Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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The Unofficial Wishlist Thread.


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    Rawr2019Rawr2019 Posts: 14,407 Member
    edited March 2013
    Added your banner to the site love! So sorry for the wait, I've been swamped with work O_O *HUGS*
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    scrapper42scrapper42 Posts: 1,881 Member
    edited March 2013
    Good idea to suggest updating our lists. :mrgreen: I don't have University for now but I do have Aurora Skis & the last sets the store has released. I can't wait to see what you have planed. If you want to bounce any ideas off me you can email me. I think I did put a few ideas in my email to you awhile back. I really hope that more people put their info here because it is so great for making gifts. I love having one place to come because I don't have to check on peoples pages, look for different threads like the Santa one or V-day one. This is a great one stop place for everyone. :D

    I will help more in getting the word out. I have been very busy in real life & working on my Flash Mob gift but I will get better at informing everyone about this thread. One of these days I am going to take my free time & post on all my friends "my Pages" so they for sure see the link. I know that I don't see a lot of my friends posts so I am sure they don't see mine either.

    Hugs & smiles :D
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    readreadreadreadreadreadreadread Posts: 6,243 Member
    edited March 2013
    updated. D:D:
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    baxter_milobaxter_milo Posts: 1,877 Member
    edited March 2013
    I updated mine.
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    mcsnjbmcsnjb Posts: 3,464 Member
    edited March 2013
    readreadreadread and Baxter_Milo - Thanks so much for updating your UWL's. :)

    Rawr2019 - Thanks so much for advertising the thread on your site, it means so much. Don't worry about the delay, we all know how RL can change our plans lol. :)

    Scrappy my dearest friend, you already do so much for me and this thread, you don't have to apologize for not doing more lol. :) I did send you an e-mail about the upcoming event, but it was a while ago, I am just waiting for Bam's contest to finish so that it doesn't get too much for her. I will send you another e-mail as soon as it is finished so we can set it up, I would love your help if you have time. :)

    Sending you all lots of love and hugs. :)
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    HollownessDevourHollownessDevour Posts: 8,011 Member
    edited March 2013
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    Jillyson_Twozaks_1Jillyson_Twozaks_1 Posts: 3,334 New Member
    edited March 2013
    I feel so bad for neglecting this thread. I've missed being on the site so much with school - I used to be here all day long!

    I have a target in mind as soon as I get some time, and I've been tossing some ideas around in my head in the meantime. I have a job interview tomorrow, then Flashmob later, but I hope to get a start on it this weekend.
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    BrightyBrighty Posts: 6,453 Member
    edited March 2013
    The way I worded my post, I have nothing to update!

    Except my store content list.... I'll forever be behind on that. :P
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    fleshjennfleshjenn Posts: 4,919 Member
    edited March 2013
    my wishlist is on page 4 but its never been added to the front.

    did I not follow directions?
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    mcsnjbmcsnjb Posts: 3,464 Member
    edited March 2013
    Thanks guys for checking in.

    Jilly don't worry about not having time we have all been there. I hope it has been a good kind of busy though. Lots of love and hugs.

    fleshjenn I have absolutely no idea how I missed yours, but everything you did was perfect and this was all my fault, I feel terrible, and I can't apologize enough. You are added to the list now, and I will check through the rest of the thread to make sure there is no one else I have missed. Thank you for pointing this out to me. Again, I am so sorry. :)

    Lots of love and hugs to all of you. :)
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    NessiePenguinNessiePenguin Posts: 326 Member
    edited March 2013
    Here are some gifts :mrgreen:
    Hopefully I have granted some lovely people's wishes today ^_^
    There is more coming soon too =P

    BambooEaterr: I made you a male sim from Pandora and a small festival grounds...



    Shrill: I made you a gentlemen's club


    mcsnjb: I made you a house which looks sort of 'lived in' even when nothing has been touched by a sim, so mess up the beds, leave your cooking out and I will look very lived in hehe


    Hiya =)
    Thanks for your lovely comments :oops:

    I've made some more creations to gift you :mrgreen:

    For Gigidawn:

    I made you a little cottage =)


    For Jilly_Twozaks_1:

    A sim (uploaded as a household) with a backstory ^_^


    For HollownessDevour:

    I made you a Victorian sytle house =D


    Ahh! I still cannot make a new post :/

    Thanks again for the lovely comments. Doing this for you guys is really no problem, especially if they turn out to be what you wished for ^_^

    Here are some more gifts....

