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my idea for fears if in Sims 4

from zahcookiemonster
Toddler-Separation Anxiety??

being a tree (unless a shy child) in a play,

From zahcookiemonster Not getting good enough grades, losing friends, Separation Anxiety??

being expelled, not get lead part, not being popular, not being attratice (aka 'ugly ducking)

Getting acne, being grounded, losing friends, losing boyfriend/girlfriend, not getting into college, being pressured, growing up?

Young Adults/Adults: Being single forever, death, worried if they are going to have children, scared that they are going to have a "financial crisis" (which would work well with the "frugal" trait), divorce, losing house/not paying bills, etc.

Elders: Not being able to see grandchildren because of early death, death, death of partner, loss of contact with family, getting older, not being able to drive, etc.


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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited July 2013
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    Linnyxx17Linnyxx17 Posts: 2,016 Member
    edited July 2013
    I liked being a tree in the plays back when i was a youngin... lol but i love those ideas, we need more stuff like that, if they give us closets maybe children can actually be stared of them at night and ask the parents/babysitter/older sibling to check the closets for monsters :)

    * <3 Just Keep Simming, Just Keep Simming, Just Keep Simming Simming Simming, What do you do? YOU SIM SIM SIM!! <3*
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    sunshineandsimoleonssunshineandsimoleons Posts: 8,413 Member
    edited July 2013
    MadameLee wrote:
    being a tree (unless a shy child) in a play,

    being expelled, not get lead part, not being popular, not being attratice (aka 'ugly ducking)

    YA adults: rejected from college X? Having to stay with mom/dad/other relative when going to college Y?, death

    death, divorce?


    Lol! The "being a tree" part made me laugh lol. Great ideas! :)
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited July 2013
    MadameLee wrote:
    being a tree (unless a shy child) in a play,

    being expelled, not get lead part, not being popular, not being attratice (aka 'ugly ducking)

    YA adults: rejected from college X? Having to stay with mom/dad/other relative when going to college Y?, death

    death, divorce?


    Lol! The "being a tree" part made me laugh lol. Great ideas! :)

    I was just was trying to think of fears which could fit certian traits or life stage. Expelled in a sense was my own idea-since I think teens should be able to get more then a school detention
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    zahcookiemonsterzahcookiemonster Posts: 71
    edited July 2013
    Toddler-Separation Anxiety??

    Child: I loved your idea, by the way :)
    Not getting good enough grades, losing friends

    Teens: Getting acne, being grounded, losing friends, losing boyfriend/girlfriend, not getting into college, being pressured, growing up?

    Young Adults/Adults: Being single forever, death, worried if they are going to have children, scared that they are going to have a "financial crisis" (which would work well with the "frugal" trait), divorce, losing house/not paying bills, etc.

    Elders: Not being able to see grandchildren because of early death, death, death of partner, loss of contact with family, getting older, not being able to drive, etc.

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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited July 2013
    Toddler-Separation Anxiety??

    Child: I loved your idea, by the way :)
    Not getting good enough grades, losing friends

    Teens: Getting acne, being grounded, losing friends, losing boyfriend/girlfriend, not getting into college, being pressured, growing up?

    Young Adults/Adults: Being single forever, death, worried if they are going to have children, scared that they are going to have a "financial crisis" (which would work well with the "frugal" trait), divorce, losing house/not paying bills, etc.

    Elders: Not being able to see grandchildren because of early death, death, death of partner, loss of contact with family, getting older, not being able to drive, etc.

    thanks for the other ideas! Maybe the anixety seperation could be too the other stages too? Since I know that if I'm aware from my parents for a long period of time I get that and I'm a young adult.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited July 2013
    I think those are fun. I wish fears did make a return in TS4.

    The toddler fear might be tricky though..if mom or dad goes to work it might get fullfilled.

    I don't have a problem with it, I think Sims should be just as fun as they used to be with all their 'quirks' even the kids had 'quirks'...but some might not want that one..but I wouldn't mind it. :P

    If it is 'true' and they are bringing back 'Aspiration' in the sense it's just not a type of Fortune, Pleasure, Knowledge Sims etc..but a real meter that fluxes then I hope Fears do come back and make that meter fall! :twisted:

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    Ladyliberty1301Ladyliberty1301 Posts: 623 Member
    edited July 2013
    Well if babies are more realistic maybe fear of being dropped, or separation anxiety,fear of strangers

    toddler- loved the ones already mentioned but maybe "afraid of the dark", "afraid of being punished (when throwing a tantrum), "afraid of not getting what I want"(causes tantrum sometimes)separation anxiety, "afraid of the boogieman"

    Kids- great ones were mentioned previously. " afraid of falling of bike", "afraid of falling off monkey bars", "afraid of not learning how to get across the monkey bars", timid or non brave kids could get "afraid of falling" when on the swings or on the playground or top bunk,"afraid of being found" (during hide and seek),"afraid of being left behind"

    Teen- "Afraid of going to high school", "nervous for first date/kiss", "nervous for college" , "scared to drive"

    adult- "Scared of dropping baby", "nervous for baby to come", "first time mom or dad", "nervous to woohoo" (for shy sims, or some just married sims), "scared of growing up", "scared of children growing up", "scared for ___ to go to college" "cold feet before the wedding"
    origin/gallery Id is Snaffles1301
    Twitter @Snaffles1301
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    boo12554boo12554 Posts: 4
    edited July 2013
    haha, the 'being a tree' one is quite funny:3
    yeah,they all sound pretty cool! What do you think is gonna be super-different in sims 4? I just wanted less 'rabbit-hole' locations, and a shopping centre/mall!^_^
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    DanibleeDaniblee Posts: 2,429 New Member
    edited July 2013
    Being a tree caught me off guard. hahaha.
    Good ideas. :D
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