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May Mafia Game- game is over, the mafia have won!- prizes on pg 110

Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
Day Four Execution Votes
(There are 7 voters for this round)

Msrednotdead votes to execute Stafuny
Skelda votes to execute yz2907
yz2907 votes to execute Stafuny
Stafuny votes to execute yz2907
DangerDanger votes to execute Stafuny
alyssaluvscookie votes to execute Stafuny

Stafuny- 4
yz2907- 2

Stafuny was executed by the town!

Day Three Execution Votes
(There are 8 voters for this round)

alyssaluvscookie votes to execute tanubanue
baxter_milo votes to execute yz2907
Stafuny votes to execute baxter_milo
Msrednotdead votes to execute baxter_milo
tanubanue votes to execute baxter_milo
yz2907 votes to execute baxter_milo
Skelda votes to execute baxter_milo

tanubanue: 1
yz2907: 1
baxter_milo: 5

baxter_milo was executed by the town!

Day Two Execution Votes
(There are 10 voters for this round)

Stafuny votes to execute smashbridges20
nerdy3000 votes to execute Stafuny
Skelda votes to execute smashbridges20
alyssaluvscookie votes to execute Stafuny
baxter_milo votes to execute smashbridges20
yz2907 votes to execute smashbridges20
DangerDanger votes to execute smashbridges20
Msrednotdead votes to execute Stafuny
tanubanue votes to execute smashbridges20
smashbridges20 votes to execute tanubanue

smashbridges20: 6
Stafuny: 3
tanubanue: 1

smashbridges20 was executed by the town!

Day One Execution Votes
(There are 12 voters for this round)

Stafuny votes to execute smashbridges20
Msrednotdead votes to execute twiddle3
nerdy3000 votes to execute twiddle3
Skelda votes to execute twiddle3
twiddle3 votes to exectue smashbridges20
smashbridges20 votes to execute twiddle3
yz2907 votes to execute twiddle3
baxter_milo votes to execute twiddle3
alyssaluvscookie votes to execute twiddle3
tanubanue votes to exectue twiddle3

smashbridges20: 2
twiddle3: 8

twiddle3 was executed by the town!

It's May, everyone! And that means it's time for a monthly game of murder, mayhem, backstabbing, and all those lovely things! Plus lots of great conversation and random gifs ;)

Earlier this year, I had the idea to run a gift gathering Mafia Game. I, along with the players, had so much fun that I decided to do it every month! There were awesome games in January, February, and April, and I'm so psyched to be back for yet another round!

For those of you who did not play/lurk any of the games and don't know what I'm going on about, the basic idea is that the players of the game are a town and among the town is a group of mafia, who each night are killing off one non-mafia member.

But not all of the townspeople are ordinary. There is one doctor who has the power to try to save one person every night. There is also a Detective who can ask the Narrator (me) every night if one person is a mafia. There's also a new-ish role, the Angel. At one point in the game, the Angel may resurrect someone who they feel was wrongly executed by the townspeople, bringing this person back into the game. Beware, however, as if you are the Angel you may accidentally resurrect a mafia member. No one will know the identity of the Angel, but all will be alerted if/when someone is resurrected. The Angel may not resurrect him/herself after death.

The game ends when either all of the mafia are gone or the amount of mafia left outnumbers the amount of townspeople left. Depending on the outcome, either the mafia win or the townspeople win. The mafia won the January game and the townspeople won the February and April games, so anything is possible!

In the last few games, the townspeople may have been slightly advantaged by the Angel, so this time around I'm introducing another new role. This is a role for the mafia though! One member of the mafia will be the Mafia Recruiter, and will have the opportunity to recruit one townsperson to the mafia after another mafia member has been killed. Later on in the post is a more detailed explanation of this role.

Now let's get into the basic rules!

For each round of this game, I will have 13 players. After trying out this number last time, I think it's a good amount of people.

The people will be divided into:

3 Mafia (1 of which is the Mafia Recruiter)
1 Doctor
1 Detective
1 Angel
7 Regular Townspeople

You may be wondering how this will practically work. Here is how a round of the game would go.

