midnight hollow, had never seen before.


    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Chrissy came into the bedroom, when Hinni walked into the livingroom. Chrissy started to flirt with Andrew. She told him, how happy she was, to be a free woman. If it hadn't been for his help, she would have been trapped inside that lamp forever.


    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Matteo could see a wedingcake & smiling guests. He was surprised to see himself as the groom. "Marry you" by K. Will started to play, as the bride was supposed to walk into the room. Matteo was called back to the real world, by the birthday guests. He hope his dream will continue sometime. He would have loved to see who his bride in his dream is.


    I froze with horror as I saw your red sky - I lost 2 of my teens in my wishacy with a meteor strike at Central Park in Sunset Valley and was so relieved you weren't having one!

    I knew Chrissy could be trouble for Andrew...

    I do love Matteo - I hope he finds out who his bride will be soon!

    That's 6 photos I've quoted, so I'm posting quickly before I want to add more :lol:
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    LucyBorgiaLucyBorgia Posts: 753 Member
    edited January 2014
    rednenemon wrote:
    I finally got some game time in. I wanted things to go off without a hitch, but apparently, the weather in the game had other plans. :roll:

    Here is Solara and her cousins playing with blocks. They all seem to be having their own little toddler conversation while doing so.


    And here is J.A.R.V.I.X either trying to contemplate Sim mating rituals, or he's just being a 🐸🐸🐸🐸. Either way, he really shouldn't be in there. :lol:

    Solara and her cousins are so cute! She is such a pretty little girl.

    Yay, they are married! That's funny that they waited till after marriage - but already have a child together! I know she was created in a different way :D

    J.A.R.V.I.X, you're so not helping a romantic atmosphere! :lol:
    Sorry I have to go back so far to comment (Starting at page 12), was off work yesterday and I didn't log in at all...or play! /sigh


    @LucyBorgia: I understand what you mean about missing your sims when they become elders and die. I was right there with a prior sim family when the legacy founder died. But she did come back to check on her descendants, even took time to read to her granddaughter.
    A totally anonymous interaction!


    Hopefully I will find time this week, even just an hour or 2 to play.

    Oh, that is so cute! My first legacy, the founder died on the day his heir got married and his first grandchild was born :cry: but his wife (Bebe Hart) lived for ages, so already had a good relationship with her grandchildren when she died so would come and help with homework. I had them work at building relationships with Avery till the kids would ask him for a bedtime story.

    I hope you find time to play this week!
    wickichick wrote:
    Nick? Stop laughing, you sounded different! Did Margo tell you? Good. Oh yes I am sure, no deal. Gifted? I don't know where you got that idea.
    No! No, I am not. Really? This girl is not traipsing through dark and moldy tombs for no reason. Final Answer. Good-bye, Nick. What? No, I'm not going out to dinner with you. Why? That's pretty obvious. Hanging up now Nick. Good-bye.

    It's not obvious to me! Why won't Beth go on a date with Nick when she had crush on him? What does she know about him that we don't? :-)

    Posting with more quoted photos before I add some of mine :D
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    Zabeth0Zabeth0 Posts: 1,337 Member
    edited January 2014
    @Wickichick: Oh, sorry, I mis-read the question as a well wishing (have a nice day) instead of a question! Yes, I had a good day. :D

    Nice mystery there, and great rebuttal to Mr. Set you up there, Beth. I love the pic of Beth walking behind the lamp like that, I can definitely imagine her pacing back and forth on the phone there.

    @Painterly 27: Interesting situation you have set up there, city girl and country boy, I'm interested to see how that works out. :D

    @LucyBorgia: Nice! I does sound like you are headed for drama, but that trait has to earn so many evil points for a reason, after all! I just get an added chuckle that he's a knight. (Knights errant and all).

    Yeah, I really like the excitable trait. You can select run from the menu without having to take enough athletic to jog there, so from day one, as long as they aren't falling down tired, you can have them run everywhere...which I love. They get excited anticipating that they will see a friend or lover, which gets them in a good mood, when they are happy they jump up and clap, and it's just adorable.

