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Game crashes after I build a second story


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    modeljunkiemodeljunkie Posts: 37 Member
    edited January 2013
    I hope they fix this asap.
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    ElmawaElmawa Posts: 2,281 Member
    edited January 2013
    I started having this problem about 5 days ago too. I've had seasons since it came out, I didn't start having this problem until I installed the store patch though. I tried replacing the lot but it only worked for one save, I continued to build after that one save and the next time I tried to add onto the house it crashed, and these were base level floors, not second story...thought I can't recall for sure if I added more walls to the second story actually, maybe I did. I don't remember, I've decided to play other games until a fix comes. Anyone who moved their family to a new world still having success?
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    iBunniiiBunnii Posts: 1
    edited January 2013
    I can confirm after up to 10 hours of testing that:

    1. Any floor that isn't ground level causes this crash (during save only, making all progress nul)

    2. Building stairs (on ground level) DOES NOT cause the game to crash and in one instance building floor tiles (on the second floor) didn't cause the game to crash and saved as normal

    3. Building walls does cause the game to crash mid save
    3a. [as soon as I entered the game after 'reboot' I immediately place one piece of wall on the 2nd floor and saved it straight after; game crashed during save after a few seconds]

    4. [Testing CLIPBOARD THEORY after I make enough money to completely build the 2nd floor as to avoid future crashes]

    5. [Testing whether buying or placing items [on a floor that isn't ground level] from inventory/family inventory causes the crash]

    6. [Have not tested basements]


    We NEED a patch for this EA, we are greatly limited to playing the game you're selling us and even the slightest mistake [such as forgetting the crash issue] after hours of gameplay is really infuriating and has lead me to consider refusing buying future expasions and games simply because of neglect by the company who is more concerned with making sellable features (expansions, in game items & new areas [that are extremely over priced]) than they are fixing BIG problems with the present features with the things they are selling to us NOW.

    Continued neglect would lead me and many others to believe this is the equivilant of day-light robbery. Games need to be maintained and monitored if you are to continue selling expansions. If this problem can be ignored or not taken seriously then what must it take to gain their respect and attention for the items they are selling and that we are paying money for?
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    WynterrWynterr Posts: 10 New Member
    edited January 2013
    Just want to add my name to the list of disgruntled players. I am trying to do a legacy. Building without a foundation - fine I could save. My family was finally rich enough to rebuild using a foundation - one wall placed on the foundation causes a crash. Tried other lots and same thing. I primarily play this game to build, this has taken away any enjoyment I get from playing this game. This needs to be fixed now.
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    crystalfox05crystalfox05 Posts: 300 Member
    edited January 2013
    I am so glad and sad at the same time that I am not the only one with this problem.

    I have tried every single suggestion that I have found as a fix and my game still crashes when I try to build a 2nd floor. I am also doing a legacy and I had to stop as I cannot expand my house to keep up with my growing family.

    I really do hope this gets fixed or I do not see a point of purchasing anymore expansions. :(
    Let there be Sims! <3
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    cometlauracometlaura Posts: 21
    edited January 2013
    They really need to fix these stupid bugs BEFORE putting stuff on the market. EA needs to step up there game. At first I thought it was the arch I got at the Sims 3 Store but it wasn't I can't build/extend my house without it crashing when I save. I hope they are monitoring this thread and other threads just like it. This is getting me super ****** off. They better fix this. And they better fix it soon. -.-'
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    Bcky44PBcky44P Posts: 11 New Member
    edited January 2013
    Super relieved that I'm not alone with this problem! I thought that I was losing my mind (and a lot of game progress and awesome remodeling).

    This is one of two serious problems with Seasons (the other being the gardening/winter issue). Please get us a fix ASAP; I'd very much like to expand my households!
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    kitandraekitandrae Posts: 1,081 New Member
    edited January 2013
    Add me to this list and keep this thread alive it needs to be fixed asap.

    Playing lunar lakes with alien family want to build a royal blood line and was working on a beginner palace. 2 hours building later i save and crash.... tried several more times finally stumbled on this...please ea fix this...
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    mmprozacookiezmmprozacookiez Posts: 56 New Member
    edited January 2013
    I'm adding my name to this list.