A Round of the Game:

1. 13 people commit to being around to finish a whole round, which will take around a weekend. This doesn't mean you need to be at your computer 24/7. Just that you'll be around quite a bit and won't go missing for a whole day. The more you are online, the quicker each round will go. These 13 people each email me at the email located on my MyPage and let me know who they are, even if I already have your email address. I really wish there was another way to do this without including email, but there really isn't one. Obviously if you don't feel comfortable sharing your email with me (and maybe the other players if you're mafia) you don't have to participate. You will not, however, have to share your email on this thread or anywhere on the forums.

2. I use a randomizer to assign each player a role as either mafia, mafia recruiter, doctor, detective, angel, or regular townsperson. I will explain what your role consists of and what your duties will be.

3. I create a group email thread with the three mafia. Together, the mafia decide who their first "victim" will be.

4. I email the doctor and ask which person they would like to try to save that night. The doctor is allowed to pick the same person every night or different ones every night. They could even pick themselves to save every single time. Of course, it's a chance as to whether they'll actually save the person the mafia plan to kill.

5. I email the detective and ask them who they would like to investigate. They will send me back the username of the person they have suspicions about. I will then tell them whether the person they asked about is a mafia member or not.

NOTE: If they correctly learn the identity of a mafia member, the detective is allowed during the "daytime" to announce to everyone on this thread that they are the detective and say what they found. However, there is a risk of making yourself the mafia's next target this way. Also, people who are not the detective can lie and say that they are the detective.

6. After all the emailing is finished, I announce that Day One has begun. I also say what happened overnight. If the mafia successfully killed someone, I will describe their "death." If the doctor saves the correct person, I will describe who was involved in a near-death scenario.

7. After that, it is the town's job to decide which person will be executed as a member of the mafia. All the players who are still alive will discuss on this thread who they feel their main two suspects are. Note that the mafia are there trying to deceive everyone and have innocent townspeople executed.

8. Once there has been discussion, each player that is alive will cast a vote. The player who receives the most votes will be executed on suspicion of being a mafia member. If there is a tie, someone must change their vote.

9. Once a player has been eliminated, I will not say whether they were a mafia member or not.

10. I will email the Angel asking if they would like to resurrect the first execution victim. As more rounds occur, the email will include everyone who the town executed (but not murder victims). NOTE: If you were wrongly executed by the town and would like the chance to return to the game, you are not allowed to request information from me or to chat with other people who know who the mafia are. If you ask me for the information, you'll be out of the running for being resurrected.

11. If a mafia member was executed (but not the mafia recruiter) I will email the mafia recruiter asking if he/she would like to recruit someone to the mafia.

12. It will all repeat again from Step 2 with the three (or maybe two or one mafia, if any were successfully executed) deciding on a victim for the night. I will once again email the doctor and detective, unless one of them has been killed or executed.

13. I will say that it is now Day Two, describe what happened overnight, and continue with the town discussion.

14. These steps will keep repeating until either there are more mafia left than townspeople or all of the mafia have been executed.

The Mafia Recruiter

This new role is around to try to balance out the game a bit more. Also, I thought it would be fun to see a townsperson forced into a mafia role! Here's how it works:

-When I randomize everyone's names to see what roles they will have, one person will get the "Mafia Recruiter" role rather than plain old mafia.
-This person will be included in the group mafia email, but will also get a separate email about being a mafia recruiter.
-The mafia recruiter cannot tell any of the other mafia of their special role.
-When a fellow mafia member has been executed, the mafia recruiter will be given the option of recruiting another player to fill the gap in the mafia.
-If the mafia recruiter attempts to recruit someone with a special role (doctor, detective, angel) the recruitment will not be successful. The mafia recruiter will be told that the player has a special role and cannot be recruited (but the mafia recruiter will not be told which role it is). The person with the special role will also be told that someone tried to recruit them, just so they are aware that the mafia knows they have a special identity. At this point, the mafia recruiter cannot recruit someone else, but can share the knowledge with his/her fellow mafia member.
-Recruitment occurs overnight, but after the mafia has already decided on the victim for the night (so that there isn't overlap).
-The general players will NOT be told that a recruitment or failed recruitment occurred.

NOTE: The angel still counts as a special role even if the angel's power has already been used by the time recruitment is occurring.

