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Computer Upgrade:)


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    ryansimsgameryansimsgame Posts: 119
    edited June 2013
    I was going to, I was just re-assuring incase I screwed everything up. :)

    I have replaced my GraphicsCard.sgr file now. Where do I place the .ORIG files?
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    DawnLBrownDawnLBrown Posts: 9,193 Member
    edited June 2013
    Okay, I am crossing my fingers that it works! Put your *.orig files in a folder on your Desktop or someplace like that.
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    ryansimsgameryansimsgame Posts: 119
    edited June 2013
    It.....worked! Just loading a world right now. Before I leave it though, what are the cautions of having this edited file, do I need to do anything before I patch when an update comes out?? And also, what are the .orig files actually needed for?
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    ryansimsgameryansimsgame Posts: 119
    edited June 2013
    Oh my...I am really gonna break down in tears! The game is stunningly faster! No jittery performance, very smooth camera movements with all on high settings! I couldnt thankyou guys enough, saved me £350! You will all be gifted during this week and next <3
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    DawnLBrownDawnLBrown Posts: 9,193 Member
    edited June 2013
    Don't forget to verify that the deviceconfig.log files says found 1:matched 1. Let me know that or paste the lines in a post again.

    I'm glad it's working, you checked the graphics settings?

    The *.orig files were needed in case you wanted to start over again like if you screwed up the edited files or something. You can keep them or not now; it's up to you. Do keep a copy of your graphiccard.sgr file on your Desktop somewhere. You'll need the next time you install a patch or an EP. Like Island Paradise for example.

    You'll install IP, then it will overwrite your graphiccard.sgr file while it's installing. And then when it's done, you can place a copy of your edited sgr file back on top of it.
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    ryansimsgameryansimsgame Posts: 119
    edited June 2013
    Yep! Just checked!:D it is Found: 1 Matched: 1

    :) Thankyou very much!!
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    DawnLBrownDawnLBrown Posts: 9,193 Member
    edited June 2013
    Beautiful! You should get better performance now. I'm holding you to it that you let me know how things go with the new settings. I'm bookmarking your thread...
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    ryansimsgameryansimsgame Posts: 119
    edited June 2013
    Really well! I am loving the performance. In my older gameplay, the performance would jitter when I hovered over tree's, fountains, large houses. Now, it's speeding through them. I had a little play of the Goth family in Sunset Valley, their house use to be slow for me, it's not anymore. Now I actually feel like I want to play the game!

    I still want to upgrade a little though, nothing major. I just feel like I want to. I can add more RAM to my PC, but I have 16gb so it will be pointless buying more. I might upgrade my CPU, too the Ivy Bridge. My manufactures website have options of what I can upgrade to without having to buy any power supplies. :) I will definitely keep you informed. I

    I think that the computer is a fantastic gaming PC, it's just that this game is poorly programmed and badly glitched. I do hope Sims 4 will not be the same in this way.
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    DawnLBrownDawnLBrown Posts: 9,193 Member
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for sharing that about the gameplay. It sounds like you are playing as though you had bought a new graphics card even though you didn't. That's terrific. That should make it worth the time and trouble I hope. I love it when the result comes out like this. I don't know how you can upgrade an i7 3.4 ghz processor. That's pretty darn great already.

    I hope you do play some now. There's Dragon Valley. A patch is due soon, probably next week. And IP on June 25. So much coming up soon.

    I'm with you on the Sims 4. Let them create a better game glitch-wise than the Sims 3! Happy simming!
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    PickledtiaraPickledtiara Posts: 169 Member
    edited June 2013
    I'm glad you can play your game! :D Your CPU is already great, the only thing that vould be upgraded would be the graphics card, maybe a GTX one. Have fun!
    Gallery ID Pickledtiara
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    DawnLBrownDawnLBrown Posts: 9,193 Member
    edited June 2013
    trophy wrote:
    I'm glad you can play your game! :D Your CPU is already great, the only thing that vould be upgraded would be the graphics card, maybe a GTX one. Have fun!

    I know Trophy, isn't it great. I love when we get results like this!
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    ewilson1114ewilson1114 Posts: 2,513 Member
    edited June 2013
    Yay I'm so glad it worked! Kudos to Dawn for helping you the whole way through.
    I honestly don't think there's anything you could possibly need to update on your computer besides the graphics card and its a good idea to save up for a while for that one so you can get a really good one :)
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    ryansimsgameryansimsgame Posts: 119
    edited June 2013
    Hey, guys!

    I'm back, just to update I have been playing recently with my new family, I finally got a horse, it used to lag whenever I adopted one. It doesn't now!

    Also, just got back from my grandma's. Me and her are going to visit my local PC World on upgrade options. I need to speak to them about suitable graphics cards, what power supply I need, and if I need to get a new motherboard. It's all looking good for the 16th! I can't wait to upgrade, if you want I can let you all know the day of my birthday.
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    DawnLBrownDawnLBrown Posts: 9,193 Member
    edited June 2013
    Hey ryansimsgame!

    Hiya there. Always happy to see an update from you. Horse not lagging, that's great! Sounds like things are still just doing terrific with the fix we made yesterday, that's so good to hear.

    I'd be super glad to get an update on your birthday. Like I said, I've got your thread bookmarked. I'll be sure to check it then. Thanks for letting me know. Great news, thanks again for the update. I know I'm loving my new graphics card.

    Happy simming!
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    DawnLBrownDawnLBrown Posts: 9,193 Member
    edited June 2013
    Hey Ryansimsgame,

    Make sure you note this procedure, it's very important. You'll have to do this each time you patch or install an EP. It's for your graphics card. Because it's not recognized by the game.

    Make a copy of the GraphicCards.orig file on your Desktop from wherever you stored it.

    Make a copy of the GraphicsRules.orig file on your Desktop from wherever you stored it.

    Rename both files so that they have the .sgr extension.

    GraphicCards.sgr and GraphicsRules.sgr

    Move the files from the Desktop to the following directory, overwriting the files there.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin

    Note: You may need to adjust the path or the drive letter. You may have Origin instead of Electronic Arts.

    Patch the game or install the EP.

    Now copy the edited GraphicCards.sgr and GraphicsRules.sgr files from wherever you stored them to the following directory. Note: You might not have the second file.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin
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    CaptobvsCaptobvs Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited June 2013
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    DawnLBrownDawnLBrown Posts: 9,193 Member
    edited June 2013
    Captobvs wrote:

    Yes, did I forget to tell you too?
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    CaptobvsCaptobvs Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited June 2013
    I've got these threads bookmarked so i can refer back once i get all my stuff re-installed and after the next patch.
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    ryansimsgameryansimsgame Posts: 119
    edited June 2013
    Sorry I havent answered sooner, Ive had a kidney infection and im really ill.

    So basically, I copy my original .sgr files to my bin folder where my edited .sgr files are, then I copy and past the original ones, overwriting the edited ones, patch/install game, and then re-copy my edited .sgr files back?:)
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    DawnLBrownDawnLBrown Posts: 9,193 Member
    edited June 2013
    Sorry I havent answered sooner, Ive had a kidney infection and im really ill.

    So basically, I copy my original .sgr files to my bin folder where my edited .sgr files are, then I copy and past the original ones, overwriting the edited ones, patch/install game, and then re-copy my edited .sgr files back?:)

    So sorry to hear you are ill. Get better soon!

    Yes, you got it right about the procedure. We've got a patch coming up soon too.
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    ryansimsgameryansimsgame Posts: 119
    edited June 2013
    This is not my day. I went on Sunday, my birthday, to upgrade my PC. I got told it would be finished the same day, no problem. I went home and never got a call back until the following morning which is the 17th at 9:45. I got told that they needed the password to install the driver. After that I was very pleased and couldnt wait to go. At 4:15 I went there. I got told that the GTX 660 Has been placed in the PC and alls I need now is a power supply which I then bought of them, a cx500. He placed everything in but the display wouldnt turn on, he tried again with my old card and new power supply and it came on, he then put the 660 back in and it didnt display although it was turned on. He told me that it must of been a faulty GPU, so he asked me what other card id like and the only good one there was the 650 ti boost. I went along with that but it didnt display an image either. So he gave me 200 pound refund on the graphics card but left the power supply in. I know have my old graphics card and new power supply. Does anyone know what caused this problem?:'(
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    CaptobvsCaptobvs Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited June 2013
    The only reason I can think of it not displaying an image is that your motherboard has PCI-E 2.0 bus expansion slots. The ones you were trying to add require PCI-E 3.0 bus. (These are the parts on the motherboard that you snap items into, like graphic cards, network cards, etc, etc.) Your little computer guy should have been able to check for that though.
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    DawnLBrownDawnLBrown Posts: 9,193 Member
    edited June 2013
    Oh, I'm so sorry I missed your birthday. Happy Birthday for yesterday.

    About your upgrade. Sorry that didn't go well either. Captobvs is more qualified to help you with that than I am. She built her own computer recently. Anyway, that must be so frustrating. Perhaps she can help you find a card that will work with your system.
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    ryansimsgameryansimsgame Posts: 119
    edited June 2013
    Thankyou. I will post a link to my computer, and my NEW power supply. Could you please tell me whether the GTX 660 SC Version of EVGA's will work, because I did see other problems such as the BIOS not recognizing it, or something like that. - PC - NEW PSU


    EVGA GTX 660 SC:
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    CaptobvsCaptobvs Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited June 2013
    Which GPU card do you have installed right now? What kind of monitor are you using (brand name and type)? All the newer cards need to be supplied power directly from the PSU. Did you tech guy make sure it was plugged in? According to the motherboard specs, it has a PCI-E 3.0 x16 slot (which is the only one for a GPU card.) It should have been able to read the other ones you tried to have installed. Let me do some checking.
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