    @Nick24x7: Wow, you did some work getting him fixed up! Very nice. Cute little Malcolm II with his rocket.

    @Keori: Nice pic of the three of them...It's a shame the game won't let you send just the three of them back to the past and to college while keeping hold of your others in the future.

    @Simmelina: Wow, red sky and grim reaper snowman on the same day, I guess it's a good thing nothing horrible happened at Andrew's party. Poor Julie, being responsible at her age, despite no reward. Wow, lots of birthdays, Chrissy will have lots of practice before her own.

    @Matteo's boss is likely insane- it's always funny to see what they wear. I've had one change into a full suit to go swimming in the ocean. (I guess he took the swimming suit literally). Though looking at the pics, isn't that Matteo's boss in a suit in the hot tub?

    @Rednenemon: Oh, like weather in real life! It's always nice when the weather cooperates, but it so rarely does. Outdoor weddings are a risky thing. They still look adorable in the rain, with the little droplets coming off their clothes. The determination to go through with it is obvious with these cold feet here! (Wet, maybe, but determined!) It would likely have been very pretty if the weather had cooperated, but it seems more real that it didn't. I really like the picture of the two looking at each other in the arch with the fog in the background and the drops might be just me, but I think I see an 'oh, it just figures' look on them.

    @Dragon69: Wow, that is a really awesome thing, that the founder came back and read to the toddler on her own like that! Very cute. :D

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    LucyBorgiaLucyBorgia Posts: 753 Member
    edited January 2014
    Annabel and Kenji both had wishes to go to France - I thought about sending them on a second honeymoon (well, actually they never had one as they couldn't leave Polly alone and since then they've had babies and toddlers to look after), but decided if I sent all the family, it would give the kids more time to bond with Kenji before it's too late. Annabel rolled a wish to have a child with Kenji which I reluctantly locked in at 2500 points (but I wouldn't have if this were a wishacy!) but they couldn't TFB in France. I know what she was up to, she'd looked at the calendar and thought 'Hah, if I'm pregnant, I can't age up to an elder!'

    This was the first time the Lees had been to France, so I did some town editing
    once they'd got there. I like to send my children on holiday with their parents to give them all time to spend together, but there's not always a lot to do for children. And Champs le Sim is a very quiet town for all the tourists it gets! So I like to add some stuff.

    Catania Cafe from the town square - you can just see I added a chess table to the outside on our right

    [IMG]"width=640" "height=480"[/IMG]

    Ground floor - I expanded the toilet after having another family get stuck in it - something about where the door was caused Sims not to be able to get out :? ; domino table added downstairs, sink and trash compactor added to kitchen area plus a couple of bits of decor; slide and seesaw added to garden for the kids, pool table added to the room on our right.

    [IMG]"width=640" "height=480"[/IMG]

    First floor - late night bar, sink and trash compactor; band stage with piano, drum kit, bass, guitar and violin; dance floor, seating and wall speakers from build mode so music plays all the time; showtime posters round the walls of bands who've played here in the past :D

    [IMG]"width=640" "height=480"[/IMG]

    James had a wish to go to the cafe, so I sent him off and he met Eveline Fouchier

    [IMG]"width=640" "height=480"[/IMG]

    I don't know why, but I have a soft spot for Eveline, so if James gets enough evil points to make heir (he and Polly are currently joint second on 1 each, but he's got 2 more chances to get more points), you could be looking at the future Mrs James Lee

    They played on the seesaw together

    [IMG]"width=640" "height=480"[/IMG]

    While Kenji also wanted to go to the cafe, so I sent Annabel off there where they played dominoes with Estelle and Henri Fouchier

    [IMG]"width=640" "height=480"[/IMG]

    You can see Aimee Lefebvre at the food register and a bit of the ambience I added to the kitchen in this shot. Elder son came and asked why I didn't set up a nice restaurant in the back area and I pointed out I don't have the business as usual set yet so I could put in the pizza oven but that's about it, and then the cafe would loose money by sims not buying from the food register, so it could go out of business - moi, get overinvolved in my sims game? But never! :lol:

    [IMG]"width=640" "height=480"[/IMG]
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