If you have questions about this new role, please ask! :)


If the mafia win-
Any mafia who are still alive at this point will receive 100 sp
Any mafia who were executed will receive 50 sp for helping the effort
The townsperson/people who have managed to stay alive to the bitter end will receive 25 sp

If the townspeople win-
Any townspeople who are still alive will receive 100 sp
Any townspeople who are dead but were still alive on Day Three will receive 25 sp
The mafia member who lasted the longest will receive 25 sp

Extra possible prizes:
If a doctor successfully saves a life on three different nights, they will win a 50 sp prize regardless of who wins that game and in addition to other prizes
If a detective successfully identifies all three/four mafia members before dying, they will win a 50 sp prize regardless of who wins that game and in addition to other prizes

Thank you to agstah for sponsoring simpoints this time around (in addition to co-hosting!!). I'm really grateful to her for all her help! Everyone make sure to send her gigantic virtual hugs :)


1. If you have been killed by the mafia or executed by the townspeople, you MAY NOT state on the thread if you were innocent or a mafia member. You CANNOT try to tell people who you think the mafia are. You may still chat on the thread, but you can't effect the townspeople's discussions and votes.

2. The same rule applies to lurkers. You're welcome to chat on the thread, just don't tell the players anything that might influence their discussions.

3. You may NOT post a screenshot of the email I sent you to prove your innocence. If everyone did this, everyone would know who the mafia were and the game would no longer be as much fun.

4. Any eliminated players or lurkers may email me at any point to ask who the mafia, doctor, or detective are. I will tell you. If this were a real game of mafia, every observer would know who the mafia were, so I think it's only fair that you guys can know if you want ;)

BUT... if you were wrongfully (or even rightfully) executed by the town and want a chance at coming back, you're not allowed to ask me for any information. You're also not allowed to campaign to be resurrected on this thread.

5. Besides that, anything is open. Lying about your role in the game, accusing other people of being mafia members, defending yourself against accusations, it's all open and fair. You may accuse people for any reason you want, including (but not limited to) their posts are suspicious, they don't sound like they usually do, they always had it out for Simmer A and that person was killed overnight, they have a suspicious looking avatar... you can say anything you want ;)

How YOU Can Enter:

If this sounds fun to you, just post here on the thread that you want to join then shoot an email to the email address on my MyPage "about me" section. Remember to say what your username is.

I will be keeping the thread updated on how many spots are left before a new round can begin.

Remember that you're committing yourself to finishing the round, however long it takes. If someone becomes inactive for too long, doesn't respond to an email I send, or fails to post anything at all during the town discussion, they will be force eliminated regardless of their role in the town. Let me know if you're going to be gone for a long period (like most of the day) and you'll be fine, but don't just disappear from email/the thread.

If you want to enter but still have more questions, feel free to ask. I know I wrote out a lot, but I promise the game is actually very simple and very, VERY fun!


If anything is unclear, please just ask! I know this could all be very confusing if you've never played the game before, or even if you have. I think I wrote down everything, but I have been known to accidentally leave out important info before :oops:

Co-Host: agstah!!

Co-hosting with smash last time was so effective that this time I've got another amazing co-host, the wonderful agstah!! Agstah essentially has the same powers that I do, including officially executing someone, making it a new day, etc. She will be included in every email to the players. This will be especially helpful when I'm not around/able to be on the thread. She can answer questions/make decisions if I'm absent for any reason :)

Also, agstah has a post directly below this one where she can post important information/execution vote stats in my absence.

Players for the May Mafia Game:
1. smashbridges20 :twisted:
2. DangerDanger :mrgreen::D
3. Skelda :mrgreen:
4. NOXXI :cry:
5. baxter_milo :twisted:
6. twiddle3 :twisted:
7. alyssaluvscookie :mrgreen:
8. tanubanue :mrgreen:
9. becca_una83 :cry:
10. nerdy3000 :cry:
11. Msrednotdead :cry:
12. yz2907 :mrgreen:
13. stafuny :twisted:

:mrgreen: - alive
:cry: - murdered by the mafia
:twisted: - executed by the town
:D - Saved from attempted death
:!: - resurrected by the angel

I'm so excited to get this started again!! :)

Oh, in case you want to check it out, here are links to the previous games:


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    agstahagstah Posts: 2,866 Member
    edited May 2013
    Day Four Execution Votes
    (There are 7 voters for this round)