    I've had seasons about a week and a half. I didn't update my patches until Wednesday or Thursday. I went from 1.42.130 to 1.48. However, I don't know if that matters as I have not tested adding a second floor until last night because I started a legacy immediately after installing Seasons and The 70s, 80s, and 90s Stuff Pack. When the game crashed I assumed it was CC. I have since removed CC and even replaced all of the Sims folder in my Documents folder. I had things backed up but not as recent as I would have liked and I've lost a week and a half (sim time) of progress in the meantime. As you would expect, it didn't fix the crashing.

    I'm going to try moving my lot as others have suggested and hoping for a success. However, I am not happy that I have to find a work around to EA's error. I'd really appreciate a fix like I'm sure most of you would.

    I wish I could say that I'm surprised that no game officials have weighed in on this thread. But I'm not. I'm more disgusted than anything. These EPs are not cheap and I expect them to work.
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    circe146circe146 Posts: 14 New Member
    edited January 2013
    Just adding a "me, too!" It's extremely frustrating. I understand that there will always be bugs, but this is a vital component of the game. It really needs to be resolved.
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    AlorxicoAlorxico Posts: 360 Member
    edited January 2013
    This happened to me last night, so add one more to the list of frustrated Sims 3 Patrons.

    I have played this family for a few weeks now, I was initially able to build a second floor when my Sim was single. He then got abducted by aliens and had a baby. I wanted to at another room for the baby, but every time I hit save the game crashes. In addition to that, I had a Moondial on the lot that stopped working. When I went the delete it it said "$0".

    I think part of the problem might be corrupted objects on the lot. Just a theory.

    ~~ Alorxico
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    DDudeDDude Posts: 5 New Member
    edited January 2013
    I was having the same problem; I didn't know what was causing it and I saw this post looking for solutions. After trying to modify the same house to add a second story, and saving after doing most of the work, the game would get stuck and crash every time. Now I realize those crashes were all after I started adding the second floor, which the house didn't have before. My game is in fall as well. BTW, on my lot I have a garage with no foundation it was already there before I installed seasons. The house part that I'd been trying to add a second floor to dose not have a foundation, trying to add a second floor after the lot has been played seems to be the problem. In Edit Town mode: I selected a site down the same street, placed the same sized lot, built a 2 story house (based on the one I was attempting to remodel), and moved my Sim in, where he is now living without issue (except higher bills, but that would have happened anyway). So others might consider building a new house and moving their Sims instead of binning them or starting a new game/town.
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    PlasumaPlasuma Posts: 4
    edited January 2013
    I've also been experiencing this same issue. This occurred with a family after having built a second-story addition to the house.

    I have been able to get the game to crash consistently when placing walls on the second or higher story of a structure in any lot in the problematic save. Changing seasons or disabling weather do not impact whether this happens.

    Placing a wall on the ground floor or underground doesn't cause a crash.

    The most sterile example of the crash I could recreate in the save was an empty lot with a single non-wallpapered wall and a second single wall built directly above it, no other objects present, done after loading a stable save.

    Copying the household from the problematic save and placing it in a new town seems to evade this crash. Second story additions can be made there.

    Previously suspected contributors such as the moondial / corrupted buy-mode objects, seasons changing, holiday house lights, CC .packages or .Sim3Packs, and family members in certain life stages have been ruled out in my case.
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    PlasumaPlasuma Posts: 4
    edited January 2013
    A viable work-around is hinted at by DDude:

    1) Build your home
    1a) DO NOT SAVE
    2) Go into Edit Town and save the lot to the library
    3) Move out your sims to a new lot or evict them to the bin; the latter is safer
    4) In Edit Town, delete your old home
    5) From the library, place your saved home onto the lot you just cleared
    6) Move your sims in
    7) Save

    If the game should crash while saving, you still have your updated home saved to your library and can try again. The game may crash on the first save attempt, but should not on the second.

    Hopefully this will be fixed sometime soon.
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    COOLGAME8013COOLGAME8013 Posts: 3,090 Member
    edited January 2013
    do you think the two yellow squares on top of living room and bathroom its normal? I was trying to build a second floor with a spiral stair in living room and then tried with an elevator on that same room.... and don't know what else to think, but those squares doesn't seem right to me.