    For Blysscia

    I made you an unconventional family, lets say lol. Their story is their family description.


    and a martial arts garden =)


    For baxter_milo:

    I made you a fairly large family, but they can always have more kids :P


    For Scrapper42:

    I tried really hard to make this one because I didn't want it to upset your motion sickness so it has an unused top floor, bedrooms and everything else on the main floor and a little basement as a wine cellar. The harvesting garden is at the side too :)


    Hope these are what you guys were hoping for =)

    P.S...... I'm still working on more so keep checking =P, thanks again everyone for such wonderful opportunities to make you things :mrgreen:
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    mcsnjbmcsnjb Posts: 3,464 Member
    edited March 2013
    Nessie that house looks perfect, and I can't wait to get it in game. I know just which family to put in it. :) Thank you so much for taking the time and making the effort to create such a wonderful gift for me, it means so much, especially how you have taken into consideration everything I said in my UWL. You are such a sweet friend. :)

    I can't believe how busy you have been, not only did you create a wonderful gift for me, but you have also created fantastic gifts for two other super friends of mine. :) I will change the title and let them know straight away. :) I can't wait to see their reactions. :) I'm sure they will love their gifts too. :)

    There are more to come you say, well that just makes you super incredible lol. :) You have already made three people very happy today, and I can't wait to see how many more smiles you are going to make, and what their gifts will look like. :)

    Thank you so much for that fantastic house. :) Lots of love and hugs. :)

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    Jillyson_Twozaks_1Jillyson_Twozaks_1 Posts: 3,334 New Member
    edited March 2013


    You get Dumbledore claps for that!
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    BrightyBrighty Posts: 6,453 Member
    edited March 2013
    Those are so lovely Nessie!

    Very thoughtful of you! :D
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    BlyssciaBlysscia Posts: 3,771 Member
    edited March 2013
    Wonderful creations, Nessie!
    You've been busy.
    Rec'd and fav'd all. ^^
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    ShrillShrill Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited March 2013

    I saw this last night but I was too tired to respond properly. I was in a pretty bad mood but seeing this cheered me up no end! It's absolutely perfect, exactly what I was hoping for! And I love the name of the place, that is so cute :mrgreen:

    I have a ton of rubbish housework stuff to do today, but the first thing I'm doing when I get out of bed is downloading this and having a good nose around!

    Thank you so much, you're a really talented builder and I am touched that you would make something so wonderful for me :mrgreen:

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    ShrillShrill Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited March 2013
    Oh and by the way mcsnjb, it may have got lost in the flashmob thread, but Scrapper did make the excellent suggestion that there should be a connection between the flash mob and the UWL.

    I just thought I'd bring it up here in case nothing's happened about it - it might be worth having a word with the new boss ErnesaT to discuss how they can work together/promote each other :mrgreen:
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    KingFireRiderKingFireRider Posts: 1,390 Member
    edited March 2013
    The Questions.

    1. Which games do you have? all EP master, 70 80 90, high end

    2. What store content do you own? its hard to list all store items i own but i can say i own a few of them. the ones i can remember. Japan set. magic set. the new theater(sorry for bad spelling)

    3. Which worlds do you own? all i think Which is your favourite? lucky palm

    4. CC, yes or no? no it crashes my game

    5. What's on your Unofficial Wishlist? i want to have a lady made mostly from Master Suite Stuff Pack. but wish she has a reddish orange hair. im not really looking for a home or room just a female sim. eye color to be fairy green. any skin color. want her in a Master Suite clothing with Redish orange hair.

    heres the hair color i was refering to hayley-williams-gives.jpg

    6. Favourite Colours? anything dealing with Fire. but main color is blood red

    7. Dislikes? to this one i can say my dislike is having a sim with clumsy traits. i really dont like that one.

    if you wish for more info i be glad to give. also i wish i could give a gift but afraid i get a rude simmer on here. sorry. hope you all have a wonderful Simmish Day.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    samanthajane26samanthajane26 Posts: 3,183 Member
    edited March 2013

    5. What's on your Unofficial Wishlist? not sure what to put here i just get what ever given to me. (you dont really have to gift me if you dont like)

    Since the unofficial wishlist deals with created gifts, what this question is asking for is when type of thing you'd like making for you if someone wanted to. For instance if you are happy building, but don't feel you like how your own sims turn out, maybe your 'wish' would be for someone to create you a sim, so here you'd put that you'd like a sim and maybe preference to colours or style or traits, etc. If you feel you can't build but would love a new family home, again you'd use this section to say you'd love a home, with however many bedrooms, etc. It can take a long time to create a gift sometimes and people would really love to be able to tailor that time to making something you'd really want to have. Hope that helps

    Oh, this also relates to the store content listing, I know you've put mostly all under 200, but do you mean all individual items or you own only sets under 200?
    7. Dislikes? depend on what your asking for dislike. if sims i hate things that cant be used. for others i raither not say.

    Its asking for dislikes of maybe styles and colours, maybe you hate modern builds, or you can't stand pink. You don't have to dislike anything of course ;)

    if you wish for more info i be glad to give. also i wish i could give a gift but afraid i get a rude simmer on here. sorry. hope you all have a wonderful Simmish Day.

    Some people have lists of those they do not wish to gift to for whatever reason, don't hold the action of a few against the many, if you want to make a gift for someone you consider a friend noone should make you feel you shouldn't, but equally you are not obliged to make a gift. Gifting is done freely with no strings attached and should be enjoyed
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    KingFireRiderKingFireRider Posts: 1,390 Member
    edited March 2013

    5. What's on your Unofficial Wishlist? not sure what to put here i just get what ever given to me. (you dont really have to gift me if you dont like)

    Since the unofficial wishlist deals with created gifts, what this question is asking for is when type of thing you'd like making for you if someone wanted to. For instance if you are happy building, but don't feel you like how your own sims turn out, maybe your 'wish' would be for someone to create you a sim, so here you'd put that you'd like a sim and maybe preference to colours or style or traits, etc. If you feel you can't build but would love a new family home, again you'd use this section to say you'd love a home, with however many bedrooms, etc. It can take a long time to create a gift sometimes and people would really love to be able to tailor that time to making something you'd really want to have. Hope that helps

    in this case i been hoping to have a female sim for my male sim. every female sim i make looks horable to me.
    Oh, this also relates to the store content listing, I know you've put mostly all under 200, but do you mean all individual items or you own only sets under 200?

    here i was refering to that i own everything that is less than 200 SimPoints that could be broken down. most the stuff on my WishList are more than 200 or cant be broken down.
    7. Dislikes? depend on what your asking for dislike. if sims i hate things that cant be used. for others i raither not say.

    Its asking for dislikes of maybe styles and colours, maybe you hate modern builds, or you can't stand pink. You don't have to dislike anything of course ;)

    to this one i can say my dislike is having a sim with clumsy traits. i really dont like that one.

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    Jillyson_Twozaks_1Jillyson_Twozaks_1 Posts: 3,334 New Member
    edited March 2013
    The Questions.

    2. What store content do you own? mostly all that less than 200 sp

    I'm not sure you're understanding the spirit of this thread. This is not to be gifted store items, this is for people to build you a home or create you a sim.

    For example, people want to know if you have the Steampunk Kitchen so they can use it in a build they might possibly make for you. So what they want is for you to list what items you already have, not items that you want. If you'd like something built with your favorite set, mention it. (Just make sure you already have the set, because it's not part of the gift)

    If you want a female sim, then describe what you want. If you have the Date Night set, you can say that you'd like a dark haired female that's dressed with the Date Night set. List traits you'd like her to have, or traits you don't want her to have, like Clumsy.

    I hope that helps.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    GigidawnGigidawn Posts: 898 Member
    edited March 2013
    For Gigidawn:

    I made you a little cottage =)


    OMG! I am so TOUCHED!!!!! From the screenshot you've posted, it looks SOOOOOOO LOVELY! YES! I AM YELLING NOW! BECAUSE MY EMOTIONS ARE OUT OF CONTROL NOW!

    I am downloading this right now!!! My 4th generation simmy is going move into this house right after graduating Uni.

    OMG! I can't even express my gratitued! I can't believe you or anyone would actually think of me, and then spend their TIME creating such a lovely gift! Thank you thank you, a million times thank you!

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    Jillyson_Twozaks_1Jillyson_Twozaks_1 Posts: 3,334 New Member
    edited March 2013
    Seriously, how amazing is she?

    And speaking of amazing, I wanted to link the awesome sims that Scrapper made for our Mics:
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    KingFireRiderKingFireRider Posts: 1,390 Member
    edited March 2013
    The Questions.

    2. What store content do you own? mostly all that less than 200 sp

    I'm not sure you're understanding the spirit of this thread. This is not to be gifted store items, this is for people to build you a home or create you a sim.

    For example, people want to know if you have the Steampunk Kitchen so they can use it in a build they might possibly make for you. So what they want is for you to list what items you already have, not items that you want. If you'd like something built with your favorite set, mention it. (Just make sure you already have the set, because it's not part of the gift)

    If you want a female sim, then describe what you want. If you have the Date Night set, you can say that you'd like a dark haired female that's dressed with the Date Night set. List traits you'd like her to have, or traits you don't want her to have, like Clumsy.

    I hope that helps.
    ok thanks for explaining it better cause i was confused by what was mention. i want to have a lady made mostly from Master Suite Stuff Pack. but wish she has a reddish orange hair. im not really looking for a home or room just a female sim. i dont care for the eye color or skin color just want her in a Master Suite clothing with Redish orange hair.

    heres the hair color i was refering to hayley-williams-gives.jpg
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    BrightyBrighty Posts: 6,453 Member
    edited March 2013
    Nessie! Those builds are beautiful! Great Sim too! :)

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