    Msrednotdead votes to execute Stafuny

    Stafuny: 1

    Post edited by Unknown User on
  • Options
    Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
    edited May 2013
    Hello agstah!! :)

    You guys can sign up now! Can't wait for this to get started :)
  • Options
    SkeldaSkelda Posts: 15,310 Member
    edited May 2013
    Yes, I caught it this time! :mrgreen: Sending you an email now. :-)
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    DangerDangerDangerDanger Posts: 5,327 Member
    edited May 2013
    Sign me up!!!
    Hi. I'm Danger. I like spaceships, Pringles, and cats. I dislike fruits and vegetables, sunlight, and the motion picture Titanic. I do not own a sword, nor do I know how to draw unicorns. As you can see, I don't have much to offer the world.
  • Options
    Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
    edited May 2013
    Awesome, as soon as I get your emails you're both in!
  • Options
    baxter_milobaxter_milo Posts: 1,877 Member
    edited May 2013
    :shock:I don't know if I want to play this time or if I just want to lurk...decisions decisions. :shock:
  • Options
    agstahagstah Posts: 2,866 Member
    edited May 2013
    I'm so pumped! Yes! It's funny how the initial thread keeps getting longer and longer every month. :lol:

    New role! Yeah! I'm so excited to see how this mafia recruiter works out. *jumps up and down*
  • Options
    BrightyBrighty Posts: 6,453 Member
    edited May 2013
    Lurk mode engaged!

  • Options
    twiddle3twiddle3 Posts: 8,293 Member
    edited May 2013
    I'm not missing this months this time, i'll send you an email now. :mrgreen:
  • Options
    twiddle3twiddle3 Posts: 8,293 Member
    edited May 2013
    Invisi post! :mrgreen:
  • Options
    Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
    edited May 2013
    :shock:I don't know if I want to play this time or if I just want to lurk...decisions decisions. :shock:

    I know, it's a hard decision! Of course I'd love to have you play again, but it's up to you :)
  • Options
    Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
    edited May 2013
    twiddle3 wrote:
    I'm not missing this months this time, i'll send you an email now. :mrgreen:

    Woo, yay! :)
  • Options
    Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
    edited May 2013
    Hey Brighty! Hope you have fun lurking :)
  • Options
    NOXXINOXXI Posts: 2,728 Member
    edited May 2013
    I want to join!
  • Options
    SkeldaSkelda Posts: 15,310 Member
    edited May 2013
    Twiddle!:D Come on, Baxter, you know you want to join!
  • Options
    NOXXINOXXI Posts: 2,728 Member
    edited May 2013
    wait what date will it be running?
  • Options
    Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
    edited May 2013
    NOXXI wrote:
    wait what date will it be running?

    It's starting tonight/whenever sign ups close and going as long as it takes to finish, probably until sometime on Sunday.
  • Options
    baxter_milobaxter_milo Posts: 1,877 Member
    edited May 2013
    Oh alright since you talked me into it. :)
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    alyssaluvscookiealyssaluvscookie Posts: 743 New Member
    edited May 2013
    AHHH!!! MAFIA!!!!
  • Options
    agstahagstah Posts: 2,866 Member
    edited May 2013
    It's running now, NOXXI. As in, when we get enough sign-ups it will begin tonight or tomorrow.
  • Options
    twiddle3twiddle3 Posts: 8,293 Member
    edited May 2013
    AHHH!!! MAFIA!!!!

    :shock: Thats what the mafia would say! :twisted:
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    nerdy3000nerdy3000 Posts: 5,520 Member
    edited May 2013
    Sounds AWESOME! Sign me up ^__^
  • Options
    twiddle3twiddle3 Posts: 8,293 Member
    edited May 2013
    Skelda wrote:
    Twiddle!:D Come on, Baxter, you know you want to join!

    Skelda! Quick come sit down and drink tea in the totaly innocent club! :mrgreen:
  • Options
    Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
    edited May 2013
    nerdy3000 wrote:
    Sounds AWESOME! Sign me up ^__^

    As soon as you send me an email you'll be signed up! :)
  • Options
    alyssaluvscookiealyssaluvscookie Posts: 743 New Member
    edited May 2013
    Great Odin's raven I want to play!! E-mail sent.
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