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Starlight Shores - Home Of The Rich And Famous *new RPG*


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    AndNich123AndNich123 Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2013
    "Bye mom," she called out on her way out the door. "Young lady!" "Yes mom?" "You've got explicit instructions to come straight home after school. No going about town like yesterday. You've got to study your script, and your grades better stay above a B average or you'll have to quit the show. Your education comes first. Understand?" She smiled at her mother. "Yes mom. I understand. Oh and mom, thanks for letting me go to school finally." "Don't make me regret it, or you'll be back to homeschooling. Understand?" "Yes mom." She closed the door and headed out to school.
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    StarGirl98516StarGirl98516 Posts: 284
    edited October 2013
    Clara finally arrived at the school. She walked through the massive parking lot and headed toward the entrance.

    David walked down the sidewalk. In the distance he noticed another girl exit her house. He felt like she were familiar. Was she on Slee? Yes there was an article about her joining the cast as a violinist or pianist.
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    AndNich123AndNich123 Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2013
    She stepped out of her car. The driver standing by the door. "Remember what your mother said," he smiled. "I know. I know, but this," she gestures to the school. "This is great." She was so excited. "People. I get to be around people. I love this. This is the best thing that could happen to me right now." She beamed as she made her way inside the building.
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    StarGirl98516StarGirl98516 Posts: 284
    edited October 2013
    Clara pulled on the door handles.
    "Locked," she muttered," Is there another entrance?"
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    AndNich123AndNich123 Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2013
    "Clara? Is that you? I'm so glad to see you." She rushed up to her and noticed the door still closed. "What's wrong?"
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    OreosPandasWifiOreosPandasWifi Posts: 405 New Member
    edited October 2013

    I smile as the Ferrari is pulled up right outside my new home. I loved my car.

    Not because it was expensive or flash - even though that was a nice thing to have. It was because this was my first car, one I'd bought by myself. I was so proud that day.

    I swing the door open, slide into the driving seat and go.
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    StarGirl98516StarGirl98516 Posts: 284
    edited October 2013
    Zoe noticed the other girl struggle with the door. She figured it was locked, so she just stood back and rested her arm on a pillar.
    I the distance she saw a Ferrari head toward the school. She followed it with her eyes as it moved, trying to catch a glance at the driver.
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    Sim-GeorgieSim-Georgie Posts: 633 New Member
    edited October 2013

    "Muuuuummm," I whine. "You let me stay off school last week!"
    "Yes, because yesterday was our first week here in Starlight Shores and we were settling in," says Mum briskly, flicking through a magazine with a cup of tea on the atble beside her. "Your photo shoot isn't till 4 o'clock, we'll collect you outside Dolly's Shakes."
    "That old retro place?"
    "Great." I sigh.
    "Stop being dramatic," snaps Mum. She looks up at me. "Go to school, for God's sake!"
    I sigh again, scoop up my Paul's Boutique purple handbag in which is my phone, iPod touch, bus pass and purse, plus a few pens & pencils & a rubber or two, somewhere in the bottom of my bag. I'd need something to write with, so don't think I'm a nerd carrying around stationery or something.
    I put on my shades and head out the door.

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    OreosPandasWifiOreosPandasWifi Posts: 405 New Member
    edited October 2013
    I pull up in the school drive me and smile as I see a girl watching me.

    "Hey." I say with a nod as I walk inside, before heading to the school mall - Yes they had that. Not as good as the mall in town, I had discovered, but still. What school has a mall?
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    AndNich123AndNich123 Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2013
    She pulled on the doors frantically. "What is this? Where are the other doors? I can't be late my first day," she said to Clara.
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    StarGirl98516StarGirl98516 Posts: 284
    edited October 2013
    Zoe pulled her sunglasses up as the boy approached.
    "Hey," she replied," Nice car you got."
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    StarGirl98516StarGirl98516 Posts: 284
    edited October 2013
    Zoe pulled her sunglasses up as the boy approached.
    "Hey," she replied," Nice car you got."

    Clara sighed," Should we go around back."
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    AndNich123AndNich123 Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2013
    "I'm going to try every single door to this place because I intend on getting inside. I am not missing my first day." She was still smiling so happy she was at least getting to go to school.
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    Sim-GeorgieSim-Georgie Posts: 633 New Member
    edited October 2013