    Such squares of light can be found on BuyDebug
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    jkendicjkendic Posts: 1
    edited January 2013
    My game is doing this too. The work around that worked for me is : Use testingcheatsenabled true to click on the lot you want to build on ,select"build on this lot" (I used an empty lot)
    Then build the house and o back to live mode and save, then move in the family.
    I have had NO luck saving a 2 story lot or a lot of anysize with sims in it since Seasons. NONE,have to cheat.
    EA needs to charge like half price if they cant do some serious quality control before releasing these.Even then it would still be lame. I hope this works for some of you too,untill they fix it properly :(
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    LoriworiLoriwori Posts: 11 New Member
    edited February 2013
    I just experienced this bug myself today. I've had seasons since it came out, no issues with this before. Then today I bought the 70s, 80s, 90s pack, install that and voila I can't save after building anything that isn't directly on the ground.

    Considering when this thread was started, and the lack of a fix from EA, I can only assume they care as little about major bugs as they did back when Sims 2 came out with the "jumping" bug...
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    Sims3Fan2009Sims3Fan2009 Posts: 266 Member
    edited February 2013
    I'm having a problem with my game too. I finally got my dad to upgrade my main computer with alot of memory from my ASUS laptop and upgraded to Windows 8 (which I love from having Windows 7) and now I can't get the game to get working. Right when I click play to get into it the game stops and says that it's not working and Windows will get right back to me. I've heard that Windows 8 is having issues with Sims and that there's a patch but I don't know if that will work or if I'll have to wait till the new University expansion will fix the issue with another upgrade to Sims or not.
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    jdcskasjdcskas Posts: 7
    edited February 2013
    Adding my name to the list.

    Before christmas it only happened after building a 3rd floor, i gave up in the end.

    Finally decided to see if a patch had been done and installed today hoping it would be fixed and i could have a play. Cant even build a 2nd floor now without it crashing when i try and save :cry:
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    SmustlerSmustler Posts: 1 New Member
    edited February 2013
    Just wanted to add that it's happening to me, too. I love the game, but I am really fed up with glitches like this that ruin it. I know that there will always be bugs, but this is pretty major and still has not been fixed. I seriously have such little respect for EA.
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    KJK92KJK92 Posts: 4
    edited February 2013
    Yeah it's happening to me too. Building a second floor caused it to crash when I tried to save. I found a way around it that didn’t cause too many problems though. First I remodeled the house the way I wanted. Then I went into Edit Town without saving. I then saved just the house to my library and placed it on an open lot in the town. I then returned to the game, again without saving, and had my family move to that house, selling their current house and furniture inside. I saved and it didn’t crash! Plus my sims inventory, wishes, and relationships remained unedited, although you might lose a little extra money but not a ton. It’s not the best solution but since EA doesn’t care I had to find something.
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    tenmiles2gotenmiles2go Posts: 3
    edited February 2013
    This is also happening to me. Sigh. it's ruining my game experience. I was hoping they'd at least fix this for us before University came out but I won't hold my breath.
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    mariahericmariaheric Posts: 3
    edited February 2013

    I feel for all of you! It's happening to me too. I'm playing a legacy house so it's completely necessary for me to continue to expand my home so I can fit in all of those Sims. After reading for-eh-ver tonight, I guess I've decided to bunker down into basements instead of two-stories until they fix this. IF they fix this, rather. Coughcough.

    Is there some way to get a "signed" list of every user who is having this problem so EA can see how many people this is really affecting? It's looking like a pretty widespread problem that occurred after the latest patch, right?

    I'm sure they're looking into it and sadly I'm not savvy enough to make any useful suggestions, so in the meantime - Take a deep breath everyone!
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    janekensteinjanekenstein Posts: 1
    edited February 2013
    Same issues here. When I first bought Seasons everything was fine, but after the patch earlier in January I too have the second story save meltdown. Its driving me bonkers. I've turned off weather, I've gotten rid of mods, I've cleared caches, I've bulldozed lots, I've started new games, I've uninstalled/reinstalled (And I have everything except 70s,80s,90s so that took like a whole day).

    I'm super annoyed but I guess for now I'll build outwards and not upwards. I really hope that this will get fixed soon though.
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    FireFly2183FireFly2183 Posts: 4
    edited February 2013
    Yup, I'm in the same boat. As long as I don't touch my 2nd floor, it saves fine, but as soon as I try to build on it, the saves no longer work. Did some landscaping in the yard, that saved, played for a few days (Sim days), that saved...but no luck on my second floor :(. I would really hate to have to move my Sim and her pets out, but I suppose it might just come down to that.

    I also tried uploading my Sim to the Launcher so I could set up my Avatar, and that never worked either :\. I did from in game, through change appearance, as I had already made and played the Sim and hadn't uploaded her during creation.
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