    I immediately laugh out loud when I enter the school gates, seeing about 5 different girls trying to open one door, when the door a few meters away is wide open. "Idiots!" I call out as I disappear through the open door & up to my only-known-one-week-best-friend, Sally McClaw, some seriously clever, pretty girl, daughter of a 'rich daddy'. "Hey," she squeaks at me, applying some lipstick, using her phone as a mirror. "Hi," I say, peering out through the window. I see the girls still struggling with the door and smirk.
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    OreosPandasWifiOreosPandasWifi Posts: 405 New Member
    edited October 2013
    "Thanks." I smile, before carrying on towards the mall to pick up my 'Student Pad' (an Ipad).
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    Sim-GeorgieSim-Georgie Posts: 633 New Member
    edited October 2013
    I get out my iPad Mini (in RL I'm trying to save up for one :lol: Not easy when your 12 years old and your Mum doesn't bother giving you pocket money. I've got £8 - only £242 to go! :mrgreen::lol::)) and open up Facetime. I Facetime my Mum, who immediately answers on her iPhone.
    "What?" she snaps, her face as big as the screen.
    "Mum, I need a fiver," I say.
    "For what?" she asks, sighing.
    "Yes. Lunch."
    "Get an apple or something. You can't walk down the catwalk on a full stomach."
    "Catwalk?" squeals Sally, eavesdropping. "Your modelling?! That's fabulous, Miley!" Sally - her father may be a rich guy who's been famous since he was 18, but Sally seemed new to the 'rich & famous' thing. Although her parents had spent this last week telling us how clever Sally was, she, she didn't seem to realise actors surrounded her. After all, the town where she had come from was a quiet, old-fashioned place with big houses, rather then a big modern town on the beach full of stars. I was only friends with her because our parents had become friends the second day - that and she lived next door.
    "Please, Mum," I say, ignoring Sally. "Just a fiver? *** down here and drop it off, can't you? Or Nicholas?"
    "Nick's popped out to get some things for me & I don't have time. I have to leave in 15 minutes."
    "Fine," I grunt, and end the call. I wait for a minute but she doesn't bother ringing back.
    "Didn't she wish you good luck?" perks up Sally.
    "For what?" I ask, stuffing the iPad into the bottom of my bag.
    "The first day of school, of course," says Sally, looking and sounding surprised. Although her Mum was snobbish & posh, she was very mumsie and adored her daughter. My Mum, however,seemingly couldn't care less about me. Unless I was modelling or singing, of course. I couldn't help feeling a little bit jealous of all the other mums who loved and cared for every single one of their children.

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    StarGirl98516StarGirl98516 Posts: 284
    edited October 2013
    Zoe slowly walked alongside him.
    "So where are you headed to," she asked, pulling down her shirt a little, but not stretching it out to cover her belly.
    Suddenly the smell of food hit her from out of nowhere. Her stomach ached for some food, but she resisted the urge to find the source. She'd become a pro at avoiding unhealthy and fattening foods. Bread? No. Pasta? Eh. Fast Food? Sometimes.
    Truthfully, Zoe didn't need to limit herself to what she ate. She never put on a pound from eating what she wanted, but hey. That's just what her agent said to do.

    Clara glared at the girl from inside.
    "That's just rude," she spat," Calling us idiots. I'm sure she's not all that smart either. So what? The doors locked. Big whoop! Besides who even knows who she is anyway. Probably some one hit wonder or something. Though I can't say anything too mean about her, afterall she may turn out to be a friend."
    Clara walked over toward the unlocked door, motioning for Elizabeth (Hey that's my middle name!) to follow.

    David (You know what... I'm gonna change his name to Brian. Everyone say hi to Brian!) Okay so, Brian entered the school doors. He glanced down the corridors only to find them empty. The only person around that he caught sight of, was a girl stuffing her iPad in her bag and her friend walking with her.
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    StarGirl98516StarGirl98516 Posts: 284
    edited October 2013
    I get out my iPad Mini (in RL I'm trying to save up for one :lol: Not easy when your 12 years old and your Mum doesn't bother giving you pocket money. I've got £8 - only £242 to go! :mrgreen::lol::))
    (Good luck saving up! Maybe you could ask for one if you celebrate Christmas or some other holiday.)
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    AndNich123AndNich123 Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2013
    "Oh my gosh! That's Miley. I've seen her in like a dozen magazines." She rushes right over to her. "You're Miley. Do you know who you are? I mean of course you do, but wow. I ready every single magazine you're in. How do you stay so thin? You're amazing." She was going on and on like a star struck fan.
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    StarGirl98516StarGirl98516 Posts: 284
    edited October 2013
    Clara just stood there kind of awkwardly.
    She sighed, and quickly walked away from Miley and Elizabeth.
    "Oh of course," she muttered to herself," Not like it's the first time this has happened."
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    AndNich123AndNich123 Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2013
    "Oh Clara wait up," she yelled. "Sorry. Gotta go. Big fan! Huge!" She ran after Clara. "I am so sorry, I just can't believe it. Hey? Didn't that boy do a movie that was out this summer? Oh my gosh. This is so cool."
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    StarGirl98516StarGirl98516 Posts: 284
    edited October 2013
    Clara's emotion changed slightly. It was clear that she a bit irritated and offended.
    "Who? That guy," she pointed to Brian," Or the one outside with Zoe the model? I think his name is James."
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    RykaRyka Posts: 7,227 Member
    edited October 2013
    (Is this still taking people?)
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    AndNich123AndNich123 Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2013
    "One thing I don't understand. You're a tv show. They're in the movies. Why doesn't anybody seem to care? Nobody is starstruck here? It's so normal for all of you to be around all these stars? First time I saw you I was in shock. You're my fav from the show, and you were talking to me."
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    AndNich123AndNich123 Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2013
    (Yes. This one is still taking people I think. I don't think there is a cut off for when they stop taking new people